Julie Johnson Financial Entrepreneur and Educator

HowMoneyWorks is on a mission to eradicate financial illiteracy—the #1 economic crisis in the world.

As a HowMoneyWorks Educator, my goal is to guide you to the summit of financial independence and empower you to take control of your financial future.


Have you ever asked why we insure our cars and our homes... (and even our vacations, sometimes!) but why is it that we so rarely insure ourselves and our incomes?

There are several reasons for this, but one of the biggest is that we simply don't think about it. We go through life thinking that nothing bad will ever happen to us... until it does. And then we realize that we should have been prepared.

Do you have life insurance? If not, why not? If yes, is it enough to cover the needs of your dependents in the event of your death?

If you'd like to learn more about whether you have the right type and the right amount of insurance, message me and I'll be happy to chat with you about it.


The financial tides are turning.

Unprecedented wealth is about to change hands, shifting from baby boomers to millennials.

For millennials, that means challenges. They'll need help navigating both the transfer itself and their newfound wealth.

But it also means opportunity. With the right guidance, they can make the most of this historic moment.

It's also an opportunity for the next wave of financial professionals. Those who can help millennials through this moment will be in high demand.


"With millennials poised to inherit $68 trillion, financial advisors can take these steps to attract younger clients," Lorie Konish, CNBC, 2021


Which of the common causes of recession do you think are active right now?

Here's a hint—one might start with "in" and end with "flation."


Today we recognize the legacy of an American hero who devoted his life to the fight for equality and justice for all people.

And what better way to acknowledge him than by sharing this quote with you—"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."

How true is that? What heavier burden is there than hatred?

That’s what today is all about. Rejecting hate. Embracing love.

Wishing you the best this Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


It's not enough to dream.

You have to take action and make it happen.

So ask yourself this—what steps can you take to bring your dreams closer to becoming reality?



An old Chinese proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This wisdom applies not only to physical journeys but also to the journey of entrepreneurship.

At first glance, the path may seem steep and uncertain, but with each step forward, you are making progress towards your goals.

Just like following footprints leads to a mountain peak, following your dreams and taking action can lead you to financial success. It may not always be easy, but the rewards are worth it.

So, if you ever feel discouraged or overwhelmed on your journey, remember this: every step you take brings you closer to reaching your dreams and creating wealth. Keep pushing forward and never give up because anything is possible with determination and hard work.


It's called a 'rainy-day' fund for a reason. You never know when you'll need a little extra cash to get you through a tough spot.

But what if that tough spot is a full-blown financial disaster?

Here are three ways you can get prepared to avoid financial disaster:

1. Stay away from high-interest debt
2. Protect your income with life insurance
3. Build an emergency fund

If you can do these things, you'll be in good shape to weather any financial storm that comes your way.


Spending gets tight during recessions.

Demand plummets. Consumers and businesses pull back.

That's why having a well-thought-out business model is of the essence. What is your business model? Would demand for your service or skill vanish, stagnate, or grow during a recession?

If you have a business model that only works when times are good, you might be in for some bad news...

If your business model still provides value that clients demand, you may have what it takes to weather the storm.

So ask yourself—is your business model recession resilient?



Eleanor Roosevelt was an exceptional leader who understood the power of dreams and the importance of believing in them. She believed that our dreams are not just mere fantasies but hold beauty and potential that can shape our future.

Her personal life and achievements testify that anything is possible when you believe in your dreams. From being a shy child to becoming one of the most influential first ladies in history, Eleanor Roosevelt's journey inspires all.

At WealthWave, we encourage our members to believe in their dreams and work towards making them a reality. Our platform provides the resources and support to turn your dreams into tangible goals and achievements.

Your dreams hold immense power; believe in them, and they will become your reality.


Your money has one job—to make your life better.

So why doesn’t it work? Why do you hear stories about people winning the lottery and then ruining their lives? Or see investigative news episodes about the super-wealthy?

That’s because people get confused about what actually makes their lives better.

They use their wealth to buy things. And things cause problems. They need to be maintained. They make people jealous. They invite lawsuits—seriously, that in itself can be a common problem for the wealthy.

So what should you buy with your money? Security.

Buy a car that works and will last for years with little maintenance.

Save money for emergencies.

Save for your retirement.

Get the financial protection your family needs by purchasing the proper amount of life insurance.

Those are your priorities. Without security, your money can quickly become a curse instead of the blessing it should be.


Is the new year giving you the confidence to contemplate or face the divorce process? Educate yourself on the legal, financial and emotional aspects divorce at this free, virtual and private divorce education workshop sponsored by the non-profit WIFE.org. Saturday, Jan. 13, 9:00 - 11:30 am
Register here: https://bit.ly/2ndSatJanuary13


Does your income depend on your effort alone?

Then you might be vulnerable.

Why? Because you're relying on your own time and energy to provide for yourself and your family.

But what if you couldn't work? What would happen to your income?

That's the power of owning a business. Savvy entrepreneurs can still generate income, even if they can't devote their time and energy for a season.

Does your income rely on a single person? Or a team of people?



What happens when you don't pay back your loan? The loan never goes away, and the debt gets bigger. The interest keeps piling up, and eventually, your loan becomes unmanageable.

If you're one of the 43% of student loan borrowers who are not making payments, you're not alone. And you're not necessarily a bad person. Life happens, and sometimes it's hard to keep up with your loan payments.

But you must be aware of the consequences if you're not making payments. Your credit score will suffer, and you may eventually default on your loan. That's when the real trouble starts.

Make a plan to get back on track with your loan payments. It's not going to be easy, but it's better than the alternative. Your future depends on it.


As an e2E advocate, my mission is simple—help professionals to make the move from employee to entrepreneur.

My experience is that two things keep employees who want to become entrepreneurs locked to their desk jobs...

1. Comfort
2. Fear

And it's my goal to liberate employees from these obstacles.

How? By removing obstacles. The only way to help more employees become entrepreneurs is to remove risk and guesswork so that anyone willing to work hard can make the move.

For me, that's mentorship. It looks like coming alongside new entrepreneurs and teaching them how to make a business plan, how to close sales, how to cope with disappointment.

Of everything I do, it's by far one of the most rewarding.

If you'd like to learn more about what entrepreneurship would look like for you, contact me!


Quick—you have to earn more money, starting tomorrow. How will you do it?

Realistically, you have three options...

Get a promotion...

Get a new job...

Or, start a business.

Which do you think is most realistic for you?


As we step into a brand new year, let's do so with unwavering determination and steadfast commitment. Leave behind the doubts and uncertainties of the past, and embrace the limitless potential that lies ahead. This year holds immense opportunities for you to shine and achieve greatness. Stay focused, work hard, and persevere through any obstacles that come your way. With determination and commitment as your guiding forces, there's nothing you cannot accomplish.

Wishing you a resolute and fulfilling journey in 2024. Happy New Year! 💪


Ready to jumpstart your financial education? Let’s see about getting a copy of the HowMoneyWorks book into your hands.

The first part covers the money concepts you should have learned in school—compound interest, the time value of money, and the Rule of 72.

The second part covers the 7 Money Milestones—the action steps everyone must take to build and protect their wealth.

Reach out to learn more about getting a complimentary copy!��


Get your priorities straight.

As your income increases, spend first on security and safety. Emergency fund, a safer neighborhood, retirement, life insurance—you get the picture.

If you still have cash flow remaining, then you can make your life easier. Don’t get the sports car—get the reliable truck. Hire someone to help clean your home and maintain your yard. Whatever you don’t enjoy, outsource.

And if there’s still cash left over after that, go all in on your hobbies. Restore old cars, go backpacking, enjoy beach vacations, you name it!

Reverse this order at your peril—a single misfortune may land you with unexpected expenses (or even debt) and no financial wiggle room.


At WealthWave, we're not just about building businesses but turning dreams into realities. We believe that no matter what size your dream is, there is a corresponding size of your business opportunity. The bigger your dream, the bigger your business needs to be.

We understand that building a business can be daunting, but with the right guidance, tools, and resources, anything is possible. That's why we provide our members with comprehensive training programs and a supportive community where they can learn from successful entrepreneurs and turn their dreams into tangible businesses.

Our platform provides you with all the tools, resources, and support you need to turn your dreams into reality. From financial education to marketing strategies, we have everything you need to build a thriving business.

So don't just imagine success, make it a reality with WealthWave.


Amidst the flurry of gift-giving and celebrations, let's remember that the true essence of Christmas is the love and togetherness we share. Cherish the moments spent with family and friends, as they are the greatest gifts of all.

May your heart be filled with gratitude and your home be filled with laughter this Merry Christmas.


These numbers can be frightening:

• About 1 in 5 U.S. businesses fail within their first year of operation. (1)

• A whopping 18.4% of businesses fail in less than 12 months of being open. (2)

• By the end of the second year, 30 percent of businesses will have failed. By the end of the fifth year, about half will have failed. (3)

But what's the cause of these failures? Here's a list of the top six reasons, according to Investopedia:
1. Lack of market demand or need for the product or service.
2. Running out of cash.
3. Not having the right team in place.
4. Poor marketing and sales efforts.
5. Not being able to adapt to changes in the market or industry.
6. Legal challenges and issues.

Knowing these common pitfalls can help you avoid them on your own entrepreneurial journey. Take the time to thoroughly research and evaluate your business idea, create a solid financial plan, build a strong team, and constantly adapt to changes in the market.

And remember, success doesn't happen overnight - it takes hard work, determination, and perseverance. But with the right mindset and strategies in place, you can overcome these challenges and build a successful business.

(1) LendingTree - Business Failure Rate
(2) Luisa Zhou - Businesses That Fail
(3) Entrepreneur - Top 6 Reasons New Businesses Fail


For many, their plan to earn more money is simple—work hard, and hope the boss notices.

And it's a perfectly valid plan. Many have climbed corporate ladders, bought bigger homes, and built wealth by working hard and playing the game.

But the disadvantages? They're significant.

What if fairly rewarding employees isn't a priority for your boss? What if they can't—or won't—see your potential? What if you're boss, well, sucks?

It's called working a dead end job, and it's truly soul-crushing. You find yourself in the same routine, doing the same work, getting the same paycheck, without making any headway towards your goals and dreams.

You might think you need a Plan B, but you really need a Plan E...


Are you security driven or opportunity driven?

Many are security driven. They seek stable jobs, monthly paychecks, and health insurance. They want a retirement plan and job security. They are content to work hard and receive incremental raises.

It makes sense—it's hard to argue with the security of a regular paycheck.

But the simple fact is that the labor market has changed—and is still changing. The jobs that once provided stability and security are disappearing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this trend.

In the new economy, the only security is self-security. The only way to guarantee your future is to create it yourself.

This is why entrepreneurship has become more important than ever before.

Entrepreneurs are opportunity driven. They seek out problems and solve them. They build businesses that make a difference. They create jobs and generate wealth.

In the new economy, entrepreneurship has become a new path towards security. For some, it may be their only path.



One of the biggest concerns people have when saving for retirement is whether they will have enough "doubles" - that is, growth in their investments and savings - to reach their goals.

The Rule of 72 helps to quickly calculate whether your savings are on track to double in value within your desired timeframe.

To use the Rule of 72, divide 72 by the expected annual rate of return on your investments. For example, your money will double if you expect a 4% annual investment return, 72/4, or 18 years.

Now that you know it will take 18 years for your money to double, how many '18-year' periods do you have until retirement? If you're currently 30 years old and plan to retire at age 65, you have about two '18-year' periods. Will the amount you now have saved plus the expected growth from your investments be enough?

If not, what do you need to change?


It can be challenging to make ends meet, let alone have any money left for savings. Every month, there are responsibilities that need to be covered: the mortgage or rent, the utilities, the car payment, and maybe even a student loan or two. Then there are other living costs, like groceries, gas, and entertainment.

Items like your mortgage or rent are non-negotiable–you have to pay them, or you'll be homeless. Food, groceries, and gas or commuting expenses will also be regular monthly costs.

But, there's an often overlooked expense that is just as important: yourself, or more specifically, your future.

This concept is sometimes called "paying yourself first."

Before paying any of your other bills or expenses, the idea is that you should set aside money for savings and investments. This way, you ensure that you are taking care of your future self, rather than just your current self.

There may be cases where someone will say, "That sounds good and all, but there's just nothing left at the end of the month!" And to that, we respond with two points.

First, you may need to re-evaluate your budget and find ways to cut back on some of your other expenses. After all, if you're not taking care of your future self, what's the point?

Second, there are usually ways to increase your income, whether through a raise or promotion at work or by finding a side hustle or gig.

Ultimately, the goal is to make sure that you are putting your future self first and preparing for whatever may come your way. So take a look at your budget and see where you can start setting aside some money for yourself!

If you need help getting started, message me, and let's start taking care of your future self first.


Make no mistake—a recession must be taken seriously.

Serious as a threat to your finances.

Serious as a threat to your savings.

And serious as an opportunity to build wealth.

What's your plan to weather a recession? Better yet, what's your strategy to come out on the other side stronger than ever?



How significant is the problem you're solving? If you're succeeding just a little, you're solving a small problem. If you're not succeeding at all, you're not solving any problem.

So when you're ready for significant success, it means you're ready to solve a big problem.

So ask yourself—how big is the problem you're solving? Is it big enough to make a real difference in people's lives?

If not, keep looking for a bigger problem to solve. It's out there waiting for you. And when you find it, you'll open a door to new horizons of opportunity.



Need to escape your current career? You may need a "Plan E"—a plan to become an entrepreneur.

Why? Because entrepreneurship is the only route that offers you the freedom to live as you wish.

No more time clocks. No more 9-to-5. No more building someone else's dream. Just using your skills and passions to solve problems and create an income.

Contact me if you want to learn more about what entrepreneurship could look like for you. With the right knowledge and mentorship, it's a far more attainable path than many have been led to believe.


At some point in our lives, we have all encountered the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and most of us answered with a fairytale-like dream job or career.

Some of us, for example, wanted to be in the NBA 🏀, on Broadway 🎭, or even become an astronaut 🪐.

But as we grow older, we often find ourselves drifting away from those childhood dreams and settling for what is "realistic" or "practical." We are told to be more practical, to choose a career that will bring in a stable income and provide us with security.

As an entrepreneur, it's essential to never lose sight of your dreams and always dare to dream bigger. The entrepreneurship journey may not be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. It takes courage, determination and a strong mindset to realize your dreams.

So why not take that leap of faith and start chasing your dreams today? Remember, every successful entrepreneur was once just a dreamer with a vision.

Dare to dream and make it happen. The possibilities are endless if you dare to chase them.


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WealthWave NW Leadership Center: 7421 SW Bridgeport Road Suite H-225
Portland, OR

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