Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees

Political campaign page for Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees


The Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees passed our budget and tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year last night.

The Board anticipates a deficit budget with $551m in revenue versus $556m in expenses with a deficit of about $5m or .9% of the overall budget. A deficit this small is closer than a gnat's eyelash and the District will very likely come in this time next year with a balanced budget.

The District also passed a tax rate $.0123 smaller than last year’s tax rate. State compression accounts for $.0023 and the Board took action to reduce the other 1 cent. For an average home of $437,000, the $ difference year to year is -$189, however, most of that assessment comes from a lower assessed value for the property.

I am greatly encouraged by the Board's action to lower the rate for our taxpayers and look forward to future relief in the near term.

Texas Is the Largest GOP Stronghold Without Pro-School Voucher Legislation. Gov. Abbott Is on a Crusade to Change That. 08/20/2024

The Coming Socio-Economic Segregation of Texas Public Schools

During the 88th Texas Legislature in Winter and Spring 2023, Governor Greg Abbott aggressively pursued passage of a pet project–school vouchers. Vouchers, euphemistically known as Education Savings Accounts, have been a partisan project in Texas for many years. Abbott has been particularly interested in vouchers since 2017 with his fascination culminating in Republican primary elections in March 2024. Those Republican legislators, mostly East and West Texas rural House Representatives, who voted against and denied voucher approval during the 88th Legislature drew primary opponents supported by Abbott. Eleven of the 14 Representatives in the Texas House who opposed Abbott’s vouchers were defeated by supporters in the March 2024 Republican primary. In a June 2024 Propublica article, Joshua Cowen, an education policy professor at Michigan State University shared, “vouchers have absolutely become one of the top areas of the litmus test for Republican Party power politics” (Schwartz, 2024). Following the primary elections and runoffs, Abbott declared school voucher victory, stating “the Texas Legislature now has enough votes to pass school choice” (Chandler, et. al., 2024). Maybe so, however, Legislative elections in November 2024 will determine that outcome.

Who would not support Education Savings Accounts?

Education? I’m a fan! We all want smart kids!

Savings? Yay!

Accounts? A little bureaucratic, but savings!

Should Abbott push his voucher bill across the legislative finish line June 2, 2025, significant change would occur in Texas public education. Children and families would have three learning options, however, real and unimagined consequences would alter the education landscape. With the passage of vouchers, Texas legislators would implement a tripartite system of education–traditional public education, charter schools and private school vouchers–causing socio-economic segregation among the options available to students and their parents.

Traditional public education, the schools most Texans attended as students, would remain as “neighborhood” schools, however, fewer would be necessary as student populations dwindle. With fewer students attending the schools, taxpayer desire to finance schooling for “those other kids” will diminish, cruelly lessening funding for learning resources, teacher salaries and opportunities for kids like fine arts, athletics, and a well rounded education.

Which students might choose to attend traditional public schools? Students who have limited transportation choice due to parent finances, those who need specialized learning programs like bilingual education or Special Education, disciplinary problems who have been expelled from other school choices, and kids with parents who do not know how to access education for their students. In other words, families with limited resources, diminished choices, and lesser financial assets.

Some students and parents might choose charter schools. The Texas Legislature passed charter school legislation in 1995, and several charter schools sprouted soon thereafter. In 2024, more than 422,000 Texas students, or 8% of all schoolchildren, attend charter schools. Billed as an alternative to traditional public education, charter schools are freed from many education laws in order to innovate. Charter schools do not innovate as the curriculum required is the same Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills taught in traditional public schools and charter schools administer the same State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) as do traditional public schools. Charter schools are funded differently than traditional public schools. Traditional public schools have taxing authority and levy maintenance and operations (M&O) taxes for personnel and programs and interest and sinking (I&S) taxes for buildings and capital expenditures. Charter schools receive funding from Texas based on the statewide average provided to traditional public schools and do not have any taxing authority. Given charter school’s lack of taxing authority, charter schools generally receive less school funding overall and might be considered a tax dodge when compared with traditional public schools.

Who might prefer attending a charter school compared to a traditional public school? Parents could consider charter schools if their personal transportation is available to the school. A charter school might attract parents and students seeking a unique instructional approach such as STEM or Fine Arts instruction when compared to area traditional public schools. Certain parents might also seek charter school enrollment for their child sensing a sort of elitist notoriety associated with the school. In some instances, parents might simply choose the school which is closest to their home. Charter schools are free to parents and students but likely have some additional costs in many instances.

If Abbott’s voucher bill passes, parents seeking private school attendance would receive government funding to pay for student education. Myriad reasons exist for private school attendance–religious, instructional, and athletic–however all cost money. Quite simply, no student can attend private school without some level of family discretionary income even with student scholarships. Abbott’s voucher proposal would provide state collected tax monies to parents ranging from $8500 to $10,000 to be used for private school education. Across Texas, private school education averages $10,734 for elementary schools and $12,161 for high schools (Private School Review, 2024). With an influx of cash, expect considerable downstream, inflationary outcomes with rising private school tuition costs to accommodate the new money available. Consumers saw similar effects after government funds were provided to many Americans during the Covid pandemic and a kindred dynamic should not be unexpected with the passage of Abbott’s voucher proposal. Of all three options described in this review, private schools are by far the most costly education option and should be viewed as a tax credit to upper income Texas families.

The advent of vouchers will continue to stratify students’ educational experiences along socio-economic lines as school options chosen by parents and family have variable costs associated with attendance with traditional public schools being less expensive and private schools being most expensive. The effects of socio-economic segregation on school aged students via the schools they choose to attend will have a diminishing impact on their exposure to students and families of different economic means and silo their experiences as students accordingly. Texas public schools currently exist as one of the last broadscale opportunities for the socialization of the citizenry and Abbott’s voucher scheme threatens to further stratify Texas society in the near and long term. Those students attending private schools are certain to arrive from financially well heeled families by design. Recent comments by state officials indicating “only a few students will take advantage of this plan” reinforce the exclusivity of a voucher system designed to assist upper income families through the provision of state tax dollars paid by those not financially able to participate in the scheme.

Texans have choice this November to influence the legislative process and turn back Abbott’s chase for school vouchers. The Governor’s assumption primary elections will necessarily dictate general election outcomes is both premature and presumptive and Texans must voice their displeasure for school vouchers and the damaging impact on Texas public education and this state’s schoolchildren.

Chandler, R., Grant, M., Hinkle, J., Thomas, J., and Wiley, K. (2024, June 1). State of Texas:
School choice plan poised to pass after runoff wins for Abbott-backed candidates. KXAN
State of Texas. https://www.kxan.com/state-of-texas/state-of-texas-school-choice-plan

Private School Review. (2024). Texas private schools by tuition costs. https://www.privateschool

Schwartz, J. (2024, June 21). Texas is the largest GOP stronghold without pro-school voucher
legislation. Gov. Abbott is on a crusade to change that. Propublica.

Texas Is the Largest GOP Stronghold Without Pro-School Voucher Legislation. Gov. Abbott Is on a Crusade to Change That. Greg Abbott has campaigned against members of his own party who do not support voucher programs. This fall, he may finally get the votes needed to pass a bill — a win for the Christian conservative donors who have spent decades lobbying for it.


School Budgeting

TLDR: Expenses up, revenue down. Budget cuts abound. Dissatisfied? Go vote in the November elections for Texas Representatives and Senators and United States Representative and Senator.

Budget season is underway in Texas and Lewisville ISD is currently reviewing the budget for fiscal year 2024 and projecting same for fiscal year 2025. A few numbers for your review:

Fiscal year 2024
Actual revenue $546m
Actual expenses $551m
Actual deficit $0

The deficit was offset with monies from past land sales and fund balance remained steady at $132m. Fund balance is necessary to maintain effective cash flow and conform to the Texas Education Agency recommendation to keep 25% of district expenses liquid. Less damages the District’s financial ratings (FIRST report) and bond ratings (AA+ Fitch, Standard & Poor).

In fiscal year 2024, the District saw less state and federal funding along with inflationary increases across the board for utilities, expenses and services rendered totaling over $30m.

To make up for the budget shortfall, District staff cut expenses by $21.6m from personnel costs, services, supplies, materials and operating expenses.

Bond reductions and refunding
While slashing the maintenance and operations budget, the Board’s interest and sinking budget reduced and refunded bonds saving over $60m. Over the past ten years, the District has reduced bond exposure over $200m and refunded an additional $143m in bonds.

Fiscal year 2025
Projected revenue. $565m
Projected expenses $571m
Projected deficit $6m

The District anticipates increased expenses via recapture, personnel expenses, and from operating costs like utilities, fuel, insurance and the like. Select increases include:
Utilities +50%
Insurance +113%
Appraisal services +19%

To trim the projected deficit as much as possible, the District has cut expenses including $9.1m in personnel costs and reformatting school schedules.

The District has also convened a community efficiency committee to further determine areas to reduce.

Schools are a microcosm of society in every way imaginable including the budget. If the voting community is satisfied with reduced learning opportunities and growth experiences for students, the the current level of basic allotment funding of $6160, which has been in place since 2019, will remain and further reductions will occur.


A great season of graduations for Lewisville ISD schools. Over the past couple of weeks, the District has graduated 4,220 seniors into the world to go to school, begin a vocation, join the military (which from 1% to 3% of each class reported doing) or figure life out. We started with Night High School and completed the 5 comprehensive High Schools this weekend.

Young people occasionally get a bad rap, and sometimes, their antics are worthy of scorn. While that may be true in some instances, I am proud of the 4,220 graduates and their individual stories. In this crowd of young people will be our future, and after seeing them up close this past few weeks, I am excited for their inclusion into our adulthood. They will bring growth to our communities, benefit from our mentoring and role modeling, and compel us to learn and possibly change.

Bond Information / Project Timelines 05/25/2024

Lewisville ISD Patrons: If you are curious about bond spending and projects from the November 2023 and May 2024 elections, please see this webpage and check back frequently for updates.

Bond Information / Project Timelines Bond projects are chosen by evaluation using the Facilities Assessment document. Age is one of the main criteria, but other considerations include relevant work order history and evaluation by the facilities team. The projects are then prioritized for start and completion based on these evaluation s...

Photos from Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees's post 05/18/2024

Graduation season traditionally begins in Lewisville ISD with graduates from Night High School. These young adults have taken a different route to high school graduation, and I respect them deeply for the grit and resolution they illustrate in their journey.

Frost's words ring true--These graduates have chosen a road less travelled and that will make all the difference!

Our 5 traditional high school graduations are scheduled June 1 and 2 at The Star in Frisco.


Hey y’all, if your race is over and you avoided a runoff, count your blessings and let’s go get signs…


Better put a ring on it and go vote!

Early voting April 22 to April 30.

Election Day May 4.

Beyoncé is on board, probably.

UnRapped: LISD Bond 2024 04/20/2024


Early voting is April 22 to April 30

Election day is May 4

UnRapped: LISD Bond 2024


Spilling the tea…

Y’all need to go vote.

Early voting April 22 to 30 and Election Day May 4.


Outstanding evening with Lewisville Education Foundation distributing over $300k in scholarships to students from across Lewisville ISD. Events like this and support for students are what make our District an outstanding place for kids. Thanks to all the individual, community, school and corporate donors.

Photos from Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees's post 04/16/2024

You never know where promotional materials might pop up?

Please let me know if you want a sticker or a dozen to share.

Early voting is April 22 to 30 and Election Day is May 4--I appreciate your support!


There’s a bunch of folks who are Bananas for Bonner! You can be too!

I appreciate your consideration and vote May 4th!

Photos from Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees's post 03/09/2024

Spring marks the art show season in Lewisville ISD and the talent from our middle school kids is inspiring. I focused on pencil drawings today but tossed in a little more at the end. Check them out at the Grand Theatre in Old Town.


Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Extremism in the education of children is no virtue.


Today was the final day of the filing period for municipal and school district elections.

I am grateful to run unopposed for a second term and look forward to continued service to our students and parents, staff members and community patrons.

Thank for the opportunity to work collaboratively with you.

Photos from Dr. Buddy Bonner for Place 6 Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees's post 01/28/2024

Getting signs back up for re-election to the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees. If you see this one out and about in HV, snap a pic with it, post it, and tag me!

Re-Elect Dr. Buddy Bonner - Re-Elect Buddy Bonner - Place 6 LISD 01/19/2024

Signed up for a re-election campaign today for Place 6 on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees!

Please visit buddy4lisd.net/ for my bio and review promises made and promises kept.

If you would like to be listed as a supporter, please let me know.

Inclined to donate? Please mash the DONATE button on the site!
I appreciate your consideration and support greatly!

Re-Elect Dr. Buddy Bonner - Re-Elect Buddy Bonner - Place 6 LISD At Large Place 6Lewisville ISD Buddy and his wife, Rebecca, who is a counselor at Briarhill Middle School, have a blended family of five children, all of whom have attended and/or graduated from Lewisville ISD schools including Lewisville High School (1) and Marcus High School (3).  Their youngest ...


Big congrats to all Lewisville ISD Teachers of the Year! The best recognition comes from the peers who work alongside one another every day.

We are proud to recognize the 2023-24 LISD Campus Teachers of the Year! Congratulations to these incredible educators on this honor!

View the full list of honorees at LISD.net/ToY 🌟


Great night attending the annual Lewisville ISD Student Council Friendship Dinner, a unique event in our District where student council students from all 5 high schools get together for fellowship, networking, games and dinner.
Events like these define our District and make it what it is--a great place for kids. Campus and district administrators supporting students, student council sponsors from all our high schools illustrating leadership and leading students, and high school students having a great time after school learning to lead and grow!
Thankful to attend with fellow members of the Board of Trustees, Sheila Taylor and Allison Lassahn.

Photos from Lewisville ISD's post 10/03/2023

My big thanks to Lewisville ISD's campus leaders who tackle big tasks and attend to the smallest details with equal skill and care. Principals lead the way and I appreciate the work of each!

This October, we celebrate our incredible LISD Principals during ! Join us in recognizing the work that these amazing individuals do for LISD students by sharing your thanks at LISD.net/Recognize!


The LISD Bond Proposal includes funds to replace ½ of the musical instruments that have reached the end of their life cycle. Instruments will be replaced at all grade levels.

LISD’s student musicians have:

⭐ Won 8 UIL State Marching Band Championships
⭐ Made 25 appearances at the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic
⭐ Been selected to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association Conference 15 times

LEARN MORE by visiting www.lisdbond.com.

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Videos (show all)

The Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees passed our budget and tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year last night.The Board a...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Welcome back to school, Lewisville ISD!  Here's to a great school year of success and learning!
June 14th Board Meeting
Final video wrap up for the campaign for Place 1 on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees.  Big thanks for your encourage...
Last of 5 videos from former students comes from Jentri Carter. Jentri attended Briarhill MS when I served as Assistant ...
Come on out and vote!Today is the last day of early voting and election day is May 1.Thanks for your vote consideration,...
I served kids for three decades as a public school educator.  That's my service and I am proud of that record and experi...
I have enjoyed visiting polling places across Lewisville ISD during early voting and have particularly enjoyed reconnect...
Part 3 of 5 highlighting former students supporting my candidacy for Place 1 on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees.  E...
Part 2 of 5 highlighting former students supporting my candidacy for Place 1 on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees.  E...


1565 West Main
Lewisville, TX

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Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce
551 N Valley Pkwy
Lewisville, 75067

Our mission is to champion business growth through advocacy, connection, education, and innovation.

Valley Ridge Elementary PTA Valley Ridge Elementary PTA
1604 N Garden Ridge Boulevard
Lewisville, 75077

Welcome to the Valley Ridge Elementary PTA in Lewisville, Texas

Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas
1854 Cain Drive
Lewisville, 75077

We bring hope and healing to children victimized by abuse in Denton, Wise, and Jack Counties.

Parkway Elementary PTA Parkway Elementary PTA
2100 S Valley Pkwy
Lewisville, 75067

JOIN PTA: www.joinpta.org VOLUNTEER WITH US: http://parkwaypta.com/volunteer/become-a-volunteer/

Operation Peace of Mind Operation Peace of Mind
383 S Perry Street
Lewisville, 75057

Helping to Develop Safer, More Vital Communities by Linking Youth and Families to a Successful Future through Education, Leadership, and the Community.

Lewisville High School Students Lewisville High School Students
1098 W Main Street
Lewisville, 75067

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The Heroes of Denton County The Heroes of Denton County
1301 Justin Road, Suite 201 #358
Lewisville, 75077

The mission of Heroes of Denton County is to provide immediate monetary support to survivors of a line of duty death to any Denton County first responder. We are a 501 c3 organiza...

Joel DeGuerre Joel DeGuerre
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Lewisville, 75067

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Lewisville, 75057

iSchool of Lewisville (K-6 Campus) is a tuition-free public charter school serving grades K-6.

345th Psychological Operations Company - Airborne 345th Psychological Operations Company - Airborne
Lewisville, 75077

Welcome to the official page for 345th PSYOP CO.