Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach

I help women find trust, love, and intimacy in their lives.



Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 08/28/2024

Is he coming on too strong and you want him to pump the breaks on intimacy until you’re ready?

Try this...

First - Intimacy Timing
It’s okay to have s*x based on connection and for you to wait as long as you need. But make sure you know your reasoning about your timing... and make sure you love you’re reason. You’ll want to get clear on this before your next date!

Second - Intimacy Wish List
Sometimes we are so focused on setting boundaries that we forget to make a wish list! You’re allowed to be excited about intimacy so make sure you plan out what kinds of things you would love your partner to be up for! So, when you’re ready, you can partake in the fun as well!

Third - Real-time Communication
No need to be all defensive when you go on dates.
When things come up, address them organically.
When intimacy starts to come up, share how you prefer things to go and how you envision them playing out.

This allows you to get ahead of the aggressive forwardness. Don’t be afraid to state what you prefer. If he doesn’t respect that, then it won’t help you feel any more comfortable so feel free to just call it off!

Does this seem doable to you? I’d love to know!




I’ll be honest, “no” is a full sentence. Period.

If you feel like you’ll lose your chances with him, that’s his bad, not yours!

The right guy will honor the pace you need to go to feel comfortable.... And then you can let lose! LOL.

Be safe out there, ladies!*x #:~:text=Be%2520clear%2520and%25



What does being an independent woman means to you?

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 08/21/2024
Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 08/21/2024

Single ladies, how do you stay true to yourself and embrace your independence while finding love?

Here are a few tips to help you find that balance:


Hey, ladies! Does it sometimes feel like guys are threatened by your independence?

Ladies, it feels this happens way too often, doesn’t it? You hookup with a guy and the first conversation maybe them bragging about their accomplishments, then totally change the subject when it’s time to talk about you. Most times their achievements are minimal when compared to yours. Then you’re left with wondering if they are worth a second date.

Sound familiar? You’re definitely not alone! Many of the strong women I speak with report facing this in dating, and it’s time we have a real chat about it.

The thing is, your independence is something to be proud of! It shows how strong and capable you are. But sometimes, it can make some guys feel a bit intimidated. They might think, “Whoa, can I keep up?” And that can lead to awkward vibes or them pulling away.

So, how do you stay true to yourself and embrace your independence while still finding love? Here are a few tips to help you find that balance:

📌 Keep It Real: Don’t be afraid to talk about what independence means to you. A little honesty can go a long way in clearing up any weirdness.

📌 Find Your Person: Look for guys who appreciate your strength instead of feeling threatened by it. You deserve someone who respects you for who you are!

📌 Own Your Path: Remember, your independence isn’t a barrier to love; it’s a part of what makes you awesome! Celebrate your journey and all the lessons you’ve learned.

And remember, you deserve a partner who loves you—independent, strong, and ready for a real connection. 💖

💬 How do you balance being your true self while building a meaningful relationship? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 08/12/2024


I know the pressure from family and friends may feel overwhelming at times, but there are steps you can take to gracefully stop the questioning.


🚨💖✨ Before you jump into the dating pool, master these six key skills to help set yourself up for success!

✅ Self-Awareness: Understanding your own values, needs, and boundaries is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Take time to reflect on what you truly want and deserve

✅ Emotional Resilience: Dating can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Building resilience will help you navigate the ups and downs with grace, and bounce back stronger after setbacks.

✅ Financial Literacy: Be aware of your finances; financial stability reflects responsibility.

✅ Effective Communication: Being able to express your thoughts and feelings clearly can prevent misunderstandings and foster deeper conversations. Practice active listening and open dialogue!

✅ Stress Management: Cultivate techniques to handle stress without relying on your partner.

✅ Independence: Enjoy your own company and interests, ensuring you’re not seeking a partner to fill a void.

❤️‍🩹 Ready to enhance these skills and transform your dating life? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


🌟 Setting Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty?🌟

If you’ve ever felt a pang of guilt when trying to set boundaries, you’re not alone. Many women find it challenging to prioritize their needs without feeling selfish. But here’s the truth: boundaries are essential for healthy relationships and self-care.

💬 Strategies to Set Boundaries Guilt-Free:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Accept any guilt you feel without judgment. Remember, feeling guilty doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong.

2. Be Direct and Clear: Communicate your boundaries without over-explaining or apologizing. This clarity helps reduce guilt and ensures your needs are understood.

3. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and remind yourself that setting boundaries is a form of self-care, not selfishness.

4. Detach from Others’ Reactions: You’re not responsible for how others react to your boundaries. Focus on maintaining your emotional well-being.

5. Reframe Your Beliefs: See boundaries as a way to foster healthier relationships and personal growth, rather than as a source of conflict.

🔥Your Turn: What’s one boundary you need to set today? Share in the comments, and let’s support each other in this journey toward healthier relationships and self-love!

Remember, you deserve to protect your peace and prioritize your needs. Let’s embrace the power of boundaries together!


❤️‍🩹 In response to my question about why women settle in relationships, one of the responses was - “Don’t want to do the work for the man we really want, because the work is on US!”

🙋‍♀️ What’s some of the work we as women need to do to ensure that we get what we want without settling?

✍️ Share in the comments below.


Ladies, have you ever felt the pressure to settle for less than you deserve in a relationship?

You’re not alone! Many women have shared with me about how they found themselves in situations where they compromise their values, dreams, and desires just to be in a relationship. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to settle!

💖 Trust in Your Worth:
Remember, you are deserving of a love that honors your past, celebrates your present, and supports your future.

💪 Set Clear Standards::
Know what you want and what you won’t accept. This clarity will guide you in your search for a partner who truly aligns with your values.

✨ Embrace Self-Love:
The journey to finding the right guy starts with loving yourself first. When you radiate confidence and self-worth, you’ll attract the right kind of love into your life.

👉 Have you ever settled in a relationship? Share your thoughts below!💕



As an Intimacy & Relationship Coach, these are some of the strategies I share with women to help them avoid dating pitfalls.

✅ Stay Present: Focus on the current moment instead of fantasizing about the future.

✅ Pace Physical Intimacy: Wait until deep emotional bonds are established before rushing into physical intimacy.

✅ Trust Your Instincts: Accept what your date says and does at face value; don’t play detective.

✅ Recognize Red Flags: If you notice red flags, don’t justify them; it’s essential to maintain your standards.

✅ Manage Expectations: Understand that early dates are about getting to know each other, not about fulfilling partner expectations.

✅ Limit Texting: Keep early conversations brief to avoid misinterpretations and maintain genuine connections.

❤️‍🩹 If you’re looking for more personalized tips and strategies to navigate the dating landscape with confidence, let’s chat. Together, we can explore how to foster meaningful connections and avoid common pitfalls. Comment, “minefield,” below and I’ll DM you next steps! ❤️‍🩹

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/29/2024

Spotting the green flags in your relationships!



🌟 Craving a Secure, Loving Relationship? Here’s the Secret Sauce! 🌟

Ever wondered why some couples seem to have it all figured out?

I did too. It took years, but I’ve found the key to a healthy longterm relationship.

Now, I support women in finding a partner to develop a meaningful relationship with, at their own pace.

Here are my top 3 tips for building a secure relationship:

1. Communicate openly and honestly
2. Respect each other’s independence
3. Show up consistently for your partner

These simple practices can create a foundation of trust and intimacy that lasts.

Ready to transform your love life?

Drop a “❤️” in the comments, and I’ll send you the details.

Remember, you deserve a relationship that makes you feel safe, loved, and truly seen. Let’s make it happen together!


Setting the Pace for Dating: Your Journey, Your Rules 🌸


Have you ever felt the pressure to rush into a relationship, only to realize later that it wasn’t right for you? 🌱

I remember a time when I felt that same pressure. After a series of meaningless relationships, I took control of my dating journey. I set my own pace, listened to my heart, and communicated openly with my partner. It wasn’t always easy, but it led me to a loving, trusting, and intimate relationship 💖

Here are a few gentle reminders that helped me along the way:

1. Listen to Your Inner Voice: Trust your instincts and honor your feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to take a step back.

2. Communicate Openly: Share your boundaries and needs with your partner. A healthy relationship thrives on mutual respect and understanding.

3. Take Your Time: There’s no rush. Allow yourself the space to grow and learn about yourself and your partner. True intimacy and connection develop over time.

4. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community. Whether it’s friends, family, or a coach, having a strong support system can make a world of difference.

5. Celebrate Small Wins: Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate your courage and growth.

Remember, you deserve a relationship built on trust, love, and intimacy. Your past experiences may have shaped you, but they don’t define your future. 💪✨

If you’re ready to take control of your dating journey and set the pace that feels right for you, comment, “READY”

Let’s work together to create the loving, trusting, and intimate relationship you deserve. 💕

I’m rooting for you!
Nurse Marie
Intimacy & Relationship Coach 🌟



In a world that glorifies whirlwind romances and instant connections, remember this: true love doesn’t have a deadline. It’s a journey, not a race, and your path to finding it is uniquely yours.

👀 Navigating the world of love and relationships can feel overwhelming, especially when it seems like everyone around you is settling down or coupling up. But here’s the secret: there’s no “right” timeline for finding love. Whether you’re single and searching, recovering from a breakup, or simply enjoying your own company, it’s essential to honor your personal journey.

🥰 Love isn’t about fitting into a societal mold; it’s about discovering a connection that truly resonates with you. It’s about self-discovery, understanding your own needs and desires, and being open to the unexpected. When you allow yourself the freedom to explore love at your own pace, you set the stage for a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

❤️ Ready to embrace your unique path to love? Let’s chat about how you can find and nurture love in a way that’s authentic to you. Comment, “PACE” below and let’s develop a plan tailored to your journey to trust, love, and intimacy.

💕 Love at your own pace starts here!

Coach, Nurse Marie



Have you ever felt like true intimacy was out of reach?

You're not alone.

I once believed that deep, meaningful relationship was impossible for me. But I was wrong, and here's why...

Let me share a quick story:

Years ago, after my divorce, I thought I'd never find trust or love again. But through my journey of healing and self-discovery, I learned that intimacy is so much more than physical closeness. It's about creating a safe space where two people can truly connect and unite.

Today, I'm happily married for over 22 years, experiencing a level of intimacy I never thought possible. And guess what? This kind of relationship is possible for you too, no matter your past experiences.

Now, as an Intimacy & Relationship Coach, I specialize in supporting women, trauma survivors over 35, who are ready to embrace love and intimacy fully.

🌼Your Turn: I invite you to reflect on what intimacy means to you. How can you take one small step today to foster deeper meaning in your relationships?

If you'd like to explore this further, let’s chat! Comment, “intimacy” below and I’ll send you a DM on how we can get you started on your journey to trust, love, and intimacy in your relationships.

Remember, your journey to meaningful intimacy starts with understanding, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

💞✨I’m rooting for you!


🚫 Are you dodging relationships due to fear of rejection?

Hey ladies, let's get real for a sec. I used to be the queen of avoiding relationships. Why? Because rejection felt scarier than a horror movie marathon at midnight! 😱

But here's the thing: I was missing out. It wasn't until I faced my fears head-on that I found my happily ever after (22 years and counting, y'all! 💑).

If you're stuck in the "what if they don't like me" loop, I feel you. But what if they DO? What if your special guy is out there, waiting for you to take that leap?

Ready to kick fear to the curb and find a partner to trust, love, and be intimate with?

Let's chat! Drop a 💖 in the comments, and I'll slide into your DMs with some free tips to help you find the love you deserve.

Remember, you're worth it, babe! 💕


🗣️💖 Communicating Your Needs: A Key to Healthy Relationships 💖🗣️

Ladies, remember: expressing your needs isn’t selfish, it’s self-care! Here are quick tips to communicate effectively:

1. Be clear and specific
2. Use “I” statements
3. Choose the right time and place
4. Listen actively to your partner’s response
5. Be open to compromise

Healthy communication builds trust and intimacy. You deserve to be heard and understood!

What’s your biggest challenge in expressing your needs? Share below! 👇


🚀 Ladies: Ready to Upgrade Your Love Life?

You’ve crushed it in your career, but is your heart feeling a little... unfulfilled?

I’ve been there!
Own my own home and money in the bank✅
Love life... 🦗

But here’s the thing: I cracked the code. You CAN have an amazing career AND a fulfilling relationship.

💬 What’s your biggest challenge in finding love? Let’s chat!

Comment, “challenge,” and I’ll send you a copy of my free guide, Finding Love At Your Own Pace, to get you started on the path to a relationship filled with trust, love, and intimacy.

Let’s make your love life as successful as your career. Because you, superstar, deserve it all!

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/15/2024

Breaking free from the chains of s*xual repression after assault - your journey to rekindling trust, love, and intimacy starts here.

You deserve to experience love, trust, and intimacy. It’s time to find the relationship you deserve!


Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/13/2024





My journey wasn't easy. For years after my assault, I struggled through meaningless relationships and even a divorce. I felt broken, unworthy of love. But that wasn't the end of my story.

Through healing and perseverance, I rediscovered my worth. I learned to trust again, to open my heart to love, and to embrace intimacy without fear. Now, I've been happily married for over 22 years!

If you're a survivor struggling to believe in love again, know this: You are worthy. You are strong. And you deserve a fulfilling, loving relationship.

Ready to start your journey towards trust, love, and intimacy? Let's talk. As an Intimacy and Relationship Coach specializing in helping women after s*xual assault, I'm here to support you.

DM me to learn more about how we can work together to help you find trust, love, and intimacy and the right partner to develop a meaningful relationship with.

You can have the love you deserve. 💕

I’m rooting for you?
Nurse Marie

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/09/2024




You're not alone!

As a survivor and an intimacy and relationship coach, I've been there. Years ago, intrusive thoughts about my trauma would creep in during intimate moments, leaving me feeling disconnected and afraid. I thought I'd never find true love or trust again.

But here's the truth: saying goodbye to your intrusive thoughts is possible!

Through dedicated work and support, I learned to quiet those intrusive thoughts. Now, I'm celebrating 22 years of a loving, trusting marriage - something I once thought impossible.

You deserve that peace too. 💖

Ready to break free from your past and build the relationship you dream of?

Let's chat. Connect with me to help you take the first step towards rekindling trust, love, and intimacy.

DM "intimacy" to get started. Your future self will thank you.

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/07/2024

📅 Date: August 17, 2024
⏰ Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
🏡 Tru by Hilton Convention Center,
6461Westwood Blvd,
Orlando, FL 32821
Limited seating available!
Attire: Tea Party 🌺 🌸 👗

Register at the link below:

Photos from Marie McKenzie - Intimacy & Relationship Coach's post 07/07/2024

📅 Date: August 17, 2024
⏰ Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
🏡 Tru by Hilton Convention Center,
6461Westwood Blvd,
Orlando, FL 32821
Limited seating available!
Attire: Tea Party 🌺 🌸 👗

Register at the link below:

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