Blind Tiger Shop

Blind Tiger is a bodywork boutique. Focused on therapeutic restoration and healing experience. Massage, Wellness Product.


when words feel not sufficient enough to tell the story, the language of scent sometimes come into play. Laimė Kiškūnė and I went on this journey, AND HERE IT IS!

History of Everyting


Kodėl žmonėms reikalingos istorijos? Kodėl žmonės nuo seniausių laikų pynė pasakojimų girliandas? Tokias įdomias ir patrauklias, kad iki šiol jų klausomės netekę žado?
Galbūt todėl, kad nuolat patvirtintume sau patiems, jog esame jungtinio ir niekada nesibaigiančio vieno didelio pasakojimo tąsa. Kad suvoktume, jog kiekvieno iš mūsų istorija - tai tarsi mažytis ryškus ir būtinas mazgelis begaliniame visatos audinyje.

ISTORIJA APIE VISKĄ / HISTORY OF EVERYTHING/ tai tarsi žaidimas, kuris leidžia keliauti laiku ir erdve kvapo ir prisilietimo dėka. Tai be galo švelnus impulsas, kuris praskleidžia uždangą į kiekvieno mūsų
asmeninį prisiminimų, nuotaikų, asociacijų, sapnų, fantazijų, jausenų, svajonių pasaulį.

ISTORIJA APIE VISKĄ pradeda savo kelionę į jūsų širdis ir protus. Mes norime papasakoti istoriją, bet ne žodžiais, o kvapu. Juk kvapas yra platesnis ir atsietesnis už žodžius. Jis tarsi magas nuneša mus už tūkstančių kilometrų, ir mes, per daugybę metų nugalėję begalę neįveikiamų kliūčių, pasijuntame kaip tie jūrininkai, kurie išplaukė ieškoti nežinomų žemių teturėdami imaginacinius žemėlapius.
O kur mūsų laivą nuneš palankūs ir nepalankūs vėjai? Ten, kur sau leisime keliauti - gal net Laiko upe į patį visatos centrą, kvepiantį ROMU su AVIETĖMIS.

Kas žino, kokia bus šios istorijos pabaiga?

ISTORIJA APIE VISKĄ tai mudviejų su Migle ir jos BLIND TIGER BODYWORK kūrinys. Ir, be abejo, tų talentingų ūkininkų, distiliuotojų, aromatų pasaulio tyrinėtojų, kurie iš gamtos sugeba išgauti neregėto grožio substancijas, kūrinys.

Kvapo gaidos: avietės, rožės, romas, gvajokas, smilkalinės bosvelijos.

Laimė Kiskūnė

Blind Tiger Bodywork

Photos from Blind Tiger Shop's post 02/01/2022

when my dear teacher - Zhenja La Rosa Yoga would start the practice, she would always say: “Once Upon a Time…” and at that moment we all knew we are entering the realm of the story, which was the most amazing experience to be part of, mainly because she would also add: “just remember - you are every character in the story”. That meant you are ALL - the Goddesses and Gods, demigods, even q***r Gods, and drag Gods too:) and all the characters that are courageous and inspiring but also evil ones and loosers. So you were basically everything, because that’s how it is - we see all the aspects of life in ourselves and others, and that way we are ONE.
Joan Didion once said: “We tell each other stories in order to live.” Listening and telling stories, I think, truly is the reason we all survived as human beings, evolved and are here now. And every story matters no less than any other. That is the fabric of our Universe we exist in. It includes everything you could possibly imagine.
for quite some time I was playing with that notion of Oneness and Everythingness and after some time “History of Everything” started to be born. I waned to tell a story but instead of using words I wanted to take scent as a broader, more abstract form of expression. It was more like creating a wizard stick that could be swung by anyone and they instantly could be transported across many many years already lived, or perhaps into the most evocative dream ever dreamed or maybe millions of miles into the imaginable center of the Universe (which actually does smell like raspberries and rum, as per IRAM 🔭✨)
this wizardy creation would not have happened without who I’m enormously grateful to have had in this continuous journey 💙
also for imagery 💫
soon available at (for orders in EU) and on 💥
notes: raspberry, rose, rum, guaiacum, frankincense.
🏷pre-ordes available via DM.
Happy New Year!🧧🐅

Photos from Blind Tiger Shop's post 01/20/2022

🌵cactus story🌵

Photos from Blind Tiger Shop's post 04/27/2020

Sending good thoughts to all the clients. Hoping to reconnect soon.
Stay well 💜


For Rodin, a hand was its own landscape, complete and internally resolved. It was not merely a sentence in the narrative of the body, it told its own story in lines and contours that added up like verses of a poem.
He once claimed to have sculpted twelve thousand hands, only to have “smashed up” ten thousand of them. 🙌🏽
For sure hands have something special - especially the capacity to heal and comfort.
Having some 4000 hours of bodywork experience in my own ones, I gladly would like to offer a session.
Annual sale ‘Give the Gift of Wellness’ starts today with 20% OFF for 60min gift certificates🎁
If you are doing last minute shopping, don’t worry, they will not be disappointed 🙌🏽
DM for purchase and details. Spread the love.


To create a recipe, you have to think of ingredients first, says culinary trailblazer Alice Waters.
Similarly to us, when formulating a skincare product - choosing elementary and most potent ingredients to become base of the recipe and cary the desired effects, is our primary goal.
Feet and legs salve Les Celestes functions as multipurpose ointment that carries properties to act as moisturizer, skin softener and smoother, it repairs and protects the skin. Due to rich source of antioxidants it plays role of free radical scavenger, therefore allows skin to repair itself and correct visible damage by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Balanced composition of fatty acids and lipid soluble botanical properties of 6 active herbs cares for dry, rough, irritated, itchy, flaky and aging skin, improves blood circulation, facilitates oxygenation of the skin. High content of gamma-linolenic acid has a significant effect on the transport of nutrients. It also firms and tones sagging skin, especially around the knees. Omega fatty acids lower transepidermal water loss and improves the skin hydration level. Rich in vitamins A, C, E. C.
Benefits of regular feet self-massage:
-better sleep -improved circulation
-boosted mood -reduced anxiety and headaches.
Give yourself a short massage daily and feel better!
40% off on our new Etsy shop
Visit ➡️

This Vital Self-Care Ritual Is Commonly Overlooked 10/29/2019

La Copine is on Byrdie!

This Vital Self-Care Ritual Is Commonly Overlooked Experts explain why you should incorporate breast massage into your self-care routine. Read more about it here.

What Restaurateur Emily Hyland Can’t Live Without 10/04/2019

Some La Copine love! (•)(•)

What Restaurateur Emily Hyland Can’t Live Without “I feel like there’s all this wellness stuff on my list, so I might as well have a real, honest vice.”

The Best Dry Oils, According to Dermatologists and Naturopathic Doctors 08/14/2019

Dry oil for quick absorption, skin protection and pleasant fragrance. Picked by New York Magazine.
Jo Malone London is my pick too.

The Best Dry Oils, According to Dermatologists and Naturopathic Doctors Including ones for acne, eczema, and to use in your hair.


It's here!
Les Celestes - salve défatigante (for feet and legs).
To beautify, repair, invigorate.
We dedicate it for you ALL:
adventurers, hikers, climbers, city strollers, pedalers, campers, high heels lovers, bare foot runners, flirters, seekers, renegades, dreamers, beachcombers, misfits, hard workers, youthful heart shenanigans, vagabonds, even haters (not fans of mosquitos), earth lovers, foragers, peacemakers, bohemians, dandies and dandizettes and all the rest who care about their feet and legs.
label design by Birutė Mockutė
letterpress by Paper Meets Press
formulation by me;)

Are You B**b Masking? You Should Be — Here's Why 01/31/2019

Meet the brands that are the forefront of the b**b care movement.
We are on the list!

Are You B**b Masking? You Should Be — Here's Why To put it bluntly, you probably need to take better care of your b**bs. The breasts, chest, and neck are often overlooked when it comes to consistent skincare routines — but these areas are just as affected by sun damage, pollution, and aging as the…


'We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality' - Sneca


Soul doesn’t start with the body, but within the boundaries of your body lies the experience through which you get to taste this life. Wherever you go - you are always the center of the Universe.


We all get broken at some point in our life but we heal forward. Choose how you are stepping on this earth. Every step of yours is capable making a ripple effect. Be mindful of your foundation. Happy 2019🖤


Holiday Gifting Idea - CBD MASSAGE!
60 minute luxurious and relaxing session = $95 (Reg. price $110).
Best way to treat sore, tight and tired muscles, minor pains and aches, stress and stiffness.
Reach out to [email protected] to schedule. Gift certificates are available too!
Give the gift of wellness and ease! Treat yourself or other in need.
Some of you have asked about and expressed curiosity and deep interest in, some - never heard of it before, but today we are inviting you to dive into CBD MASSAGE experience!
We think it is quite promising and it feels pretty amazing.
You are invited to receive; we already have done the testing!
Let’s explore it together:
It feels that it’s almost impossible to point when CDB became a mainstream thing (being infused in coffee, chocolate bars and ice-cream ) and the real question becomes: ‘Is it the dawning of a new miracle elixir?’, writes in one of the recent articles exploring nowadays CDB realm.
The thing is - we are not looking for miracles at all, nor we are making promises to cure something. At Blind Tiger Bodywork we are committed to search for reliable new tools and bring them into therapeutic practices to aid maximum wellness, while you will be calling your own shots.
Our short conclusion:
when it comes to CBD - less is just enough and quite plenty to do it’s job on sore, tight muscles. It’s just enough to bring nervous system to comfortable relaxation, staying completely aware what’s happening in the body. There are a lot of studies underway, and many conclusions are yet to be revealed, but according to most recent data we are convinced, that small amounts of Cannabidiol will do no harm. However, if you are looking to address a specific health issue - see a qualified specialist and visit , where they will advice you with all your needs.
Our priority - to be completely safe and never bring harm to your body. That’s why we do not jump on unreaserched snake oils and loud panaceas. After being skeptical for some time, we were lucky to come across the company from Colorado, and became convinced that their product was worth experimenting with.
Efficiency is what matters most: at (recently mentioned by ) they worked with CBD molecule to make it more absorbent through the skin. The lab testings shows that their product has absorption rate of 90%, which also means - higher bioavailability.

We promise - you will not regret it!

Why Is CBD Everywhere? 12/04/2018

Why Is CBD Everywhere? Cannabidiol is being touted as a magical elixir, a cure-all now available in bath bombs, dog treats and even pharmaceuticals. But maybe it’s just a fix for our anxious times.


befriend hedonistic rituals.
By saying hedonistic we mean the state of ease brought by practicing the wildest devotion to The self. To be hedonistic to the self means finding the ways of living with less pain and less fear. It’s sticking to the practices and tools that assist self growth and lessen emotional disturbance. It’s also an act of gaining knowledge and constant refinment; - ultimately opening up to feeling more fulfilled.

This Philly Massage Therapist Wants Women to Pay More Attention to Their Breasts 10/03/2018

OIL SLATHERING - that's what I'm talking about this fall;)
Thank you Philadelphia Magazine for the shout out about 'La Copine' - awareness based self massage oil! We are deeply honored.
Let's talk breast wellness not just in October. Let's take care of our bodies every single day.
Choose your skin care products wisely!

This Philly Massage Therapist Wants Women to Pay More Attention to Their Breasts Via a chic massage oil.


Oh pungent, musky marigolds - you bring me laughter, and the reminder that warm summer days will end soon.
They are so astonishingly beautiful, no wonder summer chooses to dress herself in such an extravagant color, making her last statement before first tickles of the frost. Goldenrods - they too are so abundant, full of nectar, just playing carelessly in the wind.
This yellow and orange colored altar of the summer opens to the feeling of fullness and oneness, some sort of quiet ease and supported stability- opportunity to nourish and love ourselves.🌼

Worshiping the False Idols of Wellness 08/18/2018

Worshiping the False Idols of Wellness Charcoal, “toxins” and other forms of nonsense are the backbone of the wellness-industrial complex.

Goddess Power: Invoke Shakti in Your Life 06/10/2018

Goddess Power: Invoke Shakti in Your Life Ta**ra and meditation teacher Sally Kempton explains how invoking the energy of Hindu goddesses in your practice activates their power within you.


Pop pop white flowers
of the chestnut after rain -
the snow of summer.

The MT’s Guide to Ma*****na and Massage 04/24/2018

The MT’s Guide to Ma*****na and Massage Sponsored by Massage Study Buddy Ma*****na is big news—and big money. Many states have passed laws that allow people to use CBD extract, primarily in oil form. Nine states have legalized recreation…

Why Breasts? 02/13/2018

Why Breasts? La Copine: Be Well Breasts Daily Massage Oil by Blind Tiger Bodywork. It's a delicious formulation of plant derived oils made for delicate breast tissue. Blended using only certified organic ingredients, La Copine is a truly lavish + well thought out creation .


Be Well Breasts Daily Massage Oil

Please do not forget about them! Honor them and get to know them. Get intimate with them. Feel good massaging them. Don’t exclude them from the whole body. Give restorative treatments daily.
Yes, you can get La Copine - BE WELL BREASTS DAILY MASSAGE OIL - on AMAZON now.
Why massage your breasts?
Breast self-massage is a great practice to maintain health of your breasts. Your chest and neck area has a pretty big grouping of lymph nodes. Massaging it, you activate lymphatic flow, which thereby boosts your immune system. Well moving lymph picks up the wastes from all cels, gets rid of toxins and fights the bacteria. Self-massage is an amazing tool to stimulate circulation and keep your tissues healthy. Gently massaging your breasts helps to reduce hormonal breast tenderness, minimize soreness and swelling, prevents sagging.
With breast cancer being the most common cancers among women, it is crucial that we do not neglect this part of the body, and take good care of ourselves. Intimacy and time for yourself by no means is selfish, - it is a necessary dimension of self-care. La Copine is formulated with 100% organic oils and botanicals, without any synthetic or unnecessary ingredients. It is designed, in particular, for breasts and decolletage self massage for any woman who wants to make self-care a priority in everyday life. We created it with an idea that every wom...


Holiday gift idea: 60 amazing minutes of bodywork for yourself, your family member or a friend! Investment is only $60 (regular price $80). This is my annual 'Give a Gift of Wellness' sale!
Email [email protected] for details and receive a gift certificate before Christmas. Be well!

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Philadelphia?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

La Copine

Massage and Skincare Mixology.



1608 Walnut Street, Suite 601
Philadelphia, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm

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