Dust of The Earth: Mineral Balancing

Mineral Balancing Practitioner
Hair Mineral Analysis
Nutritional Consulting
Health Coaching


What other way do you have to see what you’re deficient/toxic in? HTMA is a godsend.
By far the most foundational and important test you can get to start getting yourself into balance.


Hey folks. Been a while.
In this video, I jump on for a few minutes to get on my soapbox and proclaim how HTMA is a no-brainer for every living person who is living in this toxic and depleted modern era.
I'm continuing to see remarkable results in myself, my family, and my clients. It's just wonderful what minerals can do.
Hair Mineral Analysis shows you what's missing in your body. It's not invasive, difficult, or expensive and it's insanely helpful.

How To Cut a Hair Sample in 3 Easy Steps 01/06/2022

This is a great instruction video that my mentor, John Bumpus put together. Thanks, John.

How To Cut a Hair Sample in 3 Easy Steps John Bumpus from MineralBalancing.org explains how to cut a hair sample for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in three easy steps. Please read notes belo...

Timeline photos 01/04/2022

Still think Copper IUDs are safe?

This photo of what a 7 year IUD looked like upon removal was shared on a support group and shared with permission. "Where did the copper go?" The answer is that it is embedded in this woman's uterine wall and now needs to be removed surgically. Sending warm support to her in that process:( Unfortunately, this problem is just one of a long list of adverse effects from both Copper & Hormonal IUDs.

Please comment sharing your personal story!

Anyone looking for more information is invited to visit our IUD Awareness website at https://www.iudawareness.org

If you want to support our awareness efforts, please either
make a donation at http://www.iudawareness.org/support or
subscribe on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/IUDawareness

If you are currently struggling with problems please join our IUD Side Effects Support Group where there are almost 30,000 members sharing their experiences.

Thanks and hope you can find the answers that you might be looking for!

Photos from Doris Loh's post 01/03/2022
Top 8 Vitamins and Nutrients for Healthy, Strong Nails 11/25/2021

Top 8 Vitamins and Nutrients for Healthy, Strong Nails Your fingernails can say a lot about your health, and nutrient deficiencies may affect your nails' appearance. Here are 8 important vitamins and nutrients to keep your nails healthy and strong.


Mental vs. Physical healing. Which is more important?

SUMMIT VIDEOS 2021 - HTMA Virtual Summit 11/16/2021


SUMMIT VIDEOS 2021 - HTMA Virtual Summit welcome to the summit address rick fischer & lisa pitel-killah, co-founders why mineral imbalances should be on everyone’s radarrick fischer ANIMAL HTMALISA PITEL-KILLAH


In this video, I show you how to determine basic oxidation rates, fast and slow.
This helps you understand yourself to a large degree.
Whether you are a fast or slow oxidizer tells us a lot about what is going on with your energy, your stress, and your overall health.


Mineral Balancing and proper Hair Testing can absolutely change your life.

The Four Low Pattern — Mineral Balancing 10/08/2021

Great article by John Bumpus outlining the mystifying pattern known as the four lows.

The Four Low Pattern — Mineral Balancing Whether you are new to Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis , or you have been testing your mineral levels over a prolonged period and following a Mineral Balancing Program, odds are that you have come across the “Four-Lows” pattern. The Four Low pattern is defined as having all four electrolytes ( Calc...

Photos from ZACH BUSH MD's post 08/31/2021
How Industrial Seed Oils Are Making Us Sick | Chris Kresser 08/15/2021

How Industrial Seed Oils Are Making Us Sick | Chris Kresser Industrial seed oils can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, and many more chronic health conditions. Find out what you should eat instead.

Timeline photos 08/07/2021

Biohacking testosterone has been a hot topic for the past few years👀....Er, decades. Er, centuries. Perhaps technology and social media have just made what men and women have possibly pursued since the dawn of time just a bit more in our faces.

You can find plenty of research articles on optimizing testosterone and even a bunch of books and e-books boasting the latest and greatest ways to boost your testosterone📖.

Don't even get me started on supplement companies, who mostly source cheap herbs from Asia, shove them into a bottle, and produce a very, very sexy website designed to get you to empty your wallet to pop some magical boosting pill😬.

You would be shocked at the amount of blood work I see that shows me men and women who are doing everything they read on the internet to boost testosterone with barely a bump in total or free levels of this hormone👈🏼.

💥However, I commonly see a very basic problem in many of the labs I review....and that is nutrient deficiency— specifically, the nutrients listed above: magnesium, creatine, DHEA, boron, Vitamin D and Zinc. Most folks oughta prioritize these before even thinking about some kind of hormone replacement therapy..

👉🏼Click here to learn more about optimal nutrient levels for healthy testosterone production and much more: https://bit.ly/3rYxZLJ! Have you struggled with optimizing testosterone in the past? What has helped you?


How HTMA & Mineral Balancing changed my life.
Excuse the sweat. I had to shut off the fan for the video, because it was too loud. 😅

I am a recovered addict.
After getting clean, my health was the next to focus on.

I had serious fatigue, low libido, high stress, almost daily headaches and body aches. I was in rough shape.

I can honestly look you in the eyes and tell you that Mineral Balancing was the catalyst for the greatest breakthroughs in my health.

It is amazing what nourishing, detoxing, and understanding yourself can do for your life. That's what I help people do.

Pm if you'd like to chat about what I offer, the costs of the program, and what it might do for you.
God bless.


What heals the human body?


My name is Joshua Holm, I'm a nutritional consultant, Mineral Balancing and HTMA Practitioner.

I used to struggle with extreme fatigue, constant headaches, body aches, and brain fog, among other things.
Through my long, expensive, and arduous health journey, I finally discovered HTMA, which became the catalyst for the true beginning of my health journey.

With HTMA, I saw my deficiencies and toxicities, yes, but I also discovered many new things that I wasn't expecting at all.

Now, after working as a Mineral Balancing Practitioner for the last 13 months, I've helped over 80 people discover their own personal nutrition, as well as help them with a comprehensive nutritional recommendation path.

With my clients, we do 1-2 hour consultations, send in a hair sample, start on a mineral balancing journey, and then over time continue to check progress with subsequent tests in order to track progress and make adjustments.

If Mineral Balancing is new to you, or you'd like to start on your own journey, message me. Lets chat.
God Bless.


When your minerals are imbalanced you are imbalanced. There is no seperation. You are minerals.

We’ve all noticed that people we care about are a little off; easily stressed, fatigued, mentally unstable, easily angered, easily depressed, etc.
Most of the time we shrug it off because what can we do, right? It’s just who they are.
And ourselves, we say things like “I have anxiety.” or “I have anger problems.”
But did you know these things can be seen on a nutritional hair test?

And did you know that most psychological disorders have been helped and even reversed with just a couple vitamins?

There are vitamins that help angry people, bipolar people, depressed people, and so on.

The Hair Mineral Analysis is the window to look through to see how you are holding up in your stress resilience, happiness, energy levels, blood sugar regulation, mental/emotional stability, and immune system.

So the next time you notice something off about yourself or another person, remember that people are a product of their environments and nutrition is a big part of that.

Let’s have compassion on ourselves and our neighbor, and look into hair analysis.

If you’d like to chat, message me. I’d love to talk to you.


Without health, every joy of life is limited.
I implore you, do what is right for your body and it will pay off in dividends for the rest of your long happy life.

Here’s a point in the right direction:
🛌 Get as much quality sleep as possible.
☕️ Don’t over stimulate energy production.
😫 Avoid stress in all forms; Bad fats, fast food, emf, drama, too much work, procrastination, living above your means, etc.
🥘 Eat a highly nutritious diet, with lots of organic vegetables, good quality animal products, and superfoods that agree with your digestion.
☀️ Get plenty of sunlight in the am and afternoon.
📊 And of course, take the right vitamins and minerals according to your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

If you need help getting your health on track, feeling your best, losing weight, detoxing, and having plenty of sustainable energy, just reach out to me. Helping people like you is my passion in life.
Have a strong will to live and feel great. Take care of yourself today, tomorrow, and every day. It’s not too late, it really isn’t.

Rhonda Patrick at Orthomolecular Medicine Congress in Bussum, Netherlands (Keynote Oct. 3rd, 2015) 07/08/2021

Rhonda Patrick at Orthomolecular Medicine Congress in Bussum, Netherlands (Keynote Oct. 3rd, 2015) In this video recorded Oct. 3rd, 2015, Dr. Rhonda Patrick delivers the keynote lecture at the Orthomolecular Medicine Congress in Bussum, Netherlands (MBOG ...


HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) showed us how we were different, why we fought the way we did, how to understand eachother, and how to use nutrition to balance ourselves for eachother.
Every couple needs this.

Dr. Abram Hoffer : 🍊Natural Treatment - Mental Health - Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Feed Your Head 2010🍊🍊 07/08/2021

Nutrition and mental health. This is a must see.

Dr. Abram Hoffer : 🍊Natural Treatment - Mental Health - Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Feed Your Head 2010🍊🍊 , , , Hoffer, MD, PhD (1917-2009), Orthomolecular Medicine, (with Double Nobel Prize Winner...


Did you know? Symptoms related to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) often overlap with symptoms of thyroid disease, and studies show that up to 50 percent of those with hypothyroidism may have SIBO!

🦠 Once you have SIBO, it can lead to intestinal permeability and contribute to a long list of digestive symptoms.

🦠 Conditions like IBS, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and restless leg syndrome have all been tied to SIBO.

🦠 SIBO can also cause a depletion of vitamin B12 and iron, as well as lessen levels of digestive enzymes like lactase (digests lactose in dairy) and amylase (digests starch), making it more difficult to digest many foods.

🦠 If you’ve noticed that fibrous foods, fermented foods, histamine-containing foods, prebiotics, cruciferous veggies, and/or the use of probiotics seem to cause a flare up in your digestive symptoms, there’s a good chance you have an overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestines. That is because these foods feed the bacteria in your intestines and cause them to multiply, contributing to the overgrowth.

🦠 Check out my article to learn more about SIBO and thyroid disease: https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/sibo-prevent-remission-hashimotos/

Do you - or does someone you know - have symptoms of SIBO?

Photos from Dust of The Earth: Mineral Balancing's post 07/02/2021

This is a very interesting look at the nervous system stress responses.
These stages are not only acute, but chronic. Some people live their entire lives in a dorsal vagus-like response. This looks like the calcium shell (very high calcium), Four Lows Pattern (first four minerals low), and/or a very low Sodium:Potassium ratio.


👉 While it's true that women are up to eight times more likely to suffer from thyroid disease than men, there are also many men dealing with symptoms of thyroid disorders. 👨 Some symptoms may differ from those experienced by women.

👉 There are many triggers for thyroid disorders that are common in all populations, including underlying infections, a stressful event, a compromised gut, and toxins. In men, we also see testosterone levels, family history of thyroid disease, and selenium levels playing a role.

👉 With thyroid issues (and autoimmunity as a whole) being less common in men, they are often overlooked by doctors. In fact, most men aren’t ever given a thyroid test or panel unless they specifically request the tests.

👉 If this resonates with you, I invite you to check out my recent article on thyroid disease in men: https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/thyroid-disease-in-men/

Are there any men in your life who fit the symptoms of thyroid disease, and may benefit from this article?


The most common objections that folks often have to making changes and/or learning something new is that they don't have time, or it's expensive. ⁠⁠
Small (and mostly free) habits, like the ones listed here, practiced over time can help to both lower your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals, and can quickly become your "new normal." ⁠⁠
If we prescribe long, complicated, and expensive lists of things for people to do and buy, they're just not going to do it! ⁠⁠
I've shared before that when encouraging folks to make changes, start with the things that are free & easy. Not only does this reduce obstacles to adopting new habits, it also makes your recommendations more accessible to folks who may not be able to afford the non-toxic skincare lines or household cleaners. ⁠⁠
While adopting all the habits on this list won't reduce ALL exposures to harmful chemicals, it will reduce some! And those reductions can still be meaningful, especially over time. ⁠⁠
What are some of the free, low-cost, easy, or fast low-tox healthy habits that you love?? ⁠⁠
Let's expand this list in the comments!

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Videos (show all)

HTMA for everybody!
Mindset vs. Minerals
In this video, I show you how to determine basic oxidation rates, fast and slow. This helps you understand yourself to a...
Welcome to Dust of The Earth
How and why I got into HTMA & Mineral Balancing
What heals the human body?
My name is Joshua Holm, I'm a nutritional consultant, Mineral Balancing and HTMA Practitioner. I used to struggle with e...
Candida or "yeast" is an uncomfortable, pernicious, and sometimes embarrassing problem to have. In this audio, I relay s...
In this audio, I read aloud an important article from the Analytical Research Labs Newsletter titled "ADD & Hyperactivit...
These are 3 power tools to feel great today.
What to expect from mineral balancing.
What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?




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