Dr. Maria MD - Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Integrative and Complementary Medicine Compounding nutritional and alternative medicine holds the key to a healthier you, adding quality years to your life!

Each patient is consulted and examined as he/she is given an opportunity to undergo a multi-phasic laboratory analysis for personalization of each individual's holistic goal. Our mission is simple:

We provide medical and wellness care for the community while promoting the prevention of diseases through education and scientifically designed programs. We integrate Allopathic (traditional) & Alterna


I’ve been a strong believer that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the future key to longevity. 🌱

In a recent study in Israel of 35 patients (64 years and older), showed an improvement of their Telomere length (telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA/Chromosomes, which house or genomes), by the 25%!

Telomere length is used as a proxy for aging or the west & tear at a DNA level that accumulated over time.

I am a firm believer in the science that supports hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Did you know that we offer this service in our office? We are one of the few locations that have a hyperbaric chamber. If you’d like to learn more, please call our office to set up an apt. 🌱


Community awareness will create a healthier community .

My YouTube content is to improve health and memory. To learn more about what can integrative Medicine do using the complimentary medications instead of the Non GRAS for a long term use . GRAS stands for Generally Recognize as Safe. Yes.

Thank you for sharing this Channel . Each time you share , you improve your Neighbour,s understanding how to stay healthy and prevent the major diseases .

Happy Holiday , stay healthy and be Happy .

God bless


COVID-19: Holiday Season
(Dec 2021 Update)
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD
Akmal Taher, Sp.U(K)

The Omicron variant. We've been hearing about the Delta variant and suddenly there is a new COVID variant we need to watch out for? The World Health Organization (WHO) name the new version of the virus "omicron" and classified it as a highly transmissible variant of concern. What are the risks? Should we be worried? The holidays are coming up, what should we think about if we need to travel?

This month's COVID update will be the last livestream of the year! Dr. Maria will be joined by Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane (Thursday) and Dr. Akmal Taher (Friday) to share and discuss recent news regarding COVID. Are there new vaccine or booster updates with this new omicron variant? Are there any alternative or pharmaceutical therapy tips for self-care? What are your thoughts on the at-home test kits?

Let's get together one last time before the holidays and the new year!

- English -
Thursday, Dec 2, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, Dec 3, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)


💦 Hydro colonics can improve digestion! Hydro colonics AKA Colon hydrotherapy is
the use of water to expel waste, relieve constipation and increase energy levels. Most importantly, colon hydrotherapy improves your overall health and wellness!

Constipation impairs the body's ability to absorb important nutrients resulting in decreased energy and hindered immune functions. Colonics pushes undigested waste through your system and allows the body to absorb the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Interested in learning more about this service or setting up an apt with Dr. Maria? Call our office 626-403-9000.


⚫️If there’s one key take away from last weeks live it’s to make sure you get your blood pressure checked! It’s such a simple thing that we tend to brush off because most of us don’t like making a trip to the Dr. But it’s so important!

⚫️Follow the link in the bio to check out last weeks YouTube live with Dr Maria to learn more about hypertension.


“Up to 30 percent of the general population has some degree of sensitivity Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Radiation.” - Journal of Environment & Health Science.

So what is electro stress & electro sensitivity? How does it effect our well being? And is it prevalent?

Dr. Maria & special guest, Dr. Kevin Narramore answered these questions on last weeks YouTube live! Link in the bio to watch the entire presentation.


Hypertension in Integrative Medicine
Joshua Jacobi, MD
Bambang B. Siswanto, Sp.JP(K)

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease and causes an estimated 10 million deaths worldwide each year. It is a common condition that can cause more serious issues. Uncontrolled hypertension increases your risk of serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.

When we feel healthy, most of us never think we might have a heart attack. How did heart disease become the #1 leading cause of global deaths. You can have high blood pressure for years without any symptoms. So how can we find out if we are at risk for a heart attack and prevent it? Is there any technology that can tell us this? If we find out we are at risk, what lifestyle changes do we need to make?

Join Dr. Maria, new guest - Dr. Joshua Jacobi (Thursday) - and Dr. Bambang Siswanto (Friday) to learn more about hypertension and how you can better protect your health health.

- English -
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, November 19, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Dr. Joshua Jacobi is a triple board certified cardiologist from Katy, Texas (outside of Houston). He graduated in the top 1% of his high school class and earned his bachelor degrees in Biology and Psychology from Texas A&M University. After medical school, Dr. Jacobi received internal medicine training at UT Southwestern and pursued a fellowship in cardiology. He went on to specialize in interventional cardiology and joined Heartplace Cardiology - one of the largest cardiology groups in the country. Dr. Jacobi now owns his own practice - Healthy Living Cardiology - and emphasizes a healthy lifestyle for both prevention and treatment of heart disease.

"I try to be thoughtful in what to recommend to my patients. I really try to look at patient's as if they were one of my family members because it makes the decision to do the right thing much easier. Nothing to me is more rewarding to have a patient come back to their followup and seeing their numbers improve and they are feeling great." - Joshua Jacobi, MD

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) | ft. Kevin Narramore, Ph.D. 11/11/2021

Electromagnetic Field (EMF)
Kevin Narramore, Ph.D.

When electromotive forces are introduced to our homes and businesses, the potential for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure significantly increases. Up to 30% of the general population has some degree of sensitivity to EMF radiation. Symptoms of "electrostress" are many and varied, depending on the degree of a person's sensitivity and the type of EMF toxicants.

What does this mean and how does it affect us? Dr. Kevin Narramore, a specialist in biological science and an advocate for functional and natural medicine, will explain why it is important for us to know about EMF and why and how we should try to minimize the negative affects for our health.

- English -
Thursday, Nov 11, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, Nov 12, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Dr. Narramore offers EMF Safety advisory services to families and small businesses seeking to incorporate strategies that promote health, productivity and relaxation. Kevin holds a Ph.D. in the Behavioral Sciences. In his earlier career, he was an executive with NCF, an international mental health organization. Kevin also taught and frequently guest lectured for MBA programs in Southern California. His interest in healthy homes began after a Building Biologist conducted an EMF assessment at the home where his sister, who suffered from immune system health challenges, had lived. Kevin began searching for ways to detect and measure harmful nnEMFs and find protocols for improving the safety of indoor environments. In 2015, he received EMF Safety training from the Building Biology Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) | ft. Kevin Narramore, Ph.D. Guest:Kevin Narramore, Ph.D.When electromotive forces are introduced to our homes and businesses, the potential for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure sign...


COVID & Vaccines: Delta Plus, Boosters, Mix & Match?
(November 2021 Update)
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD
Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P(K)

Are you over this pandemic? We are approaching another end-of-the-year holiday season and COVID is still an issue. What's the latest data and news? Did you hear about the Delta Plus (AY.4.2) subvariant that has spread to over 40 countries including the U.S? Let's reconnect with Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane (Thursday) and Dr. Tjandra Aditama (Friday) for a November update on covid news. We will have a follow-up discussion on vaccine boosters, mix and matching, and home test kits. Children 5-11 are now eligible for the vaccine. What's going on with schools and vaccine mandates? Has a treatment been found yet for those with Long COVID-19?

If you're behind on covid news, join Dr. Maria and Dr. Cynthia to get the updates from the last month!

- English -
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, November 5, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)


Just a little preview from this last weeks YouTube live on Ozone Therapy with Dr. Maria. Click on the link in the bio to watch. 💫

How Much OZONE Can We Take? | ft. Howard Robins, DPM 10/28/2021

How Much OZONE Can We Handle?
Howard Robins, DPM
Podiatrist & Bio Oxidative Therapy
(Midtown, New York City, NY)

Last week you learned about ozone therapy. How does ozone therapy benefit is? What types of conditions can ozone treat? What are the necessary preparations for it, if any? Let's learn more about this type of treatment from another one of Dr. Maria's ozone trainers - Dr. Howard Robin! We will learn about different delivery systems, how much ozone we can take, how often we can do this treatment, and more. Join us this week to ask all your questions about ozone therapy.

- English -
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, October 29, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Howard F Robins is recognized as a world leader in medical ozone therapy and is the only physician with extensive experience in both Major Auto-Hemotherapy. He has pioneered the use of the Robins Method of Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy making it the safest and most effective way of performing this treatment. He and Dr. Robert Rowen trained doctors in ozone therapy and were able to save the lives of many doctors in West Africa who were sick with Ebola. Dr. Robins owns his own show, has appeared on many other radio and television shows, and lectured at many medical ozone therapy meetings.

How Much OZONE Can We Take? | ft. Howard Robins, DPM Guest:Howard Robins, DPMPodiatrist & Bio Oxidative Therapy(Midtown, New York City, NY)Description TBDABOUT OUR GUESTDr. Robins is a Podiatrist-Foot Specialis...


Did you catch last weeks YouTube live with Dr. Maria on Ozone Therapy? If not, here are just some of the benefits of doing ozone therapy. Want to learn more? Follow the link in our bio to watch last weeks live. 👆🏽


♦️ We’re less than an hour away before Dr. Maria goes live with special guest, Dr, Robert J. Rowen. Join us as they talk about Ozone Therapy. Link in the bio to watch and subscribe. 👆🏽


Ozone Therapy: Friend or Foe?
Robert J. Rowen, MD

Have you heard of ozone? Many people think ozone is the same as oxygen. These two are often used in Rehabilitation & Integrative Medicine. Why is ozone not used in the hospital setting? In California, there is a law preventing ozone generators to be sold for home use - why? If you do not clearly understand the differences and the medical uses for ozone vs oxygen, please join us to learn more! This week's guest, Dr. Robert Rowen, is Dr. Maria's favorite professor in this subject! Dr. Rowen will present an overview for us and answer any questions you have.

- English -
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Live Premiere @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, October 22, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

About Our Guest:
Robert Jay Rowen, M.D., is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, acquiring double board certifications (and recertifications) in Family Practice, and Emergency Medicine, and additionally in Clinical Metal Toxicology. Dr. Rowen is affectionately known as “The Father of Medical Freedom” for pioneering the nation’s first statutory protection for alternative medicine in 1990. He is internationally known for his clinical practice and teaching in oxidation medicine, especially ozone therapy, as well as all aspects of integrative medicine.


❗️See you tonight at 5pm pacific. Dr. Maria will be going live on her YouTube Channel to talk about How To Prevent Falls & Fractures. Please join us & don’t forgot to interact and ask a question. Link in the bio to watch & subscribe.


❗️Did you watch Dr. Maria’s live last week with special guest, Dr. Cynthia Shelby Lane? Make sure you check it out. They discussed innovation in covid treatments and about long hauler focused clinics popping up to help treat those who have dealt/dealing with Cov-19. Link in the bio to watch the whole episode.


Boosters, Mandates, and a New Drug?
(COVID & Vaccine Oct 2021 Update)
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD
Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P(K

What's going on now that we are 18 months into this pandemic? We return with Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane (Thu) & Dr. Tjandra Aditama (Fri) for another update. Let's talk about vaccine mandates, booster shots, and Long Covid (formerly referred to as Long Haulers Syndrome) - which now has a formal definition. Is there a new drug in the making? What's the update on herd immunity?

- English -
Thursday, October 8, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, October 9, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

COVID and the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke | ft. Douglas Harrington, MD 09/30/2021

COVID and the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Guest: Douglas Harrington, MD

Many COVID-19 complications may be caused by a cytokine storm - which is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood your bloodstream with an inflammatory protein called cytokines. These can kill tissue and damage your organs. Do you know what the impact to your heart is? Can this increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke?

We have been living with this virus for about two years, yet there are many things to still discover. Join Dr. Maria and Dr. Harrington, president of Predictive Health Lab, to learn more about the risk of heart attack and stroke from COVID-19.

Thursday, September 30, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

COVID and the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke | ft. Douglas Harrington, MD Guest:Douglas Harington, MDMany COVID-19 complications may be caused by a cytokine storm - which is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood y...


“Don’t ever think the diabetic food isn’t tasty, you’d be so surprised! 🥦🥔🍎” There are so many great options for diabetic patients. Avocados, eggs, beans, leafy greens… are just some of the nutritious foods you can eat that have a low glycemic index.

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes from Dr Maria’s YouTube live from last Thursday. Link in the bio to watch the full video and subscribe. 👆🏽


Can we REVERSE Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is an impairment in the way the body regulates and uses sugar (glucose) as a fuel. When too much sugar circulates in the bloodstream, this can lead to disorders of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.

Type Two Diabetes has become one of the top diagnoses in the world. Genetic and epigenetic factors can both be a cause of it. How can we find out which one is the cause? How are some people able to control their sugar levels while others are not as successful? Should we avoid insulin therapy if possible? Is there a new line of diabetic medication?

Join Dr. Maria and Dr. Karina this week to learn more!

- English -
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, September 24, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Immuno Cell Therapy Untuk Kanker | tamu: Karina, Sp. BP 09/16/2021

We will not have a livestream tonight due to schedule conflicts, but will still have one on Friday for our Indonesian viewers.

Immune Cell Therapy For Cancer [Indonesian]
Karina, Sp. BP

Surgery is usually the conventional treatment for cancerous tumors. Conventional cancer treatment usually includes chemotherapy, readiotherapy, and surgery for cancerous tumors. This treatment has been running for years and the results average 5 years of survival.
Patients who receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy end up suffering greatly. The body is like being tested with poison. Is there any other way? The latest treatment is called Immuno Cell or some call it NK (Natural Killer) Cell therapy. There are also those who call it "Cytokine-induced killer" (CIK) for sufferers. Dr Karina will explain what she does in her clinic for people suffering from cancer with ICT.

- Indonesian -
Friday, September 17, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Immuno Cell Therapy Untuk Kanker | tamu: Karina, Sp. BP Tamu:Dr. dr. Karina, Sp. BPPembedahan biasanya merupakan pengobatan konvensional untuk tumor kanker. Pengobatan kanker konvensional biasanya mencakup kemoter...


“From the initial test where personal history, objective findings and family medical history are all included in the initial decision to start the “detective” work of finding every illness in early stages.” -Dr. Maria in her book, The No Coat Medicine.

Interested in learning more about integrative medicine and how it can help you on your health journey? We can get you in our office to discuss these topics. Call our office at 626-403-9000.

GROUNDING for Health | ft. Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC 09/09/2021

Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC
An author of "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?"

When we are detached from the earth's magnetic source, the electricity to balance our health is also affected. The modern fashion of the shoe making or the flooring in the house and many others has made us impossible to have the earthing/ grounding effect naturally.

This topic is going to discuss why Grounding is very important to our heart health and immune system. Dr Sinatra the guest speaker discovered many great findings in earthing and it is described in his top seller book called "Earthing". Let's listen to Dr. Maria interviewing Dr. Stephen Sinatra.

- English -
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, September 10, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

GROUNDING for Health | ft. Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC Guest:Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACCAn author of "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?"When we are detached from the earth's magnetic source, the e...


Did you catch this weeks Youtube live with Dr Maria & Dr. Cynthia Shelby- Lane? They discussed Covid -19 & it’s new variants. Also how do we suppress the growth of this virus & its new variants?

Follow the link in the bio to watch this weeks Q&A.


(COVID-19 & Vaccines - September 2021 Update)
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD, ABAARM
Suci Astuti Marsiono, Sp.P

Let's chat with returning guest, Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane (Thursday) and new guest, Dr. Suci Astuti Marsiono (Friday) for this month's discussion on COVID.

Some topics we will discuss:
Are the new variants stronger? Do they cause worse symptoms/infections? How do we suppress the growth of these viruses? Innate vs Vaccine immunity? Why do we still have to take care of our innate immunity? Do we really need the booster shot? Vaccine mandates?

Join us on Youtube Live and leave them a comment or question in the live chat!

- English -
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, August 6, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)


Are Heart Palpitations Dangerous?
Howard Elkin, MD
Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP(K)

Heart Palpitations are feelings of having a fast heart beat that some may describe as fluttering or a pounding heart. Sometimes, you may even feel like your heart skips some beats. This irregular heartbeat is called arrhythmia. What causes these heart palpitations? Is it dangerous and can it be prevented?

Dr. Maria brings back a returning guests Dr. Howard Elkin (Thursday) and Dr. Bambang Siswanto (Friday) to teach us more about this topic. You can learn more about the causes, risk factors, and if there are complications linked to heart palpitations!

- English -
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

- Indonesian -
Friday, August 27, 2021
Premier Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Please share my channel and videos with your friends and family. My goal is to improve community awareness and help to drastically reduce health illiteracy in the community. Let's work together to stay healthy!


Just a little clip from last Friday’s YouTube live with Dr Maria & world renowned Cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D. Click on the link in the bio to watch the full Q&A.


Just some of the books that tonight’s special guest, Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D., has written.😱

Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a board-certified cardiologist and specializes in treating cardiovascular diseases with an integrative approach. He is one of the first cardiologists to recognize the healing power of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

He’s written many books: "Reversing Heart Disease Now", "The Great Cholesterol Myth", and Dr. Maria's favorite, "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?". He has been invited many times to educate nutritionists and has made several media appearances such as The Dr. Oz Show, MSNBC, and The Today Show to name a few.

See you tonight at 5pm pacific. Link in the bio to watch!

Hipertensi Paru Sebagai Fakta Kesehatan Jantung | tamu: Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP(K) 08/19/2021

Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP(K)

Pulmonary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that affects the arteries in your lungs and the right side of your heart.
Your heart must work harder to pump blood through your lungs. This extra effort will eventually cause your heart to become weak and fail.

Let's learn heart health facts related to pulmonary hypertension. How is it different from normal hypertension? Professor Siswanto is a renowned cardiologist and vascular specialist who specializes in the treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension. He has written many scientific articles and has been published internationally.

Please ask us a question!

- Indonesian -
Friday, August 20, 2021
Live @ 6:00pm Pacific
(Sabtu @ 8:00am WIB)

Hipertensi Paru Sebagai Fakta Kesehatan Jantung | tamu: Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP(K) Tamu:Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP(K)Profesor Siswanto adalah seorang ahli jantung terkenal di dunia. Profesor Bambang sangat terkenal sebagai a...

Heart Health Facts | ft. Stephen Sinatra, MD 08/18/2021

Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC

Dr. Maria will be interviewing world-renowned cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who will be sharing some important facts we should know about heart health and its link to many epigenetic effects. Dr. Maria has has the privilege to listen to his lectures in numerous Anti-Aging conferences.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a board-certified cardiologist and specializes in treating cardiovascular diseases with an integrative approach. He is one of the first cardiologists to recognize the healing power of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - which sparks energy production in every cell of your body. Dr. Sinatra has written many books: "Reversing Heart Disease Now", "The Great Cholesterol Myth", and Dr. Maria's favorite, "Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?". He has been invited many times to educate nutritionists and has made several media appearances such as The Dr. Oz Show, MSNBC, and The Today Show to name a few.

Don't miss this opportunity! Please welcome him with questions in the live chat box or in the comments!

- YouTube Live -
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Live @ 5:00pm Pacific

Heart Health Facts | ft. Stephen Sinatra, MD Guest:Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACCDr. Maria will be interviewing world-renowned cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who will be sharing some important facts we s...

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Our Story

Compounding nutritional and alternative medicine holds the key
to a healthier you, adding quality years to your life!

Each patient is consulted and examined as he/she is given an opportunity to
undergo a multiphasic laboratory analysis for personalization of each individual's
holistic goal.

Our mission is simple:

We provide medical and wellness care for the community while promoting the
prevention of diseases through education and scientifically designed programs.
We integrate Allopathic (traditional) & Alternative Medicine because we can
support optimal health and healing by addressing the real causes of diseases - not
just covering up symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs.

Dr. Maria has been practicing for more than two decades in world-wide,
ground-breaking Holistic Wellness Medicine.

The goal is to address all the aspects of human needs: the Physical, Spiritual
and Emotional. We support the patient in achieving balance for their health
and life goals with natural approaches whenever available.
Natural medicine can treat the patient and help them avoid the complications of
degenerative diseases or side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs as much as possible.

Insurance coverage
Our service is Medicare Provider and provide all PPO statement invoice for claim

Videos (show all)

⚫️If there’s one key take away from last weeks live it’s to make sure you get your blood pressure checked! It’s such a s...
Just a little preview from this last weeks YouTube live on Ozone Therapy with Dr. Maria. Click on the link in the bio to...
❗️Did you watch Dr. Maria’s live last week with special guest, Dr. Cynthia Shelby Lane?  Make sure you check it out. The...
“Don’t ever think the diabetic food isn’t tasty, you’d be so surprised! 🥦🥔🍎” There are so many great options for diabeti...
Did you catch this weeks Youtube live with Dr Maria & Dr. Cynthia Shelby- Lane? They discussed  Covid -19 & it’s new var...
Just a little clip from last Friday’s YouTube live with Dr Maria & world renowned Cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D....
“The whole world is under a lot of stress. We have to reduce our stress because it reduces our immune system…” Last week...
‼️ Did you see last weeks YouTube Live with Dr Maria? If not, you can follow the link in the bio to Dr Maria’s YouTube p...
Is the treatment for Covid the same for both children and adults? Typically, yes if it’s in a hospital setting. But very...
🌺Ladies, do you know the signs of an abnormal period? Some things to look for would be:•Periods that occur less than 21 ...
🌺 Do you know what the PCOS (POLYCYSTIC ovary syndrome) symptoms are? PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that can occur ...
❗️ Did you know that fish oil can help with inflammation? It contains omega-3s which is associated with lower levels of ...



890 S Arroyo Pkwy
Pasadena, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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Pasadena, 91104

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Digital Invite XYZ Digital Invite XYZ
600 E. Colorado Boulevard Ste 110
Pasadena, 91101

Pasadena’s first high performance fitness recovery center.

Wellness District Los Angeles Wellness District Los Angeles
131 N El Molino Avenue Ste 150
Pasadena, 91101

One Home for your wellness, body mind and soul.

Your CBD Store Your CBD Store
2245 E Colorado Boulevard #102
Pasadena, 91107

Through transparency and education, we strive to create high-quality h**p products.

Shaman Ada Shaman Ada
221 E Walnut Street Suite #255
Pasadena, 91101

Shamanic Energy Medicine Woman

JRN Enterprise Chair Massage By Tomarsha JRN Enterprise Chair Massage By Tomarsha
Pasadena, 91105

I am a massage specialist for over 17 years with over 800 hours of training.

HempedOut HempedOut
Pasadena, 91106

Botanical Products for Mind, Body and Spirit.

Helios Healing Helios Healing
2121 Casa Grande Street
Pasadena, 91104

A consciousness clearing from old outdated beliefs, consciousness, past lives, past life consciousness, egoic consciousness, genetic line consciousness, unwholeness, past life unwh...

Piona Beauty Piona Beauty

Hypnotic Wellbeing Hypnotic Wellbeing
278 E Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, 91101

Hypnosis Ignites Change

SoulPerspective SoulPerspective
1359 N Hill Avenue
Pasadena, 91104

Your preferred source for daily inspiration and spiritual guidance. Reacquainting you with your own emotional guidance system.

Sacred Births HypnoBirthing and Childbirth Education Services Sacred Births HypnoBirthing and Childbirth Education Services
286 North Madison Avenue
Pasadena, 91101

Sacred Births Hypnobirthing offers private and small group classes either in-person or virtually.