Stephanie Lyn Coleman MD, PC

Dr. Coleman is a western medicine trained physician who believes in a holistic approach to healthcare

Dr. Coleman works with psychotherapists and uses ketamine (a legal medicine with psychedelic properties) to support and possibly provide an alternative therapy for a number of mental health disorders to aid in mind body healing. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy is provided in the Los Angeles area with Dr. Coleman a licensed psychotherapists. Sublingual lozenges and intramuscular injections of ketam


Are you looking to grow with collective healing. Come learn .journease and we are hosting our first event to announce more training opportunities for personal and professional growth


we are partnering with .journease to increase awareness and training around ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Come say hi, engage with others and relax to an amazing sound bath!


Preparing for your ketamine experience is important. You don't need to follow any strict diet or detox prior to the therapy. Most of your prep should be around setting your intentions and having clear goals as to what you want to get out of your experience.
Of course those intentions can change, which is fine, but it's good to go in with a clear and open mindset.



Ketamine treatment can be powerful, both as an alternative to traditional talk therapy or in combination with talk therapy. It can allow people to access information in the subconscious or uncover thoughts that their defenses won't let them get to by talking alone. Traditional anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants have a low success rate and often come with a number of side effects that significantly affect quality of life. Sometimes people require multiple medications to even have a mild effect. A common, disquieting side effect is an overall blunting of emotion, the bad as well as the good.

Ketamine is meant to treat the whole person and to discover the cause of the symptoms.

I have done specific training in ketamine and psychedelic medicine, and, besides being medically knowledgeable, I make it a priority to create a safe and comfortable experience for my clients.



We live in a society that values individualism and independence. We have lost the value of community and have forgotten that we are a human tribe meant to live in community.
As a result we are disconnecting to other humans and have learned to disconnect from self. We have become a society of do-ers instead of human be-ings.
The disconnection and busyness allows us to prevent feeling feelings, particularly uncomfortable ones like grief, loneliness, sadness, anger etc.
Working with psychedelics is much more than just the solid journey with “drugs”. It’s a communal journey that reconnects you to yourself, your body, your feelings and in turn to other human BEINGS!
I believe that when we choose to start on the healing journey and decide to use psychedelic medicine we are not only healing ourselves but healing the human collective.
Find your community, share with them, learn from them, connect with them, celebrate them, and grow together.
So thankful to be a part of this year and share the stage with others that I admire in this psychedelic community.


Do you have walls or boundaries?
You may initially answer boundaries, but if you take a minute to think about it your answer might change.
Boundaries can be difficult to create and even harder to enforce depending on what you experienced in childhood. Boundaries may feel uncomfortable, mean or rude, or scary. It could create fear around losing people in your life, losing opportunities, or being judged.
Boundaries have been prominent in my field of view lately. Creating and re-establishing my own and supporting my clients in understanding the difference between boundaries and walls.
Walls keep people at a distance and ultimately inhibit connection. Boundaries direct people in how they can best connect with us. Which are you doing?!
Working with psychedelics medicine allows you to have a different perspective on your ways of being, how you show up, where that comes from, and how it may or may not be serving you. Psychedelic medicine can provide you with insight into knowing yourself better and support with creating healthy boundaries that allow for this genuine connection and to start to redirect some of those walls.


What does integration look like?!
Well that will potentially be different for each person and for each journey. But the important thing is to make time for integration and incorporate into you life.
It may mean expressing your inner child and engaging in some form of child hood play and fun. Perhaps feeding the ostriches.
It may be taking some days off of work and recharging yourself. Prioritizing rest and being over work and doing.
It can also involve creativity and art. Journaling and meditating. Nature and loved ones.
Just another reminder that as a adults we often don’t play enough….what will be your play this week?


No you will always be supported through your treatment and after, as needed.
The initial ketamine treatment series, we refer to as an INDUCTION. This consists of usually 4-6 sessions done in a short interval, usually 1-2 sessions a week. This is the recommended or most standard way of starting treatment, based on results from clinical research. Variations will occur depending on a number of different factors and it is most ideal to tailor the treatment plan to the individual. This initial protocol will be supportive for a majority of people. In between sessions, integration is recommended and done with the provider. My experience is that the results build on each other and this shorter interval is important for ketamine, as opposed to other psychedelic medicines.
When your induction period is over, regardless of the number of sessions, often we do a trial to see how things go and take a break from the medicine. This initial period after the treatment is important and continued integration is vital. During this period there may be some emotional ups and downs still as you learn to “work” those new neural connections and build a new relationship with yourself. The goal is not to never feel hurt, bad, upset, anxious, sad but to prevent the drastic swings, provide you with tools to shift quicker, and to potentially spend less time on the down side.
Life always lifes and there will be times that are overwhelming or that maybe the tools you have don’t seem to be working as well and you need extra support. During these times it may be appropriate to do 1-2 booster sessions, which often help reset clients. Some clients use lozenges for a longer term maintenance plan as well. It is never one size fits all.
I keep in touch with clients and check in at variable times to see how they are doing. Everyone is going to have a different healing journey so it is difficult to predict timing of booster sessions.

Photos from Stephanie Lyn Coleman MD, PC's post 07/31/2021

Safe, intentional work with psychedelic medicine is super important. This includes setting intentions, ensuring a safe environment, and be aware of your dose.
And the real, sustainable value of this work comes from integration. Integration can take on many forms, but can include journaling and drawing.
I created these journals “Trip Notes” to keep track of your journeys and integration all in one place.
If you are interested in having your own, please reach out. They will be more readily available soon!
Safe travels! 🚀 ✨


Yes but it’s not that simple.
We sometimes will do ketamine sessions at someone’s home depending on the circumstances and offer this on a case by case basis.
As far as prescribing lozenges for at home use this has to be carefully evaluated to ensure safety and to make sure that will be supportive for healing and not destabilizing. Currently we require at least one in person lozenge session before this would be a consideration. We also on ocasión do virtual sessions and sit with our clients via tele heath while they have their ketamine experience. Each clients care plan is personalized and tailored to their specific healing journey.
Part of the healing process is creating a safe environment between our clients and ourselves, which allows vulnerability, support, safety, and practicing new ways of being. Doing lozenges sessions at home can potentially remove this important aspect of the work and healing process and having a safe person sit with you during a medicine session cannot be underestimated.
Our clients safety and healing is our first priority and we care deeply for all our clients!


How do you let your inner child feel safe?! How often do you let them out to play?
We have different parts of ourselves and one part is the inner child. Many people experience traumas, to varying degrees, as children and this continues to effect us as adults. Our inner child “personality” often is a result of what we experienced as an actual child. As this part may need a lot of healing to feel safe and supported in order to fully shine in its playful, fun childlike way.
One way of integrating psychedelic work and working to heal the inner child is by having more fun! Being playful! Doing the things that we enjoyed as children, because too often as adults we don’t allow ourselves to partake in these activities and disregard them as “childish” with a negative connotation.
Find little ways to add a little child like play, laughter, and fun into your days this week!!!


The experience varies from person to person and will differ with dose and route of administration of the ketamine.
After the first experience you might feel a little “floaty”. Some people feel energized and happy. Some feel tired or even a bit nauseous (which we address beforehand and can manage). We recommend eating some food when you are out of the experience to help ground you. We provide water and light snacks at the office to support in this way.
Emotionally, it can be variable. Our experience of our clients emotions range from love, euphoria, gratitude, calm, peaceful, acceptance, curious, unsettled, quiet, sad, overwhelmed, supported, trusting, and open. And each experience will be different. Our goal is to support our clients in any emotion and to guide them to get curious about how they feel and what they experienced and integrate these experiences into their life.
There is not a right or wrong way to feel and every experience is beneficial in its own way. The healing journey is not linear and each path is unique to the individual.
Also we know that with just one experience it can be difficult for people to understand the purpose and the direction, which is why we require our clients to do at least two sessions and most do 4-6.
If you are looking for support in your healing and want a process tailored to your unique individualized journey, please reach out.


Sublingual (under the tongue) lozenges
We work with IM (intramuscular) injections predominantly but we also use SL lozenges in a lot of our patients. Many patients actually have experienced both routes of administration when they work with us.
How do we decide when to use the lozenges?
We customize our treatment plans for each person and the decision to use lozenges is different for everyone. One reason we may start with lozenges is when a person is really nervous about starting the medicine. Another reason we use lozenges is to teach patients how to do home sessions/journeys. A third reason may be to utilize a low dose -psycholytic- form of ketamine to do therapy or other somatic treatments. We even use lozenges for some specific longer term protocols.
What’s the difference from the IM injection?
The lozenges have a slower onset and often are less intense than the injection. The bioavailability of the lozenges is much lower and more variable than the IM injection and therefore the dose is higher. Occasionally, the lozenges create a more heart centered experience due to the softer nature of the journey.
Contact us for more information about whether ketamine treatment may be right for you and to find out details about how we design treatment!


We support people in a variety of different ways, always tailored to the individuals needs at the time. But currently we are seeing a lot of very successful, high functioning individuals that are struggling with underlying anxiety which interferes with their relationships, to both self and others.
Anxiety does not always show up as debilitating or paralysis secondary to worry or fear. Some people are doers and go go go to keep busy and distract themselves from the constant monkey mind or from uncomfortable feelings. Ketamine can support people in a number of different ways!
We have designed specific protocols to support people struggling with different manifestations of anxiety. Reach out for more information!


Why should I do ketamine assisted therapy when I can go to the desert and do psychedelics with friends?
Intention- the intention behind why your taking medicine may be different and may direct a different insight or experience.
Safety/setting - For many people safety is an issue in a subconscious way. Our subconscious beliefs around safety come from childhood and are not always readily apparent. Being a group setting or atmosphere where you may not feel physically, emotionally, or spiritually safe and supported can have an affect on your experience.
Vulnerability - We never know what may come up on a medicine experience and during these journeys everyone is vulnerable. Considering this you may want to careful select the people you allow in that vulnerable healing space with you so you can fully let go into the experience.
Inner vs outer - When deciding to do dedicated ketamine therapy the work is directed inside. The eye mask and headphones support an inward journey. This is quite different that interacting with the external world and other people. Sometimes this external interaction is a way to avoid doing the inner work.
Value in different experiences and you have to listen to what you are being called to do and if you are needing additional support. Also looking at what might be causing resistance or hesitation to doing more intentional and organization psychedelic therapy with ketamine. This work is about questioning our rigid beliefs and thought patterns that operate in our subconscious, bringing them forward into our conscious and being open to a different perspective. That’s when things start to shift!


The work doesn’t always have to be gets to be fun too!
While it may be true that the “work” we do on ourselves is never done, that doesn’t have to feel daunting or hopeless. Because it can be fun, we can learn things about ourselves, tap into our inner child and play, strengthen our relationships, so the thing we were afraid of doing and much more.
Part of the work is accepting that it can and should be all things. While parts may be difficult and challenging, parts should be joyful and exciting. We get to shift the perspective.


Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or something else this impacts all aspects of your life, even if you don’t realize it.
People struggling are more likely to call in sick to work, productivity decreases, creativity decreases, mood is more labile, customer service suffers, workplace atmosphere worsens and more.
More businesses should focus on treating the mental health of their leadership and employees to improve workplace experience, workers satisfaction and fulfillment, and business reputation.
The best investment a business can make is in their employees. If you are interested in how ketamine therapy may support your employees struggling with their mental health, please reach out!
Link in bio 👆🏼


Nature and physical exercise
Two easy hacks to give your mental health a boost. Combine those with friends and you’ve added connection! When you are feeling off, sad, anxious, or lonely try doing something simple like a walk or hike with a friend to shift your mood and clear some emotions through the body!


What’s the best time of day to schedule your ketamine session?


We believed that this treatment is very personal and we create treatment plans that are individualized to our client and this healing journey.
For most people we recommend 4-6 medicine sessions based on what we know from the research that creates most sustainable results. Some people in research studies failed to see significant results until after their 4th session. However, a majority see results before 4 sessions.
Depending on the severity of a persons struggles or situation less or more may be needed. In addition, some people may use lozenges to do at home sessions to continue treatment and minimize cost.
We recommend doing the sessions close together, as an induction period, doing 2 or 1 session per week. After the induction period a clients progress is evaluated and a decision is made to stop further sessions or continue at a variable rate.
People who end treatment may need 1-2 occasional booster sessions. These boosters may be needed in weeks, months, years or never. It is variable and can depend on what is happening in one’s life, how long they have been struggling, and how much integration or therapy they engaged in after the medicine sessions.
We consider our clients as part of the team and involve them in decisions around treatment plans. We are on the journey with our clients and to support them the whole way.
Schedule a consult for more information. Link in bio 👆🏼


Ketamine therapy has benefits for many different conditions that people may be struggling with.
Many of our clients have anxiety either manifested as racing intrusive thoughts, excessive worrying, lack of sleep, exhaustion, heightened fear, and BURNOUT.
Anxiety is the most common mental health challenge that people face. Excessive stress and burnout can be a manifestation of anxiety and/or depression.
We have different protocols to address these issues and specifically to help high functioning people to deal with burnout, slow down the thought process, and work to decrease the heightened response of the body’s nervous system that is constantly turned ON.
Reach out to schedule a consultation today! Link in bio 👆🏼


Limiting beliefs is a common phrase used in the therapy, healing, psychedelic space. But what does it actually mean?

Limiting beliefs are ideas that we believe to be absolute truth, but are actually false. They prevent or hold you back from pursuing your goals and desires.
Limiting beliefs can keep you from striving for important goals like a new job, buying a house, being in a relationship or leaving one, or from healing. But they can also stop you from doing less important things like going to work on your pajamas or putting syrup on spaghetti (like in elf).
Our beliefs put boundaries and limitations on what we perceive that we are capable of achieving, what we think we deserve, or believe is the right way to behave.
Limiting beliefs can be about yourself, about others, or about life. When they are about yourself, the limitations you put on yourself are related to the belief that there is inherently something wrong with you. In relation to others, you may believe you can’t achieve or do something because others won’t let you or will judge you. In relation to life, it may look like you can’t do something because it’s too difficult or not meant for you.
Limiting beliefs play a strong role in mental health and are often on repeat extra loud when we you struggling with depression or anxiety. They prevent you from moving and can make you believe that it is impossible to heal or feel better.
Ketamine is an amazing and powerful tool to support you breaking through 💥 those false beliefs and allows you to see the actual truth about yourself. You can see the difference between the false limiting beliefs and what you are truly capable of and deserve. Through integration we support you in maintaining this new perspective and motivation.
Ketamine can empower you to heal yourself and connect with your inner healing intelligence and true self!
If you are ready to breakthrough please reach out for a free consult. Link in bio 👆🏼


It’s not a competition.
It’s not a race to the finish line or a judgement to see who does it best. Everyone’s healing journey is different and exactly the way it is supposed to be for that person. Healing is not linear. It is a winding path and sometimes that means side stepping, moving backward, leaping forward, or staying in one place for a bit. Just as we set intentions before our medicine and then let go of them we get to set intentions for healing, but not get attached to what it has to look like.
In the same respect that our healing is not a competition, neither is our trauma or struggles. Comparing our situation to someone’s is just another way for the ego to take control. We don’t get to devalue our experience because it “wasn’t as bad” as another person’s. Everyone’s experience will be different and each one is important, valuable, and real. Everyone deserves and has a right to heal themselves, not just the person who wins the competition of worst trauma or most “damaged”.
The first step is realizing you are worthy of healing and putting yourself on the path. Then let that path guide your way and be open to where the journey may lead.
If you are looking to start your healing journey and are curious if ketamine therapy is right for you, schedule a free consult. Link in bio 👆🏼

Dr Stephanie Lyn Coleman: How We Can Leverage The Power Of Gratitude To Improve Our Overall Mental 02/25/2021

How can we use gratitude to support our mental health....check out my interview below

Dr Stephanie Lyn Coleman: How We Can Leverage The Power Of Gratitude To Improve Our Overall Mental When we feel happier, the quality of life, our relationships, and our work improves. Most people would prefer to be around happy people…

Photos from Stephanie Lyn Coleman MD, PC's post 02/22/2021

Stress, anxiety, grief, trauma, depression, burn out, and all forms of exhaustion have become the norm for many healthcare workers who have been treating Covid patients continuously for a year now.
As a healthcare provider I am so grateful to these humans and truly admire their dedication, strength, and fearlessness. Not many people would risk their health and family’s health to do what they have done for months on end. We indebted to each and everyone of them.
On a normal basis, being a healthcare provider takes a toll, physically and mentally. As doctors we are trained to push on. To have empathy and sympathy, but to continue work. We are to be the strong ones, never asking or needing help. There is a lack of support for healthcare workers, particularly around mental health and still a strong stigma with asking for support.
We get to normalize mental health care for healthcare providers. He get to heal our healers. Healthcare providers should not have to continue to hold the trauma and emotions from all their patients.
Ketamine therapy and ketamine group therapy can support healthcare providers who want to heal and are struggling to deal with all they have encountered this year. Ketamine is meant to be a short term treatment with boosters or maintenance sessions if needed, determined on an individual basis. Plus ketamine does not have the negative side effects many report with antidepressants.
If you are a healthcare provider please reach out or if you know someone who may benefit please share! 💕
Schedule a free in bio👆🏼


What are you most excited about doing when things get back to “normal”?!
Share below👇🏼


Love. What we ultimately are all looking for and can often feel so elective. Love can lead to some of the most pleasurable and most painful emotions.
For people struggling with trauma, grief, stress, depression, or anxiety the feeling of love can be difficult to experience. Whether you are numbed to emotions, are feeling intense loneliness, few scare to be vulnerable or trust others, or haven’t had any good models of loving relationships it can directly effect your happiness in life. We can become blind to the fact that connection and love are the ultimate healers.
Ketamine can produce feelings of love, euphoria, and connection to all things. Allowing people to have these feelings, which may be new or few and far between, is a powerful motivator and has profound healing potential. This goes against the limiting beliefs that one may have about being alone and needing to do this life alone.
Human connection and love is the purpose of life. So spend this day showing love for yourself and those you care about. Be open to giving and receiving love.
If you are struggling with mental health and want to start the healing process to invite more love and connection in your life than please reach out to see if ketamine therapy may be right for you!

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Videos (show all)

Preparing for your ketamine experience is important. You don't need to follow any strict diet or detox prior to the ther...
Ketamine treatment can be powerful, both as an alternative to traditional talk therapy or in combination with talk thera...


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