Clear Mind Treatment

We are a cutting edge Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) and Anxiety program, that utilizes Transc


What are the differences between pity, sympathy, empathy, and compassion—four concepts that guide our interactions and emotional connections with others. Understanding these distinctions not only enriches our emotional intelligence but also elevates our relationships.

Pity is often seen as the most detached of the four, characterized by a sense of sorrow for someone else’s misfortune, but from a distance. It lacks a deep, emotional engagement and can sometimes even carry a subtle sense of superiority, as though looking down upon the person in distress.

Sympathy, on the other hand, brings us closer to feeling with the person. It involves acknowledging another’s hardship and feeling sorrow or concern for them. However, it still maintains a certain level of emotional separation; we recognize their pain but do not fully feel it as our own.

Empathy goes a step further by actively stepping into another’s shoes, understanding their feelings and perspectives from an intimate, personal standpoint. It’s a shared emotional experience that bridges divides, creating a profound, mutual understanding without judgment.

Compassion encompasses elements of all the above but is distinguished by its call to action. It’s not just understanding or sharing in another’s pain but also being moved to alleviate it. Compassion combines the deep emotional connection of empathy with a motivational aspect that drives us to help, support, and care for others.

In contemplating these concepts, I’ve come to appreciate the complexity of our interactions and the power of truly connecting with others. Moving from pity, through sympathy and empathy, towards compassion, represents a journey towards deeper, more meaningful human connections. It’s a reminder of the potential within each of us to not only understand and share in the experiences of others but to actively contribute to making their lives better. This journey is not only about emotional growth but also about fostering a kinder, more compassionate world.


We like this depiction of success. A lot more balanced, wouldn’t you say? What would you consider success in life? What should we strive for?


While it’s true for almost anything, it is especially true for psychological changes. Therapy is a collaborative endeavor between the therapist and the client. While the therapist provides expertise, guidance, and a supportive environment, the client’s role involves actively engaging in the process. This includes being open to discussing difficult topics, reflecting on insights gained during sessions, and applying learned strategies in daily life.

For therapy to be effective, clients need to invest not just time but emotional and mental energy. This might involve challenging existing patterns of thought, confronting uncomfortable emotions, and experimenting with new behaviors.

The saying also implies that the journey of therapy is a personal one. Each individual’s effort and willingness to explore and grow play a significant role in the outcomes of their therapeutic journey. The more one puts into the process in terms of honesty, practice, and willingness to change, the more they are likely to gain in terms of healing, understanding, and personal growth.


Some more I learned today—childhood trauma often manifests in adults in subtle ways, intertwined with our behaviors and attitudes. These less obvious signs are deeply woven into our daily lives:

* Perfectionism: A need to be perfect in all life aspects, driven by feelings of inadequacy from childhood.

* Over/Underachieving: Constantly striving to overachieve for validation or underachieving due to fear of failure or low self-worth.

* Difficulty with Change: Experiencing stress or anxiety during life transitions, linked to childhood instability.

* Chronic People-Pleasing: Consistently prioritizing others to avoid conflict, stemming from past traumatic relationships.

* Control Issues: A response to the unpredictability and helplessness experienced in childhood.

* Unexplained Physical Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, digestive issues, or migraines without a clear medical cause.

* Hyper-Independence: Reluctance to rely on others, often due to early responsibilities or unreliable adults.

* Intolerance to Inactivity: Constant busyness to avoid dealing with traumatic memories.

* Avoidance of Certain Places/Situations: Subconscious avoidance linked to past trauma.

* Difficulty Accepting Kindness/Praise: Discomfort with compliments due to low self-esteem.

* Obsessive/Compulsive Behaviors: Coping mechanisms for anxiety or control.

* Subtle Dissociation: Brief moments of zoning out or disconnection.

* Sensitivity to Rejection/Criticism: Intense emotional response, linked to emotional trauma.
* Fear of Authentic Self-Expression: Reluctance to show true self due to fear of judgment.

These behaviors, often mistaken as personality traits, are responses to childhood trauma. Recognizing and addressing these signs is vital for healing. Therapy and counseling can be instrumental in this journey.

Self-Googling's Harmful Impact On Teen Wellness - Experts Warn 12/28/2023

We all already knew this. If you or your teen feel depressed or have a mental health issue they want to tackle, please see a licensed provider who have years of training.

Self-Googling's Harmful Impact On Teen Wellness - Experts Warn Experts caution against self-googling for disorders, emphasizing the negative effects on teen wellness.

Addressing Mathew Perry's Passing 12/16/2023

Understanding the Tragic Passing of Matthew Perry: Insights into Mental Health and Substance Use

The Tragic News and Its Implications
The entertainment world was rocked by the tragic passing of Matthew Perry on October 28, 2023. On December 15, 2023, the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner identified the acute effects of ketamine as the primary cause of death, alongside contributing factors such as drowning, coronary artery disease, and the effects of buprenorphine, a medication used for opioid use disorder. This accident classification of his death brings to light the complex interplay of mental health, substance use, and medication management​​​​​​.

Ketamine's Role in Perry's Death
It's crucial to understand that ketamine's involvement in Perry's death was part of a larger context. According to the Medical Examiner’s report, Mathew had been receiving ketamine infusions for depression and anxiety, but given the drug's short 3-4 hour half-life, the levels found at his death were from a more recent and immediate and non-prescribed dose immediately prior to him entering into his hot tub, not the ketamine therapy he received 10 days prior. This fact highlights the importance of understanding medication effects, especially in those with a history of substance use​​.
(Cause and Manner of Death Determined for Matthew Langford Perry – Medical Examiner)

Mental Health in the Spotlight
Perry's struggles with mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety, reflect the broader challenges faced by many, including celebrities. His decision to seek ketamine treatment underlines the ongoing battle against mental health disorders.

The Stigma Around Addiction and Recovery
Perry's public battle and recovery journey from addiction underscore the lifelong struggle many endure with substance abuse. By discussing his story, we hope to foster a more empathetic and supportive approach to addiction in society.
The Importance of Safe Medication Practices
This incident underscores the critical need for medications like ketamine to be used under professional guidance. It serves as a reminder of the dangers of self-medication and the importance of regulated, medically supervised treatment. We at Clear Mind make it a point to screen for any cardiovascular issues, and cannot recommend ketamine treatment for people who are not medically cleared for this type of treatment.

The Benefits of Integrative Therapy
The combination of medication and therapy, such as ketamine paired with psychotherapy, can lead to better outcomes for mental health conditions. This holistic treatment approach emphasizes addressing both psychological and physiological aspects of health.

The Therapeutic Role of Ketamine
In addition to the context of Matthew Perry's tragic passing, it's essential to understand the therapeutic role of ketamine in treating mental health conditions. Ketamine, once known primarily as an anesthetic, has emerged as a promising treatment for several psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and even addiction.

Ketamine's Mechanism in Treating Depression and Anxiety
Ketamine operates differently from traditional antidepressants. It acts rapidly on the NMDA receptors in the brain, leading to a quick antidepressant effect, often noticed within hours or days, compared to weeks for standard antidepressants. This rapid action can be life-changing for those with severe, treatment-resistant depression or those suffering from acute suicidal ideation (Harvard Medical School, 2020). For anxiety, ketamine's ability to enhance neuroplasticity – the brain's capacity to form new neural connections – can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms, providing a new pathway for those who haven't responded well to conventional treatments (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021).

Ketamine in Addiction Treatment
In addiction treatment, ketamine's potential lies in its unique effects on the brain's reward system and memory. It can disrupt harmful patterns and behaviors associated with substance use by "resetting" neural pathways. Some studies suggest that ketamine may reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it a valuable tool in addiction therapy (Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2018). It's important to note that ketamine treatment for addiction is still an area of ongoing research and should be approached with professional guidance and comprehensive care.

Safe and Supervised Use
It's crucial to emphasize that ketamine treatment should always be conducted under the supervision of qualified healthcare professionals. This ensures the correct dosage and monitoring of effects, along with the integration of other therapeutic modalities like psychotherapy. In controlled settings, ketamine can be a safe and effective treatment for those struggling with certain mental health conditions (American Psychiatric Association, 2017).

Final Thoughts
Matthew Perry's death, while involving ketamine, was the result of multiple factors, including his personal health history and the presence of various substances. At Clear Mind Treatment, we emphasize the importance of structured and supervised approaches to mental health and substance use disorders. Perry's story is a somber reminder of the complexities surrounding mental health treatment and the critical need for professional care.

Addressing Mathew Perry's Passing


lol. Hopefully we will all do the same.

Photos from Clear Mind Treatment's post 12/14/2023

Attachment theory is a psychological model that describes the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans. Its most important tenet is that an infant needs to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for normal social and emotional development. This theory was first formulated by psychiatrist John Bowlby in the late 1950s and expanded by psychologist Mary Ainsworth in the subsequent decades.

The theory proposes that children come into the world biologically pre-programmed to form attachments with others, as this will help them to survive. These attachments are characterized by specific behaviors in children, such as seeking proximity to the attachment figure when upset or threatened.

Attachment theory identifies four types of attachment styles in infants:

1. **Secure Attachment**: Where children feel secure and comfortable. They trust that their caregivers will be responsive to their needs.
2. **Avoidant Attachment**: Children tend to avoid closeness and emotional connection.
3. **Ambivalent Attachment**: Children become overly dependent on the caregivers.
4. **Disorganized Attachment**: There's a lack of clear attachment behavior.

These early attachment styles can influence individual patterns of behavior in later life, particularly in terms of personal relationships and emotional responses to challenges. The theory has been influential in various areas including psychotherapy, social work, child development, and education.


How often have you asked this question what is the meaning of life? This is one of my favorite quotes, Professor Campbell. Life inherently does not have any meaning until we give it. You are the answer, and by living your best life, you provide life‘s meaning. Find your mission, find what you love and go with it with all your essence.


This profound thought by Richard Dawkins calls us to broaden our horizons. It’s not just about the here and now; it’s about the impact we leave for generations to come. Our decisions, actions, and beliefs shape a future we may never see, but one that will certainly feel our influence. Let’s think long-term, for a sustainable and thriving world beyond our time.


Be present. Soak it all in. Appreciate what you have. You have so much! 🙏


You may not be able to control the things outside of yourself, but you do have control over your reactions. Your internal equanimity need not be disturbed by external circumstance. Find your center, focus on it, and let the reaction pass. 💁🏽‍♂️ Have a great Sunday everyone.


Manifestation thinking differs significantly from magical thinking. While magical thinking often involves passively hoping for positive outcomes without taking concrete actions, manifestation thinking is more proactive and grounded in reality. It requires not only setting intentions but also actively working towards them. This involves monitoring progress, adapting strategies, and following through on opportunities or ‘clues’ that align with your goals, monitoring internal vibration. In essence, manifestation combines the power of positive thinking with practical steps and effort, emphasizing the importance of personal agency and action in achieving desired outcomes.


lol. So true.


It’s that time of year again. The holidays are right around the corner. A lot of people enjoy the holidays, but it can also be a time of stress, loneliness, guilt, family issues, and other mixed emotions that come up this time of year. Please be mindful for yourself, and also those people around you who may not be feeling the same holiday joy that you might be. A little bit of kindness can go a long way.


Sometimes you have to try a new way of thinking or doing something to get to the place that you want to be. Have a great day everyone


All the materialistic desires that we have been programmed to think that we want is nothing in comparison to being in nature and flowing with its energy. Instead of giving into our impulses of consumerism this Thanksgiving, maybe we should go outside for a few mins and appreciate the wonderful world that we live in. Just a thought.


This palm tree fell over, but it didn’t give up and die, it just curved up and thrived. If nature doesn’t give up, neither should you.


Ancient wisdom sticks around because there is a lot of truth in it. Timeless truth.

Photos from Clear Mind Treatment's post 11/10/2023

Our new flyers for the first responder program that we have. First responders include firefighters, EMS, police, officers, and other people who risk their lives in emergency to help us. Even though they’re very brave, eventually, if you see or witness, very frightening events again, and again, PTSD is something that may develop. The core features of PTSD include:

Experiencing, witnessing, or hearing about one or more traumatic events
Reliving trauma through symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional/physical distress when reminded of the trauma
Active avoidance of experiences that are reminders of the trauma, such as thoughts, memories, people, places, and things
Increased physical/emotional distress that can lead to; increased irritability, self-destructive/reckless behavior, hypervigilance for perceived threats, overconcentration of problems, and/or sleep problems
Negative changes in thoughts and emotions (e.g., forgetting essential parts of the trauma; negative beliefs about yourself, others, or the world; persistent shame, guilt, horror, or anger; social withdrawal; inability to feel positive emotions)

Photos from Clear Mind Treatment's post 11/09/2023

(Asked AI to make an image representing what the authentic self is) The concept of the “authentic self” is closely tied to the field of psychology, particularly within the frameworks established by Carl Jung and later humanistic psychologists.

In Jungian psychology, the authentic self is the core part of an individual, their true essence beyond the personas they adopt in various social contexts. Jung referred to this as the “Self,” which is the entirety of the psyche, including both the conscious and unconscious mind. It is a central part of his theory of individuation, a process where an individual becomes aware of and integrates different aspects of themselves, including the parts hidden in the unconscious, to achieve a complete and balanced self.

The authentic self is about being true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures and expectations. It’s about self-realization and living in a way that is consistent with one’s inner values and being. In humanistic psychology, notably in the work of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, the authentic self is about realizing one’s potential and living a life that is true to one’s personal values and aspirations, rather than the impositions of society, culture, or other external influences.

Photos from Clear Mind Treatment's post 11/09/2023

This is an FYI post, for people who are victims of domestic violence: you can get out of your lease within 14 days, and get your deposit back. All you have to show your landlord one of the follow-ing:
• a copy of a restraining order or protective order;
• a police report showing that you are the victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or elder/ dependent adult abuse; OR
a signed document from a certain type of professional that verifies your status as a victim of abuse.


What are your thoughts on this?


Was thinking about some of our clients this morning. It takes a lot to advocate and fight for oneself when one is very depressed. has trauma or is super anxious.


Love this. That’s exactly how it works. Find your intention, be consistent until it finally is you.


Just a general guidelines and something to think about. If I had to add anything to this, I would add, being present, being grateful and appreciative, and staying in the moment is what can lead to happiness. Credit to the original creator.


“I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I’m still working through it personally, but the best thing about me is that if an alcoholic or drug addict comes up to me and says, ‘Will you help me?’, I will always say, ‘Yes, I know how to do that. I will do that for you, even if I can’t always do it for myself.’ So I do that, whenever I can, in groups or one on one.

And I created the Perry House in Malibu, a sober-living facility for men. I also wrote my play The End of Longing, which is a personal message to the world, an exaggerated form of me as a drunk. I had something important to say to people like me, and to people who love people like me.

When I die, I know people will talk about Friends, Friends, Friends. And I’m glad of that, happy I’ve done some solid work as an actor, as well as given people multiple chances to make fun of my struggles on the world wide web.

But when I die, as far as my so-called accomplishments go, it would be nice if Friends were listed far behind the things I did to try to help other people. I know it won’t happen, but it would be nice.”

-Matthew Langford Perry
(August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023)


“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” ― Brene Brown// Powerful image. We all face failure in a life, but it’s not the failure that should define that moment, but you getting up from the failure and thriving nonetheless. When one door closes, another will be open, you just have to see it.


Tips on Developing Non-Judgement
Take a moment now: Pause for 30 seconds to sit here, and try to not think about whether this moment and everything it holds, is good or bad – just observe the sensations of the moment. Don’t think about those sensations, just experience them, without labels.

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The Way of Clear Mind Treatment.

Clear Mind Treatment staff consists of seasoned healthcare professionals who are holistic and mindfulness based, care about mental health and substance abuse treatment, and your outcome, and our clients above all.

Holistic Based Wellness programs: Outpatient Detox, Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Psychiatry Services, Brain Restoration, Anti-Aging

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