Dr. Eugene Lipov

Physician-researcher and board-certified physician in Anesthesiology and Pain Management. Chief Medical Officer at Stella Center.

Relieving suffering and restoring hope in trauma victims using my own methodology of Stellate Ganglion Block treatment.


When the Stellate Ganglion block, a new treatment for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress symptoms was introduced, some members of the medical community were skeptical.

In this short clip from Wounded Heroes, an award-winning documentary film, Dr. Turabi explains to Michael Gier, the film’s director/producer, how/why his beliefs about the use of Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) to treat veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress (PTS) have changed following a U.S. Army-directed study, funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).

After seeing the actual results and how the procedure affected patients and their families, Dr. Turabi changed his mind.

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


Trevor's journey towards remarkable recovery from severe post-traumatic stress started years ago with an innovative treatment known as Dual Sympathetic Reset (DSR), an advanced form of Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB).

Listen in to hear his story and how stress and trauma affect people in various environments.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a clinical diagnosis that has long been associated with psychological distress following trauma. However, extensive research utilizing advanced neuroimaging techniques and neurobiological research has shed light on the profound physiological impact of trauma on the body and brain.

The term "PTSI" (post-traumatic stress injury) emerged as a more accurate description that aligns with the physiological aspects of trauma. This shift reflects the growing understanding that trauma induces tangible changes in the body's biological systems, leading to lasting physiological consequences.

Thank you CBS News for having me and helping me raise awareness.

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU
Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


"Jamie’s initial meeting with Toolan on the podcast—completely unrelated to PTSI—was fortuitous. Because of that interaction, Dr. Lipov was brought into Womack to do Grand Rounds, enabling him to then go into the clinic and talk to the doctors about adapting to the DSR versus SGB.

Also because of that interaction, Jamie was brought into contact with Toolan, Dardia, and a handful of Special Forces soldiers who are well-respected in the military community, a community which has been dealing with PTSD more openly and aggressively than any other sector in the United States, and so has an invaluable base of resources and knowledge.

At every intersection, Jamie was becoming increasingly focused on PTSI and how it was affecting people and society. Soon, his other projects were suffering as he did deep dive research and had long conversations with Dr. Lipov and others."

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


Recognizing the physiological aspects of PTSI helps bridge the gap between mental and physical health. It highlights the interconnectedness of mind and body and emphasizes the significance of holistic approaches to healing. By acknowledging the physiological dimension, we promote integrated care that addresses both psychological and physiological aspects of post-traumatic stress.

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


What is your first thought when you hear the term “disorder”?

The term "disorder" can perpetuate stigma and prevent those in need from seeking the support they deserve.

By reframing the diagnosis as PTSI, we remove the implied stigma and embrace a more accurate representation of the condition. This shift encourages survivors to seek treatment.

By advocating for this change, we break down barriers and encourage open conversations about mental health. Let's create an atmosphere where seeking help becomes a sign of strength, and where healing is prioritized. I was a guest on Passionate World Talk Radio and we discussed the importance of changing the narrative around PTSI and how the DSR procedure helps patients.

Thank you Betsy Wurzel for having me on the show. You can hear the whole conversation here: https://bit.ly/3CyI3Bx

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


Did you know that there is a compelling physiological basis behind the call to change the name from PTSD to PTSI?

Research has unveiled that post-traumatic stress goes beyond a psychological reaction. Advanced studies using brain imaging techniques have revealed physical changes in the brain structure and function of individuals affected by trauma. By acknowledging PTSI as an injury, we align with the mounting evidence that trauma has profound physiological implications.

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives, because there is a strong medical argument for submitting this formal appeal.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.


PTSD as a medical term carries a weight of disorder. For survivors, it implies that their mind is weak and fragile. Even though medical professionals know this is not true, the process of shifting the paradigm is not easy.

By embracing PTSI, we recognize the true nature of post-traumatic stress as an injury, changing the narrative and empowering individuals to seek help and treatment. Changing the name to PTSI sends a powerful message that we acknowledge the impact of trauma and stand by those affected.

I advocate for the replacement of PTSD (disorder) with "PTSI" (injury) to eliminate the stigma and save lives.

Join me by signing a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change: https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

Together, we can make a difference. Show your support by purchasing our "It's PTSI" pin, with all proceeds benefiting Erase PTSD NOW: https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsu

Let's eliminate the stigma associated with this curable injury.

Photos from Dr. Eugene Lipov's post 06/15/2023

I DON'T believe "PTSD," post-traumatic stress disorder, is a disorder. It is an injury incurred by some inflicted trauma, much like breaking a leg or twisting an ankle.

And yet, there is no stigma with those and most injuries.

I advocate for "PTSI" (short for post-traumatic stress injury) to replace the clinical diagnosis of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) to ELIMINATE the stigma that comes with the diagnosis — and save lives in the process. I INVITE YOU to sign a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for this change; click here - https://lnkd.in/gCDEsTTU

In 1980, my friend, colleague, and founding father of trauma science, Dr. Frank Ochberg, was on the committee that initially defined the term PTSD as an operational diagnosis. By 2012, he came to believe that severe trauma is not a "disorder" but rather a physical injury. Informed by further research and advances in medical technology, Dr. Ochberg began lobbying to change the term from "PTSD" to "PTSI." I stand in solidarity with him in pushing for this change — along with other medical professionals, backed by leaders and organizations outside the medical community. Evidence-based research supports our conviction, and it is a fact that "disorder" is a term that has produced a damaging stigma, compounding the plight of survivors and their loved ones.

Additionally, we have created a lapel pin you can purchase to show your support in ELIMINATING the stigma associated with this curable injury. All proceeds will benefit Erase PTSD NOW, a 501c3 non-profit devoted to eradicating post-traumatic stress from the lives of those most impacted by it. To purchase the pin, click here - https://lnkd.in/gkmYrsuA


Join us in the movement to redefine post-traumatic stress and contribute to life-saving outcomes. As dedicated medical professionals and researchers, we advocate for the adoption of "PTSI" (post-traumatic stress injury) as the preferred clinical diagnosis, aiming to eradicate the ongoing stigma surrounding this condition.

With esteemed colleagues by our side, we are united in this cause and our commitment to improve the understanding and treatment of post-traumatic stress. We have conducted meticulous research and comprehensive analysis, in order to improve patient care and well-being.

But, we can’t do this alone. Your support will highly contribute to the success of our mission, so we invite you to endorse our petition and help us redefine the traditional understanding of post-traumatic stress. Additionally, consider proudly wearing the "It's PTSI" pin and show your solidarity and commitment to transforming lives.

Sign the petition here: https://bit.ly/ptsi-petition

Get the pin here: https://bit.ly/ptsi-pin


The stigma surrounding PTSD is strong and this can prevent individuals from seeking help by creating obstacles in their recovery process, and contributing to feelings of isolation and shame.

One simple, but strong change can help them and this is why we support the name change to "PTSI" - post-traumatic stress injury. This is why we submitted a formal request to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for consideration to the next update of The DIagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

By replacing the term "disorder" with "injury," we acknowledge the physical nature of the condition and remove the negative connotations that hinder healing and prevent individuals from seeking help and recovering.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in spreading awareness, challenging misconceptions, and promoting empathy. You can help us by signing the petition here: https://bit.ly/ptsi-petition


Join us in the movement to redefine post-traumatic stress and help us save lives. With the help of my colleagues, who are esteemed leaders in the medical community, I am advocating for "PTSI" (post-traumatic stress injury) to replace the clinical diagnosis of PTSD.

This change aims to eliminate the stigma and save lives. You can support the cause by signing the petition and purchasing and wearing the "It's PTSI" pin.

Sign the petition here: https://bit.ly/ptsi-petition

Get the pin here: https://bit.ly/ptsi-pin


I'm so honored to be featured in this month's issue of Formidable Men Magazine. Thank you for sharing my story and helping me raise awareness of PTSI.

"Most of my clients have been living with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress for quite some time and to witness the relief they experience after treatment is why I continue to do what I do. My entire mission is to reduce or eliminate the effects that trauma has on a person and restore hope to their spirit. I’m honored that people fly in from all over the world for this treatment."

To read the whole interview, click here: https://formidablemen.com/dr-eugene-lipov-founder-of.../


We are proud and pleased to announce that June 27th will become PTSI Awareness Day in Illinois. Thanks to the Governor of the state of Illinois JB Pritzker and his understanding of this pressing matter, public knowledge of this day will help us raise awareness of PTSI as a significant health threat.

You can also help raise awareness and support the cause by purchasing and wearing the "It's PTSI" pin. Get your pin here: https://dreugenelipov.com/get-the-pin/


Jamie made a connection with Toolan, who spends his days as a commander for the military’s special operation forces, working out of Fayetteville’s Fort Bragg. A week or so after the podcast, Toolan reached out and asked Jamie to come to Bragg and speak to the Psychological Operations division (PSYOPS) about his book and being an influencer. The last author to speak there had been Simon Sinek, the author of The Infinite Game and Leaders Eat Last, company Jamie found flattering. Toolan admitted the pay wasn’t great, but Jamie would be speaking at the JFK Auditorium and would have the DOD as a client.

Before calling back to discuss the logistics, Jamie mentioned the Special Forces, Fort Bragg invitation to Dr. Lipov, who was now a friend he spoke with frequently.

“I know they’re doing my procedure at Womack,” said Dr. Lipov. Womack Army Medical Center is located on Fort Bragg. “Maybe you can ask your Special Forces contact what kind of results they’re seeing. I haven’t been able to find out much about how they’re using it.”

When Jamie explained to Toolan about his growing interest in posttraumatic stress and Dr. Lipov, the lieutenant colonel did look into it. He found that Womack was performing the procedure over a thousand times a year. Toolan brought Jamie onto a Zoom call with Master Sergeant Geoff Dardia, who runs Bragg’s Health Initiatives Task Force.

Within a few minutes, Jamie realized the Womack doctors were using an older version of Dr. Lipov’s procedure (closer to the original SGB), injecting only once, on one side. Even with the old methodology, they were getting 70 percent efficacy, though the positive effects were often wearing off within a year or two. If not done with the modern and full protocols, regression is much more likely and the relief is substantially less. The spouses of the Special Forces who were undergoing the SBG/DSR called it the As***le Shot . . . they said they knew when it started to wear off because their husbands went back to being as****es. They’d urge them to get the procedure again because of its astounding effect to bring them back to who they were before the ravages of war.

The SGB (pre-DSR )has recently been reported as a successful treatment of trauma and PTSI symptoms by four military institutions (Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Long Beach (California), Tripler Army Medical Center (Hawaii), Naval Medical Center (San Diego), but the doctors will hopefully be using the DSR improvement across the board.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Six weeks before he was set to travel to North Carolina, Jamie got permission to bring Dr. Lipov onto Bragg as a guest during his Iconist lecture. More importantly, Toolan set up Dr. Lipov with grand rounds at Womack, an arrangement that usually takes over a year to schedule, if it happens at all.

Jamie would also end up to doing a separate talk for Special Forces Psychological Operations. He says, “I felt like Kelly McGillis’s character in Top Gun.” Toolan scheduled extracurricular meetings that included dinners with Special Forces and their spouses, dangling from a rope under a Black Hawk helicopter, and—after he mentioned he was kicking around the idea of a PTSI documentary—a face-to-face meeting with Dardia and a group of combat soldiers dealing with PTSI.

“As I sat down to dinner with Toolan and Chris Faris, I was introduced to Steve Delellis and his wife. Steve said he’d heard that I had a fun morning. I told him how I had ridden under a Blackhawk that morning with a bunch of trainees, all of hanging from ropes. It was like Blackhawk Down, I told him. To which Steve replied, ‘Yeah? I went down in the first chopper.’

He went on to tell about how another soldier who crashed with him on that terrible day in Mogadishu walked up with his nose hanging off and said to Steve, a medic, ‘What should we do?’ Steve had replied, ‘Start shooting!’”

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Driven by research and advancements in medical technology, we believe that severe trauma should be recognized as a physical injury rather than a disorder. This change aims to eliminate the damaging stigma associated with the term "disorder" and improve the plight of survivors and their loved ones.

June is PTSD Awareness Month. It’s a time when we collectively shine a light on the struggles, the survivors, and on the advances in treatment for post-traumatic stress. And so we take this opportunity to advance the movement, to change the name. By purchasing — and wearing — the “It’s PTSI” pin, you’ll literally show your support, while helping to sustain and advance the cause. Proceeds from the sale will fund the efforts of Erase PTSD Now, a 501c3 non-profit that is devoted to eradicating post-traumatic stress from the lives of those impacted by it. In May 2023, the organization launched a campaign to change the term. Please join us: get the pin, wear the pin and help us erase the stigma while saving lives.

GET THE PIN: https://dreugenelipov.com/get-the-pin

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


While Michael was resting at the hotel, Michael’s wife Shaw and Jamie stepped out to grab some air. They stopped at a raw food café and perused the grab-and-go items. The woman behind the counter, the owner, surprised them when Jamie casually asked how she was doing. She responded, “Okay. I mean, it’s been a year. Our front window was smashed in twice during the riots . . . and my ex-husband killed himself by running out the window of a high-rise.” What came next stunned them even further. “The good thing is, my daughter was there when he did it.”

The two glanced at each other with disbelief. How could it be a “good thing” for a child to see their parent end their own life? And did a stranger really just share what felt like an ordained conversation?

The owner went on to explain how her daughter had seen in her father’s eye that it wasn’t actually him in there anymore. His eyes were empty; what made him him was gone long before he leapt to his death. That awareness gave the daughter closure, a closure that her brother did not have, unfortunately.

Leaving, Jamie and Shaw couldn’t help but compare their own cases with the man who had just jumped. Their trauma had not risen to the level of suicidal ideation, for which they were grateful. And they’d had access to Dr. Lipov and his procedure. If this man had known about DSR, he would likely still be here.

Later, Michael put a hand on Jamie’s arm, very serious. “Imagine if everyone did this? I feel like I have a second chance at life. Imagine a city full of people who could have this kind of relief. This peace.”
Jamie closed his eyes. “Yes. What would that world look like?”

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Trauma has a profound effect on our mental and emotional well-being. One crucial aspect of PTSD/PTSI is the process of how trauma triggers can spark intense responses in those who have experienced them.

How does a traumatic event trigger a response that results in PTSD/PTSI?

Listen in to learn more.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


While Michael dressed, Dr. Lipov went to speak to Michael’s wife, who was with Jamie in the hallway. When the doctor told her that Michael had woken up and said he felt amazing, she surprised him by bursting into tears.

“You don’t understand. My husband has never said that. He never feels amazing,” she said.
A smiling Michael joined them as a young woman walked into the lobby of the surgical center, bounded over to Dr. Lipov, and enthusiastically embraced the doctor. After a long second, she turned to the group, her eyes shining above her Covid mask, and she said, “This is a miracle man.”
Michael and Jamie nodded, fully in agreement. Jamie then said to the doctor, joking, “She must work for you, how much are you paying her?”

After she left, Dr. Lipov teared up as he told the group that this same girl had come in for the procedure the previous day. “Yesterday, she couldn’t have me in the same room with her, much less touch her! She’s a survivor of sexual trauma—probably the worst sexual assault victim I’ve ever treated.” Now, the day after receiving DSR, she was a different person, casting off a glow of energy that had replaced the fear and hyper-anxiety.

The air outside was chilly and damp, a drizzle that threatened to become more. To Michael, what could have been just another gray winter day in Chicago offered bright silver skies and shimmering drops hanging from the tree branches. Twenty feet from the doors of the Stella Center, Michael said to Jamie, “If this is the only reason I was ever meant to know you, it is because of what just happened to me.”

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Trevor Beaman's story is a embodiment of perseverance, resilience and persistence.

His remarkable journey to recovery began several years ago, after receiving the DSR treatment for symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress. Trevor has emerged as a fierce mental health advocate by sharing his life’s story, with vulnerability and with fierce determination.

Here Trevor talks about the procedure and his experience.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Michael’s procedure was over quickly, with no side effects except the expected numbing on one side of his face. Besides slight sinus pressure, there didn’t seem to be any other outcome.

“I was considering not going back for the injection on the left side the next day. It seemed like nothing was really happening.”

He laid in his hotel room the rest of the afternoon, unsure what he was supposed to be feeling—but it was not yet relief. His wife asked him if he still wanted to join Dr. Lipov and Jamie for dinner. Not until Michael got up and showered did he start to feel something new. It occurred to him as he was getting dressed that one side of his body was now peaceful, while the other was, by contrast, a live wire, buzzing and erratic. He realized that the side at rest was the side on which he had received DSR that morning.

Dr. Lipov pulled up to their hotel in a Tesla, chauffeuring Jamie, Michael, and his wife to the restaurant. “Michael, how are you feeling?”
“My left side feels like it is going a million miles an hour, while the right feels calm and steady, like it’s going two miles an hour.”
Back at the Stella Clinic the next morning, Michael opted for the twilight anesthesia, so he was out when the injections were made on the left side of his neck. The doctor was there when he woke up in post-op.

“How do you feel?”
“Ummm . . .” He focused. “Amazing! I feel so good! I don’t know how to describe the peace to you, Dr. Lipov, but it’s amazing, that’s just the best way to describe it.”

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Short clip of Trevor Beaman's moving/rousing TED Talk, presented this past Saturday at TEDxPortland in front of a TED-typical, ultra receptive audience. Here, Trevor elaborates on the need for “PTSI” to replace “PTSD” — and the stigma associated with a “disorder.”

Learn more about the campaign to erase the stigma: https://lnkd.in/gP_EatfN

Trevor Beaman’s remarkable journey to recovery began several years ago, after treatment for symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress by Dr. Eugene Lipov, a pioneer in the field of PTSI/PTSD treatment. Trevor has emerged as a fierce mental health advocate by sharing his life’s story, with vulnerability and with fierce determination.

By opening up about his experience of extreme childhood trauma, Trevor serves as a beacon of hope for folks with similar experiences. His stories of combat trauma help to curb the alarming rise of suicides among active-duty troops.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


I’m was very honored to attend Trevor Beaman’s TEDx Talk in Portland.

In the talk, Trevor shared his journey with PTSD and how the Stellate Ganglion Block changed his life.

To watch the full talk, click here - youtube.com/watch?v=_6NYIt7CVBM


Michael insulated himself by never reacting; he forced himself to remain stable, calm, and predictable no matter what how he felt or what was happening around him. In the face of instability, he constructed a facade of inner strength, and he became the one who the family relied on to solve problems and make things happen.

He carried a heavy burden of responsibility starting in elementary school, becoming anxious and hypervigilant, living with a persistent sense of unease. Marrying at a young age, hoping a stable, secure relationship with someone he could count on would bring something assured and certain to his life, it was a bitter blow when his first wife left him with no perceived warning, deepening the unease he carried. Then, his father died from an overdose, leaving him to deal with regret and sadness, as well as guilt for feeling partially relieved.

As an adult, Michael appeared to be the embodiment of the great American Dream, having worked himself up the ranks rather quickly in the golf industry and living in a beautiful home with, eventually, a beautiful family; he strove for perfection in his profession and was well respected for his stability, appearing to be never phased by his demanding job. His extended family continued to lean on him to make the big decisions. A slow drip of low-level trauma and stress continued to build in him, year after year. When he and his new wife had children, his sense of responsibility and the desire to provide the loving environment he’d craved as a child left him in a non-stop agitated state.

“I felt like I was living at Def Con One every day,” Michael says. “I took everything seriously, and nothing was ever good enough.” Then, it was during his fortieth birthday weekend, traveling with his wife and friends, that his grandmother, the stoic, unshakeable matriarch of his paternal family passed away. Michael was faced with the thing he could not control—death—on the very weekend he was celebrating his life.

His allostatic load had become too heavy, his fight-or-flight mechanism had been on for far too long. His brain couldn’t back off.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov


Michael Thomas’s Posttraumatic Stress Injury did not come from a major event or living on the frontlines. His story isn’t necessarily huge, but it is human and hard. He is someone who would be considered a regular guy by his neighbors, if not a bit annoyingly handsome and successful with a lovely family.

Michael’s trauma started with a childhood of long-term “benign” neglect, beginning the day he was born and his biological father left the hospital to go on a trip with his mistress. His mother worked hard to care for him and his older sister. She did the best she could with what she had, moving close to her family for help. She remarried and, when Michael was in middle school, they moved to a new state for his stepfather’s job. Within ninety days of the move, the stepfather he had come to love as a father discovered he had terminal cancer and died a few months later.

The next man his mother married was intense and often hard to live with. As soon as Michael acquired a driver’s license and a car, he spent every summer working and living away from home. His older sister turned to hard drugs in high school. Over the years, Michael’s biological father would occasionally call, making plans, inviting Michael on trips, or offering gifts that always fell through at the last minute.

The Invisible Machine is OUT NOW! To learn more about how trauma affects all of us, get your copy here - https://dreugenelipov.com/ and follow Dr. Eugene Lipov

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Get to Know Dr. Lipov

Dr. Eugene Lipov is a physician-researcher and board-certified physician in Anesthesiology and Pain Management. He has been practicing in the field of pain medicine since 1990, having completed Northwestern Medical School in 1984, Anesthesia Residency at the University of Illinois in 1989, and Advanced Pain Training in 1990 at Rush University, Chicago.

Dr. Lipov is a national pioneer and leading authority on the adaption of a well-known procedure called Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) for treating trauma-related symptoms. He has treated over 200 U.S. military veterans, as well as several hundred civilian patients worldwide, with the diagnosis of PTSD. Dr. Lipov has treated military-related PTSD, Military Sexual Trauma (MST), PTSD due to first responder trauma exposure, non-military sexual trauma, pediatric sexual trauma, and PTSD from other traumatic events.

Videos (show all)

When the Stellate Ganglion block, a new treatment for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress symptoms was introdu...
Trevor's journey towards remarkable recovery from severe post-traumatic stress started years ago with an innovative trea...
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a clinical diagnosis that has long been associated with psychological distress ...
Did you know that there is a compelling physiological basis behind the call to change the name from PTSD to PTSI? Resear...
Join us in the movement to redefine post-traumatic stress and contribute to life-saving outcomes. As dedicated medical p...
Join us in the movement to redefine post-traumatic stress and help us save lives. With the help of my colleagues, who ar...
June is PTSD Awareness Month
Trauma has a profound effect on our mental and emotional well-being. One crucial aspect of PTSD/PTSI is the process of h...
Trevor Beaman's story is a embodiment of perseverance, resilience and persistence.His remarkable journey to recovery beg...
Short clip of Trevor Beaman's moving/rousing TED Talk, presented this past Saturday at TEDxPortland in front of a TED-ty...
I’m was very honored to attend Trevor Beaman’s TEDx Talk in Portland.In the talk, Trevor shared his journey with PTSD an...
Trevor Beaman’s remarkable journey to recovery began several years ago, after treatment for symptoms of severe post-trau...




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