Frontier Harvest Ministries

Frontier Harvest Ministries

Church Planting:
Through our church planting efforts, we continually send local ministers into unreached areas to evangelize and disciple new believers.

FHM is Committed to Embracing, Equipping, and Emitting Individuals Into the Great Commission to Reach the Remaining People Groups with the Message of the Gospel. Making Disciples Who Can Become Harvesters:
Through our discipleship program, we teach new believers to know God through the Bible and show them how to let God be known through their new life in Christ. Making loyal disciples who can teac


Matthew 9:35-38

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into the harvest fields of the unreached people groups who are so desperate to hear the hope we have in Jesus Christ.


2022 - 2024 Progress Report:

Frontier Harvest Ministries' hidden ethnic initiative began in the year 2022 with the goal of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the last unengaged ethnic groups of the nations we have been serving. Not only engaging in groups but also making disciples to reach their own people groups. FHM teams have traveled thousands of miles and spent countless hours of car rides in their efforts.

So far, we have engaged in 24 of the 28 groups we committed to reach since 2022, and out of the 24 we have engaged in, 10 of them, we have seen baptism and discipleship steps taking place.
The other 14 we have found are adherent and receptive to the gospel.

Please pray as we continue to send teams to the last 4 remaining unengaged groups on the list below.

Thank you for your support and prayers, as that is the fuel under our wings to fulfill the great commission that God has called us to and enables us to continue going and sending.

Prayer Points:

- Pray for the remaining 4 unengaged groups and FHM teams as they make preparations to travel to these new regions.

- Pray for the 14 groups that are adherent to the gospel that FHM teams will soon find people of peace.

- Pray for the 10 groups and the people recently baptized that they will become the light of the gospel for their own people groups.

To stay up to date with progress, sign up for our monthly newsletter at

Photos from Frontier Harvest Ministries's post 10/12/2024

The Kam people, also known as the D**g - 侗族; Dòngzú, live mostly in eastern Guizhou, western Hunan and northern Guangxi. Small pockets of Kam speakers are found in Tuyên Quang Province in Vietnam. The Kam people are deeply into taboos, totem poles, and superstitions with different shamanism and magic arts.

FHM has been actively involved with the Kam people for the past 30 years and has witnessed many families leave their superstitious ways to turn to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & savior.

Please pray for the Kam people as more missionaries are raised up out of this people group to reach surrounding unreached groups.



QV-Cast #93 Who will Go? Who shall I send?

A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 93 - "Who Will Go, Who Shall I Send?"
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart

In this episode, we discuss what it is to be chosen by God to go into the nations from a missionary perspective. As Christians, we are all called in some way to be a part of the great commission, but what does it mean to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth and make disciples? Who are the people the Lord is seeking on the planet today to be equipped to do the apostolic work of the ministry?

As it is written in Isaiah 6:8 - "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” and also in Matthew 22:14 - "Many are called, but few are chosen." We hope that in this episode, we can answer some of the questions about what it means to be chosen by God.


Thank you SEAPC for the opportunity to talk missions in the studio. Let’s reach the nations together as the generations merge together! 💪🙏

🎙️ New Podcast Episode! 🎙️

Benjamin Chua (SEAPC UK) sits down with Jared Lenhart from Frontier Harvest Ministries to talk about Jared's family history in missions, specifically in Burma (now Myanmar). Jared's heart for missions and his love for the people of Southeast Asia shine through in this conversation.

Watch the full episode here:


Excited to announce that Frontier Harvest Ministries will publish its first edition magazine! If you're all about reaching unreached ethnic groups and taking the gospel where it has not yet been, then this magazine is the one for you. The great commission is all about taking the good news of Jesus Christ to every ethnolinguistic people group on the earth. At FHM, our focus is to key in on regions where unreached/unengaged groups are located in areas surrounding where we work. By utilizing the already existing body of believers and putting resources into purposeful projects, we can send more workers into the harvest fields of the world.

Sign up for FHM's monthly newsletter to receive updates on what's happening in hard-to-access nations today.


QV-Cast #92 - The Effects of the Absence of the Apostolic Anointing

Today, we will go through nine effects of the absence of the apostolic anointing. When churches and ministries lose the apostolic mindset, the focus is taken off the church's priorities and reaching the lost. Also, we go over three things that get in the way of the apostolic flow on a leadership team. On Apostles Corner, we hope to bring greater understanding to the apostolic mindset and functioning as an apostolic leader.


A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 92 - "The Effects of the Absence of the Apostolic Anointing"
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart

Photos from Frontier Harvest Ministries's post 09/29/2024

Wonderful Sunday service at Generations House of Worship. Thank you, pastor Nick Chybrzynski, for reminding us it's not about how the world looks at us but how God looks at us through His word. Also able to witness many baptisms! The Lord is moving in a mighty way in the hearts of every generation!

Samuel 16:7
"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


A Mosaic of Nations

Taking the great commission to every tribe and every tongue!

The Day and Hour Unknown

Matthew 24:9-14:26-27
9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

When every tribe and every tongue has an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ as a testimony, and then the end shall come. Until then, there is still much work to be done.


Ep 91 - Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Prioritize God's Desires Over Personal Ambitions.

When we give ourselves away, God can begin to use us.

Sometimes, as Christians, it is easy to go through the motions and become comfortable where we are. In this episode, we want to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and learn how to make God's desires our desires.


A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 90 - "Ep 91 - Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Prioritize God's desires over personal ambitions"
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart


QV-Cast #91 - Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Prioritize God's Desires Over Personal Ambitions.

A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 91 - "Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Prioritize God's desires over personal ambitions."
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart


Cheng Yang Qiao 程阳永济桥 was constructed in 1912 in San Jiang County, Guangxi Province, China. As a family, I often remember traveling to this area and staying in the guest house overlooking this exact view. Many locals thought it was strange for a foreign family to visit here back in the day, but through prayer, consistency in going, and a heart to share the gospel, we witnessed a breakthrough in the mindset of the people towards the gospel. Now in our network of believers, many Dòngzú 侗族 minority people have accepted the good news and now are church planters to their own people group and beyond.

Please continue to pray for China and the vast amount of ethnic people groups who have yet to hear the name of Jesus.

Photo credit: Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Team

Satanist Turns To Jesus 🙏 #jesus 09/23/2024

Satanist Turns To Jesus 🙏 #jesus Satanist turns to Jesus after encounter with God! 🙏✝️ ———Check out our ✝️ bracelet linked on channel——Subscribe to Bible Ali...

Photos from Frontier Harvest Ministries's post 09/22/2024

We would like to extend our gratitude to St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Butler, Pennsylvania for providing Frontier Harvest Ministries with the opportunity to share updates on our efforts to reach unreached and unengaged ethnic groups in the nations we serve today.

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church has a great and rich heritage. It began in 1813 as six German Lutheran families arrived in the Borough of Butler with their Bibles, some apple seeds, and a strong faith that God would guide and bless them..

In the 200 plus years since those first Lutheran families arrived “The German Evangelical Congregation of St. Marcus Church in Butler, the faithfulness of God has remained unchanging, With the dynamic and steady witness of our members through the years, funds were raised, and three churches ultimately were built as membership grew.


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Ep 90 - The Harvest Generation: What Does It Take To Be A Harvest Generation?

Part 3 of 3
What does the harvest generation look like when we are harvesting for Jesus? This episode will discuss how the Holy Spirit seeks willing vessels to pour into the world. Becoming a witness with the power of the Holy Spirit to see revival and awakening in the hearts of mankind. Be the go generation, be the harvesting generation.

A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 90 - "The Harvest Generation: What Does It Take To Be A Harvest Generation? Part 3"
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart

Photos from Frontier Harvest Ministries's post 09/18/2024

Baptisms, Baptisms and more Baptisms -
Despite the challenges posed by the civil war in Burma, our ministry receives reports every month from local brothers (Men of the Dirt) the good news of Jesus Christ continues to spread, transforming lives and bringing hope to those who have lost faith. People are experiencing the power of salvation and a newfound connection with the true and living God!



Not only does the Lord speak through His word but He also reveals Himself through the languages of this world. Here is an example from the Chinese traditional characters and simplified.

Van Zant "Jesus Christ" - Official Lyric Video 09/15/2024

Van Zant "Jesus Christ" - Official Lyric Video Stream "Jesus Christ" here:"Jesus Christ" Lyrics:They hung him up – On the cross They nailed him by his hands and feet The ...

Photos from Frontier Harvest Ministries's post 09/14/2024

Today is a special day of prayer as we focus our thoughts and prayers toward heaven to the persecuted Christians in the world today. The message of the gospel is still illegal to share in many countries today, and Christians who live in these countries face that harsh reality.

Please join together with Frontier Harvest Ministries in prayer 🙏

If you live in a country with persecution and are reading this, we are praying for you!

If you would like to be a part of what we do, please visit our website at


Shout out to our newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Yvon Roustan, Vangie Compas, Ebenezar Odum, David Stone, Henry Sakian, Gbagnonhoue Romeo, Shakti Singh, Becky Citizen, Bernardo-Matilde Ledda Sidugen, Jospat Njuguna, Mofota Isaac Hlephe, James Noel Macayan, Lymabra Labkei


Qv-Cast #89 - The Harvest Generation: Fishers of Men for Jesus - Part 2

Part 2 of 2:
What does the harvest generation look like when we are harvesting for Jesus? This episode will discuss how the Holy Spirit seeks willing vessels to pour into the world. Becoming a witness with the power of the Holy Spirit to see revival and awakening in the hearts of mankind. Be the go generation, be the harvesting generation.


A Frontier Harvest Ministries Production Presents
Learning the Apostolic Mindset
Ep 89 - "The Harvest Generation: Becoming Witnesses For Jesus, Part 2"
Host: Chuck Lenhart
Co-Host: Jared Lenhart



Pray for Tibet and the Unreached tribal groups in the Himalayan Mountains 🏔️ There are still millions of souls still waiting to be saved in Jesus name!

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Faith Like A Mustard Seed..

Our goal is reaching the unreached ethnic group(s) throughout Asia whom have not yet heard the true, “Word of Christ.” Mostly aiming our focus in Asia — and on the less-fortunate along those who are spiritually seeking for the one & only true Creator, God.

James 1:26-27

²⁶ “Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air.²⁷ Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.”

Videos (show all)

QV-Cast #93 - Who Will Go, Who Shall I Send?
The absence of the apostolic #92
When you teach and preach the word of God it is alive and pierces the hearts of man.   “For the word of God is alive and...
Special thanks to Generations House of Worship for opening your doors to Frontier Harvest Ministries and standing up for...
QV-Cast #91 - Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Prioritize God's Desires Over Personal Ambitions.A Frontier Harvest Ministrie...
Ep 90 - The Harvest Generation: What Does It Take To Be A Harvest Generation? Part 3 of 3What does the harvest generatio...
“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teac...
Qv-Cast #89 - The Harvest Generation: Fishers of Men for Jesus - Part 2 Part 2 of 2:What does the harvest generation loo...
Lester Sumrall -  Fighting A Spiritual Battle Gods Way #LesterSumrall #spiritualwarfare #missions #Apostlescorner
Lester Sumrall - Story of Miraculous Healings taking place in the underground church of China #LesterSumrall #healing #G...
If we don’t go, they won’t know. #sendingworkers #TheGoodNews #TheGospelOfChrist #minorities #missions #unreachedpeoples...
# 88 Part 1 of 2



Pittsburgh, PA

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