Embracing Your Light

Emotional Perception Coach & Facilitator, Integration Specialist and Trainer Healing workshops by Rev.

Jacqui Ruiz
Access retreat information through this link: https://form.typeform.com/to/IajhSlLo


Still true! every. single. time.


What a beautiful reminder that we matter!

Make a conscious decision for how you want to make a difference!! Because either way you choose to live - you make a difference in the lives of people around you!


Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 05/21/2024

It's a mother and son journey today.

I apologize for rarely posting. . .I feel like these events, these ceremonies, are precious moments. Sacred moments that I have the honor and privilege to support and witness.

I felt like sharing about this one because it felt particularly rare and wonderful that a mother and son would journey together.

These ceremonies tend to be quite vulnerable, requiring trust and a sense of safety. Not so much physical safety but mental and emotional safety. And with all that mothers and sons experience, I find it beautiful that these two people have chosen to journey in the presence of the other - to trust eachother in this way.

I do many things to prep my guests. Sometimes its an exercise, sometimes it words. This time the work between mother and son to prepare for this journey together is an experience I will never forget. To see the love, honor, care, and connection these two created was beautiful! I wish these kinds of experiences for everyone!


If you are seeking to have your guided experience and cannot come to Costa Rica, I have good news.

I will be in LA April 18th through May 2nd. I have room for 2 people to have your private journeys with me during that time.

Be sure to arrange a Zoom Interview Session with me to discuss complete details and get you prepared for your life changing experience.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Los Angeles.


Total Eclipse! Of the heart!

Oh I recall the days when I, like the tired little girl, didn't want anyone looking at me. "Don't look at me!"

The days of moodiness, depression, dissapointment, discouragement. Thankful to psilocybin for the shift in my mentality, that even on the really difficult days, i still want to be seen!

I am going on 7 years, I think, depression free! My timeframes are so skewed. Whats most important is that I am no longer feeling depressed and even in the tough times in life, I'm finding joy!

Enjoy the eclipse responsibly! And if you experience depression, anxiety, stress, ptsd, blahs or even grey days that you would ñike to have more sunshine in, message me and we can talk about a plan with psilocybin to help clear that away for you!


March Group Retreat is waiting for you. . .are you ready to have your Psilocybin Retreat experience?

I promise, it'll be life changing. If you're looking for some profound change in your life, consider joining us in March, the 20th - 25th. $4000, includes everything except your transportation and any extra adventures you'd like to explore on your own.

We will help you arrange everything along the way. Treat and Retreat!


A little goes a long way. Microdosing psilocybin has the power to change your life in profound ways - when used correctly.

Finding the right dose for you and doing the necessary "work" to create sustainable changes could be the most important thing you do for yourself when microdosing.

Be sure to do your research and learn everything about micorodsing so that you make the best and the most out of your micorodsing experience. Want to know more? Schedule a 20 minute call with me, I'll be honored to share with you all that I know about how to make your microdosing experience the best it can be.



Mushrooms everywhere in Costa Rica. . .Found these beauties while out walking the pup.


Imagine coming out of your 5 day retreat, gathering your sense about what just occured for you, and your greeted by a bright and beautiful rainbow. . .I don't know about you, but I would take that to mean something magical.

I always look to nature for signs or validation.



Well hello again . . .

I'm back at Villa Corazon today for our 1st retreat of 2024! It feels like our last retreat was so long ago..I think that's because I love this work so much.

It's day 1 today, and the stillness of the garden is feeling so right for what is about to be experienced here. This feels the way I imagine heaven would feel. Peaceful, calm, inviting, joyful, and as though the only important thing for us to do right now, is be here! And so that is exactly what we are going to do.

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 01/04/2024

Hello, cheers to a peaceful new year!

After taking some time away from retreats in November and December to create Café Con Amor, we are returning to offer our all of our services once again.

Some of you were here with me when Cafe Con Amor was just an idea. Now, I am happy to share with you what we created in 2023 to share with you in 2024; a delicious meal, relaxing ambiance, lake view, and a tasty Costa Rican coffee with you after your retreats.

I have missed sharing these life-changing experiences with you and now, with Cafe Con Amor, we have even more to offer you.

Come by and see us soon..💫🤍🍄☕️

Some of you probably remember that barista's smiling face😁.

And Follow


There are many things that are important to me: consideration, authenticity, freedom, self appreciation, trust, growth, reflections.
. .and of the tangible, material things: earrings, coffee, and mushrooms.

What are the things that are important to you?


Authentic you is so lovable.

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 05/28/2023

Solitude. . .and silence.

I need solitude. This is something I understand deeply about myself. For many years I struggled with an idea that my desire, no it is beyond desire, my actual need for solitude meant something was wrong for me.

I have since embraced and honored this part of me. I take careful action to ensure I get the solitude I need. Though it is still a challenge at times, I do my very best to honor without making myself wrong or forcing myself into socializing.

One of my biggest challenges about my need for solitude is sharing this part of me with friends and family who - by no fault of their own - don't understand the depth of this need and either TALK about it or think it isn't true for me when I am with them. I have learned to honor my need and I am still practicing not to force myself to honor others' needs to talk without excusing or dishonoring myself.

What is your relationship with solitude and silence? I have people in my life who have an extremely difficult time with solitude and silence. Have you ever explored what silence brings to your life? Joy, peace, fear, anxiousness, insight, sadness, understanding, discomfort, compassion?

never felt more truer for me. I recall these words at the beginning of a movie in theaters and didn't realize how much I would appreciate those words. I didn't know what that really meant until right now.

So much can be learned in solitude and silence. Try it on for yourself at our Psilocybin in Silence Retreat - June 21 - June 25


If you have the distinct understanding of Psilocybin benefits and desire to expand your ability to share these healing benefits in a retreat setting, this Retreat Facilitator Training is meant for you.

We will guide you through step by step teachings for how to host your own retreats. No matter where in the world you will hold your retreats. Including how to determine dosages, integration processing, and how to handle challenges.

This program includes 8 Weeks of Online Training and 7 Days of on-site training here in Costa Rica's mini paradise.  Online portion begins August 5th - Onsite portion begins Sept. 27th-Oct. 3rd

Here's where you invest in the future of your purpose.

Program fee is $8,200. Includes both online and on-site portions of the course. On-site includes food, lodging and facilitator training practice. Does not include flight and/or transportation to/from our location.

Schedule your Interview Session now using this link. This training program is limited to 5 participants to ensure attentive training and individual time.



Remembering who I am . . .and what I have and what I offer to the world around isn't hard these days.

That wasn't always the case and I have pleanty of reminders surrounding me that keep me aware.

I continue to find myself grateful for all the bulls* my heart and mind have experienced and how those very things are why I am who I am today and have what I have today and give what I give today.

It has all been worth it! Every single part of my life experiences have played a role in being right here, right now - and I am loving it!


May 8 Week Course is open for regisyration.

Head to the website to register.


See you in our next group! 🤍💫🙏

Jacqui R. Ruiz on Instagram: "This is what it's like to wake up on retreat days. Can you feel the peacefulness and the tranquility in the air? Lots of work was done with the medicine yeaterday. So much has come from day 1 ceremony. After the kind... 03/23/2023

This is what it's like to wake up on retreat days. Can you feel the peacefulness and the tranquility in the air?

Lots of work was done with the medicine yeaterday. So much has come from day 1 ceremony. After the kind of work that was done yesterday, today's rest, reflect and recharge is necessary. That can only happen in the peacefulness that today is already offering.


Jacqui R. Ruiz on Instagram: "This is what it's like to wake up on retreat days. Can you feel the peacefulness and the tranquility in the air? Lots of work was done with the medicine yeaterday. So much has come from day 1 ceremony. After the kind... 0 Likes, 0 Comments - Jacqui R. Ruiz () on Instagram: "This is what it's like to wake up on retreat days. Can you feel the peacefulness and the tranquil..."

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 03/06/2023

I recall a time when my entire wardrobe was black clothing. I dont remember who said it, but I was told my wardrobe was depressing and I recall feeling defensive and annoyed. . . .

What an interesting thing to remember, really. What I can see clearly now is that they were right. It is an interesting connection to make but a true one in my case. Even now, I dress according to my mood. Though I didnt know it then, I was in the most dark of days in that period of life when ny entire closet was filled with darkness.

No more dark clothing. Today, I have 3 pieces if black clothing. I'm realizing in this moment that I wore one of those shirts recently on day when I was feeling particularly sad.
It has been years now since I have experienced depression. These days my wardrobe is colorful and flowery just like my mental and emotional state.

I don't think I share about it enough, but after years of depression and darkness in my thoughts and feelings, psilocybin has been the one and only thing that has brought me this level of joy and excitement for life.

To have this feeling about life changed everything for me and this is the reason why I do the work that I do now! To have the experience of WANTING to live is such an incredible experience coming from the kind of dark and desparate living I was once living in. For me, it is a must to share with others! I would be a thief of possibilities if I didn't offer this work to others! This work saves lives - literally! It saved me from wishing I was dead and I have now witnessed that same shift for clients I serve also.

It's also important that you know: *You don't have to be experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, or anything difficult at all to have the desire to experience what psilocybin can bring to your life. Psilocybin is like wiping clean the haziness that covers all the colors of the world. It clears away the fogginess that has covered our hearts over the years making you feel clear and connected to your hearts desires in a way that feels bright and beautiful again.


Hello Y'all it's me sportin' a new look - Hair by the one and only . Sorry I didn't style it Omar😬. But it still looks good though.

Wondering what you would like to have more of from me?

I'm not a consistent social media engager. I don't even post as frequently as some do.

I'm a hit it and quit it kinda social media participant. I log on long enough to share a moment and log out.

I could certainly do more but what I really want to know is, what would you want to see more of from me?

Research Results
Upcoming Events
Comedy - ha ha - careful here, I'm not even funny
Engaging more on your posts
Questions Answered
Something else?

How can I best serve you through social media?

I'm listening . . .🦻

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 02/02/2023

Microdosing and Nature🌿

Did you know that nature can enhance your microdose experience. Nature is a master healer, our greatest teacher and guide.

When you microdose and connect with nature you are more likely to hear the message nature has for you! While microdosing intensifies your senses and supports with BEing present and connected, nature's guidance can be felt more clearly.

Spending more time in nature already has huge benefits to your mental and emotional state! Imagine what it can do while microdosing.

Next microdosing course begins on Saturday, Frebruary 4th. This time we're taking it outside!!!

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 01/29/2023

I am honored to announce that our first group retreat of 2023 we will have the presence and co-facilitation of  Dr. Leanne Whitney, Depth Psychologist and Psychedelic Integration Specialist.

In this retreat we will explore an alternative approach to mental health and planetary well being.
  .you will leave with a refreshed and renewed perception of life.

Scientific Research Shows Benefits of Psilocybin Use Include:
*Improved connections between brain regions
*Freeing up of long-held mental and emotional patterns
*Decreased depression

People Often Experience. . .
*Powerful emotional shifts
*Shifts away from self-focus and excessive rumination
*Deeper connection to their Life's purpose
*Reconciliation from past trauma/distress
*Increased positive mood
*Intense love and gratitude
*A refreshed and renewed perception of Life

This retreat includes two medicine journeys and two integration sessions.

For This Retreat You Handle:

Your flight and transportation (we can assist with this or coordinate your pickup/dropoff for an additional fee)

We’ll Handle The Rest

The Medicine:

Psilocybin has a gentle and kind way of highlighting for us the very thing that needs our attention. While it is magic in many ways, it isn't a quick fix. It is a supportive method to ease the severity and intensity of what we are experiencing and helps us move through life and its challenges with a little more ease. It is imperative to your journey to receive guidance and to learn the tools to enhance and increase the benefits that the medicine offers on its own. Additionally, the medicine opens up new portals of creativity, passion, and empathy that have the power to enhance anyone's life.

Handle your registration by Feb. 3rd for a discount of $500.00

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 01/11/2023

With Microdosing Psilocybin in the news so much these days more and more people are looking to explore.

This is an ecxiting time for those of you like me who experience depression, grief, anxiety, ptsd, addictions and more.

Don't be fooled by the excitement - YES! You can experience relief from all of those things. It does not happen by microdosing alone!

It happens with a microdosing regimen that is effective, that is specific to YOUR needs. It happens with guidance, integration, support, exercises that help you explore what is unfolding for you. It happens with an expert in the field who can help you break down what's coming up and connect the dots with you.

Will you have a microdosing experience or a life-changing experience with microdosing.

Choose wisely! Especially for those of you battling life long mental and emotional challenges.

I am here for you.


Peace in paradise. . .


Sometimes it's an extra day of the life of others.

Facebook memories are so heartwarming sometimes. I remember this guy and I remember feeling so much love for him. I wonder where he is today and how he's doing.

Facebook memory from July 19, 2017:

Whenever I paint in my front yard I meet so many people, make new friends, am gifted materials, canvasses, paints, wood. I love the interaction from painting outside.

Last night was a little different, and special. A young man passed by and commented on my painting, I thanked him. About an hour later he came back and asked if he could stop and sit with me while I painted. Of course. I grabbed a chair and he sat, while I painted. He shared so openly with me about his life, he shared about his parents, his relationship, his addiction, his struggles, his suicidal thoughts. We talked for hours . . .We shared about so many deep thoughts and experiences. It was a beautiful gift to have him sit with me and talk. It was close to 12:30am-1:00am when I was finally cleaning up and getting ready to say goodbye. As I put my last bits of material away, he got up to gather his things, we hugged, and he saud, "Jacqui, thank you, I'm not going to kill myself tonight." I hugged him just a little tighter in that moment.

I share this as a reminder to be kind to people. Struggles are real! Very real and not in that hash taggy way. Peoples lives are on the line through struggles and we, each one of us, has the power to show kindness in a way that may make someone want to live another day.

Love. Always LOVE.

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 04/15/2022

If you're coming to us in May, this is the paradise you have to look forward to.

These are some of my favorite views of the retreat space.

We can't wait to share this space with you.

This paradise on its own has healing powers to ease your mind and mood. Imagine when we add all of the other elements to your experience. The incredibly beautiful and delicious food, the heart opening exercises, caring and passionate staff, and nature's own medicine.

I'm telling you - you will not want to leave - I promise.

If you plan to join us, message us for registration details.

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 04/09/2022

Let me tell you about these two beauties. . .

This work requires a sort of "of courseness" that most people cannot tap into. For most people their ego gets in the way. This degree of "of courseness" is necessary to serve our guests/clients in the most and best way. It requires a TRUST in knowing that my requests aren't out of a desire to make life difficult but to best serve our clients. That's the kind of trust that builds strong relationships.

Anna's degree of of courseness carries through in her beautiful heart of gold. Anna delivers everything she does with absolute care, consideration, organization, attentiveness, and love.

Anna's tender loving heart is healing on its own and she brings that and so much more to everything she does.
Anna entered my life as a 3rd party client and her understanding of this work is personal to her. I am beyond grateful that she found me and is now not only staff, but family.

Now, Crystal . . .Grace incarnate. Crystal has become one of the loves of my life. Her presence is that of tenderness, love, and kindness.

When Crsytal entered my life, I knew she was one of "the good ones". I didn't know to what degree at that time and now I know she is so much more than "One of", she is an absolute one of a kind special gift in this world.

Crystal brings so much to the work we do. In every area of where Crystal is in support I know I can count on absolute excellence. Crystal does not miss a beat when it comes to detail, organization, care, creativity, love. When asking Crystal to prepare our menu she not only asked about our guests, she researched what type of foods would be best for enhancing what they were coming to us for. She carefully, thoughtfully, and lovingly put together meals for the week that not only were healthy, were delicious and looked so damn good too.

Crystal is mi corazon and mi Familia. I am blessed to have Crystal time in my business and in my life.

Between these two amazing woman, not only is a fantastically healthy, delicious, eye candy creation made through food - love, service, and healing occurs as well.

You two are magical, magical beings and I am so blessed to have you two in my life.


You have asked, we are responding.

Since so many of you have expressed an interest in a group retreat, we decided to make one available to you.

Next group retreat will be on May 26th - May 30th. There are ONLY 6 Spaces available so definitely confirm your spot quickly.

Use the link in bio to access complete details of this retreat.

We are looking forward to greeting you in Costa Rica.

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 03/29/2022

Soul Ascension Day 3

A time for reflection in nature. Nature has a way of healing our souls so gently.

Day 3 is a time for reflection and what better way than on a sit by the lake or even a stroll in it.

It is also an opportunity to settle into what was just experienced in yesterday's journey.

Retreat living is so divine. In every way . . .

Photos from Embracing Your Light's post 03/27/2022

It's retreat week for us!

Here's a sneak peak of pre-retreat preparations.

So much love goes into our retreats in every way.

Staff meetings, menu prep and samplings, location saging, and so so much more and all done with loads and loads of ❤️ LOVE.

Keep an eye on our story, we will share some behind the scenes settings with you throughout the week.

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You have asked, we are responding. Since so many of you have expressed an interest in a group retreat, we decided to mak...
My many faces of depression. I had started taking a photo of myself on the days when I felt depression more intensely. T...
Taking inventory of your mind is a great starting point for learning how to shift your perception. What are your thought...
Embracing Your Light means embracing all parts of who you are. It means reconnecting, when you feel disconnected, with y...
Embracing Your Light means embracing all parts of who you are. It means reconnecting, when you feel disconnected, with y...
“Deep grief sometimes is almost like a specific location, a coordinate on a map of time. When you are standing in that f...
Where is your happy place? Mine is the beach🤍•#psilocybinmushrooms #psilocybintherapy #psilocybinheals #griefjourney #lo...
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