Road to Recovery Animal Rescue Inc.

Road To Recovery Animal Rescue is a non-profit all-volunteer rescue, based in Massachusetts. We do not require an application fee. We do not adopt sight unseen.

Our purpose is to help the abandoned, lost, and discarded animals, by providing the necessary care required and then finding them loving forever homes.
​ We do not adopt out animals to be surprise gifts, all involved with the adoption must be present at the meet and greet.


Please donate five dollars...
Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc
Is attempting to assist BAILEY'S BULLIES Inc. Of Anniston Alabama.
Melissa Hughes and I are teaming up. We're hoping with your support to transfer and transport as many of the fosters under her care,as we can (approx 60 dogs) to us here in MA. Finalizing their ROAD TO RECOVERY and place them into forever homes.
Obviously the more funds collected, the more we can assist Mellisa Hughes and her amazing 501c3 rescue.
With your support we can do this!!!
Donations can be made on our site at
Donations are tax deductible and a receipt can be supplied upon request.
Founder and CEO
Jena Pellegrino



Excuse me if my attitude is a little "idgad". Walk a mile in my shoes of rescue life 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and see how long it takes you to hit the proverbial brick wall of attitude.

If you don't spay and neuter you are a part of the problem.

If you are nonchalant about your animal being placed in the shelter, you are part of the problem.

If you run your mouth about how someone needs to help, but you don't foster, volunteer, donate, advocate, or adopt ... you are the problem.

This year may be one of the worst ones I've seen yet in rescue. We rescuers are getting our hearts broken daily to try to save the lives you dgad about.

We sacrifice everything to do this for no pay, nor glory. Simply because we care more about them than we do ourselves and if we don't do it no one else will.

Quit being the problem. Step up and be a solution, or at least part of the team fighting for one.

Step up, or shut up!!
Plain and simple.


Please donate just five dollars...
Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc
Is attempting to assist a hoarding situation our Texas partner has had agreed to take part in its rescue efforts.
The more funds we have the more dogs we can take.
Donations can be made on our site at
Founder and CEO
Jena Pellegrino



These are the faces of just 6 dogs that were euthanized today. 6 highly adoptable dogs. The puppies were barely 7 to 8 weeks old. Their lives had not even begun, and the adult dog pictured below wasn't very old either. He was adopted and returned to the shelter because he had chased chickens. Thousands of animals are sadly euthanized daily, in shelters across the country due to overcrowding.
THIS IS NOT A SHELTER ISSUE!. THIS IS A COMMUNITY ISSUE!. Their's and others deaths are directly related and a result of irresponsible ownership and an unaware, uneducated public on the situation that their and other shelters / rescues are facing .

Just do something....

But for a moment, I will sit here and mourn, for today and each day over their deaths and for the millions of others deaths, that occur each and every day because their pleas went unheard and unanswered. Dogs I never knew. Dogs who never felt love, never got a chance.
Then I will wipe the tears from my cheeks, pick myself up and try to save more tommorow. Because that's WHO I AM, IT'S WHAT LIKE SO MANY OTHERS WHAT I DO!

I'm so sorry that you and so many others were not abled to be saved. 💔

To get involved visit Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc of Salisbury, MA 01952 at


Hey smarty pants...

Just today, there's been a lot of discussion on "Pitbulls".
A good friend Caryl Pereira, sent me this article a few moments ago to correct some misinformation that I had shared earlier this morning on the subject of whether or not "Pitbulls" were aggressive and should be band?
As a person who is fortunate enough to share my life with one ( Suri - a rescued bait dog )
I thought I should share this with you all.
It is lengthy but worth the time to read.
After all what's a few minutes of your time? It could potentially save a life.
Jena Pellegrino
Founder and CEO of Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc
Follow RTRAR here on Facebook or visit for more fun facts and educational topics!


It's that time of year again. When your yard is at risk of being destroyed by your beloved fluffy diggers....
So here's a tip you may find helpful!

* Try making a digging pit,
Dig a hole the appropriate size that you want, consider a baby pool or if you need one bigger use a pond / pool liner. Insert into the hole you dug. Frame the area out with your choice of materials...I used stuff laying around such as ( rocks and logs from trees that fell ). Refill the hole with the removed soil, as it is free and is a familiar scent. If you need more soil... you can confiscate some from another area, or buy play sand at your local lawn and garden and mix together.
Dogs need multiple textures and surfaces to keep them interested.
Encourage digging by hiding favorite items such as treats and toys. Then praise when using the pit!

The struggle is real folks,
Good luck!


From your friends at

Retractable leashes are not the preferred or safest way to walk your dog. Numerous injuries and issues can arise with their use, to both canine and their human companions. Go to the link below, to see why standard leashes are a better and safer choice - for you and your dog.


RTRAR would love to wish all mothers a very happy Mother's day.


We are happy to announce that our doors to intake are once again open.
RTRAR will need your help however. Funds are extremely low and with incoming dogs come transportation and quarantine costs. So please consider donating to our cause.
Donations can be made using the donation button on our website
Your generosity is greatly appreciated




The cancer-fighting vegetable you should be sharing with your dog! 🥦

No matter what type of pet food you are feeding, adding broccoli to your pet’s diet is a powerful way to make any pet food better and have a profound impact on your dog’s health. 🐶

When writing our new book, The Forever Dog, we wanted to equip you with easy-to-add foods that can add valuable nutrition to your pet’s bowl.

In the chapter “Dietary Habits for a Long and Healthy Life” we cover all of the dog-friendly foods, herbs and fluids that provide nutrient diversity, build the microbiome and bolster your dog’s antioxidant, and polyphenol intake… smart choices for delaying aging! 🧬

Building A Better bowl is one of the many simple strategies in The Forever Dog book to intentionally create a thriving dog. Available now for pre-order at

📖Here’s an excerpt from The Forever Dog:

Broccoli contains a critical compound called “sulforaphanes” ….When tested in both animals and human studies, sulforaphanes slowed the rate of cancer and cardiovascular biomarkers, reduced inflammation markers, and significantly removed toxins from the body, including harmful heavy metals, mycotoxins, and AGEs!

In addition to being loaded with gut-friendly fiber, cruciferous vegetables also come with vitamins, antioxidants, and substances with anti-inflammatory effects. Broccoli in particular contains two supermolecules: 3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM) and sulforaphane, which naturally boost glutathione levels.…Research in dogs also shows DIM can also have antitumor/anticancer activity. Sulforaphane has been studied for bone and bladder cancer in dogs with impressive results. A key point: The magic of sulforaphane is found only when broccoli is eaten; dogs and people don’t benefit from sulforaphane in supplement form because it degrades so quickly. This magical molecule stimulates apoptosis (healthy, programmed cell death) in your dog’s body, which is vital when bad cancerous cells need to be killed.

You can pre-order your copy today at

Pet How-Tos and Recipes 04/27/2022


Ever rub your fingers on the inside of your pet's water bowl and you feel a slippery slime of sorts? Well that invisible goo is called Biofilm.

Biofilm is a collection of organic and inorganic, living and dead materials collected on a surface. It is made up of many different types of bacteria bound together in a thick substance that acts as a glue to both hold the bacteria together and adhere it to a surface.

Biofilm can often be good bacteria but there is also the bad!

Biofilms provide a safe haven for organisms like Listeria, E. coli and legionella where they can reproduce to levels where contamination of products passing through that water becomes inevitable.

Bad Biofilms have been found to be involved in a wide variety of microbial infections in the body such as urinary tract infections, middle-ear infections and bladder infections.

Many pet parents are guilty of simply refilling the water bowl over and over without a wash and this becomes a wonderful environment for biofilm to soak around in.

How to reduce Biofilm:

Remember to clean your pet’s water bowl at least once a week if you can and change water daily.

For pet daycares where a host of different bacteria float around in water bowls, wash daily!

For best results, run your water bowls through a hot cycle in the dishwasher with an eco friendly, non-toxic soap to really clean out the biofilm!

Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

(P.S. - I am going to get lambasted over the "wash once a week at least" concept. However, after a wonderful discussion with a well known pro-active veterinarian/scientist, when she studied the bacteria looming in pets' water bowls she found if you have a healthy beast, biofilm can actually be full of wonderful, healthy bacteria. It's like playing in the mud as kids and having good bacteria all over you! So sometimes cleaning regularly can wash all the good stuff away. ;) )

Timeline photos 04/27/2022


How can one of the most popular chew sticks on the planet be so dangerous for your pets, you ask? I mean, most dogs chew on rawhide for hours on end, and not only does it keep them busy, but they seem to last forever.

Well if you understood what it took to make this toxic “raw” leather stick, you would quickly understand what the problem is.

Aside from the horror stories circulating all over social media these days, of pets needing emergency surgery after consuming rawhide, the majority of pet parents today, especially the newbies, believe that this chew is some sort of dried up meat stick. Let me debunk that myth right away!

A rawhide stick is not the by-product of the beef industry nor is it made of dehydrated meat. Rather, rawhide is the by-product of the “Leather Industry”, so theoretically it is a leather chew. Sounds awesome, right?

“Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.”

So, how does this leather, which is conveniently rolled up into pretty shapes, actually get made into those rawhide chews?

Follow along my friends and I will enlighten you on how this hide travels through a leathery process where it transforms from hide to a not-so beautiful, colorful, chew stick. Here is a paraphrased tutorial that was explained by the whole dog journal several years back:

STEP 1: Normally, cattle hides are shipped from slaughterhouses to tanneries for processing. These hides are then treated with a chemical bath to help “preserve” the product during transport to help prevent spoilage.

(No one wants to purchase a black, spoiled rawhide stick!)

Once at the tannery: the hides are soaked and treated with either an ash-lye solution or a highly toxic recipe of sodium sulphide liming. This process will help strip the hair and fat that maybe attached to the hides themselves.

(No, no one wants to see a hairy hide…)

Next on this glorious journey, these hides are then treated with chemicals that help “puff” the hide, making it easier to split into layers.

The outer layer of the hide is used for goods like car seats, clothing, shoes, purses, etc. But, it’s the inner layer that is needed to make the rawhide. (Oh and other things like gelatin, cosmetics, and glue as well!)

STEP 2: Now that we have the inner layer of the hide, it’s time to go to the post-tannery stage! Hides are washed and whitened using a solution of hydrogen peroxide and/or bleach; this will also help remove the smell of the rotten or putrid leather. Bonus!
(Research also shows that other chemicals maybe used here to help the whitening process if the bleach isn’t strong enough.)

STEP 3: Now it’s time to make these whitened sheets of this “leathery by-product” look delicious! So, here is where the artistic painting process comes in.

“Basted, smoked, and decoratively tinted products might be any color (or odor) underneath the coating of (often artificial) dyes and flavors. They can even be painted with a coating of titanium oxide to make them appear white and pretty on the pet store shelves.” -

“…the Material Safety Data Sheet reveals a toxic confection containing the carcinogen FD&C Red 40, along with preservatives like sodium benzoate. But tracking the effects of chemical exposure is nearly impossible when it’s a matter of slow, low-dose poisoning.”–

Ok, now that these hides have been painted, it’s time for the final process.

STEP 4: Getting it to last forever!

Because the FDA does not consider these chews to be food, really it’s a free for all when it comes to the manufacturers of these leather strips, and the products they may want to add to these chews, to get them to last forever. Any sort of glue can be added here to get these bad boys to never come apart.

When tested: Lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium salts, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals have been detected in raw hides. So it’s safe to say that any sort of glues can be used as well!

Finally, it’s time to package and attach all the glorious marketing labels to the product.

Check out the fine print warning that’s attached with some of these rawhides:
“Choking or blockages. If your dog swallows large pieces of rawhide, the rawhide can get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract. Sometimes, abdominal surgery is needed to remove them from the stomach or intestines. If it isn’t resolved, a blockage can lead to death.“

(Oh, how lovely…)

And there it is! It’s now ready to be shipped to store shelves where it can be purchased for our loving animal companions.

How do proactive veterinarians feel about these chews?

Here is world-renowned veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker's take on the matter:

“The name ‘rawhide’ is technically incorrect. A more accurate name would be processed-hide, because the skin isn’t raw at all. But the term “rawhide” has stuck.

Rawhide chews start out hard, but as your dog works the chew it becomes softer, and eventually he can unknot the knots on each end and the chew takes on the consistency of a slimy piece of taffy or bubble gum. And by that time your dog cannot stop working it -- it becomes almost addictive.

At this point, there’s no longer any dental benefit to the chew because it has turned soft and gooey, and, in fact, it has become a choking and intestinal obstruction hazard.“

P.S. Ready for the jaw dropper?

An investigation by Humane Society International stated in their report, “In a particularly grisly twist, the skins of brutally slaughtered dogs in Thailand are mixed with other bits of skin to produce rawhide chew toys for pet dogs. Manufacturers told investigators that these chew toys are regularly exported to and sold in U.S. stores.” –

Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

HEALTHY HOMEMADE DOG COOKIES - Family Cookie Recipes 04/24/2022

HEALTHY HOMEMADE DOG COOKIES - Family Cookie Recipes Healthy Homemade Dog Cookies made with carrot, oats, peanut butter & apple! Our favorite healthy dog treat recipe is packed with nutrients, easily made at home and is perfect for your favorite fur friend!


RTRAR would like to thank our volunteers and supporters for their efforts in rescue. I also would like to wish everyone a healthy and happy Easter


RTRAR would like to wish and thank our volunteers and supporters ...


Any dog can bite, especially when scared, nervous, eating, playing, or protecting toys or puppies. Dogs may also bite when they aren’t feeling well and want to be left alone.

Don’t approach a dog that seems angry, scared, or sick.🤚

Responsible pet ownership, including socializing your dog, avoiding rough play, and using a leash in public, can help prevent dog bites.


Please vote for us and share this link

Photos from Road to Recovery Animal Rescue Inc.'s post 04/04/2022

This handsome boys name is lucky. he is a 60-75 lb,
1yr old husky mix. he's utd on vaccinations, spayed and microchiped. Dog and child friendly..absolutely no cats. Medium to high energy so he is not an option for apartment living. Crate and leash trained but needs a refresher course in manners.
If interested contact me at [email protected] for more information. A meet and greet is required before an adopter is chosen.
"Lucky is not in RTRAR. I am assisting her owner in rehoming him"


A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them..

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.

Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.

Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up'.The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveller asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'

'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in..'

'How about my friend here?' the traveller gestured to the dog.

There should be a bowl by the pump.'

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveller filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

'What do you call this place?' the traveller asked.

This is Heaven,' he answered.

'Well, that's confusing,' the traveller said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'



Vote for Road To Recovery Animal Rescue to share in $500,000 plus MyGivingCircle will donate $1 03/18/2022

This is Ava and my rescue! Please consider voting for us, literally 3 spots to fill in! AND..this weekend they will donate $1 for every vote! We could really use everyone’s help to get us back on track for taking in doggies. In less than a minute your vote could mean so much for us 🙏. Thank you!🐶🐾🐾🐾❤️

Vote for Road To Recovery Animal Rescue to share in $500,000 plus MyGivingCircle will donate $1 Each year we give $500,000 in grants based on your votes 03/16/2022

Show your support in the fight against animal abuse and cruelty by joining us for a peaceful candlelight vigil honoring Zoe (The 2 yr old husky who was shot and strangled to death here in our community of Salisbury,MA.)
The gathering is scheduled to take place at 7 pm
4 Dock Lane
Salisbury,MA. This friday March 18th.

Salisbury man accused of killing dog to be released on bail 03/15/2022

I am beyond heartbroken and pi**ed.
Seems the legal system has failed Ms. Emily Meattey once again..
We were not informed of Mr.Dows bail hearing appeal, nor notified of his release.

Salisbury man accused of killing dog to be released on bail SALISBURY — Jacob Dow, the Beach Road man accused of shooting and then strangling a neighbor's dog to death last month, is expected to be released from custody Tuesday after


Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc. of Salisbury MA is in need of persons with time and some basic skill to help us up date our enrichment yard..
Building ramps, play platforms some fun areas like our ball pit and splash pad area. Donations of balls for pit, towels and raised mats for the pups to dry themselves off and so on...if you can contribute in any would be greatly appreciated.
Are I hope is once complete this will provide a safe and secure are for community of Salisbury to use as well.
Contact Jennifer Pellegrino owner and CEO @ 978-417-0966 or email at


Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc. of Salisbury MA is growing quickly. Because of this we are restructuring our operations.
If you have ever wanted to get into animal rescue this is your time to join.
Call me Jena Pellegrino CEO and founder@ 978-417-0966 or email me for more information.
We can work with you to fit this into your daily schedules and lifestyle a few hours or 40+hours a week... it's up too you.
Join our pack and change some lives!!!



Today I sat in court with Emily Meattey as we listened to the charges...
We are please the main defendant was held with out bail. To those who are commenting he had the right to defend his livestock, that was never in dispute The defendant is not protected under the 140 law sited, as he did not follow the law...
He neglected to disclose his actions to the authorities and instead hid his actions and mislead all parties involved.
Zoes owner Emily would have taken responsibility for her dogs actions. Sadly she was not given that opportunity.
Zoe was shot with bird shot. The injury was not fatal..he then strangled her to death...( necropsy pending as questions surround wether or not she was actually deceased at time of burial)
this was not an act of compassion. He claims he "was putting her out of her misery " this was an act of anger resulting in cruelty. His lawyers stated in court today that the defendants love dogs...ummm ya sorry
NO !!!
Zoe may have been able to have been saved..if he loved and valued the life of a dog he would have disclosed his actions. Possibly aiding in getting her urgent medical care, Instead HE CHOSE TO DENY any knowledge of the reported gunshot, the said attack on his duck ( necropsy pending as question of cause of its death in question)and the wellbeing and where abouts of the dog Zoe.... those are not the stable actions of a person who loves dogs!
It's our mission and hope that Emily her young family and Zoe will recieve the justice they deserve.
We stand by our statement that animal abuse and cruelty is NEVER ACCEPTABLE, NEVER TOLERABLE AND Always INEXCUSABLE.
Jena Pellegrino
CEO and founder of Road To Recovery Animal Rescue Inc. of Salisbury MA.

Photos from Road to Recovery Animal Rescue Inc.'s post 03/03/2022

Emily Meattey and Road to Recovery animal rescue Inc. Will be in attendence tomorrow morning.
We are pleased Zoe will get justice


They have supported our rescues mission, by matching dollar for dollar...up to $1000 for our fundraisers



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Videos (show all)

Whitney's 1st interaction with snow!!



Salisbury, MA

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Salisbury (show all)
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1 Ocean Frnt N
Salisbury, 01952

Stay up to date on all Salisbury Beach Happenings!

Friends of Salisbury Council on Aging, Massachusetts Friends of Salisbury Council on Aging, Massachusetts
Salisbury, 01952

The Friends of the SCoA engage in fundraising, communications & outreach for our Salisbury Seniors.

Horses Healing Hearts, Inc. Horses Healing Hearts, Inc.
49 Seabrook Road
Salisbury, 01952

Empowering personal growth in individuals, families, and groups through the Power of the Horse.

Salisbury Beach Carousel Salisbury Beach Carousel
7 Broadway
Salisbury, 01952

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Salisbury Historical Society at Ministers Corner Salisbury Historical Society at Ministers Corner
16 Elm Street
Salisbury, 01952

Our small museum is at home in the 1820 parsonage at "Ministers Corner" in Salisbury Square

The Guinea Pig Sanctuary The Guinea Pig Sanctuary
129 BRIDGE Road
Salisbury, 01952

Community Resource, Emotional Support Guinea Pig Rescue ~ It Takes A Village! ♥

Greyhound Adoption Service (G.A.S.) Greyhound Adoption Service (G.A.S.)
Salisbury, 01952

To view available dogs, go to

The Official ~ KonTiki  Lounge Reunion Page, Salisbury Beach, Ma The Official ~ KonTiki Lounge Reunion Page, Salisbury Beach, Ma
1 Driftway
Salisbury, 01952

Page for memories of staff, guests and bands that played at the KonTiki Lounge Salisbury Beach Massac

Salisbury, MA Lions Club Salisbury, MA Lions Club
18 Maple Street
Salisbury, 01952

The Salisbury, MA Lions Club was chartered in 1949. Message us to learn more! 🦁

Salisbury Beach Betterment Association Salisbury Beach Betterment Association

The SBBA endeavors to enhance and protect the quality of life at Salisbury Beach.

Salisbury Firemens assoc Salisbury Firemens assoc
37 Lafayette Road
Salisbury, 01952

Believe Anything and Everything is Possible Believe Anything and Everything is Possible
44 Toll Road
Salisbury, 01966

We are dedicated to helping the many patients and families dealing with the challenges of cancer.