Lancaster Metaphysical Chapel

Welcome to Lancaster Metaphysical Chapel. The Chapel is an open and affirming church in all respects.

We never ask you to leave any part of your Self outside the doors. Although our homilists change weekly, our message of unconditional love is constant. Reverend Molly Cortright - Senior Minister
Revered Tija Hilton-Phillips - Associate Minister


BECAUSE OF YOU. Good Morning BELOVEDS. Happy Thursday! Make it TERRIFIC! Each one of us was sparked forth from the Divine. We all rock a different aspect of the Divine/Source. It's our individual uniqueness that adds something special to the world. We are each here because we are necessary. We are unconditionally loved, held, appreciated and blessed. Because we exist the world is a beautiful and lovely place. Have a phenomenal day! Thank you to the creator of the graphic!❤️


DANCE. Good Morning BEAUTIFUL Souls. Happy Wednesday! Make it Wonderful! For any Grey's Anatomy fans out there, you'll remember that two of the main characters would dance it out whenever they had a bad day. Dancing it out is great way to release stress and to refocus. We can dance with friends or dance alone. Itvalso gets the blood and oxygen circulating in our bodies. We can sing too. Sing ot out. Both dancing and singing help to reduce stress. They also bring joy to us. And the purpose of this life is to find and savor the joy! JUST DANCE! Have a joyful day! ❤️. Thank you to the creator of the graphic!


EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT FOR ME. Good Morning POWERFUL Souls. Happy Tuesday! Make today OUTSTANDING! You have the power. It's hard to accept sometimes that we control our minds and our minds do not control us. What we focus upon sets our vibrational signature and our vibration brings those people, circumstances, etc that align with our vibration. The Universe is not random it works in a very orderly fashion. And the laws of the Universe apply to everyone equally. Affirmations help us to shift our thoughts into alignment with what we truly desire. And repetitive thoughts help to form our beliefs. So there is power in affirming that "The Universe is a friendly place," "I AM Blessed" and "Everything always works out for me." And the beauty of this is that we don't have to know "how." Just know that all is well. 😀 Have a blessed day! Thank you to Blessings Your Way for the graphic. ❤️


Happy Monday everyone! Make it a GREAT One!❤️


LITTLE WINS. Good morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Sunday! Make is SATISFYING. It's easy to feel overwhelmed these days because there seems to be so much to do and so little time. But by breaking up a big project or tasks into smaller more manageable pieces or saying that we will focus on something for ten minutes at a time, will really help us to find those little wins. Perhaps we didn't clean the whole room, but we cleaned a corner or a drawer! Yay! That's a big win. Little wins lead to bigger wins. We can all do this! Have a great day! Thanks to the Power of Positivitu for the graphic! ❤️


CHOICES. Good day LOVED Ones. Happy Saturday! Make it AMAZING. We were born with the gift of free will. And we have the power of choice. As soon as our eyes open in the morning we have choices to make for ourselves. How will we choose for our day to go go? What choices will we make for ourselves? Will we choose to love or hate? Will we choose inclusion over exclusion? Will we choose to compassionate? Will we choose to see the universe as friendly or not? Will we choose to see the best in others or the worse? The choices we make will dictate our experience in the world. Because our choices are always reflected back to us. Let us choose wisely and make choices that bring us peace, joy and happiness. Have a blessed day! 🥰❤️ Thank you to the creator of the graphic!


BE THE REASON. Good morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Friday! Make today FABULOUS. Alot of humans are struggling today mentally, physically and/or emotionally for a variety of reasons. Some people feel unseen and unheard and they feel alone in this world. We see them and we feel them but we don't often know what to do to help them. Of course we can give to certain organizations, donate items, visit nursing homes or hospitals or lend a helping hand. Sometimes just sharing a smile with someone who lost theirs can make all of the difference especially if they are grieving a loss. So however we can make a difference today, let's be the reason someone smiles today and every day! Perhaps, one day we will need someone to give us a reason to smile. 😁 Neighbors helping neighbors that's what it's all about. Have a blessed and happy day! Thank you to the creator of the graphic!❤️


LATER. Good Morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Thursday! Make today AMAZING! There is the old saying, "Don't put off to tomorrow what you could do today." We find a thousand different reasons to delay our happiness, joy and enjoyment. We are often waiting for the perfect conditions. But, our time here is not infinite. And so we must learn to make the most of every day. It's time to carpe diem-to seize the day and enjoy the pleasures of the moment or day without focusing on the future. Those glasses and towels we're reserving for a special occasion we should start using and enjoying them. Every day we are alive is a special occasion. That relationship we should repair, today is the day. Today is the day to start living our lives in joy. Today is the day to start taking changes. Today is the day to start living without regrets! Have a blessed day! Thank you to Tiny Buddha for the graphic. ❤️


LOVE. Good Morning BEAUTIFUL Souls. Happy Wednesday! Make it WONDERFUL. We were sparked forth from Divine unconditional love. Like our Source, love is our true nature. But we seem to forget that along our human journey. Part of the human journey becomes finding our way back to our true nature of Love. As Mufasa said to Simba in The Lion King, "Remember who you are." Have a love filled day! Thank you to Emmanuel Daghar for the graphic. ❤️


YOUR DIET. Good Morning LOVED Ones. Happy Monday! Make it MARVELOUS. Your diet isn't just what you eat. So many other things affect our bodies. Our bodies are impacted by what we listen to, watch, read and the people in our circle. If those things cause us to feel fearful, angry, anxious or unsettled we need to expose ourselves to them love. We want to consume and have around us people, food, entertainment etc that bring us joy and make us feel uplifted. These are things that are good for our soul and our bodies. Today is the day perhaps we should start assessing our diet. It will do a body good. 😃🦾 Thank you to the creator of the graphic! ❤️


DIVERSITY. Good Morning GORGEOUS SOULS. Happy Sunday! Make it EXCEPTIONAL. You have the power! Labels of race, ethnicity and religion has really caused so much separation and discrimination amongst people. Hopefully, we are all awakening that we all came from the same Divine source and that Source lives within each of us and loves all of us equally and unconditionally. We are all worthy and blessed. If we could or would just drop all of the labels we would know peace. There is only one race and that is the human race. The universe is built upon diversity. The human race reflects that diversity. What if we all looked the same? Wouldn't that be boring? Our diversity is what makes us beautiful. Our diversity reflects different aspects of the Divine. We are one. Thank you to the creator of this beautiful graphic! ❤️


SOURCE IS CALLING. Good Afternoon BELOVEDS. Happy Saturday! Make it Special. Source is ever present in our lives and always calling. In the words of Stevie Wonder, " I just called to say I love you." The question is, is our ringer off? Can we hear Source calling? If we hear it do we accept or decline? If we decline is it because we don't think we're worthy or we're afraid of what Source might say? 🤔 Source is unconditional love and non judgment so there is nothing to fear. We were born worthy and blessed. And no matter how many times we might reject Source's call, Source will never stop calling. 😃 So when Source calls answer so that you can hear, "I love you." ❤️Thank you to the creator of the graphic!




BRAVE. Good Morning BRAVE Ones. Happy Thursday! Make it TREMENDOUS. Today's question is are you brave? Are you brave enough to follow your dreams? To live the life of your dreams? To follow your passion? All of this requires us to take a leap of faith and expect that the Universe will respond. But we have to be a cooperative part. If our thoughts, words and actions reflect a feeling of vibration of fear or doubt, the universe will bring to us more to fear and doubt. But if our thoughts, words and actions reflect a feeling of commitment, expectation, bravery and joy the Universe will respond and bring to us more things that evoke the same emotion. The path towards what we desire will light up. We will rendezvous with the right people. We will be in the right place at the right time. We will take inspired action. The Universe is abundant. Our goodness is uncontainable. We have to learn to stand in our power and collect it. We must be BRAVE. Have a blessed day! Thank you to the creator of the graphic! 🩷


POSITIVE ENERGY. Good Morning BEAITIFUL Souls! Happy Wednesday! Make it Wonderful! Start each day by bathing yourself in positive energy. Be in gratitude from the moment you are awake. Place yourself on a high flying disk. Fill your heart with love. Set positive intentions for the day and expect that all is well and that everything always works out for you. Don't sweat the small stuff. Have a positive day! Thank you to the creator of the graphic! ❤️


WHAT'S BEHIND YOU. Good Afternoon LOVED Ones. Happy Tuesday. Make today TERRIFIC. We spent so much time looking back at the past and talking about the past. What this does is keep the past active in our present. Our focus should be on the now. The now is the power center. Because what we do or think in this moment help to direct our future experiences. The two greatest robbers of time are the past and the future. They often steal our joy and distract us from the present. So let's leave the past and future behind us and focus on the present. The power is NOW! Thank you to the creator of the graphic. ❤️


LIVE LIFE WITH INTENT. Good Morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Monday! Make it MAGNIFICENT. The question for today is do we live life with intent or out of habit? Most of us live life out of habit. We have certain routines, habits and beliefs. Some habits, routines and beliefs we adopted from our parents and other family members. This isn't a bad thing if these things add to our joy. And sometimes because our lives are so based upon habit we go through life on autopilot and we miss other experiences. But routines can make life easier right? Wearing a uniform to work every day makes getting dressed a little easier. Living life with a nice mixture of routine and intention is the sweet spot. When we learn to intentionally do things that bring us joy that's when the magic happens. So, what is it that makes you happy? Find time to do more of that! And set an intention for the kind of day you expect! Live with intention. 💜 thank you to the creator of the graphic.


WALKING LOVE LETTERS. Good Morning LOVED Ones. Happy Sunday! Make it SPECIAL. Some people are walking love letters already. But we can all be walking love letters. Our loving presence alone can cause a room to light up and change the atmosphere in a space. When we walk and stand in unconditional love we are expressing the God force within us and who we really are at our core. We have allowed the world to cause us to forget our divinity and sometimes our humanity. But when we walk and stand in who we are, we remember and others remember too. We are called to be walking love letters. Have a blessed day! Thank you to the creator of the graphic. ❤️💌


BIGGEST COMEBACK. Good Morning GORGEOUS Souls. Happy Saturday! Make today SPECIAL! Go do something that makes you smile that makes you happy! What's something that brought you unabashed joy when you were 7? We deserve to be happy. When we can be happy for no reason or when our happiness isn't based upon a condition, this is when the true magic begins! If you haven't been happy in awhile. Make today your biggest comeback! Oh happy day! 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️🤸 Thank you to the creator of the graphic! ❤️


FIND TIME. Good Morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Friday! Make it FABULOUS! Our time here on earth is unfortunately finite. So, we are urged to make the most of it. Making the most of it is not living a limited, fearful, hateful, sad, disappointed, angry, ungrateful, unhappy life. Making the most of it is is living in joy, gratitude, peace and unconditional love. How do we accomplish this? By being grateful for every day for wherever we are in life. Don't hate who we are or where we have been or where we are. Look forward to moving to where we are and want to be. Live with expectation. And most importantly, find time for the things that make us happy! Whatever makes our souls happy, let's do more of that! Have a happy day! 😃 Thank you to the creator of the graphic! ❤️


Back by popular demand! William Stillman returns on September 22d from 1:30- 3:00 PM. To register please use the SignUp Genius in the linked post above or call the Chapel.


LIFE IS A PRIVILEGE. Good Morning BLESSED Ones. Happy Wednesday! Make it WONDERFUL. In the book the Power of Moments the author tells the story of a CEO who couldn't get his employees to invest in the 401k plan. So one day he brought them all together and he walked in and dumped a satchel full of money on the table and said very few of you are investing in the 401k and so this is the money you're leaving on the table. You have a choice to continue leaving on the table or in my bank account. Afterwards there was a rush to invest. This made me question how much life are we leaving on the table? Life is a privilege. But we allow so many things to take the joy out of it! How many experiences and opportunities have we left on the table? It's time to invest in our lives by living it to its fullest. Rev. Dr. Ingrid Scott writes, "Every day we’re always at choice; from how we choose to respond or react to how we choose to enjoy and live our life ! Have a blessed and beautiful day❣️Dr Ing" We say, "Amen." So, choose to enjoy your life today! Thank you to Dr. Ing for the graphic. ❤️


CHOOSE LOVE AND UNITY. Good Morning BELOVEDS. Happy Tuesday! Make today TERRIFIC! Have you heard about the experiment with the black and red ants? Someone put black and red ants together in a Mason jar and they peacefully coexited until someone shook the jar and created fear and panic amongst the ants and they started fighting. Who or what is shaking the jar and causing humans not to live in harmony? 🤔 Emmanuel Daghar writes, " There's an intentional campaign to incite separation and fear within you. If you're finding yourself caught up in the us vs. them mindset, you have fallen for it. It's all by design to delay the inevitable change of a brighter and more peaceful and heart-centered world for the collective. The good news is that you can take your power back and anchor a higher reality right this second by choosing compassion, love, and understanding, even if what's being presented to you doesn't currently resonate or align with you. When we vilify others, we are actually vilifying ourselves." So let's ignore the outside force shaking of off our center and let's continue to choose compassion, love and understanding. When we do we will live happily ever after." 🩷


QUALITY OF YOUR THOUGHTS. GOOD Afternoon Bright and Beautiful Souls. Happy Sunday! Make It SPECIAL. It's a big frog to swallow that our thoughts create our reality. To accept this requires us to accept personal responsibility for pur creations. But the beauty of this is that if we have the power to create we also how the power to recreate. What is the quality of your life right now? Do you love your life? If not why not? Has your focus been on lack or abundance? What we concentrate on expands. What we focus upon is drawn to us. The law of attraction is not a respecter of persons. It operates the same for everyone. Why are wealthy people wealthy? They have a wealth mindset. More importantly, they believe that they deserve every dollar. So, let's think thoughts that will bring us the life of comfort and ease that we desire and deserve. ❤️ Thank you to the creator of the graphic.


BLESSINGS VERSUS GRUDGES. Good Morning AMAZING Ones. Happy Friday! Make it FABULOUS. Did you know that Source, God, the All that Is, only knows "Yes." Whenever we ask, it is given. So what are we asking for? Well on a conscious level we are asking for financial stability, loving relationships, wellness etc. But on an emotional and unconscious level we're not focused on our blessings but we're focused on holding grudges, things that are missing in our lives etc. And so we're signaling that we want more of what we really don't want. So, what to do? Focus on our blessings rather than grudges that don't make us feel good. And watch the blessings keep raining down upon us. We don't need an umbrella for a shower of blessings! Thank you to Rumi and Spiritual Quotes for the graphic! Have a blessed day everyone. ❤️


William Stillman, Psychic Medium, is back by popular demand with his gallery on Sunday September 22d from 1:00-3:30 PM. Space is limited to 75. Not everyone is guaranteed a message, but there is always a message in the readings for everyone.* The cost is $35 per person. To reserve your seat please use the link to the SignUp Genius below. It's sure to be a memorable afternoon.
*For entertainment purposes only

You may pay by cash at the door.
To pay by credit or debit card please use the link below:


BE EXCITED. Good Morning MAGINIFICDNT Ones. Happy Thursday! Make today MARVELOUS! Happiness is the goal. Happiness is the key to the manifestation of anything we desire. To this end our Happiness has to precede the manifestation of that which we desire. So how do we get happy and stay happy? We need to focus on two things: gratitude and excitement. Gratitude is a key to more. Focusing on those things for which we are grateful. And then just being excited about everything especially the little things. It's finding the deliciousness in life in spite of unwanted circumstances. So, let's get excited! As the Pointer Sisters sang, "I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!" Have a great day! Thank you to the Power of Positivity for the graphic! 💜


PURSUE YOURSELF. Good Afternoon BEAUTIFUL Souls. Happy Wednesday! Make it WONDERFUL! Alot of us spend so much time contemplating our purpose. We ask ourselves, "What's my purpose?" Often it seems elusive. And often this leads to dissatisfaction with our life. It's definitely not tonwork, work, work, work unless you LOVE what you do! But then it won't feel like work. We came to pursue our passions. We came to find our joy. We came to pursue the fullness of who we are! So starting today let's strive to be the happiest and healthiest versions of ourselves doing what we love and loving ourselves. Pursue yourself. Thank you to the creator of the graphic! 💙


MANIFESTATION IS ALL THE RAGE. But UMC churches have been teaching it for decades! So to continue the tradition, if you want to learn how to MANIFEST into YOUR life what you NEED? Don't miss this UMC Thoughtful Thursday ZOOM TALK this Thursday August 1, 2024, from 7-8 PM. Rev. Jim Webb, from the Takoma Park Metaphysical Chapel, a master manifesto, will guide you through creating your own Self Manifesting VISION BOARD! Register online at or call 540-562-4889.


WHAT WE DESERVE. Good Morning DESERVING Ones. Happy Monday! Make today MARVELOUS. You have the Power. The power of the One Source, that which we call God, dwells inside each one of us with no exceptions. We all came forth from the One Source. Therefore our true nature is unconditional love. Living from any plavlce other than unconditional love is a signal that we are not in alignment with the One Source or our true nature. We are also therefore not in alignment when we question our worthiness, deservedness or blessedness. We were born deservingbabd worthy. We didn't have to earn it and we don't have to earn it now at least from the One Source. Humans have led us to doubt these things. And so we deserve to be happy because it is our birthright. Let's own it, believe it and accept it. Have a blessed day. 🩷 Thank you to Plantpur for the beautiful graphic! 🌹

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Videos (show all)

Spend an Afternoon with Spirit on Sunday July 28th from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM with Lisa Ressler, Intuitive Channel; Shannon...
TODAY IS THE DAY!  THE PSYCHIC FAIR!*  WOOHOO!  WE ARE EXCITED! 10 AM - 4 PM.  Sessions are 20 minutes each.*  The cost ...
💜Saturday April 20th.  Semi Annual Psychic Fair.  Mark your calendars:Sheri Hoover   Intuitive MediumJoe Geores       Ta...
THE STONES WE CARRY.  Good day BELOVEDS. Happy Monday! We hope you had a Happy Resurrection Day! Part of the resurrectio...
❤️AFTERNOON WITH SPIRIT TOMMOROW. ❤️ Thank you to everyone who has registered.  We are at capacity and very excited!!!! ...
BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE  ON SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26TH @ 9:30 AM.  This service acknowledges that the holiday season doesn't fe...
Tis the season to start thinking about gifts for the holidays! 🎁Join us on Sunday November 19th for our HOLIDAY BAZAAR f...
Thank you to Candi Areno, Cathy Harner, Linda Fifield, Lisa Ressler, Sheri Hoover, Shannon Young, Maria Perez, Moss Hohl...
Interested in A Course in Miracles? A Course in Miracles meeting is being held every Sunday morning at the Lancaster Met...




610 2nd Street
Lancaster, PA

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