Church of Christ at Austell Road

1390 Austell Rd SE Marietta, GA 30008

Sunday 10:30 am and 1:30 pm

Paul's Idea Of A Strong Church - LTBSTV 07/14/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

Also, join us this week each night at 7:30 pm and Saturday night at 7:00 pm for our series of Gospel Meetings with Aaron Studdard.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Paul's Idea Of A Strong Church - LTBSTV Paul's Idea Of A Strong Church - a sermon by Kevin PresleyHow do you measure a church? Does a young, large crowd filling a beautiful sanctuary and complex in...


Gospel Meeting with Aaron Studdard

You are invited to attend.

The Offensive Christ - LTBSTV 07/07/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Offensive Christ - LTBSTV The Offensive Christ - a sermon by Kevin PresleyJesus is the Savior, Redeemer, and the Prince of peace. He is the Light of the world and the embodiment of tr...


What to expect....
We would like to invite you to worship with us, but we realize an unfamiliar place can be intimidating. We want you to feel comfortable so we decided to prepare this article to let you know what to expect when visiting.

The church that was established at Pentecost, in the long ago, is much different than many of the churches you find today. Throughout the generations, man has altered virtually every aspect of Christs church, including its teachings, it's worship and its practices.
Today, you will find many different religious organizations, each claiming to uphold Biblical teachings and practices, yet each teaching contrasting doctrines. This is confusing for anyone looking for a place to attend worship.
Our goal is to give scriptual reasons for our teaching and practices, that you might make a comparison between what the Bible teaches and what we practice.

When you arrive, there will probably be several people standing about talking before services start. You'll be greeted with a smile. Feel free to sit anywhere.

Our worship is simplistic. In our worship, families worship together rather than being divided into classes or groups. This best keeps in harmony with the pattern of the early church. 1 Corinthians 14:23 "the whole church be come together into one place"

Our song service may seem different from that customarily practiced in many churches. All the singing will be acapella or without instrumental accompaniment. We look to Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 for the command to sing and make melody in your heart. The New Testament makes no mention of instrumental music in worship. Because of this we feel it would be an addition to His will. You will find a song book in the rack on the benches feel free to follow along when the song leader announces a page number, if you know the song feel free to sing along with the congregation.

There will be several prayers during the service. These will be led by a brother that has been selected. Examples of prayers found in the New Testament are of praising God, for thanksgiving of blessing, interceding for others, and petition Him for our needs. Philippians 4:6, and Jesus' example of prayer Matthew 6:9-13.

The teaching will be done by a brother at the appointed time. You will notice he has no title or special religious garments to set him apart Matthew 23:8-12. You'll also notice that women have no leadership rolls in the service. This is not because we feel women are inferior but because of God's teaching 1 Corinthians 14:35. The sermon will be designed to instruct or encourage in ways of righteousness. Our goal is to present sound Biblical teaching so that all can be edified.

At the close of the sermon, an invitation will be offered. This is a convenient time when any number of desires can be expressed by members of the audience. There may be someone that wishes to obey the gospel, maybe a member wishes to confess a sin, James 5:16 or request prayer for a specific need. Don't feel uncomfortable or pressured during the invitation. If, however you have a need we would be glad to assist you. You will never be singled out or embarrassed.

If you visit on Sunday morning, the Lord’s Supper or Communion, will be observed just as we understand it to have been done on the night our Lord introduced it Matthew 26:26-28, Luke 22:19-20. There is also something different you will notice here also. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 we have instructions on how to observe the Lords Supper. Notice that in the instruction there is a single cup and a single loaf used. By that example we also use one cup of grape juice and one loaf of unleavened bread. The brother attending the table will pray for The Father to bless the bread, break a piece from it, eat, and pass it on to the next person until all that wish to participate have "broken bread". Afterwards he will take the cup, pray for The Father to bless it, take a small drink and pass it to the next person until all that wish has drank from it. By observing the Supper in this manner we have a common union or communion one with another. If you chose not to participate feel free to pass the plate or cup to the person next to you.

Contribution or Collection
The Church is finaced by the contribution of the members, which is only observed during the Lords Day morning worship service according to the teaching found in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:7. As a guest, you are not expected to participate in the contribution, but feel free if you wish to do so. You will not find us soliciting money through special offerings or any other fund raising activities.

You are welcome
We hope that this little insight into how we worship will help you feel at ease coming to worship with us. It might have caused you to compare to where you've been in the past or now go. Remember you will never be singled out or embarrassed. Again we would like to extend to you an invitation to worship with us.

What Kind Of Preaching Do We Need? - LTBSTV 06/30/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

What Kind Of Preaching Do We Need? - LTBSTV What Kind Of Preaching Do We Need? - a sermon by Kevin PresleyPreaching is the primary means to communicating the gospel to men and women that they might be ...


If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Language Of Ashdod - LTBSTV 05/26/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeti

The Language Of Ashdod - LTBSTV The Language Of Ashdod - a sermon by Kevin PresleyMany Christians are fluent in the language of Ashdod. It may sound like some obscure, ancient tongue, but i...

Strange Things About The Church - LTBSTV 05/19/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Strange Things About The Church - LTBSTV Strange Things About The Church - a sermon by Kevin PresleyChristianity has never been the mainstream of society. Those who strictly adhere to it have always...

The Church That Isaiah Saw - LTBSTV 05/05/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Church That Isaiah Saw - LTBSTV The Church That Isaiah Saw - a sermon by Kevin PresleyThe church is the fruition of God's eternal plan. Not only does the New Testament teach that the church...


If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Ask For The Old Paths - LTBSTV 04/21/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Ask For The Old Paths - LTBSTV Our culture often casts aside that which is old and shuns any path that seems too familiar. We see the ancient as irrelevant. The Word of God, however, tells...

Sin In The Camp Part 2 - LTBSTV 04/14/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Sin In The Camp Part 2 - LTBSTV Sin In The Camp (Part 2) - a sermon by Kevin PresleyIs church discipline contrary to the teaching of Jesus about judging others? Does withdrawal of fellowshi...

The Man Who Missed The Meeting 03/31/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Man Who Missed The Meeting   The Man Who Missed The Meeting - a sermon by Kevin Presley In the days following the crucifixion of Christ, it is easy to imagine His disciples being so forlorn and discouraged that they scattered and

Last Of All He Sent His Son - LTBSTV 03/24/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Last Of All He Sent His Son - LTBSTV Last Of All He Sent His Son - a sermon by Kevin PresleyHow many opportunities has God graciously given you to turn to repent? The long history of humankind i...

The Nature And Purpose Of Miracles - LTBSTV 03/10/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Nature And Purpose Of Miracles - LTBSTV The Nature And Purpose Of Miracles - a sermon by Kevin PresleyThe word "miracle" is loosely used in religion and even in the world at large. Is everything th...

Has "That Which Is Perfect" Come? - LTBSTV 03/03/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Has "That Which Is Perfect" Come? - LTBSTV Have miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased? Paul's eloquent description of love, found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, is sandwiched between his explanation of...

The Grace of God... Part 2 - LTBSTV 02/25/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Grace of God... Part 2 - LTBSTV As we continue a look at Paul’s teaching to Titus about the grace of God, we see three more facets of God’s unmerited favor that will enrich our spiritual li...

The Grace of God... Part 1 - LTBSTV 02/18/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

The Grace of God... Part 1 - LTBSTV The Grace of God - Part 1The grace of God is truly amazing when we consider it in light of God's holiness and justice. Unfortunately, God's grace is often ei...

Have You Obeyed The Gospel? (The Text) 02/18/2024

Have You Obeyed The Gospel? (The Text) Click here to watch this sermon. HAVE YOU OBEYED THE GOSPEL? You may have heard the gospel, and you may say you believe the gospel, but have you OBEYED the gospel? Thanks for joining me today to open

Have You Obeyed The Gospel? - LTBSTV 02/11/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Have You Obeyed The Gospel? - LTBSTV Have You Obeyed The Gospel?The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work. It is a message to be preached, heard, and believed. But did ...

Counterfeit Confessions - LTBSTV 02/04/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Counterfeit Confessions - LTBSTV What does it mean to confess sin? The bible provides several examples of people who uttered the words “I have sinned” but not all were true confessions. God ...


If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Rebuilding Walls God Tore Down - LTBSTV 01/21/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Rebuilding Walls God Tore Down - LTBSTV Walls were vital for the protection of ancient cities. When Jerusalem was overrun by the Babylonians, the task at hand upon Israel's return was to rebuild th...

Is The Lord's House In Ruins? - LTBSTV 01/14/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Is The Lord's House In Ruins? - LTBSTV For air Jan 14When the Jews returned to Jerusalem from captivity, they set out to rebuild the temple but quickly abandoned the effort. They instead rebuilt t...

Why Don't We See The Bible Alike? - LTBSTV 01/07/2024

Why Don't We See The Bible Alike? - LTBSTV Is it a given that those who read the bible will "understand it differently?" There is so much division over what the bible supposedly teaches that the moder...

Why Don't We See The Bible Alike? - LTBSTV 01/07/2024

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Why Don't We See The Bible Alike? - LTBSTV Is it a given that those who read the bible will "understand it differently?" There is so much division over what the bible supposedly teaches that the moder...

Making God's Priorities Ours - LTBSTV 12/31/2023

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Making God's Priorities Ours - LTBSTV As a new year dawns, many of us will set goals and make resolutions. Reaching and keeping them requires not only daily change in our life but a reordering of...

Prophet, Priest, and King - LTBSTV 12/24/2023

If you missed today’s Let The Bible Speak on WATC 57 at 7:30 am, you may watch it here.

It will air again on Monday at 9:30 pm on WATC 57.

Why not join us today for worship at 10:30 am? We would enjoy meeting you.

For free Bible Course or transcript calll. 833-524-8724.

Prophet, Priest, and King - LTBSTV Prophet, Priest, and KingJesus Christ fills three divine offices, all foreshadowed in the Old Testament. His title, Christ, points to these roles which He fi...

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Stormy Situations
The Servant shall be Chief



1390 Austell Road SE
Marietta, GA

Opening Hours

10:30am - 3am

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