Dr. Gerald H. Smith

I am certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally and also a certified dental practitioner.


If you missed Dr. Smith Live last night regarding the topic "Depression: Causes and Cures," you can now view at https://www.ghsdoc.live/2024/08/22-depression-causes-and-cures.html


Join Dr. Smith Live tonight, August 22, at 7PM on the topic "Depression - Causes & Cures." Join the Zoom call with this link: www.zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 845 8985 8265 Passcode: 193708


Are We are killing our pets (and ourselves)?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The two go hand-in hand. Our pets are subjected to the same toxins that we humans are exposed to. Why are people so surprised. Cancer is the number one killer of cats.

One in five cats will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Dogs fare no better; one in four dogs greater than 2 years of age dies of cancer. Dogs get cancer at roughly the same rate as humans. So what are the common denominators?

The answers are staring us in the face. Just look around. The herbicide, glyphosate, is ubiquitous; most of our neighbors use it. It’s even in the rain water. Chlorine, fluoride, and bromine all suppress the thyroid (major part of the immune system). Why do you think Hi**er and Stalin put fluoride in the drinking water? Our chemicalized and highly processed food is devoid of biophotons, packets of energy needed to heal the body.

Then to add insult to injury many people microwave their already dead food. The chemtrails have dramatically reduced the quality of our air. The aluminum in the chemtrails and its presence in our public water act as a neurotoxin. The EMFs specially 5G are creating systemic inflammation, the basis of all degenerative diseases. The
more than 7500 satellites circling our earth are distorting our magnetic field and not to mention the numerous US patents that describe how our government is using various frequency devices to control of behavior. On top of all this, our government wants to
control us through the use of a centralized digital currency. What a wonderful world we live in.

The key question is what can we do about it? For starters, feed your pet and yourself real food; start detoxing your body; start taking food based antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and immune boosters like Vanish-Plus; you can spray it in your pet’s water bowel. Start wearing the X-39 patch to stimulate stem cells to repair your body.

Start using the Tesla Energy Card® under your food and water as well as your pet’s water and food to neutralize all the toxins. Use positive affirmations before going to bed (must listen to Dr. Joseph Murphy’s free audio book, The Power of the Subconscious
Mind on YouTube). My intention for writing this article was not to do an infomercial but to wake people up to reality. The famous wildlife photographer summed it all up in his quotation, “Chance favors the prepared mind.”

International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. ICNR, Inc. established in 1981. “Where Alternatives Are Conventional” www.icnr.com


Join Dr. Smith Live tomorrow night, August 22, at 7PM on the topic "Depression - Causes & Cures." Join the Zoom call with this link: www.zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 845 8985 8265 Passcode: 193708

SDT 2024 | Palmeri Media Group 08/15/2024

Join Dr. Smith as a guest speaker on October 25, 2024 for THE LARGEST TECHNO-CLINICAL EVENT IN CANADA. Free admission. Spectrum Day in Toronto including: Dentists | Denturists | Dental Technicians | Dental Hygienist | Dental Auxiliary

SDT 2024 | Palmeri Media Group


Join Dr. Smith Live tonight, August 15, at 7PM on the topic "Forever Chemicals." Join the Zoom call with this link: Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88229606488?pwd=ZMot47mkHKboPusLh7Nq3vubzmSgPb.1. Passcode 691958. Note: Dr Smith will have a detailed slide presentation that accompanies this presentation.


Join Dr. Smith Live this Thursday night, August 15, at 7PM on the topic "Forever Chemicals." Join the Zoom call with this link: Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88229606488?pwd=ZMot47mkHKboPusLh7Nq3vubzmSgPb.1. Passcode 691958. Note: Dr Smith will have a detailed slide presentation that accompanies this presentation.


Live Tonight at 7PM, join Dr. Smith Live! https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86805099884...
Meeting ID: 868 0509 9884 Passcode: 801241


Case Study #194: The Head Bone is Connected to the Foot Bone.

I just had a patient come up from Miami, Florida. Maria’s chief complaint was left foot pain when walking. The pressure on her front part beneath her toes and foot pad triggered a dull aching pain. A basic principle in chiropractic is that in most instances the area of the symptom is not the source of the problem. In taking the patient's medical history, the patient stated that she had dental work done just prior to the onset of her foot symptom. Her dentist replaced old resin sealants that filled in the crevices on the biting surfaces of the posterior teeth. As usual, the dentist had no clue as to the direct connection the bite has with the balance of the cranial bones. Restoration of the biting surfaces of the posterior teeth altered the biting pressure on the maxillae, which in turn torqued or twisted the patient’s temporal bones. There is a reciprocal relationship between the temporal bones and the pelvic bones. Twisting of the temporal bones resulted in twisting the hip bones causing her left foot to be functionally shorter than her right foot. The imbalance resulted in compression of the joints of her left foot.

Treatment involved a comprehensive adjustment of the patient’s cranium. Three-quarters through the adjustment, the patient’s feet length even out. Upon completing the cranial adjustment, the patient was asked to walk down the hallway. Upon return Maria stated that her left foot no longer hurt.

Remember with no diagnosis there is no treatment. A good practitioner listens to his patient and then connects the dots on the potential relationships. Once the cranial distortion was diagnosed, it was a no brainer. This is another example of how such patients fall through the cracks with no resolution of symptoms because all the practitioners would be treating the pain in the left foot. The attached photos document the change in leg lengths following cranial alignment. The video testimonial verifies the results.


This Thursday night, August 8, at 7PM, join Dr. Smith Live! https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86805099884?pwd=5pH2WrWsp1Iiz2Yr36FbVzXeV1nb7a.1
Meeting ID: 868 0509 9884 Passcode: 801241


TONIGHT! Aug 1 at 7PM, join Dr. Smith Live. Join the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84701511240?pwd=xqBxfkQTcvKdTgVpBNkNw8IDBwQ2aw.1


This Thursday night, Aug 1 at 7PM, join Dr. Smith Live. Call 844-748-9442 to join our zoom podcast or join the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84701511240?pwd=xqBxfkQTcvKdTgVpBNkNw8IDBwQ2aw.1


Is My EV and Conventional Gas Car Killing Me? (see accompanying video)

Back in 2015 I jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a Tesla. I love new and innovative technology and was part of the new wave of electric car owners. Like DDT, which took fifty years of use to rear its ugly head; how long will it take for the automotive industry to admit the dangers of sitting on a huge battery on a daily basis? DDT is extremely toxic and can manifest as heart problems, neurologic problems, immune problems, and even cancer to name a few maladies. Sitting within a huge magnetic field, generated by an EV car battery, on a daily basis will cause systemic inflammation. Owners of conventional gas engine cars are also not exempt. The steering column has a big magnetic field generated by the wiring in the column. The accompanying videos document both EV cars and conventional gas cars both generate magnetic fields that potentially can harm you. The videos in both instances document that the Tesla Energy Card® will neutralized the adverse effects of the magnetic fields

The medical establishment has already documented that inflammation is the basis of all degenerative diseases. How many years will it take for the automotive industry to acknowledge this fact? Judging from past history, I predict it will take twenty to twenty-five years before the culprits admit the dangers if at all. What does the average owner of an EV, hybrid or gas engine car do in the meantime?

The answer is simple. One must use a device to negate the adverse magnetic field that envelops them. How can this be accomplished? It’s easy. Wear a Tesla Energy Card®. I knew when I purchased my Tesla that I would be exposed to a powerful magnetic field. The light bulb went on for me pretty quickly. I imprinted one of my Tesla Energy Cards® with scalar energy and eighteen healing frequencies. I never leave home without it. I conveniently place the card in my shirt pocket to protect me while driving. The frequency field produced by the Tesla Energy Card® helps to neutralize the magnetic field of the battery. As has been stated by many philosophers, “Necessity is the Mother of all inventions.”

Unfortunately, we are all exposed to electromagnetic frequencies in our environment. Just check your smartphone for a wi-fi connection and you will see many of your neighbor’s signals show up on your phone. By wearing the Tesla Energy Card®, you will gain protection against this pervasive nemesis.

For more information go to: TeslaEnery-Tec.com


Tonight (Thursday) at 7PM. Dr. Smith Live! Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 814 6771 9578
Passcode: 611841


Join Dr. Smith LIVE tomorrow night at 7PM! Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 814 6771 9578
Passcode: 611841


If You Take Zinc You Won’t Stink
by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Underarm deodorant advertisers cleverly use the Hegelian dialectic approach of Problem, Reaction, Solution to promote their lotions and potions. The Problem: body odor; Reaction: it’s embarrassing to be around people; Solution: I must buy a good underarm deodorant. The missing part of this equation that most people do not factor in is price. Yes price. A recent Internet search found a typical underarm deodorant product, Degree Antiperspirant Advanced Formula Deodorant Shower 36 72-Hour Sweat & Odor Protection. The container reveals its net weight at .5 ounce at a modest cost of $1.95/ounce. My elementary education taught me that a gallon has 128 ounces and if you multiply $1.95 per ounce cost you will get a total cost per gallon of $250. I haven’t priced co***ne on the street recently but I assume it’s cheaper than deodorant. What’s the real solution? Zinc and it’s a whole lot more effective than putting perfume on garbage.

How does zinc work? It’s simple. Your body sweats and in the sweat are foul smelling short-chain organic fatty acids, which are broken down by the natural bacteria on your skin. Zinc had antibacterial properties, which neutralizes your body odor. Some people advocate applying zinc oxide to your armpits. A bit messy. My solution is to take zinc in the orotate form, because that’s the form mother’s milk produces it and it is easily absorbed. You can eat more foods that contain zinc (oysters [richest source], red meats, poultry, cheese [ricotta, Swiss, gouda], shrimp, crab, sardines and other shellfish.) or take 120 milligrams of zinc orotate daily. The key is that zinc is not stored in the body and has to be taken daily. Also of importance is to take it with protein to increase absorption. One precaution is not to take any supplements containing 25 mg of elemental iron or more at the same time as taking the zinc supplements. The iron reduces zinc’s absorption. Another side benefit of taking zinc (must be taken with quercetin or Ivermectin) is its ability to kill the SARS 2 “COVID” virus. Who would ever think you don’t need the vaccine if you take zinc.

The take-away message is that you won’t stink if you take zinc because it attacks the root cause of the problem instead of masking the odor.

For additional articles and interviews on health, please visit ghsdoc.live and also www.icnr.com

Sponsored by the International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc.


Join Dr. Smith Tomorrow Night! Click the Link: Invite Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88223224525?pwd=yn2ZxTswYnvsibe6sgR52TZNoaxcsk.1


Join Dr. Smith and Associates for Longevity - Stem Cell Seminar. Tuesday July 16 at 7PM. Somerset County Business Partnership, 50 Division Street 4th Floor Suite 400 Somerville, NJ.


Tonight on Ask Dr. Smith LIVE: How To Accurately Define The Root Causes of Illnesses
Join me at 7pm on Zoom!
Link below


Join Dr. Smith Live this Thursday at 7PM. Get the Zoom link at [email protected]


Protect your life with the new technology found in the Tesla Energy Card®

Available at https://teslaenergy-tec.com/product/quality-of-life/


PART 2 | Benefits of Spiritual Awakening

𝗜𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆:
According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, people who are spiritual often live longer than others. From a physiological perspective, being spiritual reduces one’s stress level and cortisol levels also. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that literally tears the body down. The side effects are less stress on your cardiovascular, nervous, and other systems of the body. The end result is less inflammation and a longer life.

𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗜𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺:
Being spiritual helps to quiet your adrenal glands. The less production of cortisol the less your immune system will be suppressed. The less distress the less your body will experience inflammation, which is the common denominator of all degenerative diseases.

𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀:
Embracing mindfulness and acceptance opens your life for more love and generosity. Spiritual people tend to be more compassionate, grateful, and altruistic. These traits are associated with having more meaningful relationships.

𝗦𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲:
Being spiritual, puts you in tune with your inner self. This helps restore your moral compass, your sense of true values, and gives you direction in life. Having a purpose in life automatically helps improve your lifestyle and embrace gratitude for all the good things in your life.

In summary, spirituality allows you to live a more meaningful and satisfying life. It can pave the way for a more beautiful, intentional path towards self-acceptance, freedom, and purpose.

To enhance your spirituality, Tesla Energy, LLC. has developed a special edition Tesla Energy Card® called Spiritual Awakening, that will activate your pineal gland using a proprietary formula of frequencies. The special frequencies are also designed to reduce calcifications (from fluoride), help restore your DNA and help heal your body overall through activation of your body’s own stem cells.

Now available from TeslaEnergy- tec.com.


𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟭 | 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴

The key to restoring health and well-being is through the use of frequencies. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” This famous quotation was made by Nikola Tesla. By activating your pineal gland, one can unleash incredible health benefits.

Interestingly, spirituality was taught thousands of years ago by all religions, however, the practice was stopped because the religious leaders discovered that once their followers became spiritual they became independent and could not be controlled.

According to a study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the benefits of incorporating spirituality can have a positive effect on your health.

𝗥𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺:
It has been said that if you want to fly like an eagle stop hanging around with turkeys. A good support system is essential to reinforcing your spirituality. Surrounding yourself with positive like minded people is one of the best ways to insure obtaining your spiritual objectives.

𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
Spirituality can promote stronger bonds with family and friends and help people cope with physical or emotional pain and other life stressors. Research has shown that helping others can divert your attention away from your own problems and be good for your own mental health. It reduces stress, improves your emotional well-being and even benefits your physical health.

I strongly recommend you review the book, Random Acts of Kindness. You can also review 50 random acts of kindness on the following website: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/kindness-and-mental-health/ random-acts-kindness.

Getting proactive in this arena is a great first step in your journey to restoring your sense of well-being.


Free Seminar: A Natural Approach to Detoxification (link in comments)

✅ What specific nutrients are required for optimal detox?
✅ How to prepare the liver to effectively remove the toxins?
✅ What are the remedies that will effectively remove glyphosate?

With Special Guest Larry Yelin: Energy Medicine Practitioner
✅ How is your mental and emotional health negatively effecting your life?
✅ Are you committed to changing your life?
✅ What are the goals you would like to achieve?


Tomorrow night! Dr. Smith Live!


This Thursday night. Dr. Smith Live!


PART 2 | Why Frequencies can be a Double-Edge Sword

Most digital wireless hearing aids use a short-range transmission (3 to 11 Mega Hz) and a long-range transmission (2.4 Giga Hz - Bluetooth). The real problem develops from the fact that water or fluids like blood, lymph, intracellular fluids or cerebrospinal fluid act as a crystal.

Crystals can be imprinted with harmful frequencies which can disrupt the normal functioning of cells, tissues, and organs.

On the positive side of frequencies, is the fact that you can locate your lost devices with a phone based application. You literally can track them down using the frequencies emitted from the device. The closer you get to the actual hearing aid device the sensitivity bar gets longer signaling that you are very close to the location of your hearing aid.

This feature can save you hundreds of dollars in replacement costs plus the inconvenience of having to get them adjusted.

The takeaway message is that you can protect your health with a simple solution like the Tesla Energy Card®. In our over polluted EMF environment, one has to avoid as much exposure as possible. The Tesla Energy Card® is available at www.teslaenergy-tec.com. Remember, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a well-known English proverb that’s used to describe how much easier it is to prevent a problem than wait till after it’s happened and try to fix it.

Available from TeslaEnergy-Tec.com: $29.97 (shipping & handling included)

International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. ICNR, Inc. was established in 1981 by Dr. Gerald H. Smith


Benefits of Spiritual Awakening
By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The key to restoring health and well-being is through the use of frequencies. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” This famous quotation was made by Nikola Tesla. By activating your pineal gland, one can unleash incredible health benefits. Interestingly, spirituality was taught thousands of years ago by all religions, however, the practice was stopped because the religious leaders discovered that once their followers became spiritual they became independent and could not be controlled.

According to a study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the benefits of incorporating spirituality can have a positive effect on your health.

Reinforcing Your Belief System:
It has been said that if you want to fly like an eagle stop hanging around with turkeys. A good support system is essential to reinforcing your spirituality. Surrounding yourself with positive like minded people is one of the best ways to insure obtaining your spiritual objectives.

Stress Reduction:
Spirituality can promote stronger bonds with family and friends and help people cope with physical or emotional pain and other life stressors. Research has shown that helping others can divert your attention away from your own problems and be good for your own mental health. It reduces stress, improves your emotional well-being and even benefits your physical health. I strongly recommend you review the book, Random Acts of Kindness. You can also review 50 random acts of kindness on the following website:
random-acts-kindness. Getting proactive in this arena is a great first step in your journey to restoring your sense of well-being.

Increasing Your Longevity:
According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, people who are spiritual often live longer than others. From a physiological perspective, being spiritual reduces one’s stress level and cortisol levels also. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that literally tears
the body down. The side effects are less stress on your cardiovascular, nervous, and other systems of the body. The end result is less inflammation and a longer life.

Improve your Immune System:
Being spiritual helps to quiet your adrenal glands. The less production of cortisol the less your immune system will be suppressed. The less distress the less your body will experience inflammation, which is the common denominator of all degenerative diseases.

More Fulfilling Relationships:
Embracing mindfulness and acceptance opens your life for more love and generosity. Spiritual people tend to be more compassionate, grateful, and altruistic. These traits are associated with having more meaningful relationships.

Sense of Purpose:
Being spiritual, puts you in tune with your inner self. This helps restore your moral compass, your sense of true values, and gives you direction in life. Having a purpose in life automatically helps improve your lifestyle and embrace gratitude for all the good
things in your life.

In summary, spirituality allows you to live a more meaningful and satisfying life. It can pave the way for a more beautiful, intentional path towards self-acceptance, freedom, and purpose.

To enhance your spirituality, Tesla Energy, LLC. has developed a special edition Tesla Energy Card® called Spiritual Awakening, that will activate your pineal gland using a proprietary formula of frequencies. The special frequencies are also designed to reduce
calcifications (from fluoride), help restore your DNA and help heal your body overall through activation of your body’s own stem cells.

Now available from TeslaEnergy-tec.com.

Cost: $29.97 (shipping and handling included)
Developed by: Dr. Gerald H. Smith has over 50 years of clinical experience in natural healing.

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Videos (show all)

Join Dr. Smith Live tomorrow night, August 22, at 7PM on the topic "Depression - Causes & Cures." Join the Zoom call wit...
Case Study #194: The Head Bone is Connected to the Foot Bone.I just had a patient come up from Miami, Florida. Maria’s c...
Is My EV and Conventional Gas Car Killing Me? (see accompanying video)Back in 2015 I jumped on the bandwagon and purchas...
Dr. Smith Live
Tonight on Ask Dr. Smith LIVE: How To Accurately Define The Root Causes of IllnessesJoin me at 7pm on Zoom!Link below
Join Dr. Smith Live this Thursday at 7PM. Get the Zoom link at GHS.Live@ICNR.com
Non-Invasive Breakthrough Technology to Reverse a 20 Year-OldPost-Concussion SyndromeIf you are one of the reported 1.7 ...
Is My Electric Car Killing Me?Back in 2015 I jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a Tesla. I love new and innovative te...
Hear about Gloria's experience with VanishPlus! Now available at vanish-plus.com
“American Idiots is insightful, factual, interspersed with political humor giving the reader a clear understanding of th...
Can it really work through my cell phone?
Can I imprint my eyeglasses from a desktop computer?



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