Ananda Palo Alto

Ananda Palo Alto is a spiritual community based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Offering meditation classes for over 40 years, Ananda is one of the largest centers for meditation in the Bay Area.



Whispers #53: Save Me from Shipwreck on the Ocean of My Dreams

“I was shipwrecked on the storm‐tossed ocean of mere dreams. My vessel of happiness was shattered utterly. Struggling, I tried to swim through those tossing waves of sadness and suffering. Then, suddenly, a little raft of hope, wafted to me by Thy winds of mercy, came floating to me! I grasped it—and held on! Little by little, floating thereon, I touched at last upon the golden isle of peaceful silence. Nymphs of Thy blessings met me and took me to Thy safe presence of eternal reassurance, beyond all waves of false, rising hopes and crashing disappointments.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:



Whispers #217: A Prayer

“In disease or in health, in success or in failure, in poverty or in prosperity, in joy or in sorrow, in disaster or in safety, in life or in death, I stand immutably, unalterably, unshakably loyal, devoted, and firmly loving Thee, my Heavenly Father, forever, forever, and forever!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:



Whispers #43: Make Me a Lion of Thy All-Conquering Wisdom

“I, a lion‐cub of the Divine Mother, found myself thrown into life among the sheep of human frailties: of fear, failure, and disease. Living long among them, I learned to bleat with weakness, forgetting my lion‐nature and its roars, which could frighten away all petty, pestering sorrows.

O Lion of Realization, Thou didst drag me away from those bleating sheep to the mirror‐smooth waters of meditation. There didst Thou cry, “Gaze!” But I held my eyes tightly shut, bleating with fear. Thy roar of wisdom then reverberated through my body. Thou madest me, by hard shaking and spiritual urging, open my eyes. And there, lo! in the crystal pool of my inner peace, I saw my features to be even as Thine own!

Now I know myself as the Lion of cosmic power. I will bleat no more with fear, weakness, and suffering, for I roar, now, with vibrant, almighty power! I bound about through the forest of all experiences, seizing little creatures of vexing worries, timid fears, and wild hyenas of disbelief, devouring them ruthlessly.

O Lion of Immortality, roar through me Thine all‐conquering power of wisdom!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #149: Demand to Set Fire to the Forest of Darkness

“I built a fire of devotion in the dark forest of delusion. Alas! the fire only smoldered. Then Thou didst come and set fire to a few of my frailties. That fire quickly spread on, consuming the bushes of my prickly desires, my tall, towering vanities, and the thick underbrush of my arrogance. The whole forest of my darkness is blazing, and I behold only Thy light shining everywhere. I thank Thee, Father, for Thy help. Help me thus always. Let me open a path of light for all to follow!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #46. Let Me Feel That Thou and I Art One

“When the sparks of cosmic creation flew from under Thy crucible of love, I danced with all the lights that heralded the coming of a myriad worlds. I am a little spark of Thy joyous, cosmic fire. O Thou sun of life! as Thy nectar poured into the little cups of human minds filled with molten liquid of vital sparks, they thought to contain Thy golden infinity in the smallness of their human feelings.

In each fragile, undulating mirror of human flesh I see reflected Thy restless dance of omnipresent power. In the lambent waters of life I behold Thy ever‐steady, almighty life.

Teach me, Christlike, by the power of concentration to still the restless storms of desire raging on the lake of my mind. Stilling those waters, I lovingly behold Thy unruffled face of cosmic stillness. Cause the little wave of my life to subside, that Thy consciousness in me spread out to become Thine own vastness.

Let me feel my heart throbbing in Thy breast, my feet moving with Thy energy, Thy breath breathing through mine, Thy energy actively moving my arms, Thy thoughts weaving all the thoughts in my brain. When I cry, Thy soft sigh within me wakens me to Thy joy. In Thy playfulness, little bubble‐visions of Thy creation oat dancingly in the chamber of my dreams, which manifest in my sleep of delusion.

Thy meteoric will courses through the skies of my own will power. Make me feel that it is Thou who art I. Oh make me Thyself, that I behold my little bubble of self ever floating in Thee!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #44: I Am Thy Bird of Paradise, Wishing to Fly in Thy Astral Airplane

“Thy astral airplane of parting came to take my soul away from this earth. I wondered through what strange skies I would soar now, and to what lands I would travel.

I asked the mystic Pilot, Cosmic Law, whither I was to go. That Silent One answered soundlessly:

“I am the Pilot of Life, mistakenly called Terrible Death by ignorant earth‐folk. I am thy brother, uplifter, redeemer, friend— unloader of every gross burden of bodily troubles. I have come to fetch thee away from thy valley of broken dreams to the highlands of light, where poisonous vapors of sorrow never rise.

“I have broken mercifully thy cage of flesh‐attachment that thy soul‐bird may escape. I have broken thy chains of disease and fear. Thy long encasement behind bars of bones accustomed thee to thy little cage, making thee cling to it fearfully even when I opened its door. Yet, in thy heart, thou didst want thy freedom always. Why, now, art thou fear-led, having won thy long‐craved freedom?

“O bird of paradise! hop into My plane of omnipresence! Fold now thy fluttering wings and ride with Me peacefully, anywhere, everywhere in thine ethereal home!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #194: I Will Be Thine Always

“I may go far, farther than the farthest star, but I will be Thine always! Devotees may come, devotees may go, but I will be Thine always.

I may bound over billows of many lives under sad, dark skies of loneliness, but I will be Thine always.

The whole world may ignore Thee, engrossed as it is in Thy gifts of money, power, and pleasure—mere playthings!—but I will be Thine always. Take everything from me if Thou willst, but, Lord, I will be Thine always.

Death, disease, and every imaginable trial may riddle and rend me, yet, while the embers of memory still flicker, look into my dying eyes: They will mutely say, “I will be Thine always.”

My voice may grow feeble, fail, and forsake me, and yet, with bursting heart and with the silent voice of my soul, I will ever whisper to Thee, “My Lord, I am Thine always!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #170: Teach Me to Drown in Thy Light and Live

“I come to Thee with the song of my smiles. Whatever treasures have lain in the secrecy of my soul, I bring eagerly to Thee. I bring Thee all the honey from the hive of my heart. All that was ever mine is now Thine alone.

The sunlight of this world, shining upon my eager hopes and brief, fickle fulfillments, burned me repeatedly with dissatisfaction. Now I will quench my thirst forever in Thy radiant waters!

The taper of my aspiration toward happiness will burst aflame with Thy coming into a conflagration of bliss.

In Thy vast, enchanting sea of light I will swim joyfully forever. Teach me to drown in Thee and live, rather than live in a mirage paradise of earthliness and die.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #156: Demand for the Rising of the Aurora of Intuition

“Infinite Spirit, Thy presence is hidden equally behind the warm rays of the sun and the cool light of the moon. Those lights, though welcome and wonderful, reveal only Mother Nature’s splendor in matter: They reveal not Thee. To me, they are therefore darkness. Thy all‐revealing, majestic and supreme light shines not on, but from within, the center of everything, therefore creating no shadows. Shadows in this world reduce light itself to non‐light.

In theory I have known this. Now, Lord, take all darkness away from me! Wherever I sit with eyes shut, enclosed in my own darkness, cause to blaze upon me in glory the aurora of intuition, that suffused in its light I may gaze raptly on Thee with worshiping eyes.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #61. Teach Me to Store Honey of Quality from All Soul-Flowers in the Honeycomb of My Heart

“In the summer days of life, teach me to gather honey from the flowers of all spiritual qualities that blossom in the garden of truthful souls.

I will store the perfume of forgiveness in the honeycomb of my heart: the lotus fragrance of humility; myrrh‐scented devotion; the rare honey of all soul‐qualities. And even though the snowflakes of wintry experiences and earthly separations whirl about me, I shall seek Thee in the honeycomb of my heart where often I have found Thee, stealing the stored honey of my devotion.

Wherever Thou hast come—in every place hallowed by Thy feet—I will lie, touching Thy footprints. Ah! there alone will I find a place of true safety.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #22: Prayer-Demand for Self-Realization

“O Cosmic Vibration, reverberate through me as the Cosmic, Intelligent Sound. Teach me to find in Thee the presence of the reflected Christ consciousness. O Holy Vibration, lead me to intuit that Christ in Thee.

O omnipresent, cosmic sound of Aum (or amen), reverberate through me, and expand my consciousness from this body to the whole universe. Teach me to feel in Thee the all‐permeating, perennial Bliss of the Supreme Spirit.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #139: I Want to Hear Thy Song in the Silence of My Soul

“Thy gentle voice saying, ‘Come home!’ I often heard. But through many lives it was drowned in the tumult of my wild cravings. I have forsaken the jostling crowds of desire. In the solitude of my mind my devotion bursts to hear Thy voice. Take away every dream‐memory of earthly sounds that yet lurks in my mind. I want to hear Thy still voice, ever singing in the silence of my soul.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:



Whispers #6: Universal Prayer in the Cosmic Temple

“With a myriad of living thoughts of devotion, I have built for Thee a temple of awakened silence. I have brought the multi-colored lamps of wisdom from all valid faiths. They shine with the luster of Thy one truth.

The commingled incense of human craving for Thy love soars up in spirals from the incense-bowl of our hearts. Thy sacred presence shines on altars everywhere.

All prayers of all temples, tabernacles, churches, mosques, and viharas are chanting to Thee in the universal language of deep love. The orchestra of our combined feelings plays in harmony with the chorus of all soul-songs, with the cry of all tears, with the bursting shout of all joys, and with the united anthem of all prayers.

In this wall-less cosmic temple of the soul, we worship Thee our one Father. Be pleased to reveal Thyself to us always. Amen, Aum, Amin.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #91: Demand That God’s Light Drive Dark Ignorance Away

“O, Divine Friend, though the darkness of my ignorance be as old as the world, still make me realize that, with the dawn of Thy light, the darkness will vanish as though it had never been.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:



Whispers #20: A Bouquet of All Loves of God

“O God my Father, teach me to make a bouquet of the variously hued flowers of filial, conjugal, friendly, parental, and guru-disciple love, and to lay it reverently upon the altar of my heart, where Thou reignest supreme. If I am unable to tie all those flowers into one bouquet, I will pluck the rarest rose of love growing in the garden of my devotion, and lay that one flower at Thy feet. Oh! Wilt Thou receive it?”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:



Whispers #211: All Futurity Danced in Me the Infinite Rhythm

“I disconnected my awareness from the little garden plot of the senses and switched it to the vast territory of the Infinite. The aurora of my awareness spread like dancing waves of light in the aurora borealis, and embraced Thy cosmic wonderland.

When thus I entered that vast panorama, my awareness no longer dulled by the op**te of sensory noises nor blindfolded by the veil of mere appearances, I stood marveling before countless streams of radiant, rushing thoughts, rippling through millennia from long‐dead, still‐living, and yet‐to‐be‐born civilizations.

All time—past, present, future—danced its infinitude of rhythms on the stage of my all‐embracing consciousness.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #58: Teach Me to Fish for Thee in the Deep Waters of My Soul

“I sought to catch Thee in the deep waters of superconsciousness. Little fishes of inspiration nibbled at my bait of meditation.

My concentration bobbed, but every time I pulled I missed Thee.

I baited the hook of my meditation with the tasty spice of love: the little fishes tugged, and I watched them do so with attentive zeal. Lo! my mind’s float vanished beneath Thy waves of bliss.

O Colossal Denizen of my consciousness! I pulled at Thee, and with a bound Thou didst leap to the shores of my heart. Teach me to fish for Thee ever in the deepest waters of my soul.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #100: Demand to the Holy Trinity

“O heavenly Trinity—Om, Tat, Sat —: God the transcendent Father, God the immanent Christ consciousness, and God the Holy, Creative, Vibratory Force of all Creation! Grant me the wisdom to know Thy truth! Through my self‐effort and my knowing acceptance of the law, help me up the golden ladder of realization, to stand at last on the shining summit of attainment, face to face with the One Spirit: Perfect, Everlasting Bliss!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers # 204: Prayer-Demand to Reach the One Highway of Realization

Flower of all Fragrances, awaken our senses!

Lead us not through forests of uncertainty, where many bypaths lead off in diverse directions, twisting and turning, though as it were hopefully, past endless obstacles to Thy City of Light. Take us out quickly onto that inner highway of realization, the spine, which leads directly to Thee.

O Thou Unfailing Beacon of Light, send Thy illuminating ray into the darkness of our ignorance. Show us the right way, and let us not be sidetracked by mere beliefs and dogmas. Help us to experience Thee.

No matter what our bypath of formal worship, guide us at last onto the highway of common soul‐intuition, which leads to direct perception of Thee.

Soaring high above narrow lanes of bigotry, and lightly over unyielding walls of religious prejudice, lift our souls safely up into Thy free skies of bliss. And let us meet together joyfully in Thy unwalled temple of universal worship, with its dome of the free sky not structured by man‐made, man‐interpreted, man‐prescribed beliefs and limitations. There shall we raise chants of devotion to Thy omnipresence, our hymns made sacred by the simple, direct sincerity of our hearts!

Teach us to seek Thee by paying careful, scientific attention, first, to what actually lifts our consciousness: practical techniques of salvation that open our consciousness to experience Thee.

As we live today in a new age of energy, which has given us physical flight, so let us realize that we have it in us to guide our airplanes of thought high above the dark fogs of mere theological opinions, denunciations, and sectarian squabbling to see the same, one sun of truth in turn lighting city after city, country after country, continent after continent. Even so dost Thou bless all equally with Thy love.

O Beacon of Cosmic Light! Send Thy guiding ray of divine understanding into the darkness of our ignorance, that our soaring consciousness may land safely, incarnation after incarnation, on terrain conducive to continued thoughts of Thee.

And, O Flower of Fragrance! Send us the scent of love, to inspire us always in our search for Thee with longing to climb ever higher into the stratosphere of divine realization. May dreams of Thy perfect garden, far above all space and time—but near to us always, in our hearts!—speed our souls’ journey and quench our thirst in Thee.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers # 69: May I Reap the Greatest Harvest in the Short Season of Earthly Life

“My allotted plot of consciousness was small. Carelessly I let it grow barren; it produced no crops of inner, life‐sustaining culture. Now the bleak winter of dead opportunities approaches with its pall of unproductivity.

My lot is small, and my life’s season is short, yet now I would produce a mighty harvest. I will expand my kingdom of will power. To do so, I must conquer new states of consciousness, enlarge my achievements, and outgrow, in consciousness, every limiting horizon.

But, O Father Divine, there are billions of my hungry thought-families and their little ones to feed! And, for them, I need a big harvest during this short season of my earth‐life.

The irrigating waters of my craving many times grew dry, while my soil of inner culture was left undeveloped. Now I will work all the harder, using the machinery of scientific technique in my search for Thee.

O Divine Sower, with Thine unseen hand throw Thy living seeds of inspiration into the cultivated furrows of my awakened resolution.

In this short, remaining season of my earthly life let me reap the largest harvest of all: Thy cosmic vision!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers # 108. Demand for Seeing God in Everything

"O Father, may I behold Thee: above, beneath, behind, around—wherever I turn my gaze! Train the children of my senses never to stray from Thee, who dwellest at the heart of everything. Turn my eyes inward, to Thy changeless beauty. Attune my ears to silence, that I may hear Thy subtlest music. Breathe on me the heavenly scent of Thy sacred presence.

Orient‐wise I will worship Thee, placing the candles of my five senses on the altar of my love. Thus I will contact Thee in the first pale shafts of dawn; absorb Thee in the bright light of noon; expand in Thee with the hidden glow of twilight; and merge in Thee in the silver moonlight. Always will I keep alight on my inner altar the mystic taper of my love for Thee.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers # 191: Teach Me to Spend For God’s Work as I Spend for Myself

“Give me holy health, but give my brothers even more, that I may enjoy my greatest health not in this little body, but in my expanded being.

Give me power, but to others give it more abundantly, that I may wield my own strength through the strength of many.

Give me wisdom, that I may make others even more wise, and that I may feel wisdom’s rays spreading out over a vast tract of shining minds. For all men are dear to me.

Teach me to behold through all eyes, to work through all hands, and to feel the throb of my own feelings in all. Teach me to feel, act, strive, earn, and especially spend for all as I do for myself.

I want my health to serve also as a model for others’ health. I want my own efficiency to turn away from earth’s door all inefficiency. I want the inner freedom that comes with wisdom, that I may enjoy that same freedom in all. May all souls, everywhere, find spiritual emancipation!”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


It is not material things that should command our gratitude but life itself. We are the immortal offspring of Infinite Bliss. In bliss lies our true reason for eternal gratitude.


Make Me See That I Am but an Actor in Thy Cosmic Motion Picture

“Beholding the ever-changing sound-and-motion-pictures of life, I am aware that this turbulent dancing show is only a vast illusion.

The tragedies, comedies, and paradoxes of life; the dreams of birth and death; the changing scenes and places that surge round us: all these are nothing but movies, designed to engage us in the Cosmic Illusion.

O Divine Operator, with Thy cosmic vibratory light Thou dost show us ever-new thrills: a motion picture true to all our five senses, keeping us amused and entertained through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. O Magic Operator, Thy true-seeming spectacle beams daily onto the screens of our consciousness.

I take it as Thy grace that I’ve been chosen to play both tragic and comic parts in Thy drama. I am happy to have acted all those parts, both of sorrow and of joy. Still, Father, give me now and then a few days of respite from my task! Let me retire to my closet of introspection, stand before my own thought-audiences, and behold with laughing heart all the tragedies and comedies I have enacted.

Teach me to look upon all that happens in my life with a pleased, interested attitude, that at the end of each episode, no matter how sad or difficult, I may exclaim: “Ah, that was a good show, full of thrills, suspense, and excitement! I am happy to have seen it, and I have learned much from it for my own benefit.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers # 203: Save Us from Religious Bigotry

“Our One Father, we are traveling by many true paths to Thy one abode of Supreme Truth. Help us to understand that the diverse religions are all branches on Thy one tree of truth. Bless us, that we may enjoy the intuition‐tested, ripe and luscious fruits of self‐knowledge that hang from every branch of true scriptural teachings.

Thy temple is but one: Its name is Silence. In it we sing Thee a combined chorus of many religions. Teach us to chant together in harmony! May the combined expressions of our love for Thee make Thee break Thy silence and lift us up, as a Mother does Her children, onto Thy lap of universal understanding and immortality. Sing along with us to confirm Thy acceptance of our chants to Thee.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


I Vow Never Again To Turn My Gaze From Thee

“I take this sacred vow: Never will I lower my love’s gaze below the eyebrow-horizon of my constant thoughts of Thee! Never will I turn my uplifted inner sight away from Thee!

Never will I let my mind dwell on anything that reminds me not of Thee! I will disdain the nightmare of ignorant behavior. I will court all dreams of noble achievement: those of love, kindness, and understanding, for they are Thy dreams.

Though I dream many dreams, wakefully I will ever think of Thee. In the sacred fire of constant remembrance, kept ever alight on my soul’s altar, I will ever behold Thy presence with the watchful eyes of devotional love.

Thy grace has shown me that the dualities of health and sickness, life and death, joy and sorrow are but passing fantasies. I am finished with those eternally self-canceling delusions!

I am persuaded at last that there is but one abiding reality: Thy eternal, ever-conscious, ever-new, ever-thrilling, infinite Bliss.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Whispers #56: Make Me Silent, That I May Eloquently Converse with Thee

“Wandering through forests of incessant searching, I arrived at the mystery door which conceals Thy presence. I knocked loudly on this door of silence, with persistent blows of faith. At last, the door opened and I beheld Thee, resting, on Thy altar of glorious visions.

I stood with restless gaze, waiting for Thee to speak. Thy creation‐making voice was inaudible. At last a deep stillness stole upon me and taught me in whispers the language of angels. With the lisping voice of my new‐born freedom I tried to speak. Suddenly the lights in Thy temple wrote brilliantly in letters of light.

In my little chamber of quietness I am ever at rest. I never speak now, but with the voice of silence. Through my silence, O Divine Lover, converse Thou eloquently with me.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Class 10 10-19 Sadhana


Whispers #64: Teach Us Not to Follow the Will-o’-the-Wisp of False Happiness

“Through the long night of error we pursued the will‐o’‐the wisp of false happiness. Gloom led only to deeper gloom; our feet, struggling to follow the path of progress, often slipped into ruts and struggled through marshes of disillusionment. The deceiving elmo’s fire of passions lures many people to their doom. Thousands are sucked down into the bog of sense satiety.

O Divine Friend, extinguish with Thy breath this false light of destructive glee which has so often misled Thy children, headed for Thy home. Light instead Thy beacon of holy radiance, that every eager child‐pilgrim safely reach Thy home.”

From "Whispers from Eternity," by Paramhansa Yogananda, published by Crystal Clarity:


Sunday Service with Lakshmi 10-15-23: First Things First

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Videos (show all)

Class 10 10-19 Sadhana
Sunday Service with Lakshmi 10-15-23: First Things First
Class 9 Energization
Class 9 Energization
Class 9 Energization
Sunday Service with Shanti 10-8-2023: Victory Demands Courage
A Fall Afternoon Concert
Class 8 10-5-23 Sadhana
Sunday Service with Sagar 10-1-2023: In Surrender Lies Victory
Sunday Service with Sagar 10-1-2023: In Surrender Lies Victory
Sunday Service 9/24/23 with Asha: Many Are the Pathways to Truth
Sunday Service 9/24/23 with Asha: Many Are the Pathways to Truth



2171 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
7pm - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
7pm - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
5:30pm - 9pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 9:30am - 2pm
Sunday 9am - 12:30pm

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