Untangle Health

Untangle Health provides winning growth and investment strategies for technology and investment orga


The Healthcare Data Value Chain™ is more than just data infrastructure—it’s about creating actionable insights and high-value outcomes. Unlike terms like “data fabric” or “data platform,” the Healthcare Data Value Chain™ focuses on the value derived, making it essential for any data-driven healthcare business.

Learn more: https://untanglehealth.com/unmet-needs-healthcare-data-strategy-healthcare-data-value-chain/


In our recent poll, 75% of you indicated that payers feel a bit behind when it comes to CMS 0057 compliance. This new rule, released on January 17, 2024, aims to improve health information sharing and simplify prior authorization processes, keeping patients at the center of their care.

Do you think payers will catch up quickly, or is there more work to be done? Share your thoughts!


Many enterprise-grade organizations struggle with interoperability, integration, and data infrastructure for themselves and the many clients and third parties with whom they must interact.

👉 Don’t let interoperability hold back your go-to-market or revenue success.

Untangle Health is here to help you figure out the best approach to accelerate your commercialization

Contact us today: https://untanglehealth.com/contact/


A successful healthcare AI journey starts with a foundation of quality data in a modern ecosystem. It is expensive to get lost in the weeds if you haven't mapped your approach.

Need a guide to show you the way?

Where are you in your healthcare AI journey?

❓ Listening to buzzwords

❓ Leveraging public models

❓ Building our own models

❓ Planning infrastructure to develop our own models

Drop your answer below and let us know how Untangle Health can help.

ONC proposed rule targets interoperability for public health, payers 08/14/2024

There has been a lot of noise around HTI-2.

ONC head, Micky Tripathi says, "We want to make sure that there are no weak links, and that we’re doing everything we can to firm up and harden those different components."

The HTI-2 proposed changes represent progress, but what weak links are you worried about?

ONC proposed rule targets interoperability for public health, payers The sweeping rule includes provisions to improve public health data sharing — a serious pain point during the COVID-19 pandemic —  as well as to boost security in health records and speed prior authorization.


How tired are you of seeing headlines like this?

👉 “Major US Healthcare Under Cyber Attack.”

👉 ”Cyberattack Cripples Major U.S. Health Care Network.”

👉 ”Cyberattack Paralyzes the Largest U.S. Health Care Payment System.”

Cybersecurity is one area you cannot ignore. Protecting your organization is more than just being aware. As tech continues to evolve the cleverness of hackers grows right along with it.

Do you feel the current strategies you have in place will keep you from being the next healthcare cybersecurity statistic?

If you hesitated even a moment to say yes, it's time for us to talk.

Untangle Health has the know-how and partners to create the optimal strategy to keep you and your systems safe.


Meet Neil Jennings, Vice President at Untangle Health.

Neil truly cares about the betterment of the healthcare industry and pushes to address root causes and not the symptoms of a broken system. With more than a decade of roles in the Healthcare IT, provider, and self-insured employer spaces, Neil’s experience spans data architecture, finance, marketing, relationship management, product, sales engineering, and strategy. His superpower is breaking down complex problems and finding an optimal path forward, allowing others to advance confidently.

Neil lives in Cambridge, MA with his wife and their dog and cat, and his interests include puns, spicy food, esports, and grilling pizza.


Last year, healthcare set a new record, but it's not one to be proud of. In 2023 there were 725 large security breaches reported to the Department of Health and Human Services indicating a cybersecurity problem in the healthcare industry.

At Untangle Health we help healthcare organizations create and/or optimize their thriving technology ecosystem, which simply is not possible if it's not properly secure.

👉 Newsflash, most are not properly secured.

Don’t wait until you’re hit with a cybersecurity breach to evaluate your risk, strategies, and policies.

Find out more about how to protect your healthcare organization here: https://untanglehealth.com/dont-be-a-healthcare-cybersecurity-statistic/


How are payers feeling about CMS 0057 Compliance?

❓ Ready!

❓ A bit behind.

❓ We will get to it, eventually.

❓ What is this?

The January 2024 press release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said the ruling "modernizes the health care system and reduces patient and provider burden."

What do you think the payers' response has been over the past six months?
Drop your answer below 👇


Untangle the 2024 Digital Healthcare Market and learn more about:

👉 Our unique perspective rooted in the Healthcare Data Value Chain™.
👉 Today's themes and trends you should be thinking about.
👉 Our vision for the future of healthcare (and why you should share it).

Read our industry insight article here: https://untanglehealth.com/untangling-the-2024-digital-healthcare-market/


Are you trying to be everything to everyone in your healthcare vertical? It might be time to narrow your focus and prioritize the value you deliver.

If you've got clients across the spectrum and you’re not sure which healthcare vertical segment(s) you should focus on between payers, providers, pharma/life sciences, and healthcare IT, here are four questions that will help you allocate resources:

👍Which segment fits best with your company's offerings?

👍Which one aligns with your comprehensive expertise and research?

👍Which segment(s) fits the investment you want to make?

👍How well is your company positioned to address the key business problems of this segment?

Market research and defining success metrics will further guide your focus and optimize your resources. Tailor your go-to-market strategies to address the unique needs of your chosen segment(s) and position your offerings as solutions to their key business challenges.

Do you need help figuring out where to "place your bets?" Untangle Health can help you narrow your focus.


“If you are chronically ill AND overweight in America, then you are.in.trouble. Much like a tiny piece of furniture, this system ain't built for you,” says Untangle Health CEO Chris Notaro in a recent LinkedIn post about the South Park special that offers commentary on the current healthcare industry.

Read more of Chris’s thoughts and watch the South Park clip here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7209205480026513409/

➡️ What are your thoughts on this critical issue?



Meet Untangle Health's CEO ⭐️

Chris Notaro, Co-Founder and CEO of Untangle Health is a healthcare technology expert in driving strategic growth and innovation across the industry.

Before Untangle, Chris's career spanned several high-growth healthcare infrastructure SaaS companies in leadership roles following an earlier career launching point at one of the biggest names in healthcare technology. His deep understanding across HCIT at a solution engineering level and a proven track record of driving major business development opportunities have worked their way into the core of how Untangle does business.

Major market players look to Chris and the Untangle Health team to advise on go-to-market approaches, act as connectors, and roll up their sleeves to execute revenue initiatives.

Chris lives with his wife (Dr.) Kelli, their son, and their pup, in Madison, Wisconsin. Chris loves golf, comedy, and pop country music.


Healthcare is hard, but Untangle Health is here to help.

If you haven’t read our thoughts on Untangling the 2024 Digital Healthcare Market, you should.

Our customers and partners wake up every morning eager to untangle the next mess that the market throws their way and this report offers great insight into what we’re seeing now vs what the future should be.

We are not just strategists and technologists, but also end-use customers of the healthcare system as both parents and patients. We want the healthcare system to work for everyone, including our families and our communities.

Check out our industry insights here: https://untanglehealth.com/untangling-the-2024-digital-healthcare-market/


In today’s fast-evolving healthcare landscape, is your data strategy keeping pace? Successful healthcare organizations are no longer relying on single-vendor solutions or outdated on-premise systems. Instead, they are leveraging new standards and best practices to maximize data value. Learn how to transform your data strategy into a Healthcare Data Value Chain, aligning systems with business objectives and ensuring better financial and patient outcomes.

Discover more in our latest article from Untangle Health.


Get ready to transform your healthcare data strategy! Our upcoming article introduces an enterprise infrastructure framework that can be leveraged by business, technology, AND clinical stakeholders for maximizing data value in today's fast-paced healthcare environment.

Stay tuned to learn how to create a comprehensive Healthcare Data Value Chain that aligns with your business objectives and enhances patient outcomes. Don’t miss out—watch this space for the full release from Untangle Health!


Don’t approach healthcare tech solutions with a one-size-fits-all approach. Key market segments such as providers, pharma, payers, and tech overlap, but have unique challenges and differences. These challenges are what should drive your approach to GTM strategies.

What can Untangle Health help you do?

👉 frame your offerings as solutions to key business challenges.

👉 understand the complexities of each market segment

👉 collaborate and optimize partnerships

👉 gather competitive intelligence

👉 establish a strong market position

Let’s talk about how we can support your go-to-market experience.


How will healthcare change with another remote monitoring and healthcare delivery platform? LG’s new venture, Primefocus Health plans on creating non-invasive technology “which can be integrated with the provider's electronic health record system, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities for ease of use.”

Untangle Health CEO, Chris Notaro says, “As care delivery moves out of the four walls of the health system, engaging patients at home is a growing focus as more care is delivered at home each year. We all know that effective care depends on quality data and personalized experiences. Will LG be the organization to untangle this challenge that has bested so many others?”

Read the full article and tell us what you think.

👉 https://www.homecaremag.com/news/lg-unveils-new-venture-developing-home-health-care-treatment

Photos from Untangle Health's post 05/29/2024

At Untangle Health you’ll find experts in growth and technology strategies for health tech companies and healthcare organizations (buyers, payers, and pharma.)

🏥 We drive advancements and move the healthcare market forward.

🏥 We accelerate growth by prioritizing your focus for maximized returns.

🏥 We enable innovation and growth through measurable outcomes.

🏥 We bridge the gaps between tech and business.

Our clients can navigate the complexities of the health tech landscape with confidence and clarity.

Follow us to learn more about how we can help you untangle healthcare technology.


We are privileged to have many ties to the military community within our organization and send a heartfelt thank you to those who have served and the families that stand behind them.

Untangle Health is committed to serving others and making a positive difference in the world. On Memorial Day, we recommit ourselves to that mission, inspired by the selflessness and bravery of veterans.

Photos from Untangle Health's post 09/01/2022

has a big target on its back.

Within the past ten years, the volume and intensity of -related incidents have massively increased. It’s no longer just patient data that’s at stake but technologies such as medical devices, EHRs, mobile devices, and more.

Demonstrating leadership in such an area will be a large opportunity in the years ahead in .

Photos from Untangle Health's post 08/31/2022

What action in and should you be keeping up with? Untangle Health has you covered. This week's stories cover Amazon Care, Bicycle Health, Cigna, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, Alma, Headway, NOCD, Ophelia, Digital Diagnostics , and more.


Yes, 2021 was a massive year for and M&A. But that doesn’t necessarily equate to a slowdown. As we begin to adapt to the economic challenges of the year, the expectation is that M&A activity will continue growing for the rest of the year—and execs and can expect 2022 to be similar to 2021 investment levels.

Read about more healthcare trends here: https://untanglehealth.com/investment-trends-in-healthcare-whats-on-the-horizon-for-2022/

Photos from Untangle Health's post 08/24/2022

Cut through the noise of the news cycle with Untangle Health as we cover the most important action in and . This week's stories cover Humana, Inclusa, Inc., Epic, Incredible Health, and more.

What Does Data Transparency Mean for Healthcare Technology? | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting 08/22/2022

The demand for is rising between all players—with organizations being the ones who can fulfill this need. To be a company that can support data access (while protecting against the risks) and also gain the trust of consumers in the market, read about the steps you can take, here: https://untanglehealth.com/what-does-data-transparency-mean-for-healthcare-technology/

What Does Data Transparency Mean for Healthcare Technology? | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting What Does Data Transparency Mean for Healthcare Technology?


Although enacted in 2016, we’ve only seen the beginnings of enforcement of the 21st Century Cures Act. Are you optimizing the requirements of your target customers in your marketing and sales messaging? Make sure your matches what your customers need and more, here: https://lnkd.in/enDNHz5F

Investment Trends in Healthcare: What’s on the Horizon for 2022 | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting 08/18/2022

2021 was a hugely successful year with record M&A activity for investing. But that trend hasn’t carried over into 2022 as strongly as some might have predicted.

Stay up-to-date about the current market trends and what is yet to come for the industry in 2022 here: https://untanglehealth.com/investment-trends-in-healthcare-whats-on-the-horizon-for-2022/

Investment Trends in Healthcare: What’s on the Horizon for 2022 | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting Investment Trends in Healthcare: What’s on the Horizon for 2022

Photos from Untangle Health's post 08/17/2022

What action in and should you be keeping up with? Untangle Health has you covered. This week's stories cover CVS Health, Signify Health, Availity, Diameter Health, TikTok Us-Uk, and more.

Health Systems Migrating Epic EHR to AWS Cloud: What Does it Mean? | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting 08/16/2022

’s movement into the cloud means a lot of things, like cost savings and greater flexibility, allowing customers to leverage their extra bandwidth on other pressing needs. With Epic's customers shifting from being largely on-prem to major cloud service vendors, it’s more evident than not that the landscape is evolving, and with it, so should you.

For greater insight on what this shift means, read about it here: https://untanglehealth.com/health-systems-migrating-epic-ehr-to-aws-cloud-what-does-it-mean/

Health Systems Migrating Epic EHR to AWS Cloud: What Does it Mean? | Untangle Health | Healthcare IT Consulting Health Systems Migrating Epic EHR to AWS Cloud: What Does it Mean?


Finding gaps in your strategy that you can’t seem to address alone? may be able to fill those capability gaps or accelerate market share by leveraging sell through opportunities.

To find out how to choose the right partners for your business and other ways to benefit from a solid strategy, read more here: https://untanglehealth.com/untangle-health-framework-for-go-to-market-success/

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Videos (show all)

Don't miss out on hearing from our CEO, Chris Notaro, and #healthcare  at Akamai as they cover best practices around vis...
The provider market is simultaneously consolidating major players while expanding tech and capabilities, causing major c...
What’s the right mindset for any company approaching #healthcare? One-size-fits-all often doesn’t work because of the in...
As more and more #digitalhealth applications appear in the market (with the number in the hundreds of thousands already ...
Part II: Business Model Barriers Holding Up Healthcare Transformation.Financial Services as a model for not letting inte...
Part I: Business Model Barriers Holding Up Healthcare Transformation.There is no question that the technology exists, so...
How often do you hear someone ask "why does healthcare have to be so different from other sectors?" While the topic is w...



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