EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine

EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine

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We recover and distribute food surplus and natural medicines to regenerate people and land.


The Trauma Project and .fam EFAM (Essential Food & Medicine), are partnering together to bring Iboga, a west African root bark known for its healing possibilities to support the unhoused, formerly incarcerated, and indigenous communities. EFAM’s Holistic Detox & Recovery Support System (HDRSS) and The Trauma Project share a mission to create alternative healing programs that integrate plant medicines, community, and spiritual support to help participants reclaim their lives, help communities heal from societal and systemic injustice, and create cultural change that promote health and wellness through natural medicines.

GOFundMe https://gofund.me/13709d55 🌲

This partnership with The Trauma Project expands HDRSS to include microdosing with Iboga. This collaboration enhances the holistic approach by offering participants an additional tool for deepening their recovery journey. Iboga, used responsibly in microdoses, helps individuals heal deep-seated traumas, breaking the chains of addiction and facilitating lasting transformation.

This specific initiative is raising the resources to support three participants and their participation in a 6-week journey, including 10 hours of group therapy and individual customized work. We hope to document aspects of this journey to be captured in a film documentary, From Addict to Activist, to amplify the impact of our work by bringing her story to a broader audience. This film will not only document the power of EFAM’s Holistic Detox & Recovery Support System but also serve as a powerful tool to inspire others facing similar challenges. By showcasing the real-life effects of our unique approach—including the use of ancestral medicines like Iboga—From Addict to Activist will raise awareness, attract more support, and spread the message that recovery is not only possible but can lead to profound personal, community, and cultural transformation. The documentary will help us reach new donors, partners, and participants, ultimately expanding the reach and effectiveness of our program.

Please Support!



Herb Share
*Cinnamon Basil*
Cardiovascular benefits, Cancer prevention, skin and hair health, bone and connective tissue, digestive tract health, anti-bacterial, and immune system health.


Taking back our traditions Herb Share
Crushed rue leaves are placed in the ear canal to relieve ear aches and headaches. Externally, rue is applied as a skin antiseptic and insect repellant, as well as a poultice against rheumatic pain.

Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 04/18/2024

Thank you to East Oakland Collective for letting us come and share the medicine of fresh juice with the lovely elder community we need to keep them safe and well 🌱🌿🍊🥕🫚🥤

Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 03/28/2024

It’s a big year for us as our org EFAM: Essential Food & Medicine turned 4 this spring!

First off, as one part of Esphera, EFAM is asking for support to continue developing our Holistic Detox and Recovery program from substance abuse via ancestral and root healing work. GoFundMe: https://bit.ly/4cuQcYn Venmo:

Second, Solestial Church, our deeper activation container, is growing to hold Elemental Activism: Rites of Repair and share more indigenous elders/medicine and wisdom traditions. For example, Earth Amplified, our media arm, will film maestro Juan De Kucho in this upcoming trip to Peru, introducing him to our communities.

Thank you for your support as we co-create this New Earth energy by diving directly into roots of repair, reconciliation, and regeneration.

GoFundMe: https://bit.ly/4cuQcYn Venmo:


Using the medicine of juice to rebuild our relationship I sent her this bottle yesterday a conduit of love since we can't be together just yet ❤️

Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 03/27/2024

Juice team activate medicine for the people


These Oranges aren't gonna cut themselves.....
Come Volunteer with EFAM at 1501 Harrison st downtown Oakland next Tuesday 12-3pm and give back to the community we need you pull up on us periodt........

Essential Food & Medicine 2024: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine 01/13/2024

Happy 2024 🙂

We believe that primary antidotes to apathy and frustration about the issues that we witness in our communities are service and action. EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine recovers food destined for waste streams and recovers our relatives from the shadows of our communities.

In reflecting on the beauty and power of the Cob on Wood effort and community, we decided to focus more on the holistic health of our unhoused and formerly incarcerated leaders. Because of the connection between trauma and addiction and mental health, we are now building a holistic recovery program to support our movement from within. Below our 2024 update video.

This work is a sacred seva and all sacred work needs fuel to continue. Community and ecological wellness is the true wealth of the commons.

Additionally, EFAM is now 1/3 of the projects of our new umbrella Esphera. For more info and to join our email list, check out www.esphera.earth.

Essential Food & Medicine 2024: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine Essential Food and Medicine (EFAM) distributes food surplus and n… Essential Food and Medicine needs your support for Essential Food & Medicine 2024: Growth

Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 01/12/2024

Repost from

EFAM Stands in Solidarity with All Indigenous people & calls for LANDBACK

Stories of hope from indigenous communities around the world, each representing a victory for Indigenous land and cultural rights long suppressed by multinational corporations, corrupt national governments, and settler colonialism.

As we celebrate these remarkable achievements, let us remember that meaningful change transcends the four walls of the law.; it thrives on the relentless spirit of grassroots activism and collective voices. They are hearing the shouts, and with the global climate movement gaining momentum, we witness a growing willingness to champion Indigenous rights worldwide. These triumphs are a testament to the unwavering resilience of Indigenous peoples everywhere.

In the words of Chief Sitting Bull, a prominent leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe from the Great Plains of North America, ‘Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children.’

Now, the question for us all: What are we calling into the New Year? And, how can we amplify this momentum and continue the fight for justice, equity, and the rightful return of land? Land Back!

Congratulations to all involved! 🌍💪Join the conversation and share more ‘Land Back’ victories in the comments below. We know there are many more inspiring stories out there, and we’d love to hear from you 💚🌿

First Image: , Last Image: Getty Images


Repost from

While we are healing people physically with the medicine of juice we are healing them spiritually with the full circle of life today’s juice had lemons from the ancestor garden at so that we can also ask our relatives to guide us to a healthy happy life thank you juice team we need us ! And everybody has a purpose .. and if there are folks that want to give back or just see what it’s all about we out here at Tamarack errry Tuesday 1pm pull up and juice up okkurrr

Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine 12/16/2023

It’s been a minute. For Real. So much has happened and we’re excited to share about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Thanks to collaborators Maya Curry for activating this GoFundme video for updates and opportunities to support.


First and foremost we want to thank everyone who has been a part of our work. From the very first juice that we made out of our home kitchen, to the thousands of pounds of produce we transformed and diverted from landfills and waste streams, to holistic health classes for Oakland’s front line communities, to putting our bodies on the line to defend the houseless from eviction, to each drop of herbal Medicine that made it into the bodies of those that needed it most… we thank each hand, prayer and action taken together for our collective liberation.

Big thanks to our fiscal sponsor Common Vision and to One Small Planet, Akonandi, and Stop Waste for investing in our vision.

Additionally, Esphera, our new umbrella, is an exciting new development and showcases our full works.

ESPHERA (www.esphera.earth)

We proudly completed the Holistic Underground’s Embrace Incubator program. We received great coaching and an honest assessment of our mission, vision, and impact. This is why we have created Esphera (www.esphera.earth) It is the umbrella for EFAM (www.essentialfam.org) and our two other projects: Solestial Church (www.solestial.church) (www.EarthAmplified.media)

Plug in with this form here to get the big picture!!!


Esphera creates liberation through restoring ecosystems, regenerating communities, storytelling and remembering our divinity. In addition to managing our three projects, Esphera also practically consults brands, businesses, organizations, or movements via ritual and holistic asset mapping.

ESPHERA’s Pillars

For us we consider it an honor and our responsibility to engage in this ceremonial organizing, a term we first heard and resonated with from Carla Perez from Healing Clinic Collective and Movement Generation. We interpreted it and defined it as a response to movement building where spirituality and ancestral wisdom can no longer be considered an “add-on” part of the work. Indeed, an enlarged cosmovision of a multidimensional humanity that includes relationships with the “unseen and the elemental worlds“ are integral to the forward progress and evolutionary processes of Humanity. We share this to indicate how our work has expanded..

EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine : (www.essentialfam.org)

Distributes food surplus and natural medicines to unhoused, formerly incarcerated, and indigenous communities to regenerate people and land. As well as providing strategic support in the journey towards permanent housing solutions and building a New Earth. https://gofund.me/b950c685

Solestial Church: (www.solestial.church)

Healers, medicine carriers, artists and activists offering ceremonies, workshops, and retreats for elemental activism, ancestral healing, and soul restoration.

In addition to supporting various works internationally, we worked with, Mood Medicine, earlier this year to create the Activate Your Medicine retreat in Oaxaca.

Elemental Activism: The Rites of Repair: ✨Relational Rituals to build capacity for embodied Collective Liberation…intro sessions, day long and weekend workshops, and ongoing 6 month tracks designed to help changemakers and activists build capacity to act from embodied liberation. Sign up on website https://www.solestial.church/activations/elemental-activism-rites-of-repair/

✨Tantra, Trauma & Activism: Address the roots of social division, internal conflict, and alleviate deep-rooted suffering and its causes for participants and their communities through spiritual technologies, rituals and practices. Discover ways trauma manifests elementally and engage in rituals to harmonize these.

✨Bridge Build & Repair: supporting the bridges, mediators, edge dwellers and peacekeepers to be more effective in transforming conflict into collective liberation.

✨Land Magic & Art: Work with the elements and the land for social transformation.

✨Politics of Imagination : Education of historical, current, and future liberation movements. What has worked?

If you are feeling called, reach out at [email protected]

Solestial Church is also excited to invite you to join us April 1-9, 2024 to Sacred Valley, Peru - Manchu Picchu with Juan de Dios Kucho! This is an immersion into the rituals, lineage and indigenous history of the Tawantinsuyo, guided by our brother Kucho and his family.

Kucho invites us to join him in this exploration of the Sacred Valley as a reflection of our own sacredness, inviting joy, inspiration and connection through the land and plants. Please let us know at [email protected] by early January, the latest.

Earth Amplified (www.earthamplified.media): Multimedia storytelling amplifying elemental and ancestral memory and wisdom, shifting global consciousness.

We were invited to be Creative Directors for a documentary called Entheogenic Roots: the Indigenous Origins of Psychedelic Culture. Www.entheogenicroots.com It also features the transformation of EFAM’s very own food distro queen LeJay Harper who used the displacement from her home at Wood St. into an opportunity to get clean & sober and grow her leadership via ancestral and plant medicines.

We also created a project called Ancient Tongue a multimedia storytelling and music production to preserve indigenous languages worldwide and tradition through the global culture of hip-hop. We are creating an album and accompanying media.

To get connected with any aspect of our work, please click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-8sN-piN6dxAku7-BwnStj4hCAzFy7OdipRDsgR3OBE/edit


In short, we have service opportunities in:

Get Juiced: Juicing program at Tamarack on Tuesdays 12pm-4pm and Urban Adamah on Thursdays 12pm-4pm. Help process produce destined for waste streams and turn it into liquid love & balanced nutrition.

Food Distro: (do you have a car & a sense of service?) We are looking for individuals to transport our juices and food to the community. Approximately 2 hours onTuesdays / Thursdays.

Food Pick-Up: Sundays / Mondays and on call. This might involve gleaning food from backyards, picking up surplus food donations, weighing, tracking, maintaining our inventory record, distributing items to the community, and transporting to dry and cold storage spaces (2-6 hours) each week.

Ecosystem Regeneration: We have been visioning with Kevin Perdomo on his agroecology Huitlaco project, which will use our compost from juicing for mushroom production. We also work with Gil Tract Farms donating our Juice pulp & food scraps to feed their medicine garden and farm. Plug into this web and feed the microbiome that feeds us.

Apothecary - Light Team : Looking for support from experienced herbalists, healers and independent medicine makers to help steward our apothecary at O2AA. We have supplies to make medicines or donate tinctures, salves, etc premade. Also, we need folks to work in the field distributing these medicines one on one with community members who are ready to receive healing. (Also,welcome & many thanks to & - for the new wave of energy).

Natural Detox & Recovery Program : We offer assistance on people’s journey of transformation from addiction through connection to peer support, NADA acupuncture, meditation, ancestral healing practices, etc. Offer your skills in these areas to support our community members in changing their lives and thus changing the world.

Transformative Justice, Conflict Resolution, Bridge Building: Conflict naturally arises from our personal spheres of influence to a global scale. We may not be able to control what happens to us but we can control how we respond to it. Through our Sister organization Solestial Church we are offering the Rites of Repair series and we are looking for skilled facilitators and trainers to help train the community in these important skills and respond to requests for mediation.

Social Media, Filmmaking, Content Creation, Admin Support, Fundraising: Are you a creative, storyteller, or grant writer passionate about the intersection of social justice, ecosystem regeneration, mutual aid and collective growth or looking to improve your skills and expand your portfolio? EFAM works at the frontline in all of these areas and our work's success is dependent on the support of these tasks (2-5 hours).

Stay Connected, Donate and Follow us on Social Media



Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine Essential Food and Medicine (EFAM) distributes food surplus and n… Essential Food and Medicine needs your support for Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth

EFAM 2023 Update & Fundraiser 12/16/2023

It’s been a minute. For Real. So much has happened and we’re excited to share about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Thanks to collaborators Maya Curry for activating this GoFundme video for updates and opportunities to support.


First and foremost we want to thank everyone who has been a part of our work. From the very first juice that we made out of our home kitchen, to the thousands of pounds of produce we transformed and diverted from landfills and waste streams, to holistic health classes for Oakland’s front line communities, to putting our bodies on the line to defend the houseless from eviction, to each drop of herbal Medicine that made it into the bodies of those that needed it most… we thank each hand, prayer and action taken together for our collective liberation.

Big thanks to our fiscal sponsor Common Vision and to One Small Planet, Akonandi, and Stop Waste for investing in our vision.

Additionally, Esphera, our new umbrella, is an exciting new development and showcases our full works.

ESPHERA (www.esphera.earth)

We proudly completed the Holistic Underground’s Embrace Incubator program. We received great coaching and an honest assessment of our mission, vision, and impact. This is why we have created Esphera (www.esphera.earth) It is the umbrella for EFAM (www.essentialfam.org) and our two other projects: Solestial Church (www.solestial.church) (www.EarthAmplified.media)

Plug in with this form here to get the big picture!!!


Esphera creates liberation through restoring ecosystems, regenerating communities, storytelling and remembering our divinity. In addition to managing our three projects, Esphera also practically consults brands, businesses, organizations, or movements via ritual and holistic asset mapping.

ESPHERA’s Pillars

For us we consider it an honor and our responsibility to engage in this ceremonial organizing, a term we first heard and resonated with from Carla Perez from Healing Clinic Collective and Movement Generation. We interpreted it and defined it as a response to movement building where spirituality and ancestral wisdom can no longer be considered an “add-on” part of the work. Indeed, an enlarged cosmovision of a multidimensional humanity that includes relationships with the “unseen and the elemental worlds“ are integral to the forward progress and evolutionary processes of Humanity. We share this to indicate how our work has expanded..

EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine : (www.essentialfam.org)

Distributes food surplus and natural medicines to unhoused, formerly incarcerated, and indigenous communities to regenerate people and land. As well as providing strategic support in the journey towards permanent housing solutions and building a New Earth. https://gofund.me/b950c685

Solestial Church: (www.solestial.church)

Healers, medicine carriers, artists and activists offering ceremonies, workshops, and retreats for elemental activism, ancestral healing, and soul restoration.

In addition to supporting various works internationally, we worked with, Mood Medicine, earlier this year to create the Activate Your Medicine retreat in Oaxaca.

Elemental Activism: The Rites of Repair: ✨Relational Rituals to build capacity for embodied Collective Liberation…intro sessions, day long and weekend workshops, and ongoing 6 month tracks designed to help changemakers and activists build capacity to act from embodied liberation. Sign up on website https://www.solestial.church/activations/elemental-activism-rites-of-repair/

✨Tantra, Trauma & Activism: Address the roots of social division, internal conflict, and alleviate deep-rooted suffering and its causes for participants and their communities through spiritual technologies, rituals and practices. Discover ways trauma manifests elementally and engage in rituals to harmonize these.

✨Bridge Build & Repair: supporting the bridges, mediators, edge dwellers and peacekeepers to be more effective in transforming conflict into collective liberation.

✨Land Magic & Art: Work with the elements and the land for social transformation.

✨Politics of Imagination : Education of historical, current, and future liberation movements. What has worked?

If you are feeling called, reach out at [email protected]

Solestial Church is also excited to invite you to join us April 1-9, 2024 to Sacred Valley, Peru - Manchu Picchu with Juan de Dios Kucho! This is an immersion into the rituals, lineage and indigenous history of the Tawantinsuyo, guided by our brother Kucho and his family.

Kucho invites us to join him in this exploration of the Sacred Valley as a reflection of our own sacredness, inviting joy, inspiration and connection through the land and plants. Please let us know at [email protected] by early January, the latest.

Earth Amplified (www.earthamplified.media): Multimedia storytelling amplifying elemental and ancestral memory and wisdom, shifting global consciousness.

We were invited to be Creative Directors for a documentary called Entheogenic Roots: the Indigenous Origins of Psychedelic Culture. Www.entheogenicroots.com It also features the transformation of EFAM’s very own food distro queen LeJay Harper who used the displacement from her home at Wood St. into an opportunity to get clean & sober and grow her leadership via ancestral and plant medicines.

We also created a project called Ancient Tongue a multimedia storytelling and music production to preserve indigenous languages worldwide and tradition through the global culture of hip-hop. We are creating an album and accompanying media.

To get connected with any aspect of our work, please click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-8sN-piN6dxAku7-BwnStj4hCAzFy7OdipRDsgR3OBE/edit


In short, we have service opportunities in:

Get Juiced: Juicing program at Tamarack on Tuesdays 12pm-4pm and Urban Adamah on Thursdays 12pm-4pm. Help process produce destined for waste streams and turn it into liquid love & balanced nutrition.

Food Distro: (do you have a car & a sense of service?) We are looking for individuals to transport our juices and food to the community. Approximately 2 hours onTuesdays / Thursdays.

Food Pick-Up: Sundays / Mondays and on call. This might involve gleaning food from backyards, picking up surplus food donations, weighing, tracking, maintaining our inventory record, distributing items to the community, and transporting to dry and cold storage spaces (2-6 hours) each week.

Ecosystem Regeneration: We have been visioning with Kevin Perdomo on his agroecology Huitlaco project, which will use our compost from juicing for mushroom production. We also work with Gil Tract Farms donating our Juice pulp & food scraps to feed their medicine garden and farm. Plug into this web and feed the microbiome that feeds us.

Apothecary - Light Team : Looking for support from experienced herbalists, healers and independent medicine makers to help steward our apothecary at O2AA. We have supplies to make medicines or donate tinctures, salves, etc premade. Also, we need folks to work in the field distributing these medicines one on one with community members who are ready to receive healing. (Also,welcome & many thanks to & - for the new wave of energy).

Natural Detox & Recovery Program : We offer assistance on people’s journey of transformation from addiction through connection to peer support, NADA acupuncture, meditation, ancestral healing practices, etc. Offer your skills in these areas to support our community members in changing their lives and thus changing the world.

Transformative Justice, Conflict Resolution, Bridge Building: Conflict naturally arises from our personal spheres of influence to a global scale. We may not be able to control what happens to us but we can control how we respond to it. Through our Sister organization Solestial Church we are offering the Rites of Repair series and we are looking for skilled facilitators and trainers to help train the community in these important skills and respond to requests for mediation.

Social Media, Filmmaking, Content Creation, Admin Support, Fundraising: Are you a creative, storyteller, or grant writer passionate about the intersection of social justice, ecosystem regeneration, mutual aid and collective growth or looking to improve your skills and expand your portfolio? EFAM works at the frontline in all of these areas and our work's success is dependent on the support of these tasks (2-5 hours).

Stay Connected, Donate and Follow us on Social Media



EFAM 2023 Update & Fundraiser GO FUND ME: https://gofund.me/b950c685 Essential Food and Medicine (EFAM) is a mutual aid project of Esphera distributing food surplus and natural medicines...

Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 12/09/2023

Congratulations & Many Blessings to our Dearest Darling Leajay 🌸 we are honored to call you our friend & Comrade and it has been an honor to walk this journey with you. Leajay was one of the Unhoused resident leaders at Woodstreet & served as the Kitchen Manager .

After facing displacement at the hands of the state used that painful situation as a moment of catalyst and change for personal transformation in her own life.

With the help and assistance of Ancestral Medicine practices and her will she has been able to detox and know celebrates nearly 6months clean & sober. Thanks to those who supported this part of the process. .us

She is Also featured in the Documentary where her story serves as a both a cautionary and inspiring tale of personal triumph.

She is now the newest resident at Homefullness and we know she has to much to share and contribute.

She’s currently coordinates our Tuesday Juicing operations .

& yesterday also ghosted her other accomplishment of selling her jewelry for the first time. It can be found.


Do you have so ring to say about the way “service providers” like BOSS or Urban Alchemy have showed up for those they are supposed to “serve”. Now’s your chance to let your voice be heard and ask the city to think twice about these contracts and how they are using our tax dollars.
Repost from

We need your help to stop an ordinance that aims to criminalize unhoused people and their advocates under the guise of “worker safety”.

We support workers and their safety, but this ordinance is not about worker safety. This is an effort to erode accountability, and will further harm our most vulnerable community members, especially disabled BIPOC unhoused people.

The police have all of the tools they need. It’s already a misdemeanor to disobey a lawful order from police, so not only is this proposed ordinance that targets specific groups of people redundant, but it brings forth constitutional concerns, like people’s 1st amendment rights.

Join us on Tuesday 12/05 at 3:30pm to tell Oakland City Council to reject the “safe work zone” ordinance!

Please make sure to make an e-comment 24hrs before the start of the meeting, and sign up to speak before the meeting starts. Bit.ly/oakmtg-1205


Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 12/07/2023
Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine 11/08/2023


Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth, organized by Essential Food and Medicine Essential Food and Medicine (EFAM) distributes food surplus and n… Essential Food and Medicine needs your support for Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth

Photos from Common Ground Film's post 11/07/2023
Photos from EFAM - Essential Food and Medicine's post 10/24/2023

You are invited to the inaugural event for our Solestial Church series.. !

In this series at the The Potrtal, we present spiritual technologies, rituals and practices that increase community capacity to:

1) build relational intimacy and make conflict generative

2) to heal generational and collective wounds

3) interact with the elemental world as an ally for social transformation

4) integrate the awareness from ceremonial and deep process work

This movement mainstreams the mystical, creating social change through correspondence with a vast animistic universe, energizing our full multidimensional selves. This activism is a spiritual practice that restores our integrity to wholeness.

will be guiding us in mediation practice while will be introducing the series, offering ritual, movement, and sound healing 🙏🏾

“Deep listening and curiosity gives birth to nuance, freeing life from fundamentalism. What we call magic is the space behind, awaiting our notice - at first subtly recognizing…but then breaking out in full conversation with the wider highly interactive field of play. The language of intimacy.

This activism takes hardened Identities and melts them into possibility.

The empty easily holds the cacophony. From glyphosate guts to san quentin cells somewhere conversation stopped. Hearts stopped coherency making the #1 cause of death of humanity lack of empathy.

This biomimicry design team makes mycelium blueprints for streets in Japan. The ancestors share medicines to share secrets sometimes missed doing normal business hours.

Microbes rustle up community in ceremony, clearing the shooting zone before another bullet is magnetized to that morphogenic brownfield. Compost is a convention for planning revolutions. The shadows grow into clear light.”

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Every Tuesday dm for more info or just pull up on us Also if you want to pick up some to give out to your own network of...
A day in the life of making juice on Tuesday at Tamarack yurrp!!
Our Spring Wellness CSA box is finally ready! ..Support your digestion, immune system, and detox pathways with this kit ...
Uncila Makoce (Grandmother Earth) Week EventApril 18th - April 22nd, 2022Rosebud, South Dakota1)Thank you for DONATING a...



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