is a web based and office located in Richardson Texas. Gay Riley is a functional medicine nutritionist.

She has practiced personalized holistic nutrition for 33 years. Gay started a private nutrition practice in Dallas, Texas in 1991 and founded in 1997. She focuses on personalized holistic and functional nutrition pinpointing the root of symptoms or mapping the best way to achieve health goals rather than treating the symptom or offering a cookie cutter solution. Gay has a

EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ 05/14/2024

Hi Everyone. Summer produce is coming in so it is time to start strategizing about how we will choose wisely to avoid over consumption of pesticides and Glyphosates. Following a plant based diet is healthy but can be detrimental to health if we arent aware of the foods that have higher amounts of pesticides. After over 30 years looking at toxic load labs it has become all too real we have all been exposed to these compounds. This is not to scare just to educate. Still eat plants :)
Always choose organic or farmers market when possible but still...scrub and wash your produces several times with running water. Peel fruit with skins like apples and pears. Check out the EWG dirty dozen for awareness.

EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ Check out EWG's list to help decide when you should splurge for organic produce – part of our annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ 02/03/2024

For over 20 years I have studied nutrigenomics and counseled with individuals on how to maximize health despite their inherited genes with lifestyle and food. One of those genes slow COMT (catechol-o-methyltransferase) is responsible for metabolizing catecholamine neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine and stress hormones. People with slow COMT (I have that gene) do not metabolize catechols efficiently therefore more sensitive to stress, are worriers, struggle with anxiety, have problems winding down, sleeping and have problems clearing estrogens. There are specific lifestyle habits, supplements and foods that can really help those of us with slow COMT to calm stress, sleep better, and have more energy. If you are struggling with stress, cannot sleep, get wired and tired, overthink things, are depressed, and a worrier, perhaps you have slow COMT. It is worth checking into. See the list of habits to help with slow COMT.

Medicating Normal | A documentary film about profit-driven psychiatry 02/03/2024

70% of Americans are taking antidepressants which has been mentioned before. The question is, are they improving the symptoms of depression? Are they making things better for all the individuals that take them? It is epidemic in our society. For those of us who are struggling or have a family member struggling with depression it is important to be a very educated consumer when it comes to the side effects and possible dangers of taking these meds. I am not proposing anyone stop their medications. That is beyond my scope of practice. I do propose we all watch the film Medicating Normal. Also, Dr Peter Gotzche is an expert on the subject.

Medicating Normal | A documentary film about profit-driven psychiatry Medicating Normal is a documentary film exploring the untold story of what happens when profit-driven medicine intersects with human suffering.


What is happening to our health in this country? 70% of Americans are on antidepressants which are known to cause depression, suicidal thoughts and other side effects. Most importantly in most people they mask the ability to get to the root cause of depression. About 15 million people are taking Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro and other weight loss meds. The side effects are diarrhea, nausea, stomach ache, headache, rash, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, low blood sugar, indigestion, anxiety, depression, gas, confusion, fatigue, gallstones, kidney damage, discouragement, and more.... What do you think we should do? It is time to take control of our bodies...mind, body and spirit. Although emergency medicine can save lives, the commercialism and chronic use of drugs does not necessarily improve quality of life for most. Medications are not the answer to vitality and longevity. Where do you think we can start to get back to a healthy way of living that doesnt require a pill? Or an extreme change in our comfort zone. You know SYMPTOMS are just the bodies way of trying to get us to pay attention to our lifestyles and habits so we will change. And the body is designed to win.


Hi Everyone,
As you can see I have not posted for quite awhile but I am back. If you are getting ready to shore up your immune system for the cold weather, dealing with joint pain, or are feeling stressed (most of us have some in this world we live in), I have a daily remedy that can help. A tea. Take 3 fresh sprigs of rosemary, 3 inches of fresh ginger peeled and sliced, and a Tablespoon of whole cloves. Bring 5 cups of spring water to a boil then add the ingredients. Boil for 20 minutes then let cool. Have a cup daily cold or hot.
All three ingredients contain compounds that have potent immune protecting and anti-inflammatory properties. The taste takes a little bitter for some but well worth getting used to!


It is so interesting that most of us look at symptoms we are having as a hidden health issue. Nine times out of 10 the symptoms are due to something we are doing.
Example: Problem: I am so dehydrated and I drink 2-3 quarts of water a day. I even add a little electrolytes but I am still dehydrated! I'm so tired and have a bad headache. It must be the heat.
Q: It could be but do you drink coffee? Or alcohol?
A: Yes coffee, but only one big cup in the morning. No alcohol.
Q: Hmmm? What else do you drink?
A: After that I just have an energy drink sometimes 2?
Q: How much caffeine is in one of your energy drinks?
A: Oh let me look...300 mg!!
See what happens if you stop the energy drink and have a decaf coffee.
10 days later.....
Q: How are you feeling.
A: I am drinking decaf coffee, no energy drinks. I have continued drinking water. I cant beleive how much energy I have. Who knew. I thought the caffeine would give me energy.

IDN Promo Fall 23 08/23/2023

It has been quite sometime since I have posted. Honestly seeing my wonderful patients, teaching and learning from other amazing practitioners has kept me away. Now I have something to share. My collegue Stacy Seslowsky is starting up her Immunology for Dietitians course. Here is a short discription of what you will learn. She is a genius practitioner in the area of immunology among other topics. I encourage anyone in the field to take the course. It will undoubtedly give you a higher understanding of nutritional medicine. I have added an entire new approach to resolution based personalized nutritional medicine or finding the source of what the body is trying to tell us.

IDN Promo Fall 23


I am pleased to announce our (Genomic Kitchen) Advanced Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics For Clinical Practice is now open for Early bird registration through January 19. The course runs Feb 27-June 28 and is a mix of pre-recorded content with > 18 hours of live work sessions. This course is hosted with my Gene Sister Gay Riley and features 3 super cool sessions focusing on Nutrition and Immunology with our very own Stacy Seslowsky!
This course helps you apply the Nutrigenetics, Nutritional Biochemistry fundamentals (our Foundation course) and critical thinking to a variety of case studies covering everything from Long Haul Covid, Auto-immune conditions, Unrelenting Migraines, Unresolved Weight Gain, Out of Control Blood Sugars and so much more. Our case studies are often introduced in live work sessions so you can practice pattern recognition and learn from each other in the group. We also help you navigate practice management with genomics, lab and supplement considerations, meal planning and of course Advanced Culinary Genomics
Early bird brings with it LOTS of bonuses including some basic clinical efficiency tips, some social media graphics and MORE. Check the website.
Brochure is below. Web link here:
Yes payment plans are available so do reach out to me directly. If you are ready for the next step, we're here!

DNA Education — The Genomic Kitchen Learn how to successfully apply nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics and culinary genomics to your clinical practice with efficacy and efficiency.


Did you know the bacteria in your gut can affect your appetite, weight loss, neuromuscular health and immunity. #:~:text=rhamnosus%20HA%2D114%20probiotic%20addresses,currently%20restrictive%20in%20their%20diet.

Pomegranate Dark Chocolate Bites 12/20/2022

Healthy Holiday Pomegranate Chocolate Bites
Pomegranate is a potent antioxidant. This fruit is rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins, punicic acid, ellagitannins, alkaloids, fructose, sucrose, glucose, simple organic acids, and other components and has antiatherogenic, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Various studies show that dark chocolate and cocoa contain a significant amount of polyphenols, mainly flavonols 5, 7. Its consumption leads to an increase in bioactive nitric oxide (NO) lowering blood pressure (BP) 7

Here is a nice recipe. I am lazy and just put the chocolate in the microwave and poured it over the pomegranate seeds. I also added a bit of crystalized ginger. They are quick and delicous.

Pomegranate Dark Chocolate Bites This pomegranate dark chocolate bites recipe is ridiculously simple and delicious. It can be made with three very simple ingredients.

Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies - Alliance for Natural Health USA - Protecting Natural Health 11/15/2022

If you take nutritional supplements know the quality of what you are taking. Knowledge is health.

Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies - Alliance for Natural Health USA - Protecting Natural Health Major shifts are, and have been, occurring in the supplement industry. Here’s how they could affect your access. Over the last few decades, mega-corporations have been increasingly investing in the supplement sector—especially during the last few years, which has seen a boom in mergers and acqui...

Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine 11/15/2022

A very important book regarding the politics of food and our system. Robert Lustig provides information to help unravel the mysteries of disease, health, food, and the healthcare industry.

Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine

Processed foods leading cause of rising obesity, study finds 11/15/2022

The most important factor to maintaining a healthy weight is eliminating processed foods from your diet and eating fresh and simple food.

Processed foods leading cause of rising obesity, study finds A recent study showed that processed foods are a key contributor to the rising rates of obesity in the Western world. The study, published in the journal, Obesity, was led by Amanda Grech, PhD, a post

What is TILT? - Tilt Research 05/22/2022

This is a great link to educate ourselves about environmenatl pollutants the might be around us or we might be using.

What is TILT? - Tilt Research Toxicant‐Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) is a two-stage disease process initiated by a one-time major exposure, or a series of low-level chemical exposures (Stage I, Initiation). Affected individuals experience symptoms triggered by everyday chemicals, foods, and drugs that never bothered them be...


It is getting time for salad dinners! Summer is the time for vegetables, live food to give you energy for enjoying the sun.
Last night we had a beautiful fresh green salad with an Asian flare.
Fresh field greens, fresh dill, mint, green onion, Asian coleslaw, peanuts, grape tomatoes, Persian cucumbers, golden raisins and ginger dressing. On the side...homemade lentil soup and an organic opal apple. This meal checks all the FOOD as Medicine boxes. What great salads are ya'll coming up with? Please share!


Isnt this interesting? I was watching a video from my dear freind Amanda Archibald and she used this visual. What do you think?
Norepinehrine and ephinephrine are elevated in fear and anger. Feelings of love and the elevated neurotransmitters associated with love contribute to positive physiological response. Where as stress, fear, and anger have the negative affect on health.

What is functional medicine? Inside the growing health trend 03/16/2022

People are finally learning about functional healing in the mainstream. 🙏🏽

What is functional medicine? Inside the growing health trend Functional medicine aims to understand the root causes of symptoms that people are having, and the health trend is steadily growing in popularity. NBC’s senior medical correspondent Dr. John Torres joins the 3rd Hour of TODAY to talk about how this approach differs from traditional medicine, as we...

Why Meditate?: 7 Health Benefits of Meditation 02/01/2022

If we all can carve out a little time each day for peace, quiet, and calm there are many health benefits. Think about it ya'll. We can eat the healthiest food in the world, exercise and live in paradise but if we are full of stress, fear, and anxiety are we healthy?

Why Meditate?: 7 Health Benefits of Meditation Countless adults, teenagers, and children are embracing a daily mindfulness practice, hoping to ward off stress and stress-related health problems.

Photos from's post 01/17/2022

Hi Everyone. Happy New Year.
I made a delicious Vegetarian Spaghetti yesterday for cold game day in Dallas.
Organic Veggies, Chopped:
Broccoli 2 heads
Cauliflower 1 head
Carrots 2 large
Sweet Red Pepper 1 large
Mushrooms 10 large

Garlic 10 cloves
Onion yellow 1 large
Olive Oil

Oregano 2 t
Garlic salt

Tomato paste 1 can
Spicy Organic Pasta Sauce or Plant based Bolognese sauce
Organic Whole Wheat Spaghetti Pasta

Sauteed garlic, onion and red pepper in olive oil until tender. Add all the chopped vegetables (accept the mushrooms) and stir fry. Add mushrooms, oregano, basil, garlic salt to taste, tomato paste, pasta sauce and cook for 10 minutes to simmer.
Prepare pasta and drain. Top with sauce and dig in!

You can add a little spicy salsa for spice.


Here are some pictures, CT scans of womens thighs. One shows a sedentary person and the other an active one. The sedentary woman (1) is at the top with more white (fat) than muscle (dark) and the active woman (2) at the bottom has less white (fat) and more muscle (dark). Which woman do you think has a higher metabolism? Which woman do you think has a higher risk of bone fracture?


Hi Yall,
I hope everyone is ready to kick off a quiet holiday season. I have a beef and cannot hold it in. The Sonic Garlic Butter Bacon Burger!
870 Calories, 55 grams of fat (60 grams is the top recommendation for the day for fat). Pair it with a small oreo Cookie Sonic blast, 510 Calories, 27 gms fat, and 39 gms sugar....Do the math. Food or non food like this contributes to our public health problem. Last night there was a back to back commercial for each of these products. If we watch the food commercials and subliminal food messages we are subjected to daily no wonder we think we can eat anything without repricussions.
Eating this type of food everday along with the stresses of daily life is the recipe for unhealthy aging and unhealthy youth. Below is the typical 5 pounds of fat Americans gain every holiday season. The holidays can be stressful so lets burn off the stress rather than eat and drink it.

Verlasso 10/05/2021

My favorite salmon is Verlasso salmon.
Flavor, omega 3/6 ratio, sustainability for the planet are in their company goals. My favorite recipe is:
Verlasso filet about 2 inches from the center cut
Organic Steak seasoning
Organic Sweet and Sour rub
Dried Dill

Turn oven to 400. Spinkle salmon generously with steak seasoning, then sweet and sour, topping with dried dill. The seasonings should cover the top of the fish like a crust. Bake at 400 for around 20 minutes until sizzling. serve with stir fry broccoli, and a white sweet potato, OR roasted asparagus and basmati rice with raisins.
Try it you'll like it!

Verlasso Delicious, sustainably-farmed salmon that is good for your plate and the planet. Available in the US for home cooks, chefs and retailers.

How a 'tragically flawed' paradigm has derailed the science of obesity 10/05/2021

Since 1985 I have worked in the space of weight loss and sports nutrition with individuals and professional athletes. The calculator for calories consumed and calories burned doesnt work for everyone. It is more complicated than that. Genetics plays some role in the predisposition to obesity and diabetes but what is the environment that supports obesity? Microbiome balance of certain commensal bacteria and glucose dysregulation? The food source of course is insanely unhealthy and plays a role? Chronic Stress?! The medications people are on? Environmental factors such as the over consumption of plastics, glyphosates/pesticides in foods, emotional blocks etc? All of the above that cannot be monetized and put into a pill or a clinical formula.

How a 'tragically flawed' paradigm has derailed the science of obesity So little progress has been made against obesity and type 2 diabetes because the field has been laboring under the wrong paradigm.

Home 10/01/2021

In the 35 years of practicing nutrition I have learned that nutrition is not all there is to balancing the body and wellness. If our minds are blocked with emotional stress it is often difficult to fully heal. Healthy whole foods are important of course but dealing with feelings, emotions and inner peace is just as important. If we carry blocked emotions from the past it can directly affect the brain, gut, heart and other organs at a cellular level. Dr. Bradley Nelson, Deepack Chopra, Louise Hay, Bruce Lipton and many others talk about the importance of being in tune with our inner voices.

Home Discover Energy Healing with The Emotion Code® Learn this simple method for energy healing. Releasing Trapped Emotions™ may facilitate physical and emotional balance and recovery so you can live a healthier, happier life! Get The Emotion Code Starter Kit and start unpacking your emotional baggage...


It is still the weather for salads. Try a vegetarian Taco salad.
Cauliflower rice about 3 cups, ground walnuts 1 cup, stir fry with a bit of olive oil and add organic taco seasoning for the meat, Cilantro 1 cup, fresh mixed greens,
grilled corn on the cob (remove the corn from the cob), grilled red pepper, red onion, chopped avocado, kidney beans, olives, pumpkin seeds, dairy free shredded cheddar, your favorite salsas and pico, tortillas (GF or organic). Make it your own.
Serve with fresh squeezed lime aid. Fresh sqeezed organic limes, add a little honey, ice and spring water. Top with fresh mint!


The premade yogurt drinks are yummy but we make our own.
1 cup organic, grassfed plain yogurt (we use homemade)
1 cup organic vanilla almond milk
1 cup organic strawberries
2 cups ice
1 tsp drop organic honey
Blend until smooth and drink! It is a gastronomical game changer.

If you are vegan, use coconut yogurt.

A recent study showed that consuming 2 to 3 cups of homemade yogurt - containing Lactobacillus - on a daily basis lead to the complete relief of IBS symptoms along with 1-2 normal bowel movements daily. Out of the 189 IBS patients in the study, 169 achieved complete improvement of symptoms within 6 months

Watermelon Mint Slush with Blueberries 07/14/2021

Watermelon Slush
This is the perfect poolside beverage. You can add a splash of something and make it a happy hour drink but I like it just like it is.

Watermelon Mint Slush with Blueberries Summer is a time to relax, slow down and enjoy fabulously hydrating summer fruit.A particular favorite is a watermelon mint slush with blueberries. Some people are unaware of the powerful medicinal value of watermelon. It contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, m...


My favorite breakfast pudding!
1 c home made or organic grass fed plain Yogurt
1/2 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup fresh organic cherries halves without seeds
1/3 cup nuts of choice. I like pecans, sunflower seeds or roasted peanuts
1/2 t vanilla
1 T honey

Mix well and chill overnight. You can sprinkle with shaved dark chocolate and serve as a dessert. You can also add a small scoop of protein powder to the mixture before chilling. It makes about 2 servings.

Slimming Soup 07/08/2021

This soup takes time but it is pure gold as far as its therapeutic nutritional value and flavor. The biggest benefit from this soup is the effect it has on gut health, regularity and energy! It is great as a summer soup that can be enhanced and modified by adding additional ingredients like diakon, parsley, and eggplant. Make a vegetarian soup by NOT adding the meat and just sauteed the veggies. It is also perfect for freezing.

Slimming Soup Slimming soup is both delicious and therapeutic. Besides the fact that it is low in calories, it ramps up the metabolism providing fiber for perfect digestion and elimination, anti-inflammatory vegetables and spices, cardio-protective onions, and garlic, and protein to stabilize blood sugar. This is...

Your Diet Is The Best Diet For You! 07/08/2021

For more than 30 years I have been studying lifestyle and personalized nutritional medicine which includes our DNA blueprint, biochemistry and environment and how we can create customized plans to acheive our goals....It is very exciting but the bottom line to making changes is KNOWING our EATING STYLE and adjusting it to live healthier lives. Knowing our eating style and
simply making adjustments is the best place to start.
What is Eating Style? Is our Eating Style influenced by others? Our childhood? How was it different during Covid quarantine?

What are some of the questions we can asks to determine our EATING STYLE.

How we eat? Fast or slow, scheduled or not, good during the week, relaxed on weekends. Do we chew our foods or not? Do we snack eat 3 meals, or skip meals?

What we eat? Take out or cook. Salty or sweet. Convenience, Organic, packaged? Snacks or full meals. This includes beverages. Alchohol, soda, water etc.

Why we eat? stress, hunger, happy, boredom, worry, fear,

When do we eat? At night, more at lunch, no schedule, B, L, and D
Again this could be a WHY we eat. Weekends more than during the week,

Where do we eat!? At the table, the computer, in front of the TV, in a chair, on the bed? In the car?

Who do we eat with? Alone, our phone :), family, friends
Another question to ask is...Do we eat better with certain people, or alone?

Ask these questions and write them down. No matter how painful it might be. This is the best place to start. It doesnt matter if we go on a special diet, or if we know what foods are best for our Genes, or what foods to eat or get well. Unless we make modifications to change our EATING STYLE habits we will return to what is comfortable. Making healthy, doable, and comfortable changes in habits is the key to success.

Your Diet Is The Best Diet For You! Lose weight, beat fatigue, increase focus, eat healthy, fix digestive issues, heal chronic disease, & beat stress naturally

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Richardson?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

My Story

Health challenges are very familiar to me personally.I struggled with chronic digestive issues, low energy, trouble sleeping, infections, excess weight, and joint pain that interrupted my quality of life daily. It was frustrating and scary to think these symptoms might be something serious. Doctors tried to help by prescribing prescription medicines that only caused more problems.

In desperation, I was forced to take a hard and honest look at what was causing my health problems and physical symptoms including my lifestyle habits, family genetics, relationships, and environment. It took effort and complete transparency to admit to myself that the reasons for my symptoms were created by me. I had the power to get better. My recovery took time but by taking the steps and making necessary changes, the symptoms slowly went away.

My GI symptoms disappeared, the joint pain went away, my weight stabilized by 15 pounds, my sleep improved and I woke up refreshed and energetic.

This personal journey had a profound impact on how I work with my clients in that it heightened my skills, knowledge, experience, and intuition and sparked a passion to help others do the same.


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