Trinity Church of the Nazarene

Worship @ 10:00 AM
Sunday School @ 9:00 AM

9 am Sunday School10 am Sunday Worship7 pm Wednesday Service Children's Caravan Program Youth Worship Service


One cannot submit to God without humility. Obedience requires us to humble ourselves to surrender to the authority of another, and we are told that God resists pride—the opposite of humility—and the arrogance that fosters that pride.

Therefore, having a humble and submissive heart is a choice we make. That means as born-again believers we daily make a choice to submit ourselves to God for the work that the Holy Spirit does in us to "conform us to the image of Christ." God will use the situations of our lives to bring us the opportunity to submit to Him.
As we walk through this week, make the choice to submit to Christ in all you do so that you gain all the blessings and peace from humbly surrendering and submitting yourself to Him daily.


Morning Worship
Jerry Gilmore


Join us for a Spiritual Momentum Revival from Sept 5-8. We’re looking forward to a great time of worship, teaching from Gods word, and the presence of the Spirit.

The Envoys will be singing on Saturday night & Sunday morning. We’ll also have a FREE Ice Cream Social after the service on Saturday night.

A “Revival Choir” will be formed for Thursday & Friday evening services. If you want to join the choir, and all are welcome to join, reply to this post or go to our website and send us a message from the “Contact” page. We’ll get to you a copy of the musical tracks and sheet music.


When we think of the church, a stereotypical picture of a church with a steeple and a large cross protruding from the roof most likely forms in our minds. Perhaps we think of folks with fancy clothes who sit in pews and sing along with an organ and a church choir. Or maybe we think of the more modern view of church, singing songs we’ve heard on the radio and wearing trendy jeans.

But these views don’t get at the core of what a church is. Look around at your fellow believers. Think of your brothers and sisters around the globe and throughout history. No, the church is not defined by a building or style of dress. The church is made up of those whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ and who are united together with him as his Bride. (Christian living)
This week:
•Pray for lost souls to find Jesus.
•Pray for the next generation of christians to grow stronger in their faith.
•Pray even when it is hard and you are full of doubt.
•Pray specifically for those you know who are lost to find Jesus!
Our God Saves!!


The unity of the church is a central aspect of Christian calling and identity. It requires personal humility, patience, and love from every believer, undergirded by the seven fundamental ‘ones’ of Christianity. The unity of the church, therefore, is both a gift from God and a responsibility for every believer to uphold. Ephesians 4:7-16 presents a vibrant picture of a diverse, unified, and mature body of Christ. Each member, gifted by Christ, plays a vital role in the edification and growth of the church. The ultimate goal is a robust and loving community that is firm in its understanding and able to stand against deception, exhibiting the fullness of Christ in all aspects.


To come to Him in faith is to come from death to life, from condemnation to justification, from sin to sanctification, and from ignorance to true wisdom. You cannot come to faith in Jesus Christ without changing your thinking. This is what true repentance is all about—changing your mind, and coming to see things as God does. And so it is that Paul links evangelism and discipleship. Coming to Christ by faith is the result of learning about Him , just as it is also the beginning of learning.


As Ephesians 4:13 intimates, we won’t reach full Christian unity until we attain “to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” So we probably won’t fully realize Christian unity in this world. But we strive for it. The unity that faith in Christ brings extends God’s love on earth and demonstrates the truth of who Jesus is. Unity in the church also foreshadows the worship in heaven, where a great multitude “from every nation, tribe, people and language” stands before God and cries out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9–10).
Pray for our Nation and our Leaders! Bring unity to our nation and let the power of God take over!


To live in obedience means that God’s word becomes the deciding factor in your life. An authentic Christian life is one that is lived in alignment with what God’s word says. The beauty of God’s word is that it is unchanging. It does not shift with societal changes. When you think about it, humility and obedience go hand in hand. You cannot live a life of obedience without humility.

Jesus is the solid foundation on which we stand. He is the Rock that cannot be shaken, and His presence provides stability in uncertain times. As our Refuge and Savior, He never fails to deliver us from the snares of the enemy.


In a world that is filled with uncertainty, insecurity, and hopelessness, it is so important that our lives be anchored on what is unshakable. Our lives should be anchored on what cannot be moved. The Word of God is unshakable. The Word of God is firmly established. It cannot be moved. In spite of all that the enemy is doing, a lot of persons are trivializing the real thing that will help them stand above the challenges of life. They are trivializing the very Word of God. I encourage you to anchor your life on the Word.


Christ is no dead Christ who is to be remembered only. He is a living Christ who, at this moment, is all that He ever was, and is doing in an even greater fashion all the gracious things that He did upon earth.

He is in the heavens, surrounded by its glories and wielding providence and administering the affairs of the universe. The living Christ is as tender a friend. Christ still hears and answers the cry of need. There must be trust in Him, in order that we may partake of the salvation which is owing solely to His power, His love, His work upon the Cross. The condition is for us; the power comes from Him. My faith is the hand that grasps His; it is His hand, not mine, that holds me up. My faith lays hold of the rope; it is the rope and the Person above who holds it, that lift me out of the ‘horrible pit and the miry clay.’ My faith flees for refuge to the city; it is the city that keeps me safe from the avenger of blood. Brother! exercise that faith, and you will receive a better sight than was poured into Bartimaeus’s eyes.

It is not enough to come to Christ for spiritual healing, but, when we are healed, we must continue to follow him; that we may honour him, and receive instruction from him. Those who have spiritual eyesight, see that beauty in Christ which will draw them to run after him.


God is concerned with every part of our being: spirit, soul, and body. As the facets of His character are infinite, so the ways God provides for us are beyond anything we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). We can trust His goodness, guidance, and shepherding care to do more for us than we could ever achieve on our own. God provides a way for us to develop an intimate, conversational, obedient relationship with Him so that we can lead ourselves and others into a quality of life. Those whose shepherd is the Lord can say, “I lack nothing” (Psalm 23:1).


Outrageous Grace.” You may wonder, “Where is the grace of God in Jonah’s story?” The answer is simple. He let Jonah disobey. He didn’t kill him on the spot. He gave him the freedom to mess up his own life. That didn’t seem like grace at the time, but it was. God works even in the midst of our disobedience to bring us to himself. Sometimes God lets us go way off course so that when we finally see our sin for what it is, we are ready to return to the Lord. If you are angry ask God to help you overcome whatever issue he has revealed to you. God always shows us Grace.


Sunday, May 19, 2024
Pastor Jerry Gilmore


Happy Mother’s Day to all biological and spiritual moms. You are a blessing to those who are in your lives.

"Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of motherhood. Today, we celebrate the loving sacrifice of mothers, both biological and spiritual, who nurture and guide us in Your ways. Bless them with joy, strength, and love to continue their selfless devotion. May they feel deeply appreciated and honored not just today, but every day. Amen."


Happy Mother's Day!!
This is a day for all mothers as well as all women who are maternal figures to others in their lives. We honor you all!

Rev. Bill Jarrell will be bringing the message this morning.


Every calling has a cost but the reward of obedience is far greater than any thing you may give up along the way.
What you desire to keep are temporary things…but what God longs to give you in return is eternal! His presence is more valuable than anything in the world!


God is bigger than all our worries and problems put together, and we must realize that if we are to have any victory in our lives. Everyone suffers with these difficulties, because the Bible teaches that temptation is “common” to mankind (1 Corinthians 10:13). We must not let Satan deceive us into thinking that all our problems are our fault, all our worries will come true, all our anger condemns us, or that all our guilt is from God. If we do sin and confess, God forgives and cleanses. We need not feel ashamed, but rather take God at His Word that He does forgive and cleanse. None of our sins are so heavy that God cannot lift them from us and throw them into the deepest sea (see Psalm 103:11-12).

So, each day, taking one step at a time, we should pray for God’s Word to guide us, read or listen to God’s Word, and meditate on God’s Word when the problems, worries, and anxieties of life come along. The secret to giving things over to Christ is really no secret at all—it’s simply asking Jesus to take our burden of “original sin” and be our Savior (John 3:16), as well as submitting to Jesus as our Lord in day-to-day living.

(Got Questions Ministries)


* Share your faith with others. Faith isn’t faith unless it is expressed and lived. When you exhibit your faith in the little things as well as the big things in life, two things happen: Your faith grows and others can’t help but notice. When you live out your faith, people notice.
* Sometimes God will ask us to step out or step up. It’s not always easy or fun, but at the end of it, there is a beautiful reward.
* “Earthly obedience, brings forth spiritual release. “
This week pray for peace around the world and for protection from aggressors. Also, pray for those around us that are running for God, let them feel his presence and turn towards Him.


Stop looking for life in dead places.

Easter is about the impossible becoming a reality. Easter is about death giving way to life. Easter is about a savior who died and a Lord who lives for eternity. It is worst tragedy melting into the greatest triumph. It is about the penalty of sin being paid with blood as the price of salvation.

Paul shows that the part worth celebrating on Easter is the most important part of the church. Jesus paid a debt that He did not owe because we had a debt that we could not pay. He died the death that we all deserve and He was raised to new life to offer us a hope we could not imagine.

Jesus is the light!



Bring your garden or store bought flowers on Easter Sunday to “Flower” the living Cross!


United with Christ!

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.
1 Corinthians 12:12

In the same way, the church has unity in Christ. As part of His body, each member has a particular job to do and a place to belong. When any individual member is not fulfilling his or her purpose in the body, the whole body suffers. All the members are united, and because of that unity, when one acts in an individualistic or selfish manner the whole body suffers because, regardless of his actions, the individual member is still in unity with all the others in the body.

Make sure you are united with Christ and have the same mindset as Christ.
- Become likeminded
- Care for others and bring God’s holy love into our relationships
- Show compassion and tenderness and relinquish ambition and vain conceit
- Bring joy to lives of other believers and be a humble servant


Join us this Sunday, March 17th, to learn more about the ministry and mission of the Gideons International.


Join us this Sunday, March 17, 2024 as we welcome Levi Halvorsen, National Director of Gideons International Norway, to our church service. Levi will be speaking to us about the ministry of the Gideons and how we can get involved with their ministry. A love offering will be collected, so be prepared to make your checks payable to “Gideons International” not to the church. Come out and support this vital ministry.


There will be a Graveside Service for Mrs. Moss Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2PM at Forest Hills Cemetery, 4290 Old York Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29732. Pastor Jerry will officiate the service. All are invited.

Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.

Thank you.


Morning Worship


In these few verses we learn that the church is not an afterthought or an option. It is the natural and necessary result of the outpouring of the Spirit, the preaching of Christ’s death and resurrection, and the change of mind that brought people to Christ. When 3000 people are added to the 120 followers of Christ, they immediately “devoted themselves” to the church. Conversion to Christ naturally and necessarily led to commitment to church—not to a building, of course, but to the four things that constituted the heart of that saved community.
As a church we need to grow as a united body of Christ!

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Videos (show all)

Morning Worship.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Join us this Wednesday evening, February 28th, at 7:00pm as we start a six-week study through the 23rd Psalm. Because mo...
Sunday, January 7,2024
December 17,2023
Sunday, December, 3 2023
Sunday, September 3, 2023
July 30, 2023



436 Taylors Creek Road
Rock Hill, SC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8:30am - 12:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 12:30pm
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 12:30pm
Sunday 8:30am - 12:30pm

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