Lynn Cowell

Helping you live in Christ-confidence. ❤️ Jesus ✨Wife. Mom of 3. #Author of Loved&Cherished. Lynn and her family reside in North Carolina.

Lynn Cowell is a Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker and author whose passion is helping tweens, teens and women of all ages find Christ Confidence. She is the author of several books including her newest Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotions for Girls - a book for tween girls. With her conversational, friend-to-friend tone, girls feel as though Lynn is just sitting across the table, sharing life stuff tog


Psalm 100

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 10/04/2023

A Way Out of Worry

I shared in today’s devotion a practice to overcome worry of writing my prayers in a journal. (I wrote a post several years ago on How to Set Up a Prayer Journal which you can find in a link in my bio.)

In my journal today, I write out my prayers in black ink. When Father answers those prayers, I write His answers in red. At times when worry is heavy, whether that is finances, our children, or many of the other concerns we can have, I can look back at all those red-lettered entries. They remind me that Father is for us, He’s got us and we can trust Him!

Today, I’m giving away a bundle to help the winner take God’s way out of worry! This bundle includes a journal and three new books too! Find the link for that give away in my bio too. See you there!

A Practice to Overcome Worry - Lynn Cowell 10/04/2023

A Way Out of Worry

I shared in today’s Proverbs 31 Ministries
devotion a practice to overcome worry that I have of writing my prayers in a journal. (I wrote a post several years ago on How to Set Up a Prayer Journal which I’ll put in the comments below.)

In my journal, I write out my prayers in black ink. When Father answers those prayers, I write His answers in red. At times when worry is heavy, whether that is finances, our children, or many of the other concerns we can have, I can look back at all those red-lettered entries. They remind me that Father is for us, He’s got us and we can trust Him!

Today, I’m giving away a bundle to help the winner take God’s way out of worry! This bundle includes a journal and three new books too! See you there!

A Practice to Overcome Worry - Lynn Cowell Writing my prayers in a journal is one practice I have to overcome worry. I write out my prayers in black ink. When Father answers those prayers, I write His answers in red. At times when worry is heavy, whether that is finances, our children, or many of the other concerns we can have, I can look ba...


I wonder if we can pull off this big financial leap?

For years, my husband, Greg, and I pondered and prayed about a financial decision that would profoundly impact our lives. We would talk about it and fantasize about what the outcome would look like if we went for it. As the time got closer, we created spreadsheets, documenting exactly where we were spending our money and how much we were taking in. We considered each decision we made and how those choices were impacting not only our today but our tomorrow too.

Yet no matter how much planning we did, all the preparation never truly took the worry away.

I’m guessing Jesus’ followers were also experiencing some sort of worry about their financial future because He chose to address it in Luke 12. First, Jesus told a story of a rich fool who found his confidence for the future based on the material wealth he was amassing. This rich man was in awe of himself and what he had acquired but did not revere God (Luke 12:15-21).

Moving on from this story, Jesus began His next teaching with the word “therefore.” What He was about to say reflected back on the story He just told. “Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear’” (Luke 12:22, NIV).

Jesus went on to explain how not to worry: “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” (Luke 12:24, emphasis added).

He repeated the word "consider" again a few verses later: “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even [King] Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these” (Luke 12:27, NIV, emphasis added).

Jesus was teaching His followers to make a practice of considering — a habit of noticing and thinking carefully about God’s faithfulness. He called them, and He calls us, to take into account all that God does to care for birds and wildflowers. These creations don’t even know how to ask the Father to take care of them, yet He does.

As my husband and I tried to make a wise decision, taking the time and effort to consider our financial position was valuable to us. But what was even more valuable was considering all the ways our Father had been faithful to us.

I keep a prayer journal where, in black ink, I write down the things I need; then when the Father meets that need (even if it is not how I expected or wanted), I write out the date and how He took care of me in red ink. When worry and anxiety attempt to strangle my faith, I pull out those journals and read the red writing. Considering the times God has been faithful to me, my family and my friends builds my faith to trust Him again.

When we actively and frequently reflect on the times our Father has been faithful to us, we are storing up in our hearts the faith we will need when our trust is put to the test.

Greg and I took that leap — and while it has not looked exactly as we thought it would, we have certainly seen the faithfulness of our Father.

Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to me over and over and over again. I will reflect on it today, filling my heart with the faith I will need for tomorrow. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 09/28/2023

Thankful…so very thankful to have Zach as our son!

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 09/25/2023

I’m sorry thankful for all my daughters … those born to me and those blessed to me!


Thankful today for the precious daughters in my life…Shelby, Danielle, Mariah and Madi. How blessed am I! ❤️❤️❤️


Last month I started something new for me.

Christ followers have been meditating and memorizing God’s word … well for as long as God has been speaking to us.

In my older years, I’ve not practiced this practice. But I am so glad to have begun.

I’m simply putting one verse a week on my phone notes app. Then, I choose some times to go over and over His Word.

* when I’m getting ready in the morning ☀️
* eating breakfast 🍳
* sitting at a stop sign 🛑
*** any place or time when I could pick up my phone *** 📲

His Word fills spaces in my heart and mind that I need filling with truth, correction, instruction … you name it!

Give it a try…then come back and let me know how it’s going!

Thank you for this nudge in “Rest for Your Soul”. ❤️

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 09/21/2023

This past spring was hands down the hardest season of my life.

Right smack in the middle if it, I received a request to review a new study. My first reaction was “No way! I can’t take on any thing more!”

But then I saw the author was my friend and I saw the sub-title “How to Find Faith for Hard Times in 1 Peter”. The timing was perfect!

Here’s what I said about “Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope?” : “If you’re looking for a cushy, fluffy, make-me-feel-good-about-myself book, this is not the study for you. If, however, you yearn to grow deeper as a disciple of Jesus learning what true spiritual maturity is and how to get there, this study will help you mine each gem and do the hard work as Peter challenges us to do.”

Check it out for yourself! (I’ll put a link in the comments.)

Thank you so much for this new resource, Amy!

Mobile uploads 09/10/2023

Such a great weekend hearing stories, such beautiful, personal stories of God healing, restoring and setting free…

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 08/30/2023

What kind of lists do you keep on your phone?

Many of you know how kooky I can be. If you weren’t sure, here’s some more evidence.

Today, on our way to see our kids, Greg drove out into the middle of residential, but very quaint, New England roads just so I could check “Rhode Island” off my list! (Wish I took pictures of the idyllic gardens!)

I got to check off Connecticut yesterday. Only Alaska, Montana and Delaware, !

I’m thankful for parents who loaded up our camper once a year and traveled from Iowa m, heading out to both coasts. They built in me the desire to see the world and get out in it!

rolls on! Driving through Boston now. Next stop…Maine and squeezing our kids!!!

What fun lists do you have on your phone?


Have you heard of the Inscribed Bible Study series?

Women in the Word Wednesday-- Inscribed Studies

In addition to women in Scripture, I also love to celebrate women who study God's Word. This week I'm cheering wildly for two friends who have released new Inscribed studies. My study of Esther is one of the Inscribed books, and there's a sisterhood of authors for the series. That makes and sisters in multiple ways now!

Wendy's newest study is Rest for Your Soul: A Bible Study on Solitude, Silence & Prayer. I'm raising my hand for a dose of all three of those!

Micah’s study, James: Tired, Tested, Torn and Full of Faith, is an in-depth, comparative study of James, the Sermon on the Mount and Proverbs. Weary souls, this one is for us.

I'll drop the links in my stories, so check them out there. Celebrate women in the word with me, and pick up a copy of an Inscribed study today!


“My heart is confident, God;
I will sing; I will sing praises with the whole of my being.

Wake up, harp and lyre!
I will wake up the dawn.

I will praise you, Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations.

For your FAITHFUL LOVE is higher than the heavens, and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

God, be exalted above the heavens, and let your glory be over the whole earth.

Save with your right hand and answer me so that those you love may be rescued.”
Psalm 108:1-6 CSB


As I looked out my window, I thought “That window is dirty!”

Then I had a different thought, a beautiful, grateful, good thought: “Look at the sun!”

Our perspective is everything. And we get to choose what we will focus on; what our perspective will be.

Paul challenges us to look to Jesus, eyes on Him:

“Let fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Fix. Set. No matter what happens this day, our eyes are on Jesus!


Lord, You are the running father, in compassion, coming for us.

You are the Good and Great Shepherd, who has and who does come to find us when we wander.

In Your power, the power You gave us in and through Your Spirit, may we today, pursue You. Take our eyes off what concerns us, what worries us, and look to You. May our words lift You up and worship You. Empower us to move forward, to grow into spiritual maturity, so that when others see us, they see You. In the Matchless Name of Jesus, Amen

The Closeness We Crave 08/04/2023

As you look at your journey with Jesus, are you sometimes bothered by the inconsistent intimacy you feel?

Click below to read today's devotion.

The Closeness We Crave “My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, LORD, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 (NIV)

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 07/28/2023

Friday night fun with my honey!

Packing up snack pack for the CLT’s .and.girls_club ❤️


As you look at your journey with Jesus, is there a closeness you crave that you don’t often feel? Are you sometimes bothered by the inconsistent intimacy you see there?

In my day-to-day walk with Jesus, I wonder why sometimes there seems to be a block in my relationship with Him or times when we don’t seem as close. If I slow down and ponder why that might be, I see that seasons of busyness, grieving, choices not to obey His nudges, or even numbness in my heart have all impacted my relationship with Him at times.

While it is normal to have a relationship that is dynamic and looks different from day to day, I don’t want to pull away from Jesus with each new obstacle in my life or have a faith that disintegrates when I need it most.

So I’ve been seeking the Lord through His Word, and I’ve found hope.

— I’d love to share with you more at the link in my profile -


“God is within her; she will not be toppled.
God will help her when the morning dawns.” Psalm 46:5 CSB

He is our refuge this day.

Today and every day, but right now, you just need to breath deep. Breath in His mighty presence. His unconditional love for you and know: “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1


Do you ever feel like you can’t take one more thing?

Yep. Been there. As in this year.

You’re also been on the edge. Nerves shot. Mind done. Your body is tired, and your emotions are a mess. If you could gather yourself for even a moment you might explode at the reality of all you’ve been through.

In the face of the fears, frustrations, and failures of this world, we have a choice. We can sit and stare at the life as it is right now and hope for something to change. We also can choose to walk in faith.

I’m so excited to share with you this new Inscribed Bible study, from my friend and author and speaker Micah Maddox. Micah walks us through the book of James and compares the teaching of James with what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew and the wisdom of Solomon we find in Proverbs. When we discover the themes of what a faith-filled life looked like before, during, and after the time of Christ, we see how Scripture points us to honor God in an active life of faith.

This five-week study will helps us to:

* Revisit the foundation of our faith

* Look to God first in hard situations

* Discover faith isn’t a list of do’s and don’ts

* Move from a place of struggle to a place of comfort

* Gain a fresh perspective on how to live full of faith when feeling tired and tested

Includes historical and biblical background insight and questions for reflection.

I love being a part of the Inscribed team!

InScribed is a collection of studies that lead women to not just survive but thrive by encouraging them to immerse themselves in the Word of God.

Get a copy today…and I mean today because has it for …wait for it…60% OFF!

I’ll put the link in my comment below!


I found myself getting rilled up today. My feelings are legit; I have good reason to be mad.

But I don’t want to stay there; don’t want my anger to steal the joy of today!

Here is an easy thing we can do when “mad” is threatening to take over.

Take a moment and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth filling your belly with air. As you breathe in, say in your mind, “You are with me.” Breathe out, saying, “You are with me.” Do this as many times as it takes for your heart to stop racing and for you to feel in control of yourself again.

I’ve tried it! It works! Give it a try. This practice can not only help you, but the members of your family too!


I like to read the Psalms because David and the other psalm writers often talk about the same type of feelings I experience.

In Psalm 34, David’s in trouble. He has more than one person upset with him, and it isn’t his fault. If anyone has a right to be mad, it’s David. And yet, he recognizes that when he doesn’t respond in the right way, his next step is trouble. He shares this wisdom: “Turn your back on sin; do something good. Embrace peace—don’t let it get away!” (Psalm 34:14)

You and I can do the same when we feel anger. We can take a step in a positive direction, opposite of the way we are feeling, and do something good such as giving the person we’re jealous of a compliment or kind word.

When we take big steps like these, it can turn anger around and helps us find the way to peace.

The quicker we recognize we’re feeling angry, the quicker we can get out of the anxiousness anger creates.

When we feel angry, we can try to think of a positive step we can take that would be the opposite of how we feel, such as giving the person we are jealous of a kind word or action.

This can be the first step toward calm and finding the peace Jesus has for us.

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 06/28/2023

Better late than never…isn’t that what they say??

In the past week, Greg had gotten to celebrate his retirement first with friends and then with family as my sister came to visit.

Love this man so much!!


When we feel sick, often our first move is to go see a doctor. We recognize something is not right in our body and we need help.

Often, we’re not so quick to recognize when something is wrong inside; inside our heart and mind.

Allowing negative emotions to remain unchecked is not good for our minds or our bodies. These difficult emotions eventually begin to impact our physical bodies, upending our hormone balance, our brain chemicals and even our immune system.

Jesus wants us to experience His wholeness in every area of our lives. He gives us His word to help our hearts heal and our minds renew.

He also gives us help through people; friendships, counselors, teachers, pastors and mentors.

Let’s pass on to the next generation the wisdom to be aware of when they need healing and permission to get help for that healing to come.


Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 06/18/2023

I love this man and the way he loves our kids. He gives his best and his heart time after time. We are so blessed to have him!!


Don’t miss getting in on this give away!

We're giving away 25 copies of "Managing Your Emojis" over at Goodreads! This 100-day devotional teaches kids that God loves them no matter what they’re feeling, and that Scripture can empower them to manage their emotions.

Michelle Nietert, Speaker & Counselor
Lynn Cowell

Enter today for your chance to win a copy!
Enter here:

Feelings are a part of life, and they don't go away when we ignore them. With this devotional, kids will learn how to navigate their feelings with God's help.


God tells us we can turn to Him when we are in trouble or oppressed.

Oppressed is a big word meaning we feel heavy with thoughts or feelings, like disappointing someone. We can turn to Him when we need a safe place to talk about our sadness. He is that safe place, even when we find ourselves in trouble.

God, thank you for being my safe place when I feel sad. Even though I can’t be perfect at this, help me to obey and follow through as often as I can. When I fail, help me find comfort in You. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Our publisher is giving away 25 hardcover copies of our new book for kids ! over at !

Enter for your chance to win!

Link also in comments


"The book of Esther is perfect for us when we face uncertain times.

Esther was a woman with little control of her own life, which feels very familiar to me.

Esther carved a pathway for all women who find themselves walking through uncertainty.

She shows us that we can do so, not only with faith but with influence.

As I read through the book of Esther, I saw a process emerging. A process

Amy had shared with me months before in her own season of uncertainty:

Listen → Feel → Do → Speak

Within this time frame of Esther’s story recorded here, God molded her into a woman who, though she may have been afraid of the uncertainty surrounding her, fulfilled God’s assignment for her." - Lynn Cowell

Great studies are even better when they're shared!

Click here: to grab a copy for you and your small group.

PS- shop 50% off the study of Esther for a limited time!


If you’re in a pain season, Father gets you … and is near to hold you close.

When I’m tempted to run and hide from God, I turn to the psalms in Scripture and let the words of the psalmists serve as my gentle guide. And as I follow their example, I’m learning the ache in my heart need not keep me from the comfort of God.

What the psalmists knew — and what I’m finding, too — is that God’s invitation to draw near (James 4:8) isn’t limited to epic moments of worship or poignant times of praise. His summons stands even when we can’t.

The vulnerable expression of lament in Psalm 38:9 reminds me I don't need to disguise my despair or misery — “O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you.” I can give God more than my worship; I can bring Him my wounds as well.

Sometimes turning to God in our pain looks like vulnerable scribbles in our journal. Other times, it looks like naming our disappointment or voicing the hard questions that spill from sadness. And once in a while it looks like tears falling fast without words as we trust the Holy Spirit to say what we can’t articulate. (Romans 8:26)

No matter how we bring our lament to God, when we dare to follow in the steps of the grievers and believers before us, we meet hope in the midst of our hurting.

-Alicia Bruxvoort

What’s one way you can seek God in your pain?


"Developing a listening and learning heart makes room for God to use us for His glory and to draw others to Himself." - Lynn Cowell

Are you looking for your next Bible Study book?

Lynn Cowell l and Amy Carroll wrote a six-week, in-depth study of the book of Esther. This study dives into the story of Esther that teaches us to:

👑 Listen to wise people who fill our gaps of understanding

👑 Embrace your feelings as a catalyst for God-directed action.

👑 Do the work God assigns you even when in doubt.

👑 Speak up with confidence, knowing that God has a place for your voice in His story.

This study guide includes biblical and historical background insights, Bible study, practical application, and questions for reflection.

Shop 50% off the study of Esther for a limited time only, here:

Photos from Lynn Cowell's post 01/26/2023

Join in this prayer of seeing our invisible God in an uncertain world 🙏

God, You are faithful and true. Your motives toward Your world and me are good. When I’m in uncertain circumstances beyond my control, I will trust that You are writing my story even when I can’t see You. I’m thankful that my mixed motives don’t disqualify me from being part of Your story. Please show me where you want to refine me and make me more like You, pure in all my ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Click the link in my bio to shop 50% off the study of Esther for a limited time.


Friends In Kentucky-

Come join us for a day in filling back up our souls!

Learn all about Devoted Conference in the link below!

Devoted Conference tickets are officially on sale! Get yours now at


"Our invisible God never leaves us. But sometimes He’s standing in our blind spot, beckoning us to watch for the effects of His hand.
..the primary hero was and always will be God. He may not be named, but watching His every move in this story will teach us more about Him and how He is always, always with us even when we can’t see Him.

Knowing whom He is helps us to more accurately interpret the actions of His unseen hand in this story. God is good. He is loving and trustworthy.

Then and now, He always keeps His promises. He is the Redeemer who rescues those He loves."

Can we get an amen?? 🙌

Did you enjoy this excerpt from Esther by Amy Carroll l and Lynn Cowell?

Then you'll want to grab a copy for you and your small group today!

Click here: to shop 50% off Esther for a limited time.


Definitely didn’t see this coming!

745 women from 24 countries joining and I to learn how to process our own uncertainty through the life of Esther.

Registration closes Wednesday! Join us now and get the first week free.

See you Wednesday on ZOOM!

Link in my profile.


Did you make a resolve to get into God's word more in the new year, but need a little nudge to make it happen?

Then dive deep into Esther with Amy Carroll and me!

Each week you'll receive 2 emails and have the chance to participate in one group Zoom call. Tuesday's email will contain the link for the call along with the group's pacing for the next week.

Each Wednesday from 8:00 pm-9:00 pm Eastern Time, there will be a group Zoom call that includes a short teaching from Amy or I along with group discussion of the week's content. Can't make it? We'll send the link to the recording in the week's second email on Thursday along with a reminder of where we're going so that you can keep up.

You're only two steps away from going deep simply.

1. Go to the link in the comments and enter your email address. That's your registration.

2. Purchase a copy of the Esther study from one of the links in your reply email.

Our first group call will be tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time. We can't wait to see you there!

You're not too late! The first week of the study material is free at the link below.


“During the first week of January 2022, the steady static of anxiety blared in my heart as I watched my friends post their New Year’s resolutions. I had joined them with enthusiasm in years past, charging with joy into our annual fresh start.

Last year was different.

I couldn’t nail down one resolution. Not even one.

A busy schedule, a personal crisis, and a year of looming changes left me paralyzed with uncertainty. I could not see an obvious way forward, and I was fearful that any plans I did make wouldn’t come to pass.

Thankfully, God’s Word is the solution for every situation that stymies us. As I studied the book of Esther during this unsettled time, God gave me a new perspective. Instead of seeing Esther as a queen with a tiara, I saw her as a woman like me. A woman with uncertainty swirling around her.

When Esther was asked by her uncle Mordecai to go to her husband, the king, to interrupt a genocidal plot, she was wise. Esther 4:15-16 tells us, “Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: ‘Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.’”

Before charging into a risky act with an undetermined outcome, she took two powerful steps. This is a path we can follow today to steady us in uncertainty."

Read the rest of ’s devotion with the link in my profile.


“Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out…“The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn’t even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten. The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.”
‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ , 9-14 MSG

Let us adore and worship Him today!

THIS is Christmas!

Merry Christmas, friends!


There are many ways I’m different than the wise men who came to visit Jesus. (I know, some are very obvious!)

Maybe you can spot it because you’re a bit like me: “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11

They didn’t come to Jesus with requests.

They came to worship; they came with gifts.

Same with the shepherds. “…glorifying and praising God for all the things they had seen and heard, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 1:20

Neither came to the Savior asking for something. I have a lot to learn from them this Christmas season.

Lord, even in this, the words and energy to praise and worship You, I need You. Amen

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Thank you for sharing @suzanne.eller!“🎙 You can make a difference.I loved these directions from two women I know who liv...
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