Rikke B Dog Training

CPDT-KA, PMCT2, FDM, FFCT, Behavior Consultant at Behavior Vets.


Morning admin work view. I soak in those moments when she is able to relax, and they fuel me when we see a trigger outside, because they remind me how long it took us to get to this point, even indoors when I’m right next to her.
Working on her isolation distress is still a struggle, and we’ve made very tiny progress with her reaction to seeing dogs at distance. It’s a huge stress factor for me, as my ability to socialize, go anywhere, or take dogs for training or retreats, is severely limited. 😔


There is so much more to changing behavior than meets the eye if you are working towards truly changing the learner’s emotional state. Shutting down behaviors is the easy- and unfair- way out. If you’re anxious and I I yell at you for telling me about it, did your anxiety go away? Or did you just stop feeling safe talking to me about it? If I wanted to help you feel less anxious, it’s a entirely different journey. That is what we aim to do, and we can only do it if the learner feels safe.


Cracking me up all day.

Photos from Rikke B Dog Training's post 09/10/2023

Follow this space on much more on this weirdo, and about the journey we are on. Frannie has gone from spending most of her adolescence isolated in a kitchen with very little guidance or interaction, to living with me in a large farmhouse with a giant, park-like garden, fields, woods and beaches all around her. She has no previous training at all, and uses her body and strength to communicate almost everything, and sometimes has very big feelings. It’s been a bit overwhelming, but we’re in this together, and I will be posting snippets of our collaborations, relationship building, communication building, and fun stuff. A couple of months in, and so far I’ve mostly been holding on for dear life, but I’m in it to win it, and in love. Root for Frannie with me, and feel free to invite others to do the same. Maybe we can learn something together 🤗

Photos from Rikke B Dog Training's post 06/08/2023

Mulighed for hundetrœnings ophold for by hunde.

Som mange af jer ved er jeg nyligt hjemvendt til Danmark efter mange år i New York. Jeg er uddannet hunde adfærds ekspert og har i de sidste mange år mest arbejdet med udfordrende og komplicerede adfærd i hunde. Jeg arbejder stadig med Behavior Vets in New York og Colorado og ser klienter for dem via Zoom fire dage om ugen, men jeg har foreløbigt valgt at arbejde på deltid efter flytningen, så kan jeg kan se mine Behavior Vets kunder om eftermiddagen og bruge mine formiddage til andre projekter. I den forbindelse har jeg besluttet at åbne kalenderen for et begrænset antal hunde til træningsophold, eller Board & Train ophold, som jeg hidtil have været vant til at kalde det. Jeg bor nu i et stort hus på landet med kæmpe have, sti lige ned til vandet, og omgivet af skove og marker. Det er et hundeparadis. Jeg er snart klar til selv at få en ny hund selv (min Grand Danois Maeve døde i Februar, 😢) men lige nu har jeg både plads, tid, og overskud til at tage et par hunde til træning. Hvis det er noget du, eller nogen du kender, er interesseret i, så send mig en privat besked, eller send en email til [email protected], og så kan vi snakke nærmere. Jeg er allerede booket sidste uge af Juli og de to første uger i August, men kan eventuelt have to på samme tid, hvis alle er hundevenlige. Del gerne dette opslag.

Rikke Brogaard (She/her)
Behavior Consultant
Fear Free Certified.
Mulighed for



Currently, in the UK, our springtime weather is madly changeable. The skies flick from sunshine to rainclouds, seemingly in an instant. The winds make you shiver when, just a moment ago, you were basking in the lush sunlight.

How *FRUSTRATING* - to be warm and comfortable, then suddenly cold and wet.

How *WORRYING* - to be driving along when it was cloudy when you set off but now, all of a sudden, the sunshine is dazzling on the windscreen and you don't have your sunglasses.

How *STRESSTUL* - the laundry you left to dry outside in the sun is now being rained on and the bedsheets won't be dry to make clean beds up tonight.

What does this have to do with training our dogs?

This is just an example of how unpredictability and inconsistency can mess with us in our human lives, but I really want to highlight the need our dogs have for consistency and predictability - after all, they depend on us for everything - we make all of their choices for them.

Routine can really help the more highly strung dog, or the young puppy.

Consistency in training is needed so our dogs feel safe, which in turn means their learning receptors are fully open.

The dog that has their lead held by impatient hands has to endure uncertainty; uncertainty misses so many beautiful opportunities to capture/ reward desirable behaviours, to create positive associations with sub-threshold exposure to triggers, and to train new behaviour patterns 💖

Uncertainty is the perfect climate to produce *FRUSTRATION*, *WORRY*, and *STRESS*


This, all day!!

Virtual Training Can Be Good for Trainers, Owners and Dogs 07/09/2020

Virtual training is both fun and effective. I will keep it as an option even after covid.

Virtual Training Can Be Good for Trainers, Owners and Dogs


Reminded my dog Maeve that she’s learned to read a few words when she was a puppy. This is a little sloppy technically, but we only had a few minutes to practice before we had to jump on a little dog training TV show for kids in the hospital.


So much fun meeting little Zeus today, and starting to work with him and his mom. Look at that face!!!

Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy 05/07/2020

I realized I haven’t really posted about this, but I’m doing virtual dog training and behavior sessions, and it’s really cool and effective. I’ve been able to see clients I couldn’t otherwise see, like the awesome couple and their new puppy in North Carolina my friend Rachel referred to me. And the couple with the dog/ toddler issues I originally couldt see when they first reached out because they live outside of my normal work area. Now we’re working together.
If you, or anyone you know anywhere is in need of dog training or behavior advice, feel free to share my information or DM me. It’s amazing how much time is freed up when you’re not stuck in NY traffic half of the day. Bring on the entire world; I can see you now. ❤️ even The NY Times is hip to the wonders of virtual dog training.

Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy You can use this time to address your dog’s behavioral issues, to make sure it has truly found its forever home.

Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy 05/07/2020

Let’s do virtual training!

Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy You can use this time to address your dog’s behavioral issues, to make sure it has truly found its forever home.

Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy 05/06/2020

I realized I haven’t really posted about this, but I’m doing virtual dog training and behavior sessions, and it’s really cool and effective. I’ve been able to see clients I couldn’t otherwise see, like the awesome couple and their new puppy in North Carolina my friend Rachel referred to me. And the couple with the dog/ toddler issues I originally couldt see when they first reached out because they live outside of my normal work area. Now we’re working together.
If you, or anyone you know anywhere is in need of dog training or behavior advice, feel free to share my information or DM me. It’s amazing how much time is freed up when you’re not stuck in NY traffic half of the day. Bring on the entire world; I can see you now. ❤️ even The NY Times is hip to the wonders of virtual dog training.


Consider Virtual Dog Training for Your Pandemic Puppy You can use this time to address your dog’s behavioral issues, to make sure it has truly found its forever home.


yes yes all day. Please read this review by Dr Patricia McConnell. I' SO sick of getting to initial consultations with new client and either seeing the damn monk book or a Cesar Milan book on the coffee table. Though I must say, if the book in in plain view at least I know a) the dog owners were actively looking for guidance and information, and b) it give me a good opportunity to dispel some myths and out dated information. If you know anyone who still read this stuff, please let them know this ain't the way, y'all.

"Every step forward in progressive dog training seems to be followed by one or two steps back, and this book boldly marches backward."

Honest and balanced book review from Patricia McConnell, Ph.D. on 'Let Dogs Be Dogs: Understanding Canine Nature and Mastering the Art of Living with Your Dog' by The Monks of New Skete and Marc Goldberg.

Please share the review far and wide!


Accepting Dogs on Their Own Terms 08/26/2017

Accepting Dogs on Their Own Terms It sounds trivial to say it, but dogs and cats are very different animals. The experience of living with individuals of these two species is not the same in many ways. I know I am generalizing here and ignoring the many exceptions, but the typical cat is more independent that the typical dog, and us...

Human/Canine Behavior Connection 06/06/2017

Human/Canine Behavior Connection The Human/Canine Behavior Connection is a dog training & personal growth book designed to help you & your dog expand as individuals and grow together as a team.

Dog Training-related illustrations 05/29/2017

Good information on reactivity

By Miki Saito, illustrated by me.

Read: WHAT IS REACTIVITY by Sara Reusche - http://paws4udogs.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/what-is-reactivity/

"It’s important not to punish your dog for reactivity, as this will only increase your dog’s emotional arousal and ultimately may make the problem worse. Instead, work with your dog to teach him new ways to communicate his excitement, frustration, or anxiety, and help him learn how to control himself in the face of triggers."

ALSO READ THIS: WHAT DOES FEAR LOOK LIKE? http://smartdog.typepad.com/smart_dog/2013/05/what-does-fear-look-like-it-wears-many-masks.html

DOWNLOAD SIZES: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilita/8861886033/sizes/k/in/photostream/

Pinch Me A.K.A. Prong Me 05/09/2017

Pinch Me A.K.A. Prong Me During a recent Facebook discussion, it was pointed out that I had never worn a prong collar. As such, I would have no idea whether a prong (a.k.a. pinch collar) causes pain. My knuckles firmly …

Introversion & Dog Folk 04/14/2017


Introversion & Dog Folk Recently, I've started to explore how my introvert tendencies affect my work. It's fascinating to see where my clients fall on the introversion-extraversion continuum and how their personalities can influence conversations about lifestyle design, dog selection, and dog training. It used to be t...

Con Ed unveils new signage to warn pedestrians and their pets of stray voltage 03/17/2017

Con Ed unveils new signage to warn pedestrians and their pets of stray voltage EV Grieve is the leading news, entertainment and lifestyle blog about the East Village of New York City.

Obedience, Shmobedience: Moving Beyond the Commanded Relationship 03/17/2017

i couldn't have put this better myself. This is very much in line with my philosophy .

Obedience, Shmobedience: Moving Beyond the Commanded Relationship Teaching dogs to do things when I ask them to is more fun than it ever has been. More fun for me, and more fun for the dogs, but I don’t think of it as obedience, anymore – they aren’t obeying my c…

Cesar Millan Physically Abuses Dog | The Dog Whisperer | Shadow Breakdown 05/15/2016

This guy consistently gets it right. Please share so everyone who still doesn't understand how wrong and how dangerous Millan is can see it. The kid in this video does a great job at breaking it down for you. share, share, share.

Cesar Millan Physically Abuses Dog | The Dog Whisperer | Shadow Breakdown ENJOY MY VIDEOS? CLICK HERE! ● https://www.patreon.com/Pawfessor HOW TO CONTACT ME ● https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imI7dpzKIoE ● Facebook - https:/...

What Has Cesar Millan Learned? 03/14/2016

this is an important piece. please read as well. I am going to keep posting about Millan until someone listens. I am afraid he is going to get away with this, and that by not being formerly charged with animal cruelty he will take it as a victory and as an endorsement of his "methods". Please share.

What Has Cesar Millan Learned? I am truly saddened by the episode which Millan allowed (and some might argue encouraged) a dog named Simon to attack a pig. Millan is now being investigated for animal cruelty as a result.

The Dog Whisperer Dispute 03/14/2016

Please read this

The Dog Whisperer Dispute Have you been following the latest Dog Whisperer controversy and are not sure what to believe? After all, isn't it just a matter of opinion? Isn't it unfair to persecute someone for a difference of methodology? Isn't there room here for all of us? Even though treats are great for casual training pur…

I'm a Dog Trainer; This is What My Dog Does "Wrong" and Why: 08/17/2015

I love this blog post. It's true; as dog trainers we are often expected to have the "perfect" dogs that are perfectly behaved all of the time, but the truth is that we are also human, and our dogs are.......well, dogs.

I'm a Dog Trainer; This is What My Dog Does "Wrong" and Why: Being a trainer of dogs, you'd probably expect me to have a perfectly behaved dog. Well, I'll admit that my dog V is pretty well behaved. With that being said, there are some things that he does that...

Stop The 77! 05/16/2015

Trainer and dog owners with children. Watch this video.

Stop The 77! How safe is your family?

Timeline photos 05/01/2015

Good reminder for new adopters or fosters.

Timeline photos 03/27/2015

Helpful illustration that explains increasing levels of aggression. If a dog's initial warnings aren't respected - or are shut down - the dog may feel forced to increase his or her response......

The Ladder of Aggression - a great illustration of the progression from mild stress to biting, and how critical it is that we listen to the language our dogs speak. It's also important to keep in mind that if any of these steps -- for example, growling -- is punished, the dog might just go directly to biting the next time.

(c) 2009 BSAVA; by Kendal Shepherd.

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Videos (show all)

Maeve learns to read.
Have fun playing with your dog. This is Helix having fun with a Shaping Game. How awesome that you can tire out your dog...
Bear and Olive, Sunday morning play
Fergie the Wheaten puppy



New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm

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