Dr. Jamie Koufman, Respiratory Reflux Expert

Dr. Koufman is an award-winning, pioneering physician & surgeon, researcher, author, and one of the world’s leading authorities on acid reflux.


LPR aka Respiratory Reflux: Why Doesn’t My Gastroenterologist Know About This? 06/18/2024

The GI model of acid reflux disease is wrong. First, most reflux is not about heartburn; second, sticking scopes down people (endoscopy) is NOT how reflux is diagnosed; and third, reflux is about pepsin. That’s why purple pills like Nexium and Prilosec prescribed by GIs have never cured a single case of reflux.

Why's this? Learn more here: https://jamiekoufman.com/lpr-aka-respiratory-reflux-why-doesnt-my-gastroenterologist-know-about-this-2/

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LPR aka Respiratory Reflux: Why Doesn’t My Gastroenterologist Know About This? When It Comes to LPR, Most GIs Are Clueless Because GIs have No Tests or Treatments for It and Perhaps Out of Choice? Because the Emerging Reflux Paradigm Disrupts the Archaic, Virtually-Useless, and Exorbitantly-Expensive GI Upper Endoscopy Industry

Acid Reflux: Seven Red Flag Symptoms 06/13/2024

Some symptoms just scream, RESPIRATORY REFLUX, but most people don’t know. How did I learn about these red flags? Experience with thousands of patients — always the best teachers. I believe that three-quarters of snoring and sleep apnea cases are reflux-caused, but it takes years, maybe decades of silent nocturnal respiratory reflux. Unfortunately, most people and their physicians are unaware of the underlying problem.

To find out if you have reflux, I share “seven red flag symptoms”: https://jamiekoufman.com/acid-reflux-seven-red-flag-symptoms/

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Acid Reflux: Seven Red Flag Symptoms Acid Reflux, Especially Respiratory Reflux Can Cause Post-Nasal Drip, Breathing Problems, Cough, Globus, Gum, and Dental Disease

Six Massive Misdiagnosis & Respiratory Reflux 06/11/2024

The digestive and respiratory tracts are connected and act like one unit, and silent reflux (aka respiratory reflux or LPR) can cause serious respiratory diseases. How common is Silent Nocturnal Respiratory Reflux, SNoRR? I’m betting at least 100 million Americans have it; however, usually neither the sufferer nor their doctor knows the problem is reflux.

Just six misdiagnoses account for that 100M number. Most common are post-nasal drip and allergy Allergy is over diagnosed as allergy and reflux symptoms overlap … which can lead to misdiagnosis.

Post-nasal drip that is thick and hard to move, say off the vocal cords, is reflux; whereas allergy mucus is thin and almost never disturbs the voice. Post-nasal drip from either diagnosis is very common; however, reflux is more common, affecting tens of millions, and that’s just one of the six.

The other massive misdiagnoses are asthma, chronic bronchitis and cough, sinusitis, snoring, and sleep apnea … at the very least reflux is causative.

Learn more: https://jamiekoufman.com/six-massive-misdiagnoses-respiratory-reflux-2/

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Six Massive Misdiagnosis & Respiratory Reflux Silent Reflux Can Cause or Exacerbate Most Respiratory Conditions and Often Neither the Sufferer Nor the Doctor Know That It's Reflux; 100 Million Americans Have It!

Can Acid Reflux Cause Ear Pressure, Pain, Hearing Loss, and Tinnitus? 06/06/2024

Can Acid Reflux Cause Ear Pressure, Pain, Hearing Loss, and Tinnitus?

When you swallow or open your mouth widely, you will notice a clicking sound; that is your eustachian tubes (ETs) briefly opening. The purpose of the ETs is to equilibrate the pressure inside your ears with the pressure in the outside world.

The pressure-equilibrating port — the connection between the middle ear and the outside world — is in nasopharynx (the back of the nose). Unfortunately, if the ET openings are swollen from reflux, pressure equilibration cannot happen as it should.


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Can Acid Reflux Cause Ear Pressure, Pain, Hearing Loss, and Tinnitus? Yes! Respiratory Reflux (LPR) Can Cause Ear-Pressure Problems, Ear Pain, Hearing Loss, and Even Tinnitus — This Is Due to Reflux-Caused Inflammation and Swelling, Even Blockage of the Eustachian Tube Openings In the Back of the Nose



Dental Problems? Explore Reflux - Dr. Jamie Koufman 06/04/2024

Dental problems? Acid reflux may be to blame...
Heartburn and indigestion are familiar symptoms of acid reflux. However, they are experienced by fewer than 20% of people with acid reflux. Breathing issues and cough are the most common symptoms.

Acid reflux can cause cavities, gum and dental disease. Treatment of reflux can effectively stop disease progression, but treatment by dentists or oral surgeon is usually still needed. Learn more: https://jamiekoufman.com/dental-problems-explore-reflux-its-not-just-heartburn-indigestion/

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Dental Problems? Explore Reflux - Dr. Jamie Koufman Reflux is more than just heartburn and indigestion. In fact, acid reflux can cause cavities, gum, and dental disease. If you have dental issues, explore reflux

Why a Low-Acid Diet For Acid Reflux? 05/30/2024

Acid reflux? Your doctor may have prescribed an acid-suppressive medication. But when it comes to inflammation from reflux, the real villain is the digestive enzyme pepsin, not acid, so an antacid won’t do a thing for many reflux symptoms.

What you eat could be eating you. Pepsin causes swelling and inflammation wherever it lands and sticks; and when you consume acidic foods or beverages, pepsin is activated and does its thing.

Today, many prepared foods and beverages, especially soft drinks, are as acidic as stomach acid; so if you want to beat your reflux, as part of your treatment program ― to get rid of the pepsin ― you should be on a low-acid diet.

Read more here: https://jamiekoufman.com/why-a-low-acid-diet-for-acid-reflux-2/

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Why a Low-Acid Diet For Acid Reflux? With Reflux, Up Comes the Nasty Stomach Enzyme Pepsin that Causes Swelling and Inflammation Wherever It Lands and Sticks. Since Pepsin Is Acid-Activated, to Beat Reflux, You Should Be on a Low-Acid Diet

Reflux Laryngitis 05/28/2024

pH Balancing refers to combining alkaline foods or beverages with acidic foods or beverages, decreasing acidity and ideally elevating ” both” to pH >5. ⚖️

For pH balancing, alkaline water (pH >9) and/or milk, e.g., almond, soy, oat, goat, cow (~pH 7.4) are best.

Some acids (e.g., soft drinks, lemon) are so powerful acid-wise that nothing alkaline can raise the pH (acidity level) to an acceptable degree.

Learn more in this week’s newest blog post: https://jamiekoufman.com/can-ph-balancing-help-my-acid-reflux/

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Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

What Is Globus Sensation and How Can I Get Rid of It? 05/23/2024

With globus, people feel like there is something physically stuck in the throat; sometimes they also have feelings of constant irritation or an itching sensation.

Almost half of people with globus also have dysphagia (difficulty swallowing); food doesn’t get stuck and it is rarely painful, but swallowing, particularly for sold food, is “harder” getting the bolus (ball) of food from the throat (pharynx) into the esophagus.

Having studied globus for years, I can report that the “problem” with reflux-caused globus (and dysphagia) is that the upper esophageal sphincter (UES, aka cricopharyngeus) is out of whack.

Learn more: https://jamiekoufman.com/what-are-globus-dysphagia/

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What Is Globus Sensation and How Can I Get Rid of It? A Lump-in-the-Throat Sensation (and Difficulty Swallowing) Are Usually Caused by LPR Acid Reflux


Join me in TWO weeks for Reflux Hour at 12p EST on June 5th. The topic will be Shortness of Breath! If you have any questions you'd like answered, post them below or DM me.

Reflux Laryngitis 05/21/2024

Most people with chronic coughs have respiratory reflux, but that cough is “wet,” that is, it is productive. You cough up mucus and have post-nasal drip. A chronic dry cough is different.

Dry cough that occurs every day but never at night and without a pattern is usually a Neurogenic Cough. The problem is due to cough (Vagus) nerve damage, usually caused by a virus.

Learn more about what you can do about this chronic cough condition here: https://jamiekoufman.com/i-have-a-dry-cough-all-day-what-can-i-do/

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Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

How to get rid of pepsin 05/16/2024

When you have an acid reflux event, up comes acid and pepsin, the latter being the main digestive enzyme of the stomach. Next, the pepsin binds to the surface of tissues in its path (e.g., esophagus and respiratory tract). Then, the pepsin can attack, pe*****te, and damage tissue. It’s pepsin (not acid) that wreaks the havoc from acid reflux; it causes inflammation and reflux-related disease.

Pepsin, the first enzyme to start the digestion process, belongs in the stomach where it does not cause problems; so you don’t have to get rid of it there. The target of anti-treatment should be to rid your body of pepsin elsewhere, such as in the ears, nose, sinuses, vocal cords, throat, tracheobronial tree, lungs, and esophagus.

As many as 100 million Americans Respiratory Reflux (LPR) and most have Silent Reflux, which occurs at night during sleep. While PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) can ease some people’s symptoms, PPIs cure zero percent of refluxers. Until now, there have been no medications that effectively combat pepsin.

Learn more:

How to get rid of pepsin News about New Anti-Pepsin Medications on the Horizon and a Great New Use for Alkaline Water .. Wash Out Your Pepsin!

Reflux Laryngitis 05/14/2024

Many common mis-diagnoses result from Silent Respiratory Reflux, including shortness of breath, nighttime coughing, laryngitis, snoring, sleep apnea, etc.

Usually, neither the patient nor their doctors know that acid reflux is the underlying problem. Furthermore, respiratory reflux can worsen or accelerate any preexisting respiratory or lung condition.

Presented are 10 common and distressing symptoms, mostly reflux-caused, that demand a vigorous antireflux (“Detox”) program: https://jamiekoufman.com/should-i-do-a-reflux-detox-10-symptoms-that-demand-attention/

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Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

Chronic Constipation? How Can I Fix It Inexpensively? 05/09/2024

Some of my acid reflux patients who are on H2-antagonists like famotidine and alginates like Gaviscon complain of constipation.

Many people suffer from constipation on a chronic basis even without taking any medicines or supplements.

Constipation may seem slightly off topic for me to write blog about, but many people suffer from it. Indeed, fewer than 5% of my reflux patients on treatment say that the Gaviscon or famotidine or both cause constipation.

My recommendations are inexpensive and effective: https://jamiekoufman.com/chronic-constipation-how-can-i-fix-it-inexpensively/

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Chronic Constipation? How Can I Fix It Inexpensively? Constipation? There are Many Causes, but People With Acid Reflux Taking Alginates like Gaviscon and H2-Antagonists like Famotidine (Pepcid) Can Get Constipated ― Here’s an Easy Fix With Mineral Oil and Magnesium

Reflux Laryngitis 05/07/2024

Over-the-counter or prescribed PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) are the most popular class of acid-suppressive medications for acid reflux in America, but discontinuing PPIs can be a problem.

After stopping—no, you can’t taper PPIs … like every other day—about one-third of people experience worse-than-ever symptoms, esp. heartburn sufferers. This is called “rebound hyperacidity.”

This post will give you tips to help you avoid or minimize rebound symptoms when you come off your PPI: https://jamiekoufman.com/why-is-my-acid-reflux-and-heartburn-so-much-worse-when-i-stop-taking-the-reflux-medicine-rebound-hyperacidity/

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Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords


While there certainly may be health benefits derived from consuming lemon, it is the absolute worst thing for you if you have acid reflux. Indeed, at pH 2.7, lemon is the most acidic food in nature … and the same pH (acidity) as stomach acid. And BTW, lime is also pH 2.7. 🍋

There are misleading articles on the Internet that suggest that drinking lemon juice can have an alkalizing (beneficial) effect on digestion … this idea falls into the category of Internet bullsh*t … lemon can never help acid reflux. 🚫

Why is lemon bad? When you reflux, along with acid, up comes acid and a nasty stomach enzyme, pepsin, which attaches itself wherever it lands. Ah, but pepsin requires acid activation, so when you drink something acidic like lemon juice, pepsin starts the process of self-digestion. ❗️

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How Acid Reflux and LPR Can Cause Shortness of Breath - Dr. Jamie Koufman 05/02/2024

LPR is the great masquerader of our time, affecting as many as 100 million Americans. It can cause almost all respiratory symptoms and diseases, including asthma, allergies, sinus disease, laryngitis, LPR shortness of breath, choking episodes, chronic cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, and sleep apnea. And some people experience no reflux symptoms at all in the initial stages.

Learn more here: https://jamiekoufman.com/silent-reflux/

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How Acid Reflux and LPR Can Cause Shortness of Breath - Dr. Jamie Koufman Dr. Koufman discusses the relationship between LPR, shortness of breath, and acid reflux. If you have silent reflux and/or breathing problems, read more.


I cough constantly; what can I do?
What causes chronic cough???

Reflux Laryngitis 04/30/2024

Chamomile, from the Greek “earth apple,” is the world’s healthiest herbal tea.

Chamomile is a plant native to Europe and Western Asia, but it’s also grown in warm parts of the U.S. It produces daisy-like white flowers, which when dried make the herb used to make the tea.

So, is chamomile tea good for acid reflux? Read on to see:

Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

Does Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery Cause or Worsen Acid Reflux? 04/25/2024

The three most popular weight loss surgeries in the U.S. are Gastric Sleeve Surgery, Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass, and Lap/Gastric Band Surgery; each has advantages and disadvantages.

Sleeve gastrectomy involves removing the left side of the stomach, leaving a small banana-shaped stomach, which restricts the amount of food you can eat at one time, helping you to feel full faster; this procedure has acid reflux as a frequent complication.

Read more: https://jamiekoufman.com/does-weight-loss-bariatric-surgery-cause-or-worsen-acid-reflux-2/

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Does Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery Cause or Worsen Acid Reflux? Gastric Sleeve Surgery Is the Most Popular Weight Loss Surgery, Followed By Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass, and Lap/Gastric Band Surgery; Acid Reflux Is A Frequent Complication of Sleeve Surgery

Reflux Laryngitis 04/23/2024

Continuing my story from last week's blog, Who Is Dr. Jamie Koufman Respiratory Reflux Expert? Part II of II.

From moving to the Big Apple to writing my books, I give you an inside look at my life leading to become the world's Respiratory Reflux Expert. This is excerpted from my newest book I am working on now!

This is part II of a two-part article; if you want to understand how I connected the dots, I strongly recommend that you read Part I first here: https://jamiekoufman.com/who-is-dr-jamie-koufman-respiratory-reflux-expert-part-i-of-ii-2/

Make sure to subscribe so you can get part two delivered straight to your inbox next week!

Follow me on FB: Facebook.com/DrJamieKoufman
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Schedule a consultation: www.jamiekoufman.com/consulting

Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

Reflux Laryngitis 04/16/2024

Who is Dr. Jamie Koufman, the world’s Respiratory Reflux Expert?

This is part 1 of 2 of a blog story of where it all began…

This post is personal and excerpted from my forthcoming book, Respiratory Reflux: How Silent Reflux Causes Diseases.

I’d love to hear your thoughts below in the comments!

Read here: https://jamiekoufman.com/who-is-dr-jamie-koufman-respiratory-reflux-expert-part-i-of-ii/

Make sure to subscribe so you can get part two delivered straight to your inbox next week!

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Schedule a consultation: www.jamiekoufman.com/consulting

Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

Can Coffee Cause Heartburn & Acid Reflux? - Dr. Jamie Koufman 04/11/2024

Can coffee cause heartburn? Well, it can be a trigger for heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux, but not because it’s acidic… so acid-free coffee makes no difference.

Coffee causes reflux in 2 ways: (1) It’s either sensitivity to the coffee bean, which means that caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee are both bad, OR (2) a high volume of caffeinated coffee will open any lower esophageal valve.

Read more here: https://jamiekoufman.com/can-coffee-cause-heartburn-acid-reflux/

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Can Coffee Cause Heartburn & Acid Reflux? - Dr. Jamie Koufman Can coffee cause heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux? In this blog, Dr. K discusses her research and thoughts about coffee and acid reflux.

Reflux Laryngitis 04/09/2024

The ketosis diet consists of meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, butter, cream, and oils. While it may be temporarily beneficial for obese diabetics, side effects include halitosis, constipation, osteoporosis, and impaired kidney function.

While the KD may be temporarily beneficial for obese diabetics, its side effects include halitosis, constipation, osteoporosis, bone fractures, impaired kidney function … and acid reflux.

Read more here: https://jamiekoufman.com/is-the-keto-diet-bad-for-acid-reflux/

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Reflux Laryngitis Acid Reflux, Specifically Respiratory Reflux, Aka LPR, Is the Most Common Cause of Laryngitis, a Term That Implies Hoarseness and Inflammation of the Vocal Cords

The Chronic Cough Enigma & Neurogenic Coughs - Dr. Jamie Koufman 04/04/2024

Chronic cough (lasting more than 4 weeks) is an extremely common problem, and millions of Americans go from specialist to specialist to specialist without getting any relief (the chronic cough enigma).

The single most common cause of chronic cough is reflux. More specifically, LPR, also known as respiratory reflux AND notably, LPR is the cause of many other respiratory diseases, as well. Chronic coughers usually have silent reflux, which means they do not have heartburn or indigestion.

Neurogenic cough is the 2nd most common type of chronic cough. The word “neurogenic” means “nerve-caused.” The term “sick nerve syndrome” is also used because inflammation or injury of the 10th cranial nerve, the vagus nerve, is a common cause of neurogenic cough.

Learn more about chronic coughs here: https://jamiekoufman.com/the-chronic-cough-enigma/

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The Chronic Cough Enigma & Neurogenic Coughs - Dr. Jamie Koufman Dr. Koufman discusses the chronic cough enigma in this blog. Key points for reflux-related &neurogenic cough: causes, types, identification and treatment.


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Mark your calendars because Reflux Hour is back! December's topic is Respiratory Reflux. See you next Wednesday at noon eastern!

Dropping Acid Dr. Koufman is an acid reflux pioneer. Her innovative research almost single-handedly proved the interaction between digestive and respiratory disease. Learn here and on her blog, and schedule a consultation, if needed.


Good morning everyone. The Doctor has informed me that she's not feeling well this morning and would like to just hold off until next month, so today's rescheduled FB Live is cancelled. I have passed all your questions along to her and they will be addressed in December's Facebook Live. Thank you for being understanding.

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Videos (show all)

While there certainly may be health benefits derived from consuming lemon, it is the absolute worst thing for you if you...
Dr. Koufman's Reflux Hour
During pregnancy, more than 50% of women complain of heartburn and respiratory reflux (LPR); although most pregnant wome...
Manuka honey is a super food that helps acid reflux and has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer benefits....
When you have an acid reflux event, up comes acid and pepsin, the latter being the main digestive enzyme of the stomach....
The world’s most sustainable and healthiest diet?…CHEGAN. 🥗🍗🍚🫐
Dr. Koufman's Reflux Hour
The respiratory and digestive  tracts are connected anatomically, functionally, and neurologically; together they form t...
Respiratory reflux is the most common cause of postnasal drip. It makes mucus thick and hard to move, particularly when ...
Dr. Jamie Koufman's Reflux Hour



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