Destiny Lines Fitness

“I empower women to feel a sense of belonging and confidence within the gym—challenging their abilities and conquering their goals.”


stretching before your workout. very demure. very mindful.


Common Mistakes That Might Be Sabotaging Your Glute Gains

I know it can be really frustrating when you are being consistent with your workouts and just not seeing results. But you’re not alone! Sometimes small tweaks can make all the difference. Here are some common mistakes that might be holding you back:

Neglecting other muscle groups: Strong quads and hamstrings are crucial for glute development.

Poor form: Not engaging your glutes properly or using momentum can hinder growth.

Lack of progressive overload: Your muscles adapt, so gradually increase weight or reps.

Ignoring nutrition: Fuel your body with enough protein and calories for muscle growth.

Overtraining or under-recovering: Give your muscles time to rest and rebuild.

Remember: Consistency is key, but so is listening to your body and making adjustments as needed.

Photos from Destiny Lines Fitness's post 08/17/2024

Hello, everyone! I’m Hillary, a 30-something personal trainer, mom, wife, and proud business owner rooted right here in the heart of the 417.

My fitness odyssey kicked off just a few years back. Back then, I was running on empty-physically and mentally drained, putting everyone else’s needs ahead of my own health. Despite a history of being active and engaged in sports, those days felt like a distant memory. It hit me hard during a family vacation-I struggled to keep up with my kids and felt uneasy in family photos. That was my wake-up call.

Through my transformative journey, I not only conquered my fitness goals but also rediscovered confidence and rekindled my love for movement. That spark led me to pay it forward and guide others on their fitness journey. My mission now is simple:

Empower Others: Help you gain confidence inside and outside the gym. Challenge Limits: Encourage you to push your abilities and redefine your limits.
Positive Changes: Support you in making the positive changes you truly deserve.

As your dedicated personal trainer, I’m all about tailoring fitness to suit your unique journey specializing in weight loss, running, functional training, and women’s health. If you’re ready to transform your health, feel incredible, and embrace the journey, I’m here-every step of the way. -Hillary Tranbarger


**We’re personal trainers who absolutely love helping people reach their fitness goals!** There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing someone transform their body and their life through hard work and dedication.

We’re passionate about helping you achieve your goals, whether it’s building a b***y, shedding those extra pounds, or simply feeling stronger and healthier. We believe in a holistic approach to fitness, focusing on not just the physical but also the mental and emotional aspects. Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle and helps you reach your full potential. Ready to transform? Let’s chat! 🏋️‍♀️


Keys in hand, heart full of hope! ✨

The boxes are still piled high, but the feeling of fresh beginnings washes over me as I stand in the doorway of my new home. This place holds the promise of new memories, exciting chapters, and a chance to write my story in these blank walls.

Sure, there’s a whirlwind of unpacking and organizing ahead, but amidst the chaos, there’s a sense of peace and possibility. It’s a chance to create a space that reflects who I am and where I’m going.

Here’s to new beginnings, fresh starts, and making this house a home. Can’t wait to share this journey with you all!!


Always remember- the body you create should support your best life.

If it’s not your best life, it’s not your dream body.

This can tip on both ends of the spectrum. Neglecting your body’s wellness needs and creating a poor relationship with food - or - punishing yourself in the gym and not taking time to properly recover.

All or nothing thinking is the destroyer of progress and happiness.

It’s that thought process of “I can’t fit 5 days of workouts into my schedule so what’s the point of starting a workout routine?”

“If I enjoy the holidays it’s going to destroy all my progress”

Remember that physical and mental health all require balance. There is always a middle ground, and that’s where your best life can be found.

My best life is a body that is “strong enough” for every day movement, spending time with my kids, traveling, sweets, friendships, late nights, feeling energized, dancing, trying new things, and everything else in between.

Find your healthy balance = find your dream body


Three Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Lifting Weights

Looking back on my weightlifting journey, there are a few things I wish I knew from the start. Here’s hoping this helps some of you avoid the same pitfalls!

Focus on Form, Not Just Weight: Lifting heavy is cool, but proper form is CRUCIAL! It prevents injuries and ensures you’re working the right muscles. KNOW what muscles you’re working (you will see better results if you have muscle-mind connection)! Don’t be afraid to start lighter and perfect your technique first.

Progress Over Perfection: Show up! There will be good days and bad days. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. There is no such thing as instant gratification! Consistency and progressive overload (gradually increasing weight or reps) are key to long-term success.

Fuel Your Body for Success: You can’t out-train a bad diet! Eating nutritious whole foods will give you the energy you need to crush your workouts and support muscle growth. Know how and when to eat (most importantly post workout meal). Pay attention to your body!

What are some things YOU wish you knew when you first started lifting? Share your tips in the comments.

Photos from Destiny Lines Fitness's post 07/15/2024

Are you ready to transform your fitness journey in a supportive and encouraging environment?

This is your chance to snag some super limited coaching spots and unlock your full potential! There’s nothing we love more than helping people achieve their fitness goals.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro bodybuilder or just starting out on your fitness journey, we’re passionate about helping all fitness levels, and our goal is to create a safe and encouraging environment where you can feel empowered to embrace your journey.

These openings don’t come around often, so don’t miss your chance to invest in yourself! Let’s chat and see if we’re a great fit!


Building that shelf b***y one workout at a time!
Forget the stepladder, ladies (and gents!), let’s build our own upper shelves with these glute-sculpting exercises:

Cable Kickback: Isolates and strengthens your glutes for a lifted, toned look.

Reverse Lunge: Works each leg individually, building balance and unilateral strength, essential for those high kicks to reach the top shelf!

Single-Leg Hip Thrust: Targets your glutes one leg at a time, sculpting that coveted “shelf” shape.

Split Squat: Similar to the reverse lunge, split squats add a core stability challenge to the mix, keeping you balanced and strong.

These exercises hit your glutes from all angles, guaranteeing a sculpted, strong backside that’ll make reaching for anything a breeze. No fancy gym required – these can be done at home with some creativity (think bodyweight or resistance bands for added difficulty)

Ready to ditch the stepladder and build your own upper shelf?

Add these exercises to your next workout routine and tag me so I can see your glute gains!



I know you guys skip it now and again, but stretching - both dynamic and static- are just as important as the workout you’re showing up for.

So the next time you feel tempted to skip your stretches keep this in mind.

Dynamic stretching engages and activates the muscles you’re about to use. Leading to better performance and reduced risk of injury.

As you move through dynamic stretches, blood circulation to your muscles increases. Enhancing their readiness for physical activity.

Dynamic stretching with controlled movements and proper form helps improve joint stability and can reduce the risk of muscle strains and injuries during exercise which helps to prevent altered movement patterns, and imbalances that can lead to injury.

Dynamic stretching is especially effective for sports that involve explosive movements, such as sprinting, jumping, or agility exercises.

Try dynamic stretching BEFORE your workout as part of your warm up, and static stretching AFTER your workout. You can do foam rolling either before or after your workout. Plan your time accordingly to fit this into your workout routine- your body will thank you.


Walking lunges are one of those movements that I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with. While they can be brutal. The payoff is huge! Walking lunges can help you build strength, size (hypertrophy), balance, mobility, and even recover from injuries.

So here are two tips that I use to get the most out of them:

To hit the quads - Drive yourself FORWARD as you lunge, including the knee! This helps to keep you from shifting backwards and taking tension out of the quads.

To hit the glutes -yes, a hinge at the hip (more bend) will help. But rather than take massive, wide steps like to rotate the pelvis over the working side to maximize length in the glutes before contracting them to move forwards. Lengthen & load before we shorten!

Personally I like to implement BOTH these cues when I do lunges. More muscle team work = more strength! So grab your gym buddy and try these out!


Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. You’re mid-run, feeling fantastic, and then WHAM! Your energy crashes, your brain feels like mush, and your muscles start to cramp like nobody’s business. Talk about a performance killer!

But here’s the thing: most of the time, this frustrating scenario can be avoided with a simple solution – hydration! Yeah, I know, it sounds boring, but trust me, staying hydrated is like having a secret weapon for peak performance.

For me, hydration is the difference between feeling like a sluggish mess and crushing my workouts.

I’m all about strategic sipping. I keep a reusable water bottle with me all day, and I take frequent little gulps throughout the day, even before I feel thirsty. Before a workout, I down a good amount of water, and I always have a water bottle with me to keep refilling.

Here’s the cool thing: proper hydration isn’t just about feeling good during exercise. It helps my muscles recover faster after a tough workout, keeps my brain sharp throughout the day, and even helps my immune system fight off those pesky colds.


For longer workouts or hot days, I swear by electrolyte-rich drinks. These help replace the minerals I lose through sweat,keeping me energized and performing at my best.

My Favorite Hydration Squad:

- GU Roctane Electrolyte Capsules: These little guys are easy to toss in my gym bag and pop during a long run.
- LMNT Electrolyte Drink Mix: This stuff is delicious and perfect for mixing into water for a refreshing electrolyte boost.
- Pickle Juice: Don’t knock it till you try it! Pickle juice is surprisingly high in electrolytes and can be a great way to replenish minerals, especially after a sweaty workout. (Just maybe chase it with some water!)

So ditch the dehydration blues and join the hydration revolution! Grab your favorite reusable water bottle, find some electrolyte buddies you love, and get ready to experience the power of peak performance!


Let’s talk chest strength, ladies! It’s not just about building massive pecs (although, if that’s your jam!).

Here’s the real tea: a strong chest is a game-changer for everyday life.
Stronger pecs mean more than just looking good in a swimsuit (though, hello confidence boost!). They help with shoulder stability, improve your overall fitness, and make those daily tasks a breeze. Think: pushing a full grocery cart with ease, picking up your kiddos without breaking a sweat, or dominating those summer pool days.

Ready to crush those daily activities? Here are some of my favorite chest exercises you can add to your workout routine:

Push-ups (bodyweight or modified - gotta start somewhere!)

Barbell Chest Press

Incline Dumbbell Fly + Chest Press

Follow for more exercise tips to help you slay your fitness goals.


Resistance bands are the secret weapon in your gym bag!

These little guys are seriously underhyped! You can literally use them for EVERYTHING in your workout routine.

Forget the boring stretches and get that blood pumping with some killer band work. Your body will thank you later!

Bands are the MVP of supersets! My personal favorite? Hip thrusts with some side-to-side lateral band walks. Trust me, your glutes will be FEELIN’ it (in the best way possible).

Don’t Skip the Cool Down! Using a band for dynamic stretches after you crush your workout is a game changer. Helps flush that lactic acid buildup and gets your muscles recovering faster for your next gym sesh!

Resistance bands are basically your one-stop shop for an awesome workout, from warming up to cooling down!

What’s your favorite way to get creative with resistance bands? Let me know in the comments!


We want to take a moment to celebrate the amazing moms out there!

You juggle a million things every day - work, kids, family - and still manage to radiate strength, kindness, and love. You inspire us with your dedication and resilience.

You nurtured us, you guided us, and now you’re cheering us on as we help others find their own strength. This Mother’s Day, remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a love letter to the amazing woman you are. You deserve to feel strong, healthy, and confident.

To all the moms who make the world go round, we love you more than words can express!


“What’s the BEST that could happen?” I ask my clients. ✨

Maybe it’s conquering that weight-loss goal, or finally having the stamina to chase after your kids without getting winded. Whatever your vision is, I’m here to be your personal cheerleader and guide.

Together, we’ll craft a workout plan that fits YOUR unique needs and goals. Because fitness isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey - it’s a personal adventure waiting to be explored! ️
Ready to take the first step? Let’s chat about your potential and unleash the amazing transformation waiting within you!


Hourglass Figure Workouts: I Ditched the Thigh Gap for Curves, and You Can Too!

Ugh, the thigh gap. It never felt right on me anyway. But strong, sculpted curves? Now that’s something I can get behind, literally!

That’s why I started focusing on building an hourglass figure by working two key areas: lats and glutes.

Wide, sculpted lats create that amazing “V-taper” that cinches your waist, making you feel confident and snatched. And strong glutes? Well, let’s just say they don’t call them the “powerhouse” for nothing!

But here’s the best part: these exercises aren’t just about aesthetics (although let’s be real, that’s a bonus!). They also improve your posture, core strength, and overall balance. Basically, you’ll be feeling strong and confident from the inside out.

Ready to ditch the skinny jeans and rock your curves with pride? Let’s get sculpting together!

💫 DM to get started sculpting those glutes NOW



Being a mom is a juggling act! Work, kids’ activities, appointments, family gatherings... the list never ends! I knew prioritizing my health needed the same commitment as everything else, so I started scheduling workouts like any other appointment.
Here’s what helped me overcome the mental hurdles and stay on track:

Phone Calendar: Blocking workout time upfront set the expectation for the day – I realized I DID have the time!

Personal Training App: As a client, you’ll get access to this app with all your workouts. It kept me focused and efficient at the gym.

Strava App: Life gets busy, and remembering workouts can be tough. This app tracks both workouts and runs, linking seamlessly with my smartwatch for easy planning.

See? Scheduling and using the right tools can make a big difference.
What are your biggest challenges to staying active?


Feeling the burn after a great workout? Stretching can be your best friend when it comes to preventing injuries and muscle soreness. Whether you’re a gym rat or a weekend warrior, incorporating a good stretch routine is key to overall well-being.

Stretching improves your flexibility, reduces muscle tension, and helps keep you injury-free. So next time you finish your workout, take some time to stretch and keep your body feeling fantastic!


Massage guns are super popular these days, and for good reason! I’ve seen how they can be a game-changer for muscle recovery.

They help loosen up those tight muscles and knots that can make you feel stiff. No more feeling like you can barely move the day after leg day!

They can also help your body get rid of lactic acid, that burning feeling you get after a workout.

Plus, massage guns can improve your circulation, which brings oxygen-rich blood back into your muscles to help them repair faster.

This means you can bounce back quicker and get back to crushing your workouts!

Massage guns can even stimulate your lymphatic system, which helps flush out toxins and keeps your body running smoothly.

So, whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re a seasoned athlete, a massage gun can be a great tool to add to your recovery routine.

You can find massage guns at Best Buy, Target, and most major retailers.


“We do not stop exercising because we grow old. We grow old because we stop exercising.”

The secret to staying young? Keep moving! As we age, exercise becomes even more crucial. Functional training keeps your body strong, protects your joints, and boosts your energy levels.

Full-body movements mimic everyday activities, improving mobility and stability. Squats, for example, strengthen your lower body and core, essential for daily life.

Ready to age on YOUR terms? I can help you create a personalized functional fitness plan to keep you moving with confidence! (DM me for details)

Photos from Destiny Lines Fitness's post 03/23/2024

The past year has been a whirlwind of change for me. Moving, while trying to run a business, and be fully present in my personal life felt overwhelming. Sometimes I just wanted to give up and stop trying.

But here’s the thing: I didn’t give up. Time, as it always does, kept moving. And with it, a glimmer of hope for something new started to peek through.

This is a toast to resilience, to new beginnings bursting with possibility. Here’s to writing the next chapter of my story, a chapter filled with endless possibilities.


Building strong, shapely glutes isn’t about fancy workouts – it’s about consistency, dedication, and nourishing your body. Dont over complicated it!

Everyone’s body responds differently, figure out what works best for you. Remember, there’s no magic formula; stick to the basics, stay consistent, and fuel your gains with a calorie surplus. The results will speak for themselves! 🍑


Functional training allows the body to adapt better day by day when we train through multiple movement patterns.

My personalized functional programs focus on improving body stability, strength, and endurance through various movement patterns. Benefits include injury prevention, improved daily tasks, and better preparation for activities like hiking.


Fuel your gains and melt away fat with the power of protein! 💪🍽️ Protein is your muscle-building ally and fat loss friend. Aim for about 20-30 grams per meal to optimize your body’s potential. It’s not just about eating, it’s about nourishing your goals!


Ever wonder what “functional training” even means?

You’re not alone!

Tired of daily tasks feeling like a workout? Or stuck with stubborn knee/back pain? This program might be your game-changer!

Functional training uses movements that mimic real life (think squats to pick up groceries, not bicep curls!). This builds strength, stability, and range of motion in ways that traditional workouts miss.

Here’s what you can expect

1.Effortless Everyday Movement

2.Improved Strength & Stability

3.Enhanced Range of Motion

4.Boosted Cardiovascular Health

Learn movements you’ll use forever (muscle memory!), shed pounds and tone up, move with graceful confidence (flexibility and coordination!), stand tall with perfect posture, say goodbye to joint pain, and reduce injury risk. All thanks to functional training!

Ready to upgrade your life? Schedule your personalized functional training consultation today!


Strong Back = Healthy Spine

Sure, you might get away with slouching through life for a while. But chronic pain, fatigue, and a general “ugh” feeling will catch up sooner or later. Blame it on your back, your body’s secret powerhouse that’s been neglected one too many times.

A strong back isn’t just about six-pack abs (although, hey, if those come along, more power to you!). It’s about keeping your spine happy, your energy levels soaring, and staying injury-free during your daily adventures.

Remember, consistency is key! Even a few minutes of back-loving moves each day can make a world of difference. So, ditch the pain, boost your energy, and become the back-bending, life-conquering warrior you were meant to be!


Sculpt the B***y of Your Dreams: Mastering the Upper Glute Shelf!

Craving that lifted, rounded look? The secret lies in building a strong upper glute shelf

Building that upper shelf is all about targeted exercises. Focus on moves like hip thrusts, glute bridges, cable kickbacks, and sumo squats. These exercises zero in on the upper glutes, helping sculpt that lifted, rounded look. Prioritize prepping your glutes beforehand, high volume, and mind-muscle connection. Get ready to elevate your b***y game! 🍑

A strong upper shelf of glutes offers several other benefits besides aesthetics:

1. Improved Posture: Strong upper glutes support the lower back and pelvis, aiding in better posture and reducing lower back pain.
2. Functional Strength: It enhances stability, balance, and power for various movements, from walking and running to weightlifting and sports performance.

3. Injury Prevention: A strong upper glute area can help prevent injuries by providing better support to the hips and pelvis during physical activities.

4. Better Athletic Performance: It plays a crucial role in athletic activities, providing explosive power and improved performance in activities like jumping and sprinting.

Ready to elevate your b***y and your entire fitness game? Embrace the upper glute shelf – it’s more than just a pretty perk!

***ychallenge ***yworkout ***ygains🍑 ***yworkouts


Functional training isn’t just about sculpting a beach bod - it’s about building dynamic strength, flexibility, and agility that seamlessly flows into your everyday life. ✨ Imagine groceries feeling lighter, errands becoming quicker, and everyday tasks done with a smile. That’s the magic of training for real-world movement!

Ready to ditch the muscle imbalances and level-up your everyday strength? Join the functional fitness revolution today!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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1212 N Bryan Drive
Nixa, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 8pm
Tuesday 5am - 8pm
Wednesday 5am - 8pm
Thursday 5am - 8pm
Friday 5am - 12pm
Saturday 7am - 10am

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