St. Joseph Committee To Restore Our Parks

We are a group of St. Joseph, Missouri citizens working to inform and educate the community on the upcoming St.

Joseph Parks Department half-cent ballot initiative.


This is one of the projects on the list we created for the Parks Tax money! How wonderful to see it completed!

Visitors to Corby Pond will see a new additions as crews installed the docks. The new docks were purchased with funding from the voter approved Parks Sales Tax. This tax helps restore and improve our green spaces, parks, and parks facilities. For more information on the Parks Sales Tax, visit


Okay, so the sales tax passed! What happens next?

The revenue from this sales tax will not begin to be collected until Jan. 1, 2022 and it will take a little while for the money to be available for use. Now we must decide if we want to use a general obligation low interest bond, or if we want to use the money as it comes in.

If we choose not to use a bond, we will have to wait quite a while to begin work. Each year is projected to generate about $5M so we would only have the total amount available for each year at the end of that year. This means that we would only have $5M at the end of 2022 to begin work, and each year we would only be able to do $5M worth of work.

If we use a general obligation bond at a low interest, we would be borrowing against that revenue projection so we can begin the work early next year and can get more work done up front and see results sooner. The decision will be based on cost effectiveness and urgency in the projects. We have to weigh the cost of interest on the bond vs. the cost of inflation over 10 years and increases in cost of materials in that time. If the interest of the bond is cheaper than the cost of inflation, it makes more sense to use a bond and get more done sooner.

Creating an order of priority on these projects depends on whether we use a bond or not. If we don't use a bond, some of the bigger projects would have to wait until we accrue enough money to pay for them at $5M per year in revenue. If we use a bond, some of those bigger projects could be moved closer to the top of the priority list. Also, urgency plays a big part in that decision. There are projects that will suffer failure if we wait too long, so they will have to be toward the top of the list. From what I understand, the Council, Parks Dept. and the Committee will all contribute to the creation of an order of priority. This will take time since the list is so big and comprehensive.

The people have made it very clear with the 71% margin of votes that they support this work and want to see these things done. We would ask everyone to be patient while this process takes its due course, and to be involved by coming to Council meetings and emailing your Council person so your voice can be heard. We know from personal experience that this Council is open to hearing from you on what you want done. By the same token, we want you to have the information you need to understand the process and know how these things will unfold.

Photos from St. Joseph Committee To Restore Our Parks's post 08/05/2021

Took a bike ride around Krug this afternoon. WOW! What a gem! Even spotted a Panda. 🐼

We can’t wait to see this beauty come back to life now that our community has said YES to our parks & our future. 🌲

Photos from St. Joseph Committee To Restore Our Parks's post 08/04/2021

If you received a yard sign, you can either dispose of it yourself or message the Committee here with your address and we will come and pick it up. Thank you for your support to make this vision a reality! Can't wait to see the difference this will make for our beloved parks!!



From all of us on the Citizen's Committee, we want to send out a huge THANK YOU to all the people who came out to the polls to vote YES for the Parks Tax initiative!! You made a difference today and our Parks Dept. is very grateful for your resounding show of support! Now we can begin to rebuild a vital part of our beautiful city and bring it back to life! This is a game-changer! THANK YOU ST. JOE!!!



County Clerk | Buchanan County, MO - Official Website 08/03/2021

We vote TODAY! Before you head to the polls, be sure to click here to see where your voting location is! If you’ve moved it may have changed. Polls are open until 7:00PM!


Vote YES for parks!

County Clerk | Buchanan County, MO - Official Website Find information on the Buchanan County clerk.


It's been a very educational few weeks and we have appreciated everyone's feedback throughout this campaign. At the end of the day... we would like everyone to exercise their right to vote and consider the potential to improve and restore our current parks system by voting "yes".

We understand there is apprehension and question, but this committee has worked hard to show transparency. We have vowed to hold City Council to their word and follow through with their commitment. We are just like you. We are a committee of citizens that have volunteered our time because we have hope and truly believe we can be better.

Please exercise your civic duty tomorrow and show your civic support. It takes us all working together to better our city. No more "they", "them" and "someone"; it's "US". Let's do this together and VOTE YES FOR PARKS.


What is ROLLING STOCK and why does it cost $4M in the proposed sales tax budget?

Rolling stock means things with wheels. Everything from work trucks to mowers to flat bed trailers the Parks Dept. needs to do their job. It also means every kind of equipment from w**d eaters to hand tools, mechanic’s tools to pressure washer tanks. Everything a Parks worker touches falls under ‘rolling stock and equipment.’

My dad was the Flight Line Chief for Offutt AFB, and also a lifelong mechanic. I’m sure he thought his hard headed daughter never heard a thing he told her, but I still hear him in my head repeating over and over, “Anything mechanical is subject to failure at any time.” His words have been proven true time and time again in my life. Everything that has a moving part has a life expectancy, and generally it takes a little bubble gum and magic to push it past that life span. Nobody knew more about jenny-rigging and Mickey-Mousing something to keep it going than my dad. But even he understood that eventually you just have to hold your nose and replace it.

Somewhere on the parkway, there is a mower that has broken down 4 times this season. There are two guys who should be out mowing that are stuck in a hot garage trying to spitball and bubble gum it together to keep it going just a little longer. Some mowers are new but with the amount of use and abuse it will be put through, it will require spit-balling and bubble gum to survive beyond 5 years or so. Things break. Machines complain and grumble and get cranky just like people do, especially with too much hard work in this Missouri heat.

We have 26 miles of parkway and over 45 green-space parks, not to mention all the back areas and hidden spaces you never see. There are multiple buildings that must be continually maintained as well. Anyone who has ever tried to take care of a yard, a house or a business knows how hard it is to keep up with it all when you have equipment that works, much less how difficult it becomes with equipment that keeps breaking down.

Our Parks Dept has a monumental job caring for this huge system. When the Citizen’s Committee was tasked with creating this project list, the first thing we realized was the necessity of proper equipment to maintain the system we all enjoy. You can build the most beautiful park in the world, but if the grass is too high, it appears to the public like no one cares for it. Having the proper equipment to keep it maintained is essential.

The $4M we allotted for ‘rolling stock and equipment’ will be spread out over the course of the 10 years of the sales tax. Some will be spent in the first year to replace those mowers that keep breaking down so we can keep those mowers and their workers out there mowing instead of in the shop spit balling and bubble gumming and hoping for magic. Some of that money will be allotted in 3 years or 4 years when equipment that is working now begins to fail. Some of that money will be held back for Year 7 or 8 or 10 when other equipment will need to be replaced. This way, when the sales tax is about to expire, the Parks Dept will still have working equipment to last beyond the life span of the tax.

When you invest $4M in rolling stock, you also invest in the visible appearance of the parks you love. You invest in the ability of the park system workers to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively. You free them up to do other jobs, other repairs and other maintenance that they currently can’t get to because they are constantly spit balling and bubble gumming broken equipment in the shop.

Our Parks Dept. can’t do their job for us if we don’t do our job for them. Give them the funds to maintain and replace their necessary equipment and they will be able to give back to us and maintain our parks.

Vote YES for our parks on August 3rd! It matters more than you think!


On this, the last day of July and the last day of the National Parks & Rec month, our Committee would like to give a shout-out to all the hard working people on the Park Dept. staff! These people don't just punch a clock and do a job, they are passionate and dedicated to providing a safe and pleasant place for the people of St. Joe to enjoy. Often their work is unseen and underappreciated, and there is always more work to do than their manpower can perform in a day's time. But everyone I have met in their team has shown a true love for their job, and they are out there every day in the heat and sun, fixing and repairing, mowing and w**d eating, trouble shooting and problem solving, all for US. They deserve our respect and thanks, and they also deserve our help.

Every year, the amount of work required, and the cost of materials and labor, increases. And yet every year, the Parks Dept. budget decreases and the workload increases. In the last year alone, COVID has decimated the number of workers available, but the work itself still had to be done. Our Parks Dept. has done a remarkable job keeping up with the demand in such incredibly difficult times, and they deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all they do.

When restaurants weren't open, when you couldn't go to the movies or the gym or shopping, let's remember that our parks were always open for all of us. When everything about our lives was turned upside down, we always had a place to go out in the sunshine and get exercise, walk the trails, enjoy the beauty and peace of our park system. We can always count on the staff of the Parks Dept. for helping to provide that when all else fails.

In particular, I want to commend Parks Director Chuck Kempf and Assistant Director Jeff Atkins. I have personally worked with them on many projects and have found them both to be dedicated and caring people who take their jobs very seriously. Whenever I've had a question or a problem, they have both been very responsive and open to suggestions and ideas. We citizens see them at Council meetings but we don't see all the times they are on the mowers filling in for sick workers, dealing with a downed tree limb on a weekend, or going to meetings with local groups at 6:30 in the morning before their work day begins, or getting caught while grocery shopping by an upset resident with a problem and listening patiently to complaints from every quarter. We don't see the hours of work they do that goes far beyond their 8 hour work day.

So on this, the last day of Parks & Rec month, I would like to commend all these people who silently, behind the scenes, make our daily lives better by caring for this treasure of a park system. Now it's our turn to help THEM. Give them the funds to do the work that cannot be done with their diminishing budget. Help them replace failing equipment so they can do their jobs. Show them YOU support THEM the way they have supported us during a very difficult year.

Vote YES on August 3rd. It matters more than you think.

Let's Leave a Legacy of Beauty - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks 07/31/2021

Our committee has been simply overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received for this parks tax proposal. We ordered 500 yard signs and ran completely out in less than 2 weeks. We have received tons of messages from people who are passionate about our parks saying they will be voting YES! We have received endorsements from NPG, Fraternal Order of Police, Pony Express Baseball and many businesses and community leaders. The response has been so encouraging and we thank you all! Now let's get out there on August 3rd and VOTE YES for OUR PARKS!

Let's Leave a Legacy of Beauty - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.



Our Committee has worked hard to create a list that would serve every section of town and every type of need for a wide variety of citizens. We have also worked very hard to make sure all the information is released to the public as soon as it is available. Our greatest concern is full transparency because the citizens of St. Joe deserve to have all the information they need to make a good decision on August 3rd.

In the interest of this full disclosure, transparency and public trust, our Committee is releasing our fundraising, expenses and remaining funds to you. This information is available on the Missouri Ethics Commission website as all political campaign committees must do. However, rather than have you wade through their website searching, we want you to have this information about us right here on our page. So here is a list of all our contributors, how much they donated, what our expenses are so far, and how much money we have on hand. There are some expenses that have not been billed to us yet, but this is the latest information as of this evening.


Hillyard Industries

Nodaway Valley Bank

William McMurray

Rupp Funeral Home

Richard DeShon

Gerald Sprong

Martin Gray

Lutfee Atieh

Mosaic Life Care

St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce

E.L. Crawford Construction

Lifeline Foods

Peace of Mind Homecare

Eric Montegna

Scott Mooney

J. Craig Moore

Michael Holden

Eric Fuson

Andrew Liles

Scott Newey

Brendon Clark

Russell Moore

Nor-Am Ice & Cold LLC

Jeremiah Reeves

Deluxe Truck Stop LLC

Robert Norton

Ideker Inc.




Eagle Radio

Jack Hughes/video production

Jack Hughes/video production


*Not all expenses have been invoiced yet. This is the current number before those expenses are billed.



*Before unbilled expenses have been invoiced to the Committee.

We appreciate the public interest in this issue and the amazing support we have received since we launched. It is our duty and our sacred trust to report to you, the taxpayers and citizens, whenever information becomes available. We do everything we can to answer every question as we see them and to address any concerns that fall under our responsibility. We all love our park system and are passionate about this effort to preserve it. We thank you for your support and hope you will show your love for the parks by voting YES on August 3rd!

We Need an East Side Park - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks 07/30/2021

When the Citizen's Committee had already addressed all the existing parks and structures on the list, we realized that the entire East End had no push pins in the map of projects at all. This area is growing with new families and expanding every year. We have heard from residents who wished they had a park in their own neighborhood area so they didn't have to pack their kids and drive across town just for them to play on a swing set with their friends. After all, they are taxpayers too, right? Once we had taken care of what we already had, we decided to allot the remaining money toward a park for these residents. It only seems fair.

We Need an East Side Park - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.

It's Time We Fix It - St. Joseph Committee to Restore our Parks 07/29/2021

"Somebody should have done something a long time ago." WE are "somebody" and we can do something NOW Vote YES on August 3rd!

It's Time We Fix It - St. Joseph Committee to Restore our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.


We realize there will be a lot of varied opinions and thoughts regarding the proposed sales tax increase. This is a place to respectfully discuss the issue, ask questions and gather information from the Committee. We are happy to help in any way we can to make sure the public is fully informed on what they will be voting on come August 3rd.

However, we must maintain the civility and respect for each other in these posts and comments for the sake of reasonable discussion. Any comments that contain profanity or personal insults between commenters will be removed by admins. If you see any comments that contain these things, please report them and we will review them. We want to encourage a wide variety of viewpoints and be inclusive of all public opinion. Please help contribute to a welcoming, respectful environment! Thank you!

Photos from St. Joseph Committee To Restore Our Parks's post 07/25/2021

Took a drive along the parkway today and saw lots of people out enjoying the parks! Including a pair or little fawns poking their heads out of the bushes! Only one stuck around to get his picture taken! I've seen a different pair of fawns up at Krug Park near the Rose Garden too!

Chicago - Saturday in the Park (lyrics) HD 07/24/2021

Get out and enjoy the parks today! It's a beautiful sunny Saturday in the Park! Please remember to vote YES on August 3rd to take care of our parks for everyone to enjoy!!

Chicago - Saturday in the Park (lyrics) HD "Saturday in the Park" is a classic song written by Robert Lamm and recorded by the group Chicago for their 1972 album Chicago V. "Saturday in the Park" was ...

Parks Sales Tax | St. Joseph, MO - Official Website 07/24/2021

The City of St. Joseph has a wonderful resource page on their website to explain all the details of the proposed sales tax increase to support the treasure that is our parks system! Follow the link below to find out more!

Parks Sales Tax | St. Joseph, MO - Official Website Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.   

The Betty Jean Series - St. Joe Tennis Courts 07/23/2021

Miss Betty Jean says we need to fix up those tennis courts so she can play!! Vote YES on August 3rd!!

The Betty Jean Series - St. Joe Tennis Courts VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.

Krug Park Amphitheater Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks 07/22/2021

Please support the beauty of Krug Park and bring back the family shows we all loved and miss! Local bands, plays, movies and so much more are possible again... if YOU vote YES!!

Krug Park Amphitheater Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.


Good morning from Miss Betty Jean!

Re*****on Nature Center Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks 07/21/2021

Re*****on Nature Center

Re*****on Nature Center Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore Our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.

The Betty Jean Series - Phil Welch Stadium 07/21/2021

Your morning message from Miss Betty Jean!

The Betty Jean Series - Phil Welch Stadium VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.


When you sit down to a really well balanced dinner, the plate usually has a portion of meat, a potato and some kind of vegetable. You may have a salad on a separate plate, a dessert on yet another, and a piece of bread on another. Those other things are optional if you have enough room left, but the things on the main plate are the biggest focus and the highest priority for the diner.

The City budget is like a dinner plate. You have the meat, potato and vegetable that take the highest priority, and then you have the extra stuff on the little plates if you have enough room left.

St. Joe is so blessed to have such a beautiful and historic park system. Those of us who live here perhaps take this remarkable system for granted because it's just how we get from one end of town to another. But for those who visit St. Joe, it is absolutely stunning and often the thing they go home and tell their family about. "Have you ever been there? They have 26 MILES of boulevard right through the center of town! Everywhere you look, there is some beautiful green space, and ball fields everywhere! You really should go there, it's just wonderful!"

People who move here comment often that it's the park system that made them want to live here. Other cities have green spaces and playgrounds, but nothing like we are blessed to have here in St. Joe. We may take it for granted because we are used to it. But this is one of the things that makes St. Joe special.

For too long, our park system has been on one of those little plates, dealt with if we have enough room left over. It's time for the people of St. Joe to make our park system a vegetable, right there on the plate with the other priorities. It's time to put our money where our hearts are and invest in this treasure.

Too often we think it's somebody else's job. Somebody needs to take care of this, Somebody needs to fix this. We forget that WE are 'Somebody.' It's OUR turn to let the city know where OUR priorities are. Be SOMEBODY and put the park system on the plate instead of pushing it aside because we ran out of room.

Hyde Park Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore our Parks 07/20/2021

Hyde Park Restoration Proposal - St. Joseph Committee to Restore our Parks VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.

The Betty Jean Series - Fairview Golf Course 07/20/2021

Your morning message from Miss Betty Jean!

The Betty Jean Series - Fairview Golf Course VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.


Have you gotten YOUR sign yet? Let us know if you’d like one before they’re gone and we will help you show YOUR support of our parks!


The Betty Jean Series - St. Joe Dog Park 07/19/2021

Miss Betty Jean has a message about the Dog Park for you!

The Betty Jean Series - St. Joe Dog Park VOTE YES ON AUGUST 3RD in support of the restoration of our beautiful park system in St. Joseph, MO.

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Saint Joseph, MO

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Saint Joseph, 64506

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1322 N 36th Street
Saint Joseph, 64506

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Saint Joseph, 64507

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Saint Joseph, 64504


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1401 N Belt Highway
Saint Joseph, 64506

For over 240 years the US Army has defended our country and trained the greatest leaders the world has ever known. Do YOU have what it takes?

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MWSU Military & Veteran Services MWSU Military & Veteran Services
4525 Downs Drive, Eder Hall
Saint Joseph, 64507

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MWSU Student Government Association MWSU Student Government Association
4525 Downs Drive Blum 217
Saint Joseph, 64507

The Student Government Association (SGA) at Western is committed to being an advocate for the studen