The Radiant Soul

Deb Mills is a Master Healer that offers Biofield Tuning Sessions, Reiki, Crystal Healings and Full Spectrum Healings. In- person and remote sessions available.

She is located at 44 Main Street, Peterborough, NH. Hello! I'm so glad you are here! My name is Deb Mills. I am an Energy Medicine Practitioner and I use Biofield Tuning, Full Spectrum Healing, and Reiki to support people who are ready to come out of their shell, to re-ignite their inner light, and to be seen and heard; helping them break down the walls that are holding them back, so they can blossom and feel happiness, fulfilment, and purpose in their lives.


Thank you to all who joined Wednesday night’s Group Biofield Tuning Session. We worked on the LEFT SIDE OF THE THROAT (5TH) CHAKRA, which is where we communicate and express ourselves and our Truth. The left side can hold energies around holding back and not expressing ourselves.
Here are the energies that presented themselves:
*How am I supposed to express my Truth, when I don’t even know what my Purpose is?
*What if I mis-speak and I say something wrong or am judged for what I say? A feeling of wanting to have all the facts and information before speaking.
*Familial/Ancestral pattern of not expressing emotions or not speaking of certain things. We learn this as a child and carry it into our adulthood.
*The feeling of holding back expressing our desires because that might commit us to making an action towards that desire (and that can be scary).
*The energy of feeling “small” or “insignificant”; feeling that what we say is not important or doesn’t have value.
*Being in a relationship with someone who actively blocks our expression; always criticizing, shutting us down, or belittling us; fear of consequences or repercussions to speaking our Truth.
*An area of energy that feels “silent” from years of “keeping your mouth shut”.
*Realizing we are sovereign beings; feeling called to speak and express our unique authentic selves.
*Trusting our gut and inner knowing as to when and how we express ourselves.

The next monthly Group Biofield Tuning will be Wednesday, July 10th at 7pm.
Hope to see you there.
Learn more and register at


Thank you to all who joined last night’s Group Biofield Tuning Session. We worked on the LEFT SIDE OF THE SACRAL CHAKRA, which holds our emotions, creativity, passion as well as our sense of self-worth. The left side can hold energies of frustration and disappointment.
Energies that came up in the field:
*Sense of frustration; feeling like we can’t get out of our own way.
*Beating ourselves up b/we think we should be further along than we are.
*Disappointment/frustration in comparing ourselves to others who are doing what we want to be doing.
*Pattern of not being worthy; feeling small and not able to step into our truth and purpose.
*Love, support and nurturing coming from our higher self to our inner child. We are worthy, special, and have gifts to share with the world. Wisdom of higher self is coming through for healing and encouragement.
*Softening the energetic charge around people who made us feel small or not enough; compassion for inner child.
*Felt a padlock on our sacral chakra around creativity and passion. There is so much POTENTIAL circling here…wants to come out. Soften padlock and release the potential to create what we are meant to create in this life and share the gifts we were given. To feel our worthiness and allow our creativity to flow. Feel the passion that is involved in creating something that is truly unique.
*Energy of the mind and our subconscious programming of negative talk we tell ourselves that blocks our highest potential.
*A softening of the belly and internal organs; we can hold our stresses and emotions in our gut. Softening the nervous stomach feeling we get even when we are taking action to follow our passion or calling.
*Energy of not being supported by people close to us. Following our intuition, inner knowing and moving forward regardless of that.

The next monthly Group Biofield Tuning will be Wednesday, June 12th at 7pm.
Learn more and register at


I'll be here offering Biofield Tuning Sessions!
Also enter my giveaway for a FREE session!

Hello my friends! We are so Excited to bring this to the Monadnock Region of NH in TWO WEEKS! Come join us at the Keene State College on May 18th!

With over 40 vendors, 10 presentations, two sound baths and demonstrations all day, you'll have access to so much beneficial healing potential! Many exhibitors are offering sessions!

Don't miss out!
Everyone is invited! Enter Code FREE for complimentary tickets!

Find more information on the Event Page:


I LOVE what I do! Thank you E.T. for this lovely testimonial. 💖

"Deb's biofield tuning session was truly transformational for me. Her compassion and expertise create a safe and nurturing space where I felt supported every step of the way. Deb's intuitive abilities allowed her to pinpoint areas of imbalance in my energy field, and through the sound therapy techniques she used, I experienced profound shifts in my well-being. I emerged from this session feeling lighter, more centered, and with a renewed sense of clarity. I wholeheartedly recommend Deb's biofield tuning sessions to anyone looking to realign their energy and restore harmony to body, mind, and spirit."


Thank you to all who joined last night’s Group Biofield Tuning Session.

We worked on THE LEFT KNEE which holds energies around moving forward, following natural inclinations, as well as attachments and letting go.

The first energy was of a 2 yo that is learning about the word “NO” and is starting to understand that not everything they do or say is acceptable. Next was of a 7 yo who is already starting to hold back their actions or words because they are learning what is acceptable in their family/society. The next energy was of a teenager who is struggling to find their identity and can sometimes be difficult to deal with because they disagree with these “rules”. The energy of our 20s finds that we have matured, and can think of rational and mature ways to follow our inclinations and what we want to be doing, being and having. The energy of our 30s spoke of having children and wanting to protect them from what we went through, but that they are on a journey as well and will experience and learn lessons along their own path.

The energy then shifted to talk about how sometimes we have a hard time letting go because we hold on to the idea that we can “fix” the person or situation. Also, the feeling of self-judgement or of being a failure if we cannot “fix” it. And finally, the idea of looking from a higher perspective came up. What are the soul contracts surrounding this person/situation? Have we learned what we needed to learn? Is it time to move on and move forward? Being gentle with ourselves is so important as we decide how we want to move forward.
Staying in flow and trusting our gut and natural inclinations will help us navigate what should stay and what is holding us back from living up to our highest potential.

The next monthly Zoom Group Biofield Tuning will be Wed May 8th at 7pm.
Hope to see you there. Learn more and register at


Thank you to all who joined last night’s Group Biofield Tuning Session.

We worked on THE LEFT SIDE OF THE HEART CHAKRA which can hold energies around sadness, grief, loss and depression.

At the edge of the field was the sadness a woman can feel after giving birth, of missing the movement of the baby inside her. Also, of the sadness as kids grow into new stages of development, missing the experiences of the previous stages. Grief over losing loved ones came up, wanting to bottle up precious memories of them. The idea of planting a living memorial to them, such as flowers or trees. Depression was found in the field and the feeling of being stuck in the darkness and unable to crawl out of it and unable to see the light. Sometimes we need to lean on friends and loved ones who can help us see the light and find hope again. A message came through that we are never alone, even in our darkest times. We are always loved. We have gotten through ups and downs before. We are so strong! Trust and believe that we will get through this as well.

The next monthly Group Biofield Tuning will be Wednesday April 10th at 7pm.
Hope to see you there.
Learn more and register at


I'll be here to chat with you about Biofield Tuning and offering Mini sessions.

Come on over and meet Eva and Danielle, owners of Salitter. See what other offerings they have for your spiritual wellness and meet other like minded people!


Our monthly Spiritual Wellness Fair is coming up next weekend! 🙌
Come see what surprises we have to offer this month! ✨

🎟️ Admission is free and open to all
🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Meet other like-minded seekers
🌈 See what the spiritual and healing community has to offer


My friend Sharon is hosting this FREE online event about past lives! I can't wait!!😊👍

Terrence Howard: "I spent 45 years searching those HIDDEN frequencies" 01/29/2024

Great video on frequency!

Terrence Howard: "I spent 45 years searching those HIDDEN frequencies" "They lied to us!"Terrence Howard is about to reveal the extraordinary impact of hidden frequency rhythms on our world, a secret long held by ancient civiliz...

Close Up Radio Spotlights Deb Mills of The Radiant Soul 01/09/2024

I'm so excited to be interviewed on Close Up Television & Radio today! Listen live today at 11am or listen to the recorded version at your leisure!🙂

Close Up Radio Spotlights Deb Mills of The Radiant Soul Peterborough, NH – Deb Mills is an Energy Medicine Practitioner and the founder of The Radiant Soul. Established in 2019, her primary focus is using Biofield Tuning to help bring harmony and wellness back to our systems. Biofield Tuning is a form of sound healing, developed by Eileen McKusick,...


Congratulations to these wonderful souls who completed their Reiki Level II training this weekend. It was a fun day and these ladies did an amazing job!

From Pain to Purpose, the Healers Journey 12/12/2023

I'm so excited to share with you my interview with Sonia Gaudette from HolisticPros.

I am the first interviewee on her new series called From Pain To Purpose: A Healer's Journey.

This series is going to be a wonderful resource for people looking for alternative healing modalities!

Please reach out if you have any questions! I'd love to support you on your healing journey!


From Pain to Purpose, the Healers Journey Today you will meet Deb Mills from is a Biofield Tuning expert, with Full Spectrum Healing, Reiki and Crystal Healing ava...


Detox chat!
Hanging out with my good friend Ruth Clark talking DETOX.

Ruth is a registered dietician and is interested in helping people feel vibrant and decrease their toxin load by eating well and using products.

I love helping people clean up their ENERGETIC body, by releasing stuck energy in their biofield from unexpressed emotions, trauma, and unhealthy subconscious patterns.

What are YOU doing to improve your physical and energetic health?
Write in the comments!
Not sure where to start? Ruth and I would be happy to help! Just send us a message.


Can't wait for tomorrow!
Stop by my booth and say hi!
I'll be offering Mini Biofield Tunings.
And don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY for a free session!

🎵Tomorrow, tomorrow, 🎵 i'll see you tomorrow!🎵
80 Vendors/Exhibitors too! Woohoo!


Advanced Biofield Tuning Training!

In early September I completed a Biofield Tuning Advanced Module Training in beautiful Colchester, VT. We had three full days of giving and receiving SIX new Biofield Tuning Protocols.

What a transformative sound healing modality this is! If you haven't tried it yet, why not? If you have any questions or want to talk more about it, just reach out!!

I will soon be adding some of these to the offerings on my website!


I'll be at the Evolution Expo again Sunday, Oct 15th 9am-4pm.
Come see the amazing Speakers and Vendors in Natural Wellness, Holistic Options, and many Healers!

I'll be offering Biofield Tuning Sessions at my booth!
Time slots fill up quickly so stop by early and sign up!

Also, enter my GIVEAWAY for a FREE Biofield Tuning Session with me (in-person or zoom)!

Tickets for the Expo are FREE on-line ($10 at door):


It's First Friday again!!!
Although I am moving on from Shakti (info posts to come!), I still adore these lovely ladies and will be hanging out with them this Friday 5-7pm!

Come see the beautifully redecorated Shakti space and see what discounts we will be offering!

I'll have my tuning forks handy (as always!) , so let's have some fun with our biofields!

See you then!
Love and hugs,


5th Chakra--speaking your truth!

Thanks to all who joined my Monthly Group Biofield Tuning Session last night!

The next monthly Group Biofield Tuning will be on Weds June 6th at 7pm via Zoom.
Register and learn more at

Tonight we worked in the field off of the left side of the Throat (5th) Chakra which holds the energy of not communicating our truth, emotions, and creativity. The energy at the edge of the field felt very old and ancestral. Familial and cultural rules. It said things like, “We don’t talk about that.” and “Shhh. Hush.” It felt like a clamping down of the throat. Also, there was a feeling of “staying inside the box”. The idea of having a truth or opinion different than the norm was shut down with judgement and condemnation. Clearing this energy to become “more than what was”, to expand and not be limited. Clearing the energy of the 5th chakra can help us be able to express who we are and to choose words that speak our truth and contain no judgement, criticism, or mal-intent. We also worked on the energy of the back of the 5th chakra which is where we receive our guidance and intuition. Clearing this energy helps us to be more in tune with nudges and messages that come through from our higher self and guides, allowing us to be more in flow with our life path and purpose. We are all born with unique gifts to share and having a clear 5th chakra allows us to share and communicate those gifts with others. We also cleared some energy surrounding having the courage to speak our truth. If we have an important conversation that we need to have with someone, practicing what we want to say out loud (instead of just in our head) can help to tune the 5th chakra in preparation for the actual conversation.

Timeline photos 04/26/2023

My newest book - Awakening Your Psychic Ability, is launching on May 1st!! If you order now through May 1st you will receive over $1000 worth of bonus gifts, including exclusive access to my brand new class - Revealing the Secrets of Psychics. Mark your calendars!! Click here to order:

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Peterborough?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

The Radiant Soul -- The Journey Starts Within

The emotional and physical traumas that you have experienced in your life and the day to day stresses of family, work, money and relationships can take a toll on your body, mind and spirit. These things can cause blockages in your energy or “chi”. When the normal flow of energy is blocked, this is when you experience “dis-ease”. In energy medicine, the practitioner uses gentle touch to help remove blockages to restore your body’s balance, promote healing, and help bring feelings of relaxation and peace.

Deb has a B.A. in Biology and spent 25 years as a Research Scientist in Academia and the BioTech Industry. In 2013, a Reiki certification class sparked her interest in Energy Medicine. Over the next few years she became a Reiki Master and a Certified Crystal Healer. She is also a graduate of the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. There she was trained in Full Spectrum Healing and learned techniques to assist individuals in discovering their unique gifts and true purpose in life. Her goal is to help them shed the mask that prevents them from living up to their highest potential and live life fully with joy and passion. Most recently she was certified as a Biofield Tuning Practitioner. In this transformational sound therapy (using tuning forks), traumas and life-long patterns "stuck" in the energy field can be cleared and reincorporated back into the body to help release stress and bring back balance, clarity and well-being. She is continually looking for opportunities to expand her knowledge and abilities to help accomplish this goal. Deb uses a unique combination of healing techniques during each session to address her client’s needs at that particular time. She is married, has five children and lives in Francestown, NH.

Energy work can also be done remotely. As with any session, it is done with the intention that the energy being sent is for the highest healing good and harm to none. Remote clients have reported similar reactions and results as in-person sessions (feeling sensations or energy flowing in their body, seeing colors and overall feelings of relaxation and well-being.)

Videos (show all)

.Jumping Beans!!!You simply CAN NOT be in a bad mood watching baby goats!These little babies were just born on our farm ...
.Ahhhhhh! Breathe!This is a stream on my property that I walk by every day when I take my dogs for a walk.  I always pau...
.Message from your guides: Is your turn signal on????I get a lot of analogies coming through in my Biofield Tuning Sessi...
.Thank you to all who joined last night’s Group Biofield Tuning Session! We worked on the LEFT KNEE, which represents mo...
Group Biofield Tuning Sessions via Zoom!!!!


44 Main Street, Suite 206
Peterborough, NH

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