Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS

Dr. Kelsey Dobesh is a chiropractic physician (DC) and also a certified athletic trainer (ATC). Louis, Missouri.

Dr. Kelsey earned her Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in St. She also earned a bachelor's degree in Life Science from Logan and a Master's degree in Sports Science and Rehabilitation in 2013. Prior to attending Logan, she earned a bachelor's degree in Athletic Training from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She completed her certification exam in 2009 and ea

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 08/29/2024

An interesting case walked through my door recently, and I want to share some education on the topic.

Hip Anteversion.

What does this look like?
➡️ "Knock kneed"
➡️ Pigeon tied
➡️ Chafing along adductors (or wearing down the inner thigh seam of leggings, pants, etc.)

(Just to name a few)

So, here's the thing: your brain wants your most stable joint in your body (your hip) to be absolutely safe. That means it needs to live within its socket. Picture 1 shows how the "toes straight" foot will actually bring the hip joint out and exposed on the front surface (anterior side).

By creating a "toeing in" position with her feet, the hip socket will actually deepen and become more stable.

📣 TOEING IN IS NECESSARY for hip anteversion humans! Telling them to "walk with their feet straight" is not helpful. It's harmful!

Now, in an anteverted hip(s), notice Picture 3 with the red highlight. The lateral (outside) portion of the patella becomes very stressed. Pain will likely develop around the outside of the kneecap in a "C" shape. This will eventually move around the medial (inside) kneecap.

📣 Squatting exercises will create more pain and stress. So, we need to be smart about this!

They NEED TO HAVE LATERAL HIP AND GLUTE STRENGTH! Hip abductor strength is MANDATORY to protect the knees, hips, and lower back!


Starting year 7 (what?!?) of adjunct teaching at !

🌟Catch me every Thursday morning from 8am-11am teaching Biomechanics to the Master's in Athletic Training students. 🌟

During this class, these future healthcare providers will learn the mechanics of every single joint in the human body as well as complex movement patterns!

It's a lot of content...but it's their future and in 9 months they will be my colleagues, so this class matters!

Say a prayer for them and all teachers for a great year!❤️


It always was and always will be our own responsibility.

It's not your insurance companies' denial on a medication.

It's not your parents' responsibility anymore.

It's not your trainers' responsibility to make you more fit.

It's yours.
100% yours.

Audit your thoughts and actions to see if you're deflecting the blame.

Tough love is love, friends. ❤️


Clinic hours for later this week and into next week:

Closed Friday
Closed Monday for Labor Day

Stop in to get your supplements, Flux or Lems shoes, soaps, Thieves products, LMNT drink and drink mixes, or just to see our smiling faces! 😀

Have a great week! ❤️


I posted this 6 years ago....

It's becoming a MUCH BIGGER problem.

Let’s talk about something SO important but never really mentioned. 😱

Screen time and our kids.

Yep, I said it.

The research is there: neck pain, headaches, irritability, and addiction to these devices is just the beginning. 🛑

Many times parents will put learning apps on the devices, but are they playing those or watching YouTube videos of other kids playing with their own toys? 🤷‍♀️

Ten minutes a Day is okay. Two hours? No. 🛑

Get them outside and moving! Kids need movement and exercise, whether they tell you or not! 🚴🏻‍♂️🤸🏽‍♂️


Let's talk about the “how” — how these minerals work in the body. There are two broad categories of what electrolytes do:
Maintain fluid balance
Regulate the sodium-potassium pump

➡️➡️Fluid balance refers to how water is distributed in your organs, cells, and other tissues. Maintaining the right distribution keeps your blood flowing, brain functioning, sweat glands sweating, and cells chatting. 60% of your bodyweight is water molecules (closer to 50% if you’re over 60), and that H2O needs to be in the right places!

You also need electrolytes (especially sodium) to maintain that fluid balance. Sodium is the chief regulator of fluids outside of cells, and disruptions in sodium status and therefore fluid balance can cause cardiovascular, neurological, and other issues.

Your body keeps water in the right places through a complex system of receptors and hormones. But while fluid balance is mostly an unconscious process, your conscious self also plays a role by choosing how much water and electrolytes to consume.

➡️➡️ The sodium-potassium pump is largely to thank by allowing cells to communicate with one another. Without it, we can’t do anything — we can’t even breathe.

The pump sits in the wall of all animal cells. It has a handful of jobs, but one of the biggest relates to cellular communication.

Think of the sodium-potassium pump as a revolving door to the cell. For one cell to communicate to another, an electrical impulse fires — the cell’s doors spin open, with sodium ions rushing in and potassium ions rushing out (ions are molecules carrying an electric charge). Afterward, the pump “resets” the electrical charge of the cell by ushering sodium ions back out and potassium ions back in. This reset prepares the cell for its next electrical communication.

This function supports all nervous system activity (including brain activity), muscle contraction, and cardiac function, but the pump has other jobs:
➡️ It also supports sugar and amino acid transport between cells, s***m cell health, and kidney function. Your body allocates 20–40% of its cellular energy (ATP) to running the sodium-potassium pump. It’s that important.

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 08/19/2024

Did you know the placement of your ankles and feet directly impact the muscles of the core and specifically the pelvic floor muscles?

Plantar flexion, or pointing the toes, decreases pelvic floor muscle activity.

Dorsiflexion, or pulling the toes towards you, increases pelvic floor muscle activity.

So, who needs which critique?

It depends!

Has she delivered multiple kids naturally?
Does she have increased lower back pain too?
Is she a high school gymnast/swimmer/dancer/cheerleader?
Has she had any C sections?

All. Of. These. Matter.

This is part of the core complex program; being assessed to have exactly the direction that you need so that you can live a more functional, pain free life.


I say this all the time in our Functional Medicine Consults....

Because we really need to understand that this is where change is made.

In consistency.

It isn't sexy or flashy. It doesn't have bright colors or lights.

Sometimes it's boring.
And basic.

Drink your water.
Eat the protein.
Lift the weights.
Walk and move daily.
Spend time with Jesus or prayer.
Laugh and play with your kids.
Sleep well.

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 08/14/2024

⭐Shoe SALE⭐

We are clearing out some of our shoes and we you're excited to offer them to you at a discounted price!
(Waterproof Flux and Lems, only)

Picture 1.
These are the waterproof Flux shoes.
➡️ They fit a bit tighter than the originals.
➡️ This is a stiffer shoe.
➡️ Ideally for those that need a bit more balance help!
Come try these on!
🌟Save $10 on these shoes! 🌟

Picture 2.
This is our Lems collection.
Pictured here is our casual Sun Ray style (on the left) and our favorite lifting style on the right and middle.
➡️These have phenomenal toe space!
➡️ Very flexible shoe
Try these on!

🌟Save $20🌟


Teachers, nurses, postal workers, waiters/waitresses, delivery drivers, UPS/Fed Ex workers are RAVING about this shoes!

If you work on your feet most of the day, then you should probably come and try these on!

We have more sizes in stock!


Ladies: I'm looking at you.

Finding words to match to emotions helps me feel less guilty about the emotion and the word "overstimulated" describes every time I overreact, get really anxious, or feel mentally drained.

We are in the home stretch of summer and although it feels like a blur, it's okay to take a moment or two to just be still.

Remember to sit in the stillness and just BE. You are exactly where you're supposed to be.

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 08/12/2024

🌟Fall sports have started practices for many athletes 🌟

Parents: here are my top ⭐6⭐ picks to have at home to help the aches and pains that come with young athletes pushing their bodies!

1. TENS unit with case! This is an awesome tool to have at home for mine are muscle strains and pain! It comes in this great travel case, so your athlete can put it in their bag! We also have packages of extra sticky pads!

2. Our Feel Good Lab Lotion flies off the shelf all the time! This is an anti-inflammatory lotion, made from 30 natural plant ingredients! I love this product for aches and pains and sore muscles / joints! Comes in a great travel size as well, so they can throw it in their bag and take to practice and games!

3. Our favorite magnesium lotion! This is now available in a spray too! There's also a muscle rub! These are handmade in Parkston, SD from !

4. Hydrate is a fantastic option for those athletes that sweat a lot! I love this product because it also contains a lot of minerals, something that athletes will burn through quicker than other humans! It tastes delicious! And we have it available in a container or individual servings!

5. Our LMNT stock has been such a hit for athletes as well! This is going to be a combination of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Ideally for those that sweat often! I would prefer those that are already eating a healthy diet to opt for this product versus the Hydrate. The different flavors are delicious!

6. Rock tape! This is great to have on hand when an injury occurs and we need to create some kinesthetic awareness of the injured site for the brain. This is part of the healing process and it's so simple to have this thing on hand to be able to tape the joint or muscle. This tape does not support muscles or joints; we use it to create awareness of the area to assist the healing and rehabilitation process.
I like Rocktape much better than KT tape because of the stickiness and improved quality!

We have all of these available in our clinic! If you have any questions, let us know!


Sleep is your recovery, friends. It's your bodies ability to rest and recharge, heal, and grow and it's important to prioritize adequate time for this daily.

Is that tape on my mouth?
You betcha.

Does it look ridiculous?

Will your spouse make fun of you?

Here's why this is important:
I'm a mouth breather at night. This will create more nasal congestion upon awakening, restless sleep because of moments of apnea, and recovery can be altered.

By using a nose strip, I'm opening the airways to promote increased nitric oxide (NO) production. Nasal breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is also known as the "rest and digest" system. This system can help you relax and feel calm. It can also lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, and promote recovery and digestion.

Here's the deal: when you add two minor and cheap hacks to improve your sleep, you'll become more energetic and productive during the day.

Did you know that mouth breathing in kids is highly linked to bed wetting, ADD/ADHD behaviors, and focus issues during the day!?!

It's a big deal, friends.

Disclaimer: if you're a mouth breather, it make take some time to get use to taking your mouth at night AND keeping the tape on. Be patient and stick with it!


Leaving a positive Google review is one of the BEST ways to support small businesses!

If you haven't done so yet, would you be willing to help us out? The link is in the comments!

We appreciate each of you. ❤️


🌟An oldie, but a goodie!🌟

Momma's: let's talk about posture when holding our little ones!

Picture on the left: wrong. Check out the increased curve in my lower back, which ultimately causes you to push your abdomen out to balance. Notice my upper back is also too rounded. Results: lower back pain they will limit how long you can hold your little one and pain when picking them up and putting them down.

Picture on the right: correct. Engage the glutes to protect the lower back. Make your glutes work (as they are a large muscle) and your back pain will diminish, quickly! Engaging your glutes activates the core too. Both of these reduce the curve in the upper back.

Also notice the difference in my glutes (yep, I said it)! The picture on the left shows really no difference from the hamstring to the glutes. The picture on the right clearly shows different muscles.

Hope this helps for those who hold those little loves often! Let me know if you have more questions!


Great shoes are needed to help your body perform great movement ⭐

Movement is medicine, friends.

Movement moves the synovial fluid between our joints and this nourishes the cartilage around our bones and between the joint spaces.

Check out our new stock of Flux shoes!
You're going to love them!!

➡️We've also got our Lems shoes for those that love to lift weights and need great toe space and more of a barefoot style!

No appointment necessary to see the shoes! ❤️

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 08/02/2024

Ladies, wear the dang swim suit.
Get in the water and play.

Your kids will never forget that you chose to play with them vs. sitting in discomfort with your own body on the boat/poolside.

Have you played lately?!

Play like a kid. Scream! Laugh! Go all in and just PLAY.
Your kids will never forget the mom that played. ❤️

And if you feel stuck or like you don't know or remember how to PLAY and find JOY... This is when you see a provider that can help.

Don't be afraid to seek guidance to help you to feel your best!


Chiropractic= So. Damn. Cool.

Have you ever rubbed, massaged, compressed, chased "knots" in a specific muscle? And they just return, no matter what?

Fyi: it's not the muscle.

It's a neurological response.

The brain will send neurological responses to the muscles (because they control the muscles).

➡️Hence...tension and pain.

It's a protective mechanism because the deep structure (joint motion) has lost its range of motion, so the brain sends the signal to "tighten up."

This is why chiropractic is SO. DAMN COOL.

Two birds.... One stone. ✌️


Have you ever rubbed, massaged, compressed, chased "knots" in a specific muscle? And they just return, no matter what?

Fyi: it's not the muscle.

It's a neurological response.

The brain will send neurological responses to the muscles (because they control the muscles).

➡️Hence...tension and pain.

It's a protective mechanism because the deep structure (joint motion) has lost its range of motion, so the brain sends the signal to "tighten up."

This is why chiropractic is SO. DAMN COOL.

Two birds.... One stone. ✌️

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 07/31/2024

🌟As the school year starts to approach, can I ask that we shift from a mindset of reactivity to proactivity?

Basically, if we can get our kids into a routine of taking their supplements to encourage a healthy school year and less downtime because of illnesses... Our family and school systems thrive.

Think about how much time you've had to take off of work (or your spouse) because of sick kids. The cost can be high, especially if you have more than one child.

Remember, 🌟 it's not what you do once in awhile that makes the biggest difference in your health; it's what you do consistently. 🌟

And this means supporting your immune system, and your kids immune system, as they enter into classrooms with other children and other immune systems.

Here's a little preview of why I like these particular supplements for my own kids:
➡️ The thieves chest rub is absolutely incredible. Basically the same idea as a Vicks rub, but no toxic chemicals. This container is going to last a long time. And having this on hand, especially when we start to notice congestion in our kids and ourselves, is the key!

➡️ The thieves non-toxic household cleaner can be used anywhere. On anything. This is such an amazing concentrate and this bottle is going to last you well more than 6 months.

➡️ The D-Hist Jr. Supplement is amazing for kids that are struggling with allergies. But even better than that, this is going to help their immune system during that process. It's the absolute worst when allergies turn into a cold!

➡️ The Virakid supplement is the one that I will choose when my kids are starting to get sick. This can knock it out, almost immediately! It's a combination of vitamin C, zinc, elderberry!
This is chewable and delicious!

➡️DHA junior is an omega 3 supplement that supports brain function, decrease inflammation, and support a healthy immune system!

➡️ Kids Multi: chewable and delicious. We aren't feeding our kids proper nutrition and we all know this. This helps fill in the gaps!


The thing is.... We get what we continuously choose.

If we choose a sedentary life, then we will have health consequences as we age.

If we choose to invest in retirement in our 20's, we will have more money when the retirement comes.

If we choose inflammatory foods and lots of sugar, we will be dealt disease.

But if we choose to get uncomfortable and push ourselves physically, our mental health improves. Our relationships improve. Our outlook on life improves.

Intentionally getting uncomfortable is the way to grow.

But we have to choose.

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 07/29/2024

Please give a warm welcome to our newest employee and teammate at Dobesh Chiropractic...

🌟Bryce Berletic! 🌟

Bryce will join our team in early September as an athletic trainer, rehabilitation assistant, and chiropractic assistant!

His wife Kelsey and two kids currently live in Watertown, but they will be moving to Mitchell! Kelsey is from Mitchell and has a lot of family here! ❤️

With Bryce, you'll be able to schedule for stretching sessions, cupping, instrumented assisted soft tissue mobilization (scraping), rehabilitation for sports injuries/working out, AND SO MUCH MORE!

Stay tuned for more announcements as we get closer to his start date!


We get a lot of questions about ✨WHY✨ we love LMNT products and the benefit of the combination of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

All three electrolytes are needed to assist in the creation of energy (ATP) at the cellular level.

For those that participate in sweating activity on a regular basis, adding LMNt products to your weekly routine can be a game changer for energy production!

We have multiple flavors available and the canned options too! Stop in to try these out!


✨ We have added to our team! ✨

We are excited to bring our new team member to Dobesh Chiropractic!

Starting September 3rd, you'll see our new team member (and Certified Athletic Trainer) in our clinic!

We know you're so excited, and we are too!

Stay tuned as we announce our newest team mate!

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 07/22/2024

"What is the Core Complex Program?"

It's a program I created to help women (it can help men, too) to create stability and resiliency in their abdominal wall, lumbar spine, and their pelvic floor.

Common reasons for someone to schedule a visit:
1. Chronic lower back pain (before, during, or after pregnancy)
2. Incontinence or leaking
3. Feeling like their abdomen is very weak, despite exercise efforts

Your breath is your BIGGEST contributors to:
1. The integrity of your abdominal wall
2. The compression in your lumbar spine
3. The integrity of your pelvic floor

SO, it only makes sense that specific breathing skills are taught during rehabilitation sessions, right?!?!

At Dobesh Chiropractic, education is a huge component of your experience. Once you understand the WHY behind why we do what we do, then you'll be empowered to do it well and often.


Connective tissue disorders are WAY more problematic than we think they are.

It isn't just a "flexibility or double jointed" issue. The collagen, ligament, and tendinous structures within the joints are actually affected and lengthened. This can result in joint damage and LOTS of joint pain.

This is more prevalent in females, and parents 🗣️ if your daughter is consistently talking about joint pain (knees, hips, etc) without any reason for the pain.... This could be why!
➡️➡️ She needs strength training to support these joints! Lift those weights!!✨

But the joint structures aren't theonly thing involved: your blood vessels are too! 🤯🤯

We have collagen structures within the walls of all of our blood vessels and this can cause and affect other conditions, such as:
➡️ POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
➡️ Reynauds Phenomenon
➡️ Varicose Veins
➡️ Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction
➡️ Dysautonomia
➡️ Vertigo

I use the Beighton Scale to score patients hypermobility to decide if I will manually adjust their cervical spine. A score of 5/9 or higher is an indicator that hypermobility is present within the connective tissues and for patients that have struggled with vertigo, feeling worse after manual cervical spine adjustments, etc. this is an indicator that their cervical spine should be adjusted with an Activator style (I. E.: clicker tool).

✨But did you know that the combination of birth control, smoking (or va**ng), AND hypermobility can cause adverse cardiovascular or neurovascular effects at any time?

It's important to be truthful with your doctor when they are taking a history and exam.

Knowledge is powerful, friends.

Photos from Dr. Kelsey Dobesh, DC, ATC, MS's post 07/15/2024

A common question I hear: "What's the benefit of adjustments?"

📣 Let me tell youuuuuuuuu. 📣

1. Movement IS medicine.
Look familiar?! 😉
Synovial fluid covers many of your joints and provides nutrients to the joint surfaces. Lack of movement within joints will drastically decrease the synovial fluid movement.

No movement= No nutrition
Which leads joints to start to degrade.

Adjustments provide the specific movement to joints to allow this motion to happen.


2. When patients "Listen to the whispers, instead of the screams," IT IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER.


They are connecting the mind and body. They KNOW what it is like to feel great and stop tolerating the recurring flares that can so easily be avoided.

3. Your nervous system is the BOSS. This means that by adjusting the spine, we can directly impact your nervous system function.

➡️ Have you ever been adjusted when you're feeling stressed and leave feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders?

Or how about feeling a combination of vertigo, headaches, nausea, and unease?

When we work WITH your nervous system, instead of against it or masking symptoms, we get to a place of peace!

4. Having a healthcare provider in your corner who sees you regularly and knows your history (and your family history) is damn near priceless. Especially when the patient understands the mind-body awareness and the communication is open and honest.

This clinic is based on mechanics, function, and solutions with the patient and myself teaming up for the best outcomes possible.

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There's still time, guys.
Gratitude Giveaway 2020 Week 7 Winner!



1204 S Burr Street, Ste. A
Mitchell, SD

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 11am

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