Dr. Alicia Miller, ND

Naturopathic Functional Medicine, Hormone Replacement, Perimenopause, Menopause.


Benefits of Vitamin K2

Most are familiar with vitamin K1 that regulates blood clotting and is primarily found in dark leafy greens, but do you know about Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that was discovered in 1936. Initially, vitamin K1 was identified first. Later, other structures of vitamin K were found, including K2 known as menaquinones.

Vitamin K2 benefits are antioxidant that protects cells from damage, prevents vascular calcification, improves bone quality (including strength of teeth), reduce risk of developing diabetes, may prevent growth and metastasis of cancer, modulate the immune system, protects neurons in the brain, support healthy weight, and reduce wrinkle formation!

Food sources of K2 are fermented foods, dairy, eggs, and meat. The highest source is natto, fermented soy beans. Hard and soft cheeses would be the second highest, followed by chicken, egg yolks, sauerkraut, beef, and salmon.

There are two main forms of Vitamin K2 supplementation: MK4 and MK7. MK4 is shorter acting and MK7 is longer acting in the body. It’s good to get a balanced Vitamin K2 supplement and it’s important to take with foods for best absorption. When focusing on bone health, studies support 350 micrograms per day of Vitamin K2 MK7. Know that Vitamin D3 alone does not support bone health. Vitamin D3 carries calcium to the bloodstream and Vitamin K2 will stimulate osteocalcin to take in the calcium to bones. You can ask your doctor to run an Osteocalcin blood test to predict risk of osteoporosis. If Osteocalcin is elevated, it can indicated a deficiency of Vitamin K2 and it would be recommended to follow up with a Bone or Dexa scan.



I see this all the time where a patient is dismissed because they can’t figure out what’s wrong!


CBD: Cannabidiol
There is a difference between H**p derived and Cannabis derived CBD.
H**p derived CBD has low resins, limited spectrum of therapeutic compounds, not regulated, and is supposed to contain less than 0.3% THC. H**p CBD can be purchased almost anywhere, but the quality can be questionable.
CBD derived from the cannabis plant has high resins, more therapeutics, is strictly regulated and tested and can have > 0.3% THC. It is usually found in Cannabis dispensaries which may require a medical ma*****na card if it’s not recreational in your state.
We all have an Endocannabinoid system is found in the brain, organs, connective tissue, glands, and immune cells-pretty much everywhere! CBD (and THC) interacts with this system,
helping to keep us balanced. CBD is known to stimulate CB2 receptors which is found outside the CNS (Central nervous system) and interacts with the immune system. CBD can block some of the psychoactive “high” of THC by inhibiting THC from binding to CB1 receptors in the brain.
Through these mechanisms, CBD may help with stress, anxiety, pain (neuropathic and inflammatory types), insomnia, seizures, and lessen the body’s need for opioids. When it comes to stress, anxiety, and insomnia, studies show between 50mg to 160mg to be effective. Research for seizures/ epilepsy, the doses are closer to 600mg, which could make anxiety worse.
CBD is actively being researched and I’m excited to see more health benefits identified. Try to obtain CBD that is tested and regulated. For more optimal health benefits, aim for full spectrum for the entourage effect.

If you are at a dispensary where it’s legal, CBD-Dominant strains with low THC are ACDC, Sour Tsunami, Remedy, and Harle-Tsu, according to Leafly.com. If you prefer a balanced blend that contains THC, known as Hybrids, then try Harlequin (gentle euphoric), Pennywise, MediHaze, Canna-Tsu. You can check your state for what’s legal .


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)is a chronic condition that will have symptoms of heartburn, nausea, sleep disturbances, difficulty swallowing, and coughing. Moat individuals experience occasional heartburn, but chronic GERD, left untreated, may turn to esophageal cancer. The other concern is prescribed medications induce nutrient deficiencies and increases your risk for bone fractures, therefore the medications are a short-term solution.

Why does this happen in the first place? If there’s more pressure in the stomach, it’ll force the lower esophageal sphincter to open. This can be due to an undiagnosed hiatal hernia, delayed emptying of stomach (usually due to lack of stomach acid production!), eating too close to bedtime, food sensitivities and food triggers, overgrowth of methane producing bacteria, pregnancy, and autoimmune conditions.

Some risk factors that could increase your chance of developing GERD are Obesity, Smoking, Food Sensitivities, Chronic Stress, Pregnancy, Hiatal Hernia, or taking certain medications (asthma meds, calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, sedatives, and antidepressants).

Depending on the severity and how long this has been going on, it’s recommended to see your doctor to get some testing, like an endoscopy that can look at your esophagus and stomach. From there, your doctor may want to put you on medications to stop stomach acid production to allow the esophagus and stomach to heal. I find that a combination of medication and supplements are required for better results. While that is taking place, it’s important to identify the root causes that created the reflux in the first place and treat it. Otherwise, this will become a chronic condition that could lead to severe health conditions where you traded one disease for another. Therefore, don’t let your heartburn go on, get tested and get treated appropriately with an integrative approach!


An Organic Apple a day…. may reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and dysbiosis.
Apples are generally available year-round but opt for Organic Apples to reduce the amount of pesticides you’re ingesting. Apples contain antioxidants, pectin fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

In general, antioxidants neutralize the unstable free radical molecule to prevent further damage to DNA and cells. Free radicals occur daily and is a normal response of the immune-inflammatory response. The combination of j***y diet, continual exposure to chemicals like pollution, to***co smoke, and even Ultraviolet rays can add up to a lot of damage to our cells and DNA. This can give rise to many preventable chronic diseases.

A medium sized apple contains about 4.4 grams of soluble pectin fiber. Soluble fiber supports normal bowel movements by supporting beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The majority of the fiber (and antioxidants) are located in the skin. Fiber slows the release of glucose absorption which slows the amount of insulin secreted. One study showed a 28% lower risk in developing type 2 diabetes by consuming 1 apple per day. Consuming high fiber foods also balances leptin-ghrelin hormones that tells us when we’re full and hungry. This can lead to a more stable weight.

Apples contain vitamins and minerals: Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, Vitamin K, and Vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. You’re not going to get the RDA (recommended daily allowance) from just one apple, but it’s a nutritious addition to a healthy diet.

A good snack when you’re craving something sweet, is to cut up an Organic Apple and pair it with any of these options: 1 Tbsp of nut butter, ¼ cup of full fat yogurt, or have it with a slice of organic (real) cheese. Pairing an apple with some healthy fats can further stabilize blood glucose and stabilize hunger.

Avoid dried apples and Apple juice as the nutritional content is stripped and there’s usually added sugars.


Did you know that you can book a 15 minute Telemedicine consultation with me? Topics that we can discuss are, but not limited to: Prescription-Supplement interactions, Prescription-Nutrient depletions, Second opinion or greater explanation on lab work, In-depth accurate information on Health conditions that is Integrative, Nutritional questions, Supplement and Botanical questions. Let me know how I can help!


How Sweet it is! Ranking of Sweeteners-which are “healthy” and which ones are horrible for us. For a deeper dive, see my blog on my website!

Winner of the worst sweetener goes to: Artificial Sweeteners: Main offenders are Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, Sweet-n-low. Even though it’s not real sugar, it still triggers insulin release which leads to detrimental health. AVOID!
High-fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and even corn syrup: Derived from corn loaded with glyphosate, chemically processed which contains Mercury which is a potent Neurotoxin and binds up Zinc. This promotes abnormal fetal brain development, Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Hypothyroidism, low birth weight, preterm delivery, heavy metal accumulation. AVOID HFCS, corn syrup at all cost! The next few Natural Sweeteners should be limited as they can still spike blood glucose and contribute to adverse health: Brown-rice syrup, Turbinado sugar, Agave nectar, Pure Maple syrup, Pure Raw Honey, and Coconut sugar. The next few do not spike blood sugars, but may affect the gut: Pure Raw Organic Stevia (no Truvia-very processed), and Sugar Alcohols. Top Natural Sweetener goes to: Monk Fruit: Natural fruit, derived from gourds and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years. Considered Keto-friendly as it does NOT spike blood sugar.


Are GMOs harmful to our health? It’s debatable, depending on which research you’re reading. The FDA deems it safe. In fact, insulin is genetically modified and has saved countless lives. Let’s talk about the potential health issues when consuming GMO foods. For one, GMOs food contains more pesticides which accumulates in the body and leads to gut, immune, nervous system, hormone, and fertility issues. So is it the GMOs or the pesticides-herbicides? Honestly, we don’t know because there are no GMOs without pesticides-herbicides foods out there. But there’s tons of data on harmful effects of pesticides-herbicides. Therefore, I would opt for Organic, nonGMO verified. Maybe try your hand at growing some of your favorite produce-opt for heritage seeds. Consider composting to add nutrient dense soil to your garden and for F’s sake, don’t use Roundup or Miracle Gro!! If you consume animal products, go for pasture raised, grass fed-grass finished. The top GMOs in the US are Sugar beets, potatoes, summer squash, Corn, Soybean, Cotton, papaya, Apples, alfalfa. There’s also AquaAdvantage Salmon that was FDA approved in 2014.. All I know is I’m observing a sharp rise in Autoimmune, gut issues, dysautonomia, allergies, autism over the past few decades and no one knows why and not enough Doctors know how to effectively treat these conditions. What I find the most effective is clean eating and maintain good gut function! I will have a more comprehensive blog on my website for further reading.


Should we eat Organic foods?
Some people think eating Organic food is a trend or a fad. Or they see how much more expensive it is compared to conventional food. What does Organic really mean? Overall, it is food grown and harvested without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.

When it comes to packaged foods that are made with Organic ingredients, it only has to be 70% Organic, according to USDA.

Why are pesticides and herbicides harmful to human and animal health? Glyphosate is one of the most widely used pesticides in the world. Glyphosate is a potent chelator that binds minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, iron) in the soil where the plant is being grown. Humans and animals rely on these essential minerals (as does the plant) for many biological processes required for good health. Glyphosate creates oxidative stress, disrupts hormones, and disrupts gut microbiome.

If you’re having health issues, consider nutrient testing and possibly testing for levels of Glyphosate. My favorite lab is Great Plains Laboratory-Tox Profile which is a urine test. If the levels of glyphosate come back elevated, the best thing to do is avoidance of the chemical. Depending on the person, detoxification pathways may need additional support, especially if there are underlying medical conditions present. This can safely be evaluated by a Naturopathic Doctor or Functional Medicine Doctor.

Every year, the Environmental working group puts out the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen” pertaining to which fruits and vegetables should always be consumed Organic and which ones you can get away with eating conventional (although I would still wash it). For 2021, the Dirty Dozen (ones that are a hard pass unless they’re Organic) are Strawberries, Spinach, Kale [collard & mustard greens], Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Bell & Hot peppers, Celery, and Tomatoes! These are the ones that you need to spend the extra money for Organic. If the label starts with a “9”, then it’s fine.


How much sleep do we really need to maintain health? The answer is more about the quality of our sleep cycles. If you have no health issues or other interruptions, then you will naturally get between 4-6 sleep cycles per night. The average cycle is approximately 90 minutes. This translates between 6 hours to 9 hours per night for an adult. Quality sleep helps with emotional, physical, and cognitive health. There are many health trackers that can give you an idea of quality of sleep, but what I’m interested in is do you feel rested? How long does it take you to feel human? It can be normal to take about 15 minutes to wake up and get going in the mornings.

Health conditions that can interfere with sleep are alcohol and caffeine consumption, certain medications, allergies, sleep apnea, hormonal imbalances, restless leg syndrome, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, cancer, stress, anxiety, depression, narcolepsy, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and many more that are classified under Sleep Disorders.

Environmental factors that affect sleep are too much light, warm temperatures, electronic devices, noise, irregular sleep schedules, and possibly moon phases.

As you can see, figuring out root cause(s) of insomnia can be challenging. Medications and supplements to support sleep can be helpful if it is addressing the underlying causes. The most common thing I hear is “I tried Melatonin and it didn’t work”. Melatonin is a sleep regulating hormone that we produce from the pineal gland that helps you to stay asleep. Melatonin is influenced by light, dietary Tryptophan along with dietary cofactors to turn it into melatonin (Vitamins B6, B12, Folate, Zinc, Magnesium), stress (cortisol), blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, just taking Melatonin doesn’t usually fix sleep. When the underlying causes are identified, then supporting the body will support the best sleep. There is no magic pill (or supplement) that fits all.

See your doctor to help figure out the root causes of insomnia. Once that is identified, it may require an Integrative approach to support healthy sleep cycles.


We always think of Testosterone as a male hormone, but women produce testosterone too- just in much smaller amounts. I’m sure you’ve heard of commercials for “Low T” directed at men, but what does Testosterone do for us anyways? Here’s a short list: Supports healthy libido, muscle mass and strength, bone density and strength, energy production, glucose and lipid metabolism, cardiovascular health, gut microbiome, mood, and maturation of s*x organs and characteristics in adolescents. The average male will start to see a slow decline in testosterone after 30 years of age and if gets low enough, they will experience Andropause. When women go through menopause, even perimenopause, they may see a decline in testosterone production as well. This drop in hormones will set you up for the development of chronic diseases that will shorten your lifespan. Some of these chronic diseases are diabetes, heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis and possible bone fractures, chronic fatigue, and depression to name a few.

There are many health conditions that can lower testosterone production that are either congenital (genetic or born with) or acquired like traumatic brain injuries, pituitary adenoma, inflammatory diseases (autoimmune, chronic illnesses, obesity), respiratory diseases (asthma, COPD, sleep apnea), neurodegenerative diseases, malnutrition, medications (even opioids), endocrine disorders, alcohol, and steroid abuse.

The best thing to do is ask your doctor to test your Total Testosterone, free testosterone, DHT, Estradiol for both men and women if you suspect that there’s hormonal imbalance. If your doctor refuses to test the hormones, then find one that will. Hormones is one of our cornerstones to maintaining excellent health. Healthy nutrition and exercise can help to maintain hormones to a certain extent, but in some cases, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may be indicated.


Benefits of Laughter
We’ve all heard that “Laughter is the best medicine”. Studies have shown laughter can improve your health! Here are the top 5 health benefits of laughter:
1. Obviously laughter relieves stress by lowering stress hormones.
2. Boost your immune system- consistent good mood releases neuropeptides and boosts Natural Killer Cells that lower stress and inflammation.
3. Relieve pain- laughter can release endorphins that shifts your brain away from pain.
4. Improve mood- laughter can lower the feelings of anxiety and stress which will lift mood.
5. Supports vital organs to work better by allowing more oxygen in, more blood flow, and relax the muscles.
Increase your laughter by connecting with friends, watching a funny TikTok or watching a Comedic movie with a friend or family member.


Photos from Dr. Alicia Miller, ND's post 04/23/2021

Ever wonder if chemicals are making you gain weight, have fertility issues, delayed growth and development in our kids, and cancer concerns? Well lets discuss Xenoestrogens then! These are chemicals that mimic estrogens in a bad way!
The top xenoestrogens are:
1. Plastics: even BPA-free plastic as all plastics contain Phthalates. THE FIX: use stainless steel, ceramic, and glass containers instead.
2. Solvents: fake perfumes found in detergents, fabric softeners, Scented plug-ins, Scented air fresheners, cologne, body sprays, perfumes, deodorants. Solvents are also found in certain cleaners like in “Dry-Cleaning” your clothes. Solvents are in paints that contain VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). THE FIX: Use products with real essential oils or go non-scented all together. Do not dry clean your clothes, look for Eco-friendly cleaners if you must. Choose low or no-VOC paint when painting your house. I’ve seen paint alternatives as well, like milk-paint.
3. Pesticides and Herbicides: We all know these man-made chemicals are bad we’re exposed to them daily. We all know about pesticides on our foods, but did you know that the most heavily sprayed crop in the US is Cotton!! Think of all the products that we use daily-paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, feminine products, clothing, etc. Then there’s chemical run-off that gets into our water as well. THE FIX: Choose certified organics in food and clothing as much as possible. There’s more bamboo & h**p clothing, bedding, towels coming out that are more eco-friendly and sustainable. If you grow some of your own plants, consider composting and utilizing other plants that deter bugs from eating your fruits & vegetables.
The FIX: Consume Organic Phytoestrogens daily. These are plant-based natural compounds that help our liver kick out xenoestrogens so we don’t store them in our fat cells and brains. Examples of Healthy Phytoestrogens are berries, seeds, whole grains, nuts, fruits, and cruciferous vegetables, wine, nuts, soybeans, and legumes.
Lastly, Check out: https://www.ewg.org


Everyone have a wonderful weekend! I love this picture of my cat Daisy! She was so blissfully asleep, makes me smile!


Demulcents are substances that relieves irritation of the mucous membranes by forming a protective film. Many people have never heard of them and they can be so supportive in healing the body. We produce mucus to protect the lining from damage. These are found in our mouth, nose, eyelids, trachea, lungs, stomach, intestines, ureters, urethra, and urinary bladder.
Common demulcents that I love are Slippery Elm bark, Marshmallow root, Aloe juice, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). They can be used daily and are considered safe.

Here’s a Demulcent Latte recipe for you:
Prepare 8 ounces of Marshmallow root tea (1teaspoon Marshmallow root powder in 8 ounces of cold water-let infuse overnight. I recommend storing in a Mason jar). In a small saucepan, combine the Marshmallow root tea (from overnight), 4 ounces of Oat milk, ½ teaspoon of either honey or maple syrup, pinch of either nutmeg or cinnamon. Simmer for a few minutes, pour into a mug and enjoy!

Alicia Miller, ND 04/05/2021

Yup, that’s me!

Alicia Miller, ND Bio for Rooted naturopathic physician Dr. Alicia Miller

Use of complimentary and alternative medicine common in diabetes patients 04/05/2021

I just read this article and get frustrated sometimes. Patients don’t want to talk to their Doctors about using Alternative medicine because many doctors will disregard the use of CAM! Patients are afraid to be open with their Doctors! Fortunately as a Naturopathic Doctor, I’m trained in both Alternative and Conventional medicine! Best of both worlds!


Use of complimentary and alternative medicine common in diabetes patients Roughly half of diabetes patients may be using complementary and alternative medicine, but most don’t tell their healthcare providers.

Photos from Dr. Alicia Miller, ND's post 04/05/2021

So excited to be at Rooted Integrative Wellness! I’m available Mondays and Thursdays by appointment. Telemedicine available too!


Functional Naturopathic Medicine 03/31/2021

My new office is at Rooted Integrative Wellness: 1600 N Tucson blvd in Tucson, AZ 85716. I’m available Mondays and Thursdays 9a-2:30p. Book through my website www.draliciamillernd.Wordpress.com

Functional Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic doctor in Tucson, Arizona specializing in Functional Medicine, Anti-aging medicine, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy (BHRT), Nutrition


Did you know that calcium can be found from non-dairy sources? The best sources are broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, mustard, turnip greens, sardines, and tofu (make sure it’s organic, Non-GMO). There are others that contain calcium, but the calcium is not well absorbed: Spinach, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, dried beans, and wheat bran. If you have to consume non-dairy alternatives (Oat milk, Almond milk, etc), most are fortified with calcium. Always consult your Doctor if considering taking a supplement as it can interfere with certain medications or health conditions.


An Important Nutrient to Boost Your Immune System 03/07/2021

Plasma Zinc levels should be around 100 mcg/dl for a healthy functional level. If you’re having immune issues, get tested to determine how much you should be taking daily because taking too much zinc is toxic.

An Important Nutrient to Boost Your Immune System As we face the crisis of Covid we all need to consider ways to boost and strengthen our immune systems. One important nutrient to add to our immune fighting arsenal is zinc. According to a study done ...


Did you know that we cannot make vitamin C? We have to get it from our diet. Vitamin C plays many roles- helps to create collagen, carnitine, neuropeptides, and helps with the regulation of gene expression. It is also a potent antioxidant.

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I see this all the time where a patient is dismissed because they can’t figure out what’s wrong! #functionalmedicinework...




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