Stacey Seuferer Consulting & Coaching

Empowering you to have confidence in your abilities to achieve your dreams. Guiding you to your path.


I encourage you to prioritize your self-worth for your mental health and overall well-being. The truth is that self-worth plays a crucial role in our mental health and overall well-being.

It wasn't until I started to work on my self-worth that I began to see a shift in my mental health.

I also found that taking care of my physical health played a significant role in improving my self-worth. Taking nature walks with my fur babies helped me bond with them and tune out the negative voices that had no room in my life.

People's opinions are just that. People who have no idea what it is like to be in your shoes, who criticize, and who are fair-weathered friends or acquaintances do not have your best interest at heart. Life is too short to cater to their ideals when you don’t share the same outlook.

Different perspectives are helpful, but when riddled with negativity, it doesn’t serve your well-being or deserve to harbor rent-free in your mind.

I have personally seen the impact low self-worth has on everyone's mental health. Tune out the negative and start Believing in yourself, loving yourself, and prioritizing your self-worth for a healthier and happier life.

One thing that helped me boost my self-worth was surrounding myself with supportive and encouraging people.

When you do this, you will notice a positive shift in your self-image and confidence.

How did I do it? I took time for myself, engaging in activities that brought me joy and practicing self-compassion, which boosted my self-worth. Be patient with yourself, as it does take time, but it is very well worth it.

As you reach your goal of loving the person you are versus what others want you to be, you will see what an amazing person you truly are.


You are stronger than you think, and you are capable of getting through this difficult time. Remember that mental health struggles are a sign of strength, not weakness. You are facing your challenges head-on, and that takes a lot of courage.
Remember to be kind to yourself and practice self-care. You don't have to go through this alone - reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support. You are loved, you are valued, and you are enough.
Keep going, even when it feels impossible. You are making progress, and you are getting stronger every day. Celebrate your small wins and acknowledge your achievements. You got this! You are strong, capable, and resilient. Keep pushing forward, and know that better days are ahead.


It's okay to take a step back and focus on yourself. You don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to be okay all the time.

Always remember that you are loved, you are valued, and you definitely are enough.


Just a friendly reminder from someone who's been there
The journey towards better mental health is as important as reaching the destination. It's okay to take small steps, stumble, and fall - what matters is that you keep going. In my journey, I've learned that self-care isn't selfish but necessary. Whether it's taking time for yourself, seeking support from loved ones, or practicing gratitude, finding what works for you is. Remember, you are worthy of love and healing.

It's okay not to have it all figured out—growth and progress come from embracing the ups and downs. So be kind to yourself, celebrate your victories (no matter how small), and keep moving forward. You've got this!


In the blink of an eye another day is gone,
In the blink of an eye another week is gone.
In the blink of an eye another month is gone,
In the blink of an eye another year is gone.
And in the blink of an eye I'll be gone too,
And not just me but also you.
So maybe we should be wishin' and hopin',
That we could just keep our eyes open.
And see and appreciate all that we can see,
And learn how we can be, the best that we can be,
Before it's too late,
Time flies, so let's not wait.
Whether we have just one life or many, one thing is true,
We should try to enjoy every moment we can; it's the wisest thing to do.
Author Unknown


We all need a time out to recharge. Don't forget to take a break from technology too.


Getting caught up in thinking about everything we do wrong is easy.

We often beat ourselves up for our mistakes or shortcomings, and this negative mindset can hold us back from reaching our full potential.

But what if we shifted our focus and thought about the things we can do right?

Thinking about what we can do right involves embracing our strengths and talents. It means recognizing our abilities and leveraging them to our advantage. Honing in on our strengths and focusing on what we can do right enables us to set realistic and achievable goals.

Instead of fixating on past mistakes, shifting our focus to what we can do right can improve our mental well-being. We boost our self-esteem and overall happiness by cultivating a positive outlook and celebrating our accomplishments.

This positivity can also ripple effect on those around us, creating a more supportive and uplifting environment.

Let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion – you have the power to do great things!


Believe in your own abilities and cultivate the confidence and courage needed to achieve your goals. Remember, success is not a destination but a journey—a journey that requires faith in yourself and the courage to take that first step.

So go out into the world with your heads held high, knowing that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Believe in yourself, dare to pursue your dreams, and watch as you achieve the success you never thought possible.
It all starts with self-acceptance and belief in yourself!!


At its core, self-love involves accepting ourselves for who we are, flaws and all, and treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we would offer to a loved one.

Practicing self-love involves a combination of self-care, setting boundaries, and reframing negative self-talk. Caring for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for nurturing self-love.

I encourage you to prioritize self-love and acceptance in your daily life. Take the time to practice self-care, set boundaries, and challenge negative self-talk.

Remember that you are worthy of love and respect and that true happiness begins with loving yourself unconditionally.

By embracing who you are and treating yourself with kindness and compassion.

Stop the what-ifs. They have no purpose but to keep you from moving forward. You are unique, you are enough, and you are worthy.


You are stronger than you realize. Keep showing up and doing your best. If you didn't quit, make it past your challenge, know that you can start over at any moment. You don't have to wait for a new day to start; your new day can begin at any time! You got this!!

You can always book a coaching session to help you jump-start your goals and learn how to keep yourself accountable while keeping a positive mindset. You are more than the challenges you face. Join one of our free groups to keep motivated.


Some days or weeks are more challenging than others. Despite the setbacks, you have the choice to try and do something different. Doing the same thing each day will give the same results. Instead of listening to music in bed, get up, walk around, and listen to motivating music, the kind that vibes with you to dance, walk fast, or clean. Once you make a slight change when you don't feel your best self, it can help you move forward. You got this!! You are brave!!


It’s okay to take time to rest and recharge when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Your mental health matters.


“Be good to yourself. ...
This is what you're going through, not who you are.
I hope you are surrounded by people who are good for your spirit.
You are AMAZING for facing this with so much courage and hope.
You are worthy and you do matter.
The most important thing right now is to focus on you getting better…
Much love to you all, keep smiling and remember to never give up and reach out.


It's time to let go of self-doubt, embrace our strengths, and celebrate our worthiness.

There is no greater power than embracing our authentic selves.

Regardless of where you come from, what you have experienced, or how you perceive yourself, always remember that you are inherently valuable. No matter their relation to you, others do not determine your worthiness; your beautiful qualities reside within you. When someone belittles you and makes you feel undeserving, do not allow that person to take your power. Your choice is to believe in yourself, not the idea of what others believe.

Embrace this truth, and let it fuel your journey towards self-acceptance. You are deserving of love, happiness, and success. Believe in yourself, daring to be different. Embrace your true self, celebrate your strengths, and build your self-confidence.

You possess limitless potential, and you can achieve personal greatness by embracing your authenticity. Please don't wait any longer; it's time to shine brightly and impact the world. I believe in you!


Hey you, I just wanted to tell you...


Life is not a rush to the finish line. You could take one step each moment you are able. Even if it is one step, it is closer to moving forward. You got this!!


Unlock the Power of Positive Affirmations!

Boost your mindset and unleash your true potential with positive affirmations you say every day.

Remember, positive affirmations aren't a quick fix; they are a game-changing tool that empowers YOU.

Affirmations help shape your thoughts, putting you in the right frame of mind to take meaningful action. They're your secret weapon to personal growth and enhanced productivity! Even when your day is not going as planned, say some affirmations that breathe love and light into your heart.

Start your day with a positive affirmation. Repeat it, believe it, and watch your confidence soar! Do this for 30 days at least once a day. Track your progress. If you are having difficulty and need help to stick to the goal of doing this for 30 days, consider booking a session with me.





Everyday is a new beginning.


In a world often filled with challenges we were unprepared for or negativity from that little voice in our head, learning to look for the best in every situation, no matter how small, can be a game-changer.
One important aspect of positive thinking is the acknowledgment of our self-worth and practicing self-love. Recognizing our value elevates our confidence and enables us to navigate life's challenges with resilience.
Nobody is perfect, and we all have flaws; even those you may look up to have shortcomings. But embracing ourselves for who we are lays the foundation for personal growth. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change what is in your control, such as your attitude.
Sometimes, positive thinking starts with embracing the little things in life. Taking time to appreciate a breathtaking sunset, enjoying the taste of your favorite snack, or simply sharing a heartfelt laugh with a loved one can uplift our spirits and shift our mindset. By training our minds to focus on the positive aspects of our daily lives, we become skilled in finding joy even in the simplest moments.
How to get there takes practice and surrounding yourself with uplifting people. Start gratitude practice by setting aside a few minutes each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Write them down in a journal or use gratitude apps to log your thoughts. This practice can be done in the morning or before going to bed. Just making sure you do this daily is key.
Implement positive affirmations about yourself in your daily routine. You may feel silly at first, but each day before you get ready for the day, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “I matter, I am enough, I am worthy of love and happiness, I am kind, I am funny, I have what it takes to tackle the day! I got this!!
Remember, training your mind for positivity is a lifelong journey; it may take you a few months to get used to doing this, so practice gratitude, positivity, and self-compassion in your daily routines to create a lasting impact on your mental and emotional well-being. You got this! I believe in you. Book a session with me and I will guide you to be more than the challenges you face.


Remember, you have the power to rise above any difficulty.
Just as the sun always emerges after the storm, you possess the strength to overcome this temporary setback. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow, learn, and become a source of inspiration for others. You are capable of remarkable things.
Believe in yourself, and you will do great things.


Always remember...


In case no one told you today...


Which wolf wins...

Embracing Your Self-Worth: Unveiling the Power Within 09/29/2023

Check out my blog post about Embracing your worth because you are capable of greatness. Trust your journey and surround yourself with individuals who understand and uplift you. The path to success may be strewn with obstacles, but by staying true to ourselves, we can overcome adversity and achieve the success we deserve.

Embracing Your Self-Worth: Unveiling the Power Within In pursuing our dreams, it is not uncommon to feel a pang of frustration or disappointment when we sense our worth is unrecognized or undervalued by employers or clients. These experiences can challenge our self-confidence and make us question our abilities. However, in these very moments, we must r...


Don't give up on yourself yet....


To all of you struggling and feeling like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, I want you to know that your journey matters.

✨💚 You are not alone; your struggles do not define your worth or potential. Reach out to someone you trust, whether it's a friend, family member, therapist, or support group. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

✨ Here are a few practical tips to help you maintain patience along the way:

1️⃣ . Be kind to yourself: Allow for setbacks and moments of vulnerability without self-judgment. Healing isn't linear, and every step forward counts—no matter how small.

2️⃣ . Celebrate growth: Recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may appear. Your journey is unique; each milestone brings you closer to inner peace and well-being.

3️⃣ . Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and gentleness. Remember, you deserve love, kindness, and understanding—especially from yourself.

🌟 If you're seeking additional support, wonderful resources are available to guide you: therapy apps, helplines, online communities, and local mental health organizations. Never hesitate to reach out, as it's a brave and empowering step toward your well-being. 💛

Remember, my dear friends, that healing is not a race. It's a journey that requires patience, self-care, and the understanding that brighter days are ahead. You are capable of great strength and resilience, and I believe in your ability to overcome any hurdle. Keep going, one step at a time, and trust that you're on the path to unlocking the vibrant, empowered, and peaceful life you deserve. 🌈💪

Sending you all love, light, and boundless patience on this beautiful journey. Remember, you are never alone. 💚✨

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