Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry

The Married Couples' Ministry of Turner Chapel (Keeping The Covenant) is committed to promoting God-centered marriages.

Our focus is to promote activities that help couples find their couple identity & learn the art of dating your spouse all over again. Our vision is to see husbands and wives be restored and strengthened in their marriages, equipped to relate to each other more happily, lovingly and intimately in accordance with God’s plan for marriage, and become a true reflection of the relationship between Chris


Did you know nearly 1 in 4 couples feel money is their greatest challenge and admit to being frustrated with their partner’s money habits or resent being left out of financial decisions?

When was the last time you and your partner checked up on your finances?

And how do you and your partner find common ground when it comes to finances?

We are back…

The Financial Empowerment Conference Series and the Keeping The Covenant Married Couples Ministry
presents PART II of Money and US: A webinar for couples to learn to talk about money.

This free webinar will be on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

This event is designed to share with all couples; those who are dating, engaged and married.

Registration is required at the link below.

Please feel free to go, share, and invite others to join in on the discussion.

https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_75ygaih8RougK3rHPUDC2Q #/registration

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 07/01/2024

It's one thing to teach a class together...but it's another thing to break bread together. When church members become family. Thank you again to our amazing 5 Love Languages Class Facilitators and all that they brought to this well received class. Our love tanks are still full.

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 05/07/2024

Week 7: It Is Finished! 7-weeks of bible study on Dr. Gary Chapman's "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts" has come to an end. When I say that God showed up and showed out these past 7-weeks. Last night we took the assessment to determine our primary love language. Although there weren't many surprises with regard to the primary love language but there were a few surprises with how the other 4 love languages ranked. We concluded with this commitment pledge to our spouse... "My Commitment to you , I will seek Enduring True Love for our marriage by Daily choosing to Discover and Speak Your love language." Our love tanks are full knowing that we have chosen to speak our spouses primary love language consistently. Thank you to our amazing class Facilitator’s who brought so much insight, experience, knowledge, fun, and creativity to their lessons. You allowed God to use you and your gifts and we all were blessed beyond measure. Thank you to all of our participants. You signed-up. You showed-up. You were committed week after week on this love language journey. We are grateful for your support of this class and sharing with so many others how much it has blessed you. Our ministry inbox has been blowing up with inquiries. This bible study was a year-long initiative in the making. There was a lot of prayer that went into everything (what version of the book, the Facilitators, what day of the week, time of the day, how many weeks, the room location, the room set-up…E’RYTHING). Stan and I allowed God to lead in the direction we should go. We can’t say for sure if we will do this class again but we are committed to creating an atmosphere for married life to be celebrated here at Turner Chapel. To God Be The Glory!

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 05/03/2024

Week 6: This past Monday night our discussion focused on the fifth and final love language, Physical Touch. Thank you to our wonderful class facilitator's Charles and Pamela Nelson who led the discussion. They highlighted 3 main points (just like a good AME Preacher) of this love language: 1. Physical Touch can make or break a relationship - communicating hate or love; 2. The touch of love can take many forms; and 3. Communication is key. They shared their own personal marriage journey that in Year 17 they were on the brink of divorce. After discovering Dr. Chapman's book on the 5 Love Languages, they both came to the realization that although they loved each other...they weren't loving each other the way the other needed to be loved and thus their love tanks were running on fumes. In class, The Nelson's had us play the Love Tank Game, where you ask your spouse, "On a scale of 0-10, how is your love tank tonight?" If your spouse responds to anything below a 10, you follow-up with the question, "What could I do to help fill it" and then you do what your spouse requests to the best of your ability. The Love Tank Game is a way to "check the love tank level" of your spouse and can be played as often as you like. The Nelson's are living witnesses that playing this game can be a game-changer in your marriage and praise be to God, they will be celebrating their 42nd wedding anniversary next month. How is your love tank today?

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 04/23/2024

Week 5: 2 words can be used to sum up last night's bible study...Blown Away! We honestly thought another group had our room but quickly realized there was no mistake when we saw the faces of our illustrious facilitators Mr. Ernest & Mrs. Tinker Foster. They had the task of facilitating the fourth love language, Acts of Service. They literally set the atmosphere with delicious hors d'oeuvres, sparkling cider, and even brought in staff to serve us (shout-out to another husband/wife dynamic duo Randy & Gloria Melton who served as Butler and Hostess). The room was decorated beautifully and The Foster's invited a vocalist, Rev. Anthony Brewer to serenade us in song as we held our spouse's hands and looked deeply into each others eyes. They prepared and had us sign a Marital "Acts of Service" Agreement to list those things we would like our spouse to do for us. They reiterated that the meaning of "acts of service" is doing things you know your spouse would like you to do, that it is an expression of love, requests can be given but not demanded nor coerced, and that Jesus Christ sacrifice on the cross demonstrated the utmost act of service for all mankind. The Foster's were creative in their approach to last night's bible study. They thought outside-of-the-box and served as living vessels to this love language. We would be remised if we did not mention the tag-team closing prayer they gave. Mr. Ernie prayed over our marriages and Ms. Tinker concluded the night with a beautiful rendition of The Lord's Prayer. Last night was our largest class attendance ever and we truly can attest that we all walked out of class blessed and our love tanks full. A special thank you to Bro. Eric who was tuning in virtually but still captured a few images of last night's class. Thank God For The Blessing!


Week 4. Last night was another amazing night of getting more understanding of our spouses primary love language. And a huge thank you to our dynamic duo class facilitators Kevin and Nicole Turner who brought so much fun and entertainment with facilitating our third love language...Receiving Gifts. Not only did they bring us gifts (flowers and chocolates), they also shared what is and is not a gift and provided supporting scripture. We played the "Not Necessarily Newlywed Game" (thanks to our 4 couples who were great sports in answering questions). We went home with plenty of homework to help keep our love tanks full. And they even provided us with an acronym that they came up with for the the word GIFT: Genuine, Intentional, Freely given, Thoughtful. We all walked away from yesterday's class with a new sense that gifts are a symbol of love, they need not cost a lot of money, your spouse's presence is a gift , and the ultimate gift given to all of us was the gift of salvation. Hit the Like button if you plan on surprising your Boo in the next week or two with a "just because" gift.


Week 3. A word of thanks to our amazing class facilitators Howard and Richetta Summerhill who last night taught on the second love language...Quality Time. By "quality time" they reminded us that this means giving your spouse your undivided focused attention. Not talking while doing other things like watching TV or reading text messages...but looking into your spouses eyes, giving them your full attention, doing something that they enjoy and doing it wholeheartedly. WOW! And just like Words of Affirmation, Quality Time also has many dialects: Quality Conversation & Quality Activities. The Summerhill's started the class with having each of us write down 2 activities we would love to do with our spouse, share what we wrote and commit to doing at least 1 this month. This sparked so much great dialogue that they had to cut the conversation short to get thru the rest of the lesson. We all agreed that finding time for such activities can be a challenge with work, kids, other extra-curricular activities, etc... but making the time to be engaged and intentional is without a doubt worth the pleasure of living with a spouse who feels loved and knowing that you have learned to speak their love language fluently. Can we get an Amen!


This is a post about Words of Affirmation. But first allow me to thank our wonderful class facilitators Rev. & Mrs. Harper who last night taught on the many dialects within the first love language...Words of Affirmation. They encouraged us to speak life into our spouses and even role-played both the right and wrong way. They were fantastic. The photo below represents 2 of the 4 dialects: encouraging words and kinds words. I checked the ministry's mailbox for the very first time last night. To my surprise these cards were in there from 2021, 2022, and 2023. Thanking us for various recognitions over the years. The cards and along with the hand-written messages were so heartfelt that tears of gratitude accompanied our car ride home from bible study. God's timing is always the best timing. This 5 love languages bible study just keeps on blessing.

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 03/26/2024

What a time we had in the Lord last night. We kicked off our 5 Love Languages 7-week Bible Study Class will a full-house. To God Be The Glory! This has been a year long undertaking and with much prayer, support from our church leadership, and amazing response from our married couples, God showed up and blessed. Next week our dynamic duo Rev. Matthew Harper and Mrs. Deborah Harper will facilitate the discussion on Words of Affirmation. Thank you to Bro. Eric for capturing these pictures.


Calling ALL Married Couples!

Do you REALLY know your spouses love language?

Between busy schedules and long days, expressing love can fall by the wayside.

Learn your spouses love language by registering TODAY for this 7-week bible study on Gary Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts."

Each love language will be taught by a different married couple facilitator comprised of some of Turner Chapel's very own dynamic married duos.

Class available in-person or via Zoom.



Mark Your Calendar for a 7-week bible study course on Gary Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" beginning March 25, 2024.

More details and information on how to sign-up coming soon!


All Turner Chapel AME Couples married 20-29 years, it's time to celebrate your 20 years of EMERALD LOVE.

Email a photo, it can be your wedding day photo, a recent photo or any photo that captures your love; along with the number of years you’ve been married and 2-3 sentences of your best marriage advice to [email protected] no later than Friday, January 26, 2024.

Couples who celebrated their 30th anniversary after February 2023, you are welcome to participate in this year’s Emerald Love Sunday.

Atlanta - Hot Chocolate Run 11/14/2023

Calling ALL Runners and Walkers.

Keeping The Covenant Married Couples Ministry invites ALL runners and walkers to participate in the 2024 Hot Chocolate 5K Race on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at the Georgia World Congress Center.

Join the chocolate movement that has taken over the country. This race has premium swag and a post-race chocolate experience like none other. Registration is now open at a discount. Prices increase on 11/26/2023.

Email us at [email protected] to let us know you’re participating.

Register and pay at the link below.

Use the friend code NUBWDHAMOS to get $5 off your registration fee.

Atlanta - Hot Chocolate Run Atlanta Feb 4, 2024 America’s sweetest run is back for our most indulgent Hot Chocolate Run season yet in Atlanta on February 4, 2024! With 5K and 15K distances and a post-run party that’ll make you go cocoa crazy, you and your friends will experience the ultimate chocolate celebration! NEXT PRI...


Tonight’s Money & Us webinar was so successful we are doing a Part Two. Thank you to our couples panel, participants and moderator Kevin Turner. Be on the lookout for future events.


Join the conversation.
Registration link below.
https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xLCr9RZTQzmDOtinJmduvg #/registration


Do you know what your partner’s money DNA is?

When was the last time you and your partner checked up on your finances?

How do you and your partner find common ground when it comes to finances?

The Financial Empowerment Conference Series and the Keeping The Covenant Married Couples Ministry

presents the free webinar

Money and Us: A webinar for couples to learn to talk about money

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Registration is required.

https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xLCr9RZTQzmDOtinJmduvg #/registration

This event is designed to share with couples; those who are dating, engaged and married.


Many thanks to all couples who attended Saturday's Dinner & Show Event. We truly appreciate your support of this ministry.


Date Night Done Right!

Join The Keeping The Covenant Married Couples Ministry for Dinner & A Show on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Enjoy a delicious meal at the restaurant of your choice inside the Marietta Square Market Food Hall at 5:00 PM and immediately following dinner take in the 7:00 PM show of this year’s Spring Production “Tin Can Promises” at Marietta Middle School.

Please use the link to register and to get payment instructions.

We have limited the number of tickets for our group, so don’t delay in registering.

Send inquiries to [email protected].



On Sunday, February 12th, Keeping The Covenant Married Couple’s Ministry is celebrating “30 YEARS OF PEARL LOVE.”

We will spotlight couples who been married for 30-39 years.
Please email a photo, it can be your wedding day photo, a recent photo or any photo that captures your love; along with the number of years you’ve been married and 2-3 sentences of your best marriage advice.

All submissions need to be sent to the Marketing Team at [email protected] and must be received no later than Monday, February 6, 2022.

Couples who celebrated their 40th anniversary after February 2022, you are welcome to participate in this year’s Pearl Love Sunday.

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 12/18/2022

A few pictures from our Holiday Meet & Greet at Capers Restaurant & Bar. Thanks again for our amazing Turner couples for supporting this event. We have plenty of activities planned in 2023 so continue to watch our FB page for announcements and save the dates.

Photo Cred: Debra Howard


A big thank you to our couples who came out to tonight’s Holiday Meet & Greet. Pics coming soon.


It's a Couples Holiday Meet & Greet. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] by 12/14.


On Sunday, February 13th, Keeping The Covenant Married Couple’s Ministry is celebrating “40 YEARS OF RUBY LOVE.”

We will spotlight couples who been married for 40-49 years.
Please email a photo, it can be your wedding day photo, a recent photo or any photo that captures your love; along with the number of years you’ve been married and 2-3 sentences of your best marriage advice.

All submissions should be sent to [email protected] no later than Friday, February 4, 2022.

Couples who celebrated their 50th anniversary after February 2021, you are welcome to participate in this year’s Ruby Love Sunday.


Keeping The Covenant Married Couples Ministry invites all couples to particulate in this year’s 2022 Hot Chocolate 15K/5K Race on Sunday, February 6, 2022 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Join the chocolate movement that has taken over the country. This race has it all – two distances (15K or 5K), premium swag, and a post-race chocolate experience like none other. Registration is now open. Click on the link below to register. Email us at [email protected] once you’ve registered so we can look out for you on race day!


Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 10/03/2021

Thank you to those couples who attended last night's Screen On The Turner Green event. The weather was picture perfect for a great time of fellowship while enjoying the smooth sounds of Wil Kenon & The Corner Band. Our movie watching experience was courtesy of 7 Event Rentals who provided the inflatable screen, projector and speaker system. Each couple won a $50 gift card to a local restaurant to enjoy their own dinner-and-a-movie date night. Bridget & Kevin Cruse were our tablescape winners and won a lovely cheese and charcuterie board from Uncommon Goods. A special thanks to our Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Tar-U-Way Bright, First Lady Retta Bright, Executive Pastor Rev. Don Ezell and Purpose Head Sis Nichole Thompson for your continued support of this ministry. We counted up the collective number of years of marriage represented by our couples and it totaled 271 years. Yah’ll can’t tell me ain’t real.


Only a few spots left and a few hours remaining to register! The weather is going to be perfect for a movie under the stars. Be sure to bring your tables, chairs, food and beverages. And at the end of the night we're crowning a winner for the most creative tablescape. Link below to register.


Turner Couples are invited to the Chapel lawn for an evening of Live Music & A Couples-Friendly Movie on an outdoor inflatable screen at sundown. Set the atmosphere by bringing your own food & beverage, with your table, chairs or blanket. Elevate the experience by creating a beautiful tablescape. The most creative will be crowned the winner for the night. FREE EVENT - REGISTRATION REQUIRED AT THE LINK BELOW! COVID Protocols.



THANK YOU TO OUR TCC COUPLES! We spotlighted 30 couples married from 2 years - 54 years. We learned that date night is the fan favorite for keeping things fresh and that keeping God first is the cornerstone for a successful marriage. Continue to "be devoted to one another in love and honor one another above yourselves." - Romans 12:10

Photos from Turner Chapel AME Keeping the Covenant-Married Couples Ministry's post 11/23/2020


Mr. Desmond Jefferson and Mrs. Yolonda Alston-Jefferson.

Got married on July 8, 1995. Married for 25 years.



1. How did you know they were the one? There was something really special about the way he consistently treated me that was different from anyone else. He was bold about how he felt about me in private and in public. He didn’t just talk about it, he was about it!

2. Did you have pre-marital counseling? And if so, how long was it? Yes, for about 3 months.

3. How did he propose (For Her Only)? Desi took me out for dinner at a restaurant called Steak and Ale. He was awfully jumpy the whole time and when I would ask him what his problem was, he would just pretend like nothing was wrong. I got up to go to the ladies’ room at the end of our meal and when I returned, he was in the middle of the restaurant on 1 knee and a ring asking me to marry him. The restaurant starting applauding, but everyone soon realized I had not accepted and it was dead quiet for about 30 seconds until I said “yes”. Then the cheering was even louder!

4. What is the BEST unsolicited martial advice you’ve ever received? My grandmother told me, “when your door shuts, that’s it!” Whatever issues are between you and your husband stays between you and your husband. It’s always best to handle your marital business behind closed doors and not in public.

5. What is the WORST unsolicited marital advice you’ve ever received? I’ve always been one to eat the meat and throw away the bones so if I received bad advice it was trashed with the bones and I don’t remember it.

6. In just 3 words, describe your marriage.
Peaceful. Unpredictable. Loving.

7. Are you the Spender or the Saver? Whichever one you are, how do you and your spouse find common ground when it comes to finances? SAVER!! After 25 years we are now finding common ground. Desi sees that I was right all along! LOL. Seriously, that’s probably been the toughest part because our views about money are ideologically different, but we literally embrace COMPROMISE to balance our financial blueprints.

8. What is the scripture that best describes your marriage? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."

Love all of it, but the beginning of verse 8 probably best describes our marriage: LOVE NEVER FAILS!

9. What are some things you do to keep your marriage fresh? Before COVID, we liked travelling. We’ve found it really important no matter what’s going on to carve time away as a couple to regroup and appreciate each other.

10. What was your wedding song? And do you still dance to it when it comes on? "Forever In My Heart" by CeCe Pen*ston. Don’t hear this song much but we still dance together to our Old Skool Jams.

11. What were your hopes and dreams for your marriage early on? How have they changed now? I wanted to spend time building my marriage as a career woman, creating wealth and waiting to have my only child around age 35. We’re still focused on building wealth, I’ve blossomed in my career in both clinical and management fronts and I had my first child at 27 PLUS 2 more! Well, at least I was done having them by 35.

12. Tell us about the best anniversary you’ve had to date. The 1st one was the most memorable! Desi was working to support us as I had just started Physical Therapy school when we got married and still a student on our first anniversary. We managed a trip to Baltimore, MD where Desi’s friend Charles who’s one of the best cooks and hosts of the world catered to us hand and foot! This is especially memorable because Charles died in December 2019 and I’ll never forget his heart during that time.

13. For couples married 10 years or more, what would you tell your younger married-selves? Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient with yourself and others. Stay driven but find consistent time to work on your marriage while you’re working on yourself. Surrender to God and only control that which you have ability to control.

14. What is your couple-jam (i.e. that one song you loudly belt out together)? "Back To Life" by Soul 2 Soul!

15. What special role has your faith played in your marriage? My faith in God and His plan for us has kept us bonded as one. These past 25 years have not been easy, nor has it been all fun and games but I’m confident that I’ll never find another man who’ll love better than the one God allowed to find me at the club over 30 years ago! :)



1. How did you know they were the one? When I wanted to spend all my time with her and wanted to change the things I was doing.

2. Did you have pre-marital counseling? And if so, how long was it? Yes, we did have counseling, meet with the Pastor who married us a few sessions.

3. What do you do when you can’t agree on something with your spouse (For Him Only)? Compromise

4. What is the BEST unsolicited martial advice you’ve ever received? From my grandfather…Take care of her and if you are not going to do right, leave her alone. Marriage is a compromise, can’t always have it my way, and to always love my family.

5. What is the WORST unsolicited marital advice you’ve ever received? That I’m suppose to handle everything alone.

6. In just 3 words, describe your marriage.
Committed, Respect, & Love.

7. Are you the Spender or the Saver? Whichever one you are, how do you and your spouse find common ground when it comes to finances? I’m the Spender. I make sure I always take cake of home and have a separate account. Family is always first and my needs or wants can wait.

8. What is the scripture that best describes your marriage? Colossians 3:19 NIV, "Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them."

9. What are some things you do to keep your marriage fresh? Spend time together and laugh with one another.

10. What was your wedding song? And do you still dance to it when it comes on? "Forever In My Heart" by CeCe Pen*ston. And yes we still dance to it.

11. What were your hopes and dreams for your marriage early on? How have they changed now? Always wanted to make sure I played a part in my kids life and set a good example of a husband and father. It is all about family and building security for us now. A big change for me is trying to find out where God wants me to be so I can do his work fully, since kids are growing up and moving on.

12. Tell us about the best anniversary you’ve had to date. To me all have been special because we shared them together. I am excited about the future and to see what God has in store since the kids are moving on.

13. For couples married 10 years or more, what would you tell your younger married-selves? I would say plan more for the future.

14. What is your couple-jam (i.e. that one song you loudly belt out together)? "Back to Life" by Soul 2 Soul.

15. What special role has your faith played in your marriage? To know that God is in control and that He has blessed me with my wife and kids. No matter how things look continue to trust God, He has us covered and protected. I have been created in God’s imagine and He has blessed me to be a father and husband. I am responsible for our family but I am not alone because God has given me a partner to build and share life with and together we are a team.


Thank you so much Yolonda and Desi for sharing your love story. Yours is a 25 year marriage built on love, faith, and compromise. And of course a little Old Skool Soul 2 Soul will certainly keep it alllll the way fresh!

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Our Story

Our vision is to see husbands and wives be restored and strengthened in their marriages, equipped to relate to each other more happily, lovingly and intimately in accordance with God’s plan for marriage, and become a true reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church. We see couples being transformed by God’s Spirit, love and truth, strengthened in their faith while growing closer to God and ultimately to each other.

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."- Romans 12:10


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