Nancy Langevin - Health & Wellness Coach

Transformational Coach
I am committed to help women create their unique path to health, happiness & success.

Through mindset shifts, exercise & nutrition, you will be able to break free of fear/doubt and discover your inner power & voice - and a NEW LIFE!


Sometimes in life, God (or the Universe/higher power), puts in our path a great opportunity and it is up to us to seize the day, with gratitude.

Felipe and I opened a fitness/training center business a little under 3 years ago. To say it has been hard to make it happen, opening in the heart of COVID (and the changes it brought to the fitness industry), is an understatement. So many people have told us to give up, but that is not part of our vocabulary - looking for solutions and moving forward despite all obstacles is. Lung cancer diagnosis and surgery for him 2 months into our new endevour, staff changes, stress making my systemic lupus go out of control a few times, financial challenges...only made us stronger and more determined to succeed. That, and the desire to give back and help others (including animals for me) in a larger, more meaningful capacity is what drives us.

Last night we signed up our 100th member (and almost 50 other clients who have special packages). A milestone which means the world to us - we know this is the beginning of our breakthrough, and we are so grateful for what is coming.

1. Focus on what you have and not want you don't.
2. Focus on solutions rather than problems.
3. Be grateful for every opportunity
4. Keep moving forward and ignore any negative chatter - believe in your dream.
5. It is up to you and only you to make it happen. No one will do it for you, but the great news is that YOU have the power to make it happen!!!
6. When in doubt - remember your why.
7. You have God (the universe) conspiring to see you succeed if you only open up yourself to see the signs. Be bold, grateful, open, courageous, creative, and a believer in magic.

So incredibly grateful to all the mentors who have helped us along the way, especially Tony Robbins and for all of our clients who have helped us make this happen - we could not do it without you!!! βœ¨οΈπŸ’«πŸ©΅


And that light that sparks the fire is within all of us us!!! Respark that fire!πŸ”₯


Cancer may have taken your eye, but it has only made your spirit stronger and brighter. You bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives - our super cat!
Happy International Cat Day, Salem, we love you!!πŸ’š


Do you feel like you cannot keep going?

It is just a lesson on strength and resilience, and the best part - your breakthrough, followed by success, is on the other side! You are almost there, so keep going, always focusing on progress -
YOU GOT THIS!!!✨️🌟πŸ’₯


My driving force behind giving 1000% every single day (besides inspiring my kids and making them proud of their mom, and being the voice to those who feel they don't have one)...what is yours?
Go deep, and truly ask yourself, why do I want to succeed? And ask again "why?" until you find your true reason.
When we are stuck, just surviving, it is because we don't have goals. Live with a purpose - find what you are truly passionate about, and MAKE IT HAPPEN, MAKE IT COUNT!!!🌟


This was the last picture taken before my Olympic Dreams were shattered.
We were about to travel to Bulgaria for a month-long camp right before hopping over to Hungary for World Championships, the qualifying event for the 1984 Olympics in LA.
It was not meant to be - all athlete international travel was halted by the Government- all those years of training...
This was my 2nd big lesson on resilience (1st one was 2 years before when I broke my back and everyone gave up on my gymnastics dreams - except me), just to have them crushed again by something out of my control. A year later, I decided to give it one last try, and this decision earned me a scholarship at a Division 1 University in Illinois. Little did I know, these lessons would carry me through many times in the future.
So grateful for all the doors that sports opened for me, all the lessons learned, and all the wonderful and unforgettable moments...on my calendar now, attend the 2028 Olympics in LA, even if it is as a spectator and now training for my 1st masters Track & Field competition.πŸ’™πŸŒŸ
What lesson have you learned from sports?? Please share below and inspire others who might just need to hear your story!

Photos from Nancy Langevin - Health & Wellness Coach's post 07/20/2024

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! Amazing way to start the day - and best part - we are all motivated to continue to improve! Great job, USF family!!!πŸ’₯πŸŽŠπŸ‘


Shoot for the stars, and you might get there!!!✨️🌟 Learning never stops, and today's lesson came from Ian, my son. He majored in Business and Psychology and is doing great at the company he has worked for since he was an intern in college. But, something was missing, and instead of living with regrets, he decided to go for what has been nudging him - Medicine.

Not only will he continue to work and arranged for his employer to pay for a Post-baccalaureate Prep Program that will best prepare him for med school, but he went for his top choice- and was accepted - Northwestern it is!!!

Beautiful campus in addition to being one of the top schools - so very proud of him!!!! And I know my dad is too, and is smiling from Heaven - he will follow his legacy! And...most importantly, he is loving living in Chicago. Happy child, happy mom!!!πŸ’–


Fear never goes away, just one day you realize that if you really want something, you have to believe, step out of your comfort zone, and go for it afraid, but knowing that you have the power to make things happen.
By stepping forward and believing, new wonderful opportunities are appearing for me and Felipe. An amazing training possibility through Goldman Sachs, and with another venture, 2 VIP tickets to the Summit of Greatness in Los Angeles, where we will get a chance to make new connections and learn from the best in their fields.
When the road gets dark and difficult, keep pushing through, fireworks are around the corner!! We feel so grateful and excited!!!


🌟What will you do when the road gets tough?

"I am not the one bleeding. Get back on the bars!!". That was what I was told once by a coach at the National Training Center. Pain and discomfort were part of the game and what we had to go through to become one of the best. This time, as an adult, I did it because I was not stopping until I succeeded - the Aries in me!!!

No, we don't always have to go through physical pain to achieve our goals, but we do have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and take chances. As a coach, I definitely do things differently than some of my gymnastics coaches; I lead and coach with compassion, kindness and empathy, with positivity and encouragement, working on weaknesses with constructive criticism, emphasizing strengths rather than pointing out flaws or making negative comments. But I do push my clients to step out of their comfort zone because that is the only way to improve.


Don't wait until it is too late to have that meaningful or difficult conversation, opening your heart, going after that dream, working on achieving your goal, or starting a new career. You might not have another chance.


Are you stuck, afraid, and feeling powerless? YOU ARE IN CONTROL AND HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE.




Take that chance, make that step, move forward. Nothing happens unless we take action, and we don't want to live with regret. CARPE DIEM!


After a very long week and having to work tonight at the hospital, my brain was saying, "Stay in. YOU deserve a break, and you can start again tomorrow. That is my subconscious trying to protect me from CHANGING, keeping me "safe."
I am safe, I rested yesterday (rest is also very important for physical and mental health), and I do want CHANGE!!!
I have goals, and they are not going to become a reality unless I put in the work. So, I went running/training, and now going to work on our new online academy, feeling focused, energized, and like ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
**If you want change, what will you do TODAY to get you closer? YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!!


May you and your loved ones have a happy and safe holiday weekend!
A new semester begins: Let's all celebrate our wins (big or small), rest, recover, spend time with loved ones, visualize how we want the rest of the year to happen, and...begin part 2 of 2024 with a vengeance. This wonderful country of ours gives us so many opportunities - let's make the best of them!!!πŸŒˆπŸŒŸπŸŽ‰πŸ’ͺ


Exactly 4 years ago, I left my comfort zone in Indiana and moved across the country to Miami. I have not looked back, and although I have never worked so hard in my life, so many new doors keep opening up - extremely grateful and blessed for today, and so excited for what is coming. The new life Felipe and I are creating looks very bright, and the best part is that not only is it making us happy, but when you hear from others that you are making their lives better and happier...priceless, so very grateful and ready to work even harder!!!πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸŒŸβ€οΈ


*6 months have gone by - where are you with your goals? We still have time to accomplish them, but we have to make them a priority!
I have to say I am a bit behind; life has gotten very busy in so many fronts, but my goals will not get accomplished unless I work on them; I invite you to do the same!
*Better and more sleep
*Greater consistency with my training
*Healthier nutrition/more water!!
*Spending more time on my projects, even if that is sacrificing time spent on other things.
3 steps I took today:
1. I did all of the items above today (good start)
2. I wrote on my calendar reminders - I check it every day and 3 things I can do this week to get me closer to me long-term goald
3. I made a promise to myself to commit!
And...almost midnight, but I did what I promised myself - and now - time to get that better sleep!


When my son was growing up, he wanted to do boxing, and I said no - I was worried he would get hurt (and hurt his brain). How ironic it is that we now own a gym with boxing. We were very hesitant when we bought the gym to keep the program, but it was very popular, and we saw the other side. With the right coach, it can be safe, and builds stamina, strength, power and persistence, and the way it builds confidence and was exactly what Ian needed as he was bullied when he was younger. If I could go back, I would do it differently...and of course, I have apologized to him several times. We do what we think is best for our kids, but we are not perfect, and it is never too late to learn, grow, and apologize.
His response...priceless. "Mom, that means a lot, and I know you did it because you loved me."
And now, I am on a mission to help build confidence and self-esteem with the youth we have the privilege to work with - and help stop bullying.
To our fighter Jason - CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have worked so hard, and your sportsmanship and positive energy are an inspiration to others, and exactly what we want all of our athletes to learn, and our coach Victor does a fabulous job teaching!! GREAT JOB. JASON, COACH VICTOR AND USF!!!


My car is in the shop, and the part required is in backorder. I can either get upset/frustrated, or... find a solution!
I had not been on a bike for a while - Vit D, fresh air, exercise, and so many animals along the way - feeling great physically and mentally - SILVER LINING! There is always one in every challenge!!
PS Very grateful to Felipe for sharing his car with me for the longer rides! Feeling lucky despite not having a car!


Our first home-grown fruit - a hidden lesson

No matter where you are in life (feeling small, weak, stuck, behind, at a disadvantage), you can accomplish ANYTHING you put your mind to - do not listen to doubters or naysayers, focus on your inner power, develop a plan, and take action. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

Our pineapple - small but beautifulπŸπŸ’›


My goal: A happy, positive, energetic, unstoppable, empathetic and kind uplifter, someone who helps and inspires others to live with purpose and fire to accomplish their goals and find happiness and health.
MISSION: to empower as many people to regain control of their lives, to find their voice, and to see their worth and inner power.
MY WHY: those who dont have a voice or feel they don't have a one, those who are hurt/ill/abused/overpowered/depressed/lost hope/feeling stuck with their current situation and needing help moving forward. And all the animals who need our help now more than ever. This is the fire that fuels my heart and soul!


*If you or someone you know needs someone to encourage, motivate, or guide you - I am only a message away! ⬇️


On the positive or the negative? Problems or opportunities?
What you focus on determines how you feel and how you feel determines your outlook and success.
If you feel good/happy, you will take action and build momentum towards achieving your goals.



Who do you want to become? What would your ideal self look like? Healthy, fit, adventurous, successful, philanthropic, kind, free, happy....thought of the day...

It is in your power to change! 🌟πŸ’₯
More to come...


5th day of recovery/isolation - Salem and I got creative - best jogging partner!!πŸ’œ


Kindness, empathy, positivity...absolutely!! But otherwise, BE YOURSELF! There is no one in the universe like you, and the world needs you!!!


Pictures can be deceiving...I was very happy yesterday feeling everyone's happiness and positive energy, but I felt exhausted!!! And now I know why... a few hours after the race, I developed a fever, and everything was hurting...COVID!!!
LESSON #1 - If you don't take care of yourself, God/Universe will force you to do what is best for you. I had been working way too much and not resting...
LESSON #2 - I kept wishing for more time so I could take care of some unfinished tasks... I now have extra time at home to take care of them (after resting, of course).
LESSON #3 - SO much can change in just 1 day - we should always appreciate the great days and know that the bad ones will pass soon.
I truly appreciate all the messages checking in on me... I have the best friends and family - thank you!!!❀️
PS There are medicines for influenza and COVID, both of which have to be taken within the 1st couple of days of symptoms. If you feel ill, get checked out - it could be the difference between ending up in the hospital or worse, or just having a milder infection. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH!


Reminded to do what I preach...focusing on the positive/blessing rather the obstacle. When obstacles multiply and they are not small challenges, our faith and resilience are tested to the max. But this is when we learn the most and come out stronger in the other end.
Just this week:
*major dental work (not covered by insurance),
*4 long night shifts at the hospital straight from our trip return, as well as covering the gym (partner was hit hard by illness) while
my body is fighting hard not to get sick, AND...
*my car's transmission went out yesterday. Not only will it be very expensive to fix, but the main part is in backorder and it could be months before it is delivered...months without a car??!!!πŸ˜΅πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
Yes, I felt like crying when the car news came in, but I caught myself thinking "this could be worse. Look for the silver lining!!!

There is always one if we look for it, plus, we are forced to be creative and resourceful, growing in the process.
I don't know yet how I will solve the car problem, but I know I will be OK, and there were blessings along the way (like being able to make it to the mechanic just before the car stopped working and having someone come to the rescue - Very grateful for that!!! πŸ™

Photos from Nancy Langevin - Health & Wellness Coach's post 06/14/2024

The calm, beauty, and light after the storm - nature's perfect example of hope and opportunities after challenges. πŸ’–πŸŒˆ


Might be hard at first, but once you do, the right people and situations begin to appear in your life, and you get that love, peace and positive energy you deserve!πŸŽ†


What to do during pre-season determines the success of your journey - all about habits! TRAIN LIKE A CHAMPION/LIVE LIKE A CHAMPION: discipline, confidence, consistency, and dedication.
Get ahead of the game and prepare for the Fall season!

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Videos (show all)

5th day of recovery/isolation - Salem and I got creative - best jogging partner!!πŸ’œ
DAY 12 - HEALTHIER CHALLENGE - WHENAnalyzing our eating patterns - we talked about the WHAT last time, now let's review ...
#mothersday #nature #love
As a coach, nothing makes you happier than seeing your clients work hard towards their goals - and crushing them!! And t...
Anything is possible...
TIP OFTHE DAY - Spend 10 min outside and just observe, feel the sunlight, and breathe fresh air! Feel the energy and hap...
BIRTHDAY WORKOUT - NEVER TOO OLD TO BEGIN AGAIN - GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS! #dreambig #believe #achieve #mindsetmatters #car...
Online Programs - COMING SOON!!!
#carpediem #gratitude #intuition #newday #newlife
When someone tells me "I challenge you"...age is just a number!Gymnastics and tennis - my 2 favorite sports! Early birth...
Growth requires steeping out of our comfort zone - doing just that today. Hosting our 1st Health Workshop!!!



12425 Taft Street
Pembroke Pines, FL

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