OM Wellness

Hormone Health, Nutrition, Yoga & H**p Healing We host regular Essential Oil classes, Detoxification seminars and carry Beautycounter products.

OM offers yoga for all levels of practitioners, including yoga for children, seniors, prenatal/ postnatal and regular classes for beginners. We teach our yoga classes with a vinyasa format, using props and warmth to gently work into stubborn and tense areas of the body. We offer private lessons and group privates as well.


Did you know that taking a walk in the morning without your sunglasses could be a step towards naturally balancing your hormones? ☀️

The morning sunlight helps to reset our circadian rhythm, aka our biological clock. ⏰ Balancing your circadian rhythm will play a significant role in reducing the production of cortisol from stress, and reducing cortisol will provide your body with the ingredients necessary to produce s*x hormones (progesterone, estrogen and testosterone)!

And we all know that physical activity first thing in the morning will place significant role in mental health and reducing overall stress and anxiety. 🏃‍♀️ Also remember that Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin! So lose those shades so you can absorb this critical light through the retina. 😎

This won’t work overnight like taking a pill, but true healing is worth the time and effort, and trust me your body will thank you in the long run! ☺️ 


I’m baaaaaack! Join me in Olga’s Health Hub as we tackle mental health, anxiety relief, hormone balance and all things wellness! ☀️


My kids are getting older (7, 9 and 11 to be exact) which means I’ve got more time to pursue even more of my biggest dreams. I’ve been studying under Dr. Norman's Myrtle Beach Diet and Nan Nease Norman, learning the ins and outs of regenerative medicine for a few months now, and if you don’t already know, I am officially on staff to consult with new patients! 👏🏼

It’s such a joy to be back working with my family, helping our community find optimal health. I will be sure to use this community to share my favorite health and hormone tips so stay tuned! 😍

Photos from OM Wellness's post 01/02/2022

Nothing beats starting the new year off well-rested, clear-minded, and drenched in sweat with my friends at yoga. The inverted b***y tap was fun too ! 🤣

I took my first yoga class at the end of 2007, but it was before NYE in 2009 that I decided to stop doing the things that made me skip yoga. In all honesty, I wanted to make many more changes for my health, but the task seemed insurmountable so I just picked one thing to focus on.

Over time, as I prioritized yoga in my life, I saw a lot more than just physical changes in my body. I gradually felt less and less pulled towards a chaotic lifestyle. My mental health improved. I found like-minded friends who made me want to show up every day. Most importantly, I learned to lean into relationships with the people who truly supported my health and well-being.

My wish and prayer for 2022 is that we all turn our critical eye inward and work on becoming a healthy support system for the ones we love. We need to power of a healthy community now more than ever, but it starts on the inside.

Happy New Year and Namaste my friends. 🙏🏼


It’s not the tree that matters, only who is around it. 🎄 Merry Christmas ❤️

And speaking of trees, how long do you leave yours up? Tyler and I take ours down right away—sometimes on Christmas night! 🤣 We both hate clutter so I guess we were made for each other. How long will yours stay up? No shame if it’s year round! 😜


Just because you aren’t conscious of your karmic energy doesn’t mean that others don’t feel it. ⚡️

What goes around doesn’t always come around. Karma isn’t a boomerang. ALL of the energy you create or experience in your life is karma. Good, bad, indifferent. You can stomp a seed into the ground and water it with anger. It may grow to be a beautiful flower, but something much deeper (and more powerful) resonates within your soul while it grows. Thoughts, intentions, words and actions all create karmic energy, and that energy only amplifies over time.

Is your karmic energy limiting you? Is it distorting your view of yourself or the world around you?

Look inside first. Breathe. Do pranayama. Ujjayi breath. Meditation. One minute is better than none! Don’t just do it when you are alone; do it when you have the urge to react impulsively. Stop and breathe. Reflect. Process. Say nothing until you are in a safer energy space.

Repeat a daily mantra. Simple is good. “I create good karma when I slow down and listen.” Pay attention to the energy of others and how it resonates within your soul. Does their energy effect your breathing patterns or amp up your nervous system? What about your energy to others?

You can protect your energy without hiding it from the world. Show some love to a friend who has good energy today and reflect it back to them! 🌟

Photos from OM Wellness's post 11/18/2021

It’s not Friday but you can go ahead and flex anyways. 💪🏼😜

Work is super busy for me right now (hello Black Friday sale). 😵‍💫 When life gets crazy I have to be consistent with my yoga practice. This includes meditation and pranayama, as well as sweating like crazy. When I make time for those things I am able to be a better, kinder and more productive person. 🙏🏼 What kind of activities/practices do you stay consistent with to keep a peaceful mind during busy/stressful times? 😅

Photos from OM Wellness's post 11/15/2021

He doesn’t have social media so I am a little late, but I still have to take a moment to say Happy 36th Birthday (yesterday) to the coolest person I know. ❤️ If you know Tyler, then you already know that he is a good man. He is smart, organized, responsible, trustworthy, and always prepared for everything. He cleans house nonstop and even though I act frustrated when he throws away my things, deep down I appreciate that he knows I have a hard time letting go (of everything) and truly need his help. His first words to me are always, “Do you need anything,” or “What can I do for you? 🙏🏼 He rushes straight home from work every day, and then to coach whatever sport is in season for his kids. He is a positive influence for so many, and every single kid (and parent) will tell you what a great coach he is. He is humble, selfless and truly one of a kind, and I just couldn’t let his birthday pass without saying so! Being handsome as hell is just a bonus. HBD my love!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Photos from OM Wellness's post 11/10/2021

Mom and I got to play dress up last night and get our hair styled by the very best and ! Thank you to for putting on such an amazing event to benefit the art museum! I loved seeing so many special faces! 😍


They say never to mix business and friendship, but I strongly disagree. 🤝 This beautiful mama has been my business partner for 6 years. We have been through so much together, and seeing her in person today for the first time since January was so special! 😍 Although I do see her face on Instagram and zoom (and hear her voice nonstop) nothing beats the real thing. I feel more motivated from a few minutes of personal contact than hours of work. 🔥

When signed up with me at in 2015 I had a team of less than 20 people. My goal that month was to reach 25 and I didn’t quite make it. 🤨 At that time it was a big scary goal, but I made it that way intentionally. Fast forward to today when my goal is to meet 1500 team members in 2021. It’s a big scary goal, but by teaming up with women like Amanda I know we will ALL get there. Even if it doesn’t happen this year, it WILL happen. That’s because, in this business, I know it’s not a matter of “IF,” but a matter of “WHEN.” I’ve worked hard enough and long enough to see it proven true over and over again. The only thing I need is a partner who wants it as bad as I do. Or maybe a little bit more. 😉

Photos from OM Wellness's post 10/14/2021

My thoughts of the day:

🔹 I’ve been researching clean beauty for 13 years now and I still learn something new almost every day.
🔹I do not spend much time on my skincare or makeup routine so I only use a few products at a time.
🔹I think we should embrace transparency not only in ingredients, but in the photos we share of ourselves using them.
🔹I wish I had understood the importance of using safer ingredients when I was a teenager.
🔹I wish I could have had the opportunity to start my business at 18! Learning how to become an entrepreneur so young would have been empowering.
🔹 My big goal is to hit 1500 team members this year! And I’m close! 🥵
🔹 My other goal is to spend more time educating tweens and teens on safer beauty and healthy living.
🔹 makes the highest performing foundation on the market—clean or not. With skincare benefits! (Skin Twin)
🔹 We also make the best tinted moisturizer on the market! (Dew Skin)
🔹 I think the products speak for themselves. I think Tiger agrees with me 🐱

📝 Simple routine:
🖌 Skin Twin M 340
💖Cheeky Cream Blush (cheeks & lips)
👁 Think Big All-In One Mascara

Did I mention we have FREE SHIPPING for all orders over $50 in October? 📬 You can knock out your holiday shopping early and get enough member credits to treat yourself! 👻

* Photo edited using Lightroom to reduce shadows and enhance color. No filters or photoshopping, just good lighting. 📸

Photos from OM Wellness's post 10/08/2021

When trying to balance in class I always tell people NOT to look at each other. Why? Because people are unreliable—and it’s not their fault. We are all human and chances are (at some point) they will stumble and cause you to fall as well. 😬

To practice balance, fix your eye gaze on what you know to be true, like the earth beneath you. Observe your own patterns of breath and behavior independent of anyone else. Remember that a tree doesn’t hold perfectly still all the time. It bends so that it won’t break. 🌳

I always think of the way we watch others on social media. It’s so easy to be influenced. But at the end of the day, are we leaning on someone who will inevitably fall just like the rest of us? What appears to be strength is often insecurity; what appears to be “well” is often sickness; what appears to be happy is often suffering. If you aren’t rooted in your own truth, it’s easy to lose sight of what wellness, balance, strength and happiness actually look like. There is not a filter for that. ❤️

Photos from OM Wellness's post 09/30/2021

In this crazy world, the most radical and rebellious thing you can do is to stay above the darkness. 🤍

I’m sure you have heard that the lotus flower grows from the darkest, murkiest waters. But did you ever think about how those dark and murky waters don’t go anywhere? 🤨 The lotus doesn’t bloom and then cease to have roots. It blooms DESPITE its roots. It is well aware of its surroundings! The lotus rises above the darkness even though it cannot physically escape it. 🖤

Think about the ways you can grow right now, in this space you are in today. Make a daily mantra to repeat to yourself. Create a vision board. Surround yourself with others who also want to bloom. You might be closer to the surface than you think. 🙏🏼


You know what drives me crazy?

👉🏼 A condescending and passive aggressive approach to wellness & spirituality. 🥺

I can’t think of anything that would make me less interested in making positive lifestyle changes than feeling attacked, judged or ridiculed. 😖 Scripture isn’t meant to be an “FU” or a clap back, just like wellness isn’t about tearing others down or mocking them for their personal choices. I may be educating my clients on healthy living, but I learn so much from them as well. 🤝

What seems to be missing is the ability to “read the room.” The internet allows us to adopt this say-whatever-we-want-no-matter-who-it-hurts mentality. It’s not always WHAT you say—it’s HOW YOU SAY IT. 💡

If you say it in a sh*tty way, you are not a helper. If you are constantly looking for a fight, you are not a helper. If you don’t want to work together towards a better future, you are not a helper.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my own health journey, but I see a huge opportunity to influence the world far beyond my own existence. 🌎 We CAN work together because we are all more alike than different. We ALL love our friends and family. We ALL want to see the word do better. And we can ALL go much farther together. ❤️

🙏🏼 Vrksasana ➡️ Astavakrasana ➡️ Koundinyasana II ➡️ Ganda Bherundasana 🙏🏼

Photos from OM Wellness's post 08/18/2021

When Tyler and I spent our honeymoon in Kauai in 2010, we fell in love with the giant Acacia koa trees that adorned the island. A Polynesian warrior that is BRAVE, BOLD & FEARLESS, Koa was the perfect name for a (second) little boy we would hope to have one day. Two years later, in the most perfect and calm introduction ever, we met the little human who this name had always belonged to. 💚

Happy 9th Birthday Koa. You are one of the smartest people I know—including adults! Your deep thoughts, blow my mind and III am so lucky to call you mine. I love you mouse. 🐭


I got taken out by a stomach bug this weekend and it feels good to be back to myself today! Anyone else go through serious mental struggles when sick? 🤯 I wish I could just lay there in bed and say, “It’s ok, you’re sick, rest.” Instead I spend the whole time in a mental cycle of wondering if I’m ever going to feel better again, what is wrong with me, what am I missing out on with my family, and of course now also spending hours googling COVID symptoms. Even though my husband did everything including the laundry, I felt constant guilt and panic inside for not being there. 😵‍💫

Waking up feeling good this morning made me realize how irrational those thoughts are. I try to make a mental note to not do that to myself again! But if you deal with chronic anxiety you know it’s not that simple. You can’t just tell yourself to stop. It takes a lot more than that. 🧐

This photo is from last week, but the actions of binding your arms and balancing one one leg reminds me of when I try to rest. I can only hold it for, at most, a few seconds before I totally freak out and fall out! 😬

There is no real moral to this story, other than life is practice and we often see more clearly when we feel well—physically, spiritually and emotionally. I hope you feel well on this Monday morning, but if you don’t, please be gentle with yourself. ❤️

Photos from OM Wellness's post 08/04/2021

What percent introvert are you? I think I’m close to 💯 🐢
(but I love my extroverts who keep me balanced ⚖️)


Have you ever done something you swore was impossible? 🤦🏼‍♀️

I swore I would never hop into a handstand in a pike. For one, my shoulders and spine are not hypermobile, so I can’t rely on a backbend to get my hips up . If you watch the video you will see there is literally no arch in my lower back here. But thanks to and showing me how to strengthen my back, core and glutes this summer I have learned to counter my weakness with strength. 💪🏼

Aside from anatomical restraints, a bigger reason I have struggled for years is the total discomfort, panic and dread I feel in this space. Loneliness even. It’s hard to explain, but it makes me feel emotions big enough to stop me in my tracks. 🛑

So this pike represents much more to me. It speaks to the emotional growth I have had this summer. It speaks to the priorities I choose that put my physical and mental health above all else. It shows me how much stronger I am, even in the scary and lonely spaces. It makes me see that this strength was there, inside of me all this time. And quite frankly it pi**es me off that I’ve held myself back for this long. 😏

I’m teaching this Thursday and TWO classes on Friday—conditioning and vinyasa. You don’t need to be able to do a handstand, but you do have to cast aside your limiting thoughts! 🗑

What is one limiting thought that no longer serves you? Set you mantra for today and don’t forget it! ✅

My mantra today: I am strong enough to feel uncomfortable. 🙏🏼

Photos from OM Wellness's post 08/01/2021

Shameless photo session with the sweetest girl in the 🌎! I hope she always loves taking pictures with me. She hasn’t felt well for the last few days but we managed to squeeze in a little fun at the beach last night. She is back in bed today feeling sick so I’m right by her side. 💙 It’s hard to believe July is already over and the kids go back to school in 17 days. I’m spending this “sick” day getting my business organized for an exciting month! ✅ We have so many BIG things coming soon. (And if you are on my team you can also get excited for a lot of fun giveaways from me!) 🎁

Anyone else feeling exceptionally pumped up about hustling hard this month? 🔥


I started yoga ~13 years ago. It probably took me a year or more to kick into a handstand against a wall. It wasn’t pretty. 🙈 Handstands are certainly not a necessary part of a balanced yoga practice, but, after years of learning & practicing, I really enjoy them. I honestly wish it was more socially acceptable to do them all the time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have limited shoulder mobility and back bending, so I focus on slow movement and strength of the upper back/core/legs to compensate. Fancy props like flowerpots help me slow down so I can be more intentional. 😋

Have you ever taken a video of yourself doing an inversion? What do your legs look like? Can you find a way to get there without bending and swinging them? It’s ok to use props! There is so much to learn and strength to build in this space. 💛



Lyndie explains how to do a “front limber.” She makes it look easy! I love to see her confidence. Maybe she should just take over my Instagram. 🤣

Photos from OM Wellness's post 07/09/2021

I cannot sit still.
I am accident prone.
I struggle with severe anxiety.
I have chronic adrenal fatigue.

These are all reasons why I have to practice yoga regularly. 🙏🏼 I also like to cut all of my clothes up…like these jeans! ✂️ These are my new favorite pair. I would describe my personal style as troubled teenager meets hippy flower child. ✌🏼Now who wants to bet on how many people will tell me I have a hole in my pants today? 🤪

📸: Lyndie Marie 💕


God bless America 🇺🇸 What brings you joy on holidays? There is only one thing that matters to me and that is my family. I am overjoyed to spend the day running around making everything just right for them. I am so grateful for these special days together. ❤️

My favorite part of this video is the end when all 3 of my angels complement my handstand. Reef always hugs and kisses me, even when I’m doing yoga, and I’m so glad I caught it on camera. The light of my life. 🌟


Have you ever tried an upside down handstand? In other words, standing upright! 🤪 If you can’t strengthen your entire body while upright, how can we do it while inverted? 🤨

If I could give you one solid piece of advice, as a yoga teacher, it would be to just please SLOW DOWN. Always, just slow down. When you see other students going deeper it is so hard not to start rushing and forcing things. It is far more important and MORE BENEFICIAL to have control of your body than to go deeper into any pose.🤚🏼

This is 13 years of work. I got here by backing off so much more than I did by pushing. These are some slow movements I’ve been doing to build my gluteal and back muscles up. For me, yoga is strength training (and cardio, and resistance and meditation). I use my mind to find my muscles and pranayama (breath) to make it all slow down so I can stay there. 🧘🏼‍♀️

Give this a try, but first be truthful with yourself. Where are you on your journey? Stop expecting perfection and slow down. Use your hands for support, use blocks, correct yourself, bend your knees, modify, ASK FOR HELP from a mindful teacher who understands YOUR ANATOMY and history of injury. Don’t just push harder to make it work. Every step of your journey is so important—not just the end product. Sounds like life, doesn’t it? 💯


Motion does not equal productivity. 🚫 Sometimes the most growth (and strength) comes from complete stillness. 😑

I’ve been working on holding a straight handstand with complete muscle engagement and it’s so hard! I almost held if for one minute, but that darn oven timer wrecked my concentration. Isn’t it funny how one beep sent my nervous system into complete overload? 😵‍💫

We often fail to realize that moving around keep us “busy,” but when we’re busy we don’t deal with things mindfully. When you strip all the distractions away you are faced with a lot of raw emotion, discomfort and overall lack of fundamental strength. I might be talking about inversions, but this also sounds a lot like life, doesn’t it? 😳

Life is practice, so luckily—and hopefully—we have our whole lives to work on it. 😉

The beauty of yoga is that it trickles over into your real life. So start with being still in the pose, then see how it unlocks areas of real life! 🔐

If you want to try but are not ready for handstand, you can use a wall or do a headstand, forearm balance or standing balance pose for the same personal growth. 🙏🏼

Are you always busy? How can you slow down and take time to breathe and be still? It’s a serious question! ☺️


The opposite of self care isn’t giving more to others; the opposite of self care is self-neglect. 🥺 We can spend more time than ever on ourselves, yet still be completely void of the proper methods to to enrich the soul.

If you are feeling quite empty in the inside, here are a few ways to up your self-care game:

1. Sweat. 😅 Not to be confused with body shaming or punishment for enjoying food, having a good sweat should be all about purging the negative energy from your body.

2. Drink more water and less alcohol. 💦 If you aren’t hydrated, your brain and body will not be able to cope with stress properly. And alcohol won’t exactly help you make consistently good decisions for yourself.

3. Establish boundaries—and keep them. 🚧 It’s okay to take a step back and figure this about. You need a clear distinction of your limits, as well as for others to know when you have reached them.

4. Find a hobby that is just for you! 🎨 Painting, sewing, gardening, dancing…the list can go on and it’s so important for you to do something you WANT to do, not HAVE to do.

5. Talk to a professional. 👨🏿‍⚕️ If you can’t afford counseling, talk to a pastor. Your friends aren’t always going to be up for a session and their advice isn’t always what’s best for YOU!

Over the last year I have learned to practice all of these and my mental health is stronger because of it. What forms of self care do you practice? 😍

Photos from OM Wellness's post 06/01/2021

🇺🇸 We don’t know them all, but we owe them all. 🇺🇸 I hear that saying often and it couldn’t be more true. We also cannot say it enough.

To the fallen soldier and their loved ones who are hurting today and every day—thank you for your service, your sacrifice and your courage. ❤️🙏🏼

Today we meditated using . 🦅 This is so helpful if you feel out of control. Whether you are having big feelings or just overcome with panic or anxiety, this simple expression creates a deep connection within the self. Try it now!

Spreading the fingers out, place the left hand on the right side of your chest, then the right hand across the left, interlocking thumbs. Close your eyes and feel the weight of your hands as you take deep breaths. Send love, light & prayers to those who are in need of them today. 🤍

We also did if you want a more challenging asana to build concentration. I love to do both!


My Nona was born in Rome, Italy in 1923. She met my Papa in WWII, got married and moved to America.

I think I am a lot like her. Determined, loyal and extra dramatic. While I inherited many traits from her, even more fascinating is that when she gave birth to my mom in 1949, a part of me was already there. 💫

Females develop their reproductive organs in utero and a woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have. So my grandmother’s health is not only something I witnessed. I lived it, too. We all did.

Motherhood carries a lot of responsibility. You don’t just bear children; you bear the legacy of future generations. With estrogen-driven cancers (breast, uterine, prostate) and infertility reaching alarming rates, are we starting to see the effects from chronic exposure to endocrine disruptors over the last 80 years? What will our grandchildren have to face?

When I have too many questions, I start looking for simple answers. How can I leave this world better than I found it?

1. Be an educator. It’s not enough to just do better anymore—we need to help each other. And NO I don’t mean harass, pass judgement or be ignorant to the privilege of having access to safer products.

2. Be transparent with your journey. Share your honest struggles in finding safer products. Live in such a way that the people around you find your lifestyle approachable. Your energy makes others realize that this change is actually possible.

3. Be a mother to this Earth and advocate for her children. Plain and simple.💚

Photos from OM Wellness's post 05/05/2021

I bring my own sunshine. ☀️

After being sick for several days the sun is shining again! 🤩 I got back to yoga which kick started me back into the land of the living—but I don’t just mean it got me all fired up. I mean that the specific poses and movements done in practice were an intense therapy session for my adrenal glands. Want to know how? 🤓

While sick I had a lot of pain in my lower back/kidney area. The adrenal glands are located at the top of the kidneys so when you are under extreme or constant adrenal stress the glands can actually hurt!

Does your lower back hurt when you are under a lot of stress? Unresolved emotional conflict counts as stress btw. 😫

When I started warming up this morning I could specifically feel the pain on my right side. I slowed down my movements and took deep ujjayi breaths to deliver fresh, heavily oxygenated blood to my organs. 🫁 When twisting I especially paid attention to using a deeper breath (twisting should be felt in the lower back much more than the shoulders). 🌬 I also used specific placement of the back of my wrists on my lower back in these twists to gently massage the adrenal glands. 👋🏼

We are focusing on the hips at this week, and somehow got me into grasshopper today. 🦗she also gave modifications for those who haven’t been practicing for 13+ years like me. 😜

Reverse the photo sequence to see how I got into this crazy pose. 💛

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Videos (show all)

I’m baaaaaack! Join me in Olga’s Health Hub as we tackle mental health, anxiety relief, hormone balance and all things w...
You know what drives me crazy?👉🏼 A condescending and passive aggressive approach to wellness & spirituality. 🥺I can’t th...
Have you ever done something you swore was impossible? 🤦🏼‍♀️I swore I would never hop into a handstand in a pike. For on...
I started yoga ~13 years ago. It probably took me a year or more to kick into a handstand against a wall. It wasn’t pret...
Lyndie explains how to do a “front limber.” She makes it look easy! I love to see her confidence. Maybe she should just ...
God bless America 🇺🇸 What brings you joy on holidays? There is only one thing that matters to me and that is my family. ...
Have you ever tried an upside down handstand? In other words, standing upright! 🤪 If you can’t strengthen your entire bo...
Handstand Straight Hold
Just our typical Friday morning—me doing headstands on a magic carpet ride while Lyndie fixes my hair. 💁🏼‍♀️ I posted so...
Because someone just asked how the heck I took my last photo (with Lyndie sitting on my head in handstand) it is!...
Happy National Lipstick Day! 💄❤️🎉 In honor of safer beauty (and reducing the consumption of lead via lipstick) I wanted ...



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