
No Weights! No Gym! No Problem! Transformetrics is the ULTIMATE resource for bodyweight and apparatus free training.


Sneak peek of upcoming book from Author, John E Peterson, "Power Secrets: From the Fountain of Youth: The Nutritional Edge".


Realistic & Unrealistic Expectations

Earlier today I received an e-mail asking me about a specific program of exercise from a man questioning the recommended frequency of training when employing Isometric Contraction. He was particularly interested in knowing why I recommend daily training as opposed to training every other day or with even less frequency as some authors espouse. In fact, these days there are so-called 'experts' advising people they can achieve fantastic results by training just once in a 'blue moon'. So what's the truth, how often do you need to train to be in great shape?

The answer to his question is first defined by, 'What do you mean by great shape?' As relates to the frequency of training that answer is ultimately determined by the goals you want to accomplish and your personal rate of recovery which will be determined by the intensity of your training and the amount of wear and tear your body has been subjected to as a result the training.

The man that contacted me stated that he had read a book titled, 'The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution' in which the author claimed that a man or woman could train just once a week for 20 to 25 minutes using the 'SuperSlow Protocol' and achieve Maximum Strength, Fat Loss, and Fitness.

He asked me if I believed that one really could accomplish all the objectives listed above with just one such workout each week.

My answer: Those are grandiose claims that cannot possibly be achieved with one 20 to 25-minute workout each week. Not only that but sight unseen how can any author state Maximum Strength, Fat Loss, and Fitness. Compared to what? And without having any idea of the kind and quantity of food the trainee is consuming or the persons present level of fitness and metabolic rate or lack of it, or for that matter, his or her specific goals. Don't get me wrong. Any exercise will get you in better shape than if you didn't exercise at all but 20 to 25 minutes out of 10,080 minutes in each week will NOT create a lithe, lean and sculpted physique or figure.

Bottom line: There are 1440 minutes in a day and 10,080 in a week. To make an assertion that one can achieve a meaningful standard of strength, fitness and fat loss by training just once a week for 20 to 25 minutes is ludicrous. I'll explain why in follow up posts.


Hey Friends, I received a question from a young man studying physiology at a major university about what comprises ideal set and repetition numbers for the purpose of building muscular size.

He states that current research indicates the ideal number of reps per set for building muscular size is 6 to 8 repetitions and that some studies indicate that the results are comparable up to 10 reps. He then asks, "But why should anyone do 10 reps of anything if doing 6 to 8 produces the same result?" His next statement was that research also indicates that performing more than 12 reps per set yields a lower result than 6 to 8. As far as sets are concerned he states that research indicates that the ideal number is not as tightly tied down but that 3 sets seem to be the optimum.

His question, "Why do you insist that 15 to 20 reps is ideal?"
Answer: I don't really insist on anything. Consider: More than 40 years ago I had developed a friendship with Dr. Laurence E. Morehouse, who headed up the human performance lab at UCLA. I discussed things of this type with him on a frequent basis. As relates to reps he seemed to think that it was best to perform 15 to 20 per set and that each set should represent an intense effort. His logic for 15 to 20 reps was that that was the best rep range for infusing highly oxygenated blood into the muscle tissue and therefore delivered a better pump. At that same time I was reading Vince Gironda's material on training and he stated that 8 sets X 8 reps yielded extraordinary results. Yet, at exactly the same time Arthur Jones of Nautilus was promoting just one set as optimum. So who was/is right?

My response is based on reality. No matter who you are, at some point you're going to reach a plateau doing whatever it is that you are doing and at that time you will need to switch things up in order to stimulate further progression. Seriously, it won't matter what anyone else says to do. To the contrary, at that point, nobody else will get to vote on it. It will be you taking the initiative to finetune your exercises to your own body.

For example, my friend Jack King had shoulder injuries from years and years of Olympic Style weightlifting (Jack once totaled 900 on the three Olympic lifts) that made it impossible for him to do pressing movements of any kind and yet he wanted to pursue bodybuilding. Though he could do no pressing movements with weights, he did discover that he could do a specific kind of Push-up with his feet elevated that allowed him to knock out high volume reps that gave him an incredible pump. So much so that five years later he ended up winning the Masters Mr. America contest in 1996.

At the time he won the Master's, Jack wasn't doing 6 to 8 reps per set and he wasn't doing sets of 15 to 20. Truth to tell, he worked himself up to sets of 100 to 150 and he was averaging 10 sets on his Wednesday and Saturday workouts and performing more than 1,000 reps in each of those workouts. In fact, on one Saturday he did 2,000 reps just to do it. Here's the real bottom line. When you are starting out it's great to have certain guidelines but at some point, you're going to have to become your own best trainer and determine your own best training strategy from that point on. The reason I'm telling you this is because the more advanced you become the more intuitive will be your training. So my advice is to not get too hung up on reps and sets and don't expect someone else to give you answers that only you can discover on your own.


Hey Guys, What would you think about moving the online forum to facebook? Just thinking out loud. It seems as though we are all already here...


Since the publication of my first book, 'Pushing Yourself to Power' in early 2003, I have been asked many questions including:

- What the best diet is to lose fat?

- What is the best exercise system to build lean muscle and to sculpt my body?

- How do I get rid of my paunch?

- How do I build my energy?

You will find the answers to these in my new course from Transformetrics Living Strength – Power Secrets From the Fountain of Youth.

The Transformetrics Living Strength – Power Secrets course will be presented in several courses. The first Living Strength – Power Secrets From Fountain of Youth will be the 'Master Nutrition Guide' that will teach you everything you need to know about eradicating the feminizing and debilitating effects of Estrogen and Cortisol in order to put your body into perfect balance with an abundance of Testosterone and HGH.

Through the Master Nutrition Guide you will learn how to slim down and muscle up in world-record time while maximizing your strength.

**The Transformetrics brand and its Trade Mark is owned by John E Peterson and was created by him in 2000 to denote his own unique brand of physical training that originates specifically with him.


Transformetrics is the same in every language. I (John), have been asked, "are your books printed in other countries?" The answer is yes! Though the language and spellings may change from country-to-country, Transformetrics is the same in every language. Here is the Russian version of 'The Miracle Seven' as you can see, everything has changed except for one thing – 'Transformetrics' and how it transforms you.


John gives us insight into longevity with this simple physical test of strength, flexibility, and balance without putting strain on your body. Take a moment to breathe as you watch and try it yourself.


John gives us insight on how to properly do a full-body Isometric Contraction. No need to risk injury or inflict pain to your joints and ligaments to have living strength!


John gets asked if Isometrics really increases strength....take a look for yourself as he gives a flex tube a whirl.


Behind the scenes peek of proofing and editing the newest book from author, John Peterson, showing new Isometric exercises to maximize 'Living Strength' and remain injury-free. In the words of John, "All gain and no pain!" Coming your way next month!

Photos from Transformetrics™'s post 06/25/2018

Author, John Peterson, is writing a new book on the power of Isometrics; staying youthful, and being the best shape of your life, even at the age of 65!


Functional movements that you can fit into your day, even on a coffee break like John Peterson did today. Hindu Squat: compound exercise works multiple muscles at one time, leading to increased muscle fibers. During the exercise, it works the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abs, and shoulders simultaneously.


We believe you don't have to beat your body up to be in the best shape of your life; life takes enough swings at you. We will be sharing stories of how bodies and lives have been transformed and would love to hear from you.

Here is a peek at our Isometric Power Belt, it builds strength while keeping you from injuries:


When Experience Says The Opposite

Hello Friends,

I have received an e-mail from a man that is trying hard to wrap his head around the concept that he can train everyday with Living Strength exercises and still not be over training.

So lets address "Over Training".

Question: What exactly is "Over Training"?

Simple Answer: Training beyond your body's ability to fully recover and feel strong, energized, re-charged and rarin' to go again. This is especially true of your Central Nervous System. More often than not it is the Central Nervous System that is depleted and makes a person feel only half alive. Exercise that depletes the Central Nervous System is Counter Productive to achieving High Level Super Health and Fitness.

So what are we really teaching?

Answer: Old Time Physical Culture With A New Understanding.

Consider what Gordon posted on another thread from Paramahansa Yogananda:

"It is both a method of cure and a method of prevention of disease, mental weakness, and suffering. It is based on truth, collaborated by experience and strengthened by persistence.
It prevents hardening of the arteries and insures lasting youth by stimulating an even circulation and helping to eject foreign matter from the system. It revives, enlarges, and strengthens tissues and awakens lazy muscles; forms osseous or bony tissues; and accelerates involuntary functions such as those of the heart, lungs, stomach and intestines, capillaries, lymphatic glands,veins and brain. Ordinarily we have no control over circulation, digestion, and other involuntary processes of the body. But we can influence them by the exercise of voluntary muscles over which we do have control.”
Now consider what is stated in Living Strength

"To know how to keep physically young, you should know why you grow old. The human anatomy is composed of triillions of minute microscopical bodies which science terms cells. These cells come into being through the air you breathe, the liquid you drink, and the food you eat, and then by the marvelous process of digestion and assimilation are converted into cellular tissue. Having come into being, these minute cells live their brief life and then die just as you and I must die, and having become dead matter must be eliminated from the system. If not, they clog up the body and impede it's functions. Under these circumstances it rapidly deteriorates, the muscles not being properly nourished, shrink and the signs of age appear. If this clogging waste matter can be eliminated, then the conditions of youth will return. This can never be accomplished by medicinal means, Nature alone provides the method. It lies, as I have stated, in the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. In that way you force out from the body any waste matter which may have deposited into the venous and glandular system, and it is then carried off by the ordinary bodily secretions. Any muscle or set of muscles so exercised will increase in size, strength, and elasticity, and will finally and practically be rejuvenated. This being true of one muscle it is true of all and as all parts of the body are in symphony with each other, any adjacent gland or organ will be benefited. Therefore if all parts of the structure are so exercised a general rejuvenation results. My method is simply the using of a systematic series of contractions and alternate relaxations of every large muscle or sets of muscles of the body. By this means and other simple methods I describe, I have accomplished my rejuvenation. These movements might be described as a kind of muscle-pumping process, as that is what it really is, if health alone is your objective, exercise equipment of any type is totally unnecessary and may in fact impede progress. Why? Because in order to achieve maximum benefit your thought must be focused upon the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscle groups being exercised. For that reason it is recommended that all Iso-Dynamic exercises be performed with minimal or no equipment and maximum mental focus."

Bottomline: The Living Strength exercises speed recovery and dramatically improve health by removing worn out cellular tissue as stated above. Working out too intensely and for too long a duration of time by going to failure and then doing nothing for days on end does not speed recovery or improve health. In fact it does the opposite by compromising the body's ability to remove worn out cells which needs to be done daily. We exercise daily to improve the body's ability to remove worn out cellular tissue and stimulate regrowth of healthy tissue because that is the only way to stay strong, vital and youthful.

---John Peterson

Number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980: WHO 04/06/2016

Hello Friends,

A friend sent me the following link.

The bottom line is that there has been a 400% increase in the number of adults with diabetes. Yet it is much worse than most people realize because virtually all of this increase is in the technologically advanced countries of the world especially the USA. Worse still is the correlation between the introduction of High Fructose Corn Syrup and GMO grains into the American food supply.

---John Peterson

Number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980: WHO 06 April 2016 - 11H05Number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980: WHO Tweet © AFP/File | Global changes in dietary habits, including the consumption of sugary food and drinks, have contributed to an increase in diabetes GENEVA (AFP) - The number of adults estimated to be living with di…


Did you know.... If you skip the Cardio and go straight for building lean muscle the right way.

You can accelerate the process that can eliminate some time during the process in which can be the time you get doubts and think about giving up. You can actually bypass the doubts and the past thoughts of giving up.

Simply by learning the techniques of how to build lean muscle without straining or tearing your muscle's while lifting weights.

So many people get discouraged when they don't see quick enough results!

If you were one of them, there is hope for you yet!

With Transformetrics we can show you the right way to get the results quicker whether you just want to lose weight or bulk up. It is a success for which ever your hearts' desire!

A great start to get you where you need to go. Gives much detail in Miracle-Seven book and with a purchase the Miracle-Seven we will include a FREE 60 Day Personal Power Health & Fitness Journal to go along with it.


Hello Friends,

One of the things I want to caution all of my friends about is an over willingness to believe what you read or see presented in the media ( all forms of media) as fact.

While it is 100% true that we are living in the age of Information it is just as true that we are living in the age of misinformation. What I mean by this is that we are living in a time in which there are a great many sources of information that are spinning half truths as fact. Let me give you an example:

I received the above article from a man that is totally confused about what determines a good, nutritious diet and he asked me if I believe the suppositions and information presented are true. The problem is that by asking me rather than checking sources for himself he is putting himself at the mercy of yet another person and opinion. I mention this because I think today more than ever one must be on guard and develop one's own sense of discernment. Nothing wrong with asking questions but I would like to see each of you become discerning experts in your own right.

---John Peterson


Is This Stuff Real?

My Friends,

I just read an e-mail from a guy that has sustained serious injuries to his wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and knees from decades of doing what he believed he was supposed to do.

He has read both our recent and archived posts and wonders if YOU are all mindless participants following a self deluded GURU meaning ME, or if what we teach is real.

I am not going to respond. We are not running a CULT. Nowhere on the entire world wide web has anyone encouraged self discovery the way that we have and unlike my so called 'competition' I have never charged for it.

Any Wile E Coyote reading this can drink there own "kool aid " we have none to offer.

To the guy that wrote me, I take back my statement above about not responding. On second thought I do have advice for YOU. You have spent years following your own GURUS that have taught YOU to bust yourself up. What has it gotten you other than a world of pain? My advice to YOU: Do what you have always done and see where it gets you.

---John Peterson

Timeline photos 03/16/2016

"Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got one flat."

Don't Give Up Because of a Setback

Hey Friends,

We all experience setbacks in one form or another. No one is immune. Personally, I've had more than my share because I have always pushed the envelope beyond personal comfort.

I am writing this because I received an e-mail from a man that has been dealt a serious setback in his business and he feels like giving up. My response is DON'T!!!

Copy this quote and hang on to it.

"Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got one flat."

Don't give up my friend. Keep moving forward.

---John Peterson


Good-Bye Inflammation, Hello Super Health

Hello Friends,

When we look at the diseases that plague our 21st century society — arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — we see that total lifestyle changes are required. What might not be as obvious is the common denominator tied to all of the diseases listed above and more: inflammation is at the root of almost every disease.

By removing the foods that cause inflammation and replacing them with anti-inflammatory foods, not only can the symptoms of these diseases be alleviated, but we can even see them cured.

First The Good News

Inflammation as a bodily function is not necessarily always a bad thing. When the body is injured or ill, the lymphatic (immune) system springs into action, bringing the immune system’s army of white blood cells to the area of concern via increased blood flow. ( This is also why I am such a strong advocate of Rebounding. Nothing activates the lymphatic system the way rebounding does. But that is another post)

With the increased attention to the area, there might also be swelling, redness, heat, and pain or discomfort. You’ve probably seen this immune response in action, as a cut or scrape becomes hot and puffy around the wound while the extra blood runs. Inflammation, in a healthy body, is the normal and effective response that facilitates healing.

Sadly, we know this isn’t the whole story.

When the immune system overreaches and begins attacking healthy body tissues, (such as happens when on cortisol overload) we’re met with an autoimmune disorder like leaky gut and inflammation in otherwise healthy tissues of the body. This is also the case for arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms, as well as celiac and irritable bowel disease (IBD). For diseases that aren’t autoimmune, inflammation can still play a part as the body continuously tries to heal the tissues in a given area. Asthma creates inflamed airways; inflammation related to diabetes affects insulin resistance; and so on. This is when inflammation is a bad,bad thing!

Despite the connection between inflammation and prevalent diseases, as well as the connection between diet and inflammation that we’ll explore, diet isn’t always analyzed in response to inflammation. In a 2014 study on diet and IBD, 33 percent of the patients in the study opted against the proposed anti-inflammatory diet. (That means they literally chose to suffer. Dumb.Dumb.DUMB!) All of the patients who participated and consumed anti-inflammatory foods found enough relief that they were able to discontinue at least one of their medications. Still, the study notes that physicians typically offer “if it hurts, don’t do it” advice instead of clear dietary guidelines based in anti-inflammatory healing foods. As bad as this sounds it is not necessarily the physicians fault because they cannot give or teach what they do not know.

Certainly, there is more we can do to promote anti-inflammatory lifestyle changes.

Example: There is no doubt that the pursuit of a healing diet begins with a menu high in vegetables, fruits, grass fed and wild meats and sprouted seeds rich with omega-3 benefits. The evidence is clear that such anti-inflammatory foods can regulate the immune system and impact the way inflammation affects our bodies and our lives.

Small, gradual changes are typically more sustainable, easier for the body to adapt to and can make you less likely to go back to your old ways of self inflicted pain and sufferring. So rather than emptying your pantry and sailing off to the Mediterranean Island of Santorini, you can pursue an anti-inflammatory diet one step at a time.

By adding in the anti-inflammatory foods that fight inflammation and restore health at a cellular level, you can begin to repair your body without any drastic changes. Once you find foods that heal your body and satisfy your palate, you can remove the inflammation-causing offenders without feeling deprived. Let’s take a look at 15 of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can add to your diet.

1) Green Leafy Vegetables
The produce drawer is the first spot in your refrigerator or pantry to fill when fighting inflammation. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that restore cellular health, as well as anti-inflammatory flavonoids. If you struggle to consume added portions of green leafy vegetables, try this delicious anti-inflammatory juice that incorporates greens alongside some of the strongest anti-inflammatory foods in the list. Here's the recipe:

Anti-Inflammatory Juice Recipe
Total Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 2

4 Celery Stalks
1/2 Cucumber
1 cup Pineapple
1/2 Green Apple
1 cup Spinach
1 Lemon
1 k**b Ginger

Add all ingredients to vegetable juicer. Gently stir juice and consume immediately.

From time to time you can make substitutions to the list above. Swiss chard, for example, can substitute for Spinach and is extremely high in the antioxidants vitamin A and C, as well as vitamin K, which can protect your brain against oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. Eating chard can also protect you against the common vitamin K deficiency.

2) Bok Choy
Also known as Chinese cabbage, bok choy is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. In fact, recent studies show that there are over 70 antioxidant phenolic substances in bok choy. These include something called hydroxycinnamic acids, which are robust antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. A versatile vegetable, bok choy can be made in many dishes outside of Chinese cuisine, so make it one of your go-to anti-inflammatory foods.

3) Celery
In recent pharmacological studies, benefits of celery include both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities that help improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as prevent heart disease. Celery seeds — which can be found either in whole seed form, extract form or ground-up — have impressive health benefits on their own, as they help to lower inflammation and to fight bacterial infections. It’s an excellent source of potassium, as well as antioxidants and vitamins.

4) Beets (Lowers blood pressure, elevates Nitric Oxide)
A marker of a food chock-full of antioxidants is its deep color, and beets are a perfect example! The umbrella category of antioxidants includes a great deal of substances. In general, they fight to repair the cell damage caused by inflammation. In the case of beets, the antioxidant betalain gives them their signature color and is an excellent anti-inflammatory. When added to the diet, beet benefits include repairing cells and adding high levels of inflammation-fighting potassium and magnesium and a magnesium deficiency is strongly linked with inflammatory conditions. Also note: Calcium, while a vital nutrient, is not processed well within the body without magnesium. When calcium builds up in the body, it becomes unwanted — this unpleasant buildup, such as calcified kidney stones, then invites inflammation. But when a balanced diet is consumed, with anti-inflammatory foods rich in calcium as well as magnesium, the body better processes what’s consumed.

5) Broccoli
The poster vegetable for healthy eating, it’s no secret that broccoli is a valuable addition to any diet. For an anti-inflammatory diet, it’s invaluable. Broccoli is high in both potassium and magnesium, and its antioxidants are particularly potent anti-inflammatory substances in their own right.

Broccoli is an antioxidant powerhouse, with key vitamins, flavonoids and carotenoids. These work together to lower oxidative stress in the body and help battle both chronic inflammation and the risk of developing cancer. Bottom line: eat your broccoli.

6) Blueberries ( a Power House Super Food)
One antioxidant in particular stands out as an especially strong anti-inflammatory, and that’s quercetin. Found in citrus, olive oil and dark-colored berries, quercetin is a flavonoid (a beneficial substance or phytonutrient that’s prevalent in fresh foods) that fights inflammation and even cancer. The presence of quercetin is one of the greatest health benefits of blueberries.

In a study seeking treatment for IBD, an extract from the noni fruit was used to affect the gut flora and colon damage done by inflammatory diseases. Of the effects the extract had, quercetin created the prominent anti-inflammatory actions.

Another study found that consuming more blueberries slowed cognitive decline and improved memory and motor function. The scientists in this study believed these results were due to the antioxidants in blueberries protective the body from oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.

7.) Pineapple
Usually, when it’s packaged in supplement form, quercetin is often paired with bromelain, a strong digestive enzyme that happens to be one of the major benefits of pineapple. After being used for years as part of an anti-inflammatory foods protocol, bromelain is observed to have immune-modulating abilities — that is, it helps regulate the immune response that so often creates unwanted and unnecessary inflammation.

Pineapple also helps improve heart health because of the effects of powerful bromelain. which can fight blood clotting and is nature’s answer to those taking an aspirin a day to lower the risk of heart attack. Bromelain has been shown to stop blood platelets from sticking together or building up along the walls of blood vessels – both known causes of heart attacks or strokes.


Hey Friends,

A man diagnosed with severe Rheumatoid arthritis asked me if I know anything about Turmeric and it's effectiveness in treating arthritis. I told him to read my answer here.

Top 7 Proven Turmeric Health Benefits

The list of healing powers attributed to turmeric curcumin seems to be growing by the day. Of the more than 7,000 studies testing its effectiveness and safety, very few report any negative side effects. Although inherent dangers exist for certain people, the vast majority of research findings center on turmeric health benefits and its healing properties.

Some health conditions turmeric helps with are:

1) Chronic Inflammation and Pain

The journal Oncogene (one of the world's leading cancer journals) published the results of a study that evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds. It found that aspirin (Bayer, etc.) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) are least potent, while curcumin (the active agent in turmeric) is among the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative agents in the world. This means turmeric not only has great promise with chronic pain, but since it has less side effects, it may provide safe, lasting results!

2) Rheumatoid Arthritis

Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is highly effective at helping people manage rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A recent study out of Japan evaluated its relationship with interleukin (IL)-6, the inflammatory cytokine known to be involved in the RA process, and discovered that curcumin “significantly reduced” these inflammatory markers. This suggests that regular turmeric use could be a potent strategy to prevent the onset of RA from developing to begin with!

3) Depression

Researchers from the Government Medical College (Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India) published the results of the first study this past April to evaluate curcumin’s ability to manage depression in a controlled setting. Taking 60 volunteers diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and dividing the group to determine how patients treated by curcumin compared against fluoxetine (Prozac) and a combination of the two, it discovered that that the principal curcuminoid in turmeric is not only as effective as Prozac in managing depression, it doesn’t carry with it all the dangerous side effects as anti-depressive drugs do. According to the paper, “This study provides first clinical evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for treatment in patients with MDD.”

4) Diabetes

Turmeric is shown to lower blood glucose levels and reverse insulin resistance. For instance, an article published in Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications shared a study out of Auburn University that discovered curcumin suppresses glucose production in the liver. Fascinatingly, researchers proved that it’s actually 400 times more potent than Metformin (a common diabetes drug) in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Turmeric acted as an anti-diabetic and antioxidant in diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes, improved metabolic function and reduced the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries of type 2 diabetes patients.

5) Cancer

Recent studies show turmeric is a powerful adversary to cancer. Curcumin shows a marked ability to inhibit cancer cell growth, boost antioxidant levels and the immune system, and kill cancer cells. It seems to work on improving mitochondrial function at a cellular level, and it improves metabolism. Even against drug-resistant strains of leukemia, curcumin caused cell death of cancer cells.

6) Skin and Aging

Turmeric has many healing properties for skin. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory so it reduces redness or other skin irritations. It’s antibacterial, so it’s great for blemishes, acne and skin balance. Turmeric is wonderful at improving the texture of the skin because it is an exfoliant but also rich in antioxidants. It’s a wonderful natural treatment inside and out!

7) Brain Health and Memory

It’s all in your head … literally. This vital organ is the fundamental keeper of everything you’re able to think, act or dream. By taking turmeric, you can improve the oxygen intake of the brain, which helps in all of the brain’s functions and processes. Turmeric is extremely healing for the brain and for increasing memory function. Not surprisingly, when your brain functions at its best, then you increase the uptake of hormones, such as seratonin and melatonin. So, by healing the basic functioning of the brain, you can also heal other mental illnesses.

The Key to Turmeric Health Benefits

The key to turmeric’s healing power is the chemical compound curcumin. More than 7,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles have been published evaluating its effectiveness, and although some side effects are reported, the resounding feedback from the research community is that turmeric and its primary component, curcumin, hold some profound healing benefits for the entire body. Take, for instance, just a few of the most recent research studies published within the past few months showing that curcumin can:

Increase lifespan. (1)
Protect the liver oxidative stress. (2)
Kill fungus more effectively than ginger, clove and oregano. (3)
Induce tumor cell death in the deepest parts of individual cells. (4)
Kill bladder cancer cells. (5)
Destroy lung cancer cells. (6)
Lower blood cholesterol levels. (7)
Protect against cognitive/memory defects from heavy ion irradiation. (8)

Bottom Line: Turmeric is natures own Wonder Drug except its not drug. It's a food with extraordinary healing properties.

---John Peterson

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Videos (show all)

John gives us insight into longevity with this simple physical test of strength, flexibility, and balance without puttin...
John gives us insight on how to properly do a full-body Isometric Contraction.  No need to risk injury or inflict pain t...
John gets asked if Isometrics really increases strength....take a look for yourself as he gives a flex tube a whirl.
Functional movements that you can fit into your day, even on a coffee break like John Peterson did today. Hindu Squat: c...



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Minneapolis, MN

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Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
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Minneapolis, 55408

" that one may walk in peace." -Imi Lichtenfeld, founder and creator of Krav Maga, self-defense for every day life. Krav Maga Minneapolis is part of the International Krav M...

Anytime Fitness North Loop Anytime Fitness North Loop
111 Washington Avenue N
Minneapolis, 55401

Welcome to your friendly neighborhood gym in Minneapolis! Whether you're a beginner or fitness fanatic, Anytime Fitness will help you make healthy happen!