Primeval Human Performance

A holistic approach to health, performance & longevity. #veteranownedbusiness


Don’t fight the cold, embrace it! 🥶❄️🧊


Cryotherapy and ice baths are both popular methods for cold exposure therapy, but they differ significantly in their effects on the body, particularly concerning temperature regulation and physiological responses.

👉Cryotherapy involves short-term exposure to extremely cold temperatures, usually in a chamber where temperatures can drop as low as -200°F for about two to three minutes. This method primarily cools the skin’s surface temperature without significantly affecting the core body temperature.

👉Ice baths involve submerging the body in cold water and ice, typically at a temperature between 35-59°F, for 2 to 5 minutes. This method leads to a more substantial and sustained decrease in the core body temperature.

Why Ice Baths Are Superior

1. Ice baths are more effective at lowering the core body temperature. The full-body immersion in cold water leads to a more profound and sustained cooling effect, which is crucial for reducing overall inflammation and enhancing recovery.
2. The drop in core body temperature during an ice bath activates thermogenesis, a process where the body generates heat to maintain its normal temperature. This metabolic response can increase calorie burning and enhance metabolic function, offering additional benefits beyond recovery.
3. Ice baths trigger the cold shock response, a sudden physiological reaction to cold exposure characterized by rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and a surge in adrenaline. This response helps improve cardiovascular function, increases alertness, and can enhance overall physical resilience. Cryotherapy, which primarily cools the skin, does not trigger this response as effectively.
4. The greater decrease in core body temperature helps reduce muscle tissue temperature more effectively, leading to a better reduction in muscle soreness and fatigue. This deeper cooling effect supports faster muscle recovery post-exercise.
5. The significant decrease in core body temperature achieved through ice baths leads to a more substantial reduction in systemic inflammation, providing broader benefits for recovery and overall health.


Outdoor workouts just have a different type of energy 🌴🙂☀️


Menstruation can be uncomfortable, with symptoms ranging from cramps to bloating. Any relief is welcome, and using a sauna is an excellent way to alleviate these symptoms. There’s no need to avoid saunas during your period; in fact, they can help relax your body. If you’re new to saunas, it’s wise to do some research beforehand to ensure a comfortable experience.

👉Benefits of using a sauna during your period

•Cramps and abdominal pain: Prostaglandin hormones cause menstrual cramps, and the heat from a sauna can soothe and relax these cramps by reducing prostaglandin levels.
•Bloating: Menstrual bloating occurs due to water and salt retention. A sauna helps you sweat out excess salt and water, reducing bloating.
•Lower back and joint pain: Saunas improve circulation, which can alleviate soreness in the lower back and joints commonly experienced during PMS and menstruation.
•Relieving mental stress: Saunas offer both mental and physical relaxation, which can help alleviate mood swings, anxiety, and fatigue associated with your period.

👉Practical tips

•Period protection: Most saunas require bathing suits, so consider using a menstrual cup or period swimwear. Bringing a dark towel to sit on can also help manage any leaks.
•Hydration: Menstruation increases the risk of dehydration, so drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session.
•Short sessions: Start with short sessions, especially if it’s your first time. Begin with 5 minutes to avoid feeling faint or lightheaded.


“When you go into the cold, you cannot think.
You have to be. You learn to be the best version of yourself.”


Underwater Fitness

This approach merges functional fitness exercises on land with breathwork in the pool. Integrating these practices helps develop both mental resilience and physical strength. By embracing discomfort and monitoring our thoughts in a controlled setting, we can better manage challenges in life.


Regular sauna use significantly lowers the risk of high blood pressure, according to a comprehensive follow-up study. Men who visited the sauna 4-7 times a week had nearly a 50% lower risk of developing high blood pressure compared to those who went only once a week, as reported by the American Journal of Hypertension in 2017.

Previous research by the same team indicated that frequent sauna bathing reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and regular sauna use may help manage it.

The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD) followed 1,621 middle-aged men from eastern Finland. Participants without high blood pressure or diagnosed hypertension at the start were monitored based on their sauna habits: once a week, 2-3 times a week, or 4-7 times a week. Over an average of 22 years, 15.5% developed hypertension. The risk decreased by 24% among those who used the sauna 2-3 times a week and by 46% among those who used it 4-7 times a week.

Sauna bathing may lower blood pressure through several biological mechanisms, including increased body temperature causing vasodilation, improved endothelial function, fluid loss through sweating, and overall relaxation.

Additionally, frequent sauna use has been linked to a reduced risk of pulmonary diseases.


Honoring the brave, remembering the fallen. This Memorial Day, we salute those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 🇺🇸


People with hypothyroidism struggle with cold tolerance because the thyroid is crucial for metabolism and temperature regulation. When the thyroid is dysfunctional, it fails to manage body temperature effectively, leading to poor cold tolerance. While the common advice is to avoid the cold, there’s a question of whether gradually increasing cold exposure might actually benefit the thyroid.

Homeostasis is the body’s way of maintaining balance, involving regulation of factors like pH, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, and blood glucose. During vigorous exercise, for example, the body adapts to increasing oxygen demand, becoming more efficient over time—a concept known as “adaptive homeostasis.” This principle, explored in Dr. Mike T. Nelson’s course “Physiologic Flexibility,” suggests that homeostatic regulators are flexible and can improve with training.

Preliminary research hints that cold exposure could enhance thyroid function. A 2014 study in New Zealand exposed white rabbits to cold temperatures for seven weeks, resulting in higher levels of thyroid hormones and improved thyroid function compared to a control group. While it’s challenging to replicate such studies in humans due to ethical concerns, the growing interest in cold water immersion provides a potential method for further exploration.

The potential mechanism involves Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT), which contains mitochondria that help regulate temperature. Unlike White Adipose Tissue (WAT), BAT is metabolically active and prevalent in babies, enabling them to maintain body heat without shivering. Cold exposure can convert WAT to BAT, and higher BAT levels correlate with increased thyroid hormone levels. This suggests that cold exposure might positively influence the thyroid, a hypothesis that warrants more research. Meanwhile, practices like ice baths could offer insights into its benefits.

👉To learn more and experience the power of cold exposure join us in one of our upcoming workshops June 8 or June 15 . Click the link in bio to register.



🙌Get $25 OFF on our upcoming Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshops.

🔹June 8
🔹June 15

👉Click the link in Bio to Register

Regular price $150. Price after discount $125 (already added). Sale ends 5/27/24 at 11:59pm.


Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body.


Deliberate cold exposure is a powerful method for building resilience. Our favorite approach, the ice bath, helps prevent injuries, enhances stress management, and supports recovery after trauma.

Let’s explore the remarkable physical and mental benefits it offers.

🔹Recovery & Injury Prevention

Cold water immersion offers numerous physical benefits:

• Accelerates post-workout recovery
• Boosts blood circulation
• Reduces delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
• Minimizes inflammation

Not all cold exposure methods are equally effective. Cold water has a much more profound impact than cold air, extracting heat from the body 25 times faster and quickly affecting the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Research from the University of Toronto shows that lower skin and tissue temperatures decrease neural conductance velocity, limiting muscle spasms and pain. Vasoconstriction changes blood flow, reducing inflammation and swelling, which helps muscles recover after intense exercise and promotes better sleep, crucial for recovery and injury prevention.

Additionally, the drop in core temperature boosts human growth hormone and testosterone, and can enhance immune function by up to 300%. Increased norepinephrine levels improve blood flow, break down fat, and raise blood sugar levels, providing more energy.

🔹Resilience to Stress

Initial reactions to extreme cold are typically to escape. This instinctive reaction is why we practice deliberate cold exposure; adaptation requires a stress response. Confronting the initial shock involves calming irrational thoughts and focusing on immediate actions. At PHP we start by intentionally taking nasal breaths to shift from a fight-or-flight state to a calm one, training the vagus nerve to handle stress. This practice in the ice bath enhances your ability to stay calm and perform under real-world stress.

Today’s environments are often too comfortable, making us less prepared for extreme conditions. Consistent exposure to stress through cold immersion strengthens both body and mind, enhancing resilience in challenging situations.


Stop wondering if you can, and know that achievement is as simple as trying, over and over again.


Sauna bathing has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including its impact on stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone, plays a crucial role in the body’s response to stress. Understanding how sauna use influences cortisol levels is essential for comprehending its potential impact on stress management.

1. Initial Cortisol Response:
Sauna sessions typically induce a short-term stress response, leading to an initial increase in cortisol levels. The heat stress prompts the adrenal glands to release cortisol as part of the body’s natural adaptive mechanism.

2.Adaptation and Regular Use:
With consistent sauna use, the body may undergo an adaptation phase. Studies suggest that regular exposure to heat stress might lead to a reduction in cortisol levels over time. This adaptogenic effect implies that the body becomes more resilient to stressors, contributing to a potential decrease in cortisol release during sauna sessions.

3.Stress Resilience:
The adaptogenic response observed in individuals who frequent saunas could contribute to improved stress resilience. As the body becomes accustomed to the heat stress, the overall stress response, including cortisol release, may become more balanced.

4.Individual Variability:
It’s crucial to acknowledge that individual responses to sauna exposure can vary. Factors such as age, health status, and the duration and frequency of sauna sessions may influence how cortisol levels respond to heat stress.

In summary, sauna use appears to have a dynamic relationship with cortisol levels. While an initial rise in cortisol is expected during sauna sessions, the body’s adaptation over time may contribute to a potential decrease in cortisol release. The long-term implications of regular sauna use on stress resilience and cortisol regulation warrant further research to better understand its physiological mechanisms.


Experience this ancient tradition from various cultures, which fortunately we have the opportunity to engage in. If the opportunity arises, consider trying it out in 2024. Click the link the link in our bio to learn more about our upcoming events.


Preparing the mind to excel in stressful situations involves training it to remain calm and focused under pressure. Ice baths and breathwork are powerful tools for achieving this.

Ice baths expose the body to intense cold, triggering a stress response that strengthens mental resilience. By enduring the discomfort of the cold, individuals learn to regulate their response to stress and discomfort, enhancing their ability to stay composed in challenging situations.

In tandem with ice baths, breathwork help to cultivate mental clarity and control. By consciously regulating the breath, individuals can calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and improve focus, enabling them to navigate stress with greater ease and efficiency.

Combining these practices creates a holistic approach to mental preparation, equipping individuals with the tools to not only endure but thrive in the face of adversity. As they learn to embrace discomfort and harness the power of their breath, they develop a resilient mindset that serves them well in both professional and personal pursuits.

To learn more about how to build stress resilience with ice baths and breathwork join on us in our upcoming Wim Hof Method workshops on June 8 at & June 15 . Click the link in our bio to register!

Photos from Primeval Human Performance 's post 05/08/2024

🥶 Join us for an exhilarating journey into the Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop! 🧊 Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious newbie, this experience is for YOU! 🌟

📅 Mark your calendars:
📍 June 8th at STUDIO Soul in Lake Nona
📍 June 15th at South Orlando CrossFit

The Wim Hof Method is not just about braving the cold – it’s a transformative practice that taps into your body’s innate potential, offering both physical and psychological benefits. 💪 Here’s what you can expect:

1️⃣ Boosted Immune System: Learn how to harness the power of your breath and cold exposure to strengthen your immune response, keeping illness at bay.

2️⃣ Increased Energy Levels: Experience a surge in vitality as you tap into your body’s natural energy reserves, leaving you feeling invigorated and ready to conquer your day.

3️⃣ Reduced Stress & Anxiety: Dive deep into techniques that calm the mind and soothe the nervous system, leaving you with a sense of calm and clarity that lasts long after the workshop ends.

4️⃣ Enhanced Focus & Mental Clarity: Unlock your mind’s full potential as you learn to harness the power of your breath to sharpen focus and enhance cognitive function.

Spaces are limited, CLICK THE LINK IN BIO to reserve your spot TODAY and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment! 💫


Many, if not all of us, engage in unconscious breathing, a natural bodily function that requires minimal conscious effort.

It is crucial, however, to be mindful of our breathing habits. Generally, breathing through the nose is considered healthier than breathing through the mouth. This preference is rooted in the natural efficiency of nose breathing in utilizing oxygen.

Approximately 40% of adults are estimated to breathe through their mouths, potentially leading to issues such as bad breath and dry mouth.

👃Nasal Breathing

The nose is intricately designed to facilitate safe, efficient breathing by:

• Filtering out particles: Nasal hairs act as filters, preventing dust, allergens, and pollen from entering the lungs.
• Humidifying: The nose warms and moisturizes inhaled air, adjusting it to body temperature for easier lung utilization.
• Producing nitric oxide: Nasal breathing releases nitric oxide, widening blood vessels and enhancing oxygen circulation.

👄Mouth Breathing

While the mouth serves purposes like eating, drinking, and talking, it lacks some of the specialized features of the nose for breathing.

Mouth breathing becomes necessary in certain situations, such as nasal congestion or a deviated septum. However, it comes with downsides, including moisture loss leading to dry mouth and increased risks of inhaling unfiltered air, allergic reactions, asthma, bad breath, snoring, sleep apnea, and teeth abnormalities.

Benefits of Nose Breathing

• Reduced exposure to foreign substances
• Humidification and warming of inhaled air
• Enhanced airflow to arteries, veins, and nerves
• Improved oxygen uptake
• Increased lung volume
• Activation of the diaphragm
• Improved sleep quality
• Enhanced breathing efficiency
• Increased parasympathetic tone (calm state)


Sauna sessions offer a plethora of health benefits, but the timing of your sweat-inducing experience can significantly impact your overall well-being. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of morning and evening sauna sessions.

☀️ Morning


Refreshing Start: A morning sauna session can kickstart your day with a burst of energy. The heat and steam invigorate your senses, leaving you feeling refreshed and awake.

Enhanced Productivity: Saunas can help improve focus and mental clarity. Starting your day with a sauna may boost your productivity levels.

Muscle Recovery: After a night’s rest, your muscles may benefit from the relaxation and increased blood circulation that saunas provide, aiding in recovery from physical activities or workouts.


Time Constraints: Mornings can be rushed, and finding the time for a sauna session may not always be feasible.

Potential difficulties in adjusting to heat exposure early in the day: Some people may find it uncomfortable to use a sauna first thing in the morning, especially if they are not yet fully awake or acclimated to the heat.

🌙 Evening


Stress Relief: Saunas in the evening can be an excellent way to unwind and de-stress after a long day. The heat helps relax your muscles and reduce tension.
Better Sleep: A sauna before bedtime can promote deeper and more restful sleep. The cooling effect after a session can signal your body that it’s time to wind down.
Social Activity: Evening saunas are often a social affair, allowing you to connect with friends or family and create a sense of community.


Potential interference with social and family commitments: Evening sauna sessions may conflict with social or family obligations, making it difficult to consistently incorporate them into your routine.

The possibility of feeling too relaxed or lethargic after the session: Some people may feel excessively relaxed or even drowsy after an evening session, which can make it challenging to complete necessary tasks before bedtime.

In conclusion, the best time depends on your preferences and schedule. Experiment with both to discover which aligns best with your lifestyle and goals.


Experience the transformative journey of sauna therapy as your body undergoes a series of remarkable changes:

5 minutes: Feel the gentle warmth permeate your skin as you begin to sweat, releasing toxins and impurities.

5-10 minutes: Notice your heart rate gradually increasing, stimulating circulation and promoting cardiovascular health.

15 minutes: Witness the remarkable boost in your immune system as the production of white blood cells rises, enhancing your body’s ability to fight off illness and infection.

20 minutes: Revel in the cardiovascular benefits as your blood vessels dilate, improving circulation and lowering blood pressure.

15-30 minutes: Experience the production of heat shock proteins, aiding in cellular repair and protecting against stress-related damage.

60 minutes: Reach the pinnacle of rejuvenation as your body releases growth hormones at a staggering rate, promoting muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall vitality.

Embrace the timeline of sauna benefits, from detoxification to immune enhancement, cardiovascular support, and cellular rejuvenation, as you embark on a journey to holistic well-being.


Weekend vibes 🧊🥶


5 Hacks to Elevate Your Sauna Experiece

Aromatherapy Infusion: Enhance your sauna session by adding a few drops of essential oils to the hot rocks or a designated aromatherapy diffuser. Choose calming scents like lavender or eucalyptus to promote relaxation and rejuvenation. The combination of heat and aromatic oils will create a blissful environment, melting away stress and tension.

Hydration Station: Before stepping into the sauna, hydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. During your session, keep a bottle of water nearby to replenish lost fluids. For an extra boost, infuse your water with slices of cucumber or a sprig of mint to add refreshing flavor and help cool you down between rounds.

Natural Exfoliation: Take advantage of the sauna’s heat to open up your pores and promote deep cleansing. Bring along a natural bristle brush or exfoliating glove to gently scrub away dead skin cells, revealing smoother, healthier-looking skin. Follow up with a moisturizing body oil or lotion after your sauna session to lock in hydration and maintain your skin’s softness.

Cooling Companions: To balance out the intense heat of the sauna, bring along a few cooling accessories. Chill a damp towel in the refrigerator beforehand and use it to wipe down your skin during breaks in your sauna session. You can also place a bowl of ice cubes nearby to create a refreshing mist when needed. Additionally, consider contrast therapy (sauna and ice bath) to create the ultimate experience.

Mindful Meditation: Use your time in the sauna as an opportunity to practice mindfulness and meditation. Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale deeply, allowing yourself to let go of any tension or worries. Visualize warmth and relaxation spreading throughout your body with each breath, leaving you feeling calm and centered. Pairing sauna sessions with mindfulness techniques can enhance the overall experience and leave you feeling both physically and mentally rejuvenated.

To learn more and experience rejuvenating sauna sessions click the link in bio and book a private session.

Photos from Primeval Human Performance 's post 04/21/2024

Couples dive deep into the art of breathwork, amplifying their sauna and ice bath journey with each inhale and exhale. Together, they discover the power of mind-body connection, leaving refreshed, revitalized, and closer than ever.


Sauna bathing has become increasingly popular not only as a means of relaxation but also for its potential health benefits, including the preservation of muscle mass.

1. Activation of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs):
One of the key mechanisms by which sauna bathing could help in preserving muscle mass is through the activation of HSPs. HSPs are a group of proteins that are produced by cells in response to stressful conditions, such as high temperatures. These proteins play a critical role in helping cells cope with stress and can prevent protein degradation in the muscles. By inducing the production of HSPs, sauna bathing may help reduce the rate of muscle atrophy. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who are physically inactive or recovering from injuries.

2. Enhanced Blood Flow:
Exposure to high heat during sauna sessions causes vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, which improves circulation throughout the body. Better blood flow ensures that muscle tissues receive a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. Enhanced circulation can also help in removing metabolic wastes from muscle tissues more efficiently, which is crucial for muscle health and recovery.

3. Increased Growth Hormone Levels:
Sauna use has been associated with increased levels of certain hormones that are beneficial for muscle maintenance, including growth hormone. Growth hormone is vital for muscle growth, repair, and regeneration. Studies have shown that regular sauna use can increase growth hormone levels significantly, thereby aiding in muscle preservation and potentially counteracting muscle degradation.

Photos from Primeval Human Performance 's post 04/19/2024

Escape the brink of burnout with our sauna and ice bath private sessions—loved by all our clients! Book your private session now to reset, recharge, and rejuvenate. Your wellbeing awaits! 🔥❄️


🥶Unlock Your Inner Power with Wim Hof Method!❄️

📅 When: May 5th
📍 Where: South Orlando Crossfit

Join us for an exhilarating Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop that promises not just a deep dive into the famed Wim Hof Method, but an adventure into your own potential. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, this workshop is your gateway to learning how to harness the power of your breath and cold exposure to improve your health, mood, and vitality.

What is the Wim Hof Method?

The Wim Hof Method combines breathing techniques, cold exposure, and mental focus to teach you how to master your own body and mind. Developed by the extraordinary Wim Hof, known as “The Iceman,” this method has been scientifically proven to control the immune system, reduce stress levels, and enhance endurance.

Benefits Include:

- Boosted immune response
-Decrease depression symptoms
- Increased energy levels
- Better sleep quality
- Reduced anxiety and stress levels
- Enhanced focus and mental clarity
-Improve sports performance and recovery

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform how you think, breathe, and perform. Spots are limited, so sign up today in the link below and take the first step towards a stronger, healthier you!


Among its numerous mental and physical advantages, building your CO2 tolerance allows you to maintain a lower heart rate during all types of training. This helps you enhance your speed and intensity over extended periods while reducing the need for rest and recovery when performing optimally. We achieve this by adjusting recovery periods, extending the duration of static and dynamic breath holds, and optimizing movement efficiency.

Our training benefits a wide range of individuals, from elite athletes and first responders to those managing anxiety and pain, by offering low-impact training that enhances their capacity.


Get the most out of your cold water immersion sessions! 🥶❄️

Photos from Primeval Human Performance 's post 04/13/2024

Escape the brink of burnout with our sauna and ice bath private sessions—loved by all our clients! Book your private session now to reset, recharge, and rejuvenate. Your wellbeing awaits! 🔥❄️


In the fast-paced and demanding world of healthcare, the well-being of healthcare professionals is crucial not only for their own personal health but also for the quality of care they provide to their patients. Amidst the relentless challenges and emotional demands, incorporating practices that promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being becomes essential. Breathwork, an ancient practice that harnesses the power of conscious breathing, has emerged as a valuable tool for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their overall health and resilience. Here are highlighting five key benefits that can empower them to navigate the rigors of their profession with greater ease, focus, and compassion.

🙂 Stress Reduction: Breathwork techniques, such as box breathing, can help healthcare professionals manage stress and anxiety, providing a valuable tool to cope with the demands of their challenging and high-pressure work environments.

🤓 Improved Focus and Clarity: Regular breathwork practices can enhance focus and mental clarity, enabling healthcare professionals to make well-informed decisions and maintain sharp cognitive abilities throughout long shifts.

💪 Enhanced Emotional Resilience: By incorporating breathwork into their daily routines, healthcare professionals can develop greater emotional resilience, better equipping them to handle the emotional challenges often encountered in their line of work.

🙌 Increased Energy and Vitality: Conscious breathing techniques can improve oxygenation, promoting higher energy levels and overall vitality, which can be especially beneficial for healthcare professionals who often work long hours.

🤝Better Patient Care: Practicing breathwork can contribute to improved communication and empathy, allowing healthcare professionals to connect more effectively with their patients, understand their needs, and provide more compassionate care.

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