The Training Room NOLA

Professional 5-star training, physical therapy and treatment available for every athlete in South Lo


It isn't always easy to put yourself first, we get it.

Between work, juggling your social calendar, and making sure you get the kids to school on time, there's always a reason to skip a workout.

And in a city like this, there's always a reason to wait...

But what if all of that was actually a reason to START?!

What if we told you that we think that taking an hour of time just for yourself, to work towards YOUR goals, would make all that other stuff even more fun?

And if you were waiting for a sign, this is it.

From August 12th - August 31st, when you sign up for any recurring membership at The Training Room, you can get your 1st three months for $130/month.

Not only that, but your first class is on us. So come by this week, try a class, and stop waiting to put yourself first.

And don't forget! You can also join us for our Free Community Workout on the 17th at 8:30am. See you soon.

The time to reach your goals is now.


Whether you're a runner or love yoga, whether you're on your feet at work all day or sitting at a desk, we understand the demands of your daily life and want to learn your personal goals.

We understand that some things in your life just aren't negotiable.

Our Physical Therapists could just work with you here and send you on your way, but we work with you to create a game plan to make adjustments in all aspects of your life so you can keep doing everything you need to and also what you want to.

Pain and injury are tough. But you don't have to just live with it.

It's time to unlock your full human potential.

Call us to schedule your appointment today.


What's the secret to finding a workout routine you can stick to?

Sure, things like coaching and programming are important. But we've found the real game changer is who you surround yourself with.

We've found that the best results, the ones that last for life, come when you are surrounded by like-minded people.

And we think we have a pretty great community.

Mark your calendars and join us next Saturday, August 17th at 8:30am for a special Community Workout. All ages and fitness levels are welcome for this partner workout!

Come do a little fitness and crack a few smiles along the way. We can't wait to meet you!

Photos from The Training Room NOLA's post 08/06/2024

A few months ago, we introduced you to one of our athletes, Cooper.

Cooper is a 5 Star Kicker at St. Martin’s and has been working with Jonathan one on one to improve on and off the field.

They have been working on helping Cooper gain mobility, flexibility, strength, balance, and motor control to increase his performance while also decreasing his risk of injury.

We told you that we couldn’t wait to see what’s next and now we know...

And we want to take a moment to officially congratulate Cooper on committing to Boise State University!

Congrats! You’ve earned it.

Now... who’s taking a road trip with us?


"I have nothing but nice things to say about The Training Room! The Training Room not only provides a friendly and welcoming environment but takes my favorite aspects of functional fitness and adds a 'smarter' approach. Jonathan and his staff are amazing at adapting workouts for everyone. I highly recommend anyone new to lifting or CrossFit veterans to check out The Training Room- you'll be happy you did!"

Between work + juggling your social calendar + making sure you get your holiday shopping done... you have enough stress in your life. ⁠

So we want to make sure that your time in the gym doesn't add to it.

We've created an environment where you can come in, get a killer workout that's leaves you feeling confident (and safe) and crack a few smiles while doing so. Because well... fitness should be fun. ⁠

Come see what we mean today!


How we feel about making it to another Friday.

This week was full of some challenging programming, but we got 1% better.

Which workout did you love OR love to hate the most this week?

Comment below. And get ready... We’ve got some more good ones dialed up for you next week.

Photos from The Training Room NOLA's post 08/01/2024

When we talk about our community, this is what we mean…

Our 6:15am crew never misses an opportunity to celebrate one another, whether it’s a PR or a birthday. And it’s awesome to watch.

So while a gym can be a place where you just go to workout, it can also be so much more.


To achieve any goal, you have to be consistent.

But you also need something else; aggressive patience.

We know these things are true:
- You CAN do it.
- It will take time.
- You need to be patient.
- You are going to get frustrated.
- You won't get there if you just wait for things to happen.

You can't expect to accomplish any goal if you don't put in the necessary work to make it happen.

Learning how to work while you wait is where the magic happens. And we put in a lot of work here.


We’re really big fans of functional fitness here.

What do we mean?

To us, functional fitness means training your body for everyday activities, and to make daily motion easier and safer.

When we practice functional fitness, it’s for activities like:
✅ Carrying groceries
✅ Picking up children
✅ Walking in nature
✅ Being mobile on the floor

But fitness isn’t always fun. Sometimes it’s hard to get moving.

That’s why we’ve created a beautiful space with awesome workouts and built an amazing community to do it all with.

Turns out, workouts don’t have to feel like work.

Come try a class for yourself!


It isn't always easy to put yourself first, we get it.

Between work, juggling your social calendar, and making sure your kids get to soccer practice on time, there's always a reason to skip a workout.

And in a city like this, there's always a reason to wait...

Football, summer travel, Olympic watch parties, you name it.

But what if all of that was actually a reason to START?!

What if we told you that we think that taking an hour of time just for yourself, to work towards YOUR goals, would make all that other stuff even more fun?

So if you were waiting for a sign, this is it.

Not only that, but your first class is on us. So come by this week, try a class, and stop waiting to put yourself first.

The time to reach your goals is now.


At The Training Room we are a physical therapy clinic as well as training facility. We treat patients from the very beginning of their injury or surgery until they fully return to their sport.

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy work with you on treatments like dry needling, joint and soft tissue work to improve swelling, cupping, and pain/range of motion restrictions. All of this to better help strength and more advanced activities.

Not only that, but because we are a coaching facility for all ages and fitness levels, we are FULLY equipped to help you get back to your goals.

Come to The Training Room no matter where you are in your journey; early, mid-stage, or high level advanced rehabilitation. We are ready to help you get back to doing what you love.

Appointments for August are already filling up. Call today to schedule your appointment.


If you’ve been looking for a sign to change things up... Then this is it!

With a ton of options available at The Training Room, we’re ready to have you feeling and moving better than ever.

✅ Group Fitness Classes
✅ Physical Therapy
✅ Nutrition Coaching
✅ Personal Training
✅ Small Group Training
✅ Youth Sports Performance
✅ Perpetual Fitness (55+)

To top it off, we’ve created an environment where you can come in, get a killer workout and crack a few smiles while doing so. Because well... fitness should be fun.

Schedule your Free Intro Class today


This picture may not seem like much, but we think it says a lot.

Here is a group of people who probably wouldn't have known each other if it wasn't for the gym.

Not only do they know each other now, but they respect and support each other. Together they work hard and sweat and push and encourage. They sit and wait for everyone to finish and meet them with a smile and kind words.

Here are people that may have never met, but now share a strong sense of community and shared purpose.

When we say that our community is great and that the people make the difference, this is what we mean.

Tag your people below!


We get it... summer's are crazy.

Between travel, trying not to get caught in the rain, and your kids camp letting out before you can get off of work, it's easy to miss a workout.

But luckily, we've got ways for you to grab a workout every weekend.

You can join us at 8am or 9am every Saturday for a great partner workout OR come join us every Sunday at 8:30am for an Endurance workout that's sure to leave you feeling accomplished.

Who's coming this weekend?!


Turns out that what you do outside of the gym, has a pretty big impact on what you can accomplish in the gym and how quickly you reach your goals.

Yep, that includes things like your sleep, recovery, and definitely your nutrition.

But it's HARD. Believe us, we know.

That's why we have nutrition coaching available at The Training Room.

Don't worry; it's not a black and white, "eat this, don't eat that" approach.

We are here to help you:
➡️ Understand your unique body
➡️ Create a game plan to help you reach your goals
➡️ Guide you in building awesome, sustainable habits
➡️ Teach you the basics around portions and macros
➡️ Provide you with the support you need

If you're ready to have someone on your team, we've got space. But hurry, we currently only have 5 spots available for new clients!

Message us to learn more and to set up your Free Consultation today.


"My low back started to give me some trouble last month and I found that it had an impact on my life. After seeing Dr. Jonathan Burke one time so far, I can’t stress how much improvement I’ve felt. He provided me with lots of home exercises that have really helped me to expedite my recovery. The best part is that because I also started to workout at the Training Room, Dr. Jonathan Burke and all of the coaches are able to help me modify the workouts so that I can keep up with my fitness goals and continue training while not only preventing injury, but also improving my recovery through building strength and mobility.

The Training Room does it all, and I can’t overstate how much I appreciate this place."

No matter the athlete...
No matter the sport...
No matter the gym...

We want to each person that comes through our doors. We want to help you move better than ever before.

Whether you've just had surgery, are rehabbing an injury, or just want to move better and take your performance up a notch, then we've got you covered.

Let us show you what Physical Therapy can be.


"My fellow athletes at The Training Room are the best. I’ve never once felt intimidated around this group. It IS hard to start at a gym and see the incredible ability of other athletes when you’re a raw beginner. But, they’ve all been so welcoming and sooo helpful when they see me struggling or unsure. There’s no air of superiority. Everyone really supports each other here. It’s really the best."

We'd be lying if we said things like coaching and programming didn't matter. They do... a lot.

But we think the key to finding a workout routine you can not only stick to, but enjoy, is the people.

People who push you, who encourage you, hold you accountable.

And we have a lot of those people here.

Luckily, there's always room for one more.


If we had a dollar for every time someone said they wanted to get in shape before joining, we don't know exactly how much we would have, but we would have a lot of dollars.

But we want to let you in on a little secret...

You don't need to be in shape to start.

So many people put off trying something new (especially when it comes to fitness) because they are worried they don't look the part or don't know the movements. They think they have to already look and perform at a certain level to join a class.

But here's the truth... a great coach and community will meet you exactly where you are and help you reach your goals no matter where you are starting from.

Turns out, you can use the gym to get "in shape".

What are you waiting for?


Every class at The Training Room starts with an ice breaker question.

It may seem silly at first, but we've found it's become an important part for building and maintaining a strong community.

If you're new, it helps you get to know the people around you and when you know those people, the workouts feel a little less intimidating.

If you've been here awhile, it's a great way to catch up with your friends before the work starts.

On this Friday, we want to know... what's something you accomplished this week?

Comment below.


Whether you're a CrossFit or love yoga, whether you're on your feet at work all day or sitting at a desk, we understand the demands of your daily life and want to learn your personal goals.

We understand that some things in your life just aren't negotiable.

Our Physical Therapists could just work with you here and send you on your way, but we work with you to create a game plan to make adjustments in all aspects of your life so you can keep doing everything you need to and also what you want to.

Pain and injury are tough. But you don't have to just live with it.

It's time to unlock your full human potential.

Call us to schedule your appointment today.


We think fitness is important.

Not only do we need strength training as we age to stay healthy and strong, but we benefit so much from having an hour to ourselves a few times a week.

In a world dominated by notifications and dings and buzzes, the ability to step aside and focus on yourself for an hour is huge.

And a cool thing about it? It positively affects everyone around you.

Making your health a non-negotiable allows you to show up for those around you as the best possible version of yourself.

It allows you to be active and present for your partner, your kids, your grandkids, or even your parents or grandparents.

And don't we all want to do that? Be an active participant in our own lives for as long as possible? We think so.


"If you are looking to start working out or thinking about switching gyms because your workouts are boring, this is your place!!! All of the coaches are amazing. After many years at one gym, I was ready for something new. I’ve been a member for almost 2 years now. My lifting, strength and confidence has improved so much that I look forward to going to class every morning. With the right coaching and of course the friendship you gain, cheering you on during your workouts you will not be disappointed. TTR is truly a friendly fun atmosphere."

What if we told you that we could take the "work" part out of working out?

That we've got a place where the workouts are challenging but actually enjoyable?

We it sounds crazy, but we think we've got that place. Somewhere that you truly can't wait to get to everyday. Somewhere where growth happens even on the tough days.

Don't believe us? Come see what we mean and try a class today!


Did you know that Sundays at The Training Room are for Endurance?

Running, rowing, biking all paired with low weight/ high rep movements that test you physically, yes. But they also test you mentally.

Endurance Sundays aren’t about finishing fast or even finishing at all, but getting outside of your comfort zone and pushing to get a little bit better.

Come try a class with us this Sunday at 8:30am.


Who said fitness can’t be fun?

Definitely not Kevin.

Join us tomorrow for our only class at 8:30am as we get after one of our favorite workouts!

Message us to reserve a spot and get your holiday started with one of the best crews around.


It isn't always easy to put yourself first, we get it.

Between work, juggling your social calendar, and making sure your kids get to soccer practice on time, there's always a reason to skip a workout.

And in a city like this, there's always a reason to wait...

Football, Jazz Fest, Mardi Gras, you name it.

But what if all of that was actually a reason to START?!

What if we told you that we think that taking an hour of time just for yourself, to work towards YOUR goals, would make all that other stuff even more fun?

So if you were waiting for a sign, this is it.

Not only that, but your first class is on us. So come by this week, try a class, and stop waiting to put yourself first.

The time to reach your goals is now.


We can't promise that we can ever get you this excited about running...

But we promise that we can show you how fitness can go from being something you have to do, to something you look forward to doing.

By building The Training Room around a strong community, great coaching, and thoughtful programming, we've created a place where people are excited to workout.

Again, not saying you'll ever be excited to run or do burpees... but you'll look forward to seeing what you're capable of alongside friends.

And it doesn't get much better than that.

Come see what we mean and join us for our Free Community Workout at 8am tomorrow morning. We'll see you soon.


We believe that building stronger, faster, more resilient, confident athletes starts at a young age.

This summer we are excited to work with Youth Athletes age 7-12 to develop their skills now.

Sports are only getting more competitive and we believe that we can build the foundation for highly successful long-term athletes.

In classes, athletes will work on
✅Body Mechanics
✅ Core Motor Patterns
✅ Age Appropriate Strength and Fundamentals
✅ Basics of Speed and Agility
✅ Mobility
✅ Balance and Core Strength

These classes will lay the foundation for athleticism and coordination in any field of play in a supportive environment. We strive to help your athlete build confidence on and off the field.

Classes run Monday-Friday from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Come try a class on us today!


We're just about halfway through the year...

Which means you still have plenty of time to go after or change up the goals you set for yourself this year.

We believe a little accountability goes a long way and that with the support of our awesome coaches and community, we have the tools to help you reach your goals.

So what are you getting done in the back half of 2024? Comment below! We can’t wait to hear them.


We're really big fans of functional fitness here.

What do we mean?

To us, functional fitness means training your body for everyday activities, and to make daily motion easier and safer.

When we practice functional fitness, it’s for activities like:
✅ Carrying groceries
✅ Gardening
✅ Walking in nature
✅ Getting off the floor without assistance

For one of our members, she sees it daily in her job.

"It has helped me in so many ways as an early childhood educator. Picking up kids, and getting up and down from the floor during play time. Also, climbing into my jacked up Jeep is just like a box step up :)"

But just because it's functional doesn't mean it's easy to get going.

That's why we've created a beautiful space with awesome workouts and built an amazing community to do it all with.

Turns out, workouts don't have to feel like work.

Schedule your Free Intro Class today!


"My low back started to give me some trouble last month and I found that it had an impact on my life. After seeing Dr. Jonathan Burke one time so far, I can’t stress how much improvement I’ve felt. He provided me with lots of home exercises that have really helped me to expedite my recovery. The best part is that because I also started to workout at the Training Room, Dr. Jonathan Burke and all of the coaches are able to help me modify the workouts so that I can keep up with my fitness goals and continue training while not only preventing injury, but also improving my recovery through building strength and mobility.

The Training Room does it all, and I can’t overstate how much I appreciate this place."

No matter the athlete...
No matter the sport...
No matter the gym...

We want to each person that comes through our doors. We want to help you move better than ever before.

Whether you've just had surgery, are rehabbing an injury, or just want to move better and take your performance up a notch, then we've got you covered.

Let us show you what Physical Therapy can be.

Call us to schedule your appointment today!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

You probably know we offer Personal Training at The Training Room.But did you know we offer Sports Specific Personal Tra...
Calling all Youth Athletes!Whether your athlete plays baseball, volleyball, soccer, or anything in between... Any young ...
If you’ve been looking for a sign to change things up... Then this is it!With a ton of options available at The Training...
Small Group Training 💪
Trying something new, especially as adults, can be... unnerving.Let's be honest, nobody wants to look like they don't kn...
We're growing our team and we're so excited!This time we're looking for a friendly, articulate, and career minded indivi...
🚨BLACK FRIDAY SAVINGS ALERT🚨We don't think you should wait until the New Year to go after your goals.That's why we've go...
This past Saturday morning, our members turned out for a much needed conversation with our very own, Dr. Jonathan Burke....
Did you know we have Strongman Class every Saturday?That’s right. Every Saturday, you can join Coach Duke for a class th...
We believe that every time you walk through our doors, it’s an opportunity to get 1% better.This past Saturday, Coach Ke...
While the workouts look different everyday, the goal remains the same:✅ Show up✅ Work hard✅ Have fun✅ Leave the gym 1% b...
We think the key to finding long-term success is finding something you can stick to.And we know you’re more likely to st...


2800 Veterans Boulevard
Metairie, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 7pm
Tuesday 5am - 7pm
Wednesday 5am - 7pm
Thursday 5am - 7pm
Friday 5am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 11am
Sunday 8am - 6pm

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