The Slow Remedy: Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release

Deep tissue massage therapist on a mission to provide top quality work that sinks to the subterranea

Deep tissue massage with an emphasis on trigger point therapy and myofascial release.

Statin Drugs Attack Connective Tissues and Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, and Fascia 07/05/2019

Statin Drugs Attack Connective Tissues and Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, and Fascia Chronic Pain with Statins has always been a problem. Now we learn these drugs are attacking ligaments, tendons, muscles, and fascia.

Sympathetic Dominance Causes Inflammation: Control Your Nervous System, and Control Your Inflammation 07/02/2019

Sympathetic Dominance Causes Inflammation: Control Your Nervous System, and Control Your Inflammation Find out what Sympathetic Dominance is, why it's such a bad thing, and how to reverse it!


Too cute!!

Canadian researchers find link between gut bacteria and fibromyalgia 06/24/2019

And I'd add "myofascial pain syndrome."

Canadian researchers find link between gut bacteria and fibromyalgia A Canadian study has revealed a link between fibromyalgia and alterations in gut bacteria—a discovery researchers say could lead to faster diagnosis for patients grappling with the chronic pain condition.

Horns are growing on young people’s skulls; phone use to blame, research suggests 06/21/2019

"In academic papers, a pair of researchers at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, argues that the prevalence of the bone growth in younger adults points to shifting body posture brought about by the use of modern technology. They say smartphones and other handheld devices are contorting the human form, requiring users to bend their heads forward to make sense of what's happening on the miniature screens.

The researchers said their discovery marks the first documentation of a physiological or skeletal adaptation to the pe*******on of advanced technology into everyday life.

Health experts warn of "text neck," and doctors have begun treating "texting thumb," which is not a clearly defined condition but bears resemblance to carpal tunnel syndrome. But prior research has not linked phone use to bone-deep changes in the body."

Horns are growing on young people’s skulls; phone use to blame, research suggests The bone spurs are caused by the forward tilt of the head.


During the conference you will see the Stecco family talking, the founders of a technique called Fascial Manipulation, which is practiced by one of my teachers, Walter Libby, LMT in Eugene.

"There's an ongoing global revolution in the anatomical research field, profoundly changing the way we look at the human body.

The reason?

👉Fascia - a network of connective tissue wrapped around every part of the body.

While being considered unimportant in the past, recently fascia has been acknowledged as the biggest organ in our body👀.

Last year was especially rich with various fascia related conferences all around the world, with Fascia Research Congress in Berlin being one of the most prominent ones.

During the conference a lot of new insights and findings were presented, including:

✔️ The discovery of a brand new cell
✔️ The real importance of water
✔️ Connection between fascia and PMS
✔️ How fascia influences the wound healing
and many others.

Check out the video📹 from the conference below.

For more details read the full article 👉

A Body Part You Never Knew You Had Could Be Making You Miserable 01/02/2019

"You have six times as many sensory neurons loaded in your fasciae as in any other tissue of your body except for your skin, explains Jill Miller, a fitness expert and longtime fascia evangelist (she’s an experienced registered yoga teacher, has presented case studies at fascia research conferences and developed the Roll Model fascia therapy program). This internal webbing helps different muscle systems communicate with one another — they’re what make you want to get out of your office chair and stretch or roll your neck around."

A Body Part You Never Knew You Had Could Be Making You Miserable This mystery tissue could be what's making you feel stiff, creaky...and baffled. By Corrie Pikul You're Achy, You're Sore, and You Have No Id...

Blood Sugar Dysregulation and its Effects on Connective Tissues Like Fascia, Ligaments, and Tendons 10/07/2018

Blood Sugar Dysregulation and its Effects on Connective Tissues Like Fascia, Ligaments, and Tendons For those with diabetes or pre-diabetes, it's critical to realize that diabetes will destroy your connective tissues (fascia, tendons, bones, ligaments).


"Your favorite lotion or shampoo or bubble bath might smell great, but did you know that dozens – even hundreds -- of chemicals could be hiding behind the word “fragrance” on their product labels? In our latest report, BCPP reveals 75% of the chemicals linked to⚠️cancer, reproductive harm and other chronic health effects⚠️detected in the beauty and personal care products we tested were hidden fragrance chemicals. "

Your favorite lotion or shampoo or bubble bath might smell great, but did you know that dozens – even hundreds -- of chemicals could be hiding behind the word “fragrance” on their product labels? In our latest report, BCPP reveals 75% of the chemicals linked to⚠️cancer, reproductive harm and other chronic health effects⚠️detected in the beauty and personal care products we tested were hidden fragrance chemicals.

Learn more about what we found and how YOU can take action:

Why modern medicine is a major threat to public health | Aseem Malhotra 09/10/2018

I agree.

Why modern medicine is a major threat to public health | Aseem Malhotra Most patients will derive no health improvement from medication. We should tackle the root causes of disease instead

Study: Blue light from screens can steadily blind us 08/14/2018

Your local massage therapist, with the latest health news, reporting from a screen:

Study: Blue light from screens can steadily blind us New research reveals that blue light from smartphones and laptops creates toxic mutations in our eyes.

Top 10 Magnesium Supplements 07/25/2018

Before taking any supplement, be sure it's tested for purity! Magnesium supplements are great for keeping your fascia functioning tip-top but beware! A popular magnesium supplement (MagCalm) is contaminated with arsenic. This lab company Labdoor tests products for their purity. You may want to check it out.

Top 10 Magnesium Supplements Labdoor analyzed 34 best-selling magnesium supplements in the United States for elemental magnesium content and heavy metal (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury) contamination.

In Safe Hands: Massage & PTSD | Massage Therapy Journal 06/29/2018

Research also indicates massage therapy may be effective for those clients who experience dissociation as a symptom of PTSD,4,5 allowing these clients to experience a more coherent sense of self, which for some is a primary reason they initially seek out massage therapy .6,7

While almost all studies on the subject point to the positive effects of massage therapy, making sweeping generalizations about its effectiveness for PTSD would be unwise.

“Given that the studies to date have involved small samples, we do not know the magnitude of these effects, nor do we know how massage facilitates health in trauma recovery,” says Price. “However, research findings suggest that dissociation reduction, i.e., a more coherent sense of self, may play an important role in positive massage therapy effects.”

There are aspects of massage therapy, too, that appear to provide some unique benefits to clients with PTSD—mainly giving these clients a feeling of comfort, safety and control they often can’t achieve on their own.

In Safe Hands: Massage & PTSD | Massage Therapy Journal Massage therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Why Your Deodorant Puts The Stuff That Comes Out Of Your Tailpipe To Shame 06/23/2018

One of the reasons why I have a fragrance free policy. Listen to this radio broadcast.

"The products you use everyday during your morning routine -- shampoo, deodorant, hair gel -- can create plumes of emissions as you go about your day. In Boulder, scientists recording emissions around the city discovered strange spikes in the data, especially in the morning, that weren’t coming from cars. Those spikes came from D5 siloxane, a compound found in personal care products. D5 siloxane gives your lotions and other personal care supplies that silky smooth feel, but it also lingers in the atmosphere for several days.

Matthew Coggon, an atmospheric scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences in Boulder, tells Colorado Matters about his work measuring these emissions from our bodies. Coggon, who also works for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, recently had his research on the impact of personal hygiene products published in the journal Environment Science and Technology."

Why Your Deodorant Puts The Stuff That Comes Out Of Your Tailpipe To Shame

Timeline photos 05/23/2018

Just another day at the office making people sweat and finding points that make them feel a bit barfy. ( Not a regular occurrence but it can happen depending on the point) Feeling nauseous when finding a nasty adhesion/trigger point is a normal autonomic nervous system response. Some LMT's operate on the philosophy that any pain or slight discomfort during a session is a bad thing--I beg to differ. We won't be able to break up an fascial adhesion and relieve your pain without pushing you to your threshold of what you can tolerate. It just takes confidence, know-how, intuition and communication to ensure you aren't hurting your clients. My beloved clients intend on coming back and walk out of my office feeling relieved. One of them told me today, "no more bandaid Chinese massage guys!" Come visit me, I don't bite.

Plainly Stated; Sugar Feeds Infection 05/21/2018

It's so hard to part with an additive substance that is ingrained in every aspect of our culture but we must resist!

Plainly Stated; Sugar Feeds Infection We already know beyond the shadow of a doubt that sugar feeds cancer. It should not be a surprise to learn that sugar feeds infections as well.

What are Fascial Adhesions and Why it is so Important to Get Rid of Them 04/21/2018

"Nearly all painful conditions are accompanied by inflammation of the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that is abundant throughout the entire body and covers all nerves, arteries, veins, and internal organs of the body. Fascia is filled with millions of nerve endings and also contains smooth muscle cells, so it can contract if injured or traumatized, and also cause skeletal muscle to tighten. The inflammatory chemicals make those same nerve endings even more sensitive, so that now it takes only takes a very mild strain to cause more inflammation, muscle spasm, and pain."

What are Fascial Adhesions and Why it is so Important to Get Rid of Them If you've ever wondered what adhesions of the fascia look like or how they affect you, today's post is for you!

Solutions for Chronic Pain and Chronic Diseases Are Largely the Same 04/04/2018


Solutions for Chronic Pain and Chronic Diseases Are Largely the Same If you or someone you love is suffering with chronic illness or chronic pain, today's post could prove invaluable.

Timeline photos 03/31/2018

I see this kind of structural change in the cervical spine quite frequently in my practice. The weight of gravity can pull your neck to the point of no return! This why it's important to get bodywork. We have to work against the force of gravity and the social tendency to develop "text neck." Your head is supposed to be around 15 pounds square on your shoulders. Leaning your head forward can increase your head weight up to 45 pounds! with
When was the last time you looked up?
How long has it been since you’ve taken the time to look up and appreciate life? We all have the tendencies from a modern day culture to spend our time looking down, and rarely up. With the amount of distractions and entertainment pulling our eyes down its no wonder so many of us suffer from neck pain. And I say suffer because pain is an invisible disease. Stay with me and take a journey on this article.
I often talk to you about muscle tension and things being “tight” in a shortened or lengthened position. However, let’s discuss how your tissues are like a big pool 🏊‍♀️ or ocean 🌊. -
I’d like you to picture your soft tissues; muscles, and fascia as a big ocean 🌊. Inside this ocean, your skeleton is riding the waves in the direction your tissues go. Over time the tissues lock 🔐 a pattern into your fascial and nervous system. -
This pattern is locked so strong into our system that it’s hard for our brain 🧠 to know another pattern other than the dysfunctional one we create. All these things are created from habits, good and bad. Bad habits easily go unnoticed, and eventually became a way of life and a locked pattern. As you finish reading this, look up and appreciate what’s in front of you.
With love, Manny.

Welcome 03/30/2018

New website launch. Check it out folks, it's so pretty! Everything has been rewritten, so read on! After recently acquiring my office full time, I have much more open availability throughout the week! Check out my schedule. Also, if you have manual therapy or massage benefits under your health insurance plan, I am able to bill Regence, Blue Cross Blue Shield, or Providence Health Plan. Shoot me an email via the contact page on my website, and my biller will find out the details of your plan!

Welcome The Slow Remedy aims provides Portland, OR with quality deep tissue massage and myofascial release that is a step above the rest.

How busy hands can alter our brain chemistry 03/21/2018

'"I made up this term called 'behaviorceuticals,' instead of pharmaceuticals, in the sense that when we move and when we engage in activities, we change the neurochemistry of our brain in ways that a drug can change the neurochemistry of our brain," said Kelly Lambert, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond.'"

How busy hands can alter our brain chemistry Occupying our hands - through work, chores or art - can engage our brains and alleviate anxiety

All Trauma Affects the Physical Body 03/08/2018

All Trauma Affects the Physical Body Every trauma, whether it occurs in a Physiological, Cognitive, Emotional or Interpersonal form, affects the Physical body.


Thank you, thank you!

Biofilms, Fascia, and Herxheimer Reactions 02/13/2018

"There is abundant evidence in the literature to suggest that chronic microbial bacterial infections (the literature dwells extensively on Lyme's) can attack -- or at least have an affinity for --- Fascia."

Biofilms, Fascia, and Herxheimer Reactions If you've ever wondered why having intense bodywork might make you feel worse, it could be due to a Herxheimer Reaction caused by breaking Fascia which has a Biofilm attached to it.


Essential oil users, beware! DoTerra diffusers are made with LEAD.

Sleeping With Weighted Blanket Improves Your Mental Health 02/08/2018

"Deep pressure touch stimulation (or DPTS) is a type of therapy that almost anyone can benefit from. Similar to getting a massage, pressure exerted over the body has physical and psychological advantages. According to Temple Grandin, Ph.D., “Deep touch pressure is the type of surface pressure that is exerted in most types of firm touching, holding, stroking, petting of animals, or swaddling. [sic] Occupational therapists have observed that a very light touch alerts the nervous system, but deep pressure is relaxing and calming.”"

Sleeping With Weighted Blanket Improves Your Mental Health Insomnia be gone! Weighted blanket can help with insomnia, anxiety and many other issues!

Stress it’s not in your head; it’s in your nervous system 02/01/2018

"The work is then to re-train the body. This can be done by invoking practices such as felt sense oriented meditation, deep breathing, vocal toning, spontaneous movement and dance, yoga, listening to soothing music, spending time in nature, running, or hiking. Or simply receiving a hug from a loved one, which releases oxytocin, a natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland that promotes bonding and connection. These are tools to deactivate the sympathetic response and activate the opposing parasympathetic response, called the rest and digest mechanism. The goal is to feel safe. To regulate breathing, slow the heartbeat, and circulate blood back to the vital organs."

Stress it’s not in your head; it’s in your nervous system Have you ever been told when you’re stressed to stop worrying and just relax? That it’s all in your head? It would be nice if it were that simple. But it’s not. Physiology research shows that the stress response memory lives in your nervous system. Take for example exposure to a stressful even...


Post-massage face with one of my favorite therapists and teacher, Walter Libby, LMT. I make special trips to Eugene to see him considering he's one of the only people that has been able to significantly help with my myofascial pain and adhesions. He's been practicing for 40 years and has extensively studied the work of Janet Travell, the pioneer behind trigger point therapy. He also practices "fascial manipulation," a form of intense manual therapy developed by the Italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco. I've learned so much from Walter, and continue to develop my own technique based off what I've learned from all of my passionate teachers. Im grateful for my own experience of pain and learning from feeling, for it has enabled me to better help others.

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Portland, OR

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