Carnegie Corporation of New York

Established in 1911 by Andrew Carnegie, today the foundation is working to reduce political polarization with support for education, democracy, and peace.

Carnegie Corporation of New York is America’s oldest grant making foundation. We make grants to promote (1) international peace and security, (2) education, (3) democracy, and (4) higher education and research in Africa — primary concerns to which Andrew Carnegie devoted the Corporation. Learn more about our history, our approach, and our national and international grantmaking:


“There were 55 of us, and we just sat quietly in the dark. My eyes were just fixed on the bottom of the door, looking for the shadow of somebody walking by.”

In 2018, librarian Diana Haneski protected 50 students and five faculty within a barricaded equipment room during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Since that day, Haneski has transformed the library into a sanctuary for students’ mental health: “I want students to feel that it’s a refuge, that it’s a safe haven for them,” she says.

📚 The Secret Life of Librarians explores the unexpected stories of librarians like Diana — civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

Get to know all 10 librarians at ✨

In partnership with American Library Association and NYPL The New York Public Library.

Carnegie Reporter Summer 2024 | Carnegie Corporation of New York 07/18/2024

As national politics become increasingly polarized, local leaders across the country continue to uphold democratic values in their communities.

The Summer 2024 tells their stories. 👇

Carnegie Reporter Summer 2024 | Carnegie Corporation of New York The Local Issue: Welcome to the Local Issue | How to Disagree Better | Great Immigrants, Great Americans: The Comic Series | The Case for Objective, Investigative, and Local Journalism | Does Local News Reduce Polarization? | The Secret Life of Librarians | Inside a High-Poverty School District's Ex...

Photos from Carnegie Corporation of New York's post 07/16/2024

How can educators map out successful pathways that support low-income students while encouraging civic participation? What can we learn from strategies that have shown promise in rural, suburban, and urban areas?

Join Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute as we learn about the ways leaders across sectors can come together to create opportunities for youth and their communities.

Wednesday, July 17, at 3:00 p.m. ET
Free and online

Register via the link in ’s bio.


About this work: Profiles in Collective Leadership, an initiative by Carnegie Corporation of New York in partnership with the nonprofit Transcend, recognizes outstanding local partnerships that educate youth, bolster the workforce, and demonstrate the power of working together. The 10 nonpartisan collaborations in urban, suburban, and rural areas across the country draw on the strengths of local government, education, nonprofit, business, and health care professionals to catalyze socioeconomic mobility and civic engagement in their communities. The 10 winning partnerships — representing eight states — have each been awarded $200,000 grants, and will act as exemplars, sharing what they have learned with each other and more broadly.


You've heard of Jim Lee: president, publisher, and chief creative officer of DC, and one of the most revered and respected artists in American comics. But do you know his immigrant story?

Meet the man behind the comics and discover his immigrant story in the latest edition of the comic series.


💡 : Foreign-born workers make up 13.1% of artists and related workers in creative occupations. (Via American Immigration Council)

Great Immigrants Great Americans: The Comic Series | Carnegie Corporation of New York 06/27/2024

It’s time to celebrate the vital role of immigrants in American life. 🎉

The 2024 Class of celebrates 24 naturalized American citizens, whose contributions lead to pioneering discoveries, empower the next generation of leaders, defend human rights, help our children thrive, and much more.

Who do you recognize? 🧐

Get to know their :

Great Immigrants Great Americans: The Comic Series | Carnegie Corporation of New York

Home 06/26/2024

"Did federal pandemic relief dollars improve student achievement? It’s the $190 billion question hanging over American schools as the deadline looms for them to spend the last of the money intended to help them weather pandemic disruptions,” writes Erica Meltzer in her latest Chalkbeat piece.

The article features research published with Corporation support, through the Education Recovery Scorecard project of Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University and The Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University, and reveals a direct connection between federal pandemic relief aid and academic recovery in K-12 schools. Read more about how states might complete the recovery:

Home New Research Provides the First Clear Picture of Learning Loss at Local Level.


Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the exemplary contributions of immigrants to American life, as part of our focus on reducing political polarization and strengthening democracy. To highlight their stories, the Corporation has commissioned a new comic series that illustrates how naturalized citizens strengthen communities across the country.

A comic will be published every month, beginning with the story of Betty Kwan Chinn, a 2023 Great Immigrant who has poured her heart into helping Californians in need — because "I don't want anyone to suffer what I suffered,” she says.

⚡️Learn how Betty became a local hero:
📬️ Sign up for our upcoming comics here:


What do solar panels on churches, small business loans, hands-on farming, and a mobile library have in common? These efforts are all part of a hopeful pattern of local problem-solving that’s easy to miss but critical to support if we care about strengthening our democracy.

Learn why we are part of a new grantmaking collaborative that believes America’s future starts with local communities.

👉 Learn more at

Photos from Carnegie Corporation of New York's post 06/06/2024

Today marks the end of an important era for Carnegie Corporation of New York. We raise a glass to Governor Thomas H. Kean, who has stepped down as chair of the board of trustees after 22 years as chair and almost 30 years as a trustee.

The board of trustees named Kean an honorary trustee in recognition of his exemplary service, also approving a $500,000 grant to Drew University where he served as president from 1990 until 2005. The grant will support the Thomas H. Kean Theatre & Dance Internship Fund and underwrite summer internships for college students enrolled in the Theatre Arts and Dance programs.

Please join us in celebrating his efforts and expressing gratitude to Governor Kean for his support and dedicated leadership over the years. We are better for his service and will miss his invaluable contributions.

Read more:


Gabriel Graña encourages students in his Chapel Hill middle school library to transform the library into a space where they can be themselves — whether that’s an aspiring rapper or a 3D designer. With over half the student population being minority students, Gabriel ensures the library resonates with their experiences, aiming to provide tools for personal growth, skill improvement, and self-expression.

“I can't think of anything more rewarding than helping a kid figure out something about themselves, something about the world, or something new.”

✨ The Secret Life of Librarians explores the unexpected stories of librarians like Gabriel — civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

Uncover Gabriel's story 👉


We're thrilled to join forces with Aura Company as a partner at the inaugural Digital Parenthood Summit in NYC on June 4th.

This event marks the launch of a free national resource crafted with leading experts to guide parents through the journey of raising the first fully connected generation. Stay tuned for more!

The Secret Life of Librarians | Carnegie Corporation of New York 05/23/2024

An Oregon librarian makes research as electric as rock music. An Indiana librarian helps incarcerated students look to the stars. An Arkansas librarian lends out Instant Pots and power washers.

Explore the unexpected stories and contributions of librarians – civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

The Secret Life of Librarians | Carnegie Corporation of New York In partnership with the American Library Association and the New York Public Library, Carnegie Corporation of New York celebrates ten exceptional librarians every year with the I Love My Librarian Award. The Secret Life of Librarians explores their unexpected stories …


The responsibilities that come with citizenship are learned, not inherited.

iCivics ' CivXNow Coalition has brought more than 320 cross-ideological partners throughout the country together to expand and improve civic learning across states.

Learn how we can strengthen the quality of K–12 civic education:

Education's Future: Teachers + Families | Roadtrip Nation 05/09/2024

Struggles over digital learning, contentious school board meetings, and student support breakdowns often control education headlines. Corporation grantee Roadtrip Nation has aimed to tell the fuller story.

Teachers and families, aligned in their commitment to prioritize students at the heart of education, agree far more than they disagree. Last year, three young teachers — Brandon, Darlene, and Carli — set out on the road to see how innovative and impactful teachers are working with families to empower students.

Follow their journey in the new documentary series, "Education's Future: Teachers + Families."

Visit to watch online!

Education's Future: Teachers + Families | Roadtrip Nation See teachers, parents, and communities collaborate


Congratulations to the 2024 Class of Andrew !

Many of us make assumptions about polarization, but how sure are we that we are right? The 2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows are developing a body of research around its causes and implications.

Each of the fellows will receive stipends of $200,000 for research that seeks to understand how and why our society has become so polarized and how we can strengthen the forces of cohesion to fortify our democracy.

Meet our 👉


Melissa Corey refuses to keep books from students who can’t afford them. As a middle school librarian in Missouri, she’s moved parents to tears with a new kind of book fair, filled with diverse titles she’s personally selected that students may take home for free. 📚

The Secret Life of Librarians explores the unexpected stories of librarians like Melissa — civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

✨ Uncover Melissa's story 👉


Big news for local news: Press Forward, the $500 million movement to reinvigorate local news, just opened applications for funding for its first open call.

🗞️ 100 newsrooms will receive close to $100,000 in funding for general operating support.

🗞️ Non-profit, for-profit, and college news outlets with budgets up to $1 million are eligible.

🗞️ Information sessions and one-on-one help from fundraising coaches are available.

We are proud to be a part of the coalition that is working to strengthen communities by reinvigorating local news.

Register for an information session on May 9 and learn more at

Extending the Runway - Education Strategy Group 04/20/2024

Did you know: 73% of states have identified middle school career exploration as an important component of a student’s education, but only 20% of states measure and support the quality of these practices by collecting data.

This report produced by grantee Education Strategy Group, details practices and policies currently in place across the U.S. to guide state leaders as they support districts and schools in prioritizing for all students, beginning in the middle grades.

Extending the Runway - Education Strategy Group The economy is evolving more rapidly than ever before, with new occupations taking shape at an unprecedented pace. Students need better and earlier career navigation to increase their likelihood of successfully transitioning into the high-value postsecondary options increasingly required for good jo...

Photos from Carnegie Corporation of New York's post 04/16/2024

A Missouri librarian gives free books to students who can’t afford them. An Arkansas librarian lends out Instant Pots and power washers. A North Carolina librarian encourages students to rap and play instruments. A Queens librarian gives new Americans opportunities to learn – in their own language.

Every year, the American Library Association, New York Public Library, and Carnegie Corporation of New York celebrate 10 exceptional librarians with the Award. The 2024 honorees were chosen from a pool of more than 1,400 community-based nominations and were each awarded a $5,000 prize in recognition of their exceptional public service.

The Secret Life of Librarians explores their unexpected stories as civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

👉 Get to know all 10 librarians at ✨

Photos from Carnegie Corporation of New York's post 04/16/2024

A California librarian lights up the Internet with library joy. An Oregon librarian makes research as electric as rock music. An Indiana librarian helps incarcerated students look to the stars.

Every year, the American Library Association, the New York Public Library, and Carnegie Corporation of New York celebrate 10 exceptional librarians with the Award. The 2024 honorees were chosen from a pool of more than 1,400 community-based nominations and were each awarded a $5,000 prize in recognition of their exceptional public service.

The Secret Life of Librarians explores their unexpected stories as civic heroes who improve lives and bring communities together.

👉 Get to know all 10 librarians at ✨

Removing Barriers Between Scholarship and Policymaking 04/11/2024

Research doesn't belong on the bookshelf.

On Thursday, April 18, Corporation president Dame Louise Richardson will discuss how we can provide scholars and policymakers with opportunities to share their knowledge and positively influence foreign policy decision-making.

Register here:
Watch the live stream on YouTube here:

Removing Barriers Between Scholarship and Policymaking Dame Louise Richardson discusses ways to get in-depth dispassionate research from academia into the hands of policy makers.

Removing Barriers Between Scholarship and Policymaking 04/04/2024

Removing Barriers Between Scholarship and Policymaking Dame Louise Richardson discusses ways to get in-depth dispassionate research from academia into the hands of policy makers.

What Knowledge Is Needed for the U.S. to Navigate Evolving Foreign Policy Challenges? | Emerging Global Order | Carnegie Corporation of New York 04/02/2024

From fluency in the history, culture, language, and politics of regions and countries to prioritizing area studies to better understand what drives partners and competitors, experts on Russia, nuclear security, and international affairs offer perspectives on what is needed to navigate the foreign policy challenges of today and tomorrow. 👇

What Knowledge Is Needed for the U.S. to Navigate Evolving Foreign Policy Challenges? | Emerging Global Order | Carnegie Corporation of New York From fluency in the history, culture, language, and politics of regions and countries to prioritizing area studies to better understand what drives partners and competitors, experts on Russia, nuclear security, and international affairs offer perspectives on what is needed to …

Foreign Policy Begins at Home | Emerging Global Order | Carnegie Corporation of New York 04/01/2024

To deter would-be foes and provide security to friends and allies, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations' Richard Haass argues Americans must be able to come together across partisan divides.

Foreign Policy Begins at Home | Emerging Global Order | Carnegie Corporation of New York To deter would-be foes and provide security to friends and allies, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations' Richard Haass argues Americans must be able to come together across partisan divides

OneFuture Coachella Valley: Building a Strong Local Workforce | Future of Learning & Work | Carnegie Corporation of New York 03/27/2024

When local agencies in Coachella Valley team up, retirees get the health workers they need, and low-income students get paths to prosperity.

Meet OneFuture Coachella Valley:

This Profiles in Collective Leadership exemplar grew out of a regional push, begun in 2005, to solve entwined problems:

❌ Only 30% of Coachella Valley residents had postsecondary education.

❌ Local employers were frustrated that they had to recruit from outside the valley to fill 80% of their high-level positions.

OneFuture Coachella Valley provides support at critical stages for key student populations facing the greatest barriers, including low-income students, migrant students, and Black and African American students.

Among the partnership’s significant results:

✅ Local college enrollment has increased by 18% since 2010.

✅ 36% of high school students in the region now participate in one of 65 job training programs.

✅ $17 million in scholarships have gone to nearly 3,000 students from low-income communities.

Learn more about the work and impact of OneFuture Coachella Valley in our latest profile:

OneFuture Coachella Valley: Building a Strong Local Workforce | Future of Learning & Work | Carnegie Corporation of New York School districts, local colleges, businesses, and donors have come together to help thousands of low-income students in Southern California achieve career readiness and attend local colleges


Today, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the Profiles in Collective Leadership initiative. 🎉

In partnership with Transcend, Carnegie Corporation of New York's Education program is recognizing ten ambitious partnerships that, amid growing polarization and concerns about career pathways for young people nationwide, are building bridges in their communities and creating opportunities for socioeconomic mobility and civic engagement — irrespective of red, blue, or purple politics.

The collaborations, based in urban, suburban, and rural areas across eight states, will receive a $200,000 grant and will act as exemplars, sharing their learnings with each other and more broadly. Once a month, we will also publish a profile on the work and stories of one of these local partnerships and the impact they are having in their communities.

Get to know the impressive winners, finalists, and the selection jury — and please join us in celebrating, sharing, and learning from their good work!


Healthy Democracies Need to Invest in Civic Education. Here’s How States Can Help | Citizenship | Carnegie Corporation of New York 03/19/2024

In an increasingly polarized country beset by misinformation and distrust, the need for accurate instruction on history and government has never been greater. And voters across parties agree.

Learn how we can expand and improve civic learning across states in our latest report, Connecting Civic Education and a Healthy Democracy. 👇

Healthy Democracies Need to Invest in Civic Education. Here’s How States Can Help | Citizenship | Carnegie Corporation of New York A cross-ideological coalition is working to expand and improve civic learning across states

Investing in K-12 Science Education 03/15/2024

Science education has transformed in the last decade — this did not happen accidentally.

With our support, OpenSciEd has been a bridge builder, working with states across the country to develop the materials necessary to make this happen. The Corporation has been invested in this work since the ideation stage, when the Framework for K—12 Science Education was first being developed.

This has ushered in an era of science learning that looks different. Science classrooms are teaching rigorous science content in ways that are active — inviting curiosity, creating meaningful experiences, allowing for student input, and prioritizing relevance and as well as proximity.

Investing in K-12 Science Education Science education has transformed in the last decade — this did not happen accidentally. has been a bridge builder, working with states across the...


Nuclear war is often described as unimaginable. In fact, it’s not imagined enough.

We’re proud to support and introduce At the Brink, a new limited-run series from Times Opinion, which examines the reality of nuclear weapons today and explores the next arms race, where the present dangers lie, and what might be done to make the world safer again.

With philanthropic support from Carnegie Corporation of New York, Outrider Foundation, and The Prospect Hill Foundation, this project is the culmination of more than a year of reporting, research, and investigation across the entire New York Times Opinion staff. It incorporates interactive graphics, video, and audio, along with powerful photography and illustrations.
Further installments of the series will outline the precarious nature of the threat response in the United States and flaws in our current military chain of command. Throughout 2024, the team will continue to report on these ideas and many others related to today’s nuclear weapons, arms control, and how to minimize the threats ahead.

Start exploring At the Brink via the link below or see the link in the comments.

Andrew Carnegie Fellows Bookshelf: Must-Reads on Black History | Andrew Carnegie Fellows | Carnegie Corporation of New York 02/13/2024

: In 1921, Carnegie Corporation of New York was among the early funders who supported Carter Godwin Woodson, founder of , whose organization supported research and publication outlets for Black scholars. In this reading list, Andrew Carnegie Fellows — all specializing in Black history — recommend a selection of books that commemorate the resilience, achievements, and contributions of the Black community. Read on for a deeper understanding of pivotal moments in Black history, unsung heroes, and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.

Andrew Carnegie Fellows Bookshelf: Must-Reads on Black History | Andrew Carnegie Fellows | Carnegie Corporation of New York Keisha N. Blain, Marcia Chatelain, Melissa L. Cooper, Sarah J. Jackson, and Justene Hill Edwards recommend books for a deeper understanding of pivotal moments in Black history, unsung heroes, and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality

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Videos (show all)

“There were 55 of us, and we just sat quietly in the dark. My eyes were just fixed on the bottom of the door, looking fo...
The Secret Life of Librarians: Diana Haneski
You've heard of Jim Lee: president, publisher, and chief creative officer of DC, and one of the most revered and respect...
Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the exemplary contributions of immigrants to American life, as part of our focus on r...
Announcing the 2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows!
Open Press Forward: Call on Closing Local Coverage Gaps
Four of America’s most beloved librarians share why libraries matter. 📚❤️Tell us, what do you love most about your libra...
From how first-generation college students can be better served to what Americans need to know about nuclear weapons, de...
🎉Today is #VoteEarlyDay!🎉Join the celebration by casting your ballot early and making your voice heard. Why wait? It's t...
Better Together: Elevating Family-School Partnerships
Carnegie Corporation Staff Celebrate #GreatImmigrants
U.S.-Russia Relations: Quest for Stability



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