Amelia Aesthetics

From research to recovery, every step of your Amelia journey is designed to make it easy for you.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/26/2024

So how does a lollipop lift work 🍭?

Like with most surgeries, a breast lift starts with an incision, which is where the lollipop lift gets its name.

The lollipop lift is a keyhole-shaped incision that goes around the ar**la and down each side of the breast. Because only the excess skin that is causing the breast to sag is removed, the breast is perkier, but stays around the same size. And don’t worry the ni**le stays attached the entire time.

Once the skin is removed, the incision is closed. As the incision closes, the ar**la is pushed up and repositioned towards the center of the breast.

What’s left is a scar that goes around the ar**la and a single line down the front of the breast (like a lollipop!) and a perkier, more shapely breast.


Can high profile give you more upper pole fullness? ⁠Not necessarily…
A higher profile implant doesn’t automatically mean more upper pole. In fact, at the same volume, a low profile implant will typically give you more upper pole fullness than a high profile one. ⁠

The higher the profile the more the implant’s volume projects out, while lower, wider profiles have more volume at the top.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/22/2024

One of the best parts of the Amelia NYC experience with Dr. Blau (aside from the incredible patient care and 🔥results) is you’re in NEW YORK BABY. And we love that y’all make the most of it!

We’ve heard of patients catching a show the night before, getting their post-op steps in exploring the city, and having some of the best takeout while they recover in their hotel room.

Ready for your Amelia NYC moment? Your first step is a consultation. Book your virtual consult with Dr. Blau at

The Details:
Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 385cc
Placement / Profile: Under / High
Surgeon: .blau.amelia

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/19/2024

Why do Amelia’s belly buttons look so natural?

Well, part of it is the technique and placement of the incision, but a lot of it is simply practice.

Because we specialize in body surgery, we do A LOT of tummy tucks. The “belly button” part of the procedure is one of the most challenging parts and just like with most things in life, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

It’s important to note that your results, including your belly button, have a lot to do with your anatomy and healing—which is why everyone’s is a little different.

But we can promise, your surgeon is doing everything in their power to ensure your belly button will look as natural as possible.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/17/2024

You may have heard that final results take around a year to develop, and we get it, that sounds like a long time to wait.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t see a ton of progress while you wait for those true final results. Everyone’s healing is a little different, but as you can see, you can still look and feel great early in the process.

Give yourself and your body some grace—you’ll get there!

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 505cc & 525cc
Placement / Profile: Subfascial / Mod+
Surgeon: .lopez.amelia

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/15/2024

Though a breast lift and a reduction are very similar, there’s one key difference. A reduction removes tissue to make your breasts smaller, a lift does not.

In fact, a lift doesn’t really change the size of the breast at all. A lift is used to reshape the breast and address ar**la placement, but doesn’t add or take away significant volume—making it a great add-on to implants for those looking to add volume and shape.

Procedure: Breast Lift + Implants
Height / Weight: 5’5” / 180 lbs
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 355cc
Surgeon: .kate.amelia
Post-Op Timeline: 6 Weeks

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/14/2024

“I’ve struggled with my weight from a very early age. I lost a significant amount of weight two times prior, but I still was not happy in my body because of the loose skin that came with it. Once I realized that I could achieve my dream body with the help of plastic surgery, I became focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I started taking semaglutide in Feb 2023 and in the span of 10 months, I lost 60 pounds. During that time, I started running again to help maintain the weight loss. In Feb 2024, I had an extended abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and a breast lift with .hunter.amelia.

He is amazing! He set realistic expectations, really listened to me, and was honest and compassionate when sharing that I would have to do my surgery in phases (I’m having my second surgery at the end of this year!) I’m already so confident in how I feel and look.

This was such a life-changing experience for me that I didn’t think was an option years ago. Dr. Hunter and Amelia were so kind and caring, they have given me so much confidence.” -Lisa

Lisa, your story makes us smile so big—thank you for sharing it with us. Congratulations on all of your hard work and success—we can’t wait to continue to be a part of your journey.


Did you know waistline liposuction is included with a tummy tuck at Amelia for no additional cost?

Why? Because we believe including liposuction makes for the best result—and that’s what you deserve.


“Can’t you just diet and exercise instead?” Well, actually, you can’t.

Of course, diet and exercise are important for your overall health, but they can’t do much for loose skin.

In fact, the more weight you lose, the more loose skin. The only way to truly address excess skin is to remove it. Procedures like tummy tucks, arm lifts, and thigh lifts are common tools to help weight loss patients restore their shape and confidence.

The work and journey start long before cosmetic surgery, which is what makes stories like Lorae’s so inspirational.

Thank you, Lorae, for letting us be a part of your journey. We’re so incredibly happy for you


To be completely honest, stretch marks are an area plastic surgeons have been trying to figure out for a long time.

As of now, there isn’t a great solution other than removing them. Things like keeping them hydrated, and in some cases, stretching them out might help—but unfortunately, stretch marks are often genetic without a ton of treatment options.

We know that’s probably not the answer you were hoping for, but we’re all about honest education and realistic expectations.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/12/2024

“Two years ago, I started on a journey to take back control of my health, my well-being, and my body. Looking back, I can’t believe how far I’ve come, but I feel like I’m just getting started in some ways too.

With the love and support of my family, an amazing surgeon and his staff and incredible resources, I’ve been able to improve, not just my overall health, but my mind, body, and soul.

If you’re starting a health journey, or in the midst of one, just know that while I may not know you personally, I see you, and I’m cheering you on! We can do this together!”

Nicole, the world needs more women like you. You represent the support of others, love, and empowerment we love to see. We are so honored to be a part of your journey.

Thank you for sharing your story with us


Life (and weight fluctuations) happen—even after surgery. So it’s not uncommon for folks to gain or lose a little weight in the years after their procedure.

Once things like skin and fat are removed, they are gone for good. So if you happen to gain or lose weight after surgery, you’re going to do so proportionately while maintaining your shape. In other words, you’re not going to completely lose your results.

That being said, breast results do tend to be more sensitive to weight change than say, a tummy tuck. Like most things in the plastic surgery world, a lot depends on your anatomy and varies by person. But most patients, find they are still very happy with their results even with a change on the scale.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/10/2024

Ashley, we are so inspired by you and your incredible story! Thank you for sharing it with us


Ready to have your consultation? Good news–you can book online with our link in bio.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/09/2024

Not sure which tummy tuck is right for you?

That’s what your consultation is for! Your surgeon will make recommendations based on the amount and location of loose skin, muscle separation, and your goals.

Know the basics of the procedure you’re interested in beforehand (so you’re not caught off guard), but don’t stress about having your whole surgical plan figured out.

Your surgeon is there to answer your questions, listen to your goals and concerns, and work with you to create a plan to achieve those goals.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/08/2024

Don’t feel bad if it feels like you’re swimming in jargon. You’re not alone.

Hope this quick guide makes your research a little easier :)


We are so excited to celebrate the incredible women who have shared their journeys with us and educate on the benefits and need-to-knows of surgery post-weight loss.

Beginning on Monday, July 8th, we’re kicking off our next Amelia Bootcamp: I Lost Weight!

Stay tuned!


Follow .blau.amelia to learn more about all of the incredible things Dr. Blau and the team at Amelia NYC are bringing to the Big Apple! 🍎🏙️

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/28/2024

At Amelia, reductions offer more than smaller breasts. Our reductions include a lift and bra line liposuction for better shape and perkier breasts.

Your ar**la/ni**le isn’t removed during the procedure, but it is repositioned and can be made smaller. This comes from the “lift” part of the procedure. After the excess tissue and skin is removed, the incision is closed gently pushing the ar**la to the center of the breast.

Pretty cool, right?

Procedure: Breast Reduction (Includes: Lift + Bra Line Liposuction)
Age: 46
Height / Weight: 5’5” / 138 lb
Surgeon: .hunter.amelia

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/26/2024

Ready to find your goal photo the easy way? Start searching GoalFinder at


“It felt like no matter what I did, I just couldn’t shake that last little bit. has been a huge and consistent part of my life for years (I’m coming up on my 1,000th class!). But despite all of my work, I never felt the way I looked matched how strong I felt on the inside—that was really frustrating. It was reassuring to learn I had done my part and what was left was something I could choose to address with surgery or accept. It was so empowering to have a choice and I couldn’t be happier that I chose this for myself.”

One of our favorite myths to debunk is that tummy tucks and liposuction are the easy way out. In fact, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

For things like muscle separation and loose skin that can’t be treated with diet and exercise alone, surgery is the only way to achieve full correction.

Thanks, Kristin, for sharing your story with us. We’re so happy for you

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/21/2024

When it comes to submental fullness/double chin submental liposuction is the gold standard.

It’s the best, most consistent, and most economical option. Results are predictable, it’s done in just one treatment (under local anesthesia or easily added to another surgical procedure) and the downtime is only a few days.

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/20/2024

Get to know Dr. Fredman, Brittany, and all of the St. Louis crew (Spoiler alert: they’re the best!). Follow .fredman.amelia

Procedure: Breast Augmentation + Lift
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 385cc
Placement / Profile: Under / High
Surgeon: .fredman.amelia

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/18/2024

Plastic surgery is about improving your quality of life, not taking away from it. Whether it’s implants or a tummy tuck, getting back to your hobbies and the things you enjoy is the goal.

Thank you so much, Lily, for sharing your story with us. We’re so excited for all of your adventures that lie ahead.

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Implant Size / Profile: 270cc / Moderate
Surgery Timeline: 5 months post-op
Surgeon: .lopez.amelia

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/17/2024

One of the best things about having a lift and augmentation at the same time is only having to go under anesthesia once.

And even better one surgery means one recovery and lower costs.

One recovery, one surgery, and more savings…what’s not to love?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation + Lift
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 335cc
Placement: Over
Surgery Timeline: Less Than 3 Months Post-Op
Surgeon: Dr. Blau at Amelia


To see a difference in size, Dr.Kate recommends at least an increase or decrease of 100-150cc. But it also depends on the size of your current implants.

If you have smaller implants, you’ll probably be able to tell a difference with a little less. With larger implants you’ll need a little more to see any kind of significant change.

So if you’re racking your brain over 50cc, it’s probably not worth the stress. Talk with your surgeon, have some goal photos handy, and together you can figure out what size will get you to your goals.


Congratulations, .kate.amelia!

It’s no surprise the Amelia Evansville grand opening event was full of good vibes and even better people.

We’re so happy to have you and your team sharing the Amelia love in Indiana. 💙

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/12/2024

Nothing truly lasts forever, but your mommy makeover results can come kinda close. Of course, things like aging, weight changes…gravity take their toll and do affect your body, skin, and results over time. But a lot of women are happy with their results for years and years post-op.

As if we need another reason to love a mommy makeover 💁‍♀️

Procedures: Tummy Tuck (w/ muscle repair), Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, & Liposuction
Height / Weight: 5’3” / 200lb
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 565cc
Placement / Profile: Under / High
Surgery Timeline: 3.5 years post-op


Goal photos are worth a thousand words, but as important as it is to have them, you don’t need to stress too much if you don’t have all the info about the implants in your wish pics.

The goal photos are helpful in showing your surgeon the look you’re going for. From there, they can help you decide on the implant size to get you there based on your anatomy and natural breast tissue.

In the goal-photo-searching phase? Check out the GoalFinder to search thousands of results from real patients. Available on

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 06/09/2024

Do you know the smallest implant size? The largest?

Implant sizes start around 80cc and go all the way up to 800cc (with the most common range being between 300-500cc)—which means implants are really customizable to YOUR goals.

In fact, this patient chose two different sizes—300cc for the left breast and 350cc for the right)—to achieve her goals.

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Height / Weight: 5’2”/ 100 lbs
Implant Type / Size: Silicone / 300cc & 350cc
Placement / Profile: Under / High
Surgeon: .fredman.amelia


See you tomorrow!

Thank you Rachel NC Realtor, HomeTowne Realty, Christi Ann Photography, Mellow Mushroom, Walker DesignBuild, Amelia Aesthetics, and Brenda Gibson for sponsoring our 2022 Evening of Giving taking place tomorrow, September 29th, at the North Carolina Museum of Art!

It's not too late to purchase tickets

Can't make it? You can still bid on our auction at home

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/06/2022

Not sure where to start when researching breast augmentation? 🤔 We’ve got a path for you :)

1️⃣ Amelia always recommends starting with one of our on-demand virtual breast or body orientations. In under 30 minutes, you’ll get all the basics of implants, recovery and pricing! You can stream it on demand anytime at

2️⃣ Ready to get even more serious and start your deep dive research? It’s time to download the free app, Bustmob Academy. These informative and entertaining videos will cover the most frequently asked questions, myths, and get you completely prepared for a consultation.

3️⃣ Want a place for all things breast surgery - as well as a group of women to walk along this journey with? Head to and learn, shop & connect with women asking the exact same questions as you.

The above patient had all of these resources available to her BEFORE walking into her Amelia consultation. Together with Dr. Hunter, she chose 355 and 385cc (moderate profile) silicone implants placed under the muscle. She’s 5’5” and 128 lbs.

Recovery: 3-5 days
Final results: 9 months
Cost: around $7300
Monthly payment: as low as $185/mo

Photos from Amelia Aesthetics's post 07/05/2022

What's better than a summertime getaway to Greece?⁠
Vacationing in the body you always wanted! 🙌🏼⁠
Claire is a patient of Dr. Fredman from Amelia St. Louis and is 8 months out from her breast augmentation. After watching a free orientation - she knew she'd be able to afford her procedure - AND would have enough time to heal before her big trip!⁠
Want to start planning your treatment? We'd highly recommend streaming a Breast, Body, Mommy Makeover or Skincare orientation FIRST at

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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2304 Wesvill Court, Ste 360
Raleigh, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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