Dr. Joseph Soto
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Recuerden TU no eres un numero mas. Somos unicos seres e importantes. NOW OPEN in LAKELAND FL.
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Lakeland Fl 33803
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Many have been asking what kind of practice I do? Here I describe a little of what it means to be an SOTier.
The Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) is a type of chiropractic therapy developed by Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette in the early 20th century. SOT is a system of diagnosis and treatment that seeks to restore and maintain balance in the body by evaluating and addressing the relationship between the spine, pelvis, cranium, and sacrum. SOT focuses on the body's natural, innate ability to self-regulate and self-heal.
SOT involves the use of a variety of techniques, including manipulation and mobilization of the spine and other joints, as well as soft tissue therapies such as massage and trigger point therapy. These techniques help to restore the normal biomechanical and physiological function of the spine, sacrum, and pelvis. SOT also includes the use of specialized tables, blocks, and wedges to help facilitate proper alignment and movement of the body.
When performing SOT, a practitioner will use a variety of manual techniques such as spinal manipulation, mobilization, and soft tissue therapy to restore alignment, reduce pain, and improve overall function. The goal of SOT is to encourage the body to self-regulate and heal itself. It is a holistic approach to health and wellness that seeks to address the root cause of pain and dysfunction rather than just treating the symptoms. By restoring proper alignment and movement of the spine and other joints, SOT can help relieve pain, improve posture, and promote overall health and well-being.
I need to find this elf!!!! 😂🤣https://fun4ocalakids.com/Whats-Happening/
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy with family an friends. Remember to always give thanks for the blessings from the Heavens.
Inflammation is a normal response to stress and disease which in excess can affect drastically and profoundly multiple system of the human body. Recent studies have determine that inflammation in the brain can trigger and/or be the responsible of many psychological problems like depression, alzheimer's, and many others.
It is important to understand the complexity of our bodies upon talking about inflammation. It is not an aleatory contain response but more of an overall (all body and multiple system) response. It has been proven, for example, that inflammation in the gut area affects responses of the brain (roughly speaking).
Good way to address, diminish and control most of the inflammatory responses includes: diet, nutrition (supplements), exercise, adjustments and vagus nerve stimulation, etc.
Some advice that will help you with all the chaos mostly associate with inflammatory responses are:
Having a balance diet, recognizing unique and personal responses to specific foods (by keeping a food journal) as well as having a balance supplementation that boost your anti- inflammatory system (like including tumeric, onions, ginger, magnesium to your diet) will facilitate the body with tools to handle inflammation processes as well as handling in a better way the increase in stress in the body.
Cultivate your path to greatness by taking charge of your present and forging the conditions of a fantastic future.
Acute cerebellar inflammation and hyperexcitability induces 'depression-like' behavior - Neuroscience News Acute inflammation of the anterior cerebellum resulted in depression-like symptoms in rodent models. Suppressing microglia helped reduce hyperexcitability and symptoms of depression.
Starting with this article, I will be posting more informative messages that can help you understand the basics of human physiology. Disruptions of which becomes Dis-ease, starting with fatigue, sore throats, stomach disorder, all sorts of aches and pains, and may eventually become Cancer and death.
The fact that we are made of trillions of cells performing multiple chemical reactions (metabolism) run by a computer (brain/spine nervous system) was covered in brief.
This month we will cover Digestion. The ability of the body to break down food to the minute molecular level required for absorption through the intestinal membrane into the blood stream. This begins with the necessary thorough chewing and mixing with the preliminary salivary digestive enzymes and passing to the stomach.
The stomach secretes large amounts of acid to lower the pH of food to 2.5 (acid 0< -- > 7 < -- > 14 alkaline). When the eaten food has mixed with digestive enzymes and gastric acid and becomes pH 2.5, the valve in the bottom of the stomach (Pyloric) opens to allow that portion into the intestine which is alkaline. If it doesn’t reach 2.5 to totally break down, it remains in the stomach only partially digested releasing gases and noxious elements which cause bloating, belching, acid reflux, regurgitation and vomiting. The degree of these symptoms depend on the degree of digestion and may include a meal time ‘full fast’ sensation, cramping, and mid-upper back spasm/pain.
These symptoms are not due to pharmaceutical deficiencies as prescribed for by your medical physician, but due to imbalance of normal physiological function –nutritional chemical availability or nerve control.
Due to our typical American diet, all of us have significant malnutrition or nutritional imbalances of multiple vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. Remember when strawberries, tomatoes, cantaloupe had flavor? That is the lack of nutrients from poor soils. Is your nutritional input sufficient to support your metabolic output with today’s increased levels of mental and physical demands? If your nutritional input cannot produce the needed acidity and enzymes to break down enough food small enough to be absorbed thru the intestine, you could actually become depleted in the long run while eating nutritious foods (mal-absorption syndrome).
To correct this digestive dysfunction, it is suggested that a digestant tablet(s) be added with meals. These are tablets of betaine hydrochloride (acid), usually with pancreatic digestive enzymes added, to assure the sufficient break down of food for the nutrients to be absorbed. There is also a formula that has added factors to assist in blood sugar metabolism. These are all available in our office and a very important part of my practice.
To digest our food we also have to turn on our digestive system neurologically. We all know the sensation we experience from the aroma and attractiveness of food when presented to us. Even thinking of foods can start our stomach growling. But as these sensory receptors in our brain become aroused, the impulses to control the many aspects of digestion must travel down the spinal cord to specific spinal levels and out to the organs. Any spinal dysfunction involvement can alter the nerve flow and digestive function, even with proper nutrient availability.
Chiropractic spinal adjustments usually correct this nerve dysfunction easily, and with the addition of digestant supplements if needed, eliminate the problem in short time depending on the degree of problem and length of time. Most digestive dysfunction is secondary to other spinal bio-mechanical complaints and most patients don’t realize they exist because they are focused on other complains and do not connect the fact that the two systems work together.
Remembering all the TV ads on digestive products, you can imagine how common this complaint is with the American people. Research papers I’ve read (a lot) state that Seniors (on the average) only have about 25% digestive capacity. Since nutrients are a necessity for a healthy immune system and lack of can cause Cancer, how important is this? At what age do we start hearing of our friends coming up with a diagnosis we don’t like to hear about? Remember that metabolic dis-ease is a gradual break down of health over multiple years and rebuilding in a shorter time takes early concern and a persistent commitment.
(written and published by O. Nelson DeCamp, Jr., D.C.)
The 5 best foods to improve memory and concentration, according to Harvard These are the five best foods that Harvard University advises to maintain good brain health
I reiterate any kind of movement is good for the body and the brain.
Research link in bio☝️
Scientifically Proven.
The foods you choose to put into your body can have a huge impact on how your brain works!
Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210827082431.htm?fbclid=IwAR1Pc2UteIkVZ0C-D347CJ0x8L8L9f4D6X1NL6ndlq6YheRuPFVoXzD5YMI
For more information, on how chiropractic can help you go to www.littleheavenchiropractic.com.
Week 3: Wellness is a lot more than just maintain some degree of health. Wellness entitles a change of habits for the outstanding performance of your body, mind and soul.
With the current global situation, new articles and studies are surging to light reinforcing what by nature was always the normal.
Healthy lifestyle includes: eating healthy, moving/ exercise, meditation or peace of mind, and a component of spiritual faith.
Harvard experts warn how to boost the immune system Harvard University points out the keys to strengthening the immune system and improving health
Numbers are alarming... is our society doom due to lack of real food?
40% of US is obese. 40% WOW. Why? Surprisingly, it took various years to determine the why... Is not overeating is the power of lack of nutrition.
Overeating 'not the primary cause of obesity', claim scientists Significant links between obesity and deprivation add evidence to an argument that low-quality food, in particular processed carbohydrates, are driving weight gain.
For those struggling with diabetes....
For those struggling with bad decisions...
For those struggling with misinformation...
For those trying but missing the knowledge...
Some foods that spike sugar fast and needs to be control or stopped intake as soon as possible.
Mashed potatoes
Sugared cereals
Ice cream
Refined wheat flour
Corn starch, cassava
Bakery and confectionery products
Dulce de leche
Sweet potato
Sweet cookies
These are the foods that increase glucose levels the most There are a significant number of everyday foods that significantly increase blood glucose levels in the body.
This reminds me Popeyes the animated series... humm there were some truth about it. We cant deny some foods are better choices than others.
The best superfood to support heart, brain and immune system health Its properties make this superfood ideal for keeping the heart, brain and immune system healthy.
I'll leave this here and leave slowly...
PS. Just the tip of the iceberg. Theres tons of other conditions that we can help with.
Signs You Should See a Chiropractor Back pain, neck discomfort and headaches could be reasons to seek chiropractic care.
Week 2: Decrease inflammation.
Our body produce an innumerable quantity of inflammation. Many processes in our body produce inflammation and it is our body responsibility to use their mechanism to control and reduce such fluids in the body. Most of the common over the counter medications are fundamentally used to impulse those mechanism and overall reduce inflammation.
But why am I talking of that? Well, we exercises and activity you will produce inflammation as you break soft tissue and construct new one. The benefits of exercise is that production of inflammation is control by an impulse of those mechanism to reduce it. Which balance and control the homeostasis.
But what happen when we cant control it? Thats when the "disease" chances increases. Something very important on these days of COVID and the overall world situation.
What should we do? Easy, support all the multiple system that help to maintain low inflammation as well as support our defenses.
My favorites 3 supporters are: Tumeric, Zinc, and Vit D (found in the sunlight)
But there's a few others that can be extremely helpful in this endeavor.
Estos son los superalimentos que te ayudan a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico Los superalimentos son aquellos cuyo potencial nutritivo o valor nutricional los convierte en comestibles muy interesantes.
As I mentioned before this week, intermittent fasting has been one easy and very effective way of lose weight and control my food intake. It requires a lot of self control but it is doable but I recognize that it isn't for everyone.
Nevertheless, Intermittent fasting had multiple benefits apart of helping to weight loss. Letting your digestive system relax and enough time to process what we ingest will help in the absorption as well as in the revitalizing of the digestive system layers improving the overall health of this organs.
Better digestive system, better absorption, better transfer of nutrients, and better cardiovascular system. Be wise and start taking those small steps towards a healthier you.
Following our last post about the importance of physical activity in diabetes patients, I add these two articles that emphasize in the important of any physical activity to improve brain and neurons condition and some parameters to ensure effectiveness of the exercises.
1. Aerobic exercise from moderate to intense will help with cardiovascular condition and improve brain health in many pathways.
2. Studies reveals that 40 min/ day will be a minimum requirement to compensate for a sedentary work/ lifestyle.
Cómo el ejercicio físico puede ayudarnos a crear nuevas neuronas y a mejorar la memoria - BBC News Mundo Por mucho tiempo se pensó que el cerebro no podía generar nuevas neuronas, pero ahora se sabe que la neurogénesis no se detiene ni siquiera durante la vejez.
Anatomically, the sacrum is one of the great 3 structures that help the flow of CSF in the body. Also, it is one of the structures with more ligament attached to it. Imbalances in this joints will affect directly the functionality of the Sacrum and as a result open a cascade of issues that if not attended will end in various health problems that can escalate in chronic and not pleasant conditions.
Chiropractically, we evaluate and address the issues and the solution for a better functionality. One of them is the constant stretching as well as one of my favorites practices on earth, Tai Chi.
Personal project that I invite anyone to join.
Through life we can experience a lot of stress like environmentally, physically, emotionally, or even spiritually. Due to lacking of coupling mechanism we can start detrimental behaviors that can end in bad habits. I have been there. That inability to coupling triggers a few detrimental behaviors that I am struggling with them recently. I invite you to join me in a journey of change and adventure. To re-discover yourself.
Every week, I will share what I have been doing differently to create a positive change in my life. Lets pray for the best and aiming for greatness.
Week 1: Started intermittent fasting of 16 to 18 hrs without food intake. Make it according to your schedule. Ex. I woke up every morning at 4 am. have breakfast at 6 ish and dinner at 2pm. If I can tolerate (while I adapt to changes) to the long hours without food I eat a fruit around 7 pm.
First couples of days are tough but you are tougher. And you will find benefits right away.
PS. If you have known health problems consult with your primary before start.
Something to think about. We are anatomically created to move.
How exercise affects blood glucose levels Physical activity is beneficial for people with diabetes, but blood glucose levels need to be checked before starting to do sport
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