Clair Ashburn, Lactation Consultant

Clair enjoys helping moms & babies become more comfortable breastfeeding. *Not taking new clients


No app needed here 😆

#MomLife 01/18/2019

These are so beautiful!

These photos demonstrate the life of a black mother's day-to-day lifestyle as she breastfeeds her baby.
-Bus stop
-Childcare Center
-Beauty Shop

Photo Shoot Courtesy of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Timeline photos 01/08/2019

⭐️ Please read the entire caption to understand our philosophy ⭐️ We hear the term “food before 1 is just for fun” thrown out in our Facebook group {search Feeding Littles Group to join} and in various Baby-led Weaning communities. The spirit ✨of this phrase is great - don’t stress about the quantity of food your baby eats, and don’t worry if they just play - but the idea that EXPOSURE to food is unimportant before 1 could not be further from the truth for a variety of reasons. This term has been interpreted to mean do not give food until 1, which increases baby’s nutritional, allergenic and developmental risk unless specifically indicated for medical reasons. We are seeing a huge rise in feeding therapy clients due to this phrase as well. Breast milk is amazing, but food has a place too ❤️

Since babies need exogenous iron {and zinc} starting around six months due to depletion of iron stores from birth, food does have a nutritional role, and that’s why we recommend high iron foods like meats cooked to soft 🍗, lentils and beans starting at 6 months. {Mix beans/lentils with other foods like guacamole so baby can pick them up without the pincer grasp.} We now know that in most babies, the delay of allergenic foods {peanuts 🥜, shellfish, eggs, etc.} actually INCREASES a baby’s risk of allergy to that food, so not introducing these foods close to 6 months can actually be more harmful in the long run. Research suggests that babies who don’t get to practice with foods of various textures by 9 months are statistically more likely to have feeding issues in elementary school. Furthermore, not exposing a baby to food until they are 1 ignores their biological drive to eat and interest in food. For sensory, developmental, motor, social, nutritional, allergenic, and oral coordination reasons, please start introducing foods to your baby when they’re around 6 months and start showing readiness signs like sitting unassisted, bringing foods to their mouth, and interest in food unless told otherwise by your ped. Side note: having a pincer grasp is NOT a sign of readiness for food, and gagging when they start is normal and protective! For more myths, click our link in bio 👆


Please don't put mitts on me. I use my hands for so much, mostly to connect and communicate with you. Imagine the things you can't do if you wore your mittens all day.😉 Those little scratches I give myself are fine. Just keep my nails short.
love Baby

Timeline photos 12/20/2018

Thanks to my friend Hope for sharing why this matters so clearly.

New to ? Curious about the ? Wondering why I avoid products? Check out my newest blog: The WHO Code: what’s the big deal?

Photos from Clair Ashburn, Lactation Consultant's post 11/27/2018

Anyone else’s kids nurse their babies?

Timeline photos 10/03/2018

For month, we want to remind you of one of breastfeeding’s powerful benefits! It can lower your chance of breast cancer— and the longer you breastfeed, the more your risk is reduced. Find more facts on and in IG Stories.

Timeline photos 10/02/2018

“We are telling moms to do this really important thing, but we are leaving them to struggle through on their own, and sometimes we even put barriers in their way."
|BREASTFEEDING AND MENTAL HEALTH| A client recently told me that a psychologist told her he doesn't recommend breastfeeding because "the mental health of the mom often suffers so much". Let's take a minute to unpack this together.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#1. There is solid research showing that breastfeeding in general is actually protective against postpartum mood disorders. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#2. It is also true that breastfeeding difficulties like ni**le pain can significantly increase the risk of postpartum mood disorders. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#3. Here's what I see as the real problem (as it stands in the US, at least): We've done a decent job getting the message out that breastfeeding is important for the health of both babies and mothers. Breastfeeding initiation rates have been continually increasing over the past few years. However, we live in a society where it is really hard for many families to get good care when they have problems with breastfeeding, and THIS is what is dangerous for maternal mental health. We are telling moms to do this really important thing, but we are leaving them to struggle through on their own, and sometimes we even put barriers in their way. Some will make it through ok, but others will end up feeling broken and hurt, with deep emotional wounds. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The answer (contrary to the claims of that psychologist) is NOT to stop supporting breastfeeding. The answer is to help families get excellent care when they need it. Good places to start: better breastfeeding education for healthcare providers, more consistent insurance coverage for IBCLC care, and support for aspiring IBCLCs from underserved populations. We've got a long way to go, but this is a battle worth fighting.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
photo via ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⭐️ I would also add that every situation is different. For some, stopping breastfeeding is helpful with their anxiety or depression. However, in many cases the pain of weaning would only exasperate the problem.


If you were breastfeeding before the storm, one of the most important things you can do is to continue breastfeeding after it hits.

Be safe everyone


Have you heard of the "double freezing method" to keep your frozen breastmilk frozen? Bad idea. 🚫
Advice has circulated claiming to protect frozen breastmilk from thawing by placing quart bags filled with smaller bags of milk into larger bags filled with cold water and then freezing them solid. HOWEVER Field tests have shown that the milk bags inside thaw in the cold water before re-freezing.
The best things you can do to prepare for potential power outage include:
- Before a storm or other known potential hazard event, note the position of the fridge/freezer temperature control. Turn the control to the coldest setting.
- Make sure that your freezer is as full as possible with your milk in the center. A full freezer stays frozen for much longer (48 hours) than a partially full freezer (24 hours).
- Fill empty space in the freezer with crumpled newspaper. This may help to reduce air flow.
- Keep the freezer door completely closed.

Timeline photos 09/10/2018

See this link for details about your breastmilk in the freezer. Also, make sure you have a manual pump or know how to hand express if you are dependent on your pump. Let’s hope that hurricane Florence takes it easy on us!

As Hurricane Florence approaches the east coast of the US many moms may be concerned about their freezer stash of breastmilk. Power outages -common with big storms - may affect Mom’s ability to pump, too. Read the link below for how to plan and prepare for power outages.

Timeline photos 08/23/2018

Ohh sweet, well-meaning visitors 😅 It’s important to prioritize your baby, breastfeeding & skin-to-skin. This is not the time to be nursing under a cover 🙅🏻‍♀️You can send potential visitors a message before the baby is born telling them you will let them know when you are ready for visitors. This sets the expectation that you may not be ready for them while you’re still in the hospital.
In yesterday’s post, I talked about Dr. Bergman’s recommendation that babies spend the first ONE THOUSAND MINUTES of their lives in nearly-continuous skin to skin contact. One VERY common hurdle to this is VISITORS. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
There are probably lots of friends and family members who are excited to meet and fall in love with your baby, and that is an absolutely wonderful thing. However, having lots of other people besides mom and dad holding baby in the first couple of days can interfere with crucial skin to skin and breastfeeding practice. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It is OK to ask your family members to wait a couple of days to hold baby. If you get some push back on this, share some of the amazing benefits (smoother transition to life on the outside, less crying, lowered need for interventions baby, and an easier time getting breastfeeding off to a good start). This can be a great time to start practicing setting boundaries for your family!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
photo via

The Best Nursing Bras, According to Experts 08/20/2018

Here are some of the "best nursing bras". Do y'all have a favorite?

The Best Nursing Bras, According to Experts We spoke to International Board–certified lactation consultants, registered nurses, and baby and breastfeeding stores to find out.

Toddler Formula Is Unnecessary. So Why Is It So Popular? 08/12/2018

Toddler Formula Is Unnecessary. So Why Is It So Popular? Health experts say toddler formula is unnecessary, and some argue it could be harmful to growing kids.

Timeline photos 08/01/2018

Tummy time is way more than neck strength! Read below to see the other benefits (and see if you can notice how it could improve breastfeeding!)
💕CHEEK DOWN TUMMY TIME 💕 isn’t a , I promise. We think that because we’re told that TT is all about neck strength. But that’s like saying a vacation to Hawaii is all about the lei you get when you arrive 🏝. So what is baby gaining from this “lazy Tummy Time?” My nerdy 🤓 eyes see: neck, chest, shoulder and hip stretch, tons of sensory input for building body awareness, hand to mouth time that helps improve mouth and tongue strength and coordination, and a bunch of other important benefits. Here Big Bro is offering the perfect visual stimulus in a great position, comforting and connecting with his little voice and smell and closeness 😍 and baby is meeting TT Goal 1️⃣ - COMFORT. Need some TT help to get your little to that goal of comfort? 🌟 Get my 10 best no-cry Tummy Time tips - link in bio. 🌟And next time your baby is chillin’ belly-down like this know that it’s a GREAT thing, not a •

Timeline photos 07/19/2018

Beautiful and true. Your body alone can exclusively nourish a baby for 9 months *in* your body and then for 6 months *from* your body. And beyond along with other foods! That’s pretty impressive. 📷 from

The WHO breastfeeding resolution behind the debate 07/10/2018

I love supporting moms at the one-to-one level. We need support at all levels. "If all infants under the age of six months were exclusively breastfed, we estimate that about 820,000 child lives would be saved every year. Today, however, globally, only 40% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed." WHO spokesman Tarik Jašarević

The WHO breastfeeding resolution behind the debate The Trump administration's reported opposition to an international breastfeeding resolution has raised eyebrows. Here's a look at what that resolution is.

Every time a baby goes to breast, the $70 billion baby food industry loses a sale 07/09/2018

I had the pleasure of learning from Dr Stuebe during my time at UNC. See her response to the recent NY Times article regarding breastfeeding.

Every time a baby goes to breast, the $70 billion baby food industry loses a sale The United States’ opposition to the WHA breastfeeding resolution is appalling. And it is also in line with decades of US policies that have prioritized corporate profit over public health.

Instagram Photos 07/01/2018

Having friends with kids similar ages provides great community. We are not made to do this alone!! However-comparing your baby to their baby can be very discouraging.

Ever heard the saying “comparison is the thief of joy”? Every single baby is different. Every family is different. Celebrate your friends’ joys and successes but don’t forget to celebrate your own too!

Timeline photos 06/21/2018

Moms let’s talk about your to-do list after baby is born. Laying in bed & nursing your baby is a perfect way to accomplish this. And just a reminder that you were MADE for this!
In the first four weeks, “a new mothers daily list of goals should boil down to
1.Take care of your baby.
2.Take care of yourself.
The end.
Darn it, you didn’t get to the laundry today? Look at your list again. Did you take care of the baby? Yes. Did you take care of yourself? Also yes. Oh, I think you’re crushing this new-mom business then. I guess the laundry can wait.
What’s that, you’re sad because you haven’t lost the baby weight? Check out your handy-dandy to do list with exactly 2 items on it. Is the baby still alive? Awesome! How about you? Are you still breathing in and out? Well then it looks like you’re the greatest mom ever. Keep on trucking.
{YOU MUST READ THIS} The God who made the moon and the stars and the mountains and the oceans, the Creator who did all those things, believed that YOU and your baby were meant to be a pair. That doesn’t mean you’re going to be a perfect fit. That doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. It DOES mean that you need not fear failure because you can’t fail a job YOU WERE CREATED TO DO.”
This is a direct quote from book “Girl, Wash Your Face!” Mamas, she hasn’t taken my newborn sleep class, but she just stated my philosophy so beautifully. This is your job the first four weeks! Sure, my class will give you tools for beyond that, but this is “your list” for that first month! (Ok, I will add brushing your teeth to the list, but that’s all! 😬)
Tag every expectant mama you know, then go buy or borrow this book. You can listen on audio while you feed your baby. It is honestly changing my life, and it will change yours! It’s for every woman alive!
And, if your baby is 12 weeks or younger, get the newborn class! It will give you tools to help you continue to feel confident moving forward. Link in bio.
Hey, was this “your list” as a new mom? I wish someone would’ve grabbed my checks and said, “Cara, Stop! Check your list!” (And can have a GREAT SLEEPER and still make this “your list” for the first month!)

Timeline photos 06/19/2018

Breastfeeding is SIDS prevention. And breastfeeding doesn’t have to be exclusive to experience some benefits.

Timeline photos 06/02/2018

It’s a tough transition from the womb to the world. Breastfeeding makes it an easier transition! 🤱
The beautiful transition from womb to world is called the 4th trimester. Being gentle with yourself and your baby during this time will benefit you both and create precious memories that you will treasure forever 🖤

Timeline photos 05/23/2018

Raleigh moms! How awesome is this if you’d like some privacy to nurse or pump?

Repost with
New addition to the second floor at Marbles! Our very own nursing pod! Download the Mamava app or ask a Team member for the access code to use it.

How Cultures Protect the New Mother 05/22/2018

How Cultures Protect the New Mother What can we learn from the cultural postpartum rituals of low-income, developing countries?

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Videos (show all)

Basics of wearing a baby in a ring sling! After my last video, I got many questions about how to use one.Two things to a...
Quick video on how to breastfeed in a ring sling. I’m using a LÍLLÉbaby ring sling here. Post or message your follow up ...
Here’s a technique to help your baby pass gas or poop. Warning: let’s just say Barrett was a cooperative actor in this v...





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