Kemetic Soul

Inspired by Sebian Doctrine and the founders of Alternative Naturopathic Health


Leaky gut increases the risk of psychosis in genetically susceptible individuals.. If you eat a lot of inorganic carbs and have a family history of neurological degeneration, you may be at risk of this ⚠️

Send a message to learn more


**Healers**, in various contexts, often use techniques that involve **triggering** their clients or patients. While this might seem counterintuitive, there are reasons behind it:

1. **Emotional Release**: Sometimes, suppressed emotions or traumatic experiences need to be brought to the surface for healing. By triggering emotional responses, a healer helps the individual process and release these feelings.

2. **Awareness and Insight**: Triggering can lead to self-awareness. It helps individuals recognize patterns, fears, or unresolved issues. This awareness is crucial for personal growth and transformation.

3. **Desensitization**: In therapies like exposure therapy, triggering is intentional. It helps desensitize individuals to specific stimuli (such as phobias or trauma triggers) by gradually exposing them. Over time, this reduces the emotional charge associated with those triggers.

4. **Testing Boundaries**: Healers assess how clients react under stress or triggering circumstances. Understanding these reactions informs the healing process and guides interventions.

5. **Catharsis**: Triggering can lead to cathartic experiences—emotional purging and relief. It allows individuals to confront their pain, leading to healing and closure.

Remember that not all healing modalities involve triggering, and it should always be done with care, consent, and professional guidance.

Irishmoss Hair Serum 12/26/2023

Bioactives give the body instructions to reactivate cell growth for hair regeneration and lean muscle building, while accelerating tissue repair for whole body energy and recovery.

Our Irishmoss hair serum has all of the properties from herbs, essential oils and Irish moss for the purposes of regenerative and boosting hair growth.. properties like ⬇️

Growth factors (IGF-1, IGF-2, TGFa-a, TGF-b)
Regenerative peptides
Vitamins and trace minerals

These all work in sync with YOUR biology to activate cellular health and performance for hair follicles. Research shows they can meaningfully enhance stem cell performance, reactivate hair growth, and boost the integrity of your hair, while also optimizing focus, sleep, and metabolism. It's actually scientifically proven to be more effective than rogaine ‼️

This Irish moss hair serum is pure, potent, and clean. No additives or chemicals. We keep selling out for a reason.. see for yourself!

Irishmoss Hair Serum Research shows the Root of the Chaga Mushroom stimulates more and faster hair growth than FDA standard clinical pharmaceutical medication for hair...


The standard American diet contains mainly sugar, high sucrose, meaning high fructose.. being that sucrose is half fructose.. fructose that which metabolizes only in the liver. Prolonged diets high in sugar guarantee you will develop a gut, elevated blood sugar levels and blood pressure, LDL cholesterols and triglycerides are all going to go up..


"Chondrus Crispus" feeds the "Chondro"cytes, and the Mito"chondria" in the Peri"chondrium" thru the whole body.. so you don't get "Chondromalacia" when you get old, protects your body from serious injury.. you can fall on your knees like Dr. Sebi did and not feel pain.. this is real science and research, interesting how the clinical institutions changed the "Chondra" name terminology and nomenclature, so people won't make the connection between the body and the specific algae.. but, you'll feel more flexible than you've ever been in your life.. 💪🏾🦴💯🎖️


Rest in Peace to Bob Marley's Grandson 🕊


Doctors always test our blood when having any health issues. But it's not the blood that reveals the problem..

It's the Lymphatic system‼️ which empties the acids from our body.

Healing from every disease and disorder requires moving from an acidic state to an alkaline state inside our body.

That is accomplished BEST through seamoss and eating fruit... such as grapes, citrus, berries, melons.

I know it sounds so ridiculously simple, but it is‼️

I highly recommend watching as much of the content we have coming out in the next few months..

And then, of course, it is necessary to take action.

Just know that you will see improvements fairly quickly, but it can sometimes take years to fully rid the body of all the convoluted mucus, toxins and acids accumulated over a lifetime.

But, it's all good as we get better and better throughout the process.

In the past four years, I have healed people of almost every disease and disorder they suffered with, I lost 1 girl in West Palm Beach that had stage 4 metastatic cancer, halfway through her holistic therapeutic regimen I set up her friends convinced her to go through the clinical route and do chemotherapy.. she died a few months after she stopped taking the herbs and went to the hospital, 26 years old young.
..although it can sometimes take years to clear the body of the toxic wastes and sick organs that we have inherited from damaged DNA of past generations and through years of eating a SAD diet and thinking negative thoughts.

Here are a few of the ailments that have improved greatly or have gone away completely:

• Lyme Disease

• C Diff Colitis

• Suspicious lump on thyroid

• Flesh eating bacteria

• Crohn’s Disease and Spastic Colon

• Life-threatening abdominal cyst

• Pre-cancerous intestinal polyps

• Chronic constipation and bouts of diarrhea

• Severe anxiety and depression

• Liver shutting down

• Kidney failure

• Confusion and memory loss

• Severe fatigue and weight loss

• Diabetes /MS

• Lumps in the armpits/breasts

• Crippling and overwhelming parasite infections in and on my body

Even though the Lymphatic System is one of the 12-14 systems in the body, not one course on Lymphology is being taught in any University, Medical School or any other college in the USA.

Even though the lymph vessels are more extensive than the blood vessels and there is more lymph than blood in the body, for every 200 pages in all the medical textbooks of Anatomy, Pathology and Physiology, there is less than one page dedicated to share information about the LYMPHATIC system.

This neglected area of research lays the scientific foundation of all the healing arts and reveals why it’s possible for people to heal themselves without drugs, surgery, or medication of any kind‼️

If we could keep the Lymphatic system working properly, we would not have any pain in our body, neither would we have sickness and neither would we have premature death caused from unhealthy conditions in our body.. it wouldn’t happen.

We have the authority with this Lymph (blood protein) research to stand up and tell people that all the {disease} research teams are researching for nothing. It’s money down the drain. And we speak with authority.. it isn’t speaking halfway knowing. We are speaking with knowledge of the answer to every disease known to man and we’re saying that all the research (being done) is going down the drain. They’re doing it for nothing. They are researching for the treatment.. they’re not researching for the cure‼️

And to all of you raw vegan warriors out there who are on this path, this is my best advice...

Take care of yourself first and foremost... Just like we would put on our oxygen mask first if there were a failure on an airline flight.

When we help ourselves... we can then help others.

Believe in yourself, and don't let anyone else steer you away from what you want for yourself.

Feel free to Inbox us any all questions.
Follow our Page‼️


Do what you can and learn all you can.

It may feel daunting to think about all the ways you may be exposed to chemicals. It’s okay if you can’t do everything in this article. Taking any of these steps to protect your health can make a big difference.

The most important thing is to be aware of the risks. The more you learn, the safer you can be. For more advice, browse these tools and resources: ⬇️

UCSF Toxic Matters Resources, this list includes some of the best tips and links to dozens of other sites with more information:

Environmental Working Group Consumer Guides, these cover food, tap water, and many products:

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, this is for learning about the health effects of specific toxic substances:

Toxic Chemicals and Steps to Stay Safer Before and During Pregnancy, these are frequently asked questions answered by obgyns:

Project TENDR and What You Can Do, simple advice on protecting yourself and your family, from a group of scientists and health care professionals:

Peace and many blesssings to the Family ♥️

Timeline photos 07/30/2022

Berries may slow brain aging by as much as two and a half years. Eating just one cup of blueberries a day has been shown to improve long-term memory in older adults. You can even correlate the cognitive improvements with enhanced brain activation by using state-of-the-art brain scan technology to actually visualize the improved blood flow to those same regions of the brain caused by the blueberry consumption.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on children compared about one cup of blueberries to two cups and none at all. What did the researchers find? Blueberries improved cognitive performance, and the more berries, the better. And, the improvements weren't seen after 12 weeks of eating berries, but within hours of just a single meal with blueberries.

If you eat blueberries week after week, you also get chronic benefits, such as reduced artery stiffness and a boost in your natural killer cells, which are one of your body’s natural first lines of defense against viral infections and cancer.

Berries are some of the most healthful foods we should include in our daily routine. This is why they have their own special category in Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen checklist. Download the free Daily Dozen app today, and start ticking off your daily servings of berries.

Learn more and see the study references on
"Benefits of Blueberries for the Brain" at
"Benefits of Blueberries for Artery Function" at
Daily Dozen at


This is a shame.. most people that are not having regular bowel movements or experience gastrointestinal and colon abnormalities are severely lacking in FIBER.

The problems that are offset after that first Domino Falls.. can get very serious and bizzare 🥴😵‍💫


Quite literally, the food you consume becomes incorporated into the make-up of your body cells. Our cells will respond based on the quality of food we eat, and the nutrients we consume.

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Did you know? What kind of vibration are you sending out and focused on for your 🏆🧘🏾‍♂️


When you smoke mullein, add it into your ho**ah or a regular spliff 🏆


Because the way that modern people eat now…… is not normal, just normalized..


Did you know? The Remetu of ancient Egypt also known as Kemet were the founders and the first pioneers of alternative allopathic healing and holistic health doctrine 🌿💛


Remember this and never forget it 🔺

Photos from Kemetic Soul's post 11/23/2021

Peace and Many Blessings 🌿👨🏾‍⚕️🩺

This Irish Moss Gel is a cell proliferating product, it activates healing modalities and regenerates and rebuilds most cells in the body. These are all proprietary formulas that I created myself.. very unique and one-of-a-kind. It’s made from the Red Rhodophyta Sea Algae Chondrus Crispus and that contains a full profile of vitamins B1, and B12. This superfood contains a high content of iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, bromine, iron and aromatic amino acids. Considerable amounts of magnesium sulfate, calcium phosphate and potassium. Irishmoss is low in fat and has a few calories, and has OVER 70 already trace nutrients and minerals from DEEP OCEAN MINERALS, already ready and available in their bio ionic absorbable form.. making it IDEAL for bodybuilders people in recovery or those who are fasting trying to lose weight without the hunger cravings. It's a healthy, indigenous and alkaline alternative to over the counter vitamin and mineral supplements, because it is a rich source of vegetable protein, plant analogs of hair skin teeth and nails, pigments which provides a full spectrum of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids, and fiber.

Dominant in Kappa Carrageenan, with sheets of Galactose and minimal sulfites.. the galactose feeds the micro gut biome and the sulfites activate the NRf2 System in our Immune System, galactose unlike glucose is the unique sugar we get from our Mothers breast milk.. it makes and builds our Cerebroside, Gangliosides, Muco Proteins and Globins in our red blood cells that work with heme groups for iron and oxygen transportation..

None of which, if any.. found in the American Standard Diet 🇺🇲

These Irishmoss products are also excellent beverage/food products for weight-loss. As an emulsifier, it liquefies fat and mucus, making it easier to eliminate body fat. This superfood is rich in iodine of course and iron phosphate, and natural sea-cell-salts, which means it's beneficial for iron-deficiency, anemia, strengthening of the glands, nerves and balancing high or slow metabolism. Most of these constituents are anabolic meaning "Body Building, Tissue Building, Membrane Building" It adjusts water levels, eliminates water retention in-and-around the organs and if mixed with hempseeds/chia seeds, cayenne, ginger and keylime it is good for the prostate, bladder and all urinary tract ailments, as well as fortifying the body's reproductive abilities Male or Female, because it is a great source of B-Complex.

Irishmoss gel is also highly beneficial for healing the skin of eruptions, burns, scabs, wounds, eczema and premature aging. It can be used as a facial to restore elasticity and firmness to create new skin. This product is fortified through a five-step methodology which yields a very pure, high quality high concentration gel that is dense and nutrients because of our precisely controlled extrapolations!

We do NOT use Seamoss from St. Lucia 🚫 that is AGAR, not Kappa Carrageenan; Seamoss.. ⚠️

Irish Moss Gel Benefits:

Helps regulate thyroid
Suppresses appetite
Relieves muscle soreness
Boosts immune system
Kills viruses
Nourishes skin and hair
Helps reverses ED in men
Reduces Inflammation throughout the body
Removes Excessive mucus
Rich in iron
Boosts mental health and energy
Relieves acid reflux and more..

The best way to consume Irishmoss gel is to add it into smoothies, soups or drinks.. It can even be used in cooking recipes or in soaps, and hair care/face care products..

Naturopathic Intensive Holistic Health Consultations for Complications and Terminal Disease are $100/hr 🌿👨🏾‍⚕️ via Contact form at

Peace, Blessings and Abundance to the Family..

Embark upon your Healing journey with Kemetic Soul


Due to technicality of required supplies needed to create and high quality standards throughout the year please allow 7-14 days for processing and orders to be completed and shipped out, however typically and usually orders are completed and shipped in 1-3 days.

All Sales Are Final

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Introducing our revitalizing Irish Moss Hair Serum, a luxurious blend of nature's finest ingredients. Infused with the p...
This is a shame.. most people that are not having regular bowel movements or experience gastrointestinal and colon abnor...



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