Villanova Office of Education Abroad

The Office of Education Abroad (OEA) provides the Villanova community with the opportunity to experience the world beyond our campus.

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 09/20/2022

1842 Day is a great day to support Scholarships for Villanova study abroad students!!

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 09/20/2022

Please consider donating to the Office of Education Abroad Scholarship Fund during 1842 Day! Your support is so impactful!


VSB Global Citizens spotted enjoying the view from stop the London Eye! Apps are now open for VSB Class of 26 Global Citizens Program in either London or Asia-Pacific!! Link in bio for more info 🔵⚪️


We look forward to seeing you today in Bartley Atrium!

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 10/01/2021

Checking in with junior, Bryan Dipasca!

"When I initially arrived in Milan, it was a bit overwhelming to be exposed to a new place and culture so quickly. However, the staff at IES Milan () has been wonderful in helping students become adjusted to life in Italy. After 4 weeks here already, I already feel so much more comfortable when it comes to speaking and ordering food in Italian, taking public transportation to and from class, and overall integrating into the community here. Not to mention, I've been able to meet other students from across the world! Everyone involved with the program has been so nice with helping students feel at home in a foreign country, and they have also been great with planning fun trips and experiences for students, including a day trip to Lago Maggiore, and the opportunity to see "The Last Supper" in person! Overall, the experience has been more than I could ask for, and I'm so excited for the rest of the semester!"


Gracias! Arigatou gozaimasu! Danke! Go raibh maith agat! Grazie mille! Thank you Abroad Nova Nation for your generous support of study abroad opportunities for Villanova students. We can’t thank you enough!


Join the celebration by supporting The Office of Education Abroad! Every gift makes an impact for our students. Link in bio.


This , we are featuring Gabby Loftus, a senior Political Science major who studied abroad in Rome on the IES Abroad International Relations program:

“My advice to anyone considering studying abroad is not to be afraid to try something new and different. During the fall semester of my junior year, I studied abroad in Rome, Italy. It was an incredible opportunity and I made some of my best memories as a college student during my time abroad. I lived with an Italian student and was able to learn a great deal about the local culture and have many new experiences in the vibrant city of Rome. Studying abroad also provided me with the chance to take unique classes such as Photography of Roman Art and Monuments and Italian Immigration Policy. My program involved field study trips which included locations such as the Vatican, the seat of the Italian Senate, an Italian refugee center, and Assisi. During my four months in Rome, I became more independent and gained a greater understanding of different cultures and perspectives as I travelled to multiple European countries.”


Meet Sam DeCarlo, a senior math and criminology major, who participated in the BCA Study Abroad in Marburg, Germany. Her advice is:

“Do your research! I was able to find a niche program that split my time between Austria/Germany- the program for you is out there, you just have to look for it! With that, don’t be afraid to choose a program that gives you a small sense of nervous excitement. The cliche saying goes “life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and I’d say that captures the essence of going abroad.

Once you get there, give yourself grace during the transition and throughout your time. Growing up, I always thought abroad would be a five month long vacation and while most aspects are, you’re there to learn & grow, and so it’s okay if you sometimes have a bad day. This doesn’t mean your abroad experience is wrong, just that you’re filling immersing yourself in the experience and willing to change because of it!

Going abroad was by far one of the best decisions I made at Nova. I am so grateful for my time abroad and encourage anyone who is thinking about it to go for it!”


This , we are featuring Kate Canavan, a senior Finance and International Business major:

“During the summer before my junior year, I studied abroad in Seville, Spain. I worked with my study abroad advisor to find a program that fit my interests, allowing me to participate in an eight week internship followed by a four week gastronomy class. I absolutely loved living with two different host families during these two programs!

My advice to students interested in studying abroad is to find a program that fits your specific study abroad needs whether that is the location, internship availability, major/minor courses, etc. While abroad, take advantage of opportunities to get to know the local people, culture and customs! One of my favorite experiences was sharing dinner with my host mom and my mom. It was so special to share a traditional dinner that my host mom had prepared, while translating for both my host mom and my mom.”


Meet Juliana, a senior who studied abroad in Amman, Jordan during the fall semester of her junior year! Check out her wonderful study abroad advice:

“Appreciate every moment of your abroad experience - it goes by so fast! And try your best to engage with the culture and people in your host country - go to a local coffee shop, talk to a vendor on the street, visit a museum. Most importantly, prioritize your mental health - adjusting to life in a different country miles away from home has its difficulties, and it’s okay to recognize those struggles and have bad days while still enjoying your overall experience.”


This we are featuring Danny DeGraff, a senior account major. His advice is as follows:
“I recommend a study abroad program to anyone who is interested in travel and learning a new language. I believe that it was extremely important in the development of my character. There are many challenges in life that I can now conquer as a result of my independent travel and experiences while in a new environment so far away from home. Studying abroad can also help the individual to understand more cultures and more perspectives towards life that exist in the world.

Studying abroad in Chile was one of the best experiences that I have had at Villanova!!! I was extremely nervous prior to leaving, but as soon as I got to Chile my host family was extremely accommodating and made me feel right at home. My host family was amazing. Every day my host mom would prepare my breakfast and pack my lunch before I left for school. Every night we also had a different Chilean meal for dinner. I truly was immersed in Chilean culture and I learned how to speak the most Spanish while interacting with my host family during my daily routine.

Classes while abroad were very interesting as well. The great thing about classes abroad is that you have the opportunity to take a class on a topic that you normally would not take in your major at Villanova. My favorite class abroad was on Chilean folklore. We studied local stories and traditions that were present in ValparaĂ­so specifically in relation to threats that exist for citizens of the city such as earthquakes that devastate the infrastructure of the city and the lives of many.

I also had the opportunity to travel while abroad. Although we stayed within Chile, our trips to Chiloé and the Atacama desert were unforgettable and memories that I will remember for the rest of my life.”


Learn more about the unique program that Abbie participated in:

“During the fall semester of my junior year, I studied abroad on SIT’s IHP Health and Community Program which included travel to Washington, D.C., India, South Africa, and Brazil. By leaning into the unfamiliar and remaining present in the face of unknowns, I built lasting connections which allowed me to find a sense of “home” in many locations across the globe.

When considering studying abroad or when choosing your particular program, I recommend considering how you will challenge yourself to grow over the course of the experience. Study abroad can be full of fun, once-in-a-lifetime experiences while also being a time to really invest in yourself and your surroundings. As you take on the journey, I challenge you to put your phone down. Yes, those pictures will be great to show your people back home, but pausing to connect with fellow human beings offers a deeper source of connection and will provide a much richer memory in the long run. Embrace all the learning that’s to come outside the classroom and keep asking questions - to yourself, your peers, your homestay families, professors, neighbors, and more!”


This Wednesday we are highlighting the WFI Vatican/UN internship for Computing Sciences majors.

Besides participating in a prestigious internship placement at the Vatican or at the United Nations, program participants also grow academically and personally. Living in neighborhoods and studying alongside Italian students provides students with an authentic experience, allowing them to connect deeply with the culture and challenge themselves to go beyond their previously held limits.

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 04/06/2021

A fun from Morgan Bendel, a junior Civil Engineering major who participated in the Irish Studies in Galway Program!

“My advice would be to try and really experience the community/city you’re living in & take advantage of the short amount of time you have abroad!”


Curious about studying abroad?? Eunice Cho, a senior Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience major, has some great advice!

“If you’re even thinking about studying abroad, you HAVE to do it.

I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark with the DIS program during the fall semester of my junior year. As I put homestay down for my first housing option, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. However, I’m so incredibly grateful that I leaned into my discomfort, knowing that I wanted a true cultural immersion experience. I ended up meeting an amazing Danish family who welcomed me into their “hyggelig” (cozy) home and served as my support system while I was abroad.

The biggest risks can create the most extraordinary outcomes, so I encourage everyone to take that leap of faith and study abroad!!!”

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/31/2021

This Wednesday, we are featuring the Irish Studies in Galway program!

Spend a semester studying in Ireland’s “Cultural Heart” at the National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway. Located in the west of Ireland, with deep and rich connections to Irish culture, NUI Galway offers a diverse curriculum which can accommodate most Villanova majors including Sciences and Engineering.

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/30/2021

A few great tips this from Megan Brockmeier, a senior Economics major:

“Studying abroad in Sydney, Australia with TEAN during the fall of my junior year was the most formative experience of my time at Villanova. It took me out of my comfort zone in ways I could have never imagined. I was able to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef, road-trip the South Island of New Zealand, learn to surf, watch some breathtaking sunrises/ sunsets, hike a volcano, and so many other things I never thought I would. I lived right on Coogee beach and had immediate access to the famous Coogee to Bondi coastal walk which I did almost every day. I truly fell in love with Australia and I know I will be back!

My advice for choosing a location/ program is to really reflect on who you are, your goals, and must-haves. When I was trying to decide, I actually made a literal powerpoint covering some of those things as well as my top three options and it really helped me to consider which location would be the best fit. It also helped in convincing my parents to let me go halfway around the world :) As cheesy as it sounds, you really have to follow your heart and I’m so glad I did.”

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/25/2021

This Thursday, take a look into Maddy’s study abroad advice. Maddy is a senior sociology major:

“I studied abroad with SIT in Cape Town, South Africa. My advice for study abroad is to take a chance to travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to go! This might be the only time you can live internationally for a while, so put yourself out of your comfort zone! The lessons I learned and friends I made abroad will stay with me forever. I’m so thankful for my time in Cape Town and I can’t wait to go back someday!”

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/23/2021

Check out advice this from Alec Jania, a senior Economics major:

“The best advice I can give somebody who will be studying abroad is to plan ahead. By “planning,” I don’t mean scheduling a break trip a few months in advance or packing enough pairs of socks for the weekend trip, although those are good ideas too. The best thing I ever did before traveling to Milan was spend some time back home researching Milan and learning more about the neighborhood I would be moving into. Being aware of a few sight-seeing spots from a quick Google search is great. But, I found that having an extensive list of options to pick from is a complete gamechanger. There is no pressure to visit every sight and eat at every restaurant, but if you show up to an unexpectedly closed attraction or face an hour long wait at a restaurant, you’ll always have some solid options to fall back on. You are not going to look back at your study abroad experience and wish you spent more time, wherever you end up, on your phone or laptop searching for something to do or somewhere to eat. You’re going to appreciate every moment where you tried something new, learned more about the history and culture, and transformed a personal experience into a story you can tell others for the rest of your life.

As you meet more people while you are abroad, their recommendations will always be expanding your lists and plans. Hopefully, you will have a discovery of your own to share too. By the time your semester is over, you should be happy if you never were able to do it all. Even if you missed that one cool neighborhood or never got to eat at that super busy restaurant when your time abroad comes to an end, you now have one more reason to come back.”

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/18/2021

See what Nicole Conte, a senior Psychology and Spanish double major, has to say about the Cadiz semester program:

“Studying abroad in Cádiz was easily the best experience I have had during my time at Villanova. The ability to meet people from all over the world and immerse myself into a new culture created memories that I will cherish forever, and it is truly a decision that I would encourage everyone to consider heavily. While in Cádiz, I lived with a host family for the semester. This was something that I was really nervous about going in because I was scared about easily adapting to their lifestyle and/or having trouble communicating with them. However, I was welcomed with so much love and excitement that instantly all my worries went away.

To anyone considering going abroad but is nervous about socialising in a different culture or standing out, do not be. The people I met while studying in Europe were some of the most warmhearted people and all they wanted was for me to have a good experience. Traveling abroad for a semester has SO many benefits and everyone should consider going if they are able to!!”

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/17/2021

This Wednesday, we are highlighting the Nursing Year in Manchester: The College of Nursing has established a year-long study abroad program with the University of Manchester in England.

Students in this program spend their sophomore year in the Nursing Department of the University of Manchester. The courses transfer to Villanova as the sophomore year of the nursing curriculum and no time is lost in the four year course of studies.

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 03/16/2021

Looking to do an internship abroad?? See what Julia Shelley, an Honors Communication major with a specialization in PR & Advertising, has to say:

“Studying abroad has been one of my best college experiences. I was so lucky to spend a semester in Rome where I took classes and interned at the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). My time working at IFAD was so valuable and I was fortunate to learn about their meaningful work and the field of international development while enhancing my writing and research skills. I had so much fun traveling on the weekends and visiting different areas of Rome through class excursions!

My advice to anyone looking to study abroad is to take advantage of the different types of programs Villanova offers! I knew that I wanted to intern abroad, so that was a big part of my program search. If you’re interested in research, language immersion, or a particular institution, there are so many programs offered that can give you what you’re looking for in an abroad experience!”


Happy !!


Falling all Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 BCIC applicants: applications are due March 15!

Don’t forget to submit it so you can spend your semester studying in this beautiful and vibrant town.


Interested in studying in a beautiful, coastal city in the south of Spain? Look no further than Cádiz! This program is perfect for students who want to explore and experience a uniquely Spanish way of life.

The Villanova Cádiz Spanish Language and Culture program is designed to enrich and deepen the student’s command of Spanish, while offering a wide array of classes in other disciplines to complement other majors, minors, and other academic interests.


*** Registration now open for FIE’s Student Global Leadership Conference***

The Student Global Leadership Conference is an opportunity to challenge yourself, delve into your leadership aspirations, and connect with others who want to make a difference.

Attend as many or as few presentations as you want, completely free of charge!


V’s up this Wednesday from Cambridge!

The Villanova Honors Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Program in affiliation with the Institute of Economic and Political Studies (INSTEP) offers an outstanding intellectual and social experience in a social, prestigious university town with a rich academic and historical tradition.

This unique program is open to students enrolled in the VU Honors PPE Cohort!


Shoutout to the School for International Training for hosting their annual Spring 2021 Critical Conversations webinar series!

The series includes 40+ webinars designed to inspire community-wide dialogue on the most critical global topics. The series will feature popular perspectives from the Global South faculty lectures, alumni panels, SIT information sessions and other virtual events to immerse yourself in the SIT experience.

Join these critical conversations sessions by registering for the link in their bio!

Photos from Villanova Office of Education Abroad's post 02/22/2021

Need motivation to get started on your study abroad journey? See what Katelyn Tsai, a junior MIS, Business Analytics, and International Business major has to say about her experiences:

“Studying abroad has been the most formative experience of my time at Villanova. I was lucky enough to study abroad through two amazing programs: the Hong Kong Summer Internship Program and BCIC Urbino Program. Being able to see two contrasting parts of the world and immerse myself in their cultures have allowed me to expand my worldview in my pursuit of becoming a global leader.

My advice to those considering studying abroad would be to take the leap and go for it. It may seem scary to study abroad at first, but stepping out of your comfort zone will be worth it. While you’re there, don’t be afraid to try new things: explore lesser known parts of the town, taste new foods, meet new people, and travel to other cities as much as possible. You’ll remember your abroad experience forever so make the most of it!”

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Sending out a global THANK YOU to all the generous donors on #1842day!


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