Astor Smile Dental

General & Cosmetic Dentistry:

53 West 11th St. Ste G
NYC 10011

EMAIL [email protected]

Health, Dignity and Compassion

Dr. Eunjung Jo completed her college education with honors and decided that being a dentist was how she wanted to contribute to the health community. She continued onto dental school and graduated from the New York University College of Dentistry and obtained her doctorate in dental surgery. Following graduation, it was important for her to further her dental educa


✨ Drinking green tea 🍵 is a healthy habit

Tea contains polyphenols, a type of antioxidant linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The dominant polyphenols in green tea, called catechins, may reduce risk of some types of cancer, although evidence is limited.



✨ cavity 🦷 🦠



✨ Bruxism is when you clench, grind or gnash your teeth. It usually occurs subconsciously, and it can happen when you’re awake or asleep.
Many people grind their teeth every now and then, especially during stressful times. But if you do it a lot, it can put extra strain on your teeth and jaws, leading to dental damage, headaches, jaw pain and other issues.
Anyone can develop bruxism, but it’s most common during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. It’s difficult to know exactly how many people grind their teeth because it often happens during sleep.




Gen & Dr Rammal


Photos from Astor Smile Dental's post 06/29/2024

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Removed 🦷

Most of the time the reason for taking the wisdom teeth out is because they are semi-impacted. Impacted is where the tooth is stuck in the bone or the gums, or both. The worst scenario is the semi-impacted tooth, and this is where the tooth has partially erupted, you can see some of the tooth sticking out of the gums. If this tooth is not removed proactively, then the gums will get something stuck in them, and this will cause an abscess. These abscesses are an infection that can be life-threatening and very painful, they can also damage other teeth that are otherwise healthy.



Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🤍



I never think of the future. It comes soon enough




✨Meet Dr Moh ✨
She’s here to make your dental experience extraordinary ✨
In addition to her work at , she is an adjunct clinical instructor at NYUCD, teaching patient care to dental students in the clinical setting and overseeing outreaches to communities around NYC.



Happy Friday ~!


Thank you for this Grant💝🦷 🧵🪡 & Susan~ !!! it’s been a pleasure ✨we will miss you Grant !



High acid levels in your saliva after eating combined with your tooth bristles can wear away tooth enamel 

That’s why it’s best to wait 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth! 


BE FAST is an acronym that can help you remember the signs of a stroke:
B: Balance
E: Eyes
F: Face drooping
A: Arm weakness
S: Speech difficulty
T: Time to call 911
If someone near you is experiencing these signs, you should:
🔺Ask the person to smile
🔺Ask the person to raise both arms
🔺Note the time their first symptoms appeared, and share that information with first responders

Photos from Astor Smile Dental's post 05/08/2024

Adjustments to Prevent Text Neck Pain
* Raise the phone. Move the phone (and other devices) up closer to eye level so the head does not have to be tilted forward.
* Take frequent breaks. Spend some time away from the phone—or any type of head-forward posture. If needed, use an alarm or app to set automatic reminders to take breaks from handheld devices.
* Stand up straight. Good posture, with the chin tucked in and shoulders pulled back, keeps the body aligned in a neutral position.
* Arch and stretch. Arch the neck and upper back backward periodically to ease muscle pain.
* Exercise regularly. A strong, flexible back and neck are more able to handle extra stress. Some research indicates that teenagers who are active in low-impact team sports or endurance sports are less likely to have neck pain. 
In general, finding ways to keep the neck and body more active, rather than hunched over a mobile device, is best for the spine. For example, try scheduling just a few times per day to check text messages and emails, rather than responding multiple times per hour.



Postural problems when sitting
Changing from standing to a sitting position forces the top of the pelvis to rotate backwards. This flattens the natural lumbar curve in the spine, causing increased, uneven pressure on the intervertebral discs. On leaning forwards (80° angle) to work the spine becomes ‘C’ shaped, further increasing lumbar disc pressure (+190%) and placing extra strain on the supporting back muscles. Movement is restricted with breathing, digestion and circulation adversely affected.
How posture controls disc pressure
The secret of sitting to reduce disc pressure is to encourage the spine to lengthen into its neutral ‘balanced’ position, as in standing. By sitting upright and leaning slightly backwards (100° angle) the top of the pelvis rotates forwards allowing the spine to return to it’s natural ‘S’ shape. There is better balance within the body, with the head centrally positioned over the spinal column. Weight is more evenly distributed across the intervertebral discs and less activity is required from the supporting musculature.



How to release the masseter muscle

A self masseter muscle release can be performed like so:

1) Apply finger pressure high on the master muscle, just below the cheek bone
2) Slowly open your jaw and hold the pressure
3) As you open slowly drag your fingers down dragging down through the muscle
4) Open as far as you can go and run the finger to the margin of the lower jaw



Teeth grinding is a common symptom underlying poor sleep, jaw pain, neck pain, and back pain.

If you are in pain, you cannot thrive, and you may be deforming your posture.

We often don’t realize that the skeletal system is balanced via the jaw. The TMJ is the connection between the jaw joints (hinge of the upper and lower jaw).

Alignment of the teeth affects how this joint swings and moves, the way you use the muscles off these joints, and the way you breathe affects this very sensitive joint.

The masseter muscle is the huge band that controls how the lower jaw moves up and down.

Your Masseter muscles creates enormous tension in your jaw joints, a byproduct of its crushing powers to chew food and can generate hundreds of pounds of force.

There is a direct connection between the TMJ muscles, neck muscles and posture. The neck exercises from the menu at the top, left of the page are highly recommended along with posture recommendations. If you have had a whiplash injury or have neck problems, a chiropractic evaluation may be helpful.

Research reports that:
• A relationship between TMJ and neck extensor/flexor muscles. So, methods to reduce neck pain, especially specific neck exercises are important when seeking relief from jaw pain.

• An association between the neck and jaw indicates, “treatment needs to focus on both areas because the improvement of one could have an influence on the other.”

• 83% of patients with confirmed joint and/or muscular TMJ disorders presented with Forward Head Posture.

If you suffer from teeth grinding, jaw disharmony or neck and back pain, you can do a simple self release on the masseter muscle


Photos from Astor Smile Dental's post 05/08/2024

What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is damage to a tooth’s surface, or enamel. It happens when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the enamel. Tooth decay can lead to cavities (dental caries), which are holes in your teeth. If tooth decay is not treated, it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss.

Some early, incipient between teeth can actually repair themselves. If interproximal (between teeth) dental caries (decay) is discovered in its early stages on a dental radiograph (x-ray) it can often be arrested if the cause (e.g., chronic sugar consumption) is removed and the patient exercises good oral hygiene. The use of prescription strength topical fluoride and other remineralizing agents can also help facilitate repair and prevention of future cavities. Most dentists agree that these early lesions should not be restored to avoid unnecessary expense, discomfort and damage to teeth.


Photos from Astor Smile Dental's post 05/01/2024

One of the chief signs of is the presence of periodontal pockets — that is, spaces around the teeth, below the gum line, that have become infected. Pockets provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, and may spread infection to the structures that keep teeth anchored in the mouth. Although periodontal pockets are invisible to the eye, they can be detected during an oral exam, when the space between the gums and teeth is measured.



Deciduous teeth are also called children’s teeth, baby teeth or first teeth. 👼🏻🦷

Deciduous teeth are smaller and whiter than permanent teeth. We only have 20 deciduous teeth.
They start to erupt when we’re around 6 months old, and are usually all through when we’re 29 months old. This may vary, as everyone is different. Deciduous teeth do have roots, but the roots get absorbed by the underlying permanent teeth. This happens so the deciduous teeth become loose and start falling out.



Congratulations Dr Rammal~!🥇
“Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.”
Kobe Bryant 🙌🏻



Research shows that some foods contain nutrients that elevate moods. They make you happy now . . . and later. Happy foods include:
1. Organic colorful fruits and vegetables, especially berries and leafy greens
2. Sustainably raised fish and meat
3. Nuts and seeds
4. Healthy oils
5. Eggs
6. Clean protein powders (sugar-free, plant-based)
7. Dark chocolate
8. Unprocessed foods
9. Organic foods
10. Low-glycemic foods (they don’t spike blood sugar)
11. High-fiber foods



🌱🍵A study from Japan has found that daily supplements of L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea, may help people with anxiety also focus on their daily activities. A win-win for many with a dual diagnosis of anxiety with attention deficits.
L-theanine may help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve the quality of sleep. Though it is found in tea, the level is low (less than 2 percent). So the effective dosage levels (of 100 – 200mg/day) cannot be delivered from drinking tea but must come from a supplement.

The most abundant catechin in green tea is EGCG (about 60%). Most studies focus on metabolite EGCG, but some also evaluate other catechins in this beverage. Epigallocatechin gallate also happens to be the most powerful tea antioxidant. This little compound is the main “culprit” behind the health benefits of green tea. 
You see, catechins are natural antioxidants with the potential to prevent cell damage. They provide many other effects, and EGCG is the most powerful of them all. 
Catechins work through multiple mechanisms of action, including:
* Antioxidant

* Anti-hypertensive

* Anti-inflammatory 

* Anti-proliferative

* Anti-thrombogenic

* Lipid-lowering effects
As antioxidants, catechins scavenge and neutralize free radicals. They also inhibit pro-oxidant enzymes and induce antioxidant enzymes. By activating endothelial nitric oxide, catechins regulate vascular tone and improve blood flow. They prevent vascular inflammation. Inflammation of blood vessels promotes atherosclerosis, which would lead to heart disease.




Posted • Matcha 🍵 vs. Coffee ☕️

This happens to be one of the most popular debates among health and fitness gurus right now.

So today, I wanted to take some time to discuss the difference between the two.

It’s no secret that both are known for their ability to speed the metabolism up, provide more energy, and are surely everyone’s go-to way to kick off the morning.⠀

However, while coffee does have some benefits as you can see from the information listed above, matcha is a much better, more balanced form of caffeine intake that does not lead to a coffee crash.

For starters, matcha green tea leaves have l-theanine, which is an amino acid that helps balance the accelerating effects of caffeine, by simultaneously calming the system. It also improves focus and helps you concentrate and features much higher levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients which protect against disease and aging and helps boost your metabolism and burn fat.⠀

Coffee, on the other hand, provides a short burst of energy or an “energy spike” ... which leads to a sudden drop in blood sugar, resulting in a “crash”. ⠀

Curious to hear your thoughts on this. Which do you prefer? Which is the winner in your eyes or are their specific brands of coffee you find better for you?

Let me know in the comment section below ⬇️ Excited to read everyone's responses since this is a highly debated topic no doubt.

Dr. P


Posted • As of July 21, 2022, nearly 87% of the U.S. population is in a location with a medium or high Community Level. If you live in a medium or high community level, consider taking prevention steps to protect yourself and others, like wearing a mask.

◽️Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

🔻Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone


In order to keep up with my busy life, maintaining optimal health and an optimal brain becomes a top priority. When your brain is functioning well, you have more energy and life just gets better.

1. Eat plenty of healthy fat. My brain worked pretty well before but embracing fat (even good saturated fats like coconut oil and MCT oil) pushed my mental clarity through the roof.

2. We need about 30 grams of protein per meal to build muscle. When you lose muscle, you age faster and your brain takes a huge hit! Eat protein at every meal, including omega-3 eggs, protein shakes, nut butters, or even fatty fish for breakfast.

3. At least 75% of your plate, by volume, should be filled with colorful plant foods. These colorful super-foods come loaded with brain-boosting stuff like phytonutrients. Enjoy an array of colorful plant foods like blueberries and dark leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard, spinach, watercress, and arugula.⁣

4. Avoid sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, trans fats, food additives, and preservatives, all of which poison your brain and disrupt your biochemistry.

5. Exercise improves memory, learning, and concentration. It also helps to improve your mood, boost your energy, and reduce overall stress in your body and mind.

6. Learn how to ACTIVELY relax. To engage the powerful forces of the mind on the body, you must DO something. Try meditation or learning something new.



Spring 🌱2022

Always good to see you Bailey~ have a nice summer and see you this winter🤍

It’s our 9th year🪷 thank you for your visit as always ~


Did you know that you are only 10% human?

That’s right, the other 90% of you is made up of bacteria (mostly in your gut).

This is why your gut has such a profound impact on how you look and feel.

These bacteria play a huge role in not only your gut health but your overall health and wellbeing.

When these bacteria get out of balance from your modern lifestyle, your health begins to suffer.

This is why it is so important to help protect and support the bacteria in your gut.

How can you do this?

👉🏻Eat the right foods.
👉🏻Reduce your stress.
👉🏻Get plenty of sleep.
👉🏻Avoid toxins.
👉🏻Move your body daily.


Thank you for your visit Lauren! 🤍🌷

Spring cleaning for your teeth 🦷🚿🦠

▫️Schedule your routine professional teeth cleaning. Although having a daily oral hygiene routine at home is a great way to stay on top of your oral health, it is also very important that you schedule your routine professional teeth cleaning with your dental office. The special tools that the dental hygienist uses are able to reach places where your toothbrush and floss cannot get to and they are also able to remove any build up of plaque and tartar, which is very important in the prevention of cavities and other oral health concerns.

▫️Cavitron 300 Series Ultrasonic Scaler System is a high frequency sound wave tooth used to clean teeth. The ultrasonic sound waves vibrate the dirt, tarter, and plaque off teeth.

▫️This machine creates gentle vibrations that clean the plaque and tartar off your teeth. Creating a brighter and healthier smile! 👄✨

Experience the Best *gentle and thorough* teeth cleaning  💦     


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Teeth grinding is a common symptom underlying poor sleep, jaw pain, neck pain, and back pain.If you are in pain, you can...
Spring 🌱2022 Always good to see you Bailey~ have a nice summer and see you this winter🤍It’s our 9th year🪷 thank you for ...
Thank you for your visit Lauren! 🤍🌷Spring cleaning for your teeth 🦷🚿🦠▫️Schedule your routine professional teeth cleaning...
Happy Bday Dr Rammal! 👨🏻‍⚕️🤍🎂🎄🌃One of the best dentists in #NYC 🥇#greenwichvillagenyc#westvillagenyc#nycdentist #dentalt...
Tags What Causes #DryMouth?Causes of dry mouth include:* Side effect of certain medications. Dry mouth is a common side ...
#TMJ ExercisesStretch your clenching muscles, strengthen muscles that oppose clenching and exercise your tongue as you h...
#Kombucha Acidic drinks mess with the PH level of the saliva which ideally should be 7 or 7.3, when the saliva level bec...
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53 WEST 11TH Street
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 6pm

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