Chad Weller High Performance Life Coach

I help my clients create freedom within and connect to their true authentic selves.


“Pressure isn’t designed to break us. It’s designed to make us.”

PRESSURE can be like a knife — you can use it for good for cutting a delicious meal. Or, you can slice a tire or a finger off. A tool is just that: an item you can use for good or not so good, depends on how you use it.

Pressure is that tool.

I used to be trapped in a never-ending cycle of pressure — pressure to hit my goals, pressure to maximize every minute of every day, pressure to be the best version of myself. It weighed on me heavily, limiting my energy flow and joy. But then I realized the key was in creating structure and letting go of time.

It started with building a schedule that gave me a sense of control and direction, but not one that was so rigid it felt suffocating. I carved out time for work, for self-care, for relationships — and sticking to it.


I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.

To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.


“Your commitment to being authentic has to be greater than your desire for approval.”

Don’t let a “full” schedule keep you from the restart and rejuvenation your own cup and your own heart needs. Embrace the importance of this journey, prioritize it and watch as it breathes new life into every aspect of your world.

This Week: write out a commitment to yourself a promise of one thing you’ll do for YOU and stick to it in the week ahead.

Photos from Chad Weller High Performance Life Coach's post 08/12/2024


Phrases like “I have to,” “I need to,” and “I would have/could have/should have” can dominate our thoughts and conversations. Heres how to shift out of that mindset and transform it into something powerful.

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“Eating well is a form of self respect.”

Many of my clients will ask me, “so, you’re vegan. What DO you eat in a day?” Of course, the infamous, “where do you get your protein?” comes shortly after. However, being 30 years vegan and going strong, I’m pretty used to this question by now and politely answer from the various greens, legumes, nuts, vega protein and other higher quality options out there.

BUT this email isn’t about being vegan. It’s about my favorite C word: CONSISTENCY.

Before you say, “but, Chad, eating the same thing every day is BORING!” There’s a method (and flexibility) to the food madness. In fact, my wife eats pretty much the same as me and we eat pretty much the same thing daily, meal prepping in the morning for the works days ahead.

That’s not to say we don’t go out for meals at restaurants on occasion, travel and change the dish, or swap it up from time to time at home depending on the season, dietary preference or tastebud update. The idea here is, to simplify your mornings, meals and days so that you can feel your best, minimize the prep and decision time and quantify your performance to be your best.


“When we change the way we move, we change the way we live.”

I’m big on planning. As an athlete and ultra-runner, my survival through those races alone were based on how well I trained and planned ahead. To achieve many of the goals I’ve set out in my business, personal life and beyond, planning is crucial.

While planning is important to growth and success, there’s major differentiation between thinking ahead and trying to control the outcome. Letting go of control can be the key to finding your flow. While it may feel counterintuitive, releasing the need to manage every aspect can open you up to a sense of ease and alignment.


“There’s no limit to what you can do”



“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”


“Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.

Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits.

Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.

Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny. “

Photo credit

Mahatma Gandhi-


“The next level up is about improving, not impressing.”


The powerful process of coaching enables the inspiration to ignite change. With all of the plentiful distractions of modern life, a great life coach will help their clients develop clarity. Those who have clarity around purpose, personal values, and personal priorities can, in turn, interact with the world as their highest self.

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“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’.” — Eckhart Tolle

Chill out and eat a pickle. My wife and I pass by a sign on La Cienega coming back from LAX Airport and chuckle at this every time. I wish it were that easy! I’d be eating (and selling) a lot of pickles.

Stress happens at work, at home, in every day and in every day in my own head. I’m still consistently working at quieting my mind, implementing the tools to stay present and to ground and working daily to be that 1% better. Summer kicks up the heat, and there can kids home from school, family parties, summer temperatures and slower than usual work months that can elevate stress levels. If we allow them to… e


“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things you lack”

Photo Credit


“What I’ve realized is that confidence is a daily journey. We always think that confidence is a destination we must get to, but it’s a choice we make. I don’t think it’s something we ever really get to and stay at. And I think once you know that, it takes the pressure off. “.

Photo credit


“If you commit to nothing you get distracted by everything.”

Summer is officially here. For many of us, we have travel, BBQs, days off and (for some) kids home from school. Our typical day to day structure of routine can easily be thrown off in disarray from the updated lifestyle that the sunshine has introduced upon us.

However, summer can also be a time to recommit to your healthy routines and habits. What’s working for you in the remainder of the year? What healthy habits do you wish to continue? Here’s a few of mine that have I have a non-negotiable commitment to daily:

-drinking plenty of water
-waking up at the same/similar time daily (no matter if traveling or at home)
-working out/moving my body
-eating healthy, vegan, clean foods
-non-alcoholic beverage choices (15 years sober and counting)
-taking time to connect with my wife
-taking time to connect with my self
-choosing to show up stronger every day asking myself “what are you willing to do to show up the best version of yourself today?”

Summertime often brings a sense of relaxation and freedom, but it’s important not to let that lead to a complete abandonment of healthy habits. This is the perfect time to recommit to self-care and personal discipline.


“Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.” — Vincent Van Gogh

As many of you know from listening to my story or knowing me as a coach (and human), I’ve been diagnosed with many titles throughout my life. My home page lists it out extensively, “ADD. ADHD. Alcohol Abuse. Drug Abuse. Su***de Attempts. Self-Sabotager. Drop-out. Doubtful. Disorganized. Self-limiter. I was diagnosed and labeled with all of these diagnoses and characteristics.”

What was considered “not normal” defined me through those moments and the years that later came.

My wife has picked up and has been reading a book called “The Myth of Normal” and its quite intriguing hearing some of the pieces she shares with me. It’s quite a lengthy book; however, it challenges the idea that anything we thought was normal is in fact no normal and there’s some hypothetical myth to chase after some figment of societal imagination.

The truth? There is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to personal growth and development. We are all on our own unique journeys, and what feels “normal” for one person may be completely different for another.

The idea of a singular definition of “normal” is a myth that can be harmful, as it sets unrealistic expectations and makes people feel like they are falling short. The truth is, we are all human, and we all have our own guidelines, challenges, and paths to follow.

Photos from Chad Weller High Performance Life Coach's post 06/24/2024

Since we have met I have never smiled more or laughed more or loved more. I am forever grateful you are my home and heart. I love you Sara. Happy one year wedding Celebration.


“Once you stop learning, you start dying.” — Albert Einstein

Today marks my 1351 consecutive day of running. I’m a numbers guy, mainly for accountability. While tracking every number can be obsessive for some, the number of days running for me is a reminder of consistency and that I can set my mind to something and stick with it.

As a high performer, and working with many CEO’s and entrepreneurs, we all track numbers of some sort. It’s a way of following and reporting what’s working and what’s not working, seeking growth in trajectories year over year.

Numbers serve their purpose for successes. However, not all successes can be tracked in numbers.

Emotions and feelings, for example, don’t have that same ability. Here, too, serving a purpose to measure values and gauge feedback from inputs of energy tracking ROI on joy, happiness, love, and so on.

When it comes to life goals, something I work on with clients is measuring the feeling behind them. There’s numerical goals that can be a part of the strategy; however, the overall objective would be better served understanding the feeling.

Why? Because, a number can be reached and the goal post will always be movable to more. A feeling is all encompassing, ever expanding and abundant to grow and expand to the ability of your energetic attraction. In short: it’s limitless.


“Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.” — Photo


“If you want to find ‘the one’ BE the one.”

I work with a lot of individuals on the subject of dating and relationships, couples even. For those in the dating world, I know how tough it is out there to navigate. Having such an open heart myself, I didn’t get married until about two years ago in December of 2022. I’m glad I waited, because it gave me a lot of time to continue to do the work on myself to then attract the right person.

My wife, we’re almost identical in our values, mannerisms, stories of overcoming challenges and drive for life. It’s rare, but it’s possible. I dated for years prior and up until that point, it was more of a chase than it was an attraction.

I remember one of the greatest exercises my coach gave me was to date myself.

Take myself on dates, learn about my likes and interests, learn who I love being, naturally. Ideally, you want to be yourself and the most comfortable with the person you’re choosing to spend your life with. That person can either add to your life ROI or take away from it. Choose wisely. Like your time and energy, this person should elevate you in every way, while giving safety and freedom to be you.

If you don’t know who YOU are ideally, the universe will be equally confused to connect you with that one as the people you’re dating. It’s mixed energy, as opposed to being grounded and connected.

Therefore, when it comes to dating and relationships, it’s important to focus on personal growth and becoming the best version of yourself. By working on self-development, you’ll naturally become more attractive to your ideal partner.


You are my heart and home! Fun photo shoot in Brooklyn New York with my favorite photographer and friend .


“When all you do is react, you lose all your power.”

Imagine there’s a hot kettle in your home. You hear the steam blazing out, piping at the high pitch tune. You reach for it with your hand to take it off the stove. “Ouch!” you proclaim. You then go on to get a cloth and later remove the kettle to pour the water into your tea cup.

This is your evening routine that you have created a ritual around time and time again. Now, there’s nothing wrong with the tea. But, burning yourself every night, reacting to the fire?


Reactivity works a bit of the same. It’s an emotionally driven action based on impulse. We’ve learned habits that create reactions to things that are happening to us. While this can keep us safe in times of dire need (running from a burning building, for example, or speeding up our run when feeling we’re being followed), it can lead to a state of burnout, exhaustion and constant stress feeling alone and without a solid ground to stand on if done continuously.

Instead, we learn shift our actions to come from a more proactive state. I work this a lot with my clients, and it’s something I’ve been working on myself for years learning new tools and approaches to all aspects of my life — which, improve because of it!

Let’s go back to the kettle example. If turning the kettle on and making tea is my daily ritual, then I’m already aware of the pot being hot. Preparing for this (proactive state), I can have the cloth already in hand before taking it off the stove, then pouring my tea. I’ve now learned from prior experience, removing the chance that I get “burned” in the process (reactive).


“You can’t have change and comfort simultaneously.”

Pain is something I’m used to — almost too well! Living in areas of pain for so many years of my life, it became a “home” status for me. It became self destructive, seeking out various ways to escape and alleviate myself of the pain.

Over the years, I developed a pride that I liked pain and could manage my way through it. Upon finding running, completing ultras and working on my daily path of personal growth, I’ve realized something massive.

There’s a big difference between PAIN and DISCOMFORT.

PAIN is an unpleasant physical or emotional sensation that signals something is wrong and needs attention.
DISCOMFORT on the other hand, is a state of unease or restlessness that can be a necessary part of personal growth.

Recognizing the difference between these two words and definitions has helped me shift from PAIN driven circumstances to DISCOMFORT focused opportunities.

Photos from Chad Weller High Performance Life Coach's post 05/27/2024

The Power of Delayed Gratification (new blog post)

In today’s fast-paced world, the debate between delayed gratification versus instant gratification has become a prevalent topic of discussion. Many of us find ourselves grappling with the allure of immediate rewards versus the benefits of patiently waiting for long-term success. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of understanding the differences between these two approaches and how embracing delayed gratification can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable life.

Read the full blog post linked in stories and on


“Expectation feeds frustration. It is an unhealthy attachment to people, things, and outcomes we wish we could control; but don’t.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli

We’ve all had stories in our minds of how something will go. We craft and plan an idea, take action and then…wait for it…the outcome! Well, not all outcomes are the grand finale we had mapped out in our minds. What comes next is the real determinant of success, however.

If I’m running a race, I can base my entire mindset and energy around one of two things:

the preparation, the planning, the training, the outdoor air, the mini achievements and daily successes of the preparation and training, the day of, the excitement around it and the moment to moment in the race itself. Or,the outcome.

Guess which one is more fulfilling and enjoyable? And, ultimately, I’ll excel better in, long- and short-term?

When we focus on the journey, we’re more goal oriented and able to shift into the present. We can take in more of what we’re doing in terms of a deeper why and connect with our selves in the process. An expectation comes with a black and white thinking that if it happens like we planned it, THEN it’s been a success. If not, well, disaster and failure. Along with a slew of self-punishing words and inner conflict that can follow.

The balance, as a high-performer, is to find that connection with the WHY for the goals you want to achieve and continue to focus on the day to day, step by step, that is building towards the goal in the process and enjoying that along the way, no matter the outcome.



Conflicts can arise even in the most harmonious relationships. However, it’s how we handle these conflicts that can truly make a difference. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the couple’s approach to resetting and reconnecting when tensions start to rise that I use personally. Join us as we explore their unique method of taking a step back to breathe, communicate, and ultimately strengthen their bond.


“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” - Doris Day

The above quote hit me — hard. Like a coconut falling in Miami onto one’s head. While I’ve always been a believer of hard work, effort and being able to shape my own destiny, my mindset around abundance and scarcity has been an evolution and process.

To note, I am still — like many of you — working on this. As a high performer, is our work ever really complete? Thankfully, there’s a lifetime of learning and growth available, but let’s start today diving in.

In terms of energy, what we put out there with our thoughts and our words shapes our actions, habits and lifestyle. Think on that for a moment: how we think about ourselves, others and beyond is what shapes the energy and aura around us. That energy then attracts or detracts positive or negative influences around us, including opportunities, growth and abundance of all kinds.

What if the magic potion to building wealth and exploding high performance was the recipe of focusing on gratitude, what we already have, and where we already are in this moment?


Exploring California over the weekend in San Diego for Mother’s Day. I will go anywhere with you.



In today’s world, the concept of being a king transcends traditional notions of power and authority. It is about embodying one’s Divine masculine energy, taking responsibility, and cultivating a sense of grace and compassion towards oneself and others. In this blog post, we will explore how embracing the qualities of a king can transform your relationships and lead you towards personal growth and fulfillment.

Read the full article:


“The goal is to create a life you can’t wait to `wake up to live.”

There’s a double-edged sword with being an athlete and high-performer. I’m very aware of my ability to push beyond physical limitations and the limitless potential I’m capable of. The flip side of this, knowing when enough is enough and validating myself that what I’m doing is enough and I don’t need to keep pushing to be “enough” and do more.

I can work endless hours, make piles of money, have access to the high-profile parties and events, light the town up, if I wanted to. I’ve done a lot of that, and have worked with quite a few individuals over the years that have oodles of money and have very little happiness and are only seeking more in their trajectory. The success becomes a MORE until the appetite is never enough and then we fall into the gluttonous category where we’re drowning in our own misery chasing any outlet or escape to hit the next high.

The thing is, when the success goal is achieved, the marker only moves higher. This can work well in some aspects, but knowing the balance is key. The “success” to MORE isn’t always better. Think in a plant. It needs water and light to live and thrive. Too little, it will die. Too much, it will drown or burn. Balance.

Same goes for “doing” in life and what success really means. When we achieve the next level, it’s great to want to keep pursuing greatness. Also, knowing that what we already have is abundance and plentiful and we’re enough as we are. The success marker won’t ever come from a need to do more or make more or achieve more. That success marker validation can only successfully be met when we’ve felt that from within.

That being said, success is a deeply personal concept that varies from one individual to another. It’s not about meeting society’s expectations or conforming to traditional definitions. True success lies in defining it on your own terms and living a life that aligns with your values and passions.

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Are you a high-achiever or do you want to be? I can help you reach new heights. As you know, there are a lot of life coaches available. I am unique in that I specialize in working with people like yourself that are seeking to reach the next level in life to unlock your incredible potential. I design a sustainable strategy reprogramming your daily rituals into healthy and empowering habits that become your life’s routine.

Together, we will breakthrough obstacles and challenges and learn how to make serious and lasting changes.

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One of the most simple and transformational mindset shifts I know of is the shift from the ‘I have to’ mindset to the ‘ ...
Remote working from NYC - organization and optimization is key, from scheduling the days, to hydration and a clean works...
Creating A Work Life Balance - End of Day RoutineAfter a long day of balancing work and life, it’s important to wind dow...
Today marks 1,300 consecutive mornings running! Thank you to my incredible wife Sara for joining me on this adventure. W...
The Couples Reset - Managing ConflictIn the journey of marriage, conflicts are inevitable. It’s how we navigate these ch...
Discipline is often viewed as a rigid set of rules or restrictions, but in reality it’s quite the opposite for me. Here’...
The Power of Experiencing Darkness          Embrace the darkness within you in this powerful video as we explore how fac...
Unlocking Abundance: Cultivating a Mindset of Freedom and PowerUnlock the secrets to living a life of abundance with the...
Creating Healthy Boundaries—Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and constantly sacrificing your own well-being as an en...
Courage to Challenge Your Belief Systems—In the journey of personal growth and self-discovery, one of the most courageou...
How Delayed Gratification Will 10x Your LifeDelayed gratification is not just a concept, it's a powerful tool that can l...
Learning how to love yourself!



2420 17th Street, The Lab
Los Angeles, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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