Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC

Welcome to Shasta Mom's Circle! This page is a place to find info regarding our local breastfeeding County of Shasta welcomes your comments.

The purpose of this discussion is to present information relevant to the stated purpose of this site, regarding matters of public interest in the County of Shasta. We encourage you to submit your comments, but please note this is a moderated online discussion site. Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the County its officers,


Today in Anderson!

Meet us at the Anderson Library for the best Storytime in Shasta County! Every Thursday at 3:30PM we read books and each child receives an interactive gift and related sticker project – both provided by

Celebrate Breastfeeding - Virtual Art Exhibit 2023 09/06/2023

Thanks to all those who attended the Celebrate Breastfeeding Art Exhibit celebrating the end of National Breastfeeding Month 2023. The virtual gallery is up! Enjoy! ❤🤱 North State Breastfeeding Coalition

Photos from Moomysmilk's post 09/06/2023
Photos from Motivating Interdisciplinary Lactation Knowledge - MILK Research Lab's post 09/05/2023

Sending love to our NICU families! 💚💚💚


Enterprise SMC is tomorrow! We hope to see you there!
See more...


New to breastfeeding and have questions or need help? WIC breastfeeding peer counselors are trained parents who breastfed their babies. They will listen to you, answer your questions and encourage you.

Ask if your local WIC office has breastfeeding peer counselors. WIC also has nutrition counselors and registered dietitians to support you and your family through your child’s 5th birthday.

Image: Getty

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/30/2023

A good reminder for those experiencing power outages and rolling blackouts...


highlights the realities of racial disparities in lactation rates among Black birthing people and also celebrates the beauty of the breast- and chest-feeding experience. Check out this key breastfeeding date you should know!


Join us in September for our monthly, in-person groups for pregnant, breastfeeding/partially breastfeeding WIC parents. We hope to see you there!

Bonus: It counts as your WIC appointment!

For more info...
Enterprise -
Anderson -


So cool!!


"Did you know that increased breastfeeding among Black women could decrease infant mortality rates by as much as 50%?"

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and Aug. 25-31 is Black Breastfeeding Week. — Did you know that increased breastfeeding among Black women could decrease infant mortality rates by as much as 50%?

▶️ High Black infant mortality rate
* Non-Hispanic blacks/African Americans have 2.4 times the infant mortality rate as non-Hispanic whites.
* Non-Hispanic black/African American infants are almost four times as likely to die from complications related to low birthweight as compared to non-Hispanic white infants.
* Non-Hispanic black/African American infants had 2.9 times the sudden infant death syndrome mortality rate as non-Hispanic whites, in 2020.
* In 2020, non-Hispanic black/African American mothers were twice as likely to receive late or no prenatal care as compared to non-Hispanic white mothers.

▶️Breastmilk has proven to reduce risks of disease, in which Black children have the most of. From upper respiratory infections and Type II diabetes to asthma, and childhood obesity—these issues are rampant in Black communities, and breast milk is the best preventative medicine nature provides.⠀⠀
▶️We know it, you see it. The lactation field is white female-led. Without Black lactation consultants in the field, it perpetuates the common misconception that Black women don't breastfeed giving the mother little encouragement to do so herself.
▶️Black women also have to deal with stigmas within their own communities. These stigmas stem from the historical trauma of being forced to wet nurse slave owner babies, which often led to the inability to nurse their own babies. In some Black communities breastfeeding is looked down on and not supported. Black women have a different dialogue around breastfeeding and it needs special attention.
⁉️ How are Black women supposed to breastfeed more if they don’t see other Black women doing it?

⚠️Write to your state officials & tell them why they should promote Black Breastfeeding Week.
⚠️Like + share images of Black women breastfeeding. Black representation matters and your support just might encourage a mother to breastfeed.

🔆 CDC data


California’s Black Infant Health (BIH) program empowers families with information about breastfeeding and chestfeeding. Participants attend weekly group sessions that allow them to share their knowledge and strengths. The sessions also help set health-promoting goals for themselves and their babies!

Learn more at:

Other organizations supporting Black breastfeeding and chestfeeding parents:

• Black Breastfeeding Week
• Black Women Do Breastfeed
• CinnaMoms
• Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE)
• Reaching Our Brothers Everywhere


Continuing National Breastfeeding Month, let's join Black Breastfeeding Week in "Celebrating Connection & Our Communities."


We are excited to announce that the Dr. MLK Jr. Center has opened its very own after-school program, Monday–Friday, 2–5:30 pm, with an early release day on Wednesday, 1–5:30 pm.

Our after-school program will include game time, snacks, and computers, as well as educational programming including homework support, educational level tutoring, and enrichment programs such as art therapy, Young Naturalists, cooking, gardening, Khan Academy, and more!

All K–8th grade students are eligible—regardless of designated school.

The program starts on August 16! Parents or guardians can drop in to the Dr. MLK Jr. Center with their child to sign up for the first week. Please be aware that space is limited.

For more information, or to sign up online, email Christine at [email protected].




Every ounce of breastmilk you feed your baby provides important health benefits! Whether you feed only breastmilk or a mix of breastmilk and infant formula, your baby will benefit from your breastmilk.

WIC supports all parents’ feeding choices.

Image: Getty

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/16/2023

During AANHPI Breastfeeding Week we send lots of love to Hawaii during this very difficult time...

Did you know...
● Breastfeeding is a way to honor and reclaim our traditions.
● Our cultural foods and practices can support a healthy mom and baby.
● Extended family members can support breastfeeding.
● Support is available to meet your breastfeeding goals.

● Hanohano ʻia aku nā kūpuna e kā kākou
hānai waiū ʻana
● Hiki nō ke kākoʻo i ke ola o ka Māmā a me
kāna pē me ka mea ʻai pono a me kā
kākou moʻomeheu
● E kipa ʻia mai ka ʻohana e kākou e kākoʻo i
ka hānai waiū ʻana a ka lāhui
● Inā makemake ʻoe e hānai waiū, hiki ke
loaʻa ke kākoʻo ʻana

"Telling our stories. Elevating our voices." !


In California, August is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy some physical activity with your baby. It can be warm so be sure to take along some water and sun-protection.

California law says it is your right to breastfeed in public.

WIC offers some tips:

- Do what is comfortable for you.
- Use a baby sling.
- Layer a loose-fitting shirt over a tank top. This lets you pull up your top and breastfeed your baby.

Image: Getty


Continuing National Breastfeeding Month, this week kicks off Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Breastfeeding Week! Join Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week in celebrating "Telling Our Own Stories. Elevating Our Voices."


A beautiful way to close out ☀️🌼


TOMORROW! Tuesday August 15 at 10am - Anderson WIC

Join us in celebrating World Breastfeeding Week and connect with other parents at Shasta Mom's Circle! This month we will have drawings for great prizes, sensory stations for older kids, photo ops and more! BONUS - it counts are your WIC appointment!

For more info...

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/10/2023

Breastfeeding is like learning a new dance.

- Be patient with yourself and your baby. It can take a few days or longer for babies to learn to eat well at the breast.

- Your baby's tummy is tiny. Your first breastmilk, colostrum, is all they need.

- Babies are more awake on day 2 and getting used to their new world. It is normal for them to cry a little more because of this. Crying doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not getting enough milk. The hospital staff is there to help you learn to feed your baby. Ask for help early and often.

Images: Getty


NEXT WEEK! Tuesday August 15 at 10am - Anderson WIC

Join us in celebrating World Breastfeeding Week and connect with other parents at Shasta Mom's Circle! This month we will have drawings for great prizes, sensory stations for older kids, photo ops and more! BONUS - it counts are your WIC appointment!

For more info...

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/08/2023

Continuing National Breastfeeding Month, today kicks off Indigenous Milk Medicine Week! Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective is hosting a number of amazing events highlights the richness of Indigenous milk medicine traditions!

Mobile uploads 08/08/2023

Today kicks off Indigenous Milk Medicine Week 2023!
"From the Stars to a Sustainable Future"

So many amazing virtual events to check out...

Indigenous Milk Medicine Collective


As World Breastfeeding Week comes to a close, know that we are here to support you... An informed, supported and empowered parent is by far the best! ❤❤❤

"And for those in the thick of it, Remember: Breastfeeding is NOT all or nothing. Every teaspoon of has up to 3,000,000 germ-killing cells in it. You’re doing great 🫶🏽"

“Don’t worry! Fed is best anyways!” A doctor at the hospital tells a mother who just birthed her baby who won’t latch.

“Don’t worry, they all grow up to eat chicken nuggets anyways!” Laughs the nurse at a babies 3rd well visit, he isn’t gaining weight the way they want.

“Don’t worry! It hurt me to nurse too so I stopped!” Says a woman to her friend over lunch as she watches her cringe in pain.

“Don’t worry! A bottle will help her sleep through the night.” Says a husband to his wife when the alarm goes off to feed.

“Don’t worry! He’ll never remember you stopped!” Says a coworker to his friend who’s freezer supply is dwindling and she’s struggling to get more then an ounce.

Don’t worry they all said. Fed is best anyways.

She cried for help.
She sobbed in that office.
She called her friend exhausted.
She went to anyone she could.
She begged. She pleaded.

But fed is best anyways.

A phrase we started to help moms know it’s okay if it just simply “doesn’t work out” Is crippling thousands of woman.

Choosing formula over breastfeeding is a choice. Yet the mothers choosing breast are having that choice ripped from them - before they ever stood a chance.

So I encourage you, next time a mom is begging for support, don’t turn to her and say “Well fed is best anyways!”

Ask her what you can do.
Help her read the books.
Help her search on google.
Help her find an IBCLC.
Help her get the help she needs.

The western world has the lowest and shortest breastfeeding terms globally. I’ll let you do the math on why you think that is.

If you are a mother who struggled and had your journey end before you were ready, I stand with you. My heart hurts for you.

Just know there are woman like me, doing everything we can to make sure the next generation doesn’t have to beg and plead for the help they need.

✍🏼: Alysa Evon from Simply Sacred Birth on Facebook

And for those in the thick of it, Remember: Breastfeeding is NOT all or nothing. Every teaspoon of has up to 3,000,000 germ-killing cells in it. You’re doing great 🫶🏽


There are still many challenges in making parental leave work to support . Some parents are not eligible for different kinds of leave, or the payment does not allow for a decent living in some countries.


Once a mother returns to work, the provision of hygienic rooms, storage facilities, breastfeeding breaks, and access to childcare can help her continue breastfeeding for as long as she chooses.


They need reasonable parental leave and help to combine and work. Furthermore, there is also a need to protect women and families against predatory marketing practices from the commercial milk formula industry by adopting and enforcing the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/06/2023

Your breastmilk helps protect your baby from getting sick. You can take these steps to keep feeding breastmilk when you return to work or school.

- Begin pumping and storing your milk about 2 weeks before you go back to work.

- Talk to your manager about a schedule so you can pump or breastfeed your baby at your breaks.

- Practice leaving your baby with your childcare provider before you start back to work to get your baby used to feeding when you are not around.

You can learn more at for information on breastfeeding protections.

Images: Getty


To practise exclusive breastfeeding for six months, all working mothers, in formal as well as informal sectors, public and private, need to be provided with at least 6 months of paid maternity leave and at least 15 days of paternity leave. Parents need to have time following birth to establish and support .

Photos from Shasta Moms' Circle - SMC's post 08/05/2023

Making breastfeeding at work, work, makes societies work! Breastfeeding provides vital health and nutritional benefits for children with positive lifelong impacts, building healthier populations – and workforces - for the future. World Health Organization (WHO)


Workplace limitations remain the most common reason for women to never breastfeed or to stop breastfeeding earlier than recommended by WHO, or than they want themselves. Even with adequate maternity and parental leave, lack of support for breastfeeding at the workplace can undermine .


Your breastmilk helps protect your baby from getting sick. WIC offers practical tips and support to parents who want to keep breastfeeding when they return to work or school.

Many WIC offices can provide breast pumps to parents going back to work or school. Talk to your WIC staff to see if you are eligible. With a little planning and support, you can go back to work and keep breastfeeding your baby.

Image: Getty


Working mothers in particular should receive counselling and support during both the antenatal and postnatal period, to build their confidence and skills to enable them to breastfeed in the face of challenges.

This , let’s make a difference for working parents & enable breastfeeding!


"Explore an Ocean of Books!"
Week of the Young Child 2022
Thursday, April 7th - 3pm-5pm

“Explore an Ocean of Books” at Anderson Library’s Drive Thru event with special guest waver “Landon Salmon” from Coleman Fish Hatchery. Receive a book, educational toy or puzzle, sticker project, and snack all provided by First 5 Shasta and Anderson Rotary.

Location: Anderson Library
3200 West Center St., Anderson, 96007
Info: Visit
Sponsors: Friends of Shasta County Libraries, First 5 Shasta, Rotary Club of Anderson
No registration required.


Happy Doctor's Day! Give a shout out to your favorite Pediatrician or OBGYN!

March 30 is National Doctor’s Day! Thank you to all our hard-working and compassionate doctors in Shasta County. We appreciate you!

Shasta County Mayer Memorial


HeART of Parenting - A FREE Virtual Workshop
April 6 - Noon-1pm

It's easy to get lost in being a parent.

We all know that raising humans is definitely one of the most important things you can ever do... It can also be one of the hardest.

So much time and energy goes into raising our offspring. The stakes are high and it can sometimes feel overwhelming with so many other voices telling us how and what to do~

This is about hearing your own voice...

For more information or to register, visit:

Welcome to the Jungle 03/30/2022

"Welcome to the Jungle"
Week of the Young Child 2022
Wednesday, April 6th - 11am-3pm

Join us for an interactive drive-thru family safari! The Welcome to the Jungle event will focus on the power of hope and include fun, prizes, take home coloring contest, Triple P based parenting education, connection to multiple community organizations, and much more, all from the comfort of your vehicle. Free books to the first 300 families that register.

Location: Pathways to Hope for Children,
2280 Benton Drive Building C, Redding, 96003
Info: Ellen Bauer, 530-242-2020 or [email protected]
Sponsors: Pathways to Hope for Children , First 5 Shasta

Welcome to the Jungle Pathways to Hope for Children is hosting their 11th Annual Welcome to the Jungle Event!


Hey Parents... You are enough! ❤️

If you're a parent, you're bound to wonder if you're doing a good job. But the fact that you are already worrying means that you are already a good one. 🙌

Double tap if you agree. ❤️

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