DarusSalam Tanwir Intensive - 1 Year Arabic & Islamic Studies Immersion

Our 1-Year program equips students with a strong foundation in Qur'anic and conversational Arabic, Hadith as well as traditional Islamic knowledge.

Photos from Masjid DarusSalam's post 07/26/2017


Photos from DarusSalam Tanwir Intensive - 1 Year Arabic & Islamic Studies Immersion's post 07/18/2017

Students in the Tanwir 1 Year Intensive utilize their after noon break in many ways. With several classes in the morning, many students prefer to take a Sunnah Qaylula (Mid-Afternoon Nap) to refresh their brain for afternoon classes.

A group of students enter the basement of the Masjid & Academy and simply socialize, play table tennis, and perhaps grab a bite to eat.

Some students drive to near by restaurants or local gymnasiums to workout. Some students even utilize their break to study & read even more.

Many students, both brothers & sisters spend a large portion of their break during the summer days on the basketball court. The Masjid has a full-court basketball set-up for both the brothers and sisters, Alhamdulillah.

Be sure to 'Like' and 'Follow' this page to stay up to date with the journey of this years' Tanwir 1 Year Intensive Students.


By the Grace of Allah (SWT), we are pleased to introduce to everyone a deeper look into our Academy at DarusSalam. The Tanwir 1 Year Arabic & Islamic Studies Immersion.


For More Information on the Program - http://darussalamfoundation.org/tanwir/

YouTube Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiSt07EAcOE

Please tag a family member, colleague, or friend who you think would be interested in this program,

Jazakullahu khairun

Timeline photos 06/01/2016

Assalamu'alaykum! By the grace of Allah, for the past four years DarusSalam Academy has been offering an integrated Alim-highschool program with the senior class now graduating.

InshaAllah, we will now be offering the same integrated program for sisters.

The Sisters' Alimah program will be taught by qualified scholars, and the
highschool curriculum will be taught by certified teachers using an accredited program.
InshaAllah, classes will commence on Monday, July 25, 2016.

We invite you and your family to an open house to learn about this unique opportunity.

What: Presentation and Q&A on DarusSalam's Integrated Alim/Alimah-Highschool Program
When : Thurs, June 2nd, at 7pm
Where : Masjid DarusSalam

All are welcome! Please spread the word!


Reflections from the 1 Year Program, from a DarusSalam 1 2016 Year Graduate. Inshallah, we will we posting a lot more content moving forward.

"From the countless all-nighters, tears before failing exams with the classmates, the 12 hour days at times, the intense games of Mafia, the field trips, the roasts, the lectures, the words of advice and motivation, the bond of brotherhood over 9000, and the presence of scholars for the past 10 months, Alhamdulillah, I have graduated from the DarusSalam 1 Year Immersion Program.

I remember, just 10 months ago, I was on the verge of quitting this program before I even started. I have no idea where I would be if I were to quit, but I am so grateful that I stayed, for this 10 month program changed my life in too many ways to mention.

I've had a lot of time to think during this program. As a business minded individual, taking a huge sacrifice, or dip if you will, on business ventures was probably one of the toughest obstacles that I had to overcome. However, once I finally decided to let go, and realize, I'm not going anywhere for another several months, the true benefits, life lessons, and mentality changed, Alhamdulillah.

Here are 3 of the many practical lessons I've taken from this program.

1. Make the most out of your day. Plan your day, plan your week, plan your month, and your long term goals will start taking care of themselves. Invest in a daily planner notebook. Often times, we plan so ahead of the game, we forget to focus on the current day. If we utilize each day, each hour, each moment toward our goals, responsibilities, etc, we can achieve so much.

2. Never judge, ever. In life, you will come across many people, many people indeed. Everyone has a heart, everyone has their problems, and their own things going on. Us judging individuals will not get us anywhere. Rather, we should pray for that individual, talk to that individual, be there for that individual, and give that individual excuses after excuses. Everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes.

3. Make the most out of life. For those who live in America, which is the majority of us, we have opportunities to do anything we want, literally knocking at our doors. We only live once, so we shouldn't live life with regret. That being said, we shouldn't also do wrong things, or harm to others. Rather, we should strive to be the best at what we want to be in life, and strive to be the best sibling, spouse, son, daughter, or parent.


Studying the introductory Islamic Sciences and the Arabic language, was an experience like non-other. Learning about the life of our Prophet in the manner in which we did, was as if I was actually there, but most importantly, building and developing a stronger relationship with Allah (SWT), the best friend anyone can ever ask for, God, was by far the greatest gift I've received from this this program, that no material item can par up with.

These were 10 months, that I'll never get back. However, what came out of these 10 months, will Inshallah last a life time, and Inshallah last an eternity in the hereafter."

- DarusSalam Student


A Piece of Spoken Word, dedicated to the 1 Year Program at DarusSalam,


This past year at DarusSalam has been nothing but a continuation of deen ammunition, a year of memorization, learning about the truth and what's fabrication.

This past year has been a means of determination, self-reformation, a demonstration on rectifying my own calibration.

We started off the year with renewing our intentions,
As a business minded individual that's a must for all inventions.

Renewing our intentions in everything we do for the Sake of Allah SWT was a concept so new to me, but so prestigious, so mighty, and so grand.

Imagine all the Barakah that would come with renewing our intentions, Barakah everywhere you stand, following his command, why wouldn't he hold your hand?

We were told that we would be pushed beyond our limits during our time here.
But the reality was, i didn't take that statement to heart; there wasn't no fear, never thought I'd shed a tear, but Subhaanallah, I was indeed proven wrong, and got pushed to my limits beyond belief, but I say Alhamdulillah with immednese relief.

From reciting Surah Hashr to translating Surah Asr, from being consistent on my Fajr, I say Subhanallah

From learning the seerah of our beloved Rasool, from identifying the various Faa'ls and the Mafools, and touring our miraculous library with so many beautiful tools, I say Alhamdulillah

From learning about the history of the land, the creator of the heavens and man, his punishments that we can't withstand, and his endless mercy Ar-Rahman, I say, Allahuakbar

Building a bond with my brothers, studying in the day and studying in the night. Building a relationship with my teachers, what a beautiful sight. Calibrating my own compass, toward a different direction and a brand new height, strengthening my Iman by following the illuminant light.

There was doubt, there was fear, that this was even the path for me. After spending my time in this arc, and then embarking upon the land outside, I'm telling you, This is the path for WE.

With a new sense of direction, reflection, and a goal to reach perfection in any endeavor that comes my way, I tell myself I'm grateful. Grateful for the one year, the classmates, the knowledge, the mindset, the teachers, and this deen.

May Allah SWT calibrate our compasses toward the garden of tranquility, Inshallah, Ameen."

- DarusSalam Student


Importance of Salaah
الصلوة عماد الدين
Salaah is a pillar of Deen
[Shu’bul Iman]
1. Salaah is the most important form of Ibaadah
2. When we perform our Salaah we are showing our obedience to Allah (SWT)
3. Salaah is the key to Jannah
4. The first question we will be asked on the day of Qiyaamah will be about Salaah
5. Praying our daily Salaah will protect us from evil and sins Insha’Allah

In the past, when a calamity befell the people, they would hurry towards Salaah. There was once a porter who was well known for his honesty. People used to give him their goods, money, and other valuable belongings to take to different places. Once while he was taking some goods to a certain place and he met a man on the way there. The man requested if he could travel with the porter and he made space for him on his mule and the two set off. When they come to a crossroad the man asked the porter which way he would take. The porter was going to go one way but the man insisted on going the other way and he told the porter that his way will be more beneficial because he has used it many times and there is grass for the mule to eat from. The porter believed him and they took the other route. Soon after, the route ended and in the vicinity were many dead bodies. The man jumped off and told him that he was going to kill him. The porter begged him to take the goods and the mule but he was content on killing him. The porter requested if he could pray two Rak’aats Salaah and the man told him that each and every one of those who were dead asked for the same thing but it did not save them. The porter began his Salaah and he could not think of anything after Surah Fatihah. The man became very angry and shouted for him to finish his Salaah quickly. Suddenly the Ayaah (Surah Naml Ayaah 62) “Who is The One who answers the call of the one who is wronged and removes evil…” When he recited this tears came into his eyes and suddenly a horseman appeared on the scene. He was wearing shining armor and carried a spear in his hand, which he used to stab the man. A flame rose from the spot where the dead body fell. The porter went into Sajdah and thanked Allah (SWT) for saving him. He quickly finished his Salaah and went to the man and inquired about him. He replied that he is the slave of The One who answers the call of the oppressed (meaning he was an Angel). He told him that he was now safe and he was free to continue his travels. The horseman then rode away and disappeared.
From this we can learn that whenever we are in any calamity or distressed we can turn to Allah (SWT). His help is unlimited and his treasures are unlimited. We should always remember to pray our daily Salaah on time and with congregation if possible. May Allah (SWT) give us the ability to implement this into our daily lives and continue to pray our Salaah with complete conviction, Ameen.

- DarusSalam Student


The Classroom, The Reminder:
Adler Planetarium

The day we took a trip over to the Chicago Loop, the enthusiasm was contagious. We thought we had left the classroom on our day off. It turned out we had simply traded one classroom for another, but we weren’t complaining. We didn’t necessarily spend the day in the Loop. Actually, we had spent our time over at the Museum Campus beside the gorgeous Lake Michigan. This was our second trip to the area as a school. In our first trip, we had ventured through the Shedd Aquarium. This time, we had set out for the Adler Planetarium. However, before we get to that, it is impossible to undercut the beauty of the view to which we were exposed. The lake had frozen over and the waves that had managed to reach the shore had long since overtaken the walking path with a sparkling sheet of ice. This sight alone was enough to leave any passerby awestruck. At that very moment, the lake and its beauty coupled with the city skyline was seemingly unparalleled.

After we had actually entered that Planetarium, we were hit with as much information as we were oxygen. In other words, we were drowning in it. Not a single glance was met with anything other than the most intriguing facts and stats about our world and those beyond. We learned about the ends of the universe, the parts of the galaxy we managed to reach, and exactly how we managed to do so. We saw shards of meteorites and even our own moon. After informing us regarding it, a curator challenged two from our group to lift the meteorite before us. It turns out it weighed a lot more than we imagined, so much so that the curator informed us that the management didn’t even bother to bolt it down.

After walking through the planetarium for a while, the time for Zuhr had come in. We found an area by the side of the stairwell to be large enough for our group and secluded enough so that we wouldn't be disturbing any other groups as they passed by. Once we completed the Zuhr prayer, it was just about time for the the main event, the theater. This is where, if it wasn't apparent already, one realizes that the entire building is just one amazingly designed classroom. A classroom designed to keep one engaged and intrigued at every corner with the Grainger Sky Theater at the heart of it all. The theater is the definition of immersion as it boasts a 190 degree dome as well as other mind blowing specs. We learned about this corner of this galaxy and that corner of that galaxy, but the moment that had all of us on the edge of our seats was at the mention of Kero 7-B. The planet named Kero 7-B is classified as a super earth with unimaginably high temperatures. What captured our attention wasn't the planet's average temperature as much as it was the manifestation of it spread across the dome before us. The heat is of such a high magnitude that rock melts on its very surface. Just imagine, the entire 190 degree dome devoured by the likeness of a planet completely set ablaze. We were struck by a landscape of lava and volcanos with nowhere else to turn. We couldn’t help the thought, ‘How magnificent has Allah made creation.’

After all of this and so much more insight regarding our world and those beyond, I had one question. Alhumdulillah, one of my respected teachers was sitting in the seat if front of me so I asked him, "Why would Allah create all this? Everything is so intricately created, down to the last particle, in such far away ends of the galaxy. Who knows if we will ever reach such breadths?" My teacher’s amazing reply was structured around verse 190 of Surah Ali ‘Imram, "In the creation of the Heavens and the Earth...in the night and the day are signs of God's creative power for those of understanding". In other words, every creation we come across is a sign, a reminder, of just how great Allah (SWT) is. These signs were created so that we may ponder upon them and subsequently upon the one who created them. If this skyline is so beautiful in this perfectly breathtaking instant; if frozen waves can create such a picturesque moment out of nothing more than a simple walkway; if an entire institution can be built for the sole purpose of observing and marveling at the far away folds and depths of the Galaxy, of lengths we may never even reach; then how great is He who created it all?

- DarusSalam Student

Timeline photos 03/04/2016

The students, along with their teachers, recently went to the Alder Planetarium for a field trip! Expect a reflection of this beautiful day from a DarusSalam Student's perspective very soon!


After spending time studying ilm, I have found that one of the most beautiful aspects of Islam is how the religion deals with intentions. There is no wonder why such a brilliant Islamic thinker like Imam Bukhari began his collection of ahadith with a narration regarding the topic of intentions; “Indeed actions are based solely on intentions”. It is such a simple concept but has such deep meaning to the believer.

On one level, it means that every single action is required to have meaning. Even the most random actions will eventually create some sort of good or beneficial act, but if they were not done with that purpose - if they were not done for the right reason - then can such an act really be considered noble, even if it produces a beneficial act? In Islam, the answer to that question is no. Rather, every action requires a firm purpose. A reason for doing what one does must also accompany the action, and that is what is truly judged, rather than the result.

And that is another level of intention. Many times things don’t go the way we plan them to. We expect a certain result, but the infinite variables of the world will alter our expectations. But when intention is added to the equation, it takes weight off the end result. Perhaps a person planned for some good, but his or her action went horribly wrong. It may seem terrible, but that person’s intention may have been commendable, and that is what is judged. There is a sense of comfort that comes with knowing this. The helpless can rest assured that even if things do not go the way they planned, if their heart was in the right place, Allah will be pleased with them.

This, then, is what leads to a third level of intention. Knowing that Allah (swt) judges a person based on what was interior rather than exterior allows a person to begin to process just who Allah is, although we will never realize this in its total capacity. We realize how powerful, just, and all-out amazing Allah is. He can see through what plays out and can look directly into our hearts. It allows us to just begin the journey in realizing we are nothing but creation, completely dependent on the Creator.

- DarusSalam Student


Adversaries. Everyone has some. Different types. Different reasons.

However, as Muslims, we all have one common enemy we want to defeat, Shaitan. San Tzu has said in book, Art of War, “If you know yourself and you know your enemy, you will never fear the outcome of a hundred battles. However, if you know yourself, but you don’t know the enemy, for every battle you win, you lose a battle. And if you don’t know yourself, and you don’t know your enemy, you will lose every battle.”

The easiest way for us to stop Shaitan in his tracks is to gain knowledge of his tricks. The first of his deceptions is to hype us up. He attributes everything good in our lives to ourselves. He whispers thoughts in our head: I am something, I have power, I have money, I have fame. He wants us to believe in our innate abilities.

What is the purpose of all this? So that we may forget Allah; we forget that nothing in this universe can occur without his Irada (will); we don’t make dua. This is his goal and this is how the devil starts.

So Inshallah, to prevent ourselves from becoming arrogant and ignorant of Allah, we must thank Allah (SWT). Whenever, anything good happens, we attribute it to Allah. We say “All Praise to Allah.” Indeed Allah has said in his holy book: “If you thank me, I will surely increase (your bounties).”

By giving credit to Allah, it will slowly lessen the ego and connect us to Allah (SWT). Also, another weapon we must never forget is dua. We must make as much as dua as we can because definitely our Rasul (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has said so beautifully: “Dua is the weapon of a believer.”

I ask Allah to protect us from arrogance and to assist us as we continue to fight against Shaitan and his tricks.

- DarusSalam Student


It’s just Sunnah
No, It’s a Game of Chess

Our iman (belief) and this game of chess. What could the two possibly have in common?

Well, the game of chess, for those who may find it unfamiliar, is a strategy-based board game between two players. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces that are moved and used to capture opposing pieces according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible.

If one looks at both subject matters many similarities can easily be drawn. After reading this definition, something else comes to mind; something which is constantly and consistently under attack: our iman. Satan is constantly working on each and every one of us, trying to make us his companions in the Hellfire. He is our opponent in, as some people like to call it, 'this game that is life'.

What differs from this 'game' verses the average game of chess is the stakes. In life, the stakes are much higher. If we lose in the end, there isn't a shake of the hands and a pat on the back with the occasional 'There's always next time'. No, with this game what is at stake is our iman. Our iman is like the king; it is something we guard with the utmost importance. If it falls, then it's all over. That is why we immerse it within a castle: a castle of worship, prayer, good friends, righteous deeds, and noble character.

In chess, the walls of the castle have been omitted. Instead, a king has before himself fifteen subjects. Fifteen loyal followers between him and the enemy. So if the king is our iman, what do we make of the other pieces? Without getting caught up in numbers, these remaining pieces represent our lines of defense. Just as the pawns, rooks, knights and such defend the king, they do the same towards our Imaan. Our pawns, rooks, knights, bishops and queen - these pieces, these defenders - are our prayers, the company we keep, and our consistency in our worship.

If a few of the pawns were to take the day off on the morning of a championship game, what would happen? How would one win such a game? When the first line of defense is missing, that side has lost half of its troops, its resources. 50% of the army was taken care of before the enemy even made his move! All that is left for the enemy is to simply give a fraction of the initially planned effort. As we have done half his job for him, all that is left is for him is to waltz in and take our king. Our front line is our prayer and our sunna. If we are to leave them out, then we show up to the field already behind. We show up to class without our books. We arrive to work without our briefcases. We not only limit ourselves, but we actually handicap ourselves. We handicap ourselves to such an extent that we might as well have showed up to the basketball game in crutches.

If we are inconsistent with our sunnas, we are at a disadvantage. We leave ourselves open to the attack of Satan. If we leave them out all together, then realize that even the grandmasters began every game of chess with a complete board.

So remember, next time you hear someone say, “It's just a sunna,” tell them, "Try winning a game of chess without your pawns!”

- DarusSalam Student


“I can’t breathe.”
“How are you even talking right now?”
“Why’d we even come in here?!”
“My lungs are on fire!”

Reminders all around us: Even in a Sauna

So what do DarusSalam students do outside of school? Well, study of course. But when we aren't sometime a number of us will head over to a nearby gym. One time, after a mix of basketball and weights, a handful of us moved over to the sauna. Now, only one of us had actually been to a sauna before which meant the rest of us were simply following his lead. While in the sauna the regret almost immediately set in, even before the above dialogue began. Yet, at the request of the novice amongst us we stayed in the unbearable heat. As we did, it wasn’t long before the heat began to seem more like a slow and painful death than something one would do in their leisure time. Even talking was a task! It seemed as though the air in the room had been replaced with an invisible fire, like something straight out of a sci-fi film. With our lungs in such an excruciating state the one thing we were able to get across to one another was just that, the pain and agony. The condition we were in reminded us of something that we had learned much about. Something we can learn so much of, yet never fully comprehend. At least, not in this life...

Jahannam (Hell)

Most matters, if not all, regarding the Hereafter we can never fully comprehend in this life. But, it is possible to get a taste, a glimmer, a reminder. That’s what happened in the sauna. We were all reminded of that which we all wish never to enter. We were reminded of punishments we had heard of. We were reminded of what happens to those who choose not to strike that balance. The balance between this world and the Next.

Just as a single raindrop compares to a Tsunami, that sauna was even more trivial. Jahannam is beyond our comprehension. Forget a simple sauna, even the worst this world has to offer is nothing in comparison to the lightest punishment in the Fire of the Next. The discomfort, the distress, the torture we felt was nothing to what will be felt on that Day. The Day we all hope and pray that our right hand will be heavy with our good deeds. The Day we all hope and pray that our scale will not betray us. The Day when no one will be so foolish as to say ‘Let's give it a try’.

To ensure that our right hand will be heavy with our good deeds on that Day. To ensure that our scale will not betray us on that Day. We must ensure that we do not betray ourselves. Here. Right now. ToDay.

- DarusSalam Student

Timeline photos 01/25/2016

This past week at DarusSalam, the students had a wonderful time spending quality time with their teachers and classmates. After class, the students engaged with their teachers and classmates eating a large dinner. After the Dinner, the students and teachers engaged in an epic Ping-Pong tournament, followed by Mafia, and Kabadi! The students and teachers slept after Fajr, at the Mosque, and woke up for an exciting breakfast! After breakfast, the students and teachers all drove to the city to attend the Planetarium in Chicago! Following the Planetarium, the students and teachers went to a beautiful restaurant in Devon for Dinner. To finish off the day, the students and teachers all went to Ackerman Sports and Fitness in Glen Ellyn to play some memorable games of basketball.

Although the 1-Year Program at DarusSalam requires a lot of commitment, studying, and time, the teachers completely believe that the students should have leisurely time, have field trips, and have an opportunity to build an everlasting brotherhood and bond with their classmates and teachers.

"Subhaanallah, it's an amazing feeling, as a student, to have the ability to talk to my teachers about anything that is going on in my life. I've never had the comfort to do something like this before my time here at DarusSalam. I love the fun, I love the studying, I love the commitment, but this bond I have with my teachers and brothers, this is something I will cherish for life."

- DarusSalaam Student.

Classroom Scene/Library 04/17/2015

Classroom for 1-Year Immersion Program

Masjid DarusSalam/DS Academy 04/16/2015
Staff - DarusSalam Foundation 04/16/2015

The dynamic curriculum focuses on five primary areas of study: Arabic, Tajwid, Seerah, Fiqh, and Aqidah. All courses are taught by esteemed scholars of Islam and experts in the Arabic language. Instructors include M***i Azeemuddin Ahmed, M***i Minhajuddin Ahmed, M***i Ehzaz Ajmeri, Mawlana Ahteramul Haque, Mawlana Abdul Hakeem Dickenson, and Mawlana Ifdhal Khan.

Learn more about these eminent scholars:

Staff - DarusSalam Foundation Staff M***i Minhajuddin Ahmed Director E-mail M***i Minhajuddin Ahmed M***i Minhajuddin Ahmed serves as the director of DarusSalam Foundation. He was blessed with the memorization of the Holy Qur’an by age 10 and later received formal authorizations in the sacred Islamic sciences at the culmination…


Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Whoever treads a path seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to paradise.” (Muslim)

Let’s all aspire to be sincere seekers of knowledge, and what better way to start this journey than to apply for DarusSalam’s 1-Year Arabic and Islamic Studies Immersion program.

Learn more: http://darussalamfoundation.org/academy/1year/

Timeline photos 03/14/2015

These are the books for our 1-Year Immersion program. Imagine the knowledge that awaits...

Applications for the 2015-2016 academic year for the 1-Year Arabic and Islamic Immersion program accepted now thru June 30.

Apply here: http://darussalamfoundation.org/academy/1year/registration-for-immersion-program/


Masjid DarusSalam

From a Dream to Reality. How DarusSalam Changed My Life.pdf 03/14/2015

Read what one of our DarusSalam graduates had to say about the 1-Year Immersion program!

From a Dream to Reality. How DarusSalam Changed My Life.pdf

Timeline photos 03/14/2015

Students are currently engrossed in Imam Ghazali's Bidayatul Hidayah (Beginning of Guidance) as they read and analyze the Arabic text while striving to apply every concept learned into to their lives.


Common Question: How can I take a gap year between high school and college?

Taking a gap year is actually a really simple process, and that is what many of our students do! Once accepted into a certain college, all you need to do is make a request in writing to the admissions office, asking for a “deferred enrollment” and explain what you plan to do during the gap year (Study Arabic and Islamic studies at DarusSalam). Once you receive a confirmation from your college, you are all set to immerse yourself in an enlightening year at DarusSalam before you head to college, knowing that the knowledge you will learn will strengthen your relationship with Allah (SWT) and set you up for success.

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