Power Stuttering Therapy

Power Stuttering Therapy is dedicated to providing effective, therapy for people who stutter.

Helping People Who Stutter 06/15/2024

Stuttering is a speech problem that makes it hard for us to speak smoothly. It can affect our kids and even adults. The effects can be different for everyone. Here, we'll see why we stutter, what it means, a few different reasons why we stutter, and some useful tools and resources for helping people who stutter.

What is Stuttering and Why Does It Happen?

Helping People Who Stutter Stuttering is a speech problem that makes it hard for us to speak smoothly. It can affect our kids and even adults. The effects can be different for everyone. H

Stuttering Therapy Cost - Can I Afford Stuttering Treatment? 05/28/2024

Good question and one that everyone considering intensive therapy needs to address. What my stuttering therapy cost me:I went through this same intensive therapy program in 1982 with Dr. George Shames, at the University of Pittsburg, one of the developers of the Stutter-Free Speech Program.

Stuttering Therapy Cost - Can I Afford Stuttering Treatment? How much does stuttering therapy cost? is a good question and one that everyone considering intensive stuttering therapy needs to address.


Finding a stuttering treatment that works can be a challenge. People who stutter have tried stuttering many therapy programs and have been disappointed in the results. They are usually in a lot of pain because of their stuttering and need to find a stuttering treatment that works. Not only is it hard to get the words out, but speaking and communication are skills needed to succeed today.

Finding a Stuttering Treatment That Works Many people who stutter have tried finding a stuttering treatment program and have been disappointed. Here's is how to find one.


I hated my stuttering!!Sitting in the back of the room, avoiding conversations, missing out on the good jobs, and not meeting new people because of this embarrassing problem? This is why I hated my stutteringHi. My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape my stuttering problem and my hatred of talking.

Do You HATE YOUR STUTTERING? I hated my stuttering!!Sitting in the back of the room, avoiding conversations, missing out on the good jobs, and not meeting new people because of this embarra

Researching Stuttering Treatments 05/22/2024

Researching stuttering treatments is really not very hard. So, by using scientific studies of treatment results, you can select effective therapy for stuttering. PubMed is one of the best search tools for online research and is provided free of cost by the National Institutes of Health at:

How to search PubMed

The problem lies in the reviewing process.

Researching Stuttering Treatments Researching stuttering treatments is really not very hard. So, by using scientific studies of treatment results, you can select effective therapy for

"Just Slow Down and Think About What You Want To Say" 05/20/2024

People have probably told you that all you need to do is just "SLOW DOWN" and "THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY".I know that I heard that a lot when I was stuttering severely. The problem was that I tried that many times and I just couldn't do it. I couldn't just slow down by myself!What

"Just Slow Down and Think About What You Want To Say" People have probably told you that all you need to do is "JUST SLOW DOWN" and "THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY". Here is a better way.

When I Decided That I Needed Stuttering Treatment 05/18/2024

Most of you know that I was a severe stutterer for the first 35 years of my life before I found a stuttering treatment that worked for me. That included grade school, high school, and college. While I was getting my M.A. in Communicative Disorders, I still stuttered. I remember being the example for other students when I took my class in Introduction to Fluency Disorders.

When I Decided That I Needed Stuttering Treatment How I found my intensive stuttering therapy program when I needed stuttering treatment. My story of recovery from stuttering.

Stuttering Therapy - Do No Harm? | Stuttering Therapy Plan that Works 05/16/2024

True story of a client that came to me
Last week, I started a stuttering therapy plan and treatment with a new client who stutters. During the initial evaluation of his stuttering, he told me about some of the previous stuttering therapy experiences that he had been through.

He told me about one stuttering therapy experience that I almost could not believe.

Stuttering Therapy - Do No Harm? | Stuttering Therapy Plan that Works Some therapists don't have a plan to replace your stuttering with a new way of talking that is fluent and natural. Our Stuttering Therapy Plan works!


Many teenagers and adults who stutter have had tons of speech therapy. Starting in the public schools, where there would usually be a new person every year with a new plan for stuttering treatment.
The problem is that most University Graduate Programs do not provide adequate training in the area of stuttering.

Have You Given Up on Stuttering Treatments? 2024 Many teenagers and adults who stutter have had tons of stuttering treatments. Starting in the public schools with little training in stuttering therapy.


This is MY Story - A Stutterer's Story

My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape my stuttering problem and my hatred of talking. I hated the sound of my own voice.
At my school, there was one other kid who stuttered and he didn't have a clue either. We didn't know why we did this.

A Stutterer’s Story – Mark Power This is MY Story - A Stutterer's Story My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape m

How To Stop Stuttering For Adults and Teens 05/10/2024

How To Stop Stuttering For Adults and Teens Stuttering Treatment For Adults And Teens

How To Stop Stuttering for Adults and Teens 05/08/2024

How to stop stuttering requires replacing stuttering with a new way of talking that is incompatible with stuttering. The tricks you use to hide your stuttering, like changing words to say easier sounds or using gestures and starter sounds, are no longer necessary. You say exactly what you want to say - anytime, anywhere.

How To Stop Stuttering for Adults and Teens How to stop stuttering requires replacing stuttering with a new way of talking that is incompatible with stuttering. The tricks you use to hide your stuttering,

Do you hate your stuttering? 05/06/2024

Hi. My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape my stuttering problem and my hatred of talking. I hated the sound of my own voice.At my school there was one other kid who stuttered and he didn't have a clue either. We didn't know why we did this. We just knew we were ashamed of ourselves.

Do you hate your stuttering? Hi. My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape my stuttering problem and my hatred of

Mark Power - ASHA Board Certiified Specialist 05/04/2024

What is a Stuttering Specialist?A Stuttering Specialist has been through more advanced training than a general speech pathologist. All licensed speech pathologists are permitted to treat stuttering. The problem is that most of them have little or no training in stuttering.

Mark Power - ASHA Board Certiified Specialist Hi. My name is Mark Power and for 35 years I felt like a misfit and an alien. No matter where I went, I could not escape my stammering problem and my hatred of talking. I hated the sound of my own voice. For years I thought that this was something that I “just had to live with”, but it’s not! ...


Intensive stuttering treatment offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their speech fluency and overall communication skills. This type of treatment involves focused therapy sessions that target the root causes of stuttering, helping individuals learn techniques to reduce instances of stuttering and speak more confidently.

One advantage of intensive stuttering treatment is the personalized approach to therapy. Each individual receives a tailored treatment plan based on their specific needs and goals, allowing for a more targeted and effective treatment process. Additionally, the intensive nature of the treatment means that individuals can see quicker progress and improvement in their speech fluency compared to traditional therapy methods.

Another advantage of intensive stuttering treatment is the support and guidance provided by trained speech therapists. These professionals have expertise in treating stuttering and can offer valuable insights and techniques to help individuals overcome their speech challenges. The structured nature of intensive therapy sessions also helps individuals stay motivated and on track with their treatment goals.

Overall, intensive stuttering treatment can lead to significant improvements in speech fluency, confidence, and overall quality of life for individuals struggling with stuttering. By investing time and effort into intensive therapy, individuals can make lasting improvements in their speech and communication skills.

Stuttering Resources 04/22/2024

Most stuttering resources report that stuttering is a speech disorder that affects three million adults in the United States. Therefore stuttering information is important to this segment of the population.Facts About Stuttering:- Stuttering is a disruption in the normal flow of speaking characterized by repetitions, or prolongations of sounds, or complete blocks of sounds.

Stuttering Resources Most stuttering resources report that stuttering is a speech disorder that affects three million adults in the United States. Therefore stuttering information i

"It was magical" - David - Stuttering Treatment Results 04/21/2024

https://youtu.be/THEa9Z1QVNEStuttering Treatment Results - David came to the Power Stuttering Center in Newport Beach, California from Uruguay in the summer. He was the CEO of a large software company in South America and also a person who stuttered.He had seen certain stuttering treatment results reported by scientific research journals.

"It was magical" - David - Stuttering Treatment Results David's Results After the MPI-2 Stuttering Treatment Program for Adults and Teens https://youtu.be/THEa9Z1QVNE Stuttering Treatment Results - David came to t

Why Do I Need a Board Certified Stuttering Specialist? 04/20/2024

Board Certified Stuttering Specialist - What are they? All licensed speech pathologists are permitted to treat stuttering. The problem is that most of them have little or no training in stuttering.

About ten years ago the requirements for classes and supervised training clinic hours in stuttering therapy were removed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Why Do I Need a Board Certified Stuttering Specialist? Board Certified Stuttering Specialist - What are they? All licensed speech pathologists are permitted to treat stuttering. The problem is that most of them have


According to a national survey, 11.1% of undergraduate students reported having a disability including a stuttering disability. These students are entitled to the same quality of education as anyone else, even though they may face unique challenges.

Financial Aid for Students Who Stutter According to a national survey, 11.1% of undergraduate students reported having a disability including a stuttering disability. These students are entitled


When I was high school age, mother (bless her heart) drove me twice a week from New York to Connecticut to see a specialist in stuttering therapy. She later told me, before my first session this "expert" told her that SHE WAS THE CAUSE OF MY STUTTERING!! So here is more of a stutterer's story:An Old Theory of the Cause of StutteringThe popular theory then (and

More of A Stutterer’s Story When I was high school age, mother (bless her heart) drove me twice a week from New York to Connecticut to see a specialist in stuttering therapy. She later t

How Long Did Your Fluency Last? 04/17/2024

I know that many people who stutter have gone through intensive stuttering therapy already. Prolonged Speech or Fluency Shaping programs have been the traditional standard for adult and teenager residential or intensive stuttering treatments.
I attended such a fluency shaping program myself many years ago. After I graduated from the Stutter-Free Speech Program developed by Dr.

How Long Did Your Fluency Last? I know that many people who stutter have gone through intensive stuttering therapy already. Prolonged Speech or Fluency Shaping programs have been the traditio

Stutterers and Nonstutterers – Voice Reaction Times 04/16/2024

Are there real differences in anatomy and physiology between stutterers and nonstutterers? The answer is Yes. Research has compared the structure and function of the voice and brains of these two groups of people.
Vocal Reaction Times were measured in both groups of stutterers
They were presented with a signal light and instructed to just say "ah" as quickly as they could.

Stutterers and Nonstutterers – Voice Reaction Times Are there real differences in anatomy and physiology between stutterers and nonstutterers? The answer is Yes. Research has compared the structure and function o


October 22 will be International Stuttering Awareness Day this year. Many people who stutter, therapists who work with stuttering and stuttering researchers use this day to pass along accurate information about stuttering and stuttering therapy. There are many myths about stuttering that are still believed by many people who stutter and parents of stutterers today.

Stuttering Awareness Day – October 22 October 22 will be International Stuttering Awareness Day this year. Many people who stutter, therapists who work with stuttering and stuttering researchers use

Mark Goes to Hong Kong 04/14/2024

I was invited to the Widex Speech and Hearing Company to come to their Center in Hong Kong. They asked me as a stuttering specialist to provide stuttering training for about 100 Chinese Speech Therapists. They were part of the public school system in the city of Hong Kong. My full-day workshop trained these Chinese therapists in the Stutter-Free Speech Program.

Mark Goes to Hong Kong I was invited to the Widex Speech and Hearing Company to come to their Center in Hong Kong. They asked me as a stuttering specialist to provide stuttering train

How To Stop Stuttering for Adults and Teens 04/13/2024

How To Stop Stuttering for Adults and Teens How to stop stuttering requires replacing stuttering with a new way of talking that is incompatible with stuttering.. You say exactly what you want to say – anytime, anywhere.

Replace Stuttering With A New Way Of Talking 04/13/2024

Most people who stutter can tell you that their stuttering started somewhere during the pre-school age. I don’t actually remember that time, but my mother tells me that not only did I stutter – but I was teased a lot by the neighbor kid! In this post we are going to discuss how to Replace Stuttering with a new way of talking.

Replace Stuttering With A New Way Of Talking Most people who stutter can tell you that their stuttering started somewhere during the pre-school age. I don’t actually remember that time, but my mother tel

The Pain of Stuttering 04/12/2024

This is what really drove me to my stuttering therapy….the pain of stuttering.For me, the thing that really held me back, while I was still stuttering, was not the stuttering itself. I felt that I could hide the stuttering - sometimes at least.Here are the ways that I hid my stuttering:- Kept my mouth shut – that ALWAYS worked – but I had to accept the fact that I wasn’t able to say anything!

The Pain of Stuttering This is what really drove me to my stuttering therapy….the pain of stuttering.For me, the thing that really held me back, while I was still stuttering, was no


I want to talk to the people who stutter who are reading this blog.

Recently, I have been to several workshop and seminars that present information to people who stutter and speech-language pathologists The message I hear most clearly is that stuttering is OK and is not the fault of the person who stammers. This is absolutely true.

It’s OK to Stutter – But It’s Also OK Not to Stutter I want to talk to the people who stutter who are reading this blog. Recently, I have been to several workshop and seminars that present information to people w

How To Find the Root Cause of your Stuttering 04/01/2024

Find the Root Cause of Your Stuttering

How To Find the Root Cause of your Stuttering In this video, we're going to teach you how to find the root cause of your stuttering. By understanding the underlying cause of your stuttering, you can star...

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1400 Quail Street #252
Newport Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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