Siegel & Coonerty, LLP

A full-service law firm for victims of personal injury, construction accidents, and traumatic brain injuries. We offer free consultations for all legal matters.

Se Habla Español.


On this Labor Day, let's honor the contributions of every worker. Your efforts are truly appreciated. Enjoy your day!

The office will be closed on 08/30/2024 and 09/02/2024.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


With the back-to-school season upon us, these are key safety tips:

-If your students walk or bike to school, encourage them to do so in groups. Ensure your child has reflective clothing or a backpack and understands traffic signals.

-If your child takes the bus, review the basics of safe boarding and exiting, and ensure they know their home address.

-If you drive your child to school, obey school zone speed limits, follow your school's drop-off procedure, and never pass a bus loading or unloading children.

-To promote healthy posture, don't overstuff your child’s backpack; the American Academy of Pediatrics says it should weigh no more than 5% to 10% of your child's body weight.

-Ensure your child knows what to do in an emergency — where to go in your home during severe weather, where to meet outdoors in the event of a house fire, and who to call if they need immediate help.

Remember, precaution is a shared responsibility, and your awareness and thoughtfulness can contribute to a wider safety and security school environment.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


The importance of evidence after an accident in construction!

Accidents happen, and people who work in construction know this very well, perhaps better than most people. If you sustain an injury due to an accident at a construction site, gather evidence to help you in case you must file a personal injury lawsuit. Gathering as much as you can and organizing it understandably will support you if you decide to seek compensation, whether now or down the road.
Learn more at:

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532

Justice: It's What We Fight For 07/16/2024

We are proven defenders of brain injury victims, construction accident victims and other injured parties.

Justice: It's What We Fight For Manhattan personal injury powerhouse.

We Help New York's Accident Survivors 07/05/2024

Trial-ready attorneys who have won over $100 million for injured New Yorkers.

We Help New York's Accident Survivors Serious injuries demand serious justice.


Happy Independence Day!

As we celebrate this special day, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our valued clients. Your trust and support have been the cornerstone of our success. May your day be filled with joy, freedom, and safety. If you ever need legal assistance, remember that we’re here for you. Stay safe and enjoy the festivities!

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


How is construction safety evolving?

Construction safety is evolving through advancements in technology, regulations, and culture. Here are some key trends and developments:

1. Technological Advancements: Wearable technology, drones, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Building Information Modeling (BIM): BIM provides detailed digital representations of construction projects, helping identify potential safety issues during the planning stages.
2. Regulatory Changes: Stricter safety standards, emphasis on training, penalties and incentives.
3. Cultural Shifts: Safety culture and worker engagement.
4. Data: Predictive analytics and real-time monitoring.
5. Collaborative Approaches: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and partnerships with safety organizations.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Cómo está evolucionando la seguridad en la construcción?

La seguridad en la construcción está evolucionando gracias a los avances en tecnología, regulaciones y cultura. Aquí hay algunas tendencias y desarrollos clave:

Avances Tecnológicos: Tecnología portátil, drones, Realidad Aumentada (RA), Realidad Virtual (RV) y Modelado de Información de Construcción (BIM). BIM proporciona representaciones digitales detalladas de los proyectos de construcción, ayudando a identificar posibles problemas de seguridad durante las etapas de planificación.

Cambios Regulatorios: Estándares de seguridad más estrictos, énfasis en la formación, sanciones e incentivos.

Cambios Culturales: Cultura de seguridad y compromiso de los trabajadores.

Datos: Analítica predictiva y monitoreo en tiempo real.

Enfoques Colaborativos: Entrega Integrada de Proyectos (IPD) y asociaciones con organizaciones de seguridad.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


What are the most common mistakes preceding a construction accident?

Numerous factors can contribute to construction accidents. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

Lack of Training: Insufficient training and understanding of safety procedures and hazard recognition.

Poor Planning: Inadequate planning, risk assessment and hazard identification before starting work.

Improper Use of Equipment: Misuse or Insufficient PPE, tools or machinery.

Inadequate Supervision: Lack of competence and Supervisors not enforcing safety rules.

Ignoring Safety Rules: Non-compliance with OSHA regulations.

Poor Communication: Lack of communication and misunderstandings.

Unsafe Work Practices: Taking shortcuts or being under substance influence.

Environmental Hazards: Not accounting for weather conditions.

Overworking and Fatigue: Workers being overworked or not getting enough rest.

Lack of Emergency Plan: Deficient response plan. first aid supplies or training.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Cuáles son los errores más comunes que preceden a un accidente de construcción?

Numerosos factores pueden contribuir a los accidentes de construcción. Éstos son algunos de los errores más comunes:

-Falta de capacitación: Insuficiente capacitación y comprensión de los procedimientos de seguridad y reconocimiento de peligros.
-Mala planificación: Inadecuada planificación, evaluación de riesgos e identificación de peligros antes de comenzar a trabajar.
-Uso Incorrecto del PPE: Mal uso del PPE, herramientas o maquinaria insuficientes.
-Supervisión inadecuada: Falta de supervisores competentes que no hacen cumplir las reglas de seguridad.
-Ignorar las reglas de seguridad: Incumplimiento de las regulaciones de OSHA.
-Mala comunicación: Falta de comunicación y malentendidos.
-Prácticas laborales inseguras: Tomar atajos o estar bajo la influencia de sustancias.
-Peligros ambientales: No tener en cuenta las condiciones climáticas.
-Trabajo excesivo y fatiga: Trabajadores que trabajan demasiado o no descansan lo suficiente.
-Falta de Plan de Emergencia: Plan de respuesta deficiente. suministros de primeros auxilios o capacitación.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


Right to a Safe Workplace

Every day, construction employees die at their workplaces, and millions suffer accidents. Many workers do not receive what they need to make their jobs safer, and they are afraid to report it for fear of being fired. According to OSHA law, employers are responsible for the hazards in their workplace. Workers have the following rights:

-Receive training on job hazards and personal protective equipment. If you need protective gear to do your job (such as a harness, gloves, and respirators), your employers must pay for it.
-Report job hazards. The law states that you should not be fired or punished for this, and you can file a complaint (within 30 days) if this occurs.
-Inform OSHA anonymously about a risky job.
-Refuse to perform a very dangerous task. Only if you can do so safely. Do not refuse to work; ask to do another activity until it is safe to perform the said task.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Derecho A Un Lugar De Trabajo Seguro

Diariamente empleados de la construcción mueren en su lugar de trabajo, y millones sufren accidentes. Muchos trabajadores no reciben lo que necesitan para hacer sus empleos más seguros, y tienen miedo de denunciarlo por miedo de que los despidan. Según lo estipula la ley de OSHA, los empleadores son responsables de los peligros que hay en su lugar de trabajo. Los trabajadores tienen los siguientes derechos:

-Recibir capacitación sobre los peligros en el empleo y equipo de protección personal. Y si necesita un equipo protector para hacer su trabajo (como un arnés, guantes, respiradores), sus empleadores deben pagar por él.
-Reportar los peligros en el empleo. La ley dice que a usted no lo deben despedir ni castigar por esto, y que usted puede poner una queja (dentro de 30 días) si eso ocurre.
-Informar anonimamente a OSHA de un trabajo riesgoso.
-Negarse a hacer una tarea de trabajo que es muy peligrosa. Solo si usted lo puede hacer de manera segura. No se niegue a trabajar, pida hacer otra actividad hasta que sea seguro hacer esa dicha tarea.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


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Injured in a New York construction accident? Did you fall from a ladder or scaffold, or did something fall on you? You deserve dedicated, professional legal representation from a firm that cares about putting clients first.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Every year on this date, we celebrate World Bicycle Day to spread the word about the benefits of cycling and to encourage more people to use bikes for a more sustainable lifestyle. However, avoiding accidents with bicycle riders involves a combination of safe driving practices, awareness, and mutual respect on the road. Here are some key tips to help prevent accidents.

For Motorists:
Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions.
Maintain a Safe Distance.
Watch for Cyclists at Intersections.
Be Cautious When Opening Doors.
Respect Bike Lanes
Use Turn Signals.
Avoid Sudden Movements.

For Cyclists:
Follow Traffic Laws.
Be Visible.
Ride Predictably.
Stay Alert.
Use Designated Bike Lanes and Paths.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


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Resultó lesionado en un accidente de construcción en Nueva York? ¿Se cayó de una escalera o de un andamio, o se le cayó algo encima? Usted merece una representación legal profesional y dedicada de una firma de abogados que se preocupa por poner a los clientes en primer lugar.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


Despues de un accidente te mereces la mejor firma de abogados en lesiones personales de Nueva York con décadas de experiencia y millones ganados. Somos expertos en lesiones cerebrales y accidentes en construcción.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


Today, we pause to remember and honor the heroes who gave everything for our country. Their bravery and sacrifice will always be remembered. Wishing you a meaningful Memorial Day.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a construction accident, it is strongly recommended that you retain legal counsel. At Siegel & Coonerty LLP, we are compassionate advocates for our clients, vigorously defending their right to compensation.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532



Right from the start your case will be handled as if it shall require a trial and jury verdict to secure justice. This is because when it comes to case valuation, we’ve had major differences with the insurance industry concerning what sum of money represents fair and reasonable compensation. Read more

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Cómo prevenir accidentes en el Día de la Madre?

Prevenir accidentes en el Día de la Madre, o cualquier otro día, implica una combinación de planificación, conciencia y consideración.

Conducción segura: si planea conducir para visitar a su madre o llevarla a salir, asegúrese de seguir todas las reglas de tránsito, evitar distracciones y no beber mientras conduce.

Seguridad en el hogar: si organiza una reunión en casa, asegúrese de que su casa sea segura para los invitados, especialmente si hay niños alrededor. Mantenga los pasillos libres de obstáculos, asegure las alfombras y tapetes para evitar tropezones y asegúrese de que cualquier área potencialmente peligrosa esté debidamente marcada o cerrada.

Seguridad en la cocina y contra incendios: Tenga cuidado en la cocina para evitar quemaduras, cortes u otras lesiones. Mantenga a los niños alejados de estufas calientes y utensilios afilados. Tenga a mano un extintor de incendios, por si acaso.

Alergias y seguridad alimentaria: si está preparando comida para una reunión, tenga en cuenta las alergias alimentarias que puedan tener sus invitados.

Bienestar emocional: El Día de la Madre puede tener una carga emocional para algunas personas, especialmente aquellas que han perdido a sus madres o están luchando con problemas familiares. Sea sensible a los sentimientos de los demás y ofrezca apoyo si es necesario.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


How to prevent accidents on Mother's Day?

Preventing accidents on Mother's Day, or any day for that matter, involves a mix of planning, awareness, and consideration.

Safe Driving: If you're planning to drive to visit your mom or take her out, ensure you follow all traffic rules, avoid distractions, and don't drink and drive.

Home Safety: If you're hosting a gathering at home, make sure your house is safe for guests, especially if there are children around. Keep walkways clear of clutter, secure rugs and carpets to prevent tripping, and ensure that any potentially hazardous areas are properly marked or gated off.

Kitchen and Fire Safety: Be cautious in the kitchen to avoid burns, cuts, or other injuries. Keep children away from hot stoves and sharp utensils. Keep a fire extinguisher handy, just in case.

Allergies and Food Safety: If you're preparing food for a gathering, be mindful of any food allergies your guests may have.

Emotional Well-being: Mother's Day can be emotionally charged for some people, especially those who have lost their mothers or are struggling with family issues. Be sensitive to the feelings of others and offer support if needed.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532



Cómo las redes sociales pueden afectar su caso?

Los clientes a menudo no son conscientes de que las redes sociales pueden afectar sus casos. El material de las redes sociales puede manipularse para contrarrestar sus afirmaciones, incluso si no parece directamente relevante para su caso. Aunque puede parecer un desafío, el curso de acción más seguro en un caso suele ser limitar o evitar el uso de las redes sociales. A continuación, se ofrecen algunos consejos:

Perfiles privados versus públicos: si sus perfiles de redes sociales son públicos, es posible que desee cambiarlos a "privados" o "protegidos". En general, se recomienda evitar eliminar cuentas por completo para evitar sospechas de ocultar pruebas o acusaciones de "expoliación de pruebas". Por supuesto, antes de tomar cualquier medida, consulte con su abogado de lesiones personales.

Tenga cuidado con las conexiones: durante los procedimientos legales, tenga cuidado de aceptar nuevas conexiones en las redes sociales, como amigos de Facebook o seguidores de Instagram. Podrían ser personas del bando contrario que buscan información.

Descubrimiento y órdenes judiciales: tenga en cuenta que incluso la actividad privada en las redes sociales se puede solicitar en el descubrimiento. Los abogados de la oposición podrían solicitar copias impresas de las redes sociales y los tribunales podrían ordenarle que presente dicha información o reactivar cuentas desactivadas.

El impacto de sus publicaciones: Las publicaciones sobre vacaciones, mejoras en el hogar o planes financieros, aunque parezcan inocentes, pueden tergiversarse para contrarrestar sus afirmaciones. Revelar información confidencial, como anunciar un acuerdo, puede tener consecuencias graves.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


How Social Media Can Affect Your Case?

Clients are often unaware that social media can impact their cases. In today’s digital world, sharing updates with friends and family online can feel like second nature. However, for individuals with a pending or imminent personal injury claim or lawsuit, it is essential to exercise extreme caution. Social media material can be manipulated to counter your claims, even if it does not feel directly relevant to your case. While it may seem challenging, the safest course of action during a case is often to limit or completely avoid social media usage. Here are some tips:

Private Versus Public Profiles: If your social media profiles are public, you may want to switch them to "private" or "protected." Generally, it’s recommended you avoid deleting accounts entirely to prevent suspicions of hiding evidence or allegations of "spoliation of evidence." Of course, before taking any action, consult with your personal injury lawyer.

Be Cautious with Connections: During legal proceedings, be wary of accepting new social media connections like Facebook friends or Instagram followers. These could be individuals from the opposing side seeking information.

Discovery and Court Orders: Be aware that even private social media activity can be requested in discovery. Opposing lawyers might ask for social media printouts, and courts could order you to produce such information or reactivate deactivated accounts.

The Impact of Your Posts: Posts about vacations, home improvements, or financial plans, though seemingly innocent, can be misrepresented to counter your claims. Disclosing confidential information, such as announcing a settlement, can lead to serious consequences.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Building Safety Month May 2024

The building safety workers are the unsung heroes of urban landscapes, the vigilant guardians ensuring our structures stand tall and secure, safeguarding lives and livelihoods. Their dedication and expertise are the bedrock of our communities, quietly but indispensably contributing to our everyday safety. In times of crisis, their role becomes even more pronounced. Whether it's a natural disaster or a man-made calamity, building safety workers are at the forefront, orchestrating evacuation procedures, assessing structural integrity, and coordinating emergency responses with unwavering composure and efficiency.

Our NYC construction accident lawyers know New York’s strict construction laws and will work to get you the compensation that you need after a devastating accident. We care about you and your physical and financial recovery.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Penetrating Brain Injury

As the name implies, these injuries occur when an object penetrates the skull and brain. In car and construction accidents these types of injuries are mostly caused by a sharp object. People with penetrating head wounds often experience seizures and are more likely to develop epilepsy after TBI than people with other types of brain injuries.

Our NYC construction accident lawyers know New York’s strict construction laws and will work to get you the compensation that you need after a devastating accident. We care about you and your physical and financial recovery.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Lesión cerebral penetrante

Como su nombre lo indica, estas lesiones ocurren cuando un objeto penetra el cráneo y el cerebro. En accidentes de auto y de construcción, estas lesiones se causan principalmente por un objeto punzante. Las personas con heridas penetrantes en la cabeza a menudo experimentan convulsiones y tienen más probabilidades de desarrollar epilepsia después de una lesión cerebral traumática que las personas con otros tipos de lesiones cerebrales.

Nuestros abogados de accidentes de construcción de Nueva York conocen las estrictas leyes de construcción de Nueva York y trabajarán para conseguirle la compensación

que necesita después de un accidente devastador. Nos preocupamos por usted y su recuperación física y financiera.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532

A Balancing Act 05/01/2024

Scaffolding mishaps can turn an essential workplace tool into a liability.

A Balancing Act 3 scaffolding injuries


Skull fractures in Construction and Car Accidents

Skull fractures can be serious injuries with potential dangers depending on the severity and location of the fracture. Some of the dangers associated with skull fractures include:

Infection: Bacteria from the skin or the environment can enter the wound and cause an infection in the skull or brain, leading to serious complications if not treated promptly with antibiotics.

Meningitis: Skull fractures can sometimes lead to a tear in the protective membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Cranial Nerve Damage: Depending on the location of the fracture, there is a risk of damage to the cranial nerves, which control various functions such as vision, hearing, facial movement, and sensation.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532


Fractura de cráneo

Las fracturas de cráneo pueden ser lesiones graves con peligros potenciales según la gravedad y la ubicación de la fractura. Algunos de los peligros asociados con las fracturas de cráneo incluyen:

Infección: Las bacterias de la piel o del medio ambiente pueden entrar en la herida y causar una infección en el cráneo o el cerebro, lo que provoca complicaciones graves si no se trata rápidamente con antibióticos.

Meningitis: las fracturas de cráneo a veces pueden provocar un desgarro en las membranas protectoras (meninges) que rodean el cerebro y la médula espinal.

Daño a los nervios craneales: Dependiendo de la ubicación de la fractura, existe el riesgo de daño a los nervios craneales, que controlan diversas funciones como la visión, la audición, el movimiento facial y la sensación.

Cuándo contratas la firma Siegel & Coonerty, tienes todo un equipo legal en tu nombre. Nunca nos rendimos.

Llamanos: 212-532-0532


Hypoxic and Anoxic brain injury

A complete interruption of the oxygen supply to the brain is called cerebral anoxia. If there is still a partial supply of oxygen, but at a level that is insufficient to maintain normal brain function, this is known as cerebral hypoxia. In construction accident cases the causes include smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide inhalation, poisoning, and electric shock.

Our NYC construction accident lawyers know New York’s strict construction laws and will work to get you the compensation that you need after a devastating accident. We care about you and your physical and financial recovery.

When you hire the Law Firm of Siegel & Coonerty, you have an entire legal team on your behalf. We never give up.

Call us: 212-532-0532

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Abogados expertos en lesiones cerebrales y accidentes en construcción.
Remember & Honor


419 Park Avenue S
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm

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