Drysdale Online BJJ

Drysdale Online BJJ is the online Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training center of world renowned grappler Rob


Kicksite, features are slick and easy to use. I can easily see which students are training consistently because I can check their attendance anytime on my computer or my phone. It has definitely made running my business a lot easier!

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 07/15/2024

I have been visiting the old world for 19 years now. I skipped a year or two but generally, I visit every year. As a child I would always dream of one day living in Europe. The culture, languages, history and peoples have never ceased to spike my curiosity. Those who Know me, know that I can spend a whole afternoon in a museum or just staring at a cathedral and europe lacks neither. But The greatest treasures were all the amazing people i met along the way through BJJ. Old world… new friends… old friends… always a wonderful world.

The Past, Present, and Future of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 06/24/2024


The Past, Present, and Future of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Robert Drysdale, Fernando di Pierro, BJJ in Ecuador. Marcelo Behring, Fabio Gurgel, BJJ self-defense


Sat down in Cali last weekend with my old time friend and nemesis to do a “taidan,” about the current state of bjj and its future. It was inspired by the taidan between Yamash*ta and Kimura available to read on GTR.

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 06/08/2024

Thanks for the awesome gift

Loyalty vs. Self-Interest in BJJ 06/06/2024


Loyalty vs. Self-Interest in BJJ Creonte, BJJ treachery, BJJ treason, Trust but verify> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) }...


I don’t think these guys get the credit they deserve in terms of their role in helping organize Jiu-jítsu into a serious and respectful martial art. You have to have lived the chaos of BJJ in the 90s to comprehend what I am talking about. People take the current Level of organization and credibility completely for granted, but this is ignorance. There are no doubts that there were many actors throughout all of this, but few can say they have done as much as these two legends: Carlos Gracie Jr. and Marcelo Siriema. Mundial 2024 quite the show and quite a different event from the Tijuca days (though I am nostalgic…)

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 06/01/2024

Not the result we wanted but not a bad day either. Felt good to be back at the Walter Pyramid for the World Championships. Keep up the good work only 5 months as a brown and already on the podium of the big show. Many more to come 🫡


Kicksite makes it simple to manage students on the go. Whether I’m on my computer or phone I can add new prospects and students in seconds! With just a few more clicks I can switch them from a prospect to an official student. As a business owner, it all makes my life a lot easier


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from four world champions. Our gym is partnering up with three of the most accomplished female grapplers in the history of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to teach a unique and inclusive camp for all those participating in the IBJJF Masters worlds at the end of August. All affiliations are welcome! Please, use the QR code, email us or call us on the phone number in the flyer to secure your spot. Limited about. Hope to see you guys here!



It’s a lot of work to organize and track the growth of my students but Kicksite makes it easier. Kicksite gives me a place to promote my students and view their ranks. With just a few clicks I see how long a student has been at their rank and promote them from the same page!


Once upon a time (1999 to be precise) a BJJ wannabe was presented with the undreamed of opportunity to go to Oahu Hawaii to train with some fight legends and future legends. Taking the time to explore paradise, with some friends, they accidentally bumped into the Japanese legend also exploring the island (Kamehameha road driving to Pipeline beach) and its special treats. From left to right: Marc Laimon, John Lewis, wannabe, Rumina himself and Steve da Silva (aka Suga Pop). Good times 😎 -Sect


Now’s the time to do some spring cleaning and get your finances tidied up. Kicksite makes everything understandable at a glance. The software makes it easy to organize invoices, recurring billings, payment methods and more!


I’m so proud of this girl! She has come such a long way! we have both seen so many ups and downs in the gym and in life. I couldn’t be more proud of her. Stay at it many more great years to come. From people like you and get the sort of love and loyalty that keeps me going. I couldn’t do it without you guys 🤎


This article is originally quoted from volume two of Choque by Roberto Pedreira. The article clearly states that according to Helio Gracie himself, he had never heard of JiuJitsu prior to Carlos Gracie‘s match with Geo Omori, which took place in 1929. And that in fact, Carlos surprised the entire family by stepping into the ring to fight Omori. The article doesn’t change the end result, but it does help us understand Jiu-Jitsu’s chronology in Brazil. And eliminates any possibility that Carlos and his brothers were training jiujitsu in the 1920s.


Got some rolls in today at our affiliate gym great Rolls, everyone, and also, happy birthday, and thank you for being such a trooper. Always🤝💯


Dallas Open in the books. 4 divisions, 3🏅 🏅🏅and one 🥈. Lost a close match to the number one ranked brown belt in the world. Keep in mind Nick has been a brown belt for 3 months. Consistency + competition experience + accountability = results. Every time. Congrats Nick!


I am ever the student to this family. In exchange for their support, love, loyalty and appreciation I teach them some BJJ skills. But I have no doubts of who the greater beneficiary in this exchange is. Little did I know that once I became a coach my lessons in BJJ were just beginning. But I thank you all for everything. At the end, I am who I am, because of you guys, and every person who has ever stepped foot on these mats has bettered me and strengthened my resolve in someway... I don’t know how else to be, other than to learn and keep looking forward, no matter what. Maybe this is why this group gets better and better every year that goes by. It’s always been that way and it will remain so until the day I draw my last breath (hopefully at old age while on the mats teaching class). I love you guys, thank you for being such awesome students, but above all, for being my family. ❤️


I am proud of having trained under these great coaches. Every single one of them impacted me in their own way. I’m also proud of the fact that when I won, I gave them their due credit, when I lost, I always blamed myself (not them or their methods), and when I left, I remained grateful and continued to say thank you for everything and that I would never forget their role in my life. As a result, I have a good relationship with every single coach I have ever had. I think that’s a rare thing in BJJ. Showing gratitude to those who brought you up. Even after they are done helping you.


Earlier this week, Kicksite has given their software an uplift. The program section now has a fresh look with easy to use features. What’s even better is that Kicksite offers workshops for these uplifts, or even for basic training! You can check them out at kicksite.com/live


About two years ago Nick asked me what he had to do to become a champion. I told him what my recipe was, and has been all these years. Train hard, keep your head down, be accountable to your losses and show up to practice every day. Do that and I will handle the belief and the training part. This recipe is over 20 years old and it’s never failed. Congrats Nick on your first IBJJF brown belt tournament. With two golds 🥇🥇and two silvers 🥈 🥈. As long as you continue to believe in me as a coach I will always believe in you as my student. Nothing is more rewarding than proving the nay sayers and haters wrong.


Check out my instructional on pressure passing .fanatics 💯 its all about the pressure💪 Link in bio

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 01/23/2024

What an amazing start for Team Zenith this year! We swooped up 2 team championship belts and were just 2 medals shy of sweeping a third one. Many of you know I took a brief hiatus from my role as team general and the team fell off the podium while I was away. But man does it feel good to be back on the saddle leading the troops from the frontlines! Our Zenith students had some super tough and exciting matches but we won all the important ones to get back to the top where we always belonged. Seriously guys, the energy, the camaraderie, the support, the performances… you guys killed it this weekend and I feel the team stronger than ever! Also, props to some of the other local teams who brought their troops to put up a fight. The scene in Vegas has grown a lot and there are many good coaches out there with lots of tough competition (which I love). With that said, I could NOT have done this alone. Special thanks to my gf .kobe Nick .sebastian and the rest of the army’s captains for helping lead the way to a great start of the year. Also thanks for your support, loyalty, and friendship. Last year I finally understood that very few can do what our coaches can, because you cannot pass on that which you don’t have: this little thing called “belief,” and it is the very fabric from which champions are tailored. My goal moving forward is passing this rare item on to my students and craft an even stronger team from the ground up, one child and white belt at a time. Many more results to come… the year has just begun. See you on the mats, y’all know that quitting is not in our vocabulary but winning definitely is 😎. One Team. One Family. One Army . Ps: Maaany medalists missing from this picture!


Review of “The Evolution of Modern Jiu-Jitsu Vol. 1, 1935-1938” by Roberto Pedreira
Reviewer: Robert Drysdale

“Chief Justice: God send the prince a better companion!
Falstaff: God send the companion a better prince!”
Henry IV, Part 2, Act 1, Scene 2

“Jiu-Jitsu between 1935 and 1938 was somewhere in the early middle of its ‘evolution’ relative to 2023” is the very first sentence in Pedreira’s new book, and also possibly the one best posed to cause a sudden discharge of cognitive dissonance for the modern practitioner. The seemingly outlandish claim, I suspect, has the targeted intent to expose the reader to how warped our views are and how misinformed the internet has made us (who would have guessed?). However, the fact that the claim seems preposterous to the modern jiu-jitsu observer, exposes the depth and power of successful marketing plots as well as the ignorance we collectively share in regards to our own history.
Much like Pedreira’s previous books, The Evolution of Modern Jiu-Jitsu is not an account of stories in a novella, but rather a deliverance of the facts relevant to jiu-jitsu and grappling in general, in the particular place and era the book targets. Due to this pragmatism, readers expecting a narrative of well sung figures may find themselves disappointed in learning instead the song of unsung ones.
For those believing that professional grappling and packed arenas of spectators are a novelty thanks to your favorite grappler or Hollywood star, think again (spoiler alert: neither is it a novelty to brand “innovation” with goofy names). The book covers regular events held across the US, Hawaii, Brazil Japan and Mexico and emphasizes the long rivalry between judo/jiu-jitsu and catch/wrestling. It also gives the reader good insight into what this early scene looked like in the years the book accounts for. Of particular interest in the book are:

1- Arenas regularly filled with numbers up to 10,000 spectators to witness the “japs” with their “jacket wrestling” confront their archrivals (catch) wrestlers. (Note that even in 2023 these numbers aren’t, or at least rarely are, attained)
2- Fight prizes of up to 48,000 USD (in today’s money) (also a rarity today)
3- How active men such as Oki Shikina, Higami, Kimon Kudo, Shunichi Shikuma, Don Sugai, Jack Terry (amongst many others) were. Some of them, fighting in faraway places almost every weekend
4- Masahiko Kimura’s record in kosen judo tournaments
5- How Yasuichi Ono was not a student of Kanemitsu (as was previously widely believed) and was rather a novice at judo (he was a “shodan” rank, which took 6 to 12 months to achieve at the time) when he opened his school in April 1935 as well as when he fought Helio Gracie that same year
6- The first recorded use of the triangle-choke (or “hell hold”) in the Western press

The book is also flavored throughout with occasional humorous jabs at pop-narratives, marketing hustlers and the “woke” crowd in general.
A criticism I have of the book in question is of the title itself, since the content of the book is at least as much about catch-wrestling and its evolution into pro-wrestling as it is about “jiu-jitsu.” The book would have also benefited had it explained to the readers what the fight rules in questions were as well as clarified to the reader that many (if not all) of these matches were fixed. Hard to say perhaps, but given the high instances of “boston crabs” and “airplane spins” one is inclined to believe this was indeed the case.
Furthermore, the book is so removed from the folklore infused perception of the average practitioner/reader, that I believe that The Evolution of Modern Jiu-Jitsu (as well as Pedreira’s other books) would have benefited from an explanation as to why this is. This, because most readers will not grasp what isn’t on the surface, since recorded facts and popular perception are seldom in agreement. In other words, perhaps Pedreira puts too high of an expectation on the average jiu-jitsu reader. What is often missed in his books is storytelling, which should in fact be viewed as a strength since, by highlighting the facts and, consequently, deemphasizing the pop-narratives, history is being written as it should, impartially, pragmatically and with its aims on pursuit of the truth through facts. However, many readers that miss this, may often (unjustly in my view) dismiss him as an “anti-Gracie” (whatever that means). Perhaps a brief explanation of why so many fan favorite characters are missing in his books would, I believe, go along way into correcting this.
Finally, if a competent Martian historian were to visit earth and upon request found himself/herself up at the task of writing the history of jiu-jitsu during the 20th century, our hypothetical extraterrestrial visitor would likely find himself/herself (or “whatever”) writing books similar to Pedreira’s: pragmatic, objective and whose only passion is a relentless (or “maniacal” as a fellow reader described it to me) pursuit of truth through a vast variety of sources (that and the occasional passional jab at hustlers in their various uniforms). Nevertheless, if History is to be the office of justice, then the more competent the office, the less it will please the hustlers and their followers. Again (here on earth at least), there is “nothing new under the sun.” But maybe Mars has better readers.


Haven’t done one of these in quite a while! It will be one week in Costa Rica. Inviting all BJJ aficionados to join us for a week of chokes in paradise! 😎🤝

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 12/18/2023

There’s a lot I could say about this man and his impact on Jiu-Jitsu in Sweden. But Instagram does not allow enough words to do him justice so I will summarize. Waldo was one of my favorite people in all of BJJ. Always smart, always caring, always loving, always teaching and always representing the art well. There’s not much else you can expect from a black belt. He will be always missed and his memory will always live on through those who had the privilege of sharing the mats with him… I was one of them. Love you brother, you are always in my thoughts. ps. Thank you for the awesome gift!

Photos from Drysdale Online BJJ's post 12/15/2023

2023 Nogi-Worlds in the books 🥇 🥇 🥇 congrats happy, yet not surprised … cant wait for 2024♟️📚🚂😎


With the troops after a long day 💪 welcome hope you enjoyed


Link in bio - Check out my instructional series with .fanatics what I teach some of my favorite attacks from side-control🫡🫡

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Want a chance to win a free entry to the April 15th Zenith Open in Colorado? Follow these three easy steps!1. Like this ...
Don’t miss out on this seminar with ADCC champion Amy Campo Friday April 14th and the Zenith Open Tournament Saturday Ap...
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In this new addition to the history of BJJ, I explore the major events and characters that were responsible for turning ...
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