Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist

Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist

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Happy birth day
Happy birth day

Welcome! 🌺 This is a page for all, that focuses on spreading awareness with compassion.

Clinician certified in EMDR & specializing in Trauma, Eating Disorders, & Maternal Mental Health 07/11/2024

Ever wondered how your early relationships shape your adult life? In my work with trauma, attachment is a recurring theme. Here’s a deeper dive into what attachment looks like and its impact on how we relate to ourselves and others.

Here are some common impacts of insecure attachment:

🌊 Difficulty trusting others and forming close relationships
🌊 Persistent fear of abandonment or rejection
🌊 Challenges with emotional regulation and vulnerability

Understanding these patterns can pave the way for healing and creating healthier connections. ✨

Clinician certified in EMDR & specializing in Trauma, Eating Disorders, & Maternal Mental Health Ever wondered how early relationships shape your adult life? In this blog, I explore attachment trauma, a common theme in my work with trauma. Discover the signs of attachment trauma, how it impacts your relationships, and steps you can take towards healing. Understanding these patterns is key to bu

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 06/19/2024

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but for many moms, it can also bring up self-doubts, especially if you’ve experienced childhood trauma.

These thoughts are normal for many moms-to-be. Healing from suppressed childhood trauma can help you navigate these emotions and embrace motherhood with confidence.

There are so many more negative beliefs associated with pregnancy and trauma. Share your experiences in the comments below and see who can relate. 💖

Read our latest blog for more insights and support

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 06/12/2024

As we celebrate Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈, I believe it is so important to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly the impact of trauma. As a trauma therapist, I regularly see the effects this has.

Trauma can stem from various experiences:




❗️Internalized homophobia or transphobia.

Trauma can profoundly alter a person's life, impacting their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It can lead to persistent feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression, disrupt relationships, and hinder daily functioning. The brain's response to trauma often leaves individuals in a heightened state of stress, making it difficult to process emotions or feel safe. Over time, unaddressed trauma can result in long-term health issues and diminish one's overall quality of life, emphasizing the need for understanding and compassionate support

I hope this post offers insight and inspires continued advocation for those who don't conform to societal norms, so that we can one day experience a community grounded in equity. 🔆

Clinician certified in EMDR & specializing in Trauma, Eating Disorders, & Maternal Mental Health 05/12/2024

Happy Mother’s Day! 🌸

To all the incredible moms out there, you’re doing an AMAZING job, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. 💖

This goes out to all the moms - whether in grief, navigating the thick of it, or reveling in joy - your resilience and love are an inspiration.

Amidst all that you do for others, don’t forget to show up for yourself. This is a reminder to give yourself moments of self-compassion 🌿

Below is a link to a Self-compassion guided meditation. You deserve all the love and kindness you give to others. 🤍

Clinician certified in EMDR & specializing in Trauma, Eating Disorders, & Maternal Mental Health Discover the power of self-compassion for moms this Mother's Day. Embrace resilience, honor the struggles of motherhood, and cultivate self-love.


Birthing trauma is more common than you might think. It’s not just about physical pain—it’s about emotional scars that can linger long after childbirth.

A difficult birthing experience can lead to many complications and be life altering.

It can impact the family dynamic and effect the mothers ability to emotionally connect with their newborn.

It’s not something that just ‘goes away’ and

Let’s break the silence, support each other, and heal together.

Check out my recent article, Healing from Birthing Trauma: A Journey of Resilience & Hope

Anxiety Vs. Worry: What’s the Difference? 01/11/2024

We’ve all experienced moments of anxiety and worry, perhaps more often than we’d like to admit.

In an article I recently had published, I delve into the nuances between worry and anxiety, offering insights to help you differentiate between the two.

By gaining a clearer understanding of these emotions, you’ll be better equipped to support yourself compassionately during challenging times.

Check out his article I wrote with ChoosingTherapy for more details. ♥️

Anxiety Vs. Worry: What’s the Difference? The difference between anxiety and worry is that worry is a brief, easily resolvable thought, and anxiety is when those worry thoughts cause a physical response and feel consuming to the point they interfere with everyday functioning. Anxiety is more impactful and doesn’t seem as easy to work thro...


Happy New Year!

I am looking forward to all of the things to come as we transition into the New Year.

In order to feel motivated and prepared for this new year, I have set aside some time to get clear on my intentions that will guide me through 2024.

As I continue to grow in my practice, refine my skills to better support the people I work with, and find ways to continue to show up for the community, I also want to make sure I am prioritizing being a mom and finding time for myself.

Getting clear on my intentions and values helps me feel more confident in feeling like I can keep the balance and prioritize the things that are truly important to me.

A few things I like to consider when setting intentions are:

✨ What has brought me joy, filled me up, allowed me to feel deeply connected and how can I carry that into 2024?

✨ What habits or patterns do I need to release to move forward?

✨ What steps can I take daily to align with my core values and intentions?

What else are you considering as you set your 2024 intentions?

7 Ways to Survive the Holidays With an Eating Disorder | Orlando Eating Disorder Specialist — Calming Tides Counselling LLC 12/17/2023

Hey, friends! As we embrace the festive season, I wanted to share some valuable insights on navigating the holidays with an eating disorder.✨ Whether you're grappling with body image issues or facing challenges with disordered eating, this blog is filled with tips to support your well-being.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey! If you're seeking additional support, consider reaching out to a therapist specialized in eating disorders and trauma therapy. Your mental health matters, and professional guidance can make a world of difference.

Read the full blog here and feel free to share with anyone who might find it helpful. Let's spread understanding and support this holiday season!

7 Ways to Survive the Holidays With an Eating Disorder | Orlando Eating Disorder Specialist — Calming Tides Counselling LLC Going into the holiday season can be hard, especially if you struggle with an eating disorder. Go into the holidays prepared with these 7 tips that can help you through any challenges.

Arguing With Someone Who Has ADHD: Why It Happens & How To Stop 12/07/2023

Hey ADHD warriors! ✨
Ever catch yourself in speedy arguments or struggle to keep that temper in check during intense talks? 🗣️
Trust me, you're not alone—many of those with ADHD know the struggle all too well!

Check out my latest article to dive into the WHY behind these familiar challenges.💡
Unravel the mysteries of impulsivity and those unfiltered blurts! ChoosingTherapy

Ready to take charge and transform your relationships? 🌟
Reach out for a consultation call. 📆
Let's navigate this ADHD journey together!

Arguing With Someone Who Has ADHD: Why It Happens & How To Stop Being in a relationship with someone who has ADHD can come with challenges. Since those with ADHD struggle with emotion regulation and a heightened sensitivity to feeling rejected, they can be more prone to arguments. It’s important to understand that it isn’t always intentional and can be diffi...

Into Me You See 12/06/2023

Thrilled to have had the opportunity to join Happily Ever After is Just the Beginning podcast where we did a deep dive into the diverse realms of intimacy. 🎙️
From emotional to physical connections, we unravel the layers. Tune in for insights and more!

Listen now at:


Into Me You See Samantha Bickham reveals different types of Intimacy and why they are important for healthy relationships. Tune in now!



The National Alliance for Eating Disorders has officially expanded its support network with the acquisition of the former NEDA helpline number. The former number will automatically re-direct to The Alliance's helpline, in an effort to better serve all individuals who may be experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones.⁠

As always, individuals may access our free, therapist-staffed helpline Monday - Friday from 9AM EST - 7PM EST at: 866-662-1235⁠
Now more than ever, we will need your support in order to continue providing these services to those who need it most. This Giving Tuesday, we humbly ask you to support our life-saving services.⁠

Please consider donating today:⁠


🌟Exciting Update!🌟

I have transitioned into private practice and am now the proud owner of Calming Tides Counseling.

I'm here to support individuals aged 17 and up on their journey to healing and personal growth. My areas of expertise include complex trauma, eating disorders, parenting issues, and anxiety. As a certified EMDR therapist, I'm dedicated to helping you find your inner calm and well-being. 🌸💪

If you or someone you know could benefit from my services, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me at [email protected] or call (407) 536-8316.

Let's create a path to serenity and personal empowerment together💖

Kids Learn Anti-Fat Bias Earlier Than You May Realize—Here’s How to Address It With Them 08/18/2023

Check out this great article that I was recently published in! Kids come in all different shapes and sizes and their bodies change throughout the different developmental stages and it is so important for us to be able to normalize and support that.

Kids Learn Anti-Fat Bias Earlier Than You May Realize—Here’s How to Address It With Them Anti-fat bias is everywhere, from daily conversations to movies. Therapists explain how to identify it, the harm it perpetuates, and how to fight against it, both proactively and reactively.


Take a minute to check in with yourself and notice this moment. See if there are any needs you can meet right now. Maybe your body could use a few deep breaths, maybe you're cold and your body could use a jacket, maybe it's reevaluating your to-do list and working to prioritize the things that actually meet your values.
Are you cleaning when there's a part of you that would rather be exploring your creative side? Maybe the dishes or dusting can wait.
Are you scrolling through accounts that are causing you to feel anything other than a sense of enlightenment, ease, or calmness? Maybe its time to switch out those accounts for more fulfilling ones.
It's easy to get swept up in the same old routine without really looking inwards and exploring what truly works for you and your needs and wants.
I Invite you to take a few minutes to slow down today.


Ever wonder why you feel restless or on edge when things appear calm, you don't have anything to attend to, or your relationships seem to be going well?
That could be because your mind and nervous system have grown accustomed to living in survival mode.
Your nervous system has adapted to living in a high stress environment and now doesn't know how to respond to a low stress environment.
It's that constant wondering of when the other shoe is going to drop.
This can often cause us to self sabotage or seek out stress inducing situations because this is what feels normal, safe, or familiar.
You're not alone in this experience. It can be common for those that have experienced complex trauma, grew up with emotionally dysregulated caretakers, or lived through unhealthy, toxic relationships.
Fortunately, there is hope. Thanks to neuroplasticity, your brain has the ability to reframe its way of thinking and functioning.

If you find yourself relating to this, consider reaching out to a trauma informed therapist. It’s not too late to make change.

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 08/24/2022

Often times when someone says "I don't know," it's because the answer feels too overwhelming and complex.
It is normal to feel more than one emotion about something.
It can be beneficial to practice identifying these emotions and working to better understand and validate them.
They are there for a reason.


When our brains experience a traumatic event, the stress hormone, cortisol, can cause the memory to become stuck, impacting our ability to function adequately moving forward.

The stress response triggers our automatic defenses (Fight, Flight, or Freeze) which shuts down our cognitive functioning. This happens because it isn't quick enough to allow us to make a decision on what the best defensive action is before potential damage occurs.
Ever notice saying or doing something you didn't mean to do or say when you're feeling angry or anxious?
This is because it was coming from a defensive place (your hind brain) and wasn't filtered through your frontal lobe where your rational thought happens.
All of this can cause a lingering effect of that trauma experience which can cause the above symptoms, plus some.
If any of these are familiar, it might be time to reach out to a Trauma informed therapist to figure out and possibly work through the underlying causes. Healing IS possible.

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 08/22/2022

Anxiety can be debilitating if we let it go unchecked.

It can show up as stomach discomfort, sweating, feeling cold, being at a loss for words, dry mouth, and many, many more.

Once you have checked in with yourself and your body, you can start becoming more aware of the reactions that are more specific to you and manage them more effectively.

From there, try a few or all of these techniques and find what works for you. Learn what allows your nervous system to regulate and feel safe enough to allow you to move through whatever situation is causing you distress.

Simply noticing our experience in the moment allows our body to begin to regulate. Noticing your breath, your heart rate, your racing thoughts, etc.

Also, it is really important to practice relaxation techniques when you are already calm or at a lower level of distress. This allows you to become more comfortable with the technique and to trust in your ability to apply it.

Take a second to check in with your body. What is your anxiety level in this moment?
Notice where that anxiety is in your body and practice breathing into it.


Eating Disorders do not discriminate.

This is important to know for many reasons.

One being due to the belief that people struggling with Anorexia or Bulimia have a certain ‘look.’ This can hinder their ability to access and receive effective care and support.

It’s also important to be mindful that commenting on a persons body can be harmful, regardless of the comments intent. You never know who is struggling with an eating disorder, disordered eating or body dysmorphia.

Here are a few alternative ways to give compliments or feedback:
🔅 “I really appreciate you being here.”
🔅 “Your smile really lights up the room.”
🔅 “ You have a welcoming personality.”
🔅 “I am grateful I met you.”
🔅 Or say nothing.

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 08/06/2022

It’s easy to get stuck focusing on the future, our to-do lists or the next work day, or we get stuck in the past questioning our actions or reflecting on something we did that felt embarrassing.

When we practice Mindfulness, it allows us to be present in the moment and to fully absorb life. It gives us a break from the inevitable future and the unchangeable past.

Mindfulness can improve our relationships with ourselves and others by allowing us to be aware of our responses and by allowing us to truly show up for those that we care for.

Mindfulness is especially helpful for those that struggle with dissociation. Learning to be mindful of your triggers and patterns can allow you to be intentional about being more present and grounded.

Take a moment, stop what you're doing, and observe your body and your surroundings. What do you notice? Is your jaw clenched? How is your breathing? What colors do you see that you may not have been aware of a few seconds ago?

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 08/05/2022

Values help guide us when we’re feeling lost or stuck.
Values guide us in setting boundaries by knowing what is important to us.

Photos from Samantha Bickham, LMHC, EMDR Therapist's post 08/03/2022

It's time to stop trying to get OVER your trauma and time to start moving THROUGH it.
For more information on EMDR and if it's the right type of therapy for you, reach out for a free consultation by following the link in the bio.


As we grow, age, and go through different life experiences like pregnancy, illness, or changes in work load our bodies shift and change along with us.

This does not make you any less valuable as a human.

All of the changes are reminders of the hurdles we have overcome, the love that has been introduced to us, and the accomplishments that we have made.

I invite you to take a minute to reflect on all of the things your body has done for you today or this weekend.

Mine got me out of bed, allowed me to play with my son, embrace my husband in a hug, and allowed me to sit through a weeks worth of therapy sessions. Not too shabby!



My name is Samantha and I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida. I am trained in EMDR and I specialize in Eating Disorders, Trauma, Anxiety and Relationship Issues.

A little about me:
- I have 1 little kiddo and another on the way!
- I love going on hikes with my 2 fur babies.
- My favorite hobbies are Reading, Gardening, & kayaking
- I am 4th generation Floridian.
- & I dream of writing a children's book one day.

I created this account in the hopes of providing a safe space for people to receive support, gain education, and to be reminded that they are not alone in their struggles.

Thank you for being here and joining me on this adventure!

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but for many moms, it can also bring up self-doubts, especially if you’ve experienced ...




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